2 Jumpchain

by GW2anon

Welcome, traveler, to the world of Tyria! A land of magic and science, with nations held together by a tenuous peace after years of warfare after the threat of immeasurably powerful forces of nature known as Elder Dragons have begun to stir and threaten the entire world. Fortunately, not all six of these dragons are fully active yet, though their influence is corrupting the land and its inhabitants around them into fearsome minions as the dragons themselves devour all of the magic they can get to. You arrive in the year 1324 AE, one year before the one who will one day become the Pact Commander becomes active in the world in their to defeat the Elder Dragons. In your ten years here, you’ll likely see great changes to the world, whether as the result of the Elder Dragons’ influence or your own interference. Will you be the one to save Tyria, or will you see it destroyed?

To help you out on your journey, have 1000 Hero Points to get yourself started:

[1000 HP]

Good luck, and try not to get killed before you do anything interesting.


Age is 17 + 1d8, or 50CP so choose. Gender can be changed for free.

Drop In: You arrive in Tyria with no memories, but also no new friends or tragic emotional baggage to sort out through a series of quests.

NPC: While you have a life already in Tyria, yours has not been one fraught with danger and excitement. You have been, for all intents and purposes, a background character. Maybe you’ve been a simple merchant or a trade person. Don’t expect any exciting adventures to be thrust in your lap unless you go searching for them.

PC: I hope you’re ready for this. With this option, in addition to starting your life in Tyria with a full set of memories, you’ll have slight control over your life up to this point, as provided through a series of simple multiple choice questionnaires. However, taking this option has you take over the path of fate that would ordinarily belong to the person who would one day become the Pact Commander. Take this option if you want fate to guide you towards important events, but be warned that this path is dangerous.


Tyria is a world of diverse races, and at the start of the story there are 5 main races that are in power. Pick one race for free. Races get their 100HP ability for free, and the rest at half cost. There are no canonical examples of mixed-race characters, though you may take options from outside your race if you would like. An Asura that glows like a Sylvari will probably be assumed to have spent a little too much time around the Radiation Laboratories.

ASURA – Tiny technological geniuses, the Asura have built incredible wonders. Though short in stature, the Asura are the leaders of science and technology, including magitechnology. Driven from their underground homes by the awakening of the Great Destroyer hundreds of years ago, the metal city of Rata Sum is their only major active stronghold.

Size Doesn’t Matter (100HP) – Despite their diminutive stature, Asura have no trouble keeping up with the larger races of tyria. Your size will never impede your speed, and as a bonus, you’re better at making precise jumps.

Associate’s in Magitechnology (200HP) – You have a broad, general knowledge covering the basics of the study of Magitechnology. Though you won’t be performing any miracles or revolutionizing any fields (though in Asuran society, fields can get revolutionized several times a week), this provides the ability to use and even create some more simple Asuran inventions such as simple forcefields and small hovering objects.

Master’s in Magitechnology (400HP) – This provides a much more in depth study of magitechnology, allowing you to delve into more serious fields such as golemancy and energy research. With time, you might be able to understand and recreate the Asura Gate network, which provides instantaneous travel between any gates that have been linked together.

CHARR – Large bipedal cat people, the horned Charr are the largest race physically, and their military might is not to be scoffed at. The original inhabits of Tyria (the continent, not the planet. Yes it’s confusing), the Charr were driven from their homes centuries ago by invading humans, but there is a tentative peace now.

HUMAN – Formerly the most powerful race in Tyria, their continent spanning empires have fallen, leaving only Kryta as their last functioning government. Humans were the primary worshippers of the Six Gods, who left Tyria centuries ago, and they have not fared well since. Humans are one of the most diverse races in Tyria however, and before they fell, human empires were some of the greatest the world had seen.

NORN – Big

SYLVARI – The youngest race in Tyria, Sylvari resemble green humans, but with various plantlife approximating a hairstyle. All Sylvari are sprouted from the Pale Tree in The Grove, and before they’re awakened they go through a dreamlike state where their purpose in life and general knowledge of the world, such as language and common wisdom, is implanted into them. Curious and unsure of their place in the world, the Sylvari can be seen in a myriad of professions, each trying to find where they fit into the world. Bioluminescence (100) – Sylvari possess the ability to activate a bioluminescent glow when it’s dark out. Feel free to choose the color of your glow, though no matter the color it’ll be less effective than a torch. The glow can be turned off also if you want.

Dream of Dreams (200) – Before Sylvari emerge from the seed pods of the Pale Tree, they experience a dreamlike state composed of the memories and experiences of all Sylvari, as well as some visions of the future. The most important part of this is the quest that all Sylvari receive, ranging from defeating a single foe, all the way up to cleansing an entire continent of a dragon’s corruption. With this perk, you’ll be able to assign yourself a quest, and you’ll have determination and drive to keep at it until it’s done. Not to say that you’re forced into having your quest override your entire life, but this perk helps you focus on how to accomplish your goals. You can change your assigned quest once the previous is completed, or when you start a new Jump.

Corruption Resistance (400) – For reasons unknown, at least for a few more years, the Sylvari are immune to the corrupting influence of the Elder Dragons. They cannot be raised as undead, don’t turn into Branded creatures in the crystal desert, etc. With this perk, you’ll be completely immune to the influence of the Elder Dragons (even Mordremoth). And, as a bonus, this perk will protect you in future jumps from physical and mental corruption.


Now then, we can’t have you going into the world without any skills, now can we? There are nine professions to choose from, divided evenly amongst three armor classes: Heavy, Medium, and Light. Much like races, there are no known examples of mixed classes, and it is explained in the lore that it’s more difficult to master more than one school of magic. However, if you want to mix and match parts to suit your own needs, I won’t stop you. Expect to get some strange looks though if in between casting fireballs you pull out a turret that launches nets at your foes. Each class gets different weapon skills to choose from, though each class will use them differently. An Engineer’s glue-shooting, poison-spreading pistol will, in the hands of a Thief, be used to perform sneak attacks and rapid strikes. Each class also gets its own Specializations to enhance their abilities, though only 3 can be active at once, including Elite Specializations. Choose one Profession for free, you get that Profession’s 100HP ability for free and the rest half off.





Weapon Proficiency (100HP) – Engineers are proficient in the use of Rifles, Pistols, and Shields, with the Harpoon gun as their underwater weapon. Their skills are focused on trapping and applying status effects to their foes. Kits and Tools (200HP) – The Engineer can equip a variety of kits to expand their arsenal, each having several effects that can be used in lieu of your normal weapon skills. The kits available are: A Med Kit with a variety of items to heal companions, a Bomb Kit with large timed charges, a Grenade Kit with a variety of grenades on a belt, a Flamethrower, an Elixir Gun with various chemical weapons, a Tool Kit with a fancy wrench, and the Elite Mortar Kit, which can fire small artillery shells. Only a few can be equipped at once, but this can be changed out as needed with some time.

Gadgets (200HP) – A number of useful gadgets are available to you, including Rocket Boots, Utility Goggles, and even a Personal Battering Ram. Each gadget has an additional function, such as Slick Shoes normally spraying oil, but having the additional function of briefly increasing your movement speed.

Turrets (300HP) – An engineer’s truest friends, a variety of turrets can be quickly deployed to aid you in battle. Each lasts for only a few minutes before needing a moment to cool down. Aside from the Healing Turret, which affects an area around it to heal all allies, each turret automatically locks onto enemies. Most turrets are based on shooting a lethal projectile at foes, but the Net Turret is available as a nonlethal option.

Elixirs (300HP) – Focusing on the chemical side of engineering, this will allow you to brew (essentially at no cost to you) a variety of Elixirs to provide beneficial effects to you if you drink them, or oftentimes much less beneficial effects to the enemies you throw them at. From the simplest Elixir H that restores some health, to the powerful Elixir X, which turns you into a rampaging giant or an elemental whirlwind…or your foes into harmless Moa birds.

Core Specializations (600HP) – Up to three specializations (including the following Elite Specializations should you choose them) can be active at once. Changing them takes a few moments of concentration, and all provide passive boosts to your other skills.

Explosives: Enhances all explosive abilities you have, and places a small explosive charge whenever you dodge.

Firearms: Enhances the effect of using your guns, mostly dealing with applying negative conditions to your foes.

Inventions: Enhances healing and defensive skills, including the removal of conditions and regeneration applied to allies.

Alchemy: Enhances Elixirs and boons. Negative conditions have a chance to turn into helpful boons.

Tools: Enhances tool kits and endurance.

Elite Specializations (600HP) – These advanced specializations radically change the way your profession performs, providing access to a variety of new abilities. Scrapper: Gives the engineer access to Hammers, allowing powerful electrical attacks to be performed. Also gives access to Gyros, essentially flying turrets that automatically follow you or fly towards foes to attack them.

Holosmith: Gives the engineer access to Swords, allowing powerful heat based attacks to be performed. Also gives access to the Photon Forge, which allows powerful weapons to be constructed out of hard light. Using the Photon Forge increases heat on your body, and certain skills are increased as heat rises, but if not managed carefully you can overheat and take damage.







Getting the Warband Back Together – Exploring the vast world of Tyria might get a bit boring without anyone to bring with you. For 50 HP you can import or create a companion, or spend 200cp for 8. They start with 600cp to spend on perks and items.

Looking For Group (200HP) – Maybe you’d like someone to bring with you from Tyria to explore the multiverse. Well, with this option you can bring any canon character with you, though in true Guild Wars 2 fashion you’ll probably need to run through a dungeon with them before they open up about their emotional baggage.


Starter Backpack (First Free, additional cost 50cp) – This simple looking backpack has 20 slots that can be used to store various items. As a general rule, nothing larger than a weapon or a piece of armor will fit inside. Materials, such as logs, bars of metal, vials of blood, etc. can stack up to 250 times in each slot.

Pouch of Gold (50cp) – A bag of 100 gold coins, more than enough to keep you comfortable for a while, or you could just spend it all on materials to lessen the a bit. For reference, 1 gold coin equals 100 silver coins, and 1 silver coin equals 100 copper coins. As an idea of cost, simple meals can only cost a handful of copper coins, while a Precursor Weapon can cost several hundred gold coins.

Bag of Transmutation Charges (100) - This bag contains a set of 7 Transmutation Charges, small crystals which can be used to change the appearance of any armor or weapons you have. These can only be used to change the appearance into something you’ve already owned, and only into similar items; Staff into Staff, Heavy Boots into Heavy Boots and so on. The bag refills once a week. Precursor Weapon (200) – This high tier weapon, of any type you’re proficient with (or even a type you’re not, if you’re into that) is the final step before a Legendary Weapon. Already a max level Exotic Weapon, a precursor weapon can, with a large amount of materials gathering from across Tyria, be combined in the Mystic Forge in Lion’s Arch into a Legendary Weapon, making it stronger and giving you the ability the change around the weapon’s stat bonuses with a moment of concentration.

Puck’s Personal Portable Portal Pack (300) – ck!




So, you managed to survive your ten years in Tyria. What’s next?

Go Home - Adventuring was fun and all, but you think it’s time to go back home. You’ll get to keep all your powers, items, and companions should they wish to join you. As a bonus, you’ll receive any new Guild Wars content for free.

Stay - Maybe you decide that there’s too much in Tyria to explore with only 10 years. You can stay here for the rest of your days.

Continue - The adventure continues on, and you head to the next jump.