Pharmacogn J. 2021; 13(1): 248-263 A Multifaceted Journal in the field of Natural Products and Pharmacognosy Review Article

Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Carmen R. Silva-Correa1,*, Jorge L. Campos-Reyna2, Víctor E Villarreal-La Torre1, Abhel A. Calderón-Peña3, María V. González Blas1, Cinthya L. Aspajo-Villalaz3, José L. Cruzado-Razco1, William Antonio Sagástegui- Guarniz1, Luz M. Guerrero-Espino2, Julio Hilario-Vargas2

ABSTRACT This review aims to demonstrate the relevance that medicinal plants and their promising results have in prevention and treatment of pain. The neurophysiological bases of pain have been analyzed and the potential mechanisms of action have been proposed, it has also been Carmen R. Silva-Correa1,*, determined that the main experimental models used for the evaluation of the Jorge L. Campos-Reyna2, Víctor potential are: acetic acid-induced writhing test, formalin test, hot-plate test, -induced E Villarreal-La Torre1, Abhel nociception, -induced nociception, glutamate-induced nociception, tail–flick A. Calderón-Peña3, María V. test and tail immersion test. There are countless medicinal plants with potential analgesic González Blas1, Cinthya L. Aspajo- activity, in some of them main responsible compounds for the activity are flavonoids (vitexin, Villalaz3, José L. Cruzado-Razco1, quercetin, , astragalin, eupatilin), (scotanamine B, bullatine A, S-(+)- William Antonio Sagástegui- dicentrine, stephalagine, lappaconitine), terpenoids (p-cymene, , , citronellol, Guarniz1, Luz M. Guerrero- myrcene, , ) and saponins (siolmatroside I, cayaponoside D, cayaponoside B4, Espino2, Julio Hilario-Vargas2 cayaponoside A1); however, all studies have only been carried out up to pre-clinical stages. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out kinetic studies of the most remarkable natural 1Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, PERÚ. compounds, evaluate mixtures of active compounds for diminishing doses to avoide possible 2Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional side effects, and continue with clinical studies of medicinal plants whose safety has already de Trujillo, PERÚ. been reported. 3Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Key Words: Pain, Analgesic, Antinociceptive, Natural product, Extract. Nacional de Trujillo, PERÚ..

Correspondence INTRODUCTION being associated with adverse effects and use of Carmen R. Silva-Correa drugs, in most of the patients have generated Affiliation: Facultad de Farmacia y Although pain is a defense mechanism, that acts as addiction and its excessive use even produced death Bioquímica, Universidad Nacional de an alarm signal to protect the organism and extend 5 Trujillo, PERÚ. by overdose. the human survival, it is considered one of the most E-mail: [email protected] important public health problems in the world, Classic analgesic drugs such as , especially chronic pain that is still an important and aspirin have been isolated from natural products, History challenge of modern medicine.1,2 The International which has attracted the attention of many researchers • Submission Date: 05-09-2020; Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), defines it as a source that could provide the discovery of new • Review completed: 12-10-2020; as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience analgesic drugs.5,7 In addition, medicinal plants • Accepted Date: 26-10-2020. associated with actual or potential tissue damage.3 and their metabolites have a reduced number of DOI : 10.5530/pj.2021.13.35 side effects and they are used as an unexpensive Pain is a dynamic phenomenon that is characterized therapeutic resources for management of chronic Article Available online by going from the periphery to the brain and the pain.2,8 nociceptive signal is modulated at every level of 4 Copyright Central Nervous System (CNS). A disease or Evaluation of medicinal plants on pain has been © 2021 Phcogj.Com. This is an open- injury at the Central Nervous System (CNS) or studied using different experimental models access article distributed under the terms at the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) causes including writhing test, light tail movement test, of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 a potential risk to the body, whose will activate tail immersion test, hot plate test and formalin International license. free nerval terminals in response to nociceptive test.9 Results obtained in these tests show that most stimulation.3 Most of these nervous fibers are important secondary metabolites with analgesic polymodal and will respond to mechanical, thermal effect include flavonoids, volatile oils, phenolic and chemical stimulation.2,4 compounds and alkaloids.10 Non-opioid drugs have been used in treatment Despite actual pain treatments, they reduces the of mild to moderate pain, while opioid drugs quality of life, increases health costs and generates are used in the treatment of moderate pain.5 economic losses to society, either due to mechanical, Conventional therapy for neuropathic pain inflammatory or neuropathic pain from a disease includes: non-steroidal anti-inflammatoryor injury to nervous system.11 That is the reason drugs (ketorolac), (morphine), tricyclic of the importance of continuing with the search antidepressants (, duloxetine), and for new analgesic compounds that supplement or some anticonvulsants (gabapentin);6 however, all enrich preexisting alternatives. Throughout history, these drugs have shown moderate efficacy, often multiple natural extracts have been studied as

Cite this article: Silva-Correa CR, Campos-Reyna JL, Villarreal-La Torre VE, Calderón-Peña AA, González Blas MV, Aspajo-Villalaz CL, et al. Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review. Pharmacog J. 2021;13(1): 248-63.

248 Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review sources of active ingredients with analgesic activity, many of them with expression of sodium channels thus facilitating the generation and great potential to continue in the search for new chemical entities that transmission of stimuli; This is called peripheral sensitization, which become candidates for new drugs aimed at controlling pain syndromes. lowers the nociceptive threshold and facilitates noxious responses to promote adequate tissue recovery; this is the pathophysiological basis This review aims to enhance the rol of medicinal plants and their of acute pain.21 promising results for the prevention and treatment of pain. Indeed, the neurophysiological bases of pain will be analyzed first, for allowing us Pain modulation can lead to increased transmission of pain impulses to predict possible mechanisms of the natural compounds reported as (facilitation) or decreased transmission (inhibition). Balance between potential pain modulators. these states ultimately determines the quality and strength of the pain signals that lead to the perception of pain in the brain. Alterations in the NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL BASES OF PAIN state of the descending modulatory pathways toward facilitation have 27 From the neurophysiological point of view, perception of pain requires been associated with the transition from acute to chronic pain. participation of the CNS and the PNS, triggering a series of reactions Sensitization of peripheral nociceptors underlies hyperalgesia that in both systems that allow the perception of it, in order to reduce the develops immediately around the injury site; afferent fibers can be cause and limit the consequences.1 Pain is classified as acute or chronic, sensitized by endogenous chemicals. This results in an increase in their nociceptive or neuropathic and, depending on the driving speed, fast or responsiveness to a given stimulus and/or an increase in spontaneous slow. Stimuli that cause pain are detected by nociceptor receptors and activity.28 In addition, during inflammation an upregulated expression of free nerve terminals that respond to painful stimuli and communicate nociceptors such as sodium channels is observed, receptors of transient nociceptive information through C fibers and Aδ fibers.12-13 potential (TRPV1), pH detection ion channels (ASIC) and purinergic In neural process of pain transmission, transduction is considered, receptors (P2X). As a consequence of all these changes, sensitivity to 29 which is the conversion of nociceptive stimulus into an electrical signal pain at the site of inflammation increases. in the nociceptors; transmission, when pain stimuli are referred to the Central sensitization with enhanced spinal information of inflammation dorsal horn of the spinal cord and pain neurotransmitters are released can activate intracellular signaling cascades within neurons of the spinal (Glutamate, , peptide related to the calcitonin gene) and; dorsal horn, this results in increased synaptic efficiency and is known modulation, which is the pain signal in the dorsal horn of the spinal as central sensitization Deep pain and visceral pain input to spinal cord cord that can be inhibited and modified for supra pain centers.12,14 In are more potent than cutaneous pain in inducing central sensitization.30 conclusion, the stimuli are transmitted to the spinal cord, by nerve Entry leads to activation of the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor and fibers, and then travel later to the central areas of the brain, where the results in changes in the resting potential of the neuron of the spinal perception of pain occurs.12,15 cord. Second order. Therefore, it is more pobably to trigger when 16 From the spinal cord, pain is transmitted to the brain through several stimulated by transmitters. different pathways. Most of the afferents travel in the spinothalamic Besides, of such a multiplicity of mechanisms that are known to tract to the thalamus. They have been described from the projections modulate pain transmission, the appearance in the literature of of the thalamus to the insula, the hypothalamus and the amygdala, so many compounds that can directly or indirectly modulate pain as well as to supra cortical levels such as the cingulate and prefrontal transmission is not surprising. However, few of them achieve sufficient 16-17 cortices. The anterior cingulate cortices and the prefrontal cortices selectivity of action or potency and consequently are of little clinical are part of the medial pain system, that mediates the affective, interest. Therefore, most of the reported produce their 17-18 emotional, and cognitive components of the pain experience. The effects by modulating the release of endogenous analgesic mediators pain system has several inherent mechanisms by which incoming pain or by inhibiting algogenic neurotransmitters, through presynaptic or signals can be modulated. The multiple complex pathways involved postsynaptic mechanisms at the central and peripheral levels.31 in this modulation comprise both spinal and supraspinal regions. In particular, the connections between these sites, commonly known as EXPERIMENTAL MODELS AND PAIN the descending modulator pain pathways, develop a central role.19-20 There are many variants of experimental models that use animal model In response to a noxious stimulus or tissue damage, a series of and allow evaluation of the analgesic and antinociceptive properties of neurotransmitters are released which are collectively known as plant extracts and their natural compounds. (Figure 1). Acetic acid- “inflammatory soup”.21 Inflammation can be acute or chronic and it induced writhing test is a widely accepted classical model to detect has been found that the transcription factors NF-κB and STAT3 are the new agents with antinociceptive activity at the peripheral level.32 The ones that regulate the expression of inflammatory gene products22 and; writhing response induced by acetic acid is mediated by the acid- inflammatory enzymes such as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and matrix sensitive ion channels of peritoneal mast cells and prostaglandin.33 metalloproteinase-9, inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukins (IL) such as IL-1, IL-6 and IL-8 and However, abdominal constriction test is not a specific test as certain chemokines are the main molecular mediators of the inflammatory types of non-analgesics such as muscle relaxants can also give false response. Among these mediators, the ubiquitous transcription factor positive results, which could lead to misinterpretation of the results. NF-κB is the key mediator of inflammation, since it regulates large sets To confirm the possible antinociception mechanisms involved, more of genes that encode cytokines, cytokine receptors and cell adhesion specific tests should be considered to determine participation of central 34 molecules that participate in the triggering of inflammation.23- 24 and / or peripheral levels of antinociception. Nuclear translocation of transcription factors is initiated by cytokine Formalin test evaluates the analgesic effects at peripheral and central signaling, it has been shown that cytokines can also induce nociceptive levels of the nervous system. The injection of formalin produces plasticity through local protein synthesis in peripheral processes two distinct phases: the first phase called neurogenic nociception is of sensory afferents.25 Although cytokines can induce nociceptive produced by the direct activation of the nociceptive fibers, which release plasticity by the synthesis of local proteins in the peripheral processes substance P, glutamate and ; the late phase is mediated by of sensory input, it is not clear how these pathways intersect directly the release of inflammatory mediators such as nitric oxide, excitatory with the activities of ion channels or G26 protein-coupled receptors amino acids (aspartate and glutamate), cyclins, prostaglandins (PGE2) The inflammatory soup will sensitize the nociceptor and increase the and leukotrienes.35

Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 249 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Figure 1: Experimental models to evaluate the analgesic potential.

Tail – flick test is predominantly based on the spinal reflex and is ANALGESIC MECHANISMS OF NATURAL COM- considered selective for centrally acting analgesic compounds. Tail POUNDS immersion test evaluates peripheral and central activity, and is also considered a model of chronic pain.36-37 There are a diversity of vegetale species that own a variety of promising compounds that act as pain modulators. The main phytoconstituents Hot plate test measures thermally induced nociception at the reported and that are related to analgesic activity are flavonoids, supraspinal level and spinal levels, it is a suitable model to evaluate alkaloids, terpenes and saponins; many of them already identified the potential of any compound with antinociceptive activity at the with their chemical structures. These compounds intervene in the central level. It has the advantage of being selective and sensitive only to neurophysiological mechanisms of pain, previously described, analgesics of central action, but not peripheral; It is a selective test for modulating pain either by peripheral or central mechanisms. (Figures opioid compounds.7,34 2 and 3). Glutamate test is used to show the activation of NMDA receptors, causing an increase in intake with the activation of neuronal Flavonoids are a class of polyphenols that are consumed in the human NO synthase and the formation of nitric oxide. Thus, glutamate diet through vegetables, fruits, cereals, spices and other products of plant origin. They are formed in plants from the aromatic amino participates in the processes involved in the perception and central 5,105 sensitization of pain.38 acids and malonate. The general analgesic effect of flavonoids is through the activation of the Nrf2 / HO-1 pathway. Among experimental models for the study of acute pain, some natural Flavonoids can act on 5-HT2 and 5-HT3 receptors, which may be irritants are used that cause pain by activating TRP channels, such as involved in the mechanism of central analgesic activity. There are also capsaicin that acts specifically on type C unmyelinated fibers through studies on the role of flavonoids in analgesic activity mainly by acting TRPV1 receptors and cinnamaldehyde that acts by TRPA1. The TRPV1 by prostaglandins.106-107 and TRPA1 channels are involved in the transduction and sensitization of primary afferent somatosensory neurons. Both TRPV1 and TRPA1 Vitexin is a glucoside flavone, it produces analgesic effects mediated by play a role in pain and neurogenic inflammation through activation mechanisms related to opioids, since antagonists of the opioid delta, mu 106 of sensory nerves, both peripherally and centrally. Activation of and kappa receptors reverse the analgesic effects of this flavonoid. The the TRPA1 and TRPV1 channels can cause the release of vasoactive flavonoid quercetin suppresses the levels of protein kinase expression C peptides, such as the calcitonin gene-related peptide and substance P (PKC) and TRPV1 receptor in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia, from nerve terminals.39-40 it also has other mechanisms, including nitric oxide production, activation of ɣ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin receptors, MEDICINAL PLANTS WITH POTENTIAL ANAL- similar effects of opioids.108 GESIC ACTIVITY Naringenin is a flavanone found primarily in citrus fruits such as Due to possible side effects and low efficacy of conventional drugs, lemon, orange, tangerine, and grapefruit. It stimulates Nrf2 at the consumption of natural alternatives, such as medicinal plants, to macrophage level and inhibits the activation of NF-κB induced by control pain is currently increasing.7 The effects of medicinal plant LPS, which contributes to the inhibition of the production IL-33, extracts have been studied using different experimental models, using TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 and the expression of 2-cyclooxygenase-mRNA. in evaluation a variety of extracts, the most tested being the aqueous, Naringenin regulates TRP channels expressed by nociceptor neurons ethanolic, aqueous-ethanolic and acetonic types, as well as the fractions such as TRPV1, TRPM3, and TRPM8 to induce analgesia and sodium obtained from these compounds. entry, inhibiting Nav1.8 channels, which contributes to its analgesic effect.106,109 The main natural compounds that modulate pain include flavonoids such as quercetin and Kaempferol, , anthocyanins, saponins, Astragalin and eupatilin are derivatives of flavones that have an sesquiterpenes, phenolic compounds such as gallic acid, alkaloids, analgesic effect through their action on the TRPA1 receptors in the monoterpenes, triterpenes among others. Some of the main medicinal sensory terminals of the C fiber and produce the reduction of the plants that modulate pain are presented in Table 1. nociception induced by formalin.47

250 Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Figure 2: Analgesic mechanisms mediated by natural compounds.

Figure 3: Chemical structure of the main natural compounds with analgesic activity.

Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 251 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Table 1: Some important medicinal plants with antinociceptive activity. Part of the Model of Majority Medicinal Plant Extract and dose Positive Control Ref. plant study compounds Acetylsalicylic acid - Acetic acid-induced Ethanolic extract (200 mg/kg p.o.), writhing Ageratum branches and (50, 100, 200, 250 and Flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, Morphine (5 mg/ - Formalin test 41, 42 fastigiatum leaves 500 mg/kg) terpenes, sterols and saponins. kg s.c.), diclofenac - Hot-Plate test sodium (25 mg/kg) - Tail Immersion test

- Hot-Plate test Aqueous extract (199.18 Quercetin, , isoquercetin, Morphine (10mg/ Agrimonia eupatoria - Acetic acid-induced and 398.26 mg/Kg), luteolin, agrimoniin, p-coumaric acid kg i.p.), aerial parts 43 L. writhing Ethyl acetate fraction tiliroside, kaempferol O-acetyl- Diclofenac (10mg/ - Formalin test (36.24 and 72.48 mg/Kg) hexosyl-O-rhamnoside kg i.p.) - Acetic acid induced Ethanolic extract and Quercetin, quercetrin, rutin, , Acetyl salicylic acid writhing fractions quercetin Alchornea laxiflora root (100 mg/kg i.p.) 44 - Formalin test (75, 150 and 225 mg/ 3,4-diacetate,Triterpenes, capsaicin - Hot-Plate test kg i.p.) and Methanolic extract and - Formalin test alkaloidal fraction ((30, - Cinnamaldehyde- 100 and 300 mg/kg p.o.), Annona crassiflora Fruit induced nociception stephalagine Alkaloids as stephalagine 39 - Capsaicin-induced (0.1, 0.3 and 1 mg/kg nociception p.o.)

Hydro-glycero-ethanolic - Acetic acid-induced extract Chlorogenic acid, Quercitrin Diclofenac (20 mg/ Arctium lappa L root writhing 45 (125, 250 and 500 mg/ kg p.o.) kg p.o) - Acetic acid-induced Sesquiterpene lactones, flavonoids, writhing Ethanolic extract Diclofenac (6 mg/ Artemisia annua aerial parts polyalkynes 46 - Hot-Plate test (200 mg/kg p.o.) kg p.o.) and coumarins - Tail Immersion test Aqueous extract (10, 31.6, 100, 316, and 1000 mg/kg i.p.), Artemisia Herba- - Hot-Plate test Morphine aerial parts astragalin and eupatilin Astragalin, eupatilin 47 Alba (5 mg/kg i.p.) (0.316, 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, and 100 mg/kg i.p.)

Methanolic extract - Acetic acid-induced Diclofenac Artemisia (150 and 300 mg/kg writhing (50 mg/kg i.p.), macrocephala aerial parts p.o.), Sub-fractions Flavonoids 48 - Formalin test Indomethacin (10 Jacquem (100 and 200 mg/kg - Tail Immersion test mg/kg i.p.) p.o.) - Hot-Plate test - Tail Immersion test Morphine (5 mg/Kg) Artocarpus Hydro-alcoholic extract bark - Acetic acid-induced Diclofenac 49 lacucha Buch-ham (50, 100, 200mg/Kg) writhing (10 mg/Kg i.p.) - Formalin test Aspidocarpine, 11-Methoxytubotaiwine, Acetylsalicylic acid - Acetylsalicylic acid Aspidospermacuspa Aqueous extract Picraline, tubotaiwine, , (200mg/kg bark induced writhing test 50 (Kunth) Blake (69, 138 and 276 mg/kg) akuammidine, , p.o.), - Tail Flick test , akuammigine and (40mg/kg i.p) pseudoakuammigine - Acetic acid-induced Aspirin (200 mg/kg writhing p.o.) Bauhinia glauca - Tail Flick test Ethanol extract (50, 100, Gallic acid, peperomin B, quercetin, aerial parts morphine 36 subsp. hupehana - Hot-Plate test 200 and 800 mg/kg p.o.) fisitin, luteolin, farrerol and racemate (10 mg/kg s.c.) - Glutamate-induced nociception - Acetic acid-induced Morphine Aqueous extract writhing Flavonoids, saponins, steroids and (5 mg/kg) Bauhinia purpurea leaves 10%, 50%, 100% 51 - Hot-Plate test triterpenes Acetylsalicylic acid - Formalin test (100 mg/kg)

252 Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Phenolic compounds (benzoic acid and caffeic acid), phytosterols (stigmasterol and β-Sitosterol), glycol - Acetic acid-induced Naproxen (100 mg/ Bidens Ethanolic Extract ethers leaves writhing kg), ketorolac (10 52 odorata Cav. (50–200 mg/kg) (α-tocopherol), fatty acids (linolenic - Formalin test mg/kg) acid and linoleic acid), and terpenes (squalene, caryophyllene, and β-amyrin). - Acetic acid-induced Methanol Extract writhing Calliandra (100, 200 and 300 mg/ Morphine (6 mg/ aerial parts - Formalin test Phenolic compounds, Flavonoids 38 umbellifera Benth kg p.o.) kg i.p.) - Glutamate-induced nociception Morphine (5 mg/kg - Hot-Plate test Capparis root bark, stem Ethanolic Extract Saponins, triterpenes, phytosterols and i.m.), - Acetic acid-induced 53 erythrocarpus and leaves (200 mg/kg p.o.) alkaloids Diclofenac (10 mg/ writhing kg p.o.) - Formalin test Acetone extract Diclofenac Carissa Spinarum leaves - Acetic acid-induced Flavonoids, Alkaloids, terpenoids 54 (50, 100 mg/kg) (15 mg/kg) writhing Chlorogenic acid; caffeic acid; quercetin-3-O-β-D- Indomethacin (10 Aqueous extract galactoside (); - Acetic acid-induced mg/kg (10, 30, 100, 300 mg/kg Quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucoside Chiliotrichum writhing i.p.) 55 Flowers i.p.; 100, 300, 1000 mg/ (isoquercitrin); quercetin-3-O- diffusum - Hot-Plate test Morphine (10 mg/ kg p.o. and 125, 250, 500 β-D-rhamnoside (quercitrin); kg i.p.) mg/kg i.p.) kaempferol-3-O-α-L-rhamnoside (afzelin); quercetin; Apigenin; Kaempferol Aqueous and Ethanolic 3-Omethylquercetin, - p-Benzoquinone- Acetylsalicylic acid Cistus laurifolius L. leaves Extract 3,7-O-dimethylquercetin and 56 induced writhing (200 mg/kg) (250, 500 mg/kg) 3,7-O-dimethylkaempferol Dichloromethanolic - Acetic acid-induced Clutia abyssinica root Extract (50, 100 and 150 Flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids Diclofenac (15 mg/kg) 57 writhing mg/kg) - Acetic acid-induced Methanol Extract Cnicus arvensis (L.) Alkaloids, tannins, terpenoids, Diclofenac aerial parts writhing (100, 150, 200, 300 mg/ 58 Roth flavonoids (10 mg/kg i.p.) - Formalin test kg) Ethanol extract and - Hot-Plate test Pyrrolizidine alkaloids. phenyl (100 mg/ Cordia myxa L. leaves fractions (350 mg/kg) 59 propanoids. kg p.o.)

- Acetic acid-induced writhing - Formalin-induced Aqueous extract (20, 40, nociception Crassocephalum 80 and 160 mg/kg p.o.) Morphine (5 mg/ leaves - Capsaicin-induced Alkaloids compounds 60 bauchiense Hutch and the alkaloid fraction kg s.c.) nociception (40 mg/kg p.o.), - Glutamate-induced nociception - Hot-Plate test - Acetic acid-induced Alkaloids, reducing Morphine (10 mg/kg writhing Ethanolic extract (50, sugars, cinnamic derivatives, Croton blanchetianus leaves i.p.), Indomethacin 61 - Tail Immersion test 100, 200 mg/kg) flavonoids, saponins, condensed (20 mg/kg i.p.) - Formalin test tannins, terpenes, and steroids Methanolic extract (200, 400, and 800 mg/ kg), Fractions (AQ100, - Acetic acid-induced aqueous fraction 100 Acetylsalicylic acid writhing mg/kg; AQ200, aqueous Phenols, tannins, saponins, (150 mg/kg), Cucumis ficifolius root 62 - Hot-Plate test fraction terpenoids, and flavonoids Morphine - Formalin test 200 mg/kg; B100, (20 mg/kg) butanol fraction 100 mg/kg; B200, butanol fraction 200 mg/kg)

Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 253 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Morphine Dichloromethane– Dysphania (5 mg/kg p. - Formalin test Methanolic extract, graveolens aerial parts Pinostrobin, pinocembrin and chrysin o.) 63 - Hot-Plate test infusion and essential oil Metamizol (31, 100,316 mg/kg) (100 mg/kg p.o.) Echinodorus - Acetic acid-induced Hydroalcoholic extract Diterpenes, flavonoids and caffeic acid Indomethacin grandiflorus aerial parts 64 writhing (10 and 50 mg/kg p.o.) derivative (5 mg/kg p.o.)

- Acetic acid-induced Hydroalcoholic extract Diterpenes, flavonoids and caffeic acid Indomethacin Echinodorus scaber aerial parts 64 writhing (10 or 50 mg/kg p.o.) derivative (5 mg/kg p.o.) - Hot-Plate test Methanol extract (200 Paracetamol Euphorbia retusa leaves - Acetic acid-induced Rutin, quercetin, and kaempferol 65 mg/kg p.o.) (100 mg/kg) writhing Hydro-alcoholic extract - Acetic acid-induced Indomethacin (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg Thymol, spathulenol, trans-anethol, writhing (10 mg/kg i.p.), Ferulago angulata aerial parts i.p.), Essential oil myristicin, alpha-pinene, flavonoids 66 - Formalin test Morphine (10 mg/ (50, 100 and 200 μL/ and polyphenolic compounds - Hot-Plate test kg i.p.) kg i.p.) - Acetic acid-induced Ethanolic Extract Piroxicam (10 mg/kg Globimetular brounii Flavonoids, tannins, alkaloid leaves writhing (12.5, 25 and 50 mg/ i.p.), (20 67 Van Tieghem or saponins - Hot-Plate test kg i.p.) mg/kg i.p.) Polyphenol (catechin),hydroxycinnamic acid - Hot-Plate test (caffeic acid), cyclohexane carboxylic - Formalin test Ethanolic extracts acids acids(shikimic acid and (1mg/ Hamelia patens leaves - Acetic acid-induced 50, 100 and 200 mg/ quinic acid), diterpene (phytol), 68 kg) writhing kg p.o.). phytosterol( _-sitosterol), triterpenes (squalene, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid),tocopherols and alkaloid (mitraphylline) - Acetic acid-induced Ethanolic Extract Flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, Aspirin Ipomoea involucrata leaves 69 writhing (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg) saponins and alkaloids (2 mg/kg) - Acetic acid-induced writhing Total Flavonoids Extract Juniperus sabina leaves Rutin, quercitrin, and isoquercitrin Aspirin (200 mg/kg) 70 - Hot-Plate Test (125,250,500 mg/kg) - Formalin test Morphine (10 mg/ kg s.c.), Hydro-alcoholic extract Linalool, acetate linalool, flowers and - Formalin test Indomethacin Lavandula officinalis (100, 200, 250, 300, 400 monotril,cezcoiterpen, luteolin, ursolic 71 head branches - Hot-Plate test (10 mg/kg i.p.) and 800 mg/kg i.p.) acid, coumarin, and umbelliferone Dexamethasone (10 mg/kg i.p.) - Acetic acid-induced Ethanol extract and Lecythis pisonis writhing fractions Triterpenoids, ursolic acid and Morphine (2.5 mg/ leaves 40 Camb. - Formalin test (6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 oleanolic acids kg s.c.) - Capsaicin test and 200 mg/kg p.o.) Morphine (10mg/ - Hot-Plate test Aqueous and Acetone- kg i.p.) Libidibia ferrea bark - Acetic acid-induced Water extracts (50, 100, Gallic acid, Catechin 72 Indomethacin writhing 200 mg/kg p.o.) (10 mg/kg p.o.) - Hot-Plate test Ethanolic Extract Alkaloid, flavonoid, and triterpenoids Linum usitatissimum leaves Morphine (2.5 mg/kg) 73 500 mg/kg compounds n-hexane, Ethyl acetate, - Hot-Plate test Chloroform and Ketorolac Litsea glutinosa leaves - Acetic acid-induced Saponin, alkaloids and tannin 74 Methanolic extracts (10 mg/kg) writhing (250 and 500 mg/kg) Mesuaxanthone-A, mesuaxanthone-B, 1,5-dihydroxyxanthone - Acetic acid-induced (II), euxanthone 7-methyl ether (IV), Diclofenac (10 mg/ Methanolic extract writhing β-sitosterol, Ferrol-A, 1,3-dimethoxy- kg i. p.) Masua ferrea Linn fruit (100, 200 mg/kg i.p. and 75 - Tail Immersion test 5,6-dihydroxyxanthone (E), 200, 400 mg/kg p.o.) - Hot-Plate test α-bisabolene, α-selinene, α-copaen, (10 mg/kg, i. p.) β-caryophyllen, α-copaene, germacrene D. - Acetic acid-induced Morphine Methanol extract Melastoma writhing (5 mg/kg), leaves (100, 250, and 500 mg/ Quercitrin 9-octadecenamide 34 malabathricum - Hot-Plate test Acetylsalicylic acid kg) - Formalin test (100 mg/kg)

254 Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Hydro-methanolic 76 rotundifolia - Acetic acid-induced extract Aspirin leaves Rutin, quercetin, luteolin, hesperidin L. writhing (200, 400 and (150 mg/kg p.o.) 600 mg/kg p.o.) Methanolic extract Indomethacin (10 - Acetic acid-induced (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg mg/kg p.o.), 77 writhing p.o.), Aqueous Extract Phenolic compounds and Flavonoids Acetylsalicylic acid 78 Moringa oleifera leaves - Formalin test (10, 30, and as kaempferol, rutin, and quercetin (100 - Hot-Plate test 100 mg/kg i.p.) mg/kg i.p.), Morphine (5 mg/kg) Pinostrobin and flavanones as - Acetic acid-induced 5-hydroxy-3,7,8-trimethoxyflavone, Acetylsalicylic acid Petroleum ether fraction writhing 3,7-dimethoxy-5-hydroyflavone, (100 mg/kg p.o.), 79 Muntingia calabura leaves (100, 250 and 500 mg/ - Hot-Plate test 2_,4_-dihydroxy-3_-methoxychalcone, Morphine kg p.o.) - Formalin test and8-hydroxy-6-methoxyflavone (5 mg/kg p.o.) (calaburone). Methanol Extract - Formalin Test Spathulenol, beta caryophyllene, Nepeta depauperata (50, 80, 160 and 250 mg/ Morphine (2 mg/ 80 aerial parts - Hot-Plate test caryophyllene oxide Benth kg i.p.) kg i.p.)

Polyphenol-rich extract, Indomethacin - Acetic acid-induced (1.25, 2.5, 5 g/kg p.o.; (10 mg/kg p.o.), writhing 81 Nigella sativa seeds 0.625, 1.25, 5 g/kg i.p Quercetin Morphine - Formalin test and 500, 1000 mg/kg (10 mg/kg, i.p.) - Tail Flick test i.p) Ethanolic extract Tannic acid, , - Tail Flick test 82 Nyctanthes (100, 200, 300, 400 amorphous glucosider, mannitol, Aspirin (100mg/kg leaves - Acetic acid-induced arbortristis mg⁄kg p.o.) amorphous resin, ascorbic acid, p.o) writhing Flavonoids - Acetic acid-induced Acetone extracts Morphine 83 Passiflora writhing (200 and 400 mg/kg Hyperin, Chlorogenic acid, Caffeic leaves (10 mg/kg i.p.) leschenaultii - Formalin test p.o.) acid and Rutin - Hot-Plate test - Acetic acid-induced Acetone extract Withcyanogenic glycosides Morphine 84 Passiflora subpeltata leaves writhing (200 and 400 mg/kg) apigenin and luteolin (10 mg/kg p.o.) - Formalin test Aqueous and Acetone- Morphine (10mg/ 72 - Hot-Plate test Parapiptadenia Water extracts kg i.p.), bark - Acetic acid-induced Gallic acid, Catechin rigida (50, 100, 200 mg/kg p.o.) Indomethacin writhing (10 mg/kg p.o.) - Hot-Plate test - Capsaicin- induced Ethanol extract and nociception fractions Morphine (5mg/kg Pereskia bleo Kunth leaves - Glutamate-induced Vitexin, Sitosterol 85 30, 50, and p.o) nociception 100 mg/kg

Morphine - Hot-Plate test Methanol extract Quercetin, Isorhamnetin, avicularin, Persicaria glabra (5 mg/kg i.p.) 33 leaves - Acetic acid-induced 100 and 200 mg/kg p.o. isorhamnetin-3-O-α-l-(6′′-E-p- (Wild) Aspirin writhing coumaroyl)-rhamnoside (50 mg/kg p.o.) bis(2-ethyloctyl) phthalate, bis(2- ethylicosyl)phthalate, 3-friedelanone, β-sitosterol and methyl gallate, geraniin, corilagin, furosin, quercetin- Essential Oil 3-O-β-d-glucoside (isoquercitrin), Phyllanthus - Hot-Plate test (100, 200, and 400 mg/ Acetylsalicylic acid leaves kaempferol-3-O-β-d-glucoside 86 muellerianus kg p.o.) (100 mg/kg p.o.) (astragalin), quercetin-3-O-d- rutinoside (rutin), gallic acid, methyl gallate, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, and caffeoylmalic acid. - Acetic acid-induced Petroleum ether extract, Aminopyrine (50 mg/ Phyllanthus writhing ethyl acetate extract flavonoids and glycosides kg p.o.) aerial parts 32 reticulatus - Radiant heat Tail- and Methanol extract Morphine Flick test (150,300 mg/kg p.o. (2 mg/kg s.c.)

Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 255 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Gallic acid, methyl gallate, avicularin, - Acetic acid-induced Aqueous methanol quercetin 3-O-β-D-arbinopyranoside, Aspirin writhing Pimenta extract quercetin 3-O-β-Dglucopyranoside, (200 mg/kg p.o.), 87 leaves - Hot-Plate test racemosa (125, 250 and 500 mg/ quercetrin, cynaroside, strictinin, Tramadol (20 mg/ kg p.o.) castalagin, grandinin, quercetin, kg p.o.) ellagic acid - Acetic acid-induced writhing Diclofenac (10 mg/ Psidium Essential oil - Formalin test α-terpineol, β-eudesmol, β-pinene, kg p.o.), brownianum Mart leaves (100 and 200 mg/kg 88 - Capsaicin-induced cineole, Morphine (7.5 mg/ ex DC. p.o.) nociception kg i.p.) - Hot-Plate test - Hot-Plate test Aqueous and Acetone- Morphine (10mg/kg Psidium guajava 72 leaves - Acetic acid-induced Water extracts Gallic acid, Catechin i.p.), Indomethacin writhing (50, 100, 200 mg/kg p.o.) (10 mg/kg p.o.) Kaemferol-3-O-β-drutinoside, kaemferol- - Acetic acid-induced 3-O-β-d-xylo pyranoid, tannins, gallic Methanol extract Aspirin and writhing acid, and 37, Ricinus communis L. leaves (100, 125 and 150 mg/ diclofenac - Formalin test Quercetin, steroids and alkaloids, 89 kg) (50 mg/kg.) - Tail Immersion test sesquiterpenes as ricinusoids A, ricinusoids B

Isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside, Quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, Quercetin-3-O-metylether, Tiliroside, Ethanol extract and Salsola grandis - p-Benzoquinone - Isorhamnetin-3-glucuronide, Acetylsalicylic acid aerial parts subextract 90 induced writhing Isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside, (100 mg/kg) (100 mg/kg) Quercetin-3-O-galactoside, Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside, Quercetin, Manghaslin, Momordin II, Momordin II Aqueous extract (1, 10, 30, 100 Ketorolac - Acetic acid-induced and 300 mg/kg), 91 Salvia circinata aerial parts Amarisolide, pedalitin (1 mg/kg i.p.) writhing Amarisolide and pedalitin (1, 5 and 10 mg/kg i.p.) Essential Oil (100, 200 and 400 µl/ kg p.o.), α-thujen, α-pinene, β- pinene, - Acetic acid-induced Morphine (10 mg/kg Hydroalcoholic myrcene, α- terpinen, ρ-cymene, 92 Satureja hortensis seed writhing i.p.), Indomethacin 10 and Polyphenolic Ƴ-terpinene, thymol, carvacrol - Formalin test mg/kg (i.p.) Extract (50, 100 and 200 acetate, β-caryophyllene mg/kg i.p.)

Methanol, Chloroform and Hypolaetin, Isoscutellarein, 93 Sideritis - p-Benzoquinone- aerial parts N-butanol extracts 30-hydroxy-40-O- Aspirin (100 mg/kg) brevibracteata induced writhing (100 mg/kg) methylisoscutellarein, Verbascoside

Hydroethanolextract and ethyl acetate Saponins cayaponoside A1, Siolmatra brasiliensis - Hot-Plate test stems fraction cayaponoside B4, cayaponoside D, and Morphine (2.5 mg/kg) 94 (Cogn.) Baill 10,30,100 mg/kg siolmatroside

- Hot-Plate test Pentazocine (30 Tamarindus indica - Acetic acid-induced Ethanol extracts Tannins, alkaloids, saponins, mg/kg p.o), Aspirin 95 root Linn writhing (100 and 200 mg/kg) flavonoids, phenol, steroids (100mg/kg p.o.)

256 Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Ivorengenin A (3-oxo-2α,19α,24- trihydroxyolean- 12-en-28-oic acid) and ivorengenin B (4-oxo- Methanol Extract 19α-hydroxy-3,24-dinor-2,4- Aspirin (100 mg/kg Terminalia stem bark and - Hot-Plate test (100, 200 and 400 mg/ secoolean-12-ene- 96 p.o.) ivorensis A. Chev root bark kg p.o.) 2,28-dioic acid), arjungenin, arjunic acid, betulinic acid, sericic acid, and oleanolic acid, sericic acid and lonchoterpene (28-hydroxy-18α- glycirrhetinic acid) Aqueous extract Aspirin (100 mg/kg - Acetic acid-induced (100, 200 and 300 mg/kg Teucrium Flavonoids, saponins, terpenoides, i.p.), Tramadol (30 97, 98 whole writhing i.p.), Methanol Extract stocksianum tannins mg/kg i.p.) - Formalin test (50, 100 and 200 mg/kg i.p.) Quercetin-3,7 diglucoside, Quercetin- 3-O-sophoroside-7- O-glucoside, Quercetin-3-O-arabinosyl galactoside, Isorhamnetin-3-glucoside, Quercetin-3,7 diglucoside, Quercetin- 3-O-(2,6-α-L-dirhamnopyranosyl- β-D-glucopyranoside, Kaempferol- glucosyl-(1→2) –rhamnoside, Flavonoids fraction Quercetin-3-O-β-(2(G)-O- 99 - Acetic acid-induced (12.5, 25 and 50 g raw Aspirin (200 mg/kg Tribulus terrestris L. leaves β-xylopyranosyl-6(G)-O-α- writhing medicinal materials p.o.) rhamnopyranosyl) Glucopyranoside, (RMM)/kg p.o.) Quercetin3- gentiobioside, Kaempferol-3- gentiobioside, Isoquercitrin, 26-O-β-D- glucopyranosyl-(25R)-5α-furostan- 12-one-3β,22α,26-triol-3-O-β- Dglucopyranosyl-( 1→4)-β-D- galactopyranoside, Luteolin-7-O-β-D- glucoside, Apigenin-6,8 glucoside - Formalin test - Acetic acid-induced Lyophilized extract (3.2 Diclofenac (5mg/kg) Vaccinium ashei fruit writhing and Anthocyanins 100 Morphine (10 mg/kg) - Hot-Plate test 6.4 mg/kg p.o.) - Tail Flick test Quercetin, Quercetin 3-O-robinobioside, Kaempferol, Kaempferol 7-O-glucoside, Kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside, - Acetic Acid-Induced 3,7-Dimethoxy-5,3’, Varronia Aqueous Extract (25, 75, 101 Writhing 4’-trihydroxyflavone, Indomethacin (10 multispicata leaves 200, 400 mg/kg p.o.) - Hot-Plate test 5,6’-Dihydroxy-7,2’,4’,5’- mg/kg p.o.) (Cham.) Borhidi tetramethoxyflavone, 5,3’-Dihydroxy-3,7,4’- trimethoxyflavone, 5-Hydroxy-3,7,3’,4’- tetramethoxyflavone - Acetic acid-induced Methanol Extract Gallic acid, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, Diclofenac (25mg/ 102 Viscum orientale leaves writhing (300, 500 mg/kg p.o.) ellagic acid, quercetin kg p.o.) - Formalin test Flavonoids, leucoanthocyans, Hydro-ethanolic extract heterosid sterodic, coumarins, Tramadol (10 mg/ Zea mays stigmata - Formalin test (500 mg/kg i.p.) 103 alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, kg i.p.) anthocyanins and tannins. Dipyrone - Acetic acid-induced 7- (100 µmol/kg writhing methoxyflavone (7MF) p.o.), Morphine Zornia brasiliensis aerial parts - Hot-Plate test 7-methoxyflavone (7MF) 104 (30, 50, 100 (15 µmol/kg i.p.), - Formalin Test and 300 µmol/kg, i.p.) Indomethacin (100 mmol/kg i.p.)

Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 257 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Alkaloids are a class of heterocyclic nitrogen compounds and are the The review suggests that natural compounds have great potential for most important analgesic compounds. alkaloids, pain control and may in the future offer a new possibility for more alkaloids, terpenic alkaloids, pyridine and alkaloids, and appropriate pain management. There is a limitation in its future amide alkaloids have been shown to have significant analgesic activity.5 application, because most of the studies analyzed are in a preclinical stage using animal models, so they are not yet directly related to the Scotanamine B, an amide alkaloid, exhibited agonist activity at possible clinical applicability. Therefore, pharmacokinetic studies, the the mu receptor; bullatine A, a diterpenoid alkaloid, could reduce incorporation into pharmaceutical formulations and the development hypersensitivity to pain as it specifically stimulates the expression of biotechnological products should be carried out to complement of A (endogenous opioid) in the spinal microglia.5 these selected studies. The aporphinic alkaloid S-(+)-dicentrine reduces spontaneous cinnamaldehyde-induced nociception through modulation of TRPA1, The evidence found in the studies shows a probable use of natural either orally or intraplantarly, while the alkaloid stephalagine prevents compounds in pain management, complemented with the analysis of cinnamaldehyde-induced pain when administered orally.39,110 the possible mechanisms involved in pain modulation; however, new studies are needed to test its mechanisms at molecular level and clinical The alkaloid lappaconitine is a compound reported in the Aconitum investigations in the near future. However, the use of mixtures of gender, its analgesic mechanism is related to its effect on purinergic natural compounds with various mechanisms of action could generate receptors that are key in microglial activation and its interaction with enhancements between them, reducing their dose and the probable neurons. Lappaconitine produces downregulated expression of the appearance of side effects, eventually becoming more widely used than P2X3, P2X7 receptor in neurons of the dorsal root ganglion when the current analgesics found. in the market; therefore, the realization of evaluated in a rat model.111,112 tests with mixtures of natural compounds is imperative. Terpenoids are the most structurally diverse class of natural plant products biosynthesized from isoprene units, are the main components CONCLUSIONS of volatile oils, also known as essential oils, and have broad physiological The use of medicinal plants is a potential alternative to pain treatment, activities, such as expectorant, cough relief, perspiration and analgesia. due to their natural compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids, The monoterpene p-cymene is found in the volatile oils of more than terpenoids and saponins with proven analgesic activity in preclinical 100 plants and is found naturally in more than 200 foods. 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Silva–Correa Carmen R. Department of Pharmacology professor at Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, holds a degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry (2011), Master of Chemical Sciences (2017), graduate student at Doctoral program in Biomedical Sciences since 2019. Currently participates in research projects on toxicological and pharmacological evaluation of medicinal plants, focusing in the evaluation of the wound healing activity of traditional medicinal plants from Peru

Campos-Reyna Jorge Luis. MD, Physician graduated in Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, , Master In Physiology and Medicine Doctor in Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, , Winner of 2 internationals research awards in line of research: calcium and heart. Internist in Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Hospital Nacional Hipolito Unanue), Professor of physiology at “Universidad Nacional de Trujillo”, former internist of internal medicine women's service at “Hospital Belen de Trujillo”, Director of “Hospital Metropolitano de Trujillo”, former editor of Medicine Magazine of Trujillo, founder of the physiology and physiopathology Peruvian society.

Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 261 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Villarreal–La Torre Víctor E. Master of Chemical Sciences, holds a degree in Pharmacy from Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (2011). Professor in the Medicinal Chemistry undergraduate program and the Molecular basis of the Action of Xenobiotics postgraduate program at the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. He currently executes research projects aimed at the discovery of antimicrobial compounds in medicinal plants. Graduate student at Doctoral program in Pharmacy and Biochemistry since 2019.

Calderón-Peña Abhel A. Master of Physiology and Biophysic, holds a degree in Biological Science from Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Animal Physiology, Human Anatomy, Histology and Biochemistry Professor of undergraduate program at the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. He is currently conducting research on oxidative stress and the discovery of antioxidant compounds in medicinal plants. Graduate student at Doctoral in the Biological Sciences program.

González-Blas María V. Master of Chemical Sciences holds a degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Doctorate studies in Biomedical Sciences. She has participated in research projects of hypoglycemic, diuretic and antileishmanicidal activity of compounds in medicinal plants.

Aspajo-Villalaz Cinthya L. Master of Food Technology holds a degree in Biological Science from Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Bromatology and Biochemistry Professor of undergraduate program at the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. She is currently conducting research on microbiological control of pharmaceutical products, functional foods design and evaluation. Graduate student at Doctoral in the Biological Sciences program.

Cruzado–Razco José L. Department of Pharmacology professor at the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, holds a degree in Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Master of Physiology and Biophysics, Doctorate studies in Biomedical Sciences. He has participated in research projects on epidemiology of tropical diseases and currently, in research on antimalarial, leishmanicidal and anti-trypanosomal activity of medicinal plants.

Sagástegui-Guarniz William Antonio. Department of Pharmacology professor at Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú since 1993 – to date. I am a graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry. Speaker at the graduate program of Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Has bachelor in pharmaceutical chemistry 1988. Master’s in chemical sciences, 1999. Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences, graduate program of the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2010. Doctorate studies at Universidade Federal Do Ceará, Brazil, 2015-2018. Currently participates in research projects aimed at the phytochemical characterization of medicinal plants, focusing on antimicrobial activity, resistance to antimicrobials, and antimalarial.

262 Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 Silva-Correa, et al.: Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review

Guerrero-Espino Luz M. Professor. Department of Physiology. School of Medicine - Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Master's Degree in Physiology. Researcher in neuroscience, altitude and exercise.

Hilario-Vargas, Julio S. Professor. Departamento de Fisiología, Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Master in Physiology and Doctor in Biomedical Science. Research and publishes works on pemphigus, evaluation of medicinal plant extracts, and physiological function in special environments.

Cite this article: Silva-Correa CR, Campos-Reyna JL, Villarreal-La Torre VE, Calderón-Peña AA, González Blas MV, Aspajo-Villalaz CL, et al. Potential Activity of Medicinal Plants as Pain Modulators: A Review. Pharmacog J. 2021;13(1): 248-63.

Pharmacognosy Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, 2021 263