Published under the authority of His Excellency the Governor of €art Africa,

Vol. XIX.-No. 6621 NAIROBI, November 7, 1917. [PRICE 20 CENTS. Registered as a Newspaper at the Cf-. P. 0. Published every Weanelday.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Govt. Notice No. 384-The Native Authority Ordinance, 1912-Appointments of Headmen 1105

)Y 99 99 385-Appointment ...... 1105 9) 2) )) 386-Obituary-Lieut. N. E. Lower ...... 1105 387-388-Revised list of persons and bodies of persons to whom articles to >I ,, ,, be exported to and Siam may be coi~signed . . . 1106-1120

Gen. Notice NO. 854-British Red Cross " Day " Fund-Notice ...... 1120

)I )> )) 85.5-The Liquor Ordinance, 1909-Ukamba Province-Notice ... 1121

1) 9) Y) 856-The Liquor Ordinance, 1909-Seyidie Province-Notice ... 1121

)) )) )I 857-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1906-Alterations in Appointments of Perinit Issuers ...... 1122

)Y 19 2) 858-Exportation to the United States of America of Sheep Skins and Goat Skins-Notice ...... 1122 ,) ,, ,, 859-860-Mombasa Sub-committee for Homeward Loading-Notices .. . 1123 861-His Majesty's Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa >, >> )Y .. . 1124-1125

1) 9) 9) 862-Sittings of the High Court-Amended Cause List ...... 1125 863-Insolvei~cy Cause No. 1 of 1913 ...... 1125 >> >> )f 864-Insolvency Jurisdiction Cause No. 2 of 1917 1125 1) ,> >) ...... 865-Probate and Administration (Cause No. 136 of 1916) ...... 1126 >9 1) )7 (CauseNo. 89of 1917) ...... 1126 $2 >, >) 866- ,, >, I1 867- JJ )) 13 (Cause No. 163 of 1917) 1126 M >> 19 ...... 868- ,) yy )) (Cause No. 176 of 1917) ...... 1126 98 >9 ))

3) )9 )I 869- ,, 9, )) (CauseNo.177of1917) ...... 1127 (CauseNo.179of1917) ...... 1127 )Y >9 Y) 870- 3) )Y (Cause No. 183 of 1917) ...... 1127 1) 9) )) 87l- 7, >, >> (CaussNo.188of1917) ...... 1127 >> ,> )) 872- ,, ,, 9) (Cause No. 189 of 1917) ...... 1128 )) )) 9) 873- ,, 9, )> 9, 9) >> 2, >? 874- ,, (Cause No. 190 of 1917) ...... 1128 )Y (Cause No. 191 of 1917) 1128 )) >> )) 875- 3, 11 ...... 876-Dissolution of Partnership-Alibhai Esmailji & Co...... 1128 > 9 ,> )) Licences and Permits issued at various districts during the qua, ter ended 30th September, 1917 ... me* m 0.- 1129-1130

k? 1104 TH E OFFICIA L G AZEW E N ovem ber 7, 1917.

H akes of S ub Ncr/ptfon lo '# o fffcfa l G a xekke.'' R s. cts. For one year 10 00 6 m onths ...... 5 00 3 ,, (excluding postage) 3 00 t' 3 ,, (iucluding ,, ) 3 50 Szngle copy (excluding ,, ) O 20 (including ,, ) @*@*@ 0 25

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M atter for publication should reach the Editor not later than 3 o'clock on Afonday afternoon in each week.

* - - -

N O T JC E . OR D IN AN CES sntl Regulations, V olum e X V III., 1916, is now reu y'. Copies can be obtained from the Government Press.- price 7/50 per copy.

* November 7, 1917. TE E OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1105


Govlsxxzx'r No'mcs No. 384j T H E Y W IV E A UFTH @ R I'KY O R IM N'A Y CE , :9:2. N OTICE. TN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Governor by the Native Authority Ordinance, 1912, H is Excellency the Acting Governor llas been pleased to appoint the persons named in the Schedule aunexed hereto to be OK cial Headrnen for the areas namecl therein. 4.11 previous appointments of H eadm en for M ombasa Island are hereby cancelled.

Nairobi, T. S. THOM AS, The 1st day of N ovember, 1917. for alcfïx: Chzef sfgeecftwv.


Name. Rank. Location. Division District. Province. 1 M wache Apotea H eadman M iembani and M M ombasa M om baBa Seyidie M pi,- Island Abtlurehman bin Mji Waka e ,, ,, Said Abdurellm an bin ,,. M kanyageni ancl ,, ,t M atano Kavani Sheril H ussein Shehiri Arabs

GovlsxAtrxrr NolqcE No. 3851 A R P I>XN TKH E N 'K. H1S EX CELLENCY the Acting Governor has been plessed to m ake the following appointm ent :- To be A ssistant District Commissioner, M achakos :- GEilwt,o FLXMIXG Swxelts, with efect frorn tlte 25th September, 1917.

Sxcux'rwalwl', Nwluosl, T. S. TIIOM AS, N ovember 6th, 1917. for xjcfïo: Chief ksscrdfcgy.

'< ...... - . .. .. ' . .. . . GovlsxAfExT NOTICE N0. 3861 O M Ièr.E.AU A R Y . H 1S EIOELLENOY the Acting Governor dèeply regrets to announce the deaih in action of LIlcT. N . E. Lowzlp, form erly of tlle Customs Departm ent, M om basa, in Frauce on the 30th of June, 1917. ' LIEIJT. Lowyls enterocl the lmperial Ctzstom s Service in 1906, and was seconâed for service in the East Africa Proteetorate Customs Departulent ort J 0th October, 1912. H e was one of tlle ûrst who voltm teered for active service on the outbreak of war, cloing goocl work in the Legion of Frontiersmen in the V anga District. ' H e was a, zealoua, harëworking ancl concientiotu offlcer wllo hacl tlle interests of the Department at heart, and. he takes a worthy place amongst those who have fallen in the service of their country. ' 1106 TH E OFFICIA L GA ZEW E N ovem ber 7, 1917. Govlltxzlzlxql' NoTlcl No. 3871 A shton &-, Co. L im iter b'oî'oig'tt OJé,c8 Lltnoreign Tk'tzt:Jc D6pf.), .l (Enticknap, P.). A'ugus't 10f 71, 1917. A siatic P etroleum Com pany, L td. A ssom ull, W ., & Co. (IIIIN A . Astor D rapery Store, Shanghai. Tlte lollow iug is ctom plete list, revised Astor I'Touse H otel Com pany, Shanghai. up to d ate, ol persons and bodies o.f persozzs Astor .H' )'ouse H otel, L td. , Tientsin. to w hom artiele,s to be exportecl to Ohina At Chi, Shanghai. znay be eonsigned, under the term s ol the Atlkinson &r D allas L im ited. Proclam ation of tlle 24th Septem ber, 1915 : A tlas Tnsuruzlfae Co. L im ited, Shanghai. This list is to b e regardecl as supersecling A tvk-ood, Paul T-1. , D r. ali previous lists. Au Petit Louvre (Alaison 'Parisienne). A udiuet, L acroix, & Co. H is llajesty's Diplom atie, Consular, A'lili- A utiizlet, L acroix, Pasquier, et Cie. tary, ayad N aval O fficers. A ult & 'W iborg Co. H is zfajesty's Offlce of 'W orks. Australian D afry F arm . l-lis Alajesty's Suprem e Court for China. A uto P alace Ci)., Shanghai. B ritish llissionary B odies, and M issionary Ayer Taw ah Com pany L im itecl, Shanghai. B odïes of N eutral and. Allïed Countrîes. A zadian, J. , Shanghai. A aron, F . A bdoolally, E brahim , & Co., Shanghai. B abcoek and 'W ilcox L im ited. A be, K obei, Shanghai. lsac'.na, J,1., & Co., Shanghai. A be & Co., Allukden. B ailey, 1-1. G'. C'., H ankow . Abeichi & C o., Shanghai. B alkels (k Co. A braham , D . E . J. B alean, H erm antt, D r., Chinkiang. A dair, N . B alclw in, C. C . A dair , G raham & Co. B an L am D rug Stores, A m oy. A dair, T . B anham , F . C . ih l-lo & Co. , A m oy. Bank of Taiwan Lim ited. Ah Kow (Ah Ka,u) P., & Sons Am oy. B anker & Co. A il'd ttr, Skinner, D rs. , H ankow . B auque B elge pour l'E tranger. A kai Y eko, Tientsin. B anque de l'lndo-chine. A lbert &- W uhlsehleger, Oanton. B anque Inclustrielle tle Chine. A lgar & Co. L im ited. B ansuiken, Shanghai. A li H assanoff, Shanghai. B arsng, E . A lief'f O uskouli, Shanghai. B arkley Com pany. A llen, E dgar, Q% Co., L im ited. B arlow & Co . A llen & H anburys Lim iied. B arm a, S. T . A lm a E states L im ited. B arrett, E . G . A m eriearl A siatic Trading Co. of San B arry & C0., B . M . Franeisco. B arry, G . lR.) & Co., Sbanghai. A m erican Ohinese D rug Store. B atavia Sea and Fjre lnslzrance Co. A m eriean M achinery and E xport Com pany. B athgate & Co. Am erican Sales Corporation. B atu Anam R ttbber Com pany. A m erican Trading Com pany. B audet & Com pagnie, R ., Canton A m hurst lkubber E states L im ited. B eck, 1. , Inc., Shanghai. A m oy E leeiric L ight ancl P ow er Co. B eek, M . G . A m oy Tînnîng Com pany. B elgian B rick F actory, Tientsin. Andersen, M eyer, & Co. B elgian Trading Com pany. A nderson, A . L ., & Co., Shanghai. B ell, D . W . Anderson, J. 0 . . B ell, G . E . Anderson, E obert) & Co. B ell, H . F . Anclrew , J. 1-1., k Co. , L im ited. B en & Co. A ndrew s & George. B en Albert # Co. A ng H ing & Co., F oochow . B ena, G . A . A ng H oon Cho, D r., Sw atow . B enigno Crespi Soe. A non. A nglo-chinese D ispensary, Shanghai, H an- Benjam in, D. I-1. kow . Benjamin & Potts. Anglo-chinese E astern Trading C om pany B entz, Otto. L fm ited. B eque, R enri. A nglo-chinese E ngineering A ssociation, B erger, Lewis & Spns, Ltd., Shanghai.

Peking. B erger & Sons, L td. A nglo-chinese Tnflenting Com pany, Shang- B ergm ann, E clwarcl. hai. B ezpaloff, F . P ., H albin.

A nglo-D utch Plantation L im ited. B ianehi, C ., Shanghai. Anglo-G erm an B rew ery, Shanghai. B ielfield, Alex., k Co. A nglo-lava E states. B irchal, E . F .

A quarius Com pany. B issett, J. P . & Co.

Arcade Am usem ent Com pany. Blaek, Alfred, Slaanghai. Ardath Tobacco Co., Ltd. B lack, J. li4.

A rkell & D ouglas, Inc. B lake, F . A . , & Sons.

Arnaucl Coste (t D ent, Shanghai. B lanehe, Charles. A rnhold, I-T. E . Blanfl, H . E ., & Co. Arthur & Co. Lim iterl. B lix, Csrl. Arts (t Crafis Lim ited. B lock, E . N ovember 7, 1917. TH E OFFIW AL GA ZEW E 1107

Blockhuys, V . Canadian Government Trade Com m issioner Bo W on, Canton. Canadian M ethoclist M ission Press. Bomanjee & Co., Cantou. Canaclian Paeiûc Oeean Services. B ona, F . Canton Club. Bookless, A. , Ningpo. Canton Inslzranee Com pany. Boolchund, W . , Canton. Canton Medical Hall (Tai On & Co.), Can- Bottrgery, C. ton. Bow On Drug Com pany, Canton. Canton Nanyang Brothers Tobaceo Co. Bowern & Co. Cantoroviteh, Is. Boyd &- Co. Caravan Com m ercial Co., Shanghai. Boyer, M azet tk Co. Carisio, C. Boyes, Bassett, & Co., Shanghai. Carr, Ramsay, T., & Co. Boylan, ,T. R ., Shanghai. Cary & Co., Canton. Bracco, C. & Co. Casa clo Povo, Shanghai. Bradforcl Dyers' Association. Castellano. Bradley & Co. Lim ited. Cathay Trading Co., Shanghai. Brand Brothers & Co. Cathay Trust, The, Lim ited. Brand, T-T. S., & Co. Catoire, Veuve A., et Fils. Brantlt, A. L. Cattaneo (Catanneo), Peking. Brandt, A., & Co., W ankow. Cattaneo, P., k Co., Peking. Branclb k Rodgers. Cavaflia, P. Brangwyn & Hobson, Drs. Cawasjee Pallanjee, Shanghai. Brent, A. D. Central Aqency Limited. Brewer & Co. Lim ited. Central Chm a Dispensary. Bridges, TT. Central China Export and Import Co. Bristol & Chiuese DispenBary, Shanghai. Central China Import Company. Briiisb--&m erican Tobacco Com pany, Ltd. Central China Post, H ankow. British and Chinese Corporation. Central China Printing Com pany, H ankow. British Ckarette Company Limited. Central Garage Limited. British Dom inions General Tnsurance Com - Central Tnsurance Co., Ltd. pany. Central H ospital, Peking. British Flower Shop, Shanghal. Central Stores Limited. British ttntl Foreign Biblc Boeioty. Central Trading Company. British and Foreign M arine Insurance Co., Cercle Syortif Français, Shanghai. Ltd. Chyi Shlng & Co., Swatow. British Insulated ancl H elsby Company Chandless & Co., Inc. Lim ited. Chang, J. D ., Shanghai. British Manuf aeturers' Agcney (W ong Chang Ka Pang W harves. Chuen Yuaag) . Chang Pei-shu, Chefoo. - British Meclical Imports Co. (F. J. Nor- Chang Seng Yap Kee & Co., Swatow. bury & Son). Chang, T. S. British M unicipal Couneils in China. Chao Chow Fu Di Dispensary, Swatow. British Post Offtces szl China. Chapeaux, A., Shanghai. British Traders ' Insurance Co., Ltd., Charrey, H ., Shanghai. Shanghai. Charrey et Conversy. Brockett & Co. Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and Brockett, E . , & Co. China. Brook, E . , & Co. Ohauvin, M m e. Brossay, Itené. Cheap J'ack, Shanghai. Browett, H . Chee H sin Cem ent Co., Tientsin. Brunner, M ond, & Co. Lim ited. Chqfoo H airnet Company. Chefoo H airnet M anulaetory. Brush Eleetrieal Engineering Company. Bryant & ûycle. Chefoo Lacc and H airnet Company, Ch :-

Bukit Toh Alang Rubber Estates, Ltd.. foo. Bulin & Co. , H ankow . Chefoo Pharm acy, Chefoo.

B vlsara B ros., Tientsin. Chellaram , D ., Canton. Burin, Yoko. Chem or Unitecl Rubber Com pany Ltd.

Burkharclt, Am idani & Co. Chem pedak Rubber & Gambier Estate Burkhardf, L. (1R. Com pany. Burlrill, A. lR. , k Sons. Chen Kee & Co., R ankow.

Burr Plzoto Co., Shanghai. Cheng Iiing Saw M ill Com pany, Foochow-

B tlrrotlg l2 S,'W elcom e, & C0. Limitect. Cheng Rubber Estatc. Burtanslaaw J5 Co., I'Tankow. Oheng Seng Disp., Swatow. Bufler, A. , Cem ent, Tlle W orks, Tutd. Chestcr, Cowen, k Co. Butterlleld &- Swire. Cheung H ing Tai, Canton. Cheung On, Canton. Cabelclu, Chi Winj Uairnet Co., Cheloo. Caissial. Chic P amsien. Calavitis, G.., k Co., Shanghai. Cleng Hina Saw M ill Company, Fooehow. Caldbeclc A'faeGregor & Co. Chin H o Hsiang. Calder, Jlarshall, & Co. Ltd. Chin Qua, Swatow. Calieo I'rinters' Association, Ltd. Chîn Tong Dispensar#, Swatoqi. Cam ark, E . , & Co. ' ' China Agents Com pahy.

Cam era Craft Opmpany'. ' ' ' Cam pbell f g; ' China American Lumber Compah#.. , Alek. Jt Co. Chhla Am erican Tzading Company. 1108 TTIE OFFICIAL GAZEW E November 7, 191t

Chlna B aptist Publieation Soc., Canton. Chung Tung L ithographic W orks. Gllma Com m erflial C0. (SS. Bom ekil). Chung W oo, Sw atow . Clllna Com m ereial 'bteam A avigation Chung Y uc & Co. , Tientsin. Com pany. Chureh M issionary Soeiety. Chlna blspensary (Kwong On & Co.), Cinzano, F ., & Co. Canton. Clark, 'D . & Co., Shanghai. China lngineering Com pany L td. Cocldington k L am b, Shanghai. Chil'ta b'ire lnsurance Com pany. Codsi, A . E ., Shanghai. Uhina l'lour xklill Cornpany L im ited. C o fll ney ' & Charrie (A. Chiris) ,Chungking. Cttina lm port and. E xport L um ber Com - Coghlan, 1-1. 11. pany, L zm ited. Cohen, A ndrl. Cllina lnland M ission. Colm an, P . C . China & Trading Com pany L im ited. Oollaco B ros., Shanghai. China k Java E xporb Co., Shanghai. Collins & Co., Tientsin. C hina L anct (k B uilding Com pany L im ited.. Com bfort. China L azld (lr Finance Com pany L im ited. Com m ercial M useum , Tiehling. China M erehants Pongee Association. Com m ereial Press, L im ited. Cllina ltlerehants Steam N avigation Co. Com m ercial U nson Assurance Com pany. Conapagnie cl'E elairage el de Tram w ays cle C hina M ining and. M etal Co., L td. China M utual L ile lnsurance Com pany Tientsin. L im ited. Com pagnie Française des Tram w ays de China M utual Steam N avigation Com pany. l'E elairage E lectrique et des E aux de Shanghai. xchina N ational L ife A ssurance. China N avigation Com pany Lim ited. Com pagnie G énérale de Chem ins de F er et China T'tealty Com pany. de Tram w ays en Chine. Com pagnie cles M essageries M aritim es. xchina Press. China Publieity Com pany & Inform ation Com ptoir Com m ercial A nversois. B ureau, Shanghai. Com ptoir M andehourien d'E xportation et Im portation, H arbin. f hina Silk Agency Com pany Lim ited. C hina Soap & Candle Co., L td. Confiance (La) Insurance Co. China Straw braid E xport Com pany. Connell B rothers. C onsolidatecl R ubber E states L im ited. ,china Sugar R efining Com pany. Continental E xports & Im port Co., China Tim es L im ited. Shanghai. fhina Trading Company (Tin Fah H ong). Chinai, J. C., & Co. Cook & A nderson. Cook, Thom as, & Sons. .ohinese Am erican Com pany . Cooper & Co., Canton. Chinese & Foreign D ispensary Am oy. , Cornabé, E ckford, & Co. Chinese Optical Com pany. f hinese P ostal Supply D ept Shanghai. Corsane, Anderson, & Co. (Hankow Ice ., W orks). ' Chinese Railways (all). Cosm opolitan D oek, Shanghai. schinese S.K .F. Co., Ltd., Shanghai. Ching Chang Jen, Tientsin. Cossanteli & Co. Cotta, J. M . 'Ching Cheng Y ung, Tientsin. Country Club, Shanghai. Ching Chong & Co., Shanghai. Cox, W . W akelord.. f hing Ohong H ung & Co., Chefoo & Shanghai. Cozzi, E ., H ankow . Crédit Foncier d'E xtrêm e-orient. 'Ching F ong, Shanghai. C hing H o H siang, P eking. Crofts & Co., G eorge. Cros, P aul. Ching K ee k Co., Am oy. Crosshelcl & Sons L im ited. f hing K ong, H . , k Co., Chefoo. Crzstal L im ited, Tientsin. Ching Siu Tong, Foochow . Culpeck, E . A . C hing Tai k Co. , M ukden. Culty D airy Co. L td. , Shanghai. ' Chinsin Chao (Peking M otor Company, Curtis B rothers, Chefoo. Peking). Curtis Sons & Co. ' Chiris, A. (Comney & Charrie), Chungking. Custom s Club. C histiakoff, J. Chiyo Y oko, Shanghai. D ah D aw , H ankow . Chiyoya. D ah L ung & Co., Shanghai.

Chojudo &- Co. , M ukden. D ah Sung tlr Co., Shangha.i. Chotirm ull, K . S., Canton. D ah Sung Cotton M ill, Shangllai. C hristian L iterature Soc., Shanghai. D ai N ippon B rew ery Com pany. Chuan Chang, Shanghai. D aibun Yoko, Tientsin. C huan K ee k Co., Am oy. D aishin & Co., Shanghai. Chujudo & Co., Newchwang. D allas L ivery Stable Com pany. Chum a & Co., Newchwang. D anese, E ., H ankow . C hun Shing, Shanghai. D 'A re G.. L . Chun Sing, Shanghai. D astoor, F . 1R., & Co. C hun W o Com pany, Shanghai. D astoor, N . C., C anton. Chung F ah & Co., Chefoo. D avid & Co. C hung H ang Com pany D ispensary, Canton. D avid., S. J., & Co. Chung H ua B ook Com pany, Sllanghai. D avies & B rooke. 'Chung M ei D rug Com pany, Canton. D avis, 1R. S . , tt Co. Chung O n & Co., Canton. D avis, W . Arthur. C lftm g Tak D ispensafy, Canton. D avis, W . Trenchard. D e M ao H eng kt Co., Tientsin. N ovember 7, 1917. TH E OFFICIAL GM ETTE 1109

Deacoh k Co., Canton. Erasm ic Com'pany. Deane, T. P. Esser, L. C.

Debenham & Co. Essex k Suffolk Equitable Insurance Soc. Delbourgo & Co., Shanghai. Ltd. Denegri, E . , & Co. Etablissements de Tongkou. Denegri, M . Evans, A. M . A. Denham & Rose. Evans, D ., Tientsin. Denniston & Sullivan. Evans, Edward, & Sons Lim ited. Dent, A., & Co. Evans, Pugh, & Co. Dent, H erbert, Canton. Evelekh &- Co. Dhabhar, TI. K., Canton. Ewo Cotton Spinning & W eaving Company Dialclas, M ., Canton. Ltd. Diek, Bellamy & Co. , Shanghai. Ewo Yuen Press Packing Company. Dickinson, John, & Co., Ltd., Shanghai. Excess Insurance Com pany Lim ited. Dieclen & Co. Exprcss Cigarette Co. Dittman, S., Shanghai. Ezra, E. I., Shanghai. Dixon, I-T. C., tk C0. Ezra, Edward, & Co., Shanghai. Dodwell & Co. , Lim ited. Ezra & Co., Fred, Shanghal. D ombey & Son, Shanghai. Ezra, N. E. B., & Co. Dominion Express Company. Ezra, Y., & Co. Donaldson, EE-T. B. , Peking. Dong Chong Vicyele Co., Shazlghai. Fa H sing, Tientsin. Donnelly & W hyle. Fairchild, F. A. D os Rem edios A. G., Shanghai. Far East Oxygen & Acetylene Co. D ossablaoy, S., & Co., Canton. Far Eastern Geographical Esfablishm ent- Dowdall, W . M . Far Eastern Review. Dowler, Forbes & Co. Farley, W . A. Downs, N. L., Dr. Farm er, F. D ., & Co., Newchwang. Drakefortl & Co. Farm er, W illiam , & Co., Canton. Dreylus, Etlmond., & Bros. Fearon. Daniel, & Co. Drum mond & Hblborow. Federal Life Assurance Com pany of . Dubois, Jean, Hankow. Fengtien District Inspectorate of Salti Duff, J'ohn Tu. , & Co. , Kiukiang antl Kuling. R evenue. D uncan & Co. Ferguson, ,T. C. G. D unlop Rubber Com pany. Ferretti, C., Peking. Dunn, W alter. Fielding, H . 1R. Dunne, T. E ., Hankow. Fincllay, Richardson, k Co., R ankow. Duplessis. Finney, Arthur C. Dutch Colonial Trading Com pany. Finocchiaro k Co., G., Shanghai. Dutton, W ., & Co. Firth, W . , & Sons. D yce & Co. Fobes k Co. Dzing Nye H sing, H ankow. Foeken, F. C., Shanghai. Fohkien M ercantile Co., Foochow. E . Yuang Tung & Co. (Yi Yiian Tung), Fornin, A. N ., k Co. Newehwang. Foo Sing, Cheloo. Eagle & Globe Steal Company Ltd. Foo Tai Company, H ankow. Eagle, J. H . & C. K . Foochow Dock & Arsenal) Pagocla, East Asia Produee & Estate Company. Anchorage. East Asiatic Com pany. Fooehow Electric Co., Fooehow. East India Fire ancl Sea Insurance Co. Foochow Native H ospital. Eastern & Australian Tmport & Export Co. Foochow Pharmacy (W . Lu Si). Eastern & Australian Steam s.h ip Company. Foochow Printiny Press, Foochow. Eastern Crifie, Shanghai. Forbes & Co. , W llliam . Foreign k Chmia Dispensary Easfern Ezlgineerizag W orks Turner), , Slaanglaai. Tientsin. Foster, M cclellan, & Co. Eastern Extension Australasia & China Frankau, A. , & Co. Lim ited. Telegraph Colklpany Lim ited. Frazer & Co. Eastern Fur (17 Skin 00., Shanghai. Frazer :E. W . Eastern Garage, Sllanghai. Frederlcks, J. A., Shanghai. Eastern Trading Company. Freneh Bakery. Eastm an & Co., Shanghai. Frodsham, G. W . (Fu Chung Corporation). Echo de Chine, Shanghài. Tienfsin. Echo de T'ientsin. Fu Seng, W . & Co. , Fèochow. Edgar Brothers & Co. Fu Hsing Tai, Tientsin. Eishingo & Co. , M ukden. Fuchs, H. k Co. (Rintfai Stores). Ekm an & Co. Fujita k Co., M ukden. Ekman Foreign Agencies. Fukien Drug Company. Ellis & H ays, Shanghai. Fukin k Co. Enaens, 'W . S., tli C0. , Lfd. . Fukui &r Co. , Shanghai. En Ching Low (Nun Cheng Lo), Tientsin. Funder, W ., & Co., Shanghai. Energie Eleetrique cle Tientsin. Fung Tang, Shanghai. Enjuclo & Co., Mukclcn. Furukawa & Co., Shanghai. Enterprise Tobaeeo Company Limited. Enticknap. P. (Ashton k Co. 'Limited). Gabhai, M . N ., & Co. Gaillard, J., Shanghai. E tlu itable Life. . Xssurance Soci/t. y. ' C. 1110 TH E OFFICIA L UA ZETTE N ovem ber 7, 1917.

G akuyodo M ori, Canton. . Hankow Ice W orks (Corsane, Anderson, k Gallusser & Co. Co.). G'ande, Price, k Co. H ankow International H ospital. Garner, Quelch, k Co. H aniow Light & Power Com pany. G aston W illiam s & 'W igm ore E leetrical H ankow M otor & E ngineerlng Co., H ankow . E ngineerîng Corporation. H ankow Printing O f ee. G aston W illiarns & W igm ore Far E astern H alakow l'tace Club & R eereation Ground, D ivision Inc., Shanghai. L td.. G ates, F . U ankow W aterworks. G eddes & Co., Plankow . Iiankow W harf k G odown Com pany, L td. G edcles & Co. L ttl., Shangllai. H annibal, %W . A . & Co., Canton. G eneral A ctsident, Fire, & L ife A ssuranee H ansen, W allace J., Canton. Com pany. l-lanson, M cqveill, Jones & W rkht, General Electric Com pany. Shanglhai. . G eneral E lectric Com pany of China H ardoon, S. A . L im ited. H ardy, W alter. G eneral E leetric Com pany of N ew York. H arper, R alph, & C0. G lrassim e Touliatos. H arrison, G . F . L . G erin, D revard., & Co. H artw ell, P . F . G erolim atos, D ., Yunnan Fu. W arvey's B illposting A gancy.

G etz B ros. & Co., Shanghai. H arvie, Cook, & Co. . . 'Gibb, L ivingston, & C0. H arvie, eT. A . Gibbons, ë., & Co. Hktch, Carter, & Co. 'Gidai Yoko, Shanghai. R attori, K ., Shanghai. 'Gillard, G . M ., & Co. , Peking. H ausheer, M . E . , Shanghai. G illespie & Co. H aw orth, Tt., & Co. , L im ited. G ilm an & Co. H ay, W illiam & Co. 'G îng Chong H ung & Co. H eath k Co., L im ited. G ittins k Co. H eath, P . & Co. 'Glaeser, F. A., Ltd. (Conracl W m . H effer, F. C., & Co. Sehm idt). H eim an, S. , k Co. . G laxo L im ited. H em m erdinger Frères. 'G len L ine Steam ers. H em m ings k B erkley, H ankow . Glikin, E . 1. H enclerson, J. (Legation Pharm acy), G oldenberg., T-T., & Co. Peking. ' Goldsm ith, Leopoll A. H enderson antl Co. G ondtl Shoten, Tieh L ing. H eng Chang Ter, N ew chw ang. G orcles. H eng Cheong & Co., A m oy. G ordon & Co. H eng K ee Com pany, Sw atow . G overnm ent U niversities in China. T'Teng Tiek H oat k Co., A m oy. Goyet, Shanghai. H enningsen, H . F . , Peking.

G rantl H ôtel cles W agons-laits, Peking. H érou, Charles, & Co. . G rant, Archibald, H ankow . H ktherington, .k. , & Sons. Grayrigge, G ., Shanghai. H ew etty W . , & Co. G reat. China D ispensary. H ill, H . G . , Shanghai. G reat E astern Co., L t(1., Shanghai. H ipw ell, P . G reat E astern D ispensary. H irao & Co., Antung. G reat N orthern Telegraph Com pany. H irsbrunner & Co., T'ientsin. G reen, S., Shanghai. H b Chay Co. , Am oy. G reer, H . & W ., L im ited. I-To E n Seong, N anking. G reig, M . W ., k Co. H ock, Cheang & Co., Sw atow . Grenartl, Bettines: & Co. Hbgg k Karanjta Ltd. G rië th, T. E . , L lm itecl, Cantcn. H bgg, E . Jenner, Shanghai. G rifllths' B utchery. H blgate, L . G . Grilk, G . J., Slaanghai. H ollantl-china Traêing Com pany. G rim es, A . C . H olliday, C . , & Co. G rim shaw , R . H olt's W harf, Shanghai. G rom uilco, A. I., H arbin. H bngkong F ire Insurance Com pany Grosjean & Co., H ankow. Lim ited. G rundy, R . I-longkong and. Shanghai B anking Corpora-

G rundy, V ., Shanghai. tion .

G uarantee Trust Com pany of N ew Y ork. H bng sun , Shanghai. G uardian Assûrance Co. , L td.. H bnig , B ertin.

G ula K alum pang R ubber E states L im ited. H bngkew B ook Store. G unn, H ugh, M oukclen, H krbin. H onigsberg , H . S. , & Co. , Shanghai. G uzdar, D hun H . I-loo Aik & Co. , Sw atow . Hbpkins, D unn , J5 Co. H ai H o Conservancy Com m ission, Tientsin. K orenstein , Tientsin. H all k H oltz, L im itefl. H orrobin S. L . H an Yeh Ping Tron & Coal Com pany. H orse B a, zaar and M otor Com pany Lim ited,

Tlanda M enko &- Co. , Shanghai. shanghai. H andel M aatschaqpij, N. V. (Tay Tjhiang uotchand Vishindas & Co., Shanghai. H ongh Shanghal. H ôtel (le France, Shanghai. H ankow Club, L td. H ôtel de la Paix, Tientsin. H ankow D ispensary, L irhited. ,? H ôtel de Pékin , P eking. TH E OFFICIAL GAZEW E

Hovenier, H. A. (Mason, Scheidler t& Co.). Japanese Rrd. Cross Hospital, M ukden. Hsiao, C. N., Dr. (Union Disp.), Tzentsin. Japanese Posts and Telegraphs in M an- H sin Chong Cycle'co. churia. H sin Kong & Co., Slaanghai . J'ardine, M atheson & Co. Lim fted. H sin-li k Co. , Chungking. Java Consolidated Rubber antl Coiee H sing Kee. Estaies Lim itecl. H sing Tai, Shanghai. . Java Sea and. Fire Insurance Company.

Hsing-li k Co. , Chungking azd Shanghai. . Jee Pond, M ., Dr. J t Hsu, W . T. 0. (Izaaperial Med-ical College). eezeeblaoy, D. & Co., Canton. H ua Eng Tai, Swatow. J'emadar Buddha Singh (Sikh Gurdwara). Hua M in Dispensary, Swatow . J'ensen, G. S.

Hubbarcl, E. W . Jïn Ann Dispensary, Swatow . H uber, E ., & Co., Shanghai. Jin Sin Tong, Amoy. Hudson & C0., Nsrgpo. Joseph Bros., Shanghai. Hueber, T. , k Co. , Shanghai. , Joseph, Ellis, Shanghai. H um phreys, %'. G., & Co. Joseph, .k. 1T., Shanghai. Hung Chong Ter, Newchwang. Joseph, R. lkf. Hung T'ah Af edieine Co. (Hung Dah Jourdan, Am i-Tcheou, Yunnan. Medieal Hall), Shanghai. Jbvansen, M ., M iss, Tïentsïn. Hunt, Newchwang. Juflah & M eyers. H untley k Palm er Limited. Jun Chee, T'ientsin. Hupei Governm ent Cotton M i1l, R ankow. Juvet, Leo, Tïentsin. H urst, M . k Co., Ltd. H utchison, H crbert, & Co. Kadoorie, E. S., Shanghai. H utchison, Johrl D., (!5 Co. Kadoorie, R. E., Shanghai. H wa De & Co., Chefoo. Kai See & Co. , Am oy. Kailan Alïning Administration. Iah Leng Dispensary, Swatow. Kaitendo Company, Newchwang. Iah Siu Dispensary, Swatow. . Kakâage, B. & Co., Shanghai. Iak Sang Dîspensary, Swatow. Kalachund & Co. llbert & Co., Ltd. Kale, E. Im perial H otel Lim ited, Tientsin. K algan D aîry Farm . Im primerie Française, Shanghai. Kameya (Kamaya), S. , & Cb., Antung. Im prim erie de Tou-se-wei, Shanghai. Kamuutîng (in Kcdah) Rubber Plantation Indo-china Steam Navigation Company. Co. Limited. Industrsal Trading Co., Chefoo. Kansaki & Co. , Newchwang. Indra Line of Steamers. Kapayang Rubber Estate Company Inniss # Eicldle. Limited. Inshallah Dairy Farm and Stoek Company. Karam elahi, H . Z. H ., & C0., Shanghai. International Banking Corporation. K aratzas Bros. International Bieycle Company. Karim baksh, H . A. G. International Book antl Stationery Store. Kashïmura Company, Tîentsin. International Cotton M anufacturing Com- Kathe Lîm , M rs. , Swatow. Pany, Lim ited. Kato & Co. T-nternational Dispensary, Shanghai. K atz , Mrm . , & Co. International Dock, Shanghai. Kavarana, B . F. , k C0. , Canton. International Estate antl Finance Company, Kavarana, M . H ., & Sons, Canton. Shanghai. Kavarana, S. F., Canton. International Export Company (Kiangsu), Kay, W ., & Co. Ltd.. , Nanking. Kaye, C. B ., & Co. Tnternational Export Co. Lim ited., H ankow. Kelly k W alsh Lim ited. International Tmport and. ' Exporti Co., Kem p, Thom as, tk C0. Shanghai. K em pton, M . K . International Reereation Club, Peking. Kent & M ounsey, Tientsin. International Saving Soeiety, Shanghai. Kerm ani, 1R. S., Shanghai. Isenm an & Smith, Drs. Keylock, Prati & H obbs. Italian-chinese Import ancl Export Com - Keystone Tobaceo Company Tuimited. pany, Hankow. Kew, Chaclwick, Dr., Shanghai. Italian Trading Co. lthuri, S . A . Tto , G. , Shanghai. Ki Reng Co. , Swatow. Itoh, C., & Co., Shanghai. Kiangnan Doek and Engineering W orks. Ivy Dairy, Shanghai. Kiangsu Chem ical W orks, Shanghai. Ivy k Eobinson, Drs. Kin Yam ei, Tientsin. King, H . Y., Dr. King, Ztmglieh, D . J'acks, W illiam , & Co. Kingsley, T. L. , & Co. Jackson, H anwell, J'ackBon & Neïld, Drs. Klemantaskf, Bates, & Co. Jaekson, J. A., & Co. Knapp & Baxter, Inc. , Shanghai. Jaï Taî Chang, Shanghai. Ko Bros., Amoy. Jak Leng Dispensary, Swatow. Koehien Transport ancl Towboat Company Jak Seng Dispensary Co. , Swatow. Lim itecl. Jak Su1 Dispensary. Swatow. Kodera # Co. . Japan Cotton Trading Co., Ltcl. (Nippon Kon:hyn, N . N ., Lim îtefl, Shanghai. Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha). Koosnetzoff, A., & Co., Shanghai. ' Japan Dental M anufacturing Co. , Shanghai. Kopelman, S. 1. 1112 TH E OFFICIAL GAZE'IVI3A1 Novem ber 7, 191 7.

K ow kee, J. L ., ik C0., Shanghai. L idclell, B ros. & Co. K roewoek Java Plantations L im ited.. Liddell, K ., & C0. K u, S. b . , Chefoo. L ih Teh O i1 M ill Com pany L im ited, K u Yuan & Co., Chefoo. Shanghai. K ua Seug W att k Co., Am oy. L im Chin Tsong & Co., A m oy.

K uang L i H b, Shanghai. Lim , E . V . S.., & Co., Sw atow . K uang Sui Chiang D isp., Sw atow . Ling Chong Cycle Co. K ukushkin, A . G ., H arbin. L ion, L ucien. K ung H o k Co., Tientsin. Little, A dam s k W ood, Canton. K ung Y ik Cotton Spizm in.g and W eaving L ittle, 0 . S. Com pany L im ited. L ittle, W illiam , # Co. K lzroki k Co., Shanghai. L itvinofl ït Co. K wan, K . H ., D r., Tientsin. L iverm an, G . S., & Co. Lim ited. Kwang Chi Shiang, Tientsin. L iverpool, L ondon and G lobe Insurance Kwang Tung Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Com pany L im ited. Canton. Iziverpool Salvage A ssoclation. Kwong Chek D ispensary, Swatow. L lew ellyn & Co. Lim ited. K w ong Fat Yuen, Shanghai. L loyd's R egister of B ritish and Foreign Kwong On & Co. (China Dispensary), Shipping. Canton. L oa H ai Shing, Shanghai. K w ong Shing, Sw atow . Tuo W ai D lsp. , Canton. K w ong Tung Iee Co., L td., Canton. L oa-svai D ispensary, Canton. K w ong W o Com pany, Canton. London G uarantee & Accident Co. Lt(1. K yosan Y oko, Shanghai. L ondon & L ancashire F ire Insurance Co,', L ttl. La Belle J'ardinière (E . A. Culpeek). L ondon Afission. L a G énlrale Soses, Canton. L ondon Salvage A ssociation. L afuente k W ootten, Shanghai. Loo Teh K ee, Shanghai. L alcacca & Co. L opato, A . , & Sons, L im ited. L am Fong D rug Com pany, Am oy. L oup and Young, Tientsîn. L and Investm ent Com pany L im ited. L ouvaîn. L andau, A ., Shanghai. L ow e, B ingham and M atthew s. Lane, Crawlord k Co. Lim ited. L ow e, F . H . L angkat Com pany, Shanghai. L ow e & Co., .T. , Shanghai. L ao Sen K ee, H ankow . L oxley, W . R ., & Co. L ao Kung M ow Cotton Spinning and W eaw L .P. M edical H all, Foochow . ing Com pany L im ited. Lu Si, W . (Foochow Pharm acy). L arge, F ., k Co. L ucas, S. E . , Peking. L au, Bittakshing, & Co., Canton. Tuuen Steam ship Com pany L im ited. L au, E . C., Foochow . Luk W o & Co. (Luk W o Dispensary), L au Tsz W ai, Sham een, Canton. Canton. ' L au, W oodland, J5 Co., Canton. L aurent, M arius. L auro Cinem s Co. M a Fel & Co., Shanghai. L avers & Clark. M acbefh, Paw sey, k Co. L aw , H . b ., & Co. M acdonalcl, Ronald (H . W hitworth & Co., Lazarus, N. (G. Tobias), Shanghai. M anchester). Le Lion (Life Assurance Co.). M acdonald, Thom as, k Co. L e M unyon, P eking. M acdonnell Chow Corporation, Shanghai. League, T. J. (Union Business Agency), M acey k Co. Tientsin. M ack, J., & Co. , Tientsin. L ee B ros. & C o., Sw atow . M ackay, A . H . , # Co. L ea Jui Kheng, Swatow. M aclfenzie, A . C . L ee Sen A nn D ispensary, Sw atow . M acK enzie & Co. L im ited. Izee Tai Cheang, Sw atow . M ackie, A . , & C o. L eecls, E . S., & Co., N ewchwang. M aclay & Co. L egations of A llied and N eutrnl Powers, M acleod, M arshall, M arsh, B illinghurst & Peking. M urray, D rs. , Shanghai. Legation Pharm acy (J. H enderson). M acleocl, N ., D r. L ekhom all Pinyam all. M acfavish & Lelam ann Lim ited, Shanghai. L em Peh W o> Canfzon. M aey, G . H ., k Co. Tuem T ak Se, Sw atow . M atlier Frères. Shanghai. L erner, M . ,?'., H arbin. M agasin F r a n () a i s cl'Alim entation, L esarovitch, D . M . t H arbin. Shanghai. L eslie, T ., Shanghal. M agasins G lnJraux. L ester, W . H ., K iukiang. M agill & Co. L ester, J'ohnson, & M orriss. M ain, S. D . Tuever B rothers, L im ited. M aison Parisienne (Au Petit Louvre). L evy, L eone A . , Shanghai. M aison des M odes, Shanghai. L evy, Sîm on tt Co. M aison de Parfum erie, Shanghai. L ey, C. M aitland & Co. Tueyte, F . M aitland # Fearon. L iang D au An, H ankow . M ajor Brothers Lim iied. L iao R iver Conservancy Authority, N ewch- M alcam po & Co., Am oy. w ang. N ovem ber 7, 1917. TH E OFFICIAL GAZE'FI'A; 1113 l -... '' .-= ' M altlloid ltoofing M anufacturers, Shanghai. M oukden H ospital, M ukden. M anehuria Christian College, M ukden. M outrie, S., & Co. Lim ited. M anchttrian Company Limited. M oyroux, V . M anila Shanghai Export & Import Co. M oysey, H . J. M anini, E., H ankow. M ukden Trading Co. M anners, John. Muller & Phipps (Asia) Ltd.., Shanghai. M appin & W ebb, Ltd. M unieipal Councils of Pritish, Allied and M arco, Finkelstein & Co., Shanghai. Neutral Concessions and of the Inter- Maritime Custom Houses. (Throughout national Settlement at Shanghai. Ohina). Murphy, J. R. (Dowler, Forbes & Co.). M arkt & 00., Shanghai. Mustard & Co. M arques, Chang tk Pereira & Co. Shanghai. M utual Stores, Canton. M arthoud Frères. Nabholz & Co. . M artens Gardner Co. Nagai Bunko, Shanghai. M artin, W . , & Oo. Nagano, Yoko. M ascarello, H ., Chungking. Naigai W ata Kaisha Ltd., Shanghai. M asuda & Co., Shanghai. Naishin Company. M atheson, G . , & Co. Nakagiri & Co. , Shanghai. M atsuda Yoko, Tientsin. Nakvasin, D. J. , & Co., H ankow. M atsumoto k Co., M ukden. Nanking Dispensary, Nanking. M atsuoko k Co., M ukden. Nanri, Yoko. M avrokephalps # Co., H anlrow. Nanyang Dispensary. M ayers, F. J. , Amoy. Nathan, M . J. M eBain, G. National Cash Register Com pany. M eDermid Bros. National M ercantile Corporation, Shanghai. M cDermid, 1R. 1R. National Provincial Plate Glass & Geueral M cGillivray. Insurance Co. , Ltd. M clfean, S. H . National Union Society of Becllord. M cM ullan, Jam es: & Co. , Ltd. , Chefoo. Naval College, Pagoda Anchorage. M ee Oheung Studlo, Am oy. Navalrai, M ., Canton. M ehta & Co., Fooehow. Naylor, J. , & Co. M ehta, M . N. , Oanton. Neill, J'am es, & Ca. M ei Te Cheng, Tientsin. Nem azee, H . 3,f. H ., & 00., Shanghai. Meiji Tiading Company, Shanghai. Neotia & Co. M elvani, R . D. & Co., Canton. Nernheim & H ebda, Harbin. M encarini & Co. Nestlé and Anglo-swiss M ilk Company. M enga, C., Tientsin. H arbour W orks Company. M ercantile Bank of India Limitecl. Netherlands Lloyd of Am sterdam and M ercantile Printing Co. Batavia M arine Insuranee Co., Shanghai. M ethodisi Publishing H ouse. Netherlands Trading Society. A fetropole Café, Tientsin. Nettle, P. Edward. M eurer Frères. New Am oy Dock Com pany. M eyer, M . New Chinese Antimony Company. M ichael, Albert, Shanghai. New Engineering and Shipbuilding W orks M iddleton k Co. Limited. M iffret, A. , H ankow. New Zealand Insurance Company. M iller, E . D . Newchwang W harf and Godown Com pany. M inem uza, S., & Co., Tsingtao. Newm an, E . M ing Chong Cycle Com pany . Nîcholas & Co. M inistries an4 Departm ents of the Ch-inese Nicholas Tsu Engineering & Shipbuilding Governm ent. W orks. M inseng Dispensary, H ankow. Nielson and W inthers (China Engine'ering M ission Book Co. , Shanghai. Co., Ltd.). M issionary Hbme & Ageney, Shanghai. Nigniew itzky. M itsubishi Com pany. Nikka, Yoko. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha Ltd. (Mitsui & Co., Nippon M arine Insurance Ltd.x Lid. >in Europe and. America). Shanghai. M oalem , J. Jbseph, Shanghai. Nippon Menkwa Kabushiki Kaisha (Japan M ogra, E . R. , & Co., Canton. Cotton Trading Co., Lfd.). . Moksey, H . J. (A./B . Svenska Kullager Nippon Paint M anufaeturing Co., Fabriken). Shanghai. M olchauoff Pechatnoff & Co., H ankow. Nippon Yusen KaiBha. M oller & Co. Nisshin Kisen Kaisha. M onbaron, Charles, H ankow. Nisshin Yakubo, Shanglaai. M oabaron & Van der Stegen, Hankow. Noel, M urray k Co. Limited. M ong Hbng, Swatow. Noor, M ahomed k Co. M oore, J. H ., Shanghai. Nor Kung Leong, Canton. M oore, L. , & Co. Norbury k Co. A'foorhead k H alse. Norbury, Eric. M oosa, A. J., # C0. Norbury, F. J., k S'on (Proprietors of M organ Crucible Com pany Limited. British M edical Imports Co.). A'lortim er-l4eid k Slee. Norbury, Natzio, &- Co. Limitccl. M osca & Prario, Sllanghai. Nordisk Fjer Fabrik, Shanghai. M oser, J. H ., H ankow. Nbronha Fernandez & Co., Canton. . . M ossop, A. G. North British M ercantile Insurancel Com - . ' F L ; T' . c:. t- u J .à : . ' 2 w ...... ) . ï '. ;;E: $1. y: . ' .2 x . pany. 1114 T1lE OFFIOTA l . GAZETTE N ovem ber 7, 1917. =m m . . . . . N orth China D aily M ail t Tientsin. Pathé Phonoeine M aclline. North China D aily N ews and H erald Patisserie Parisienne, Shanghai. L im ited.. Paturel, C ., Shanghai. N orth China E ngineering Com pany. P aul, L ., k Co., Shanghai. N orth China Instlrance Com pany L im ited. P aulsen & B ayes-D avez. N orth China Prinùing antl Publishing Com - lJavri, K . S., Canton. pany. Pearce & G'arrioek. N orth China Produce Com pany. Pearson, S ., & Son, L im ited. N orth G reat China D ispensary, Tientsin. Pei Y ang M edical Oollege, Tientsin. Northern Assurance Com pany. Peiyang Tannery. N orwegian L loyd Insurance Co., Shanghai. Peking Chinese E leetrie L ight k Pow er N oury & Co. Co. , P eking. N ozaw a G um i, Shanghai. Peking D aily N ew s. Nun Cheng Lo (En Ching Low), Tientsin. Peking E lsctric L ight Co., L td., Peking. N utter, W alter, & Co. Peking G azette. N ye, S. P ., D r. Peking M otor Com pany (Chinsin Chao). Peking Pavilion. O cean A ccident and Guarantee Com pany. Peking Synllieate, L tcl. O cean M arine Tnsuranee Com pany. P eking Technical College. O cean Steam ship Com pany L im ited. Pengkalan D urian E state, L td., Shanghai. O (1e11 & Co., F oochow . P ennell, E ., # Co. Oë ce Appliance Cq., Shanghai. Perm ata R ubber E sfate L im îted. Okura & Co. Perrin, Cooper & Co. , Tientsin. Old D ock, Shanghai. Persian Com m ereial Com pany, Shanghai. 0 1d N ingpo W harf , Shanghai. Petersen, A ., & Co., H ankow . O livier & Co. Peterson, V ., Peking. O livier E xport and Im port Com pany. Pfister, lR., & Co., Shanghai. Olsen k Co. Pharm acie Centrale, H ankow . O m i # Co., N ew ehw ang. Philippidi, C . M . , Chungking. O m m id k Co. Phqllips, W alfer, D r. O ng M ah Chao k Co., Am oy. Phcsnfx Assurance Com pany. O nom ura J5 Co., Shanghai. Pieca & Co. (Pharm acie Centrale). O pium B onded G odow n, Shanghai. Pickw iek, F . H . Oriental A dvertising Com pany. Pierson, P . J. F . , Shanghai. Orienfal Cigarette and Tobacco Co. P ike, A . T . J. Oriental Cotton Spinning Co., Ltd., Pilcher, H . W . Shanghai. Platt, M acleod & W ilson. Oriental D ispengary, Shanghai. P . # 0 . Steam N avigation Com pany. O riental E xport Com pany, Chefoo. Po Tai W o & Co. . Sw a'tow . O riental Opfical Com pany Shanghai. Po W ah & Co. , Canton. O riental Press, Shanghai. Po W ai D ispensary, Sw atow and Canton. O riental Transpcrtation antl Trading Co. Pocha, M . J. L t.c1., Shanghai. P olverino, A dollo, Chefoo. O saka K obayashi Shoten, Shanghai. Poo Tung & Co. , Sw atow . O saka Shosen K aisha, Canton antl Poohoom al M ulliam ul Am er, H ankow . Poohoom ull B ros., Canton and Shanghai Shanghai. . O saw a Yoko, Tientsin. Pootung D ye W orks, Pootung, Shangbai. O skim a & Co., M ukden. Pootung W harves, Shanghai. O ussfatinski, A . K ., Cheloo. Popoff B ros., & Co., H arbin. Overseas Tradiny Com pany of California. P opoff Frères, C. k S. Oxford U niverslty Press, China Ageney, Poifinger k C0. Shanghai. Pow ell, S. J. kk Co. Oxygen and D rum Com pany. Presbyterian M ission Press, Shanghai. Presse Orientala. Price H ., N anchang P abaney, E . P $ .

.T. rice s (China) Limiied. P aciflc M ail Steam ship Com pam. Paeiflc T'ransport Co. Priestw ood, 5. G . T aizis, Ch. J.', tt Co., Claefoo. Probst, H anbury, & Co. Produce E xport Com pany L im ited T aizis & Co. . Palace H otel, Shanghai. Protopapas & Co. P alatiue Insurance Co., L td. Provineial G overnm enis and their D epart- P alm er k Turner. m ents throughout China. P ang, C . E . , H ankow . P ursum all, T . , Canton . P ang H ing & Co. , Foochow . P uthod, A ., Shanghas. 'Panoff, J. K ., & C0. P ao Chen D ispensary, Sw atow . Queen's H otel, Tientsin. P aradissis & Co., Chefoo. Quelch, C. W . kt Co., Slaanglaal. Parisian H airdressing Saloon, Shanghai.

Parker, J. H . P ., k Co. R acine, Ackerm ann, & Co. P arker, R eilly, & Co. R ailton k Co., L td. , Chefoo. P arker k Sm ith. Railways, Chinese (a11).

P arsee Trading Com pany. R akusen, H ., & Co. , Sbanghai.

P atel, A . C . , t Co. R am ello, F . , H ankow . Patel, ,T. B . , Canton. R am os Am usem ent Com pany (Olrm ppe & P atell & Co. Victoria Theatreg), Shanghai. N ovem ber 7, 1917. '1'1lE t)i.' FICIA .L GAZ Erlh'l E 1115

llam sey k Co., H ankow . Sem am bu R ubber E stateszL im ited. R am say, N . B ., Shaughai. Senaw ang R ubber E states L tcl. E asool, C. G ., & Son. Seng Ann H ong K ee D isp., Sw atow . R ayuer, H eusser, & Co. Seng K ee, A m oy. R eal E state and Trading C0., L td., Sennet Frères. H ankow . Senri & Co., M ukden. R ed H and Com positions, L td. Seo & Co. , M ukden. lReid, E vans, k C0. Serebriazm ikoff, S. A ., Shanghai. R eiss k Co. Seth, S. A .g Shanghai. R eiss, H ugo, & Co. Seu Yin Se2 D isp. , Foochouz. B em brandt Photo Com pany. Shainin, L . (Shainin's Russian Provision R em ington Typew riter Com pany. Store). R epah Itubber and Tapieo E states. Shahm oon, E . E ., Shanghai. lRepresentation 1or B ritish M anufacturers Shahm oon, S. E ., Shanghai. L im ited. Sham een L awn Tennis Club :Canton. E euter T elegram Com pany. Shang Tai Y e kt Co., Tientsm . E eynaucl & Colinet, N ew chw ang. Shanghai B uildîng Com pany. M eynolds, W . G ., D r., Canion. Shanghai Club. E ichards, .T. H ., Shanghai. Shanghai Co.-operative Soc., L td. R igge, H . E . Shanghal Cotton M anufacturing Com pany. R iggio t A . Shanghai D ispensary. ltint'al Stores. Shanghai D ock and E ngineering Com pany Itizaeff Frères, Shanghai. Lim ited. R obert D ollar Com pany. Shanghai E lectric ancl A sbestos Com pany R obinson Piano Com pany. L im ited. R odsil & Co. Shanghai E lectrical Construction Com - E ondon, L . pany. X .oneo L im ited. Shanghai G as Com pany. R ose, D ow ns, & Thom pson L im iied. Shanglaai G eneral H bspital. R ose, H ew ett, &- Co. Shanghai Genaral Store, Shanghai. l oss, A lex, & Co. Shanghai G olf Club. Tl o t h , B . , &- C o . Shanghai & W ongkew W harl Co. L im ited. B ouse, E . H . Shanglaai H brse B azaar tt M otor C0. , L td. A ouse, Graham & Co., Chefoo. Shanghai Tce and Cold Storage Com pany. A ousseau, E . Shanghai Import k Expori Co.: àhanqhai. A oxburgh, 1R., L im ited. Shanglàai K lebang R ubber E gtaies L im ltecl. 'R oyal E xchange A ssurance Corporation. Shanghai L and Tnvestm ent Com pany. E oyal Tnsurance Com pany, L td. Shanghai L ife Insurance Co., Shanghai. R oyal M ail Steam T'acket Com pany. Shangbai M alay R ubber E states L im ited. A ozario & Co., Shanghai. Shanghai M ercury L im ited. X ussian Internal & E xport Trading Co. Shanghai M utual Telephone Com pany R usso--Asiatie B ank. L im ited. (Russo-l ritish Afsrling Tndustrial Co., Shanghai N anyang B rothers Tobacco Ca. Tientsin. Shanghai Optieal Com pany. 'R utherford., N . H . Shanghai P ap'ar M ill. Shanglaai Silk Spinning Co., Tutd.,

.sadikoff, H . H . K . Shanghai. Saey Tai, Shanghai. Shanghai Stores Com pany.

.sakam oto &' Co., M ukdezl. Shanglaai ancl Sum atra Tobacco Com pany Salm on, J. E . L im ited.. Sam , Joe, & Co. Shanghai Tannery Com pany L im ited. Shanghai Tim es. . .sam son, E . (Eastm an & Co.) S am uel & Co. L im ited. Shanghaî Tbilet Club. Sazzdersozz tk Co. , H ankow . Shanghai Tug and L ighter Com pany. Sang Cheong Y ue, Shaughai. Shanghai W aterw orks Com pany L im ited. Sanitas l)gackîng C0 ., Shanghai. Shantung D rug Store, Chefoo. S anrén Tobaceo Oom panz. Shantur)g Products E xpori Co., Chefoo.

.saou K ee, Shanghai. Shantung Silk ancl L ace Com pany.

,sassoon, D ., & Co., L innited. Shaw , Charles R . S assoon, E . D . , & C0. Shaw , G eo. L ., Antung. Isatoh. Shokai, Shanghai. Shaw , G eo. L ., B rothers, M ukden.

.sauvayre, Shanghai. Shaw hsing, S. N ., Com pany, N ew chw ang.

.schiller & Co. Shekury, G . T., Shanghai. S chlaudecker, E ug. , Chefoo. Shengw o & Co., H ankow . Schm idt, Conrad W m . (F. Glaeser Shewan, Tom es, & Co. Ltd.). Shînano & Co., M ukden. Scotson, Jas. glslackenzie Stewart & Co. Shing (Ching) Kee, Am oy. (Manchester), Ltd.j Shing Yue k Co., Shanghai. S cott & B row ne L im ited. Shinri, Y oko. Scott, H arding, & Co. Shroff, P . B . Scottish U nîon k N ational lnsurance Com - Shun, Chang, ct Co., Chefoo. panz. Shun Chee & Co., 16 B ruce' R oad, Tientsin. Sea Tnsurance Co., L ttl. Shun Tah & Co., Shanghai. Seishin & Co. , M ukden and New ehw ang. Shusterovifch, G ., H arbin. Sem agaga Rubber Com pany Lim ited. Sikh Gurdwara (Jem adar Buddha Singh). Silas k Co., Shanghai. Sudka, J. A. Silbermann k C0. Sugiyam a & Co. , Canton. Sim s & Co., Tientsin. Sui Chong & Shun. Sin An Tong Dispensary, Amoy. Sui Leng Dispehsary, Swatow. Sin Hong H o, Am oy. Sullivau, J. , &- Co. Sin Tek Kee, Am oy Sulzer, Rudolph, & Co. Sineere Co. Sumitomo Bank, Ltd. Sing, A. , Shanghai. Sum itom o Yoko. Sing Ohong k Co. Sun lnsuranee Offtce Com pany. Sing Tai, Chefoo. Sun Life Assurance Com pany of Canada. Singer Sewing M aehine Company. Sung Chuan Tîen and Co., Shantlm g. Sino-Foreign Coal M ining Co., Lim ited Sung, Y. S., Shanghai. (T 'ung Hsing), Tientsin. Sungala (Rubller Estate Limited.. Sino-swiss Com m ereial Co. Suzukî & Co. , Shanghai. Sit H eng k C0., Am oy. Svenska Kullager Fabriken A/B. (Moksey. Siu Jen Tong, Am oy. TI . J .) . Siu Ling Dispensary, Swatow. Swatow Dispensary. Siu Se Tong, Am oy. Synclieat lndustriel et Com m ereial. Skizm , Alfred John. Sys , Peter, & Co. Sligh, J. Sze H ing & Co., Chefoo. Slowe & Co. Szeelawal'l Co-operative Soc. , Lfd.., Chunp Smith, Edwin R., D .D . S. king. Smith, F. W . JChefoo. ' Smith, L. H ., k C0. Tabaquerla Filipina. Societa Oom missionaria di Exportazione. Taekez, 'W . 11. , &; Co.

Soeiété Anonym e Belge pour L 'Tn' êustrie Tai ) 11 . !. Tsentsirl. des Oeufs, H ahkow . Tai Feng Kung Sen, Shanghai. Soeiété Anonym e de M ines cle Luhan. Tai Fu L im , D r., N ew chw ang. Sociéi; Belge de Chemins de Fer en Chine. Iai King ' & Co., Canton. Soeiété ddExportation et d'Imporiation Tai OI1 tt C0. (The Canton M edical Hal1)z Coloniales, Tientsin. Canton. Sociét; Foncière de Shameen, Canton. Tai W ah Dispensary, Swatow. Société Forestière de H aïlin et de M an- Taikoo Sugar ltefining C0. Lim ited. chtzrie. Taiping ltubber E states. Société Franco-chinoise de Batillerie et Taiseng & Co. , Foochow . Cabotage en Chine. Taiseng Printing Omee, H ankow. Société Franeo-chinoise de Crêdit. Tait & C0. Société Franco - Chinoise d'Entreprises Takaiwa, K ., & Co. Générales et de Travaux Public (Suc- Takata & Co., Shanghai. eessors of Etablissem ents Fei Yen T'akkee & Oo. , Foochow. Ateliers de Constructions Mécaniques), Taku Tug and Lighter Company Lim ited. Peking. Talati Brothers, Peking and Tientsin. Soeilté Indo-chinoise. Talati k Co., Tientsin. Soeka W arna T'ea Esiaie. Tan Seong Chee & C0., Amoy. Solina, R. V., t Co. (Viccajee, F. & R., Tazm erie Franco-chinoise. proprietors). Tata, Sons, & Co.. Shanghai. Solom an, S. J'. Tay Choon Keng, Am oy. Som ekh, B. A., Shanghai. Tay Tjhiang Hong (Hanclel Maatschappij. Somekh, D . S. N.V.), Shanghai. Som ekh, S. S., Shanghai. Taylor, Albert. South British Insuranee Com pany Lim ited. Taylor & Co. South China Trading Co., Canion. Teehnisehe Export Maatschappij Aziep South M anehuria Eailway Com pany. Shanghai. Sowa, K ., k Co., Shanghai. Teerathdas, N., Shanghai. Soyehee Cotton Spinning Com pany Teesdale & Godfrey. Limited. Teh Kee Dispensal'y, H ankow. Spalinger, U ., Canton. Tehun Tet Dispensary, Swatow. Sparke, C. E . Tek Hua Dispensary, Swatow. Sparldis Aeraied W ater Factory Ltd. Tek Shun H ing, Chefoo. Speyer, C. Teplitzky, M . L . , Im port k Export. Spunt, J., & Co. Tetley, L. T. (Liquidator of the Augtrian Squires, Bingham Co., Shanghai. Export & Impori Co., Ltd.), Shanghai. St. Nicholas Industrial School for Blind The Trading Oom pany, the Successors to Girls, M ukden. Alexis Goobkin :A. Kooseneizoff, & Co. St. Vourvoulias, Tienisin. Theodore & Rawllns, H ankow. Standard Bank of South Africa. Theological College, M uktlen. Standard Life Assurance Company. Thom as, F., & Co. Stanclarcl M arine Tnsurance Co., Ltcl. Thompson, A. E. S. k Co., Sllanghai- Standard Oil Company of New York. Thom son, G. TT. & N., Shanghai. Star Rickshaw & Garage Co., Shanghai. Thom son, Irvin. State Assurance Co., Limited, Shanghai. Thom son, ,T. , T'singtao. Stearns, J. C. Thoresen, 0. Steiner, F., & C0. Lim ited. Thunder, C. Stewardson, R. E. , Shanghai. Thurier & Kohr, H ankow. Straits & Cllina Textile Co., Ltd., Tibbey, IE-I. M . Shanghai. Tibesart, J. A. Subira, J. M . Tien Ylm g W oo, Shanghai. N ovember 7, 1917. r1IH.E (JFFICIA l , GAZEIV E 1117

Tien Zung (k Co., Shanghai. United Netherlands Lloyds. Tientsiu Biczcle Com pany. United States Steel Produets Company. Tientsiu Club. Urbaine Fire Insttrance Co. of Paris. Tientsin Dispensary. Tientsin D ispensary. Vaeuum Oil Company. Tientsin G'as and. Eiectrie Light Company. Vaid, K. Edulji, Canton. Tiezztsin Irtmworks Lim ited. Van Ess, A., k Co. Tientsin Lighter Co. , Ltd. Vantlerloo & Co., Shanghai. Tientsin Native City W aterworks Lim iteâ. Vanderstegen, L. # Co., H ankow. Tientsin Press Lim ited. Vania, A. D ., Canton. Tientsin Soap M anufaeturizlg Company. Varalda k Co., Shanghai. Tientsin Tobaeeo Com pany. Varenne, Th., k Com pagnie, Canton. Tientsiu W aterworks Company Limited. Vastmia, J. P., Canton. Tilley & Limby. Venturi, F., Shanghai. Times Dharwar k Co. Veroudart. Tixl Fah Hong (Ohina l'rading Co.), Vieajee, F. , & Co. Shanghai. Viceajee, 11., & Co. TG See Tong Dispenuary, Am oy. Viekers, Limîted. Tiram Estates Lim ited. Vicula M orosov, Newchwang. Tiriolo, C., J5 Co. , Antung. Villa, A. P., & Brothers, Canton. Tisdall, B. D., Am oy. Viloudaki & Co., Shanghai. Toa (k Co., Ltd., Tienisin. Vogue, Shanghai. Toa Koshi, Shanghai. Volkart, Adoll, Shanghai. Toa Tobacco Com pany, Newchwang and Vrarcl & Co. Shanghai. Tobacco Products Corporation. W adm an, H . P. , Shanghai. Toeg & Read, Shanghai. W a Sun, Canton. . Toh Tiong H ok, Amoy. W ah Chang M ining an4 Sm elting Co., Tom , 1-1., Tientsin. Changsha. Tom , S., Chefoo. W ah Loong, Canton. Ton Ying & Co. 'W ah M ei Dispensary, Canton. Tong Chee Drug C0., Aznoy. W ah M îng Optical Com pany. Tong Oheong &- Co., Am oy. W a'h On Company, Canton. Tong Seng & Co. , Am oy. W ai Chi, T'ientsin. Tonglin & Co. , Canton. Avalker, Livingstone. Torin :5 Co., Cauton. W allem k Co. , Shanghai. Toshado Shiten, Shanghai. W aug H ung Kee, Shanghai. Tow a & Co.' N ew chwang. 'W angt Y. N., Dr. , Tientsin and. Peking. Travers Sm ith & Sons. W annleck, L., Peking. Trumann, 1R. N. & C0. W arren, C. E., & Co., Cantxm . Tschurin, 1. I., & Co., Harbin. W assiam tlll Assom ull & Co., Canton. Tshun Tak Disp., Swatow. 'W aste Silk Boiling Company. Tsui, Y. Y., Dr., Tientsin. W afson, A. S. , & Co. , Limited. Tsung Tsoon Sing, Am oy. W att, W . T., Dr. (Im perial M edieal Tsurutani. College). 7 Tung Chi Dispensary, Shanghai. W attie, .T. A. & Co. Lim itcd. Tung H o & Co., Newchwang. W atts & Co. T'ung H sing Sino-Foreign Coal-m ining W ee Hbck Siang & Co., Amoy. Company, Lt(1., Tientsin (Doney J5 Co., Aveeks & Co. Limited. Managers). W egelin, L . . Tung Shen Te, Tientsin. W eihaiwei Land and Buitding Company. Tung Tai & Co. . W eippert, W . H . C., Amoy. Tung Teh H eng, Chefoo. 'W ells Fargo & Co. Tung Yu Brothers, Shanghai. W en H ua Printîng Press, H ankow. Tungshan Golf Club, Canton. W est of Scotland Tnsurance Oëce Limited, Tunkacloo Doctk, Shanghai. Shanghai. Tunkadoo W harves. W estern Electric Co. Turner, E . W . W estinghouse Electric Export Turner, James (Eastern Engineering Shanghai. W orks), rl'ientsin. W estm inster Tobaeeo Company. Twigg, P. O'Brien, Shanghai. Avestphal, King, & Ramsay Lim ited. Twyford, J., & Co. W heelock & Co. ' Tze Hop Shing, G., & Co., Tientsin. W heen, Edward, tt Sons. W hitall k Co. Limited. Ullm ann & Co. W hite, Brothers. Unclerwood Typewriter Company. W hite, David.. Union Assurance Company, Limited. W hite-cooper, Oppe & M aster. Union Business Agency (T. J. Lcague), W hiteaway, Laidlaw, & Co. Tientsin. W hitehead & Co. Union Comm ercial Company Lim ited. W hitfieltl & Co. Uniozz de Paris (Oompagnie df-issurances), W hitham , R. P., Shanghai. Shanghai. 'W hitney, J. C., & Co. Union Dispensary, Tientsin. W hitworth, R erbert, Lim ikd. Union Insurancte Society of Canton. 'Widler k Co. (E. W idler k A. W oodgate), Union A'farine Insurancè Com pany. Chungking. Union M edical College. W idler, E. , and A. W oodgate (W idler & Unîon Trading Co, Co.). 1118 THE OFFICTA L GAZErD AE Novem ber 7, 1917. U .U W ijk & C0. Yau, K. S. , Dr. , Peking and Tientsin. W ilkinson, H . P. , Shanghai. Yee Gwan k Co. , Amoy. W ilkinson, H eywood, & Clark, Lim ited. Yee Lung k Co., Canton. W ilkinson, T. M . , & Co., Foochow. Yen Fuh :Dr., Peking. W illiam s, Dr. , M eclieine Company. Yeoh H amg & Co. , Am ôy. W illiam s, K. J. Yeo Swee Swan k Co. , Amoy. W ilson k Co. Yik Sang Dispensary, Swatow. W ing Tai. Yishin t Co., M ukden. W inston, W arwick, Dr. Yoan Siu Dispensary, Swatow. W inteler, M . Yokoham a Specie Bank. W isner & Co. Yorkshire Insuranee Company. W isner, P. F., & Co. Yoshida & Co., Shanghai. W issotsky & Co. Young Brothers Trading (Foreign W o Sang, Canton. Department), Chungking. W ong Ah M ing, Tientsin. Yu Feng Kung Ssu, Cheloo. W ong Chuen Yung (British Manulactuzers' Yu Tai. Agency), Shanghai. Yuan T'ung Li, Shanghai. W ong Kuei Check, Shanghai. Yuasa, T., k Co., H ankow and Shanghai. W ong Shing Chong, Shanghai. Yue Chong Tai. W ong Yuen Kee, Tientsin. Yue Loong H ing Kee, Canion. W ong Zung Chong, Shanghai. Yuen Cheong and Co., Shanghai. W oo Chong. Yuen Sui Chang Disp., Swatow. W oo, M . L., Tientsin. Yuen Tah tt Co., Shanghai. W oods, J., Hankow. Yui Tai & Co., Tientsin. W oollen, Vosy, & Co. Limited. Yung Chi Dispcnsary, Shanghai. ' W orthington Pum p Company Lim ited. Yung Fong Photo Supply Co., Peking. W rightson & Co., Shanghai. Yung Hing Printing Co., Shanghai. W u Lien Teh, Dr. , H arbin. Yuwusei Yoko, Tiehling. MTuchow Eleetric Light Co., W uchow. Za Chong Shun, Shanghai. Yam am oto k Co., Tientsin. Zellensky, A. Tu., Shanghai. Yan Sun & Co. , Ltcl. , Canton. Zi Ka W ei Press, Shanghai. Yan Shau & Co., Lim ited,' Canton. Ziervogel & Bolion, Drs. , Shanghai. Yang, 1. C., & C0., Peking. Zong Lee k Sons, Shanghai. Yang, J. , Peking. Ziindel, Emile, M anufacturing Com pany. Yangtsze Engineering W orks. Yangtsze Insurance Company Limited. NoTE.- As previously notified, the above- Yangtsze Land ancl Finance Company. m entioned Proclam ation docs not apply to Yangtsze Poo Cotton M ill, Shanghai. the British Colony ol Hbngkong, so that Yap Eck Liok, Amoy. this and all other lists published there- Yat Ling Disp. , Swatow. under do not include persons or bodies of Yates, T'. M . persons trading in that Colony. f-lovzsx'hl 1:N'I' N()'I'l()I'; N' ().. 3881

Foveign O.#@,cc (Foveign Trtztft' D6pf .), Baboojee, A. K. , Bangkok. Augu8't lofJl, 1917. Badman, H . A., k C0. Bamrungnukulkij Printing W orks (Luang SIAM . Damrong), Bangkok. Bangkok Dock Company Lim ited. , The fo' llowing il a eomplete list, revisetl Bangkok M anufacturing Com pany Limited. up to date, of persons and bodies ol persons Bangkok Times Presg Lim ited. to whom articles io be exported to Siam Bangkok United Club. m ay be eonsigned, under the term s of the Bangnon Syndieate, Renong. Proclamation of the 24th September, 1915 : Banque cle l'Inclo-chine. This list is to be regarclecl as supersetling Barrow, Brown, k Co. s1l previous lists. BJranger, Malcolm (Maison Blranger). Berli, A., tîr Co., Bangkok. His Majesty's Diplomatic, Consular, M ili- Bhandakayacara, Bangkok. tary, and. Naval Oëcers. Bombay - Bupma Trading Corporatitm British M issionary Bodies and. M issionary Lim ited, Bangkok. Bodies of Neutral antl Allied Countries. Boon Long, Bangkok. Abdoolally, Bangkok. Boon Mee Dispensary, Bangkoi. Abdulcaium K. Saherwalla, Bangkok. B orgersen, I-T. B . Adam !A. Y.1. M ., & Co. Borneo Company Lim ited. Adamjee Allibhai Dorajiwalla, Bangkok. British - Am erican Tobacco Company Adamsen, Dr. (See Kak Dispensary). Limited. Ah Lee Keh (Yah See), Lampong. British Club. Alibhai Chinwala, Bangkok. Briiish Dispensary. Am erican Presbyterian M ission Press. Buan Hoa Seng, Bangkok. Angullia, A. , & Sons, Bangkok. Buan Soon Lee & Co., Bangkok. Apothecaries' H all. Budroodin, F. H . , Bangkok. Arraean Com pany Limited, Bangkok. Capper, J. C. (The Ceylon Australia Asiatic Petroleum Com pany Lim ited. Produce Stores), Bangkok. Assum ption Printing Presg, Bangkok. Cartwright, B. 0. Ceylon k Australia Procluee Stores (Capper, Katib, E. M . ,T. C.), Bangkok. Katoo D ee Book, Renong. Chapm an, W . P. Katz Brothers Lim iied. Chartered Bank of India, Ausfralia and. Kempton and Co. , Bangkok. China. K eng W att, B angkok. Cheng Kiat, L., Bangkok. Kerr k Co. Chiongm ai M ission Press, Bangkok. Kia Lee, Bangkok. Chinese M ercantile Dispensary, Bangkok. Kiam Hba H eng & Co., Bangkok. Chino-siaz'n Daily News. Kiam Hba Seng (l; Co., Bangkok. Chino-siam ese Trading Com pany. King's College, 'Bangkok. Choo Kwang Lee, Bangkok. Kluzer, G., k Co., Bangkok. Chotirm all, K . A. T., & Co. Kwang (Kuang) Ngee Hoa ék Co., Bangkok. Chung Chooe Guan Ah Fook, Bangkok. City Dispensary, Bangkok. Com pfoir Français de Slam , Bazzgkok. Ladhasingh Bhagwansingh, Bangkok. Couper-lbhnston, D ., & O0. Lakhwalla # Co., E. A., Bangkok. Lakhwalla' & Co. , M . A., Bangkok. r astakeer & Co., Bangkok. Langkat Oil Co. (J'. H . Foran), Senggora. D awoodbhai, N ., & Co., Bangkok. Legations of Alliecl Powers. D eebook Dredging, Renong. Legations of Neutral Powers. Diana, A., k 00., Bangkok. Leong Chin H eng, Bangkok. 'Dickinson, John, & Co. Leonowens, Louis T., Limited, Bangkok D iethelm k Co. antl Lam pang. Dorajiwalla, A. A., Bangkok. Loh Kye J'uay & Co. , Bangkok. Duzflop, John M . Lotus Dispensary (Dr. Hansen). Tuuang Brohma Yodkee, Mrs. (Pradist East Asiatie Com pany Limited. Sookonta), Bangkok. Eastern Sm elting Com pany, Pukef . Luang Damrong (Bamrungnukulkij Prlnt?- E dgar Brofhers. ing W orks), Bangkok. E ducational Supply Association. Luang Phipat T'ana Korn, Bangkok. Esmailjee, A. T., Bangkok. Excelsior Tce Faetory. M aebeth, J. J'. Fook Loong tt Co. M aire, A. ë., Bangkok. Toran, .T. H . (Langkat Oil Co.), Senggora. Af aison Bpranger (Béranger, M aleolm). Fraser k Neave, Lim ited. A'falaya Tin Corporation, Eenong. ' T reneh Dispensary. M albary, H . A. M ansoor Sahib, S. S., Bangkok. G ian Singh Nand Singh, Bangkok. M arican, M . T. S. 'Gilitwalla, E. E . , Bangkok. M arican, S. S. G oh V ong Chua, B angkok. M askati, A . T . E . Goriawalla, A. H . A., Bangkok. Afaung Hpo M în, Lam pang. Goriawalla, F. A., Bangkok. M aw Jim , Bangkok. Government M edieal Depôt, Bangkok. Af aw Ksm , Bangkok. 'Gritters, M rs. A'faw Sooi Disp. , Bangkok. Grounchvater, C. L. , (t Co. AfcFarlancl, G. B., Dr. Gulamhusan Abdoolkader (Gulam Husain Afeklong Raslway Company. A bdul Kader (Kader, G. A.), Bangkok. M enam A'fotor-boaf Com pany Lim ited. M eng Hong, Bangkok. H abibar, Rehm an, Bangkok. M ichellis and Drim itrellis, Bangkok. H alim & Co. , B . A . M inistrieg and Departm ents of the Royal Hansen, Dr. C. (Lotus Dispensary). Siam ese Government. 'H arp Vour, Long, ct Co. M itsui Bussan Kaisha Limited. Bangkok. X arrison, Frank A., Puket and Pangnga. M izokami, M ., Bangkok. Hbck Chuan & Co. , Bangkok. M ogul, M . A. H oh Leng Dispensary, Bangkok. M oh Tuan, Bangkok. X olek. H . von (Siam Packing Co.), Afohamecl M eah & Co. , Bangkok. B arzgkok. Afohamm ed Ally Noorbhai, Bangkok. H cng Ching, Bangkok. M onod, C. E., & Co. , Bangkok. 'H ongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpora- M oosbhoy, M . , Bangkok. tion. Afotiwalla, A. k F. , & Co. , Bangkok. H oosain, A. G., Bangkok. M oiiwalla, E. .T. , & Co., Bangkok. H oosain, E . A., Bangkok. M otiwalla, F. A. , Bangltok. H otchand, Vichindas, & C0. , Bangkok. Musaji, M . , k Co. , Bangkok. N ussein, A.z k Sons. 'Ikezaki, K., & Co. , Bangkok. Nahas, A., Bangkok. International Store. Nai Lert, Bangkok. Nai Siu, Bangkok. Jewaji Raja & Sons, M. Mbosbhoy, M . Nakhoda Osmanbhai Am irbhai Aloosbhoy Eaja. Bangkok. Johansen, P., & Co., Bangkok. Nana, E. A., Bangkok. Joo H oa Lee, Bangkok. Nestll and Anglo-swiss Conclensed M ilk Company. Kader, G. A. (Gulamhusan Abdoolkader). Netherlands Trading Society. Eaj, Cotermall, .% C. . Bangkok. Nguan Seng Soon, Bangkok. 'Késooieo , A1. E . . Bttngkok. Nooraddin Dawoodbhoi, Bangkok. 1120 TH E OFFICIAL GA ZEW E N ovem ber 7, 1917.

Oriental B akery, B angkok. Siam ese Tobacco Com pany. Oriental Store, B angkok. Siarnw alla, D . 1-1. A ., B angkok. Osaw a, J., # C0., B angkok. Siam w alla, F . A . , B angkok. Sin Sin H a, B angkok. Paltnam R ailw ay Com pany. Singer Sew ing M achine. Pappayanopoulos, C . , B angkok. Siribhand Store, B angkok. Peng H ak Chieng (Tia Peng Ngee), Bang- Sm ith Prem ier Typew riter Com pany. kok. ' Soeiehté Anonym e B elge. P ereira & Co., E . M . Sophon Printing Oë ce. Pharnitsuphaphon Printing Oë ce, B ang- Spieer Bros., B angkok. kok. Sri Kridikara, Phya (Phya Sri Kridikara), Phasadu U sam ayon, B angkok. B angkok. Phya Sri Kridakara (Sri Kridakara, Phya), Sriraeha Com pany Lim ited, Bangkok. B angkok. Standard O51 Com pany. Piroshaw , F . M am a, B angkok. Staro, A . M m e. Pisal B anniti, B angkok. Steel B rothers k C0. , L im itecl. Pollard, T . H . Stephens, P aul k Co. Pradist Sookonta (Mrs. Luang Brohma Straits Tratling Com pany, Puket. Yodkee), Bangkok. Sutton, N ., B angkok. Prinee R oyal's College, Chiengm ai. Sw anson, J. H . P uket D ispensary, Puket. Sw ee I-lo, T-T. , B angkok. Sym e & C o. Raja (Jewaji & Sons). R atanam ala Com pany, B angkok. R atrut B asin Tin D redging Com pany, Tachin R ailw ay Com pany. R enong. Tatner, F . Tay, K . C . , D r. , B angkok . R enong Tin D redging Com pany, R enong. x Tayabally & C(y., A . H ., B angkok R oehiram , J. R ., B angkok. . l4ongpim N angsu Pim Thai M ai, B angkok. Tayeb k Co., B angkok. Thakur Singh L ahda Singh R oyal B angkok Sports Club. , B angkok. R oyal Siam ese State R ailw ays. Thonakiteh R axa, B angkok. Tia Peng Ngee (Peng Hak Chieng), Bang- kok. Sae Thien & Co., B angkok. Salehbhai, A . R ., & Co., B angkok. Tillelce & Gibbons, B angkok. Tilleke, R . E , G ., D r. Sam pson, John, k Son. Sam sen Pow er Station, B angkok. Tissem an, S. , k Co. Tongkah Oom pound, P ukei. Sarafally, G;. -k., B angkok. Tongkah H arbour Tin D redging Com pany Saw H bod B eng, Sengora. Pllket. ' x See Kak Dispensary (Dr. Adam sen), Bang- Tow figue, M ., B angkok. kok. Selley, N. L. (W at Debsirindr School), Tung W ho & Co. B angkok. U ndertakers Supply Stores Sem prez k Co., B angkok. , B angkok. U nited Engineers Lim ited Seng H ong k Co. , B angkok. .. Siah L eng, A ., B angkok. Siah L eng D ispensal'y, B angkok. V acuum O i1 Com pany. Siam Cem ent Com pany L im ited, B angkok. Viraj Chanthorn, Bangkok. Siam Com m ercial B ank. Siam D rug Store, B angkok. W alker, C . C ., D r., B angkok. Siam Electricity Com pany L im ited. W all, lT orman ( A gent for C . Fabergl, Ltd.. Siam Forest Com pany L im ited. Petrograd.) . Siam Free Press Com pany L im itéd. W asee, A . K . H ., & Co. W asiam ull, A ssom ull Siam Im port Com pany Limited. , & Co., B angkok. Siam Industries Synchcate. W hiteaway, L aidlaw , (t Co. Lim ited.. Siam M otor W orks L im ited. W ing Yuen (t Co. , B angkok. Siam Observer Press. Siam Packing Co. (H . von R olck), Bang- Yah See (Ah See Keh), Lampong. kok. Y am aguchi, G ., (k 0o. , Bangkok.

Siam Perfum ery Store. Y ong L ee tt Co., B angkok.

Siam Stam p Com pany. Yong L ee Seng & Co., B angkok.

Siam ese Southern R ailw ay. Y ong M ong L ee, B angkok.

Siam ese Tin Syndicate. Y ong N guan, B angkok .

GIIXIRAI, No1'lfJ: No. 8541 A R I'KINH R E > C R O SN << IU T M F r Y D .


(Fftfe Government Notice No.259). .

A m ourlt collected np to date Rs. 33,501 . 55.

N airobi, E. BATW SCOMBE, N ovember 5tli, 1917. lTon. Jrrdczueee. Novem ber 7, 1917. THE OFFICIA.L GAZETTE 1121

GANERAL NOTIOE No. 8551 'I'H E Llq roR O R D INAN CE, l- t.#. NOTICE.

UXAMBA Paovlxcx. TH E following applications have been receive; for the congideration of the Ukamba Licensing' Court which will be helcl at the Oë ces of the Provincial Adrninistration, Nairobi,

. on Mbntlay the 10th Decernber, 1917, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon .

Nam e of Applicant. Class of Licence. I1 Premises. l J. R. Nimmo ... W ine Merchant's an; Grocer's Kajiado Liquo'r Licence. Bousteatl & Clarke Ltd. . . . do. Cearn's Buildings, Plot Xo. 572, Govt. Road, N airobi. Caetan C. de Souza . . cl0. (10. Plot No. 13, River Road., Nairobi. Ronald Bladen Taylor . . . General Retail Liqllor Licence Store close to the K ikuyu Railway Station. Charles W illiam Keith Campling Carlton Lounge, Govt. Road, Nairobl. J. A. Nazareth ... d0. do. M etropole Hotel, Race Course Roatl, Plot No. 15, N airobï. H enry Jameg Sevenoaks . . . Victoria H otel, Victoria Street, Nairobi. do. Hotel Liquor Licence do. Albert B. Phillips, M anager, Restaurant Liquor Licence Theatre Royal, Sixth Theatre Royal Ltd. Avenue, Nairobi. d.0. . . . 'Pheatre Liqnor Licence do.

Nairobi, F. TRAILL,

October 30th, 1917. Acting Prtprfxcïtzl Commiaeione .

GKXKRAI, X m'lcll NO. 8361 'KH I! Ia:q *l@R O R IH NANCE, IIMj@. N OTICE. Sx'yupzE Paovzxcx. Applieatlons ïbr new Liquor Lleenees.

Name of Applicant. Class of Licence. Premises.

Cleanthis Papadopoulo ... General Retail Liquor Licence No. 6, Ndia K uu, M 'bsa. J. Papazoglakis, Proprietor of H otel Liquor L icence M acDonald 'Perrace, $r Savoy Private Hotel '' M om basa. J. J. Saldanha ...! W holesale Liquor Licence No. 4, Salim Road (near j j yMj oa mc kjtansnso n M a r k e t ) ,

M ombasa, C. W . HOBLEY, November lsf, 1917. Proviv ial tlorzl-ïeàtvlm 1122 TIIE OFFICIA L GA ZErPTE N ovem ber 7''. 1917...... , ...... Gsxzlu!u Norplosl No. 857 ) 'KH E IjIN E A SE N @ 1% .tN :M z*EzS I'R ICIN UILN.NC E , :$:1:$$.


M .S. W . 11.. Cauxlu, Lim oru, ceasecl to be a Perm it lssner (lzz s'fa. J. Hlopsox's return f ronl A ctive Service.

To be M ilitary Perm it Issuers :-.. CAPTAIX S. AIgCALI,, E.A..S.O. LzlrgT. A. A'itAfsrsoxG, E .A..S.C. LIetTT. H . D . H zLt, E.A.S.C. LzEc'l'. 'W . B. A GGXTT, E .A.S.O., 'vice LIEUT. L . T- 1 )' 1:.' A1.Aïxx, E.A .S.O. LIEUT. G . 0. A GGET'I', U .L., 'viee LIE/'I'. 1l. Gltw'v', E..ta,ëp.O.

The Following Ofllcer llas ceasecl to be a M ilitary Perm it (ssuer : LIEIJ'1'- J. T. PElnlalas, E.A.V .O.

The following have been appointed Perm it Issuers in the lhfrtsat lleserve :- Vklxlaxwa'k- OFFlczlts, DzsTm c!r CoMxlssloxlas, A sslslwxT D lsrrztlcT Coxxzssloxkss, S'rocx Ixslucl'oas.

N aM bi, W . K EN N EDY , November 2nd, 1917. zlg. f.31.16 Feferfxco Ofçt- .

GINXSAL N()Tlc, No. 858) N OTICE .

E xp ortau on to the U n ited states of A m eriea of Nh eep s k in s a nt! d oat Skius.

IN continuation of General Notice No. 103 published in tlae 0y /-cïc! Gazetie of the 16th February, 1916, page 121, Shippers in M om basa who desire to ship com modiiies and which the Textile Alliance are concerned in, from East A frican Protectorates to the U nited St,ates 'tlïfz Cape Tow n, are requestell to apply to the N ational Bank of lndia at M om basa to ascertain the wishes of the G overnm ent of tile U nion of South A frica.

Should no objection be made to such shipments 'via Cape Town, the following procednre should be adopted :-

1, If through Bill.s of Latling from the East Afriean port of origin to the U nited States are obtainable, shippers shoulcl apply to the X ational Bank of India at M om basa for recomm endation for licence to export in the usual way and in accordance witlz existing regulations that can be ascertained from that Bank. It is to be untlerstood that the Textile A lliance will accept no responsibility wlaatever in regard to tlae storing, insurance or translfïpping of the goods at Cape Tow n and t%e parties interesteâ rnust m ake their own arrangem ents.

2. Shoul; tlaough Bills of Lading not be obtainable from the port of origin to the U nitecl States 'via Cape Towu and re-shipm ent on a new Bill of Lad' ing becom e ' necessary from Cape Town, shippers in East Africa are recom m ended to con mNgn their goods to their trade friendg in Cape Tow n. Their f riends shoulcl apply to the Custom s

Authoritiç: in Sqpt. h. A. .frica .;Jr)d., xtp.vAl.nssrs. Fairbridge for recommendation and licence

anâ the'k' sual proceâure applicable to export from South Africa will be adopted.

M omba8a, F. W . M AJOR, N 6vim ber 2itd. 1917. Cldef of t.lvttvffpz?n,,v, E. xzl-/-zïctz it Uganza T'woàdcàtvcàea:. Novembèr 7 , 1917 . i'zlil oFi'lclila (u zx'l'q'E 112s Gxxxcz.L Norucx No. 8591 'IIAHB.*S.* NEJB=CfG M ATTEE F@R H @H EW ARD L@AAIN'G. NOTICE. G everazm ent N'otiee a%@ 6: o flleizu G azetteM r age 14459 oé- 2.'1th o etober, :9:1. TNTEN DTNG shippers are informe: with regard to the above nosice that the returns referred to therein shoultl be sent in in the following form to the Chief of Customs, M om basa.

Cm) Q6)t X X F.y . m y < dCJ gt C: G) ;$ 'o = < X .;c r bD M X -;a X gt X o % X d)û) rd & (7 >u Yd H N '#XJ c: .Q :- Q . -. ç: Q 8: (oJ h94 5 X v5 F' = ;$ ;ï e!/ - tf rcj é)* gt . S n * <. o > d c3 m - O Ck H H o k- N C c

It is recommenâecl that fresk returns shoultl 'be forwarâed as soon as possible so as to avoid arty confusion, and that caze be exercised to ensure that cargo atlvised from up country is not again advised by the M ombasa agent or other agent. Owing to the present congestion at the port and. the shortness of time allowecl to the Sub-com mittee for notification of the sailing of the fr Clan M aclaren '' expected to arrive here early in November of which notifcation only reached the Sub-comm ittee to-clay, the Sub-comm ittee have decided that for this ship at any rate the gotlowns at Möm basa be clearef.l as far as possible of proâuce already at the coast awaiting shipm ent. This however cloes not apply to B. E. A.. Sisal of which tlaere is not a suë cient amount at the port to fi11 space available. ' In order to facilitaté shippers allotment will in ftztum be made for cargo of which notification has been receive: which may be laeltl up country but nil guarantee can be given that such cargo will be shippecl if it is not read.y at the port when required.. Shippers are informed tlast no consideration will be given to protluce other tlaan thas of British East Africa ancl U gantla until after such latter produce has been fully provide: for.

N o applications f. or space will be entertainetl except such as have been notifetl in the requirel form to tke Chief of Custozns. For Uxlox-cwslu M alru S'rxwzfslllla COMPANY LIMITED, M OMBASA Agxxcv. M ombasa, W . E. LELLO, Octoller 81st, 1917. Becvetarçes, Mombasa s'ztzl-tlorl'zsfffpc for Sbçztptrcrt/ Loading.

GIrXIRAL NoTlcl No. 8601 M O M D AS.< SKrA -CQ'M M AT FTE E F @R H O H E W A R D I,IIAD IN G . N JTICE. SH IPPERS are notiflecl that they are required to fulfl the following conclitions, when sending in their Returns to the Chief of Customs, in atlclition to tllose already published. (J) No Returns will be inelud.efl in the allùtting of space unless they reach the Chief of Customs not later than two days after the arrival of the Ship. (2) Tlàe Sub-committee flnds it diëcult if not? impossible to allocate space on the inform ation furnishetl in the Returns hitherto renclerecl to the W ar Council and it is c;f the utmost importance, therefore, tliat fresh Returns should be sent in immedi- atellr, also tlaat the greatest care taken by Producers, or their Agent, in furnishing al1 the particulars reqtzired by the Sub-oommittee's N otice of the 31st ultimo. (3) In tlle case of Coffee, evidence of date of its leaving the plantation must invariably be supplied. For Uxzox-cAsn x M M L S'TEAMSHI/ CoMrxkxv LIMITXD, M ovnAs.x A GENCY. M ombasa, W . E. LELLO, N ovember Brd, 1917. Secvetavies, M ombasa Fstzà-tTbznz/tïffcc fov Homelcavd Loading. 1124 TH E OFFICIAL GA ZETTE N ovem ber 7, 1917. GXNERAL Nolqc, No. 861) H18 M AJESTY'S COU RT 0l? APPEAL F0lt EASTERN AFRICA .

. THE next Session of His Majesty's Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa has been fxed. to be holden at M om basa antl to com m ence on M ontlay the 19th day of N ovem ber, 1917, at 10 a.m ., or as soon thereafter as cases can be heard.

.M 1 appeal papers should be forwarded to the Registrar, His Majesty's Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa at M ombasa not later than the 19th day of October, 1917. M ombasa, A.. E . SOCK ETT, October 31st, 1917. Ag. Swïqvfrtm H. M . Colef of .X.p278a,J for fcfafpz'rè Afrzca.


Civil or a original A ppeal N o. c . elunt. s espondent. x .x eal from . rim inal. PP o . of case. PP

A PPLICA TION S. 8 of 1917 Criminal Ludwig Deuss & Co. Rex 1 of 1915/16 H.M . Eigh Court of Nyasa-. land at Blantyre. 9 of 1917 ,, Ludwig W ollner ,, 1 of 1915/16 do. 10 of 1917 ,, Khaim bin V ai Crown 44 of 1917 H . M . H iqh Court of East. A frica, Slttings at K ipini. T'OR H EA RIN G. 8 of 1917 Crim inal Ltd wig D euss & Co. Rex 1 of 1915/16 H. M. High Court of Nyasa-. . land at Blantyre. 9 of 1917 ,, Ludwig W ollner ,, 1 of 1915/16 do. 10 of 1917 ,, K haim bin V ai Crow n 44 of 1917 E.. M . H igh Court of East A frica, Sittings at K ipini. 11 of 1917 A ntllony Price ,, 42 of 1917 H . M . H igh Court of East Africa, Sittings at Lam u. 7 of 1S17 D avid W olfe t, 29 of 1917 H . M . H ïgh Court of East 87 Africa at Mombasa. 12 of 1917 ,, Boye wa K arisa ,, of 1917 H . M . H igh Court of East A frica, Sittings at Lam u. A PPLICAT ION S. 6 of 1916 Civil A.. V. Jeevanji & Co. The Crown 30 of 1915 H. M . High Court of Faast (thro. the Africa at M ombasa. Lantl Oëcer) 6 of 1917 ,, Abdul Karfm Dada Hassam 2 of 1916/17 H. M. High Court of Nyasa- K assam land at Blantyre. IFOR H EARIN G. 5 of 1916 Civil Euclwig Deuss & Co. Rex 8 of 1915/16 H . M . H igh Court of Nyasa-. land at B lantyre. 3 of 1917 ># Gorogoro wife of Sagai Panjaia 75 of 1916 H . M . H igh Court of East Tom be A frica, in the D istrict. Registry at N airobi. 4 of 1917 :# Rattansi Dossa Jivan Laljf, 2236 of 1916 H . B. M . Court for as H on. Sec- Zanzibar. retary of the Khoja Ima- zni Ism ailia Council, ag. ou behalf of the Ism ailia Jam at. 7 of 1917 ## K assam R em tulla Gulam hus- 602 of (10. Parpia sein H assan M ahom e; K halfan& co. 8 of 1917 Ratansi Dossa, as 1. H oosein 1085 of 1917 do. Trustee of the W ill Alib haram - of K esserbai binti si H ashm ani D ossa, deceased and. 2. Fat- m abai binti I Somjilfanji. 10 of 1.911 Gulamhussein A bdalla Tatu binti 603 of 1917 (lo. R ubia 10 of 1916 >; H afsa binti U m er, w i- Bakari bin 428 of do dow of A lawi bin A lawi El- Shekypi. Shatri. xovember 7, 191i. Tnz orvlélwru owzErr'rs 1125

CAUSE LlslL- contd.

Civil or w u original x Appeal N o. c j aut. uesponcu nt. x . eal from . rm sal. ppe o . of case. PP

9 of 1917 Civil 1. Abba Mahomed, Ibrahim Haji 5 of 1915/1 6 H. M. High Court of Nyasa- 2. Aib M ahomed: Cassam land at Blantyre. 3. Thakkar Muljz Nagji antl 4. Hurbai and Emna, widows of Osman Adam and Guardians of llis children Abubekar, Jusub and Halim a by their Attorney Nurmahom ed Osman 5 of 1917 GavrishankerGovindji Chhaganl&l 11 of 1917 H. M. High Court of East Morarji Africa at Mombasa.

'GENERAL No'rlcE No. 8621 N X ICE. R e. O C T O R E R SE SNIQ'N S O F 'KH E H #G H C @ U R T . AMENYED CAUSE LIST. Fert H all, 12th N ovem ber, 19H (approxlm ately). High Court Criminal Case No. 54/17. Crown vs. Ndete wa Kanioro. ;# ,, 66/17. vs. Musiotlzku wa Karugu. N airobi, R. A . N . BRISCOE, October 20th, 1917. Ag. D8lwàg Reg.isirar, Sk& Court, E. .2. P. Gsxnltwl, No'1'IcE No. 863) IN HIS M AJESTYJS I'H GH COURT OF EAST A FRICA. TH E DISTRIOT REGISTRY AT NM ROBI. INSOLVENCY CAU SE N o. 1 ov 1913.

.Re : R. 0. HwMzlaox & Soxs, (IxsoLvxx'rs). . TA KE NOTICE that the Cotzrt has fixetl the 14th (lay of November, 1917, for the consi- deration of (lomgosition (or scheme of arrangement) submitte: by the debtors, in the above Insolvency Petitlon. No creditor wllo has not proved his debt before the above saicl date will be permitted to vote on the consideration of the above matter. Tf any creditor clesires to be represented at the above-m entioned hearing he Bhould be present in person or by duly instructed pleader with his proofs. Nairobi, R. A. N . BRISCOE, N ovember 5th, 1917. Ag. D yézfy Registrar, Jffg/s Coumt, Nairobi.

GINZRAL No'ë'ëcI! No. 864) IN TIIE HIGH COURT OF EA ST AFRICA AT M OM BASA. INSOLVENCY JURISDICTION . CAU SE No. 2 oy 1917. R e : Afouru K woxlt SxAMsum x. To a1l whom it m ay- concern. W H EREAS Abdul K ader Shamsudin, a m erchant of M ombasa and. recently carrying on business as a Soda W ater ancl Ice M anufacturer? ancl H otel Proprietor, at M ombasa, has made an application to this Court that he the salcl Abcllzl Kader Shamsudin be adjudgetl insolvent. N OTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN that the hearing of the saicl application has been fxecl for M onday the 26th November, 1917, at 10 o'clock a.m ., or so soou thereafter as it can be hearcl at the Law Courts at M om basa. M ombasa, A. E. SOCKETT, October 81st, 1917k h . .l?ppll/tzc Higlv C':ud, E. A. P. 1126 TH E OFFICIAL GA ZETTE N ovem ber 7, 1917.


Ix 'r> MAw n or V . 1. JoHxsox, oxcn szz). To all w hom it m ay eoncern. TAK E N OTICE that the account of the Esfate of the above-named V . T. JoHxsox, (leceased, has been lodged w ith the Regis%rar of the H igh Court at M om basa, and. that he has appointed the 13th day of M arch, 1918, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for passing of such account. M om basa, J. W . H . PARK IN SON , N ovem ber 2nd, 1917. Adm inistzator Gc?tdrcl.



CAU SE N o. 89 oya 1917.

Ix THx MATTXR oF A LBINO DANIEL D IAs, Ilxcxwsxlo. ' To al1 w hom it m ay concern. TA K E N OTIOE tlaat all persons having any claim s against the Estate of the above- nam ed AyuBzx'o Dwxly:ru Dlws, lately carrying on blzsiness as Edward St. Rose & Co., Chemists and D ruggists at M om basa and. N alrobi, who clietl at Poona in India on the 19th day of Jauuary, 1917, are required to senfl in their claim s to us the unclersigned., on or before tke 30th D ecem ber, 1917, after which date only the claim s so sent in and. proved will be paicl and. the Estate situate outside tlze m ainlan; D om inîons of H is H iglaness the Sultan of Zanzibar w ill be distriblztetl accorcling to law w ithout regarcl to any claim s rlot so sent in as aforesaid. Mombasa, (Da.) EDW ARD DIAS, October 80th, 1917. CIOILIA AU GU STA M A RTTN S Axo D IA S. Administratora of fh6 Es'tate of dlsï'n,o Danîkl X ïtty', deoeaaed. C o M eure. .Arl'?z)(I,r: zs'f . llose J; Co.

GXNMRAL XOTICE NO. 8671 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION . CAUjE No. 163 ov 1917. Ix Tnz Mwrrxx o. Mwzolt R. C. HARDINCIIAM, M.O., 3/2ND K. A. R., Dxczwsxo. To all w horp it m ay concern.

TAX E N OTTCE that on or after fhe 22.11: dsy of N ovem ber, 1917, I intend to apply to tlle H igh Court of East Africa at M om basa for an order to adm inister with W ill annexed the Estafe of the above-named AIIAJOR R. C. Hwrtmxcluwr, M .C., 8/2ND K . A.. R., who died at M ingoyo on the 18sh day of Septem ber, 1917. M om basa, J. W . H . PARKIN SON , N ovem ber 3rcl, 1917. Adm inintTator G8n67'cl.

GzxErtwru Norrlclr NO. 8681 P IROBATE AND AD M INISTBATION . H IGH COU RT CA U SE N o. 176 o, 1917.

A D M IN IFTR ATOR GFUN ERA L'S CA U SE N o. 141 o' 1917. Ix TIIE MATTXR o, IW SHID JAi?1a1:n, LATE 01 K ACEELIBA, I)xcEwslo. . ' To al1 w llom it m ay concern. PIJR SUA N T to an order of the H igh Court of East A friea datetl the 1st day of N ovem ber, 1917, by which the yntiersigned was appointed Administrator of the Estate of the lato Iu szup JwvwErt, wLo tlletl en route Eldoret on thè nw rlth qf A ugpst, 1917. TA K E N OTTCE that al1 persons having any claim s sgainst the Estate of the saïcl Itwsulo J.xv>'E1t,, are requireâ to loâge apd prove such olaim s before Tne tlle undersigneâ on or before the 7th day of January, 1918. Vtèr wh ich dat,e only; the claims so proved will ,be. yaiil 'à n (1 the Esiate tlistribtzted acdording to law. ' ' ' , : . ' ' ' ' . , . : M om basa, . W . H . PA RK IN SON , . .. . t # Ovem t') er 1st a .1.917. Adjtviniqtvatov General . . a . ' .. : November 7, 1917. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1127

Glxlztaz, Ntnllcz: N(). 8691 PROBATE AND ADM RNISTRATION. HIGH COU RT CAU SE No 1t7 oF 1917. ADM INTSTRATOR GENERALJS CAU SE No. 166 ola 1917. Ix THx MATTXS op OoaroswL G. DvEs, AT.L.B., DEclwslp. To all whom it may concern. PURSLTAX' T to an Order oî tlze High Court tnf East Africa datetl tl'ze 1st day of N oveznber, 1917, by whiclz tlle undersigned was appointetl Administrator of the Estate of the late G. DYEIC who dietl at Kilwa, G'. E. Wfric!a on the 4th clay of October, 1917. TAK E X OTIOE tllat a1l persons Laving any claims against the Estate of tlle saicl G'. D'EEJI, are yequireâ to lodge ancl prove such claips before mo the unclersigned on or

before the 7th day of January) 1918 !after which date , only the claims so proved will be paid. and. tlle Estate distriblztetl to law. M oznbasa, J. W . H . PARK IN SON , N ovem ber 1st, 1917. Jdminlùteaior &8z?z8T'tzl.

GENEIUL Xo'l'lcs No. 870) PEOBATE AND ADM INISTEATION. H IGJI COURT OAU SE No. 179 ()F 1917. ADM INISD ATOR GENKRM JS CAUSE No. 173 oF 1917. TN Tlil Af.Z.TSTA;TC ov Afwzlz, JwMAo-<, UGAxpx Rwlzzwx'r, M xrzxplz, Dzlcxzkszm. To al1 wllom it may concern. PU RSU ANT tzo azl orcler of the High Court of East Africa dated the 1st (lay of November, 1917, by which tLe urldersignetl wms appointecl Atlministrator of the Estate of the late M wul, who died at M akindu on the 22,1d. day of Septem ber, 1917. TAX E NOTICE that al1 persons having any elaim s against tlle Estate of the > id M xuz, are requirecl to lodge and. prove such claims before me the undersigned on or before the 7th day of Jautzary, 1918, after wlzich date only the claims so provel will bp paid and the Fzsteate distributed according to law. M om basa, J. W . H . PAX KIN SON, N ovenlber 1st, 1917. Adminiutrator Geneval.

GENERAL No'1':cE NO. 871)' PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. OAU SE N0. 183 o. 1917. Ix TH>: AMTTMII ola A. M AcxExzlE, LATE ola B. E. A. SAw M zrurs, Dzcylwsxo. To a1l whom it may concern. TAKE N OTICE that on or after tlle zzn(l (lay of Novem ber, 1917, I intencl to apply to the H igh Courd of East A frica at M ombasa for an order to administer the Estate of the above- namecl A. M wcKExzll, who (lied at N airobi on the 10th day of October, 1917. M om basa, J. W . H . PARKINSON, October 29th, 1917. Adm inistratov t'/dzl8rcl.

GENIRAL NOTICE X0. 8721- PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. CAUSE N o. 188 oy 1917. IN THE MwTTEn oF CORPORAL G. T. FUNNELL, A;.Ta.Bu DECEASED. To al1 whom it m ay eoncern. TAKE N OTICE shat on or after tlle 22nd. day of November, 1917, I izltencl to apply to the H igh Court of East Africa at M ombasa for an ortler to administer with W ill annexed the Estate of the above-nameâ G. T. Fuxxxlm, who clietl at K isiwani on the 24th day of September, 1917. M ombasa, J. W . H . PARKINSON, N ovember 3rd, 1917. Adminiztzator G

GENESAL Nel'ics No. 873) PR OBATE AND ADM INISTR ATION . CAU SE N (). 189 ol 1917. Ix TII>2 MATTX. o? CAPT. A.. F. E,. Dyxs, 3no/2xo K. A. R., pxcEwsxp. To all whom it m ay eoncern. TA K E N OTICE that on or after the 22n(1 day of N ovember, 1917, I intend to apply to tlle H igh Court of East Africa at M om basa for an order to adm inister the Estate of the above-nam ecl A . Y'. R . D n R, who was kille; in action near N yengdi on the 80th day of Septem ber 1917. M om basa, J. W . H . PARK IN SON , N ovem ber 31.d, 1917. Adm inhtzatoy t.rcs8rcl.

GSNIRAL NoTlcE No. 8741 PROBA TE AND AD M INISTR ATION . CAU SM N o. 190 o:a 1917. Ix THE VATTES 0F LlxcT. E. B. EvEssHxo,1/2xp K . .A.. R., pxcEwszo. To al1 w hom it m ay concern. TAK E N OTICE that on or after the 22nd. (lay of N ovem ber, 1917, I intend to apply to the H igh Court of East A frica at M om basa for an order to adm înister the Estate of the above-nam etl E. B . Evxxslu o,who was killed in action at the Front on the 28th clay of Septem ber, 1917. M om basa, J. W . H . PAR KIN SON , N ovem ber 3r;, 1917. Adm inlskzd ov G8x8zc!.

Gixxluc Norucz No. 875) PR OBATE A N D A DM TN ISTRA TTON .

H IG H COU R T CA U SE N o. 191 olz 1917. A D M IN ISTRA TOR GEN ERA LJS CA U SE N o. 158 oF 1917. Ix 'zIIz Mww zs o7 LIXUT. 0. H . B. (7 olxg, 3/2x0 K JA. R., Dxcxwsxz). To a1l whorn it m ay concern. PU R SU A N T to an order of tlze lligh Court of East A frica (lated. the 31st day of October 1917 , , by which the undersigne: w as appointed A clm inistrator with W ill annexe: of the Estaie of the late C. H . B. G olxG, who w as killed in action at N anunyu on the 18th day of A ugust) 1917. TA K E N OTIOE that a11 persons having any claims against the Estate of the saicl C. H . B . Gozxg, are required to lodge antl prove such claims before m e the unclersignecl on or before the 7th ('lay of Jantzary, 1918, after which date only the claim s so proved will be paid antl the Estate distributecl according to law .

M om basa, J. W t H . PA RK IN SON ,

October 31st, 1917. A llm iytistvaio,r Jena al.

Glrxlltlrg NoTlcE No. 8761 N OTICE . PU B LIC N OTICE is hereby given that the partnership in the gezleral retail business

hitherto carrietl on at N o. 10x N dia K uu, M om basa, under the style or :rm of rr A LTBH A.I ESM A ILJT & Co. 77 will be dissolved as from the 1st day of N ovem ber, 1917, antl that the said gezleral retail business will thereafter be carried on by G U LAWIH U SSEIN ESM -iTLJT Z'AT FE RJI AN V.I?XIII & M AM OM ED AL I E SM AILJI ESSA JI uzlier the style or firm of ff GU LAM H U SSEIN M A H OM ED ALT & 00.77 On and after the saicl 1st day of N ovem ber next all orders azld. new business to be m alle out a'nd done irt the nam e of the saicl new flrm, and a1l claizaas against the 01c1 firm of fd Alibhai Esmaiiji & Co.77 to be sent in for settlement, forthwith to Alibllai Esmailji & Co., af No. 8.. Ndia Kuu, M ombasa.

D Atell at M om basa tlyis 29th day of Oetober, 1917. W itness, (Sï,ç'z:#) ALIBH M ESMAILJI & CO.

14. AI.. BY R ON , A dvocate, M om basa. November 7, 1917. TH E OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1129

Licences ancl Perm its issued at K yambu during the qlzarter endecl 30th Septem ber, 1917.

N.u O . rj?o whom issned. Date of issue. Resiience. Remarks.

11lsloENT's G'AME LICENcE. 4014 ( M. Poy I July 28th, 1917 ! Kyambu I For 1 year TluvEruTaEss' GAME LlcExcxs. 142: ) J. P. Cook 1424 ) E,. F. Palethorpe 1 Se,,p t. 2149th , 19,1, 7 1 Kya,m,bu GvN TAx PEBMITS. 89912 George July 2nd, 1917 Kyambu D B shot gun, renewal 89913 J'. K . Forbes 7: 17th ,, '32 Smith & W ilson's 5-ch. rev. 89914 C. M . K eith Sept. 11th Chania Bridge '22 W incllester rifle AMMUNITION PERMITS. 1,5382 R. E. Dent July 5th, 1917 Kyambu 500 shot gun cartridges 15383 A.. W aldegrave ,, 18th ,, ,, 500, '22 ronnds 15384 M . C. V adilal Aug. 9th ,, ,, 200, 12 bore shot cartridges 15385 C. A. Stanley ,, 28th ,, 500, .303 rounds 15386 T. J. Razldall Sept. 4th ,, 200, 12 bore cartridges 15387 Sydney H orne ,, 22nd ,, Chania Bridge 5,000 shot gun and. 5,000 rifle cartridges for purpose of sale

Kyambu, R . F. PALETHORPE, October 10tl1, 1917. foe Zlfsfzïcf Commi8sionee.

Licences and Permits isslzetl at K itui tluring the quarter en:etl 30th Septem ber, 1917.

To whom issuecl. Date of issue. Residence. Remarks.

AMxvxlTtox LlclxrcE. 972 I Mwencloa wa Kitabi I Aug. 27th, 1917 l l 100 rounds shots GUN TAI PERMITS. 90204 ft Rev. W . 'Wighf l Aug. lltb, 1917 I j D B shot gun, renewal 90205 Maingi wa Ndia j ,, 13th ,, J l S B 12 borw renewa! BIRD LICENCES. 25998 l1 RSuelvt.a nW b. inW Jiugmhat Il A,u, g. 171th ,19,1, 7. )l TMrualdaenrg, oK Mitiusision l K itui, H . R. ATONTGOATERY, October 8th, 1917. Distrlet Co--ïedïoxcz.

Licences autl Permits issue; at M achakos during the quarter endetl 30th September, 1917.

N o. To whom issued. Date of izssue. Residence. Remarks.

AMMUNITION PERMIT. I T. Crawford I Aug. 9th, 1917 l Macakos Exlcoslv, PEaMIT. I Mrs. Perceival l Aug. 6th, 1917 I Potba A MMUNITION PERMI'I,. l Ganga Singh I Sept. 8th, 1917 I Kibwezi Gt;N TAx PARMITS. F. E. Holland Aug. 4th, 1917 Mboni 9 m/m Harnel Man. rifle J. A. Karwekar Sept. 24th ,, Makindu 613/4970 Lee Enfeld -308 V. E. H. Brackstone ,, 24th ,, ,, 6280 8 m/m Mauser rifle

M achakos, A. E. K ITCHING, October 15th, 1917. fov Dfe/dc/ Comntisaioner.

# 1180 TH E OFFICIA L GA ZEW E N ovem ber 7, 1917.

Licences and Perm its issueë at D agoretti during the quarter ended 30th Septem ber, 1917.

N o. To whom issued. D ate of issue. R esidence. R em arks.

G vx TAx PEaMITs. D r. K . W . A llen J'uly 10t11, 1917 Kijabe R evolver'38calibre, m ark 60222L A dit R am A ug. 8th U plands S B shot gun, rilark 106077 ren. Lalsingh Juarsingh 21st At mile 344/4, D B shot gun 12 bore, m ark j U gand.a Rly. 2 1425 N atlm K laan J$ 28th ,, N aivasha D B shot gun 12 bore, m ark 47259 H . Kjellberg Sept. 4th ,, M 'bagathi .416 Rigby M auser riie, m ark 4051 do J# 4th ,, 9 m/m Mauser rifle, mark 376 do ;# 4th ,, ,, Shot gun, m ark 377 H . Gliem an J# 4th ,, Lim oru D B shot gun 12 bore, m ark. 76/16 J. H . D . Beales ## 11th ,, K aren D airy, 12 bore shot gun, m ark 1226 D agoretti do J# 11th ,, ,, 8 m/m M annlicher rille, M . 1908. W . W . Ingram ,, 24th ,, N airobi 5-ch. revolver, m ark 106867 A.. Brockner ## 25th ,, M Jbagathi R oss Eley riie .280 do 77 25th ,, ,, 12 bore shot gun

B llto LlclxcEs.

10327 S. D 'Silva Jnly 29th, 1917 N airobi 10328 A dit Ram ztug. 8th ,, U plands 10329 Lalsingll Juarsingh 21st ,, A.t mile 344/4, U ganda Rly. 10380 N athu K han ,, 28th ,, N aivasha 10831 J. H . D . Beales Sept. 11th ,y K aren Coffee, MJbagathi l

D agoretti, C. A . G . LAN E, Septem ber 80th, 1917. Asnhtani DIJHCJ Commissioner fc.