East Link Light Rail Draft EIS -- Excerpts Only
See the Fact Sheet for persons who may be contacted for additional information concerning this document. Abstract Sound Transit proposes to construct and operate an Downtown Redmond via either Redmond Way or the eastern extension of the Link light rail system BNSF Railway corridor. Alternatives considered providing urban transportation improvements in the include a No Build Alternative, one alternative for Central Puget Sound metropolitan region. The East Segment A, five alternatives for Segment B, six Link project would connect to the rail system’s Initial alternatives for Segment C, four alternatives for Segment in downtown Seattle and extend the system Segment D, three alternatives for Segment E, and four east to Mercer Island, Bellevue, and Redmond. maintenance facility alternatives. Overall, the project Alternatives are considered in five geographic would have between 10 and 13 stations. Interim segments in this EIS. Segment A, Interstate 90, termini could occur at the east end of Segment C or connects downtown Seattle to Mercer Island and any station in Segments D or E. Construction is South Bellevue via I-90. Segment B, South Bellevue, expected to start in 2013, with operation under way connects I-90 to approximately SE 6th Street along one between 2020 and 2021. The analysis and impact of three corridors: Bellevue Way, 112th Avenue SE, or information in this EIS addresses potential long-term the BNSF Railway right-of-way. Segment C, and short-term impacts of transportation; acquisitions, Downtown Bellevue, would travel through displacements and relocations; land use; economics; downtown Bellevue between approximately SE 6th social impacts, community facilities, and Street and an I-405 crossing at either NE 6th Street or neighborhoods; visual and aesthetic resources; air NE 12th Street on either an at-grade, elevated, or quality and greenhouse gas; noise and vibration; tunnel profile.
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