5 December 2008 HELSINKI
MC.INF/13/08/Rev.5 5 December 2008 ENGLISH only FINAL List of Participants for the 16th OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting 4 - 5 December 2008 HELSINKI 1 ALBANIA Mr. Lulzim BASHA Minister of Foreign Affairs Head of Delegation Mr. Gilbert GALANXHI Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Albania to the OSCE Mr. Spiro KOCI General Director, Euro-Atlantic Integration and Multilateral Relations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Xhodi SAKIQI Head of OSCE and CoE Section, Ministry¨ of Foreign Affairs Mr. Entela GJIKA First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Albania to the OSCE GERMANY Dr. Frank-Walter STEINMEIER Federal Foreign Minister, Head of Delegation Mr. Heiner HORSTEN Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Germany to the OSCE Mr. Klaus-Peter GOTTWALD Federal Government Commissioner for Disarmament and Arms Control, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin Mr. Eberhard POHL Deputy Political Director at the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin Mr. Cyrill Jean NUNN Deputy Head of the Federal Foreign Ministers´ Office Mr. Gerhard KÜNTZLE Minister, Permanent Mission of Germany to the OSCE Mr. Wolfgang RICHTER Colonel, Permanent Mission of Germany to the OSCE Mr. Michael BIONTINO First Counsellor, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin Ms. Margit HELLWIG-BÖTTE First Counsellor, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin Ms. Perry Andrea NOTBOHM-RUH Interpreter, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin 2 Mr. Jens-Uwe PLÖTNER Spokesperson of the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin Mr. Walter SCHWEIZER Colonel, Permanent Mission of Germany to the OSCE Mr. Hans-Joachim RATZLAFF Colonel, Permanent Mission of Germany to the OSCE Mr. Bernd PFAFFENBACH Lieutenant Colonel, Ministry of Defence, Berlin Mr. Jan KANTORCZYK Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Germany to the OSCE Ms.
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