C y n t h i a I m o g e n H a m m o n d c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e Contact 514 848 2424 x 5171 (w)
[email protected] Biography Dr Cynthia Hammond (b. 1969) is an artist and historian of the built environment. In 2002 she graduated from the Humanities Interdisciplinary PhD Program, Concordia University (Montréal). Her dissertation argues that art-making is, in addition to being a form of knowledge and inquiry, a powerful means to mobilize communities around shared pasts and collective heritage, especially urban landscapes and architecture. The dissertation won the Governor-General's Gold Medal in 2002, and was published in revised and expanded form with Ashgate Press in 2012 (reissued in paperback, 2017). From 2003-05, Hammond held the first SSHRC-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the School of Architecture, McGill University. She is full Professor in Concordia’s Department of Art History, where she teaches the history of the built environment as well as courses on feminist and spatial theory and interdisciplinary practice. Hammond is the 2017 recipient of the Faculty of Fine Arts Distinguished Teaching Award, and the 2018-19 University Research Award in the category of “The Person and Society”. She was the founding Director of the Right to the City pedagogical initiative, which supports neighbourhood-based, cross- disciplinary research and creation. From 2013-16 she was Chair of the Department of Art History. And from 2017-2020 she was the lead Co-Director of Concordia’s Centre for Oral History & Digital Storytelling, a university-recognized research centre whose mandate is to support research with, and creation resulting from, life stories and interviews.