District Council Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP Tel: 01327 871100 Fax:01327 300011 DX21965 Website: www.daventrydc.gov.uk

Chief Executive: Ian Vincent B.A. (Hons) Arch, Dip Arch, RIBA

Byfield Lodge Ltd Grounds Farm Team: Development Control Thorpe Mandeville Please respond to: I Cameron Direct Line: 01327 302589 OX17 2HW E-mail: [email protected]

Our Ref: PD/2016/0057 Your Ref:

18 January 2017

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Demand Notice Regulation 69, Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (2010), as amended

Chargeable development PD/2016/0057 The Old Cattle Shed, Woodford Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire Prior approval for change of use from agriculture to dwelling

Date of commencement (or 03-Jan-2017 deemed commencement)

Reason for issuing this A Valid Commencement Notice had been received stating the date above.

Demand Notice

Amount of CIL payable £12,576.05

Surcharges imposed

Reason for surcharge

Total amount payable £12,576.05

60 days from commencement. Payment due date/s .

Payment methods Please refer to the notes on the accompanying invoice.

Appeals You may appeal against a deemed commencement date and/or surcharges that have been applied by contacting the Planning Inspectorate within 28 days of this Notice being served. Further information on appeals can be found at www.planningportal.co.uk.cil.

CIL is a local land charge The CIL amount payable has been entered onto part two of the Local Land register and will be removed on full payment of the same to Daventry District Council.

Other recipients of this Notice This Notice will be sent to any party that has jointly assumed liability to pay CIL, and will be copied to any other party that has in interest, such as the landowner/s if she/he is not the person that has assumed liability.