The Glengarry News TES Rinist WIXKLT KSWSFAFXB IX XAITEBX Offtabli
The Glengarry News TES riNIST WIXKLT KSWSFAFXB IX XAITEBX OffTABlI Atoxandria, Ont., Friday, May 7, 1948 $2.00 A YEAR Njo. 19 MacGillivray, Villeneuve, Gostick iLochiel Breeders Plan For Calfhood Eight Teams To Young Alexandria Lumberman To Contest Riding In June 7 Vote Unit Organized Vaccination Drive Play Football Drowned At Blind River Colin ;J. MaePherson, 21- of 2nd Kenyon. Liberal, Progressive Conservative And Union Of W. N. Fraser Elected Every Farmer In AlexaiKiria, McCrimmon Président — Keith County To Be And Dalkeith Are One Of Two Lost While Eunning Electors Candidates Selected’As Standard The Rapids, Tuesday, On Mississauga Bearers At Nomination Meetings. McMillan Is Technician Contacted îs Plan Newcomers To League Colin John MaePherson, 21, eldest j Tlie Glengarry Federation of A^ri- Three new teams Edmund A MacGillivray, ex-M.P.P, Organization of a sub-unit o£ the were admitted son of Mr. and Mrs. Rod MaePherson Eastern Ontario Cattle Breeding As- j culture Is commencing a campaign to into the Glengarry Football League Alexandria; Osie F, Villeneuve, reeve Cadets To Receive l2-2nd Kenyon, lost his Me by drown- sociation was completed for the Lo- I have all calves in the county vac- at the annual meeting, held in the of Maxville, and Ronald Gostick of Osie Villeneuve ing, Monday morning, while engaged chiel district on Tuesday night at a cinated against Bang’s Disease. This ^ Fire Hall, Friday evening, and the ■ Î;'Toronto, leader of the Union of Elec in log running on the Mlsslssai^a meeting in Lochlei Township Hall I decision was decided upon at a meet- ! coming season will see the biggest! Stratbeona Tropby tors (Social Credit) In Ontario, will Again Candidate River, north of Blind River.
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