PARIS IN MOURNING. How to Clothe the Childrtn. TOPICS IX BERLIN. TRY Summer Protection. ^ THE SERVICES IN NOTRE DAME FOR F· ?¦»>-? *-«>--¿-«>-^ « BEST&CO t. . . Berlin, May 22 me THE FIUE VICTIMS. 4 m Have vour receive wtrci hy A NKW MINISTKRIA!. CRUItv.Another Minis¬ Indigestioni crisis has grown out of ine curious marni« t PROltCliVt CO. tériel «if AM) tOUSMMttT. HOLMES UFCTR1C in which the impiriai Chancellor, Prince Ven A f'KHKMovv OBAJSTJEUa and connect*,! with a IMftrle· T·-leer;.;ih Office ilnrlns > 'Ui Hohealohe, nominally fulfilled his solemn promise in tJJE *SM'SSEEMlATITE CHARACTfM OS THE âl*«r.. >¦ for tti" sum net. Introducing a bill for the aw.ltion of the most The Ideal Trench Tonic Tin: RATON Of No better way of lca\ ¡njt your house. Illiberal paragraph of the eld law of SSSOCtatkma OATREfUNd LOBO Vi> lDipect It weekly eriA SSteCt leaky Boats, »nier In The hill Introduced In the Pie: is purely rcctlonary. »MIKHKNT. t * mini··· as t> mention. BRAIN UMfOON roller, uni nifinv other thttiK» Its all meetings and FOR BODY AND he Best Full particular» al ear ogle». provisions placing political Paris correspondence of The London Telegraph. a clstlons under poi;·.· as MM HAVEMEYER BLU., 26 CORTLANDT ST. wholly sad exclusively Since «MB, Endorsed by Medical Faculty Dun as has bSN the grief, and Miter Footwear control. llareehall von into which Perla and. Indeed, ine i»t sg patriot OnVea. Prince Hohenlohe, Barpn been the angutah ggsReattea retail Tstegmsli Dr. Von Boitlcherand Dr. srers whole of France have ?»····? plunged by the BWTUI l_l ¦ Bleberstetn, Miguel efficacious agreeable th« mourning outvoted el Um CAMnei meeting which tixeii the i mmedíate lasting catastrophe of Tuesday last, general and 10 Ix none too good for <|ii|«|r«ii, es[iet¡ally at may be said lo ha«.·«· attained its climax vas In session. Mr. Lahtvuehore has been indis¬ m of the Mil by the Minister fur the most expression al the the seaelde <»r hsonntalna, irdlng Prussian have found particular un¬ but he l« the member of the commit¬ Interior. Baron von d« r Racks vender llor>t. thore- STACE. solemn service lor th·· victims of this most^ creet, only ??? VONDON sveni which was h.· d yesterday at Notre scan¬ member of the Cabinet, and his six col- TALKS ABOUT. toward r · G tee bent upon probing the K.mth African ectlonery WirAT LONDON Dame It was fitting that the representa ves Our Tan Shoes, not lo.iKiies, liaren von der Re,-ko von der Mor«! being for that metter, ..f society dal to the bottom. Tho code telegiailM ?? MY THE niât·· and Church, and, In a th·· sole author of th·· MIL Since it was certain 72. THSATRM ovF.RSIlADOWFD JTJBI- at BhOUid have an opportunity of assembling .Made on our own lasts. tanr«· of uiltfoñ Incriminate one In the Colonial Office, London, May large showing their sorrow and bo yet any that the measure would he defeated May l.F.K PLAT! ANO PLATIM. for ihe purpose of publicly lene;thR. shape« styles to f«,und only that Mr. Fairfleld overwhelmingly HONOR OLD o.Mtrt.MF.N- On Monday. for the los« which ha«i been sustained, and meet r-'iulrement for all ag«s, and although Mr. Harris imagined if tat the it was TO temóte for the stricken famil¬ here, every wtrndoocd Reichstag, mtroduced* dinner I"· u-ivii at the TTOCSderO Restau¬ Lmdon. May 0..With few exceptions there has of evincing their sympathy are 7, Lord Jostles Chlttr. nonplussed for all. la many dis¬ ·" es.-. i,;iv tor erat and probably did not catch Mr. Harris's words, hoc to give the Mil a majority. In the mean tune al the suggestion of · number of prominent been have gone to nothing, ami It Is It WSS a day Of mourning Hz«. I s, Ssrigssd »s%tsg, lajan '.'. has matter an) his given and the dinner Is to celebrate doing splendidi» trict» of th.· not a few shops were kept h*e>. BSSSMo SStSS, SL.'t.V with bated breath. EaJrtl« Id's denial be¬ Reichstag taken the Up University oarsmen, In- evident tho Jubileo will not he ? blessing to metropolla wsa held at the eprln* spoken that four of the Appellate Jad*··*. Queen's dosed while the service being 7 I !<"}. nia«l«· extra »iron» f[,rln» r.eel», pronounced against the measure. The two .lays' the fact are old oars- A remarkable of their later being H.7.#·. heavy fore his death i'f all knowledge of the half the Court of Appeals, the theatrical managers. eseopHon cathedral notices reopening . previous debate la the Reichstag was the most exciting and cludlng be a large gath¬ Even In th«· poorer quar- ».der, tiimun ..r !.¦ ··. *?.«??; || j gg.ftOi 2 ·, to as a vindi¬ n.· n. There will In all probability to thin rule Is the Adelphl Theatre, where the Amer- affixed to' the shutters. raid is generally accepted conclusive Interesting of this session. The speakers expressed blues on the occasion, which ters humide fo!k, to whom a temporary 4',. BSJBB. an on th« ering of old lowing uro which I.« packed nlifhtly. rjvcry which¬ cation of the Col· nial < MBce. 'The London themselves with energy and fearlessness will 1..· pn sided over by the Rev. I>r. J. J. Hornby, lesne appearing, of huslness Implied a loss they ? nperor's reactionary tendencies end the evil lu¬ of Eton College. paper In town bestows the highest praise upon tho ford, had mad.· a point of Joining In thla touching Times" Is shown to ha\e been persistently used titi, nos of his "camarilla." which provost Frohman demonstration. Ote» small tradesman had ap¬ Shoes to Prevent in.·· Irresponsible American company of BCtofUj and Charlee had announce '»Toeing hy the conspirators through th^ Inlhience of created a sensation throughout Germany. Herr at Kdln- his American pended to the «'iird on which he Olves the little (bot Just th? a ?a USS SSSesSj r.'nt ani Richter'« was sarcastic. Among noüñ DIVORCE TJUAL-The trial Is so pleased that he Is trying to cancel would not ut his «'»unter until who was speech bitterly that he reappear w-a- to *\î.ih>. Flora Shaw, the trusted correspondent, other things he said that the German people "couid of the suit for divorce brought by Sir Chartes dates and stay here during the autumn arni winter, :· o'clock, an Intimation to tin· effect ' tie «Irei··.)-, and the other not. as ¡a case of i» auto¬ burgh on Juno wsa eery Bo I was band-ln-glove with Rhodes, Harris the Rusais, governed of Balnagowen «'astie. Roes-shire, as he Is obliged to surrender the Adelphl be found if the case pressing. could In ß is cratically." Numerous mass-meetings against the Henry Ross, furnish¬ for another with mam more, who did what they to Weak millionaire politicians Of South Africa. It Diet bill have been sixty-live of them In Ber¬ Bgalnsl his wife, Lady Winifred Ross, Is 12 to Sarah Bernhardt H<· ? seeking and to show what they reit. Shoes Support Ankles» held, us the to the »tilt hearty simple style shu clearly Incredible that so astute a statesman as ilo alone, on Thursday the entire press, with 'he ing .misi.1er itile gossip, paitlsa which house, hut if h<· Is unable to find one he will take As for the larger establishments, man» were gvhheea isn ssferl te ras osssrer, of of the ( "onsen a t ve an· in society. The proceedings, There was none of the wonte.i could have himself to exception psri organ-;, rigor· prominent on Wednes¬ his company to I'arls until the end of Bernhardt'», from an ear.? hour. the Mr. Chamberlain allowed ously denounced do measure and wanted it ver.· berilli |a9| year, were resumed animation on the bOUlSVSrds. Men searched rejected court of Hélions. Lady .¦«.asoli, a*, he wants to see how the Parisians will and in 23d St. ! be entrapped by a party of Intriguéis with even offhand. Thai the bill is mainly Intended to hi! day before the Edinburgh who ^.m< newapapera for th.· latest details, conversed î 60-62 West Socialism la admitted but the Rosa i* a sister of Lady Ollvia i'airna. revive a American play. tones. of were aireaoy brilliant a 1 ader as Flora Shaw. His enemies "Vorwärts," the Th.· indents, De Bathe and purely subdued Numbers people Notre Dame SO Socialist organ, saya: "It seotr.s that Socialism can¬ to testify. eo-r?sp John with "The Horse," Is doing on their way to the neighborhood of are officers of the 8th HUSBSra and Life Bam, Hobby fninte«i nope .would enjoy convicting him of a preknowledge not bo killed hy any in· asure. Ilismnrck 'ailed in Hrinton. wU- and Mile Jane May and Many proceeded thither without the the task, snd Von der Recke will fall In Quarda respectively. Bach denied Improper well at the Court Theatre, of admission, ?.ut it had occurred to them of the raid, ami would sacrifice the memory of a assuredly Hops The husband's evidence are well at the obtaining trthute to tn·· a wor.-.· manner." The whole Cabinet i<¡ now fí. na with Lady of the servant*. her French company doing fairly that thcv w .uh) h.· paying their otficial like Mr. Fairfleld if could do w.'s confirmed by the testimony memory of the «had putting In such an appear- faithful they unanimously attacked by the press, and In the Royalty Theatre, nsetlaoss only. by tin- crowds In- is in view of the Reichstag Itself a number of speakers called upan Wood has Pi "Belle Celalr" Snoe. snd a* the hours rolled "ti BOJ but the Idea preposterous, the Minister« to resign. 'Che of tho Centre forthcoming Mrs. John reappeared creased until nil the thoroughfares leading to tne in Jame¬ Speakers INTBRESTINO EVIDENCE..The at the Acenui' Theatre. the cathedral were densel) energy displayed by him thwarting Dr. party, though usually mod« r:itc, taunted the Govern¬ Fraser in an endeavor to large s.piar.· In front of he ment with Its evldeni Intention nf a coup suit, brought by John "The Geisha" at "The Clreue Girl" nt the Even nature seemed to be Mining in son's plans after the troopers started. provoking holder the title and ßß- Duly** packed for as the oaj d'etat, and openly charged the Ministers with violat¬ recover from the present "The French Mnid" at Terry's and "Saucy general demonstration of mourning, ing the Constitution, as on the rieht of I.ovate, sum·· decidedly Gaiety, wore on the gleams of sunshine which had ntruny legislating tstea of Lord promises at the Corned;.' are Other nuocesse», of the until the sky ana The Queen was received with every possible association is specially reserved by the Constitution evidence, it introduces discov¬ Silly'' burst forth became more rare, for the Reichstag and not for thePiet. The whole theatrical Jewelry moment. obscured a dark and thick canopy be¬ manifestation of loyalty and enthusiasm at ered In an "!d London building, documents found present totally by did not fall, wktM Inumai politica: situation i« such tint Important and a secret vault Theatrical LOOdoS Is to have ? new tokening rain, which, happily, novel thar the formal in coffin·, tombstone Inscriptions the was if not coal. Leüitiiawc 0\3 Co Sheffield. More proceed¬ surprises may be expected St any mnm«-n*. Th« case has on atmosphere chilly in ? bouse .a Kirs Hall. peculiarIf less than a presentation of Hogarth the stage All these outward and visible signs of klnlnes* ings at the Tiuvn Hall or Ike visit to the work¬ interest io the Free Church of Scotland, which. been inasmuch loses a of (fn.OOO For two year·, S/eodon Grossmlth hi* engaged ami sympathy were the men· remarkable, was WHAT THK KAIS-BR TR DOING Emperor Will¬ th·· suit la successful, mortgage as on on whi'h su.-h services shops, where steel arm >r plate was lolled, in dsafgntng th«· costume«, scenery and properties of occasiona funeral in iam and his family stay·"·«! nesrty a week al Wies¬ (fliS.OOO). Ilatton, were being he'd there is some lure»· pro¬ Fabrics, the welcome from the thousands <>f children a (day. specially Written for him by Joseph to Yesterday Cotton Wash baden, where a series of elaborately, prf oared and cession for the public contemplate. LADT oxfords LUNCHKONg..Lady Oxford. Intended 11 transfer to tn«· "tfñfne of the there was non··. Onlv two coffins, those containing Norfolk Park. The yueen was In high spirits at the the¬ faithfully and magnificently mounted performances formerly Miss Chapín, Of New-YOTtC, Is giving ? ta·· famous aeries of Hogarth'e pictures the mortal remains of »he ComteSM de Vallln "D. & I. ANDERSON'S" and well deserved the sporting tritiate displayed atre have been given, on Monday the fam¬ stage" Mme. .[.liliali, were in the church, and they had Imperial s. ries of Sunday luncheons ft l'Américaine. They known as "The cil·· tho way, of Celebrate.! a side street. "Well had p?·? ehle. and ther· Apprenties," which, by been borne Into It slmn.y and without any kg a banner In played! ily with them In the Imperial box the Grand· are considered to be gorgeous bo Ih.· title of the The of the hero. quite and laid the cata¬ duke and is considerable crush to obtain invitations to them. will play. part the pomp of woe at à.¦".·', beneath Fixty. not out." Grand-duchess of Hesse. The public ap¬ Jack Shsppard, win bo played by Weedon Qroeemlth. falque erected In the middle of the tran.-·· pt. pearance of the young was evidently and Another great function has occurred to-day couple brought PURCHASES..Mr. Appleton T.ic principal pile, however, will be that of Jona¬ AT NOTRE DAME. Zephyrs ZephyrineS. of cere¬ about In order to silence the scandii about their MR, APPLBTON'I one ARRANOEMENTi wltfe the Trinco of ?\'ß^* as master -..iie.i for New-Torii from Liverpool, by the While than Wll i. the thief-catcher, and si pel no has monies. This is the of Mack wall Tun¬ reporto,I separation, and the Rmpcror IOOB pains II.· been cist for the part. Mr (Irosmilth's wife. May over tin» grand entrence to tin· cathedral hai Printed Dimities, opening publicly to show his affection for both the Grand- Star steamship Majestic, on Wednesday, been erect.¦omedy September the address in tin· name of the Oovern¬ under a military esort, to the northern Do-ember s., al the eloM of the sensational "LOt- t.. an American turned «'.«hot. with William Qlllette's »Too Much Johnson." Thl< delivered I ¿t. driving, ment, » 5duxu\ayxu c& Jl& approach to the tunnel, and the ceremony of BCW-Leckcr trial, SI which I'rinc·· Hohenlohe ami «in bo foMow.·,! by the German far.···. "Gambote," In the entre of the transept rose the lofty cata¬ Raron Marschall von wore the FRENCH FARMERS BUFFER. The losses «f will also used at the funeral of the Ill-fated President the tunnel gates with a key was Bleberstetn among adapted by Menr.v Guj Cerleton, which falque Opening golden witness.·.«, has been Used for Monday neat husbandry In Franc.· by recent frost show the Frohman. "Too Carnet, over which hung an enormous canopy with unwonted Anally be presented in Kew-York by Mr. composed of sante drapery, while ihe walls, pillars j» I foamed pomp. Among the witnesses summoned are Canni Mar¬ damage done to the «tops to be tantamount to ¦ will he rehearsed the eti«l end wer«· disaster in fourteen departments The (Severn- Mu. 1·. Johnson" by author, and arches on either sid. from to schall von Rieberstein, count Chillo von Bulenburg, of francs who Is here with "Secret BerVlee." ami Caul Ar¬ hidden or set off with i.ia. k curtains, relieved wltn Jubilee guards of honor are arriving from ment in asking for a Brat grant ?,ß?,ß? silver embroidery, .russes and stars, with palms the Gorman Ambassador al Vienna and possible to aid the ? irmera and fruit-growers. thur will probably play the principal part at th" and with the initials \{ ? " every quarter, and strane·- and fantastic uni¬ future Chancellor; ex-Ministers von Roller and < torri k. .ïftt "Xlopulut Shop." be here Shortly after II o'clock the congregation began to forms are constantly Been in the streets and Ornerai Bronaart von Bchellendorf. Police President Sarah Bernhardt and Rejan· will both arrlv.· in and it sir. ame«1 on In one continu¬ Herr the Socia Hai and STORY OF A LOUT BRACELET. Much th.· former ar and the latter earnest, and t'mnuil TStOgS, Windhelm, Bebe!, leader, Shortly, the Adelphl ous line unti, tit·· hour appointed fjr the servi··'· Offertns eSÎy QsoUM parks, a larg« party of Indian nobles, repre¬ a'·out fifty newspaper men, besides ? number of baa been sroused by th* publlcstlon of an adver¬ a? thi Lyric, Mme. Bernhardt is to play, among rOSRPH P. MeHCOH s trial of her Alfred de Musset's had struck. A mor«· representative assemblag« kUtagRS. senting twenty States, came up from Plymouth officials In the different Ministries The will tisement offering [KO il.'.V.'i reward for the return other pieces repertory, could not possibly have .? brought, together eocdleny invite sertjr in.-pe· won f UnW probably last a week. ? "Lorenss ;··.' ami it h thought that Mir,··. Kejane victims of of com¬ of an emerald and diamond bracelet, with Spar.· a Among the relatives and fri« ndi of the INTKHI^TIN«. "14BEBTT" l«VRNfSHIJKSB this morning, most them being cavalry will give "Douloureuse," by Maurice lionnav. the terrible who were es¬ VEBT or tub psjuod· Isti coat-of-arm ind a medallion of Don «'.arlos in¬ woes,· earlier dramatic efforts were catastrophe, promptly Ko» covsmtT ???ß? manders, in the imperial service troops. At the MORE LEZE-MAJE8TY CASES The Rei lag young poet corted to their «eats, wer·· to be seen Ambassadors, In h* l-n.l tltuehêr», ,???.? scribe 1 on :>.·· obverse sul., it is supposed to have produced it the «"haï Noir cabaret. Neither of Coun¬ ¡tut Psi «s colors the Horse til«· t Ministers, Mereuers of Parliament, Municipal ,..·., .? /?«,·..·' ratperl rehearsal of trooping the by dehnte on the abuse of 1«tse-jnsji sty paragraph been ;.i^: in Daly's Theatre, ami »treat secrecy wai these pieces lias «·? been played In Condon gen- tab and men well known It learned It ? announced that Bardou has presented to cillors, high officials, Guards yesterday therV were detachments of of the Penal Code Is i·« ¡rlnK fruit. The "Lclpsiger at first displayed about the matter. Is him in In every career, togetlnr with numluis of ladies AM· FRENCH WAIX G?G??» .? a nf arrived re- sii Henry Irvm.: th«· Inkstand used by who had to a tribut·· to memory THE SneW EXOUSH irneo Zeitung," th·· official organ of the Saxon Govern¬ partj distinguished Spaniards as a of his thus met pay the LESIONS AND ATTRACT¬ hussars of the Sierra Leone and North ? cently In tendon to wlttieaa the Jubilee celebra« sritlng Maii .mo Sana-Gene" token of th.· .b.,.1. Th. ear.ier arrivals Included Prince IN NOVEL an article the nabli of ? satisfaction with sir of tir· IVE COUJRINOS. police. There were also several files of West ment, publishes deprecatine lion. <>.·:·· member of the part is a handsome Henry'« Interpretstlin Nadslwlll, who hail com·· expressly to represent the the of on various voinan oars oí e««·, who from ??p- part of Napoleon, William and who was Chtnti Crei noes, Vet- from Emperor talking freely subji twenty-seven A m« sUter of th«i lato Kmperor accompanied by Th» New "Lib rtv" Mustins. Indian negro regiments; Zaptichs Cyprus, that it re¬ ha been .· favoriti and constant visitor al piiij by Eatelli Burney, Count Munster, both in , and wearing the vei» and », ani t lie· t*.r»( ij r* !. and occasions, adding "directly provokes the bracelet Arthur will i··· produced at the Globe on looking like Turks and wearing blue tunics and from those feeling themselv« hit and ;lm- the hon.? Don Carlos She missed Benham, .1 is entitled broad riband of the Order of the Black Eagle. plies after a viali t., Daly's Theatre on Monday. Agréai th·· afternoon of Thursday, June It Boon afterward the Duke of Leuchten- THE NEW BOMIUY PIV/./.A MATS. THE '""'U'NIAL «·?, were also seen with their ponies. London fe.ols toa mass of whollj unnecessary lege-majestj searched. "Site··,, (im of and Is in three acts. appeared IUGs. AND THE DHURRIE cases, The "Munich Freie Presse" Issue of >·-··¦- hubbub was rais, and the theatre wsa Court," berg, representing the «'zar, with Prince Oalltsln, SQUARES. was to In the services of, Steer v.ill play th«· leading part, end the .oats a Tien, at d ¦· s r.ot look like Itself, because the principal was confiscate.' on account of an Th woman reluctant call their of gold embroider). ani Tal·!»* in «?? .<.,'. II e.-f\c»!te day a< »ie the inni« ¡pul mai· part will be takes by uewta Walter. seen Am¬ '??ß New «"hairs the and its «-ùitor arreste·! the polio·. she admitted ih< afraid of no lona Interval, were to be the British of Can», Mad*lra Wicker, RagUak thoroughfares are framed with platforms and satirising Emperor, which us the bracelet was Ti..· rest of ih·· ca«t Includes 'liarles Fulton. Syd¬ bassador and followed -Mr. and Malacca in bed at midnight. scandal might follow, and Misa The Lady Monaon, by Forest Href· ? ?»1?. I>ut«'h G**. *n4 stands, erected a month in advance of the Jubi¬ given her by a would-be King, and if it were known ney Brough, Miss Qrsnrille Burton. Mrs. Austin I.··,·. Colonel Douglas Dawaon, Mr. California Toa ??? that she had brought it to Kngland several emi- last named is an American actress who was for¬ and Mrs Karford, Sir Brooke-Boothby, Mr. .J. lee but there 's an unwonted air of TESTING A MEW RIFLE..A new styk of rifle serious The a m. mber of Richard Mansfield's company. and other of All 'AND rUESttSif BRASI parade; nent persona would net Into trouble. mera Moiis.>n members the F.mhassy. THS RtlantAM glLVER "DEIXA P.'>P- bustle animation in the crowded streets, has been Introduced and Will be tested In a practical name of the woman is stili conce«ted. Chioso" Is to be dramatlfed by Anthony Hope the Corpa Diplomatique w.-.s In uniform, the mtli- CANDUSBTICKe ANI» lOKFBRS, THE and who ar« In the wor^ THE IARS, THE DELTT way in the army. The whole JSgi G Cattali.m of the and Edward Ros··, assisted tary attaches of ihe différent embassies and lega¬ ???" POTTBRV, iTilNESE J'OS. which Indicates that the guK week Is already bj 11 v. Kernend. tions s very varici spectacle, while the PLATES ANI' THE ?.??'?G.??" Mt'OS AND Guard has this rifle, II Is loaded with gas SIR PEEL TO UK MARRIED..gir « M. presenting excitement. already ROBERT A ne« unsi mi omedy t.;.· C, Edmund snd Fieich Armj vas also sirotigh represented. ·¦' ,,r ·".·//·«·' anticipated with pkasurab!·· several shot« to be tired with¬ t..· to of Usinoti·! i< ::i tas ;>er*oiirt/ wHectfOS i, .artridges, enabling Robert Feei h to married ß daughter Chin«··· Newton, with music by Cari', Meanwhile, Ihe work of lighting the candelabra ffje.jM "Ltherty" out reloading. The men having these rifles In their Baron Oraffenrled, of Switzerland, on June ? rehearsal at the Comique. It Is entitled an ries had been pr. seeded with, rather Wall Papers sad Opera « The American Ambassador's speech at the un¬ possession are sp··· tally bound to the utmost se t·· ¦> "The Mail of Athens' and i, \* expected to be underlampadadifficulties, owing to the throng and then 4X1 St. W l-'il rl '.irrlHse i're« construction of ths nt 8th Av t ill :, rt<< of the bust Of Sir Walter Scott in West¬ regarding the weapon. -The collection read) for production on Ms) 2.r>. a complete transformation scene waa b rougir veiling Of DECORATIONS AT AUCTION A tow J. C Shin.· and Christie Murray about, The sacred whi.-h had been en¬ in a play by edifice, TV»./···,, ¦f SJffg. minster Abbey was admirably delivered I»r MAURIER8 RIGHTS IN* '.*' Caul of medals deeoratlona and other military trophies entitled An Irish Gentleman" Is to bo shortly pro¬ veloped In gloom, was now abase with light, Which voice which was distinctly heard in the of the exhibit-d at Chicago In IS.'·::, which was then duced, so tt is reported, at a Weal End theatre, threw Into high relief the I fty catafalque, Itself clear Potter, representing the heirs iste George du "A Court of at the last brilliantly illuminated, and show«.? off the (lowers a award, d a -p.· lai nu*lal there, is to be sold at Honor." produced Royalty crowded charter-house. It disclosed finished Statuier, has arrived In Berlin to fake the proceeds la among the bites', novelties. It Is by deposited at i;s base, while the green dames from rooms on L'S. Included in this collec¬ Tuesday, she.i scene. literary style In which the companion address of the unauthorised use of his play and other ver¬ Willl-'s May John Cart and Charlea Dickinson, and Is presented the lampadarios a lurid glare over the row four of are 1 won Sir William DOBS- Jan·· the .Many of the people who were In th·· unreserved was well re¬ rions of "Trilby" being performed, tion the go! medsl by evenings only, May's company having by Mr. Kalfour was lacking, and them in at the theatres, French fi<. t off placea now climbed on their chairs, the better to CHitDRtKO Berlin snd many provincial mm in the engagement with the matinees. audience. The bust Is a erosa and medal of Sir One of the most popular of the season's entertain¬ catch a gllmps» ot the not abilities as tiny passed ceived by the large I' th»· Peninsular gold and now it was the turn of General Saussler, Ab- Robert Macora, killed In the battle of Waterloo; ments opens on Thursday next. This is the Royal by, well-executed copy of the chant rev bust at TUNNEL OPENED. Tournament, held it Agricultural Hall, Military Oovernor of Parla and Commander-ln- NEW TBAMES Lotd St. Vlnccnt'a gold medal. Rear-Admiral Mau¬ Militar.! to attract attention as he entered with his and Is in the Poets' Corner sword ani medal, snd a number Islington, and by reason of the many detachments «'hlef, 'Teething botsfOfd, placed rice's presentation now In attendance on the starr. the Duke Of Argyll. Of VI 'tOrtS crosses. of Colonial troops here close to the monument to THE PRINCE OP WALES OFFICIATE:! IN THE Jubilee th·· tournament promises to be mor·· brill¬ THE LORD MATOR ENTERS RICHARD CROKER'g HEALTH. "The Star." iant than ever. Historic psgesnts are obligatory The "f women's degree« has been set¬ MAUS OF THE QUEER, festures of the tournament, and this year the But it was the procession of the Lord Mayer of qufstton which a statement that Richard Croker, H ;·> s··, tableau* vivants of th·· armies that London which was .-o.e. t.· excite the most kind Hrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup so May St, The new tunnel under the published inibii«· tled In Cambridge by an adverse vote, over¬ London, of New-York, had recently heen |g had health, \on the victories of Mlenhoim. Waterloo, inker· notte· of all. At 11:43 Mr. Paudel-Phllllpe en¬ Thames at Blackwall was by the Crine,· of each de¬ tered, the his sen.:. been for over FIFTY YEAR? bv Mite. as to prevent the of the opened Mr. denied In ? dlapatch to inniHi and T.I-i'l-Kebir. represented by accompanied by Sheriff snd has used whelming reopening Wales to-day. The royal PTOCCSSlOn consisted o". which Croker promptly tachments from the regiments thai fought on those snd escorted by his suit.·, th,· mnce being borne LIONS of MOTHERS FOR THEIR CHILDREN for a The Press, the aloft In crane. Lord had driven controversy long period. undergradu¬ two semi-state landaus, drawn by four buy horses the Aaeociated says: historic fields, wearing the of period, draped The Mayor WHILE TEETHING with p« rf.-ct BUCCEM, It un¬ ¦Mr Croker an old m«n after a most Emma Remes hss received the royal oomman«l to the church In a arri.ig. In which were also SOFTEN«! THE ates disgraced themselves by horseplay each by two grooms. grows season seated th»· and mace BOOTRE8 THE CHILD. OUsfí, driven by postillions, preceded varied and adventurous life, mid to millions of ;«> sing at the ilrst State concert of the at «word bearers, the sheriffs fol¬ ALL ????. CERES WIND COLIC. worthy of a great university. They ware not In these, besides the Prince, wen the Prlnci Americans who mitili; rejoice at hi* ile,uh si Ih« Bit· kiughem Calaci· on Friday next. lowing in a second vchlc e, and he had bei ? recelv« d ALLAYS be a at the door with mark re- Is the REST REMEDY FOR DIARRHOEA. a voice in whether of the Duke «f boss, or to the millions who would re¬ "Pygmalion nn«l Galatea" will given nt ever) of sympath) and snd allowed to have deciding Wales, Princess Victoria Wales, Tammany at the of Rales Theatre on June 1 Mr. Paudel-Phl and were in overy of the world. of the Con¬ gret id- death, the Incident [his reported sickness matin··.· Prince apect. lips the sheriffs Sold by druggists part women who pass examination for honors should York, the Duk.· of Portland, Mr, Bull, at the Windsor race meeting about two week» ago] fo; the benefit of the Princess of Walee's fund attired In black velvet wltn weepers, and wore their don county council, chairman of ths Bridges Com¬ should have thrilling Such a s.izur. ut not for th·· poor. The rehearsals for the performance chains of office The Interest displayed in the pro¬ Twentv-five Cents a Bottle. be entitled to write P>. A. after their name«, proved as it advancd mittee, and Mr. Btnnle, chief englreer of the tun¬ a matter, considerine Mr. i*r->Ber** '·?<" ar.· conducted by Mr. Gilbert cession up the alalie un- but they considered themselves licensed to take "Thelight Star'' also comments upon the vest sums -«-__.. bout ?···!, ami estreme!)' sympathetic wer.· the ci m- a nel. The follow«.? the Mall, Pall Mall, lac¬ metits made on all aldea as the I.or.l Ma vor of the town to celebrate the victory procession whl-n Mr «'rok«*:· is said to have dropped In and ? deliclone breakfast possession Northumberland-sve., the Embankment, Queen ing here, hut hopes he has a hoi se In Rhode I'·. A\T<>\¡n TEBBY GETS A DIVORCE. his party were ushered to the placea reserved for over the schoolmistresses with frantic buffoon¬ thence to him real here." them, in a line with the Ambassadors. The Lord ¦ Cereal. Piftssn rente* Vlctoria-st., and through Whltechap "which will do good Carls, 2-' The hearing of the «toss divoro«· wish to take In the solemn "f th·· row woman ? May Mayors part service worth, sraen cosanti ery, and to exhibit effigies the entrance of the tunnel. ??·?·· the roye! party suit brought by Antonia Terry against his wife had produced a most favorable Impression In of¬ MAZAMA provides 2s lbs, «if per· and bloomers, The were met the I>uk«· of th« Prince of l FAMQU8 DIAMOSD STOLES. ficial circles |{e .ailed ai ti,. Klysee in black spectacles principle by Cambridge, was resumed to-dsy in th«· Fourth Chamber of the and yesterday fp.'t V was the Home Dis¬ morning, on the Prefect of the Seine and other has been established that the university Teck, Lord Methuen, commanding civil Tribunal of tin- Reine. A divorce was granted officials in th.· Not was the afternoon. only the kindiv for and that they only are en¬ trict; the Earl of Denbigh, commanding Hon· THE NIZAM OP HYDERABAD LOSES THF. OEM IN¬ to lot:· parties on the groin«! of adultery, and the feeling which he had evinced reciprocated by the FOOD 61 5th Ave. founded men, I>r. the hut HEALTH CO., 1. N. F. ourable Artillery Company; Collins, Chairmen custody "f their child was given to Its grand représentatives ol Oovernment, tt'wi< titled to degrees, of the .mil many· TENDED FON A Ottt TO QUEEN VICTORIA. ackowledged in an enthusiastic demonstration n London County Council, military mother, who was ordered to pinco the ckIM in a the Lord Mayor drove off at the conclusion of M. ? \?;?·?:? «u:\mm.. en l other offlcisls May EL.It Is reported here from Hy¬ con·.·· nt unti! rito (s years of or until Barthou'a address, when .ties of le I.or.l IIIIKIH« ? III GRADES. Calcutta, eighteen ago, "Vìve »t. .%«·. peen * »h»>. Jlltll.r.K PMBPARATIOXB IX LOKDOX. The proceselon then march*«! Ihrotish the tunnel, lie htatorl ¦..! ma known ns tlie Im· The mother will be allowed t«> visi: Mayor'" and "Vive I'Awrleferrei" «rere ralaed by a I7TII derabad her marriage a ..f .?.?,??,??.· ¡il.'Ut.ttMtfc St. was three rows of electric «the lar«.· gathering onlooker-. '¦ which Illuminated by pi rial Diamond, sold b> Alexander Jacob th«· Child, ami «he letter will divide her holidays s ton afterward Mme. and Eaure entered Ea«t gid ofaee, BTtti s· snd L-tlN At Greenwich end was a Mr and to tin· Mile. BOLO IO Titrî gPSJCULATORg lights the dale, upon oriuim.i of gránela Marion Crawford'a wli her mother fsther. Alimony amount the church It) deep mourning, and were .scorici to gérSM CHURCRUU Which the royal party took their places, arai from <¦' Simia to the Nizam of iiy- of í-o a month is allowed Mi«. Terry. The court their and then M. Casimir PArler, the late Isaacs"), a Jewellei that wa« to places, Give Woodbury's Facial Sonp and Fa.isl AT* name or fOI nd Mr Terry's marriage according President of the Republic, came In. Tier.· was a .ire ni»«1t IR ? which the Prince of Wsles, In the the d« abad, has ii.en Btofefj fmni the Oovernment law. This will have bearing on ( a trial end ? 'U «.II Use ? tt'ey 1'nlted States the paus.·, while the Cardlnal-Arcl bishop, of Parta w is ·? ;·¦ nn.l. tin? »? p < ani declared the tunnel open to public trafile and a paste diamond. Thv Involved. Mr, Terry, it is sen si b) .1 Dermatologist has lip London, May -2 London Is alrendy plunged In Queen, treasury replaced by preparty questione said, walking iwly down the aisle with his clergy ? f· r ..\.r M v. ir· S ·? 1«·· 1"t a forever. causea .? arcai sens .tini, as the Nizam < t" marry Sybil th«· toward cnmplrilnn Stud) and for the RI It affair has is apeoted Sanderson, singer, the grand entran..· Monsignor Richard tai ¦ r tow, ir.·', h nfc ·? He·ut) «nil ii»stn»»si -t the yueen's Jubilee preparations, The State trumpeters blew a blast, a roi ?] Intende«! to pr« it the diamond to Queen Victoria now that in· has secured a divorce. had travel:.·,! direct from in t<> be ? il IST Wog was the Honourable Artillen t'om- Rome, order the !.i. John ? (Ist, six weeks it promises to be the most uncomfortable salute flred by upon the . talon of le jubilee. present at th» ceremony, and had onl) arrived in 4L'1 Mreet. New Yurk. the route of the panj «id the Bishop ol London, Ihe Right Rev. la.·«»!., after a long trial in is:»! for appropriating the morning; bul h·· betrayed luti.· tra.·,· of fatigue, city in Europe. Along procession Mandel! Crelghton, pronounced the bened tlon, A ..f f.i\····^ deposited the r\mi: ? ? m: irr vor DEAD. ate hide¬ twenty-three lakhs by In spit.· of his seventy-nine yeara, and besides .'ail¬ the fronts of the buildlaga disfigured by ¡fold medal esporli lly struck was then ?··· ented to as earnest of the money to the on of \\"; Nizam purchase Woeriehofen, Cavarla, Muy 2J. -There Is ?«) truth ing the fresi.lent the Republic In ihe after¬ un. mi.foi ir s ¡rish stroke. ous scaffoldings, to budding acata the l'un·.f les b) the Bridges Committee of t:· m. was noon, to thank him for bis attendance at the ser¬ preparatory « Oui ell. acquitted. in the which originated in a dispatch from churches ilk·· St. have th ndon "ounty report, vice, he paid other , notably to th.· Due Even liartln'a-ln-the-fields The return ?«·.·-·, by Blackwall Lane, Woolwich Carls to "The Chronicle" of London to-day, soni·· moments in who have almost com¬ Kent New Kent St. KOT ABASÓOS EBTTBBBA. Dally d'Alencon. remaining for prayer Ai.t.AV DISCOXTEST IX TUB basa sold to speculators, Cool. Old Road. Road, WILL that Fnth.-r Knelpp. known throughout th.· w«>rld by the side of the coffin of the Duchesa, Precisely IT Wit.i. DO MUCH TO mentioned with George'a Ro ¡d. Westminster llrldge Coal. Parila at noon M. I-'aur·· arrived wl'h his covered the edifico building it ¦:-. for hl.s water .ur.·. is de.i.l. Pather Knelpp Is siili Pell* filers (J i.? ??? pletely meut-at, and J'all Mall to MnrtSbrough escrtci bv a and llttl«· sign "Services as as a alive nn the stands. Tin: GREAT BLACKWALL TUNNEL. & The Chamber of Depottea to-day by aide, Cir- a flgtired by huge Rome, slay The bicycler is not the only dlnal-Archbishop on his right, Th.· »pectal »ra Treasury, A, .1 Bslfour, erse oprane se sevnrtse has ."ir· ad y advance,], and V. \.- AM' OF a vot« of 19 to*110, the order of the arc The price of provisions HOW IT BUILT THE NATURE THE rejected, by man who scorches. There bowed low as they advanced, M Félix Paure iifviii inopi of th·1 lo.nnl'«!fl ati«l Is tnS l,-.'<'llng to|>l? at leaei doubled in coi!. For the to abandon the Italian coluny of business scorcher^, their salutations win·, a slight bend ? everything has CONSTRUCT* N. day propesine professional- acknowledges for «Ils,Mission In tti«1 potltlcsl trocid lo-dsy, Bag refuse to on the Esst Cossi of Afrlcn. and scorchers, farmer scorchers, me of the head, while tile prelate moved his righi 1. Hid Jubilee week several of the larg»· hotels Brythrea, adopted as If In blessing th· m ! li (.· lbs InSusn« s otTiossenCnaBs· From London, th« ·'.·> th.· Oovernment oltanic scorchers and laborer the BCt Of partías attribuì rr.ake any definite arrangementa fot rooms, even to th«· order of supported by The President of th.- Repubili was conducted to a theaVcretaryof State for th' «'.Motiles, ari The Blackwell Tunnel la feel |r, It ihe colonial programme of the premier, scorchers, The man who over¬ chair and and was ..... berlaln, old until a week before the jubilee. Every UM length. approving «ase prle-dleu, placed the altar it vili do much t«> aspn* patrons, Is feet In Internal which Is the Marquis .11 Rudlnj in the latter the vote works, who scorches, no mat with hi- officia s behind him The rntire it is admitted bg all thai to so has his or twenty-seven diameter, .»f tue congrega¬ person who has been Bbl« do lei ilm tersesi subaqueous tunnel constructed, it li was '.i'- to H in favor Government. ter what his occupation, and at tion had now arrived, snd among those who were Isrlns ths Oorernmrnl In Ireland, ind ais.i easonej for the celebration, end is preparing to In ih.· si/.·· of the Blackwall Tunnel thai the bold¬ same time his present may be speciali) noted, besides those a.- In on »he her house th< Hud th.· the neglects its prosreealre ¦upporters Bngiaad The fact is that every one in ness of design greatest Ib-s. Mi. AT Uli: health, will sooner ot later pay ready mentioned. Ihe Papal Nando (Monsignor ? niîl tnem flee to the country. w.>s to a ECLIPSED DRAWISQ-ROOM. liaron ?>-?? iu-lm otilar hand, amas Liberals believe help ut-e a slang "on the Pew engineers though) It posslbh drive in sicklies«* and flati). Moli Count \\'nlk«-n«t.>ln- | London is, to expression, tunnel of Its dimensions under the Thames, Only a penally Troatburg, Count Tondelli, the Duc de Mandas th.· ruiii.r tiiiio the irntontsts, ?«'G if ? le a suceessj .. make." ¦bout a Rfth of the umici (1,00 fe* t. ¡- under tie- possibly premature death Presidents »r the Senate and the Chamber' the wilt disarm th* opposition t«. Horn Rule. bed of the river, but the soil on both sides Is THE PEARLS OF THE DUCHESS OF MARLOOROCOfl If a man will always watch President of the Council and all the Ministers ['nder the scheme the landlords sill,recelre shout FROM YOKOMAMA, with water fora considerable and correct minor Billot and end th.> tenente trill be MBB. CAREW RBMOVRD heavily Impregnated CREATED ? SENSATION his health General vice-Admiral Besnard being in {250.000 tll.23O.0O0i yearly taxa- distance, The shield and compressed air had to be a resort to uniform, the Due and Dm tiesse de Rohan tho relieved «>f about [400,000 ($3.000.000 »r wuriy San Francise i. May tt,.Oriental advices by the for distance under banks ß Tuesday's at irregularities by the r i· -t ores ep· used ¦ greater the Uondon, May drswlng-reom the right remedy, be may· d't'sea, the Marquis and Marquis« cl. non. It Is understood that as- Btenmcr Relgk BSy that after repented falf«· re¬ than under the river. There are three sec¬ Países was by far th«· amartast of the Massa, the Comiede Pollgnae, liaron Indre Relll- proved nt Thursday's «'.???·? Cornell, and of the tunnel. First, the "cut-snd-cover" Bucklnghsm a reasonable amount of M. le de it ;«> Parilamet) it» «alleni feat· of her transfer Mrs i'arew, the poisoner, tions weather waa beautiful, snd enormous )do serious PIOVOSI L.ninay, ?. Kniest «Vruot tue fore Is submitted io thn ports work s great trench msde <·?? an Incline, and ;.·.·,? The scorching -without Prince de Broglle, the Martinis d'Aiidlffret-Paa- ur»'M win be communicated in ronftoVnce was taken from the British Jail st Yokohama and then arched over with brickwork and cameni crowds of props lined the streets in ike Bjetghbor- results Nearly all serious .piier, the Prince d'Arenberg, M. Léon leading Irish landlords on .·. Thin work erai on Bourgeois .'f other IrlMi conveyed on board the Ancona, April T.>. booked. carried both on iiood <»f the palace sad the Mall A striking fentur.· maladies arc the result of lex-President of the Council), M LegouvB M Timothy M. Il.-.ily and a colpi.· neere« The north and south sides until th. depth and the nutrition is an Pnllleron, Baron Alphonse de Rothschild llenera I members of Partlameni In on«· \i ÌNDIL cover work begins. The tunnel Is noi -;r.iigiit from and the Mach adorned, sues] he goes to the opposite extreme and gets thin a" a nearly all the ladles at the bend of 'he |fi| ".uvres" [JULIAN BAWTBOBXS ?A? end to <·?? con¬ brav.iy to the rescue ··' ihe panic-stricken ladle eslleetlns mstortal toe ssrlsa as "The Mall" "H»» Is no» assimilated. The does not receive the people j Spring venient points for deflecting tin tunnel, and ar· Empire, and, DeHy suya, properly Mood and also to the wounded. grttelee as the famine ami asennle peasjan there, !>¦ Those unsightly eruptions, painful Ils, an¬ also staircases. Non, or the gradients sre grestei Inclined to abate on·· Jet or tittle of his titles." .ife livras elements of the food that build firm, Lean than th·· tboul In.if the is Tin: arrived here ea the Ansn^enn and other affections, which ap- Haymarkel tunnel of the are In the shape uf healthy flesh, solid muscle and vibrant nerve filiéis MASS TOB TUB DEAD I pssterdsy in noying pimples in.·! with greai cast Iron plates, Th·· segments of The supporta esrrlSgS I>r. l'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes the Rtesmsr St V:\ni n«· erentdireel t«> Me beam a* this season, the use. this lion lining are tin· best ot cast-iron silver serpents, with real silver onm- When, all were In their plac s. the MSB· fOf the ? t¡iirt> Says in »ear so generally ri^jke examples red-moonted assimilation perfect. It makes solid, healthy flesh, Dead «'ardiñal his violet New-Rochelle, spent mly fortnlfht li .Sarsa- work which have ever been used m a tunnel, iii« ita·· u skin. .1 on the hsssmer- began Richard, wearing he said, In speaking .f his trip, "a «f that grand Spring Medicine, M'fl each ton. ,,r·· by jeweller without raising the weight above Nature's normal. cappi« magna und r. .1 hli.tia sat opposite ih,· India," the ilstrtst. Fourteen segmenta, weighing about There wr.· ihres footman behind in Bombay snd .1 fortnight In famine s necessity. Take Hood's Barsaparlila required to p mpletr a ring, ami [7,0*1 have been rlothi the At all medicine stores. President of the Republic, Th.· celebrant of the »< .huh:· thi iiiaitu.· *i\en set *··?· >ariiia, th.· of Th«· h. wore red which were mass was Monsignor de G Recatile, Dean of the The Asuree by do wonderful good. It will ?···«! in construction the tunnel. ring¬ coa Thai Uvulae, coverad H. M. Seevou, of no 417 loadesky sit. Mmint Meneo, roaeni only eas-eisth of tie actual Isnrse aow. It will you er.¦ iin.i with .-p?.?: concrete and Faced prlth wl«h gold embroider», that putt of the work hein« ????? Co Ohio, writes "I can recommend votir Metropolitan of Notre Dame de Parts, a ¦·. insure ih. heartily venerableChapterand -a It ed who looks like your bbod. give you an appetite, tone whit«· ???7.··? tiles. Lias clsj $nu uaed for iron¬ done in Italy in ??·?·! embroidery '(¿olden Discovery to anv one who is troubled tall, gi y-lin man, purify ing and in«t oil.- Caulking was carried out in* againal tarnishing, with sn«l tornii) liver: I was that hsd It wm a .haphiln of old days, mid might Bit for a HPAULDINQ If ELLIS ISLAND strengthen your Stomach and cure sti.rv here to the Indigestion one ecclesiastics or Versailles OENEBAL your nerves, the work proceeded, a million til.« have been used There Ik .» printed affect that «??,??? rhnMsk with me All othrr medicine« conili give me portrait of of the al 'tie seven bricks. in the his livide« Palace in the lima of the Qrand il«-. aeaataai esswatary all U (-> »MilK'IO,humors. Remember ut,.I million The roadway lbs tun¬ when Duka id Harlborough ordered no relief, but nt last, what ruine to my relief whs tin· won Monarque Oeanrnl ¦pausssnaV, sprlrg¿-? nel is sixteen f··. wide suffleleni for two vehli les he chase a brighter red, nut the tailor refused to «letfii! medi, ine the 'Golden Medical Discovery I could with the Cardinal in those robes designed by i'«»i ?.??* Istoasl ye«- the liv.rics of that unii out n> and Treasnrpi to PSSS The footpaths on each /Ule ar· three feel make color, point.·.I eal anything it would put me in terrible distress Michael Angelo, the Lord Mayor of London. ».is show ? about the bulMUig» snd Sarea- and flw- inr.c in« hes In the the Duke that the shade <>f red which scurcely also lu historical iittlr»·. stood out in harmonious tenlay II«· In th'· tunnel feel open particular 111 my stomach I had s dull aching and grinding pain In of th,> Immlsratii^n Bu· S| prosches. Th« roadway II i-arrl··«] on a nlne-in. h he most admired was eenflned to the us. ..f rei stoni»· ?·. with pr.ui in mv right «ide ami back and head keeping with ilio Gothic surrounding». The mitlasSd Into ind nnrfclnej as a Whs t..· crri my on Ihe oocasiom a.k. Pere of M«*- Hood's parilla brick arch, and in the subway thus form··.? room alo The I'ukr. result, Obliged 10 acne. ha«t Uslr in my mouth, nt night I wa« frverUh and the preaehei Olllvter the rena hy i»r joaeph H, Bennes ??.? K aa· are lh,: l" ,ak* pitch a tone vf earth tall crown and ln-r necklace, of by suddenly »weeping away In the flames soin·· of »?··.· the hureaii full ejemtlaa, Hriofl'e Pille ual> ''nis of the xcaviitluiM, halt million diamond rompoeed 1'ictcc» i'leasaiit Pellets cute or to-morren. noou S rillS w