Welcome from the Rector

First Years,

Welcome to Zahm! While your natural intelligence and academic gifts prepared you for the and your commitment to excellence earned your way into our hallowed campus, it is through grace and providence that you find yourself among the men of Zahm. Our hall House has had a long tradition of being one of brotherhood, mutual support, excellence in service, and great comradery. We are excited that you will be joining us in the Fall for your time here at Notre Dame. Hopefully this Red Book will assist in your preparation for joining us.

My name is Fr. Matthew Hovde, csc. I am a Holy Cross priest, recently ordained to serve God’s people. It is with great joy and zeal that I serve primarily as the Rector of Zahm, and serve this community. Zahm is a unique community, recognized across the campus for its unwavering commitment to each of our men. No matter where you are from, what major you hope to pursue, what your likes and dislikes are, no matter how you define yourself, you are a member of Zahm. You are welcomed, valued, and honored here. Your brothers are here to support and assist you, not just because they happen to share a building with you. You belong here because you bring a tremendous deal to this community: yourself.

I encourage you strongly to get to know the rest of the men who call this place home. Even though your time at Notre Dame will be busy in a way that you may have never before experienced, you are not coming to here to be mindless drones that do nothing but turn junk food and caffeine into papers and passible test scores. You are brought to Notre Dame to thrive! It is important to balance your academics with personal health, recreation, socialization, service, and personal interests. Look to your upperclassmen in the dorm. See how they strike this important balance. Study with them. Serve with them. But also have fun with them. You may find as you walk through the hallways that ESPN is a staple of most college men’s news sources, Ping-Pong and Pool can be incredible stress relievers, and that playing cards with your section is just what you need to decompress. Inter-hall sports will unite the dorm in a common cause. Your sections’ team may need either assistance on the court or in the stands. Notre Dame will challenge you in new ways. I think the most important among these is learning to live with some folks who may be different from you. Learning to share with and respect your brothers in the dorm is a lesson that will serve you well in life.

College is one of the most important experiences you will have in your life. You will be taught amazing new things, challenged to think and feel in new ways, stretched beyond what you thought were your limits. You will converse, debate, reconsider, recommit, and articulate deeply held convictions in new and powerful ways. You will learn from others, who you may disagree with. You will make tremendous relationships. You will learn as much about yourself as you do other people. The relationships you make here, the greatness you will be schooled in, and the person you will become through your time here at Notre Dame is an incredible experience. My greatest advice to you is to dive right into it. Don’t hold back. From day one, engage those around you, and always be authentic to who you are. You made it into Notre Dame. You were excepted. You belong here; at Notre Dame, and in Zahm.

I look forward to meeting you all in August, and sharing in this amazing journey that lies ahead of you.

In Notre Dame,

Fr. Matthew Hovde, C.S.C. ZAHM HOUSE 3


Welcome Crew Captain: Rudy Bernard

Welcome Crew Ambassadors: Alex Bonino, Andrew Stineman, Ankur Kumar, Anthony Smyth, Chris Brendza, Chris Page, Eddie Griesedieck, Harry Federspiel, Jack Horvath, John Brolly, Kelson Pike, Matthew Bushland, and Niko Martinovic.

Greetings and welcome to the University of Notre Dame. More importantly, welcome to Zahm House, the finest residence experience the University of Notre Dame has to offer. The men listed above have been selected to welcome you and the other members of our Class of 2020 and immerse you all into the 79 years of august tradition and impassioned spirit that makes Zahm House the home you will find it to be. Before you even get out of your car, we hope that you will begin to understand that Zahm is not your average residence hall. As your Welcome Crew, it will be our distinct pleasure and honor to assist you in getting settled and acquainted with your new digs. We will help move and unpack your things, introduce you to your new classmates, and tour you around this beautiful campus — in tried, true, and classic Zahm style. As the first week of college can prove to be difficult for many, we look forward to relieving as much of your stress and anxiety as possible. Our first effort at assisting you is this Red Book. In it you will find information about the Welcome Crew members listed above, various and sundry information about the ND/South Bend area, and some vital facts about your home for the coming years. Remember that although we have as yet to meet each other, we are already your brothers. Not only are we here to help but we also want to help. When you arrive we’ll be the really enthusiastic guys in the red shirts that your parents think are either a) really nice or b) a little too excited. Do not hesitate to ask us for anything you might need throughout Welcome Weekend and beyond. Through our efforts, we hope that you will experience the fullness of what it means to be a Zahmbie. ZAHM HOUSE 4

Greetings from the Welcome Commissioner

Men of Zahm, Class of 2020, Welcome to the one, the only, the House - Zahm House! We congratulate you on your admittance to heaven (a.k.a.the University of Notre Dame du Lac), which we can claim honestly and biasedly to be the greatest place on earth. (We wanted to say, “happiest place on earth” but apparently this Walt guy really locked down that phrase a while back.) You are now a part of the tradition that is Notre Dame: waves of swaying students singing the alma mater after every sporting event, the Grotto, intramural sports, invigorated arts and academics, Touchdown Jesus, hanging out on the quad, and countless other memories you will take with you and hold dear forever from this place. Notre Dame is truly a special place. Being in your shoes just two years ago, I know what it feels like to be in your position, getting ready to move away from home to start the best four years of your life. It can be challenging. But I’m here for anything you may need, along with your other freshmen brothers and 13 ludicrous Zahmbies in red ready to help in any way possible. Don’t hesitate to ask. The truly warranted congratulations, however, goes to your “random” (we know it to be an act of God) selection into the most spirited, most renowned, and hands down all around best residence on campus. We’re so far above everyone else it’s actually a bit scary; we’re not even a dorm: we are a House. Your home for the coming years embodies tradition — from our famous alumni (Joe Theisman, Regis Philbin) to beloved customs (‘Roni Za, Zahm Carnival, and countless more, of which you will soon be a part). Despite what may have held true in the days of Yesteryear, today Zahm sits on the most prime of all real estate on campus. Located on North Quad, we live a stone’s throw away from North Dining Hall, a window’s view from the Dome, and a pleasantly short stroll from and the LaFortune student center. Moreover, the lovely ladies of Cavanaugh (our sister dorm), Farley, and BP grace our presence on the quad. And — it ought to be noted — we charitably allow the boys of Keenan, Stanford, and St. Ed’s to wallow in the shadow that extends from our grand home. So, for those of you that have already begun slacking and skimming, here are some Cliffnotes: Zahm has housed the finest men (and continues to do so) that Our Lady has to offer, it possesses a superb location, and it epitomizes tradition. Now let us proceed to some more specifics. In Zahm, you will have some 200 or so brothers to constantly bump elbows with. We understand and remember that at times your rooms may become boring, restrictive, and maybe even lonely. So, when you feel the need to escape from them, stop by a common room, find a seat on a couch, and hang out. Common rooms are notorious for stealing away useful time. The five-mans, which now actually house 4, (at the end of the hall in the B-sections) are the main common rooms to hang out in along with the “House Commons” in the A-sections. We also have study lounges on the second and third floors (by the A-section bathrooms), along with the Xavier Murphy Study Lounge on the first floor near the double study lounge across from Fr. Gary’s room. Looking for somewhere to hang out with your favorite lady friend after parietals? Cruise down to the wonderfully spacious domain of Ignats (see glossary!) In the Zahm basement, you will find a ridiculously large television (don’t ask us how to use it though), a ping-pong table, pool table, kitchen, weight room, ample couch space, and, of course, the famed cheese, 'Roni, Prez, and sausage 'Roni Za. Profits from Za go to one of our favorite charities, so make your way down there for a delicious study break, especially during finals; Za is actually scientifically proven to improve test scores. Zahm also houses a laundry room and chapel, where we Zahmbies gather Sunday nights as a community in prayer (in the chapel, that is, not in the laundry room…hmm). ZAHM HOUSE 5

You will hear the phrase “Zahm is brotherhood” over and over again, in the Red Book and throughout Welcome Week. We all know how things grow numb when done repeatedly, but the fact does remain — and any Zahmbie will swear it to be true — Zahm is brotherhood. We care for one another, look out for everyone’s best interest, and are ready to correct a brother’s misstep and encourage him when he needs a push. Our sense of community stands unmatched by any other hall on campus. And don’t think of it in the wrong light, please: we don’t say this as some competition to have the tightest community. Rather, both those that have come before us and those that are with us still have instilled in our hearts the significant benefits of brotherhood, tradition, and service. Over seven decades of goofy stories and hallowed traditions have soaked in the walls we call home. If you need help with anything ever — homework, relationships, or something’s just got you down — never hesitate to ask a brother. In the spirit of Zahm, he will come to your aid without a moment’s hesitation. We are all here for you, and chances are we’ve all needed someone before as well (and we’ll need someone in the future still). During the Welcome Weekend you will be welcomed into the Notre Dame family. We welcome you into the brotherhood of Zahm. We know you have questions, and so we have put together this Red Book for you and your brothers. Hopefully it will ease your mind, answer some questions, and excite you for what is to come. But if you do still need some things answered, send an email to one of us — your commissioners or staff members. We know things will overwhelm at times, but that is okay. In fact, that is a good thing. A great thing. Allow some chaos into your life. Enjoy the feelings of awkwardness and uncertainty, embrace them. They don’t come around often enough. If there ever is a time for complacency, it is not now. You have four years at Notre Dame. It may sound like a lot of time but, sadly, it’s not. Enjoy every minute of it. Be open to new people and ideas; let them shape your changing self. And, damn it, have fun! Life is a journey without a clear destination (excepting heaven, of course). Experience as much as you can. The more you put in, the more Notre Dame and Zahm will give back. We shall assist you in your transition to college — we, your brothers. In a campus of 9,000, we lucky few can call Zahm home; few have the privilege to be a Zahm Man. Newest Zahmbies: welcome to the tradition!

God, Country, Notre Dame, Zahm House,

Rudy Bernard Commissioner

“Notre Dame by Choice, Zahm by the Grace of God”


What to Do When You First Arrive on Campus

Arrival Dates:

 Thursday, August 18TH after 12:00 p.m. for freshmen scheduled for early arrival. This is ONLY for those approved for early move-in!  Friday, August 19ST is the regular move-in day: o 9:00 AM-10:30 AM for those assigned to 2nd and 4th floors o 10:30 AM – NOON for those assigned to the 1st and 3rd floors NOTE: THESE TIMES ARE TENTATIVE AT THE TIME OF THIS PRINTING (JULY) AND REFLECT THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE UNIVERSITY FOR THE PAST FEW YEARS. PLEASE FOLLOW ANY INSTRUCTION PROVIDED BY THE OFFICE OF HOUSING IF THEY ARE DIFFERENT FROM THOSE LISTED ABOVE.

Upon Arrival at Notre Dame: 1. There is a specific access route established for each residence hall. Zahm residents enter campus through the East Gate. Once there, you will be assisted by signage and parking attendants (they are all a little like your crazy, great-uncle Harry, but they are sweet and they mean well). Once inside the gate, you will drive up to the back of Zahm and a swarm of Welcome Crew members (all in red shirts) will descend upon your vehicle to grab your things and take them up to your room. ONE OF YOUR PARENTS MUST STAY WITH THE VEHICLE TO MOVE IT TO THE PARKING LOT AS SOON AS IT IS EMPTY. No one is allowed to park behind the building or on the grass near the building. We absolutely MUST keep the traffic flowing for the sake of all moving in that day.

2. Come to the basement lounge to sign in, fill out your medical emergency information sheet, pick up your key, and get a Zahm shirt. The dream has begun!

3. A Welcome Crew member will show you to your room. They can help you loft or bunk your bed (although if your roommate hasn’t arrived yet, it may be best to wait before making major set-up decisions).

4. Meet your RA (Resident Assistant). He is a senior in charge of your section and will be a great resource for anything and everything. He will walk you through your room and have you sign your RCR (Room Condition Report).

5. Once you have unloaded your stuff, it is a good idea to get your ID at the pick-up location. They you can head out on campus or to town to buy a carpet or whatever you might need.

The whole move-in process may seem a bit hectic and confusing, but there will be plenty of guys around the House whose sole job is to make you feel welcome. Within a day or two, you will feel right at home – just in time for the upperclassmen to arrive!


People to Know! THE RECTOR: Fr. Matthew E. Hovde, C.S.C.

Zahm House welcomes Fr. Matt Hovde as our new Rector starting this school year. Fr. Matt formerly working in campus ministry and was an Assistant Rector in Sorin Hall. He was ordained as a Holy Cross priest in the spring of 2016.

THE CHAPLAIN: Fr. Greg Haake, C.S.C. Fr. Gregory P. Haake, C.S.C., graduated from Notre Dame in 1999 having studied French Language and Literature (and playing the trumpet in the band for two years). Hailing from Kansas City, MO with three brothers, he is now the uncle of eight nephews and one very spoiled but lonely niece. After leaving seminary, Fr. Greg moved to Holy Cross and St. Stanislaus Parish in South Bend where he served for two years as deacon and eventually associate pastor. He then moved to Paris where he received an MA in French literature before heading to Stanford University to begin his doctoral studies. He returns to Notre Dame to begin teaching full time in the Department of Romance Languages and Literature. Though excited about the job, he is more thrilled about becoming a part of the Zahm tradition.


The Assistant Rectors: Two graduate students called Assistant Rectors (ARs) live on the second and fourth floors. They assist Fr. Gary, work closely with the Resident Assistants (RAs), and are available to help with anything that comes up during the year.

Room 239 Alex Roth Master of Divinity (630) 217-5005 [email protected] Room 439 Kevin Regan 2nd year Law School (574) 631-6184 [email protected]

The Resident Assistants: The Resident Assistants (RAs) are a group of six seniors who make up the House staff, along with Fr. Gary and the ARs. One RA lives in each of the building’s six sections. Their primary role is to help build community and to assist you through the many trials of college life – from being locked out of your room, to managing roommate conflicts, to managing homesickness, and many other more personal matters. You will come to know your RA as a man on whom you can truly rely. Feel free to contact any member of the staff, if you have any questions before the semester begins. All are ready to assist you if they can.

RA Section Assignments: Section RA E-mail Address 1st floor (rooms 113 to 162) Matthew Schaefer [email protected] 2A (rooms 201 to 226) Jared Lee [email protected]

2B (rooms 227 to 262) Luke Howard [email protected]

3A (rooms 301 to 326) Melchior Perella- Salverese [email protected] 3B (rooms 327 to 362) Wynn Stoxen [email protected] 4th floor (rooms 401 to 462) Michael Feula [email protected]

We encourage you to e-mail your RA before you arrive on campus and introduce yourself to them!


General Info on Zahm

Letter from the House Gov execs:

Men of Zahm, Congratulations on your acceptance to the University Notre Dame. More importantly, congratulations on your assignment to the most renowned residence at that University: Zahm House. It is our pleasure as your House Government to be among the first to welcome you to Zahm. No matter what your passion is, we know that you’ll find a home here, hopefully for the next four years. Above all, Zahm is a close-knit community of brothers. We are athletes, scholars, and service-driven individuals. We are musicians, actors and directors. We are nerds and jocks, jokesters and committed students. We are future doctors, lawyers, businessmen, and professors. But what we are is not what matters; what matters is what you are, and how you will choose to make your time in Zahm count. House Government is here to help you on that path, and we’re sure that no matter who you are, there will be a place for you here. Zahm House has a long and storied history. You’ve probably already heard how in days of old, students moved halls every year and rooms on campus were selected by GPA (highest first; lowest last). Zahm, which was then the only sophomore hall stuck on the freshmen quad in the northern reaches of campus, quickly developed a reputation for having the more…social students. Although rooms are no longer chosen by GPA (a side note: 2008’s Valedictorian was a Zahmbie), Zahm retains its reputation of a closely knit community with a vibrant social life and countless traditions. In fact, in 2015 our freshmen from the Class of 2018 had the highest average GPA score of all men’s dorms! But tradition tells only half the story: our vibrant commitment to dorm life is only outdone by our commitment to charity and service of others. If you watched the ND versus Navy football game several years ago, you probably noticed our “Raise an X for X” campaign, where the entire stadium wore red and made the traditional Zahm “X” with their arms. They did this in support of a Zahm resident, Xavier Murphy, who had recently lost his battle with leukemia and all those fighting cancer. Zahm was able to honor Xavier’s memory and collect a huge amount of money to fight the disease as a result. This is the community you have the privilege to join: a community unparalleled in support of one another, and able to unite people in the causes for which we fight. If you’re interested in getting involved in Zahm, House Government meets every Tuesday at 11:00 PM in the basement. It’s a great way to stay on top of all the things that happen here. If you’re really passionate about an issue, feel free to email any of us or the commissioner of your topic of interest (there is a list of commissioners online at the Zahm House webpage). All will be willing to work with you to ensure that Zahm is the best it can possibly be. We’re looking forward to meeting you this fall. Our doors (and everyone else’s, for that matter) are always open. Until then, enjoy the rest of your summer, and welcome to Zahm House. Yours in Zahm,

Jack “Toby” Julien Michael “Big Cat” Catalano Troy Prince President Vice President (Fall) Vice President (Spring) ZAHM HOUSE 10

House Government:

House Gov is composed of elected leaders who run the House-wide events, from dances to inter- hall sports, service opportunities and other great activities. In addition to a House president and vice- president, we have a dozen or so commissioners with very specific areas of responsibility. Each Tuesday night, we have a House government meeting in the basement where the week’s events are discussed. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in running the dorm.

The Rabid Bats:

You will hear many different mascots for different intramural teams from Zahm. We are usually called Zahmbies, signified by a moose (whose name is Ignats). However, our official mascot is the Rabid Bats. Our colors are red, black, and white. We have several intramural teams so if you played a sport in high school and would like to continue, we’d be happy to have you on board.

Baseball (Champions in ’11, ‘13) Lacrosse “PAIN” Basketball (Champions in ’04 and ’05) Ping Pong (Champions in ’09 and ’10) Bowling Racquetball Singles Cross Country (Champions in ’08) Sand Volleyball (Champions in ’11 and ’13) Dodgeball (Champions in ’11) Soccer Ice Hockey “FEAR” (Champions in ’08) Team Racquetball Golf Scramble Team Tennis (Champions in ’10 and ’11) Football (Champions in ’05) Volleyball (Champions in ’11)

Your Room:

All Zahm freshmen live in doubles this year. (With the exception of one four-person quad). All rooms come with a wastebasket, two desks, beds, and desk chairs, and two wardrobe closets. The beds are 80" twin. However, if you are over 6'6" or so, you can ask for an extra-long bed (90"). We encourage you to only request the XXL bed if you absolutely need it. You won’t want to waste the room if you don’t need it. If you require a 90” bed, please email Fr. Matt ASAP — [[email protected]].

What is helpful about the beds, wardrobes and desks is that they are modular and go together well for bunking or lofting. In addition to these basics, the rooms come with a sink, medicine cabinet, and mirror.

Most rooms do not have overhead lighting, so a lamp is a good idea. Carpets and shelving are two other ideas you may want to consider. No need to pack all that though. There are plenty of places in South Bend (or the Fall Mall, ND’s 3-day hypermarket on campus) to buy these things at Notre Dame. Once you receive information about your roommates, likely in mid-late July, it would be a good idea to coordinate with them what you will be bringing so that you don’t end up with two TVs, two fridges, and four lamps. (Additionally, it is nice to speak with your roommates before you move with them into a 200 square foot rectangle for the next nine months.) Remember, it is not just your room. ZAHM HOUSE 11

Your Roommate:

By now, you will have received information from the Office of Housing concerning your roommate. If for some reason you have not received that information, call the Office of Housing at (574) 631- 5878. Along with your roommate information, you will also receive your Zahm mailing address.


 Zahm House is a smoke-free facility, as are all buildings on campus.  Zahm has a laundry room with washers and dryers, although many guys use St. Michael’s Laundry each week.  There aren’t landlines in student rooms anymore, so make sure to bring a cell phone. Currently, Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint utilize the University’s distributed mobile phone antenna system to drive their signal into campus buildings. If you use another carrier, you will be enjoying the great outdoors more when talking to family and friends.  Bank accounts are available through Notre Dame Federal Credit Union (located just north of campus and First Source Bank (in the basement of LaFortune Student Center near Zahm). See the nuts and bolts of job hunting for more information on banking.  Microwaves and air conditioners are forbidden in student rooms – our old wiring won’t handle them. There are microwaves available on every floor for general use.


Welcome Crew Biographies Alex Bonino

Alexander “Bonino” Bonino is the gentleman that mature women want to bring home to their family. Ladies just can’t seem to stay off of him. Just ask the Notre Dame Sophomore swimmers. He makes one of the best Za’s you’ll ever try and now he’s manager of that fine establishment. Aside from being an Iron Chef, Bonino also is such a calm spirited person. Just catch him and Chris “Kraft” Nunes playing video games together. The atmosphere is as gentle and quiet as a 2B social gathering. If that wasn’t enough to get you excited to meet him, how about I talk about his incredibly cooler identical twin brother. Peter “The Better Looking” Bonino, goes to Pitt and doesn’t need culinary skills to woo beautiful women. He wrestled and played football in high school. I should stop there or else I’ll fall in love with him myself. A jock is certainly cool, but I think answering all Jeopardy questions related to any kind of mythology and history is cooler. Bonino brings out the Notre Dame spirit in all of us. He even empowers the Men of Zahm with his undying spirit and tenacity to “finish this physics homework later.” I wish you all could’ve been there when he made the call to his mom, “I made the 6-man,” as a tear dribbled down his olive oil skin. A sub-group of the 2B-10 man, the 6-man could not have been complete without the addition of this Italian stallion.


Name: Chris Brendza

Major: History with a concentration in all things Chicago

Chris, better known to his peers simply as “Brendza,” is a proud citizen of the city of broken sports dreams, known to most as Chicago. Brendza came to Zahm chasing the dream of following in his older brother’s footsteps. Luckily they weren't big shoes to fill. This baby faced boy wonder will be taking over the 3B 5-man next year, and attempting to raise the roof, or simply just keep it from crumpling. Chris is well known around Zahm for his ability to converse with the ladies, but he is also known for his love of sugar. Chris loves his sweets and often falls victim to sugar highs and crashes. Brendza is well known in Zahm for his impeccable fashion sense (ex. picture above), and dedication to all things Zahm. This man is a true warrior to the Zahmbie cause, keeping us as the greatest dorm on campus. If you are lucky enough to live on the third floor next year make sure you stop by the 3B 5 man and introduce yourself to this amazing man. And if you ever, for some reason, wish to see a Chicago sporting event or talk about the majesty that is Jake Arrieta or the beauty that is Kris Bryant feel free to stop by and get your fill in.


John Brolly

Major: Creationism in the 21st century

From: The South

Suh dude?

If by chance you thought that was funny, this is your guy. I would like to preface this bio by saying Brolly made it onto Frosh-o because of the University’s attempt to seem diverse. But I hear you asking, “What different perspective does he bring to the table?” In return, I ask you this: Have you ever found yourself wondering whether or not dinosaurs lived with humans? Well if you have, don’t ask this young Ken Ham. He has a painting in his house of his great-grandfather with a pet triceratops. If you haven’t picked it up by now, Brolly is the largest supporter of the creationist movement I’ve met. (BTW… If you have any questions regarding SEC frat culture, John has “TUNS of friendz in SEC frats and sororities”). It is also inconceivable how many times people have mistaken his bed for their porcelain throne. In all seriousness, I feel bad for his deprived childhood and helicopter mother. If you see Brolly, chances are you will find him too scared of his mother to read Harry Potter, argue for evolution, or have his first kiss. Be careful what you say around this rebel, because “that’s just the way it is in the South.” Really though, this guy is incredible. He’s the complete opposite of the negative Zahm stereotype, and he does so much for our House. You’d be fortunate to call him a friend.


Matt Bushland

Prominent figures in the world are often remembered for memorable things that they have said: we associate Gandhi with being “the change we wish to see in the world” and associate Sherry the House janitor with the question, “WHO DOES THIS?” Here’s a few choice excerpts from our friend, Matt Bushland:

 On Zahm: it’s “not a hall, it’s a house…I don’t know why, but it’s a house.”  On his favorite place to be on campus: “Pdub-I always find myself there. Either that or Subway.”  On whether everything is bigger in Texas: “Yes…I feel like a wink is implied with this statement.”

Yikes. Tough start for the rising sophomore. Hailing from pretty much everywhere in the U.S., Matt eventually settled in Dallas, Texas. As a result of playing high school sports and being the Homecoming Prince to HoCo 2K13, Matt was accepted into the University of Zahm House and has made his presence kind of known ever since. Actually though, spotting “Waldo” Bushland on campus or in Zahm can sometimes be harder than it is to find one of his epic slices off the tee at the Burke. If you can’t find Matt next year, it’s probably because he is preparing to marry the girl he met at Domerfest or because he is getting his reps in for the long-snapper role he might fill for Notre Dame Football or, worst case scenario, for 2A’s to-be-very-scrappy section football squad. If you do ever lock down Matt, do take the time to get to know him; he’s a great representative in spirit, attitude, work ethic, and friendliness of what Zahm stands for, even if he still doesn’t know why we call Zahm our House. In due time, Matt; in due time. ZAHM HOUSE 16

Harry Federspiel

Major: Math or Physics or something like that

From: 4th Floor, Zahm House

Fun Fact: Raquetball aficionado

Henry “Harry” Federspiel is hands down one of the manliest men in all of Zahm. This became especially evident in section football, where Harry showed his toughness the very first week by chipping his tooth during a tough warmup drill. Harry can usually (exclusively) be found roaming the hallways of the 4th floor, and rarely with a shirt on. Harry also worked at Za, Zahm’s world-famous pizza parlor, last semester. He could be found down there on occasion during his shift, still with his shirt off, making a great pizza and fitting in some clutch bicep curls while he waited for customers. However, after being told by Za’s two narc managers to stop these habits because of “sanitary and health concerns,” Harry decided he didn’t need that kind of negativity in his life, and he walked away from the pizza game entirely and decided to become Zahm’s new Grillmaster instead. Bottom line, if you ever need a pizza, burger, or something thrown out of a 4th floor window, Harry’s your guy.


Name: Eddie Griesedieck

Major: Asian Studies

Hailing from the desolate post-apocalyptic wasteland that some refer to as “St. Louis,” Eddie “my nickname could literally not be more obvious” Griesedieck came into his time at Zahm well on his way to becoming entrenched among the multitudes of legendary Zahmbies. Then he shaved his beard, leading the entire dorm to say “Wait, who are you again?” Nonetheless, we have grown accustomed to Eddie’s changing facial appearance - and although we dread the midterms mustache - we appreciate every opportunity to gaze upon the glory that is his facial hair.

This silver tongued devil (or should I say chocolate tongued) is taking over the mantle of the 4B 5-man from the world renowned Brickner, and as such, has very little to live up to. Rumors abound of the torch- passing ceremony from last year’s 4B 5 to this year’s; we can only speculate as to the amounts of shirtlessness, things thrown out of windows, and overall just weird stuff that happened in this event. Whether he’s bragging about his and Kotek’s “clear out” that never actually happens, wearing his uncomfortably short Notre Dame chubbies, knowing literally every freshmen that ever spent time in St. Louis, or being way too involved in freshman class council, Eddie is always a staple of life in Zahm. You can spot him taking moonlight strolls around the lakes, eating candlelit dinners in North Dining Hall, or walking back from Saint Mary’s College. When he isn’t studying, grooming, or doing whatever else happens on the fourth floor, you’ll find he’s one of the most approachable and likable guys in the dorm. Stop by the 4B 5, take your shirt off, and hang out with a great Zahmbie.


Jack Horvath

Watch out Frosh, Jack “I’m the man” Horvath is in town. From his 6’3” stature to his sexy booming voice, this Denver native takes “cool” to new rocky-mountain heights. Jack is one smart cookie; he even carried a 4.0 all the way through high school. Eager to continue his success in college, he arrived at Notre Dame as an Engineering major, but he soon made the switch to Economics because Horvath knows that honeys follow the moneys. But we all know that Jack ain’t no nerd; this hound-dog has some serious game. Jack is a genuine baller and he will dunk all over your face all of the time so that you never forget he can. Off the court, his game is still strong. A man of passion and devotion, you better watch out when this lady-killer takes his Za skills to the dance floor. There’s no telling what this hunk will be up to next year when he takes command of both our beloved pizza parlor and the famed first-floor common room. So man up, get stinky, and make the pilgrimage down to the 1B 5-Man to behold this dime-piece in the flesh.


Name: Ankur Kumar

Nickname: The Hooded Cobra

From: Manjula

Gandhi. Martin Luther King, Jr. George Washington. What do these great men have in common? I don’t know. But I do know that Gandhi was Indian. And so is Ankur Kumar.

Better known as “Anchor” around the dorm, this living legend quickly became the literal anchor of last year’s third floor freshmen. If you ever hear someone say, “You’re not wrong” or “I am not opposed” then there’s a 99% chance you’re talking to Anchor, the king of double negatives. Next year, Anchor will be living in the 3B common room, so walk on in at any time to give him crap for being a bandwagon Lakers fan. His vast knowledge of all things basketball can bring up some interesting sports debates, but don’t be fooled, his knowledge of basketball does not carry over to his skills on the court. Anchor is also a Science/Business major, so if you are really indecisive about your future, just talk to Anchor, he can probably relate. When anchor isn’t studying in the loudest part of the building, he likes to get “randomly selected” by the TSA at airports, visit South Bend’s prestigious dental clinic, or spend time socializing with the lovely ladies of Saint Mary’s. In all seriousness, Anchor is one of the nicest guys in the house, and is a great representative of the Zahm community.


Niko Martinovic

Born and raised in Long Island, New York, Niko (thankfully) doesn’t really represent your typical New Yorker. He’s nice, polite, an incredibly safe driver, and doesn’t dress preppy at all! Boasting a fancy MenBROza finance major, this Croatian Adonis can answer all your entrepreneurship questions and do all your econ homework. He will also memorize your name as soon as you tell him, which is either really neat or really creepy. Although he’s a little shy around girls (especially athletes) Niko Martini can help you woo any woman with his unparalleled culinary skills and his esteemed role as our Zahm Kitchen Commissioner. Just don’t ask him for too much help, because he might pull one of his renowned magic tricks and whisk her away from you. Ask him about his special trick where he juggles three girls at the same time and magically ends up with 0 of them! Outside of his professional life, Niko Mardi-Gras can be found rippin’ shots of creatine before gettin’ yolked at the gym, or wreckin’ people in FIFA and Super Smash Bros. Niko Marsupial is also a big soccer fan, an incredible pianist, and just a really sensitive guy all around. Niko Mariachi will be living in the 2B QuadZilla in the 10-man this year so make sure you stop by often to tell him that he’s not nearly as cool as his brother Luka. Hit up Niko Machiavelli if you’re just tryna relax, jam to some soothing jazz, or talk about why Croatia is a crumbling eastern European nation. Like, REALLY crumbling.


Chris Page

Major: Mario Darty

From: The nuclear wasteland of Nevahda

Chris “Crispy McChrisface” Page hails from the city of lights and bad decisions. As a native of Las Vegas, he’ll tell you every day that he was born for EDC and that the party never dies. Being raised in the desert, Chris had quite a shock when he came to South Bend. In the fall, he thought gravity was getting stronger because the leaves were falling off the trees. The first time he saw snow, he ran out in his flip flops and bucket hat to make sand castles because he thought Notre Dame had shipped in a bunch of white sand. This kid is simultaneously a ferocious savage and a cute little toddler (fun fact: he was the baby in the movie Hangover). One moment he’ll be thrashing the will to live from any poor soul that crosses his path, and the next you’ll see him clutching his little bear and plugging in his night light. If you ever see Chris in his Cav shorts, then you’re seeing him in his glorious prime. Unfortunately, his skin is so delicately pale that his thighs get burnt from the admiring gaze of females if he wears them for too long. Chris Page’s lesser known identity is the notorious banana thief of Zahm. All residents are suggested to keep their nanners out of sight or else Chris P will latch on to that banana and never let go. Chris Page will be one of the resident DJs for the 2B ten-man next year, so if you ever feel in the mood for some EDM and emotionally charged Taylor Swift songs, stop by 2BlackSpace to get your fill.


Kelson Pike:

If you’re looking for tips on being the most devoted boyfriend in your class, then look no further than this year’s reigning champion: Kelson “yes that’s is his real first name and no it’s not Ashton Kutcher from That 70’s Show, that’s Kelso” Pike. He enjoys long walks around the sewage dump from the power plant with his girlfriend, studying with his girlfriend, and not spending any flex points the whole year with his girlfriend. When Kelson isn’t with his girlfriend, he enjoys spending time on the nerdiest floor of the library writing papers that aren’t due for 2 weeks and organizing his desk that doesn’t have anything on it other than a laptop. If you manage to catch him not talking about soccer for a minute, then he is probably talking about his humble hometown of New Palestine, , which is known for 2 things: producing Kelson, and hosting white supremacist rallies a hundred years ago. Fun Fact: the first time Kelson encountered diversity was at Notre Dame! But trust me, he’s one of the friendliest and welcoming guys in the House. Some of his pastimes include: not getting big at the gym, being absurdly decent at Ultimate Frisbee, watching all of Game of Thrones in one week, and making new friends. Kelson is a determined Biology major, a very helpful person, and one of the nicest guys you will have the pleasure of meeting.


Anthony Smyth:

If you’re ever in need of a shoulder to cry on, look no further than Anthony “Ring by Spring” Smyth. Of all of the Zahmbies you will soon meet, none are more willing to show their true emotions with few tears than this one, no matter the time or location. Don’t let his soft exterior fool you though; Anthony can also be found trying to relive his days of high school glory in the ice rink in the form of Zahm’s interhall hockey team, FEAR. Though he may seem to be a bit light in the weight column, he makes up for it blood, sweat, and mostly tears. Even with all of these commitments, he also manages to make the pre-med track look easy and isn’t afraid to let you know about that fact. When he isn’t sobbing his eyes out, skating around the rink, or bragging about how easy Orgo is, Anthony will also be doing his best to redeem 1B as a section, along with the infamous Zak Kousens.

No matter what though, Anthony is still one of the best Zahmbies around, and if you’re ever in need of a good cry, make sure to head down to the 1B 4-man and let it all out.


Andrew Stineman:

Looking for big Stine? Don’t worry! If it is between the hours of 9pm-Midnight you can guarantee that he is in the basement facetiming his girlfriend. Some people call it being whipped, but I say it is just true young love. Andrew reigns from the Phoenix area of the desert most people call Arizona and will reside in the 2A common room next year. While nobody can confirm if he ever actually studies, one thing you can confirm is this dude’s tee time. If there is not snow on the ground, then he is golfing. The only thing better than his golf swing is the way his hips swing on a dance floor. Being a lumbering 6’15” tall (am I exaggerating though?), the coordination he possesses while dancing is equivalent to that of a prepubescent high school freshman at his first homecoming. That is…….if his girlfriend lets him bring a “friend” to the dance. One thing is for certain though, 10/10 would recommend getting to know Good Guy Stine next year.

Stuff to Think About 10 Rules for Success Our words are buttressed by our deeds, and our deeds are inspired by our convictions. 1. Never eat alone. - Fr. Ted Hesburgh, C.S.C. 2. Find a quiet place. 3. Be proud of your family, your heritage, and who you are. Notre Dame is full of ordinary people who do 4. Don’t be afraid to let people get to extraordinary things. know you. - 5. Get active early. 6. Don’t confuse your self-worth with I think the world would be a much better place your GPA. if people adhered to the golden rules of Notre 7. Don’t settle for your present group of Dame. friends. - Regis Philbin (A Zahm Man) 8. Study, pray, socialize and serve. 9. Listen to the stories of upperclassmen I’ve been ready for this my whole life. and alumni. - Rudy 10. Learn the names of all your brother Zahmbies.

Songs to Permanently Engrain in Your Memory

Notre Dame, Our Mother (The Alma Mater) The Victory March

Notre Dame, Our Mother, Rally sons of Notre Dame, Tender, strong, and true, Sing her glory and sound her fame. Proudly in the heavens, Raise her Gold and Blue, Gleams thy Gold and Blue. And cheer with voices true, Glory’s mantle cloaks thee, Rah, rah for Notre Dame. Golden is thy fame, We will fight in ev’ry game, And our hearts forever, Strong of heart and true to her Praise thee Notre Dame, name. And our hearts forever, We will ne’er forget her, Love thee Notre Dame. And we’ll cheer her ever, Loyal to Notre Dame. Cheer, cheer for old Notre Dame, Wake up the echoes cheering her name. Send a volley cheer on high,

Shake down the thunder from the sky. What though the odds be great or small, Old Notre Dame will win over all, While her loyal sons are marching, Onward to Victory.


Some Nuts and Bolts

Getting a Job on Campus:

There are lots of jobs for students on campus, some even in the House. You might need to do some legwork to find one, but if you search hard enough you will be able to get one (go to: If you plan on getting a job, you need to be able to fill out the appropriate paperwork.

Direct Deposit ( The University only pays students via Direct Deposit. To set up direct deposit you will need to have a voided personal check so they can set up the information correctly. If you don’t have a checking account, no problem. You can set one up with First Source Bank that is conveniently located in the basement of LaFortune Student Center or at the Notre Dame Federal Credit union located just off campus. You only need $5 to set up an account.

I-9 Employment Eligibility Form ( You will also need to be able to fill out an I-9 Form. For this one you have to show the ORIGINAL documents IN PERSON – check it out on the web. A lot of guys have their pay held up while they wait for Mom and Dad to send forms to them in the mail. When filling out this form make sure you use your campus address.

W-4andWH-4Forms ( and ( You got to give your fair share to Uncle Sam. You can have Mom and Dad help you with this one before you even get to campus if you like.

Your Involvement

Being part of a community means more than living in a shared space. We hope that all members of our community will become active in the House. Nothing happens here without people giving of their time and energies for Zahm activities.

Zahm Banner

Zahm displays a100’ by 25’ banner on the North Quad side of our building each and every football weekend.It takes a lot of manpower to hoist the banner to the fourth floor, but it really is something we are proud of. Visitors to campus regularly come to the North Quad to take their pictures in front of the famous “Here Come the Irish” banner. Be prepared to help out on a Thursday afternoons and Sunday afternoons. We often have a cookout or another social activity to coincide with the banner raising. A picture of the old banner is to the left.


Mass in Zahm

All Zahm men are encouraged to participate in the House's religious activities as they feel comfortable. Our beautiful St. Albert the Great Chapel is always open to Zahmbies for prayer and reflection. On Sundays during term time, we celebrate Mass together at 10 pm. The men of the House, of course, serve as cantors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, musicians, readers, servers, and singers. Mass is also celebrated at 10 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and. Other liturgical celebrations of the sacraments and devotionals take place throughout the academic year, such as the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the Stations of the Cross.

Zahm Militant

Zahm Militant is a faith-based fellowship intended to help residents grow as men of God. We strive to grow in Godliness by way of regular participation in the Eucharist and in fellowship activities through which we encourage one another on the journey. We also seek to grow through activities that teach us essential skills for an adult male and homilies that call us to the practice of the virtues. These two elements are drawn together by occasional speakers who come to as share how they strive to grow in faith while living in the world today.

Where does the name come from? In part it is taken from an article that describes the Zahm House namesake, Fr. John Zahm, C.S.C., as a "gentle priest" with a "heroic militancy for Christ." It also reflects the reality that becoming a man of God is not something that just happens on its own; it is something about which one must be attentive and diligent.

All men of Zahm are welcome to participate in Zahm Militant events. As we begin a new year, we will be formulating a new schedule for prayer, worship and reflection. Other meetings and events will be scheduled and announced as is appropriate for the nature of the event (e.g., Habitat for Humanity build, lesson in wood chopping, knowing your way around a car, etc.). Militant hosts the annual weekend retreat each year, as well. Typically, it takes place Friday through Sunday before the start of the Spring Semester.


House Weekend Retreat

For the past few years. many men return early from Christmas break for the our annual weekend retreat at Potato Creek State Park in North Liberty, IN (about a half hour from Zahm). Although the theme of the retreat changes yearly, it always has something to do with being a man of God. Frs. Gary and Greg will work with the coordinators of Zahm Militant to plan and run the retreat. Besides various talks, discussions, prayer experiences, meals, and other planned activities, there is plenty of free time to enjoy Potato Creek and to socialize. Zahm retreatants stay in well-furnished cabins in the State Park (8 men per cabin), which include living rooms, kitchens, dining rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, wood stoves, and screened porches.  Look out during the first semester for an email with details about this year’s retreat.


The men of Zahm are especially known at Notre Dame for their service to the University and the community. The House enjoys on-going partnerships with several service providers, including the Robinson Community Learning Center, /the Holy Cross Missions, the Starlight Children's Foundation, The South Bend Catholic Worker, and the South Bend Medical Foundation.

Among many service projects, the House has hosted bowling and Halloween parties for children served by the Starlight Children's Foundation, tutors and serves as big brothers to children at the Robinson Community Learning Center, contributes generously to Bengal Bouts for the Holy Cross Missions in Bangladesh, sponsors the largest blood drive on-campus for the South Bend Medical Foundation, and helps to build houses for Habitat for Humanity. One of the House's major events--entirely planned and run by Zahmbies--is the Zahm Spring Carnival, which brings hundreds of children who suffer from chronic illnesses or who live in deprived areas of Michiana to Notre Dame's North Quad for a day of fun. The Carnival includes inflatable bouncy houses and slides, a petting zoo, face painting, an ND Fire Department fire truck and firemen, putt-putt golf, wiffle ball, jugglers, cornhole, a dunk tank, popcorn, slushies, cotton candy, and plenty of real food.

Top 20 Things to Know About ND and Zahm House:

20. Living in Zahm is a once in a lifetime experience; show off all the talents you have and make the most of it.

19. Two of the best events on campus are Bengal Bouts and Bookstore Basketball —as long as you get knocked out early.

18. Eventually, we all consider being a business major.

17. : Fifty feet away in distance, 1,000,000 miles away in everything that counts.

16. If you’re going to steal from the dining hall, never say it’s for a school project.

15. Don’t sell your soul to the bookstore.

14. Za every night will add more than the Freshmen 15…oh well, the money goes to charity.

13. Meet as many girls in the first few weeks as you can. They want you to talk to them, trust us.

12. Never feel forced to walk a Smick home. There’s always the shuttle.

11. Beware of the Midnight Maid.

10. Call Notre Dame women “Smicks” only if you don’t like them or want to be disfigured.

9. 2500 pounds of anything will almost always get you in trouble.

8. Zahm Sports—there’s nothing better than cheering on the Rabid Bats, Fear, or Pain except maybe taunting their opponents until they cry.

7. Go to every dance to which you’re invited. Even if you don’t like your date, there is guaranteed to be at least one hottie there with a loser date that can’t dance. 6. Foreign Sausage should never be eaten or brought to Zahm. EVER

5. Get involved in Student Activities — run for Student Body President, seriously.

4. Don’t be afraid to laugh, especially at yourself.

3. Sleep is an overrated commodity.

2. Football is the essence of life. Tailgaters make the games even better.



The Zahmbie Glossary

In the pages that follow you’ll find an insider’s guide to just about every bit of Notre Dame Vocabulary you need to know. Commit these to memory, there will be a test.

Fr. Jenkins The beloved President of Notre Dame.

The Dome You live under it. There’s no better place to be.

Brian Kelly If you don’t know who he is, why did you get a copy of this book?

Touchdown Jesus The Library’s divine referee.

The Rock Athletic facility and gym on South Quad that bears the name of Notre Dame’s Godfather: .

Rolfs Awesome athletic complex on the east side of campus. It’s top notch facilities make up for its lack of tradition. Play there now; it’ soon to be the varsity basketball building.

O’Shag O’Shaughnessy Hall, home of Arts and Leisure majors, where classes are held for lack of a better place.

Domer ND students...term often used by SMCers when their dates don’t return from the bathroom.

du Lac The name of the Notre Dame Student Handbook; it does wonders for evening out your unbalanced TV stand.

Stonehenge Awesome fountain on North Quad; AKA the peace memorial.

CoMo The Coleman Morse Center, home to Campus Ministry and the First Year of Studies office. Free popcorn and cokes are gone, but there is still a really nice, million dollar marble fountain.

Parietals ND’s rules for boy-girl slumber parties.

IGNATS The moose head that once again hangs in the basement. Currently holds the record for “Most Cavanaughties Kissed.”

Bookstore Basketball The largest 5 vs 5 single elimination Basketball Tourney in the world


played in the spring all over campus.

Rabid Bats Zahm’s very own Interhall, full-contact football team.

FEAR Zahm’s Ice Hockey Team.

PAIN Zahm’s Lacrosse Team.

The Huddle A small convenience store in LaFortune that sells everything from nail clippers to Lunchables for little more than 3 times the regular price.

Shuttle Runs to and from SMC. A cheap way to get downtown...if you can figure out the schedule.

Dogbook Freshman Student Directory, used for finding out who is worth calling… if you find someone who doesn’t need a collar.

The Jack The Joyce Athletic and Convocation Center (J.A.C.C). Two huge humps that account for 2 of the 4 on campus.

Stepan The crazy looking geodesic dome on the north side of campus that leaks and is seriously held together with duct tape. Home to chem. exams and basketball. Yeah, it counts as a hump, too.

Foreign Sausage Absolutely not.

’Roni Za Zahm’s own satisfier of late night hunger, prepared nightly in the basement.

B.P. Breen-Phillips Hall, women’s dorm across North Quad.

Cavanaugh Our lovely sister dorm, located right next door. Huge Enrique enthusiasts.

Farley Women’s dorm just across North Quad. The absolute Finest ND has to offer. Just ask them!

P.E. Often called Physical Education, or here Pasquerilla East, another women’s dorm. “They’re gonna make you sweat in PE,” an old wise man once said.

P-Dub Pasquerilla West, closer to Zahm but it really doesn’t matter. Lewis A women’s dorm just west of Zahm. Be sure to pronounce both syllables clearly or you have...


Ly-Ly Lyons Hall, a woman’s dorm on South Quad, whose residents tend to frequently visit Zahm.

Freshman 15 The direct result of increased consumption and decreased activity, often causing cellulite deposits on one’s stomach and thighs. Not just a girl thing; ask Brolly in 3B.

North Quad Quad that is the home to Zahm and all of its minion dorms.

Flex Points They give you $345 a semester to make up for 7 meals a week. Yeah it’s crappy math, but at least now you can buy like 2467652 Q-dogs with monopoly money. South Quad Go there for better food, not better people. Mod Quad The “East Quad” with the towers and some other dorms that don’t really matter. God Quad One of the most picturesque places in the world! West Quad Farther south and not as far west as South Quad. The high-class “mama’s boy” dorms where the children of benefactors get randomly placed each year. Torquemada Hallowed tradition of the House. Q-Dogs What better way for the Huddle to get rid of yesterday’s hotdogs than to sell them to us for a quarter? USC, OSU, Michigan, etc. Schools never to be mentioned unless proceeded by, “I hate…” Better learn to hate them early. Club Hes The 14-story library that houses hours of fun; Club Hes was named after our beloved President Emeritus who served ND as president for 35 years.

Challey A super chill set of singles that lie above the chapel on every floor. Short for Chapel Alley.

5-man A place for social gatherings and the complete and utter wasting away of time. Only Zahm has them, probably because we’re better than everyone else. Also, the main reason for all the freshman drama at room picks.

8-man Oh excuse me, forgot they’re “House Commons” now. R.I.P.!

Terrence He’s a ladies tree.

SMCer Pronounced, “Smicker”. The name given to St. Mary’s chicks. Call an ND girl a SMCer only if you want a severe beating.


Room Picks The process by which returning House members select their rooms for the upcoming year. For freshman this can include much heartbreak and many closed-door meetings. First Year Experience New course that replaces Contemporary Topics and Phys. Ed. – Notre Dame graduates will now drown at unprecedented rates for the first time in history.

Midnight Maid She comes in at like 3 a.m. and makes so much noise, you’d think there was a tornado coming. Just learn to deal with her.

LaFun AKA, LaFortune Student Center. It has everything you need.

Out like , , , A closing farewell for Zahm e-mails.

Zahm Independence Day March 29th, a glorious revolution. “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Rock It Don’t tuck it.

Conor Murphy Lounge 1st floor study lounge.

Seuh A Zahm farewell.

Zahmbie Look in the mirror – we are proud to call you brother.

The front entry of Zahm as seen from our small quad shared with Cavanaugh. Zahm and Cavanaugh pre-date North Quad and were built with their main doors entrances facing each other and their entrances oriented toward the Main Building. You’ll enter and leave many times from these doors.

We hope we’ve answered most of your questions, but if you have any questions left, or just want to hear more about what Zahm is all about, feel free to contact any of us via e-mail or phone.