ABOUT THE SECOND DACIAN-ROMAN WAR (105-…)1 GICĂ BĂEŞTEAN Muzeul CivilizaŃiei Dacice şi Romane, Deva gică
[email protected] VALENTIN A. BOICEA Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti
[email protected] Keywords: Dacia, military diploma, Roman army, urbanization, Sarmizegetusa Cuvinte cheie: Dacia, diplomă militară, armata romană, urbanizare, Sarmizegetusa According to the previous theories, the second war between Dacians and Romans ended in 106 AD. That the things were not like that is proved by all the scientific errors which resulted from the use of a wrong hypothesis. Regarding 106 AD we have no certainty about the foundation of the Dacian province but as far as this second war is concerned, the official data does not confirm its ending in this year. According to the Ranovac military diploma, the only certainty is the foundation of the province before the end of the second Dacian War. The governor Iulius Sabinus mentioned by this diploma certifies the existence of the province while the fact that the soldiers receive the Roman citizenship in 106 AD but remain in military active service confirms the continuation of the war after this year. Because all these problems are related, one cannot speak about another conflict but about a stage continuation of the one begun in 105 AD. One of the few accepted facts until now regarding the Second Dacian War was its ending in AD 106. This is ascertained also by the current state of the art: “In the summer of 106, at the end of the second Dacian War, the military power of Decebalus was destroyed, his kingdom wiped out and the Trajanic province was founded”2.