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Mostly Sunny Read It First 53/38 THE TUFTS DAILY Est. 1980 VOLUME LXVI, NUMBER 34 Friday, October 25, 2013 TUFTSDAILY.COM Renowned poet blends anthropology, art b y Ad a m Ka m i n s k i Society of Mystic Animals.” Contributing Writer “A song to welcome the animals, the participants, into the ceremony,” The Center for the Humanities at Rothenberg said. “On the page it looks Tufts (CHAT) and the Department of like a piece of concrete poetry, but it Anthropology yesterday hosted inter- can also be re-sung, with the translated nationally renowned poet, transla- words and the untranslatable words of tor and performance artist Jerome the original.” Rothenberg at Fung House for an The poem, which included a chant, a event dedicated to the celebration of melody and a shaker, revealed the wide his most recent work, “Eye of Witness: range of Rothenberg’s influences, as well A Jerome Rothenberg Reader.” as the scope of his creativity, Guss said. Rothenberg has published over 80 “He’s somebody who is very performa- books and 12 works of traditional, trans- tive. He’s somebody who has created a lated and avant-garde poetry. lot of new ways of presenting his poetry, “Eye of Witness,” published this bringing in influences from other cul- past September, is a culmination of tures,” Guss said. Virginia Bledsoe / The Tufts Daily Archives Coordinators for Leonard Carmichael Society’s (LCS) annual blood drive hope to attract a Rothenberg’s long career, surveying his In 1972, Rothenberg moved to the total of 200 student donators before the event closes today. past works and offering new insights into Allegany Indian Reservation in western old poetry, according to Professor and New York, where he collaborated with Chair of the Department of Anthropology the Seneca Native Americans. His poetry Annual fall blood drive sees David Guss. draws from these experiences as well as “It represents a retelling of his whole from myriad other cultures. poetic output over the last 50 years,” Guss According to Guss, Rothenberg’s texts high turnout said. “It’s an exploration of the various reflect a method of recording text called themes and meanings that he’s been ethnopoetics, a modern advancement in b y Ha n n a h Ro b i n s o n appointments each day. involved in in his own development.” poetry for which Rothenberg has been a Contributing Writer According to Michael Schaeffer, account Such themes in Rothenberg’s poems, major contributor. executive at the branch of the American Red Guss explained, include ideas about col- “There are probably few American poets More than 175 students this week have Cross that coordinates with Tufts, the level of laboration and community. who don’t feel touched by Rothenberg in participated in the Leonard Carmichael turnout at the on-campus blood drive has “He sees poetry as a communion, a some way, but it’s not just poets,” Guss Society’s (LCS) annual blood drive for the been encouraging. Reports indicate that 175 collective process in which people are said. “We’re talking about musicians, American Red Cross. people turned out to donate blood at Tufts always working together,” Guss said. painters, writers and anthropologists. Today marks the final day of the week- over the course of the first three days of dona- “[Rothenberg’s] trying to place the poet That influence across disciplines is rare.” long event held in the main lounge of tions, including 40 first-time donors. In total, right inside of society and inside a com- Rothenberg’s style, which connects Carmichael Hall. the Red Cross collected 123 of its planned munity. He’s a community builder, which countries and performers, was part of the According to the blood drive’s 126 productive units of blood, for 98 percent is important.” Department of Anthropology’s motive for Administrative Coordinator Susannah operational efficiency during the first half of Rothenberg started the presentation bringing him to Tufts, according to Guss. Daggett, LCS expects to collect a total the week. by reading a translated Seneca Indian of 200 pints of blood — approximately poem from his book “Songs for the see ROTHENBERG, page 2 one pint per person, processing about 80 see LCS, page 2 Halloween festivities to spook, entertain students on, off the Hill

b y Ch a r l o t t e Gi l l i l a n d the Sharewood Project has between 150 and Daily Editorial Board 200 trained undergraduate volunteers and serves an e-list of at least 400 students. As Halloween draws closer, Tufts and the Dasaraju pointed out that attending the city of Boston are in full swing with prepa- event will help those involved in Sharewood rations. Whether it’s volunteering with the to continue gaining experience in the medi- Leonard Carmichael Society (LCS), getting cal field. spooked at an a cappella show, enjoying “Students get exposure with working with a cupcake decorating class or exploring patients themselves. We take vitals, help Boston on a pub crawl — anything goes patients feel comfortable and keep the pro- this week. cess going,” she said. The coordinators hope that the eve- On campus ning of Halloween-themed performanc- On Saturday, the Global Health Network es will bring fun for all in support of a and the Pre-Med Society will host Spook- common cause. Appella — a concert and performance ben- “We hope that people will learn more about efitting the Sharewood Project. the Sharewood Project and get involved with “[The project] is a free health clinic run our committees or the Sharewood Project,” weekly by undergraduates and the medical Dasaruju said. “Costumes are encouraged.” students at Tufts Medical School to provide The event will be held in the Alumnae medical services of all sorts, like general Lounge with catering from Dave’s Fresh checkups,” sophomore Aparna Dasaraju, Pasta and other local restaurants. Tickets fundraiser coordinator for the Sharewood can be purchased at the Mayer Campus Project, said. “[It covers] Malden, Mass., Center and on Tufts Tickets. which has a large number of people who For students who would like to incorpo- don’t have access to healthcare.” rate community service into this upcoming The event will feature a cappella groups holiday, LCS will be hosting one of their S-Factor, Anchord and Essence, as well as annual events on Saturday, too: Halloween the dance group Spirit of Color, all perform- Courtesy Joy Chee on the Hill. The event is centered on celebrat- ing in the spirit of Halloween. The event With fall in full swing on campus, activities for Halloween will start up tonight. ing Halloween with children from Medford will also feature a debut performance from public health coordinator of the said. “The $5 that someone spends on a and Somerville schools with games, cos- Enchanted, a brand new all-Disney a cap- Sharewood Project. ticket will go a long way in improving the tumes, trick-or-treating and other activities. pella group on campus. “It’s our first year doing Spook-Appella, infrastructure of the clinic, as well as buying “In the past it’s been about 100 to 150 Like the new a cappella group, it is and we think it’s going to be a great way to new medical equipment for the clinic.” kids,” junior Shoshana Oppenheim, co- Sharewood’s first time participating, raise money for the clinic and to make cam- Anywhere from four to six Tufts students according to junior Zimmerman, pus more aware of Sharewood,” Zimmerman attend the clinic each week to volunteer, but see HALLOWEEN, page 2

Inside this issue Today’s sections

Modern take on ‘Carrie’ Lucius proves them- News | Features 1 Sports 5 brings nothing new to selves masters of indie- the horror classic. pop with ‘Wildewoman.’ Arts & Living 3 Classifieds 6 Comics 4

see ARTS, page 3 see ARTS, page 3 2 Th e Tu f t s Da i l y News | Features Friday, October 25, 2013 THE TUFTS DAILY Poet presents latest work at reading Ha n n a h R. Fi n g e rh u t ROTHENBERG Editor-in-Chief continued from page 1 Editorial “I see a tremendous connection, a bridge really, between poetry and Jenna Buckle anthropology,” Guss said. “That’s the Melissa Wang kind of bridge Jerry’s created, partly in Managing Editors ethnopoetics.” Rothenberg’s last poem was a translated Abigail Feldman Executive News Editor Daniel Gottfried News Editors horse blessing from the Navajo tradition, Victoria Leistman Menghan Liu which again incorporated chanting. He Melissa Mandelbaum gave a summary of the poem, originally Annabelle Roberts Mahpari Sotoudeh written by a Navajo leader named Frank Josh Weiner Mitchell. Sarah Zheng Daniel Bottino Assistant News Editors “The hero god enemy-slayer sent by his Alexa Horwitz mother goes from the earth to the house Hunter Ryan Denali Tietjen of his father, the sun god, to bring back spirit horses for the Navajo,” Rothenberg said. “And in the 13th horse song, he imag- Shannon Vavra Executive Features Editor ines how beautiful they will be when they Lily Sieradzki Features Editors Charlotte Gilliland change from spirit horses to real horses.” Emily Bartlett Vicky Rathsmill Guss hopes the event both broadened Emma Arnesty-Good Assistant Features Editors students’ notions of anthropology and Caitlin McClure Sabrina McMillin celebrated Rothenberg’s work. Julia McDaniel “For Tufts to be the place that launches Kyra Sturgill / The Tufts Daily this book is a privilege,” Guss said. “It’s a Jerome Rothenberg, an internationally celebrated poet and translator, presented his work great opportunity for Tufts to celebrate his yesterday afternoon at an event hosted by The Center for the Humanities at Tufts and the Caroline Welch Executive Arts Editor Department of Anthropology. Dan O’Leary Arts Editors life’s work.” Veronica Little Drew Robertson Assistant Arts Editors Brendan Donohue Lancy Downs Grace Hoyt Blood drive coordinators expect success Alexander Schroeder Executive Sports Editor LCS ute shifts, and the ideal is to have two to “We are very successful at colleges Marcus Budline Sports Editors Aaron Leibowitz continued from page 1 four people during every shift,” Qureishi, a in particular, Tufts being one of them,” David McIntyre “For a frame of reference, we consider 95 junior, said. Picard said. “That is why we do it so many Zachey Kliger Jake Indursky percent operational efficiency to be a suc- Donations made by appointment, as days in a row.” Claire Sleigh cess,” Schaeffer told the Daily in an email. opposed to walk-ins, are particularly ben- Daggett said that changes in Office of Kate Klots Matthew Berger “So, 98 percent is great ... Since only five eficial to ensuring the overall success of the Residential Life and Learning regulations Tyler Maher Assistant Sports Editors percent of the eligible population actually blood drive, Daggett said. may create obstacles for future blood drives. Ross Dember Jason Schneiderman donates, this is a big victory.” “Our biggest push in publicity is trying “Looking forward between now and our Alex Connors Daggett, a sophomore, warned that a goal to get people to sign up for appointments,” winter drive, we are going to have to change of 80 appointments per day will not neces- Daggett said. “If people sign up for appoint- a lot of things,” she said. “We can’t have the sarily yield 80 donations, as it is possible that ments ahead of time, we know what to blood drive in the same lounge space for Elayne Stecher Executive Op-Ed Editor Bhushan Deshpande Op-Ed Editors some students who register will be ineli- expect and the Red Cross knows how many five days in a row because of residential life Tom Chalmers gible to give blood. Daggett explained that people they should bring.” regulations.” Matthew Crane Nick Golden students could be considered ineligible for Daggett, who explained that the three Daggett said that one possible solution to Jehan Madhani Cartoonists a variety of reasons, including if they have blood drives held throughout the year repre- this problem would be to divide the period Keran Chen Denise Amisial traveled to a certain foreign country, do not sent one of the oldest standing LCS event tra- of blood donation into two sections. LCS Benjamin Boventer meet height and weight requirements or ditions, feels confident that this year’s drive would operate in one hall’s lounge for three Scott Geldzahler Editorialists days and another one for the remaining Susan Kaufman have low levels of iron. will yield success similar to that of past years. Anantya Sahney In previous years, under-staffing has pre- “The drive has been very successful so two days. She did note that this could be vented the blood drive from maximizing far, and on both Monday and Tuesday we problematic for the Red Cross organization, collections, Daggett said. To ensure that the had to turn donors away when the wait however. Kyra Sturgill Executive Photo Editor event runs smoothly, 45 student volunteers got too long,” she said. “Historically, the Despite reorganization possibilities for Caroline Geiling Photo Editors John Hampson will manage donations. fall drive is the best drive [of the year], future drives, positivity about the cause in Wan Jing Lee Volunteer Coordinator Zaid Qureishi and we don’t see any reason to think this general persists. Qureishi said that each Simone Backer Nick Pfosi Staff Photographers explained that the volunteers, recruited dur- year will be different.” donation has the potential to save up to Zhuangchen Zhou ing the LCS general interest meeting, are Red Cross Collections Supervisor Paula three lives. Courtney Chiu Sofia Adams needed to manage the check-in table and Picard said she also feels optimistic about “It’s a rewarding experience, being able to the canteen. the blood drive, especially since many stu- help out in something that can save lives,” “We usually divide the day into 30 min- dents have made appointments. he said. Alexander Kaufman Executive New Media Editor Phuong Ta New Media Editors Jake Hellman Barton Liang Assistant New Media Editor Festivities will extend over two weekends HALLOWEEN trick-or-treaters can ride Boston Duck history of mystery and suspense, showing PRODUCTION continued from page 1 Tours to different locations around the locations of hangings and murders and Elliot Philips coordinator of the event, said. “We hand harbor, and proceeds from the $5 ticket recounting several true and morbid tales Production Director out permission slips to the Medford/ price will benefit the Friends of the Fort of the area. Tickets can be purchased at Somerville elementary schools, they get Point Channel, a nonprofit that works to Bostonbyfoot.org. Emily Rourke Executive Layout Editor make the Fort Point Channel accessible to If it’s a costume contest you’re looking Adrian Lo Senior Layout Editor distributed through newsletters and they Emma Arnesty-Good Layout Editors can register online.” residents and visitors alike. Tickets can be for, check out Ned Devine’s in the North Jen Betts Shoshanna Kahne Undergraduates will pair up to lead purchased online through Eventbrite. End for the RadioBDC Retro Halloween Daniel MacDonald small groups of children around campus If you’re missing trick-or-treating activities Ball on Oct. 31. With DJs Julie Kramer and Montana Miller Falcon Reese for Halloween festivities, such as trick-or- from your youth, you can still satisfy your Adam 12 and Halloween tunes, this 21-plus Reid Spagna treating in resident halls. sweet tooth at Treat Cupcake Bar in Needham event is free if you register on Eventbrite. Andrew Stephens Chelsea Stevens “It’s really enjoyable leading the on Oct. 27. Attend the Halloween Cupcake Students can attend Halloween events Maura McQuade Assistant Layout Editor kids around to different arts and crafts Decorating Class to learn how to improve closer to the Tufts campus in nearby activities and thinking how exciting it the preparation of your favorite Halloween Harvard Square, like with the Harvard would have been to do this as a kid and treats. The class will be held at 12:30 p.m., and Square Ghost Tour. Join professional sto- Jamie Hoagland Executive Copy Editors Julia Russell get to go around a college campus,” each student will receive tools and assistance rytellers on a stroll through the shad- Anna Haugen Copy Editors Adrienne Lange Oppenheim said. to create six jumbo-sized cupcakes. Tickets ows of Harvard Square to hear about Drew Lewis She explained that the event aims to con- can be purchased online. shocking murders and mysterious deaths Annaick Miller Vidya Srinivasan nect students with the local community. For those of you looking for a small in Cambridge’s history. Tours are held Marina Shtyrkov “One thing that’s really important to road trip this weekend, head over to Salem Thursdays through Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Hadley Gibson Assistant Copy Editors Patrick Schulman Tufts is not having students be in the Tufts Haunted Happenings to visit the home and meet by the information kiosk at the Rachel Salzberg bubble,” Oppenheim said. “We want the of the Salem Witch Trials for some clas- Harvard Square T-stop. Tori Porter students to get out in the community, but sic Halloween happenings, featuring his- A little further off campus in Quincy, this is our chance to bring the community toric Ghost Tours at Salem’s 13 Ghosts, a learn about the USS Salem and its most to Tufts and give back as Tufts students, Haunted Harbor Cruise or the Witch Trial haunted places with The Haunted Ship at Hamid Mansoor Executive Online Editor being members of the Somerville and Trail. Choose between different evening the USS Salem. Featured on the hit TV show Medford community.” events, like the Harry Potter Halloween “Ghost Hunters” (2004-present), learn how Costume Ball or the Voodoo Ball to break to use ghost-hunting equipment to hunt BUSINESS Off campus out your favorite costume. down and explore the paranormal. Guided Daphne Wu For students looking to get off-campus If this weekend is too busy with midterm ghost tours are $15 for adults. Executive Business Director this weekend and next, there is no shortage preparations, kick off the celebrations next For students of age and who would of spook-filled Halloween activities around week on Oct. 30 at Tommy Doyle’s Irish like to extend Halloween celebrations Li Liang Receivables Manager Boston and beyond. Pub in Harvard Square with the Wu-Tang across several days, the annual Halloween If you’re looking for something to do Wednesday: The Day Before Halloween PubCrawl on Oct. 26, 31 and Nov. 1 will be P.O. Box 53018, Medford, MA 02155 tonight and are of age, head over to the Bash event with classic beats and no cover an experience to remember. Crawls will 617 627 3090 FAX 617 627 3910 [email protected] seaside and check out the Seaport District’s charge. The event starts at 9 p.m. occur at some of the best bars in Boston, best bars and restaurants with the fourth On Oct. 31, the Beacon Hill with a BOO! and three-day, all-access passes are avail- annual Halloween on the Harbor. Adult will offer a tour highlighting the district’s able at Pubcrawls.com.

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Arts & Livingtuftsdaily.com

Movie Review ‘Carrie’ falls short of expectations b y Ch r i s t o p h e r Ga r c i a modern day, allowing for the use of social Contributing Writer media to further humiliate Carrie. Like in the original movie, the first time we get When the remake to Brian de Palma’s a glimpse of Carrie’s powers is after she 1976 classic film “Carrie” was first is humiliated in the school showers for announced, a slew of collective groans getting her period. As the girls pelt Carrie with tampons, a video is recorded of the Carrie event. This video is then uploaded to the Internet, where it is used to embarrass her later on. Directed by Kimberly Peirce But once again, one step forward is met with bizarre filmmaking choices — numer- Starring Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne ous scenes feel both unnecessary and Moore, unwarranted. For instance, the very first scene of the movie shows Carrie’s mother arose not just from critics, but also from giving birth in her bed with no assistance. fans of the original and of the horror As she pulls Carrie from her own body, genre. This second version of “Carrie” she contemplates killing the recently born seemed destined to fit right in among the child — whom she calls a cancer — but constant hammering of awful big-budget hesitates. While the act of infanticide is Hollywood remakes of classic horror mov- very serious, the entire time the scene plays ies, like the new spin on “Prom Night” out on screen, one has to wonder why the (2008), the modern take on “Halloween” filmmakers chose to show the birth at all. (2007) and a particularly poorly received If they really wanted to demonstrate how “The Fog” (2005). However, the orginal close Carrie came to death at the hands of skepticism surrounding the film began her mother, why not depict it in a different, to wane as more details emerged — like less excessive manner, or merely have her the fact that Kimberly Peirce, the direc- mother mention it to her? tor of the 1999 indie classic “Boys Don’t Michael Gibson / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc. Regardless of these flaws, “Carrie” has Cry,” would be at the helm of the proj- Chloë Grace Moretz is not as believably awkward as Sissy Spacek, who played Carrie in the always conveyed the notion that the ect. Audiences and critics felt optimistic 1976 film. monsters in horror stories are not always upon learning that Chloë Grace Moretz of the ones we would expect. The original “Kick-Ass” (2010) and “Let Me In” (2010) hard to be a stereotypical high school the edge. This nuance in Spacek’s per- novel penned by , along fame would star as the eponymous Carrie, movie — the subtle sense of creepiness formance gave the original Carrie an with both “Carrie” films, portray Carrie with Oscar nominee tak- and impending horror is greatly dimin- extra element of humanity — something as a victim of the circumstances sur- ing on the role of Carrie’s fanatically reli- ished by watching cheerleaders try to that seems to be lacking in this remake. rounding her. Though Carrie ultimately gious mother. work out their superficial social struggles Additionally, there was nothing in the turns monstrous in the end, before her There is plenty that “Carrie” does right, and woes. actual production of the film that was inevitable transformation, the viewer is but it seems that for every time it suc- The acting in the movie is also only particuarly exceptional. With nothing able to step back and look at all of the ceeds, something else detracts from its partially effective. Although Moretz plays noteworthy about the cinematography events preceding it. The presentation of overall quality. Oftentimes, it’s a bad piece the role of the monster rather well, she and sountrack, it seems as though the Carrie as a victim pushed to her limits is of dialogue that feels uninspired, dull or doesn’t become as genuinely awkward filmmakers decided to play it safe. what the movie does best, but unfortu- soporific. At other moments, it’s the fact as Sissy Spacek in the 1976 film until One aspect of the “Carrie” remake that nately it is not enough to pull “Carrie” that the film’s first half tries almost too the scene that sends her character over worked well was its adaptation to the out of the pool of adequacy.

Album Review Lucius’ debut album a huge success

b y Ca r o l i n e We l c h sand of musical monotony — Daily Editorial Board no two songs are truly alike. Despite this miscellany, howev- In today’s world of music, it’s er, the record is in no way frag- getting harder and harder to be mented or disjointed. Somehow different. Whether it’s the unin- the group is able to fuse each number together seamlessly, Wildewoman creating a work that showcases individual tracks as well as the group’s overarching spunky, vintage-pop sound. Amidst Lucius Wolfe and Laessig’s intoxicat- Mom + Pop ing, synchronized voices and catchy, head-bobbing beats, Lucius is a strange contradic- spired layered loops of Top 40 tion — crafting a cohesive, uni- pop or the formulaic acoustic fied collection in which every guitar riffs of indie rock, each song remains uniquely autono- new song feels like a regurgita- mous from the whole. tion of its predecessors — albeit For fans of Lucius’ four-track with a slight, nearly impercep- self-titled EP that was released tible twist. Now, emerging artists last year, a few of the tracks on are faced with a twofold chal- “Wildewoman” may be familiar. lenge: to deliver a praise-worthy, After the opener, listeners will quality sound that also stands recognize the infectious “Turn out amongst a crowd of clones. It Around” from their sample. Novice indie-pop band Lucius From Wolfe and Laessig’s very has managed to achieve both. first “Ah-ah-ah-ah-Ha!” — a vocal After Rolling Stone dubbed interlude that punctuates the end Zhuangchen Zhou / The Tufts Daily Lucius a “Band to Watch” back of nearly every line in the song — Lucius performed songs from their EP at the Boston Calling music festival this past September. in August, the five member the track sets a high-energy tone Brooklyn-based group has cer- that persists for the next three drawn out, requiring tangible the delicate plucking of acoustic yells of Wolfe and Laessig, this tainly lived up to the prophecy and half minutes. Alternating effort from the instruments to guitar. When a powerful piano song is a force to be reckoned with the release of their debut between jumpy, make-you-want- propel the tune forward. The riff enters later — escalating into with. Culminating in an unex- album, “Wildewoman,” last week. to-dance verses and a slower, deliberately heavy tempo lends a subtle crescendo — listeners pectedly dissonant minor chord Consisting of drummer Dan more melodic chorus, “Turn It an air of tragic weariness to the will be inevitably hit with chilling that fades away as quickly as the Molad, guitarists Peter Lalish and Around” exemplifies the album piece, consistent with the lyrics. waves of goose bumps. song began, “Hey, Doreen” is one Andrew Burri and vocalists Jess on a micro-scale — effortlessly Wolfe and Laessig’s crooning is Yet, the true highlight of audiences won’t soon forget. Wolfe and Holly Laessig, Lucius integrating two distinct sounds rife with dejection as they sing, “Wildewoman” is the impos- “Wildewoman” is not only a is a mere two years old — though into a single entity. “Press on my heart, I will say / I sibly addicting “Hey, Doreen.” phenomenal debut — it’s a musi- its two female leads have been One song later, “Wildewoman” don’t need you anyway / I don’t Slathered with traces of hard- cal game changer. Innovative and singing together since their col- sounds like a completely dif- need you, go home.” er rock in its pounding piano refusing to surrender to conven- lege days at Boston’s own Berklee ferent production. An old-time Another mellow number, “Two chords and thick drum beats, tion, Lucius has raised the bar for College of Music. country-esque ode to lost love, of Us on the Run” is both tender “Hey, Doreen” drives the momen- new musicians everywhere and The strength of the album “Go Home” is almost painfully and ethereal, further showcasing tum of the album. With cymbals redefined what it means to be lies in its sheer diversity. slow, echoing the lonely, mel- the angelic vocals of Lucius’ front shaking over electronic bleeps original in the indie-pop scene. “Wildewoman” avoids getting ancholic feelings of the narra- women. Clear and whispery, and a vibrating bass pulsating Listeners can only wonder what sucked into the insipid quick- tor. Every note is lethargically their voices drift poignantly over beneath the sultry, retro-tinged the band will do next. 4 Th e Tu f t s Da i l y Comics Friday, October 25, 2013

Crossword Do o n e s b u r y b y Ga r r y Tr u d e a u

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Ma r r i e d t o t h e Se a


SUDOKU Level: Rooting against the Red Sox during their magical 2013 playoff run.

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Alex: “I’m tryna put a hole in the baby.”

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Inside the NBA

b y Ja k e In d u r s k y Houston, giving the Rockets ball in their hands the most are Daily Editorial Board a title-worthy duo formed by going to turn the ball over, so Howard and all-star guard James it’s kind of a weird thing.” As baseball season comes to Harden. Besides the Rockets Therefore, players like Knicks a close, and as the NFL sea- improving vastly, the Western forward Carmelo Anthony, sonNBA continues seasonto frustrate you Conference tips saw off several middle- Tuesdayalthough exciting to watch, because you can never pick the tier teams do some surprising don’t help as much as one winners correctly, there is still tinkering. The Nuggets chose would think, due to their turn- hope for the sports fan in dis- not to bring back star defend- over rates. Meanwhile, middle- tress. NBA starts in ers Andre Iguodala and Corey of-the-road players can turn less than a week. And although Brewer and added very little. into fantasy studs. more attention is paid to fan- Meanwhile, the New Orleans “And then you have three tasy baseball and fantasy foot- Pelicans traded the sixth over- point specialists like Ryan ball, fantasy basketball also all pick in the 2013 draft and Anderson, who finished one begins shortly. their first-round, top-five pro- year as one of the top fan- If you don’t know anything tected pick in next year’s draft tasy players in the game, but about fantasy basketball — or to acquire star point guard you would never think of him even if you think you know Jrue Holiday. The Pelicans also like that in real life,” Del Don everything about fantasy bas- added former rookie of the year added. “He just never turns the ketball — we’ve got you covered. Tyreke Evans to give them a ball over and hits a lot of three- The Daily spoke with Dalton Del dynamic backcourt of Evans, pointers, whereas Dwight Don, the lead basketball expert Holiday and Eric Gordon. Howard last year, in a nine cat- for Yahoo! Fantasy Sports. In the East, Miami is still egory league, literally finished Del Don, who started his number one, but the Bulls outside the top 200, because he career by writing a fantasy blog should provide a challenge after is such a train wreck shooting in an age before everybody had getting Derrick Rose back after his free throws.” blogs, was eventually picked up a year off due to a torn ACL. When examining this upcom- by fantasy site Rotowire, which Those two teams likely won’t ing season, it is important to partnered with Yahoo!. Del Don be joined by the Celtics atop separate fantasy from real life. became familiar with the fan- the standings for the first time Although Howard may help tasy community at Yahoo!, and in a long time. Boston traded Houston to the title, he will only when former lead basketball away beloved players Kevin drag your fantasy team to the expert Matt Buser left Yahoo!, Garnett and to the bottom of the standings. Del Don seized the opportunity , who hope to to take over his role. take the Celtics’ spot alongside Sleepers Earlier this week, Del Don the league leaders. Looking at the NBA this year, offered his insights on the many of the same teams will be upcoming 2013-14 season from Real-life stars vs. Fantasy stars on top: Miami, Oklahoma City, a fantasy basketball perspective. As for fantasy basketball, Chicago and San Antonio, to most of the aforementioned name a few. So who will rise to Offseason recap changes are still significant, the occasion to challenge these Before we start analyzing but as Don noted, the fantasy behemoths? In the West, look which players are likely to be game is viewed very differently for the Minnesota Timberwolves breakout fantasy stars, it’s impor- than the game in real life. The to provide an interesting story tant to first break down what “turnovers” statistic provides a with a healthy Kevin Love and happened in the offseason. unique conundrum. Ricky Rubio for the first time in In short: a lot. The “Turnovers are an interesting a long time. “Dwightmare” finally ended thing, because they punish the In the East, Cleveland should MCT for the Lakers as center Dwight league’s best players,” Del Don Rockets big man Dwight Howard is making his debut in Houston this year Howard packed his bags for said. “The guys who have the see INSIDE NBA, page 6 after a lackluster year on the Lakers. Watch for Howard to pair up with all-star James Harden to make a run in the Western Conference. DAILY DIGITS 2003 16 20

Last time the women’s soccer team Postseason home runs hit by Red Kills recorded by junior outside scored seven goals as they did Sox DH David Ortiz as of yesterday, hitter Haley Hopper Saturday in a Monday against Suffolk University. who tacked on a two-run homer five set win against Middlebury. The Jumbos downed the Rams Wednesday in the bottom of the sev- Hopper’s 20-kill performance 7-2, as senior tri-captain Anya enth inning, as Boston downed St. earned her NESCAC Player of Kaufmann led the team with a Louis 8-1 in the first game of the Fall the Week. This is the first time hat trick and an assist, tying the Classic. Ortiz is now tied for eighth since 2011 that a Tufts player has school record for goals in a game on the all-time postseason home run received the Player of the Week and setting the points in a game list with the Cardinals’ Carlos Beltran. award, the last one being junior record with seven. Tufts travels to Cardinals’ starting pitcher Adam Isabel Kuhel. Hopper currently leads Hamilton tomorrow for its penulti- Wainwright gave up six hits and three the team with 213 kills. The Jumbos mate game of the regular season. earned runs over five innings, as the will take on Brandeis in the Hall of Sox took Game 1 handily. Fame Invitational.

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Time of senior tri-captain Abby Points scored in the fourth quar- Barker’s third place finish overall at Age of retired NFL quarterback ter by Chicago Bulls point guard the Connecticut College Invitational Brett Favre, whose agent was Derrick Rose on Wednesday night last weekend, contributing to Tufts’ recently contacted by the St. Louis en route to a 104-95 win against first place finish as a team. Barker’s Rams after they lost starter Sam the Oklahoma City Thunder. Rose, performance at Harkness State Park Bradford to a season-ending knee who missed the entire 2012-13 in Waterford, Conn. earned her the injury in last week’s game against season due to knee surgery, led the NESCAC Performer of the Week. the Panthers. Favre, who last saw team with 26 points and pitched Barker was the first Tufts runner, the field three years ago when he in six assists. The Bulls lead the as well as the first runner from the threw for just 11 touchdowns and Eastern Conference through the NESCAC, to cross the finish line. It’s 19 interceptions, declined the offer preseason with a 7-0 record. The the first time Barker has won the saying he won’t return to the NFL. Bulls finish the preseason tonight award, as well as the first time a The Rams are tied for the last spot against the . Tufts runner has taken home the title in the NFC West with a 3-4 record. since 2009. 6 Th e Tu f t s Da i l y Sports Friday, October 25, 2013

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INSIDE NBA In the West, the Nuggets, who were a continued from page 5 fan favorite last season, added nobody be an exciting young team. The Cavaliers significant while losing two great defend- Heatfeature Kyrie poised Irving, one of theto best take play- ersleague as well as their crown GM, Masai Ujiri. for Also, third straight year ers in the league, and also added center this could be the year that San Antonio Andrew Bynum on the cheap. If healthy, finally becomes too old to keep up with Bynum can be a 20-10 post player. Those the young guns. two will be accompanied by solid role In the East, the Brooklyn Nets, players like Tristan Thompson, Jarrett despite adding some exciting pieces, Jack and Anderson Varejao. also added some old pieces. Deron In fantasy, this is an exciting year for Williams still has not proven he can sleeper picks, as there are numerous lead a team deep into the playoffs. young players who appear poised for a Whether he can do it this year will be breakout. one of the season’s top storylines. “[Pelicans big man] Anthony Davis Indiana could also suffer a post-play- is going to make a huge leap this year,” offs hangover, as the entire team peaked Del Don said. “He is not considered a at exactly the same time last year. sleeper, but I think he could finish in For fantasy, Del Don advises owners the top five this year. He bulked up in to steer clear of players who are over- the offseason, and centers like that who valued in real life. can get steals and blocks are so rare.” “I’m a little bit worried about Kobe Del Don also mentioned Wizards Bryant, because people are so used guard John Wall as another good young to him being indestructible,” Del Don player who could take his game to the said. “But I think [his] Achilles’, with next level. the amount of minutes he’s accrued Sleepers can also be found on teams throughout his career — I think he’s with few scoring options, where average going to take a major downturn.” players can become stars. “Gordon Hayward is a boring real- Big winners life player, but Utah has nobody else In the NBA, the key to winning is clear: there,” Del Don said. “Also, Jeff Green have LeBron James on your team. Expect on Boston [could break out]. Paul Pierce Miami to make a run at three titles in is gone and KG is gone, so he can be the a row this year and attempt to join the man there.” elite teams in NBA history. As for fantasy, Kevin Durant is the best Busts bet to finish number one. His combina- The NBA features a lot of teams that tion of efficiency and scoring acumen is MCT may be overhyped due to performance rare, and it’s worth its weight in gold in Former NBA scoring champion Kevin Durant is back with the Oklahoma City Thunder looking last year or new additions this year. your fantasy league. to make his second finals appearance in three years. Friday, October 25, 2013 Th e Tu f t s Da i l y Advertisement 7 8 Th e Tu f t s Da i l y Advertisement Friday, October 25, 2013