THE GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya

(Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.)

Vol. LXVIII-No. 45 , 13th September 1966 Price: Sh. 1/50

CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES PAGE PAGE Appointments ...... 1066 Lost Share Certificate ...... 1085 Local Government Notices . . . . 1085 Proclamation ...... 1066 . . . . The Local Government (County of ) (Amend- The Employment Act-Appointment, etc. . . . . 1066 ment) Order 1966-Nominated Members . . . . 1086 The Explosives Act-Appointment ...... 1066 Business Transfers ...... 1086 The Mining Act-Appointment ...... 1066 Partnership Dissol~~tion ...... 1086 The Central Road Authority Aot-Appointment . . 1066 Change of Name ...... 1086 The Wheat Industry (Grading) Rules-Application . . 1066 SUPPLEMENT No. 79 The Scheme for Assistance to African Industrialists, Artisans and Businessmen-Appointments, etc. . . 1067 Acts, 1966 The Local Government (County of Gusii) Order 1963 1067 The Prisons Act-Appointments, dc...... 1067 SUPPLEMENT No. 80 Bills, 1966 The Constitution of Kenya-Appointments to African Courts ...... 1068 The Registration of Persons Act-Appointments, etc. 1069 SUPPLEMENT No. 81 Legislative Supplenlent E.A. Currency Boardxirculation Return . . . . 1069 LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Coffee Act-Appointment ...... 1070 269-The Marriage (Amendment) Rules 1966 . . 455 Law Examination for Administrative Officers . . . . 1070 270-The Births and Deaths Registration Rules Vacancies ...... 1071 1966 ...... 457 The Agricultural Credit Act-Public Auction 1072 271--The Water (Water Development Department) . . . . (General) (Amendment) Regulations 1966 477 The Pharmacy and Poisons Act-Additions . . . . 1072 272-The Forests Act-Alteration of Boundaries 478 The Agriculture Act-Revocations, etc. .. .. 1072 273-The Local Government (County of Nyandarua) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order The Water Act-Applications ...... 1072 1966 ...... 478 The Weights and Measures Act-Notice to Traders 1073 274-The Local Government (County of Kiamhu) The Animal Diseases Act-Scheduled Areas . . . . 1073 (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 1966 . . . . 479 275-The Registered Land (Application) (No. 6) E.A. High Commission Stock ...... 1074 Order 1966 ...... 479 E.A. Customs and Excise Department-Customs Tariff 276-The Protected Areas Order 1966 . . . . 480 Interpretation ...... 1074 277-The Education (Boards of Governors) Liquor Licensing ...... 1074 (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 1966 . . 481 Transport Licensing ...... 1077 278-The Kenya Polytechnic (Board of Governors) (Amendment) Order 1966 ...... 482 Industrial Court Awards ...... 1079 279-The Coffee Development Authority Order Probate and Administration ...... 1080 1966 ...... 483 Revocation of Power of Attorney ...... 1082 Bankruptcy Jurisdiction ...... 1082 SPECIAL. NOTICE The Companies Act-Winding-up Notices, ctc. 1083 ATTENTION is drawn to the notice concerning submission . . of Gazette copy which appears on page 1087 of this issue. The Co-operative Societies Act--Liquidation Orders . . 1083 Nairobi, J. MAC MILLAN, The Societies Rules ...... 1085 13th September 1966. Government Printer. Lost Policies ...... 1085 1066 THF, KENYA GAZETIE 13th September 1966 GAze'r'rB NolqcE No. 3394 GAZBTTB NOTICE NO. 3397 THE PUBLIC SERVICE COM MISSION OF KENYA THE EXPLOSIVES ACT APPOINTMENTS (Cap. 115) KAMAU JAMES OBADIAH M WANGI, to be Distrid Oëcer, APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF INSPECTOR 0F EXPLOSIVES District, North-, with eflkct from 12th July IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the 1966. Explosives Act the M inister hereby, with efect from 20th July Gool'uy RocllE A.BwooHA, to be District Oëcer, Dis- 1966, appoints- trict, North-Eastern Province, wit.h e:ect from 13th July 1966. GORDON ANDBRSON TAIT M wuxt;z STEPHEN Kztml, to be District Omcer, Garissa District, to act as Chief Inspector of Explosives. North-Eastern Province, with efect from 1st August 1966. Dated this 8th day of September 1966. ABIJDI KOBAI, to be District Oïcer, Kisii District, , with esect from 2nd August 1966. C. M . G. ARGW INGS-KODHEK, M inister for Natural Resources. ATHANAS M ARK OTHIBNO, 4o be District OKcer, Central Nyanza District, Nyanza Province, with effect from 4th August 1966. ANDRPW LIMO ARAP NGENY, to be District Oflkery Kiambu GAZEI'TB Norncs No. 3398 District, , with esect from 5th August 1966. THE M INING ACT DUNCAN NDIJNGU KANIARIJ, to be District Oëcer, Embu Dis- trict, Eastern Province, with elfect from 8th August 1966. (Cap. 306) EvAxs OMANI OBARE, to be District Oëcer, District, APPOINTMENT OF M INING ENGINEER W estern Province, with eseot from 9th August 1966. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 9 of the ARTHUR WAGITHUKU M UNGAIA- to act as Assigtant Director Of M ining Act, the Minister hereby, with esect from 20th July Audit, Exchequer and Audit Department, with esect from 1966, Appoints- 15th August 1966. GORDON AxoEltsox TAIT to act as Mining Enghzeer. CORRIGENDUM Dated this 8th day of September 1966. Gazotte Notice No. 2989 of 16th August 1966- 'I'he item relating to James Mwashori M wakio should read- C. M . G. ARGW INGS-KODHEK, JAMSS M wAsHolu M wAKlo, to be District Olcer, M inister jor Natural Resources. District, W estern Province, with esect from 8* July 1966. By Order of the Commission. GAN'I'TE No'ncE No. 3399 G. MUSEM BI, Acdng Secretary. THE CENTRAI. ROAD AUTHORITY ACT (No. 24 oj 1964) APPOINTMENT OF MEMBBRS oF THE CENTRAL RoAo Aulxom'ry GAZBTI'B NoTIcE NO. 3395 IT IS hereby notised for general information that pursuant PROCLAM ATION to section 3 (2) of tho Central Road Authority Act 1964, the By His Excellency l/7e Honourable Mzee iomo Kenyatta, following persons- President and Commander-in-chiej o! the Armed Forces o! the Jimmy L. M wazala ; Republlc ol Kenya Philip M usee Kanyange ; COMMEMORATIK ISSUE OF GOLD COINS Nur Abdille Elmi ; Babu Kamau ; IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sections 3 and 4 M . C. M . o1e Tialal ; of the Kenya and Uganda (Currency) Order 1921, I do hereby- David Okiki Amayo ; (c) approve the issue of gold coins of the following numbers Fanuel Akolo ; and denominations :- Alderman J. M . M utua ; 1,500 coins of five hundred shillings cach ; Permanent Secrdary, M inistry of Works or Engineer-in- 2,000 coins of two hundred and fifty shillings each ; Chief as alternate ; 8,500 coins of one hundred shillinm each ; and Permanent Secretary, M inistry of Finance or another @) declare that the said gold cpins shall be legal tender in member delegated by him ; Kenya as from 13th Septembor 1966. Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husba'ndry or another member delegated by him ; Given under my hand and the Public Seal of Kenya th1 Under-secretary, M inistry of Commerce and Industry or 5th day of September 1966. Assistant Secretary ms alternate ; Principal Financial Oëcer, M inistry of Local Government or another member delegated by him, L. S. JOMO KENYATIW, Presîdent . have been appointed to be members of the Central Road Authority. LONG LIVE THE R/PUBLIC Dated this 1st day of September 1966. D. MW ANYUMBA, M inister for Works. THE EMPLOYM ENT ACT tCcp. 226) GAD TTE NoncB No. 3400 APPOINTMENTS AND CANCELLATION OF APPOINTMENTS THE WHEAT INDUSTRY (GRADING) RULES IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 (2) of the Employment Act, the Minister for Labour hereby- (Cap. 344, Sub. Leg.j (a) appoints the following persons to be members of the No'ncE Labour Advisory Board :- IN EXERCISE of the powers conferréd by the proviso to M . Am alem ba ; rule 8 (c) of the Wheat Industry (Grading) Rules, the Minister J. Mwandawiro ; and for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, on the advice of the W heat Board, hereby applies the scale specified therein as from (b) cancels the appointment of- 1st September 1966, to 31st December 1966, in respect of G. C. Clark* and wheat glanted from any part of Kenya during the year 1966 P. P. Ooko*. and dellvered to mills. Dated this 61 day of September 1966. Dated this 29th day of August 1966. J. GIKONYO KIANO, BRU CE M CK ENZIE, M inister jor Labour. M inister /or Agriculture and *G.N. 2579/ 1966. Animal H usbandry. 13th September 1966 THF, KENYA GAZE'ITE 1067 GAZET'I'S Nonce No. 3401 GAZB'I'TB Nonce No. 3405 (28/5/5) SCHEME FOR ASSISTANCE TO AFRICAN THE PRISONS ACT INDUSTRIM JSTS, ARTISANS AND BUSINESSM EN (Cap. 90) M UNICIPALITY LOANS COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT AND CANCELLATION OF IT IS hereby notised for general information that the APPOINTMENT OF V SITING JUSTICES Minkstcr for Commerce and Industry has appointed- IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 72 (1) of the Prisons Act, the Permanent Secretary for Home Alairs* Couxcll-l-olt N. M UNYIRI hereby :- to serve on the Thika M unicipality Loans Committee. The appointment of Councillor L. 0. W aweru* is hereby cancelled. (c) cancels the apqoiritmentt of- Father W illlam De Veale ; and Dated this 5th day of September 1966. (:) appoints- K. S. N. M ATIBA, Paul M ayabi, Perm anent Secretary, as Visiting Justice-s to Prison in the Uasin Gishu M inistry oj Commerce and Industry. District, . *G.N. 4364/1965. Dated this 1st day of September 1966. A. J. OM ANGA, GAZETTS No'ncs No. 3402 Permanent Secretary, Ministry 5/ Home AFairs. SCHEM E FOR ASSISTANCE TO AFRICAN INDUSTRIALISTS, ARTISANS AND BUSINESSMEN *L.N. 692/ 1963. I'G.N. 591/1964. M OMBASA MUNICIPALITY LOANS COMMITTEE IT IS horeby notitied for general information that the Minister for Commerce and Industry has oancelled the appoint- (28/5/42) ment of Councillor M . A. Ongalo* as a Member of the THE PRISONS ACT M ombasa M unicipality Loans Committee and has apm inted- (Cap. 90) Couxcllmolt HENRY FARAH APPOINTMENT OF VISITING JUSTICES to serve as a member of this Committee. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 72 (1) of the Prisons Act, the Permanent Secretary for Home Afairs* Dated this 5th day of September 1966. hereby appoints- K. S. N. M ATIBA, Judith Blencowe (Miss), Perm anent Secretarn Rose Mary Mora (MLss), M inistr Judith Owuor (Mrs.) and .v t# Commerce and Industry. Amba Shankar Rao (Mrs.), *G.N. 1014/ 1966. as Visiting Justices to W omen's Prison in the Central Nyanza District, Nyanza Province. GAZETU NorlcE No. 3403 Dated this 1st day of September 1966. (C/ 1211/F/42) A. J. OM ANGA, ,.u-- THE LOCAL GOVBRNMENT (COUNTY OF GUSII) Permanent secretary. ORDER 1963 Ministry 0/ Home ./4#cfr,ç. Ir.N. 413 oj 1963) *L.N. 692/1963. NOMINATBD M BMBER IT IS hereby notzed for general information that tho QJAZETTB 'çoTlcE 'Io. 3407 M inister for Local Government has in exercise of his m wers (28/5/8/FbJ. IIj conferred under garagraph 4 (b) (i) of the Local Government (County of Gusil) Order 1963 (L.N. 413/ 1963), nominated- THE PRISONS ACT EX-CHIEF M ATHAYO RATSMO (CJP. 90) to represent the larger farming interests in the area of the AP/OINTMENT OF VISITING JUSTICES former W est Sotik until 30th June 1969. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sedion 72 (1) of Dated this 6th day of September 1966. the Prisons Azt, the Permanent' Secretary for Home Afïairs* hereby appoints- T. C. J. RAM TUS Rov. M artin M uraya, Permanent Secretary, W illiam Mathangani and M inistry (# Local Government. Stephen Mwaniki, as Visiting Justices to Prison in the Nyeri District. Central Province. GAZBTTE No'rlcB No. 3404 (28/5/4/F/l. IIIj Dated this 1stl day of September 1966. THE PRISONS ACT A. J. OM ANGA, (Cap. 90) Perm anent Secretary, APPOINTMENT AND CANCELI-ATION oF M inistry oj Home adfizfrl. AH OINTMBNT oF VISITING JusrlcEs *L.N. 692/ 1963. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 72 (1) of the Prisons Act, the Permanent Sec'retal'y for Home Asairs* GAZBT'I'E NoilcE No. 3408 hereby ) - (28/5/9) (f8 cancels the appointmentt of- THE PRISONS ACT Joel Omino ; and (Cap. 90) (0 appoints- Ben M urage M unyeki, CANCBLLATION OF APPOINTMENT OF A VISITING JUSTICE Tom Ogalo, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 72 (1) of Isaac Okwirry, the Prisons Act, the Permanent Secretary for Home Afairs* Nicholas 01oo Owiye, hereby cancels the appointmentt of- Dr. Amba Shankar Rao, D. V. PABàm as Visiting Justices to Kisumu Prison and Kisumu as a Visiting Justice to Prison Fa,rm and Kitale Remand/ Remand Prison in the Central Nyanza Distriot, Nyanza Reception Prison in the Trans Nzoia District, W ft Valley Province. Province. Dated this 1st day of September 1966. Dated this 1st day of September 1966. A. J. OM ANGA, A. J. OMANGA, Permanent Secretary, Perm anent Secretarv, Ministry ()/ Home azl#cirs. Minîstry oj Home zo cfrl. *L.N. 692/ 1963. I'G.N. 1910/ 1963. *L.N. 692/ 1963. 'I-G.N. 1131/ 19$3. 1068 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th September 1966

GAZETTE NoTlcs No. 3409 F'IRST Scm nul.: APPOINTM ENTS OF AFRICAN COURTS PRESIDENTS Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 AND MEM BERS TO AFRICAN COURTS Shadrack M alo . . . . K isum u . . W inam . IN EXERCISE of thç powers conferred by section 185 (1) of the Jacob Owiti . . . . Nyando . . Bondo. Constitution of K enya and delegated by the Judicial Service Com - John M ingala M aseno N yando. m issipn by direction in writing under section 185 (2) of the Con- Javan Odenyo Bondo Ukwalla. stitption .of Kenya, the Chairman of the said Commission hereby M oses 0k0th U kwalla N yando. m akes the following appointm ents :- The persons named in the lirst column of the First Schedulo are appointed to be Presidents o f the African Courts named in the The pqrsons named in the first column of the Second Scpedule second column and their appointm ents as Presidents of the Courts are appolnted to be Members pf the African Courts namdd ln the shown in tho third column are cancelled. second column and their appomtments as Members of the Courts shown in the third column are cancelled. FIRST SCHEDULE SECOND SeHEDULE Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 W ellington Opakwa . . . . K akam ega . . M um ias. Jeremiah Oyolo ...... Kisumu . . Nyando. Frederuiçk Simiyu ...... Lurambi . . Kimilili. Herbert Asoyo ...... Kisumu . . Bondo. Hal-un M ungoni ...... Butali .. Lurambi. Lutt Odhiambo ...... Kisumu . . Bondo. Bâ' rtholomew Kolikho . . . . . . Kavujai. Zedekiah Oduke ...... Kisumu . . Nyando. Heàron Odenyo . . ' . . . . Khwisero . . Kakamega. Musumba Mugubi . . . . Kisumu . . Maseno. Bernard W ashika . . . . . Mbale . . . Eliud Ogelo ...... Nyando . . Bondo. Jerem iah M asinde . . . . Hamisi . . K imilili. Noah O1a1 ...... Nyando . . Ukwalla. Joel Litu ...... Ikolom ani . . M bale. Samson Ogeko ...... Nyando . . Ukwala. Jacobo Omido ...... Bungoma . . Lurambi. Gilbert W ambia . . . . Nyando . . M aseno. Charles Ikutwa ...... Kavujai . . Khwisero. N aboth Buyu ...... M aseno . . W inam. lbrahim Ogola ...... Kim ilili . . Bungoma. Sylvester Om olo ...... M aseno . . Ukwalla. James M wanga ...... Nambare . . Amakura. Ainea Kinywâ ...... M aseno . . . N yando. Festus Omoding . - . . . . Amakura . . Bungoma- Abedbego Onyango . . . . Ukwalla . . M aseno. Zakaria Oyula . , . . . . Ukwalla . . Bondo. Peter Ochieng ...... Ukwalla . . M /sino. The persons named in the lirst column of the Second Schedulr Alfred Juma ...... Bondo . . Wlnam. are appointod to bb m'embers of the African Courts named in the Lawi Ogutu ...... Bondo . . W inam. second column and their appointments as Members of the Courts Cornelius Otieno . . . . Bondo . . Winam. shown in the third column are cancelled. Dated this 30th day of August 1966. Sscoxo SCHEDIJLE By Order of the Chairman of the Judicial Service Commission. Column 1 Column 2 ' Colùmn 3 p coppsx Secretarn. Josliua' Ongweni' . . . . Kakamega . - Lurambi. Judicial Serbîce Commission. Andrew Namusasi . . Kakamega . . Kavujai. Bernard Khayumbi . . Lurambi . . lkolomani. Samwel Aloyo . . . . Lurambi . . Butali. M usa Agoi . . . . Butali . . K akam ega. GAZETTE NozqcE No. 3411 Jeremiah Ragama . . Butali . . lkolomani. Christopher Lubanga . . Mumias . . lkolomani. THE CONSTITIJTION OF KENYA V oses W ebuko . . . . Khwisero . . Mumias. John M mbo Ombodo . . Mbale . . Hamisi. APPOINTMENTS oF AFRICAN Coulcs' Pu sloEN'rs Shem M usiola . . ' . . M bale . . lkolom ani. AND MEMBERS TO AFRICAN COURTS ' Herbert Asava . . . . Hamisi . . Mbale. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 185 (1) Charles M wombe . . lkolomani . . Butali. of the Constitution of Kenya and delegated by the Judicial N athan M ugallo . . Ikolom ani . . K hwisero. Valent W am alwa . . . . Bungom a . . N ambare. Service Commission by direction in writing tmder section 185 (2) Gabriel W andati . . Kavujai . . Kakamega. of the Constitution of Kenya, the Chairman of the said Elisham Eshirungo . . Kavujai . . M bale. Commission hereby makes the following appointments :- James M aloba . . . . Kim ilili . . Kakam ega. Kamau Njuguna to the oKce of President of the Kandara Joseph Sugura . . . . Kim ilili . . N ambare. African Court on transfer from the Fort Hall African Kiboyi Kisembe . . Kimilili . . Kavujai. Court. Jamin Sipuria . . . . Nambare . . Kim ilili. Joseph M wangi to the olc,e of Membor of the Fort Hall Thomas Nyapara . . . . Amakura . . Kavujai. . African Court on transfer from Kigumo African Court. Philip Kamau to the oëce of M ember of the Fort Hall The persons named in the first column of the Third Schedule are African Court on transfer from the Kéngema African appointed to be M embers of the African Courts named in the Court. second column. . Justus Ngugi Gitau to the oflice of M ember of the Fort Hall African Court on transfer from the Kandara African THIRD SCHEDIJI.S Court. John Muthee to the oëce of M ember of the Kandara Name of M ember Court African Court on transfer from fhe Fort Hall African Court. Joseck Sichenga . . . . M bale. Evanson M acheria to the oëce of Member of the Kandara Robeyt Andwati . . . . lkolomani. African Court on transfer from the Kigumo African Eliakim Odima . .' . . Kavujai. H enry Ngom ati ' . . . . Kim ilili. Court. Romano M atata . . . . Nambare. Denis Thuita to the oëce of M ember of the Kandara African Court on transfer from the Fort Hall African Court. Dated this 30th day of August 1966. Chege M wangi to the oëce of Member of the Kandara African Court on transfer from the Kigumo African By Order of the Chairman of the Judicial Service Commission. Court. Nephat Kimani to the oëce of Member of the Kigumo R. CORREA, Secretary. African Court on transfer from the Fort Hall African Judicial Service Commission. Court. John M buru to the oflice of M ember of the Kigumo African Court on transfer from the Kandara African Court. Geofrey Kuria to the oëce of M ember of the Kigumo African Court on transfer from the Kandara African APPOINTM ENTS OF AFRICAN COURTS PRESIDENTS Court. AN D M EM BERS TO AFRICAN COU RTS Eshbon Kangethe to the ollice of M ember of the Kangema African Court on transfer from 'the Kandara African IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectipn 185 (1) of the Cvnltitution of Kenyy and delegated by the Judiclal Sorvice Com- Court. mqsslgn by direction ln writing under sectiop 185 (2) of the Con- stltutlon of Kenya, the Chairman of the sald Commission hereby Dated this 30th day of August 1966. m akes the followlng arppointments :- Zjr ' Ofdcf Of the Chairman of the Jubicial Service Commission. Tli 9persons named irl the first colun!n of the first Schedqle are ' appùlnted to . be Presidents of the Afrlcan Cpurts named ln the R. CORREA, second column pnd their appointments as Presldents of the Courts Secretary, 8hown in the thlrd colum n are cancelled. ludicial Service Commission. 13th September 1966 THE KENYA G AZET'IX 1069 GAZBTTE NOTICE NO. 34I 2 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3414 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA THE REGISTRATION OF PERSONS ACT (Cap. 107) APeOINTMENTS og AFRICAN CouRTs' PRESIDBNTS AND M EMBBRS TO AFRICAN COURTS APPOINTMENT OF REGISTRXTION OFFICERS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsection (2) of IN EXERCISE of the powets conferred by section 185 (1) soction 4 of the Registration of Persons Act, I hereby appoint- of the Constitution of Kenya and delegated by the Judicial Servico Commission by direction in writing undcr section 185 (2) John Jeckonia Obor Okinda, of the Constitution of Kenya, the Chairman of the said George Frederick Nyangwara, Commission hereby makes the following appointments :- Frank Roberts Steel Radiddo, Godfrey Onyango, Joseph Julo Tsuma to the oflice of President of the Kinango Jeremiah Oloo O'bade, African Court on transfer from the Ndavaya African Humpreys M aende Namwiba, Court. Yosia M uchuma, Omari Ali M wamzola to the oflice of President of the Solomon M ulema, Gwirani African Court on transfer from the M idzichenda Phili'p Lumasia, African Court. Jeronimo M adimwa Onalo, Peter Obwangadere, Amraphael M watibo to the olice of President of the Lazaro M osoti, W undanyi African Court on transfer from the Sagalla Dickson John Adera, African Court. Haron W alter Ogutu, Mathias M oka to the oflice of President of the African W ilson Karani M unyu, Court on transfer from tho Sagalla African C'ourt. Nicholas Onyyngo Onyala, Andrew Kubo to the oflice of President of the Taveta Stephen Kithlnjil African Court on transfer from the Tononoka M rican Raphael M uirurl Karita, Court. Alexander Karanja M wangi, Josphat Ngeche Gichahi, George Michael Gogwe to the olce of President of the Elizaphan Mwangi W airegi, Kaloleni African Court on transfer from Rabai African Julias Ngugi W aweru, Court. George M ugambi W ambugu, Benjamin Kai to the oflice of President of the Peter Kinyanjui Waititu, African Court on transfer from the Kaloleni African to bo Registration Ollicers for the purposes of the Act, with Court. effect from 31st August 1966. Suleiman Mbwana to the omce of M ember of the Kinango African Court on transfer from the Tononoka African Dattd this 31st day of August 1966. Court. N. E. HUCKLE, Georle Stephen Ndegwa to the omce of Member of the Prindpal Registrar. Gwlrani African Court on transfer from the Tana River African Court. Phillip Dzomo Johnson M wangulu to the ofiice of Member GAZETTE NoTIcE No. 3415 of the African Court on transfer from the Kaloleni African Court. THE REGISTRATION OF PERSONS ACT F'rancis M warua to the oflice of M ember of the Voi African (Cap. 1 07) Court .on transfer from the Sagalla African Court. APPOINTMENT OF REGISTRATION OFFICERS Joseph Kituku Shem to the oflice ot Member of the IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsection (2) of Kaloleni African Court on transfer from Malindi African section 4 of the Registration of Persons Act, I hereby appoint- C'ourt. Raphael M . Karita, E. Onyango, Samuel Thomas to the office of M ember of the Malindi Stephen Githinji, J. 0. Oloo, African Court on transfer from the Kaloleni African W ilsqn K. M unyu, H. M . Xamwiba, Court. Nicholas 0. Onyala, Yosia Muchuma, Karanja Mwangi, Solomon M ulema, W illiam Kambi to the ofiice of M ember of the Malindi Josephat Ngeche, P. Lumasia, African Court on transfer from the Kaloleni African Elizaphan M wangi, J. M . Onalo, Court. Newton Mwabile, P. Obwangadere, Samuel Chandogo Fanjo to the oëce of Member of the J. J. Obor, D. J. Adera, Tononoka African Cotlrt on transfer from the G. F. Nyangwara, H. W . Agutu, African Court. F. R. Steel, Lazaro M asoti, Harrison M doma M ganga to the oflico of M ember of the to be Registration Olcers for the purpose of the Act, with Tononoka African Court on transfer from W undanyi eflect from 22nd August 1966. African Court. Dated this 22nd day of August 1966. Dated this 30th day of August 1966. N . E. H UCKLE, Principal Registrar. By Order of the Chairman of the Judicial Service Commission. R. CORREA, GAZETTE No'rlcs No. 3416 Secretary, Jtêdicial Service Com mission. THE REGISTRATION OF PERSONS ACT W ap. 107) AMBNDMENT GAZETTE No'rlcs No. 3413 Gazette Notice No. 2339 dated the 29th day of June 1966, as amended by Gazette Notice No. 2j46 of 2nd August 1966, is THF, CONSTITUTiON OF KENYA amended by substituting 31st October 1966 which appeared APPOINTMENT OF M EMBERS TO AFRICAN COURTS therein. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 18j (1) Dated this 22nd day of August 1966. of the Constitution of Kenya and delegated by the Judicial N. E. HUCKLE, Service Commission by direction irt writing under section 185 (2) Prindpal Registrar. of the Constitution of Kenya, the Chairman of the said Commission hereby makes the following appointments :- Thomas Otele Ochieng to the omce of M ember of the Kitale African Court on transfer from the Kavujai African Court. EAST AFRICAN CURRENCY BOARD John Luther ldewa to the omce of M ember of the Kavujai 31sT AuGusT 1966 African Court on transfer from the Kitale African Court. îEA Currency in circulation . . 50,942,458 D ated this 30th day of August 1966. Bankers' balances with Board 155,748

By Ortler of tbe Chairman of tile Judiciat Service Commission. :EA51,:98,206 R. CORREA, H. R. HIRST, Secretary, Nairobi, Secretarj,, ./lft/fc/l/ Service Commission. 7th Septem ber 1966. ft?.$f Ajricalt Cllrrency Board. 1070 THE KENYA GAZE'I'TE 13th Septenaber 1966 CJAZBTTB l4oTlcE ifo. 3418 29. Cap. 153-The Subordinate Courts (Separation and Main- (COFF/LFG/Z) tenance) Act. 30. Cap. 169-The Africans' W ills Act. TH E COFFEE ACT 31. Cap. 226-The Employment Act. (Cap. 333) 32. Cap. 233-The Trade Unions Act. APPOINTMENT oF IxspEc-foRs 33. Cap. 236-The W orkmen's Compensation Act. 34. Cap. 242- The Public Hea1th Act IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 2 of the . Colee Act, the Direetor of Agriculture hereby appoints the 35. Cap. 245- The Dangerous Drugs Act. following persons- 36. Cap. 248- The M ental Treatment Act. Ronald M edforth, 37. Cap. 293- The D istress for Rent Act. Josphat Njenga, 38. Cap. 294- The Trespass Act. Paul Thuo, 39. Cap. 296- The Rent Restriction Act. Cyrus Njage, 40. Cap. 320-The M arketing of African Produce Act. Jam es W aweru, 41. Cap. 321- The Crop Production and Livestock Act. to be Inspecters for the purposes of the Act. 42. Cap. 324- The Plant Protection Act. 43. Cap. 333- The Coffee Act. Dated this 13'th day of September 1966. 44. Cap. 334-The Cotton Act. P. S. T. M IRIE, 45. Cap. 338- The M aize M arketing Act. Director (# Agriculture. 46. Cap. 355-The Stock and Produce Theft Act. 47. Cap. 359- The Hide' and Skin T'rade Act. 48. Cap. 360-The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. 49. Cap. 378- The Fish Protection Act. (ADM. 3/002) 50. Cap. 400- The Roads Protection Act. 51. Cap. 403- The Traëc Act. LAW EXAMINATION FOR ADM INISTRATIVE OFFICERS 52. Cap. 405- The Insurance (M otor Vehicles Thïrd Party 1. It is n'otified for qeneral information that the next Law Risks) Act. Examination for Adminlstrative Oflicers will be held on 5th, 53. Cap. 470--The Personal Tax Act. 6th and 7th December 1966. 54. Cap. 504- The Price Control Aot. 2. The examination will c'onsist of the following two 55. Act No. 26 of 1948-The Gambling Act. sections, of three and two parts each, respectively :- 56. Act No. 8 of 1963-The Children and Young Persons Act. Section 1 57. Act No. 48 of 1963-The Gradtlated Personal Tax Act (i) The Penal Code. . (ii) The Crfminal Procedure Code. 58. Act No. 4 of 1965-The Animal Diseases Act. (iii) The Law of Evidence. 59. Act No. 15 of 1965-The Trado Disputes Act. Section 11 CATEGORY B (i) The Civil Proeedure Code. (i9 The Local Acts. 1. Cap. 2- The Intorpretation and General Provfsfons Act. NOTE 2. Cap. lo-The Courts Act. 3 . Cap. 11-The African Courts The Local Acts to be studied are specified in paragraph 5 below. 4. Cap. 58-The Vagrancy Act. 5. Cap. 65-The Prevention of Corrtlption Act. Administrative Oflicers will be required to take the Acts 6. Cap. 67- The W itchcraft Act. listed under Category $tA'' while candidates from the Judicial Department will be required to take Acts listed under Category 7. Cap. 90-The Prisons Act. 16B'. Private candidates m ay choose to sit for either category. 8. Cap. 91-Tho Detention Camps Act. 3. Candidates may appear for both sections or for either 9. Cap. 107-The Registration of Persons Act. section at a time, but must pass each section as a whole to 10. Cap. 122-The African tiquor Act. record a pass. Oficers who possess a Law Degree of an 11 . Cap. 124- The African Foodstufts Act. acc'redited University are only required to pass Part (ii) of 12. Cap. 125-The African Arms Act. Section lI. 13. Cap. 128-The Chiefs' Authority Act. 4. Exemption in part of the examination may be apglied for 14. Cap. 142- The Amliation Act. by those oflicers who have passed the Kenya Pollce Law 15. Cap. 150- The M arriage Act. Examination çtB'' or a comparable Examination for Adminis- 16. Cap. 151-The African Christian Marriage and Divorce trative Oflicers in another territory. Act. 5. Candidates will be expected to have a detailed knowledge 17. Cap. 242-The Public Hea1th Act. of the sections of the Acts enumerated in Legal Notice No. 183 18. Cap. 293- The Distress for Rent Act. of 1963, which African Courts are empowered to hear and 19. Cap. 294- The Trespass Act. also tho whole Acts listed either in Category JtA'' or Category 20. Cap. 296-The Rent Restriction Act. tTB'' hereunder :- 21. Cap. 320-The M arkoting of African Produce Act. CATBGORY A 22. Cap. 321- The Crop P'roductfon and Livestock Act. 1. Cap. 2-The Interpretation and General Provisions Act. 23. Cap. 324- The Piant Protection Act. 2. Cap. 10- The Courts Act. 24. Cap. 338- The M aize M arketing Act. 3. Cap. 11-The African Courts Act. 25. Cap. 355- The Stock and Produce Theft Act. 4. Cap. 56- The Public Order Act. 26 . Cap. 359- The l-ltde and Skin Trado Xcl. 5. Cap. 57- The Preservation of Public Security Act. 27. Cap. 360-The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. 6. Cap. 58- The Vagrancy Act. 28. Cap. 378- The Fish Protection Act. 7. Cap. 65- The Prevention of Corruption Act. 29. Cap. 400- The Roads Protection Act. 8. Cap. 66-The Election Offcnces Act. 30. Cap. 403- The Traë c Act. 9. Cap. 67- The W itchcraft Act. 3 1. Cap. 470-The Personal Tax Act. 10. Cap. 84- The Police Act. 32. Cap. 504- The Prfce Control Act. 11. Cap. 85-The Tribal Police Act. 33. Act N o. 26 of 1948- The G am bling Act. 12. Cap. 90--The Prisons Act. 34. Act No. 8 of 1963- The Children and Young Persons 13. Cap. 91- The Detention Camps Act. Act. 14. Cap. 103- The Fire lnquiry Act. 35. Act No. 48 of 1963- The Graduated Personal Tax Act. 15. Cap. 104- The Outlying Districts Act. 6. Candïdates shall be required to pay a fec of Sh. 10 per 16. Cap. 106- The Public Collections Act. paper. This fee shall be refundable to the Government servants 17. Cap. 107- The Registration of Persons Act. only who attain a 40 per cent mark, and shall not be refund- 18. Cap. 110- The Public H olidays Act. able to those who do not attain this mark and to non- 19. Cap. 114- The Birearms Act. G overnment employees. 20. Cap. 121- The Liquor Licensing Act. 7. Applications for the examination accompanied by crossed 21. Cap. 122-The African Liquor Act. Postal Orders or M oney Orders payable to the Permanent 22. Cap. 124- The African Foodstuffs Act. Secretary, Oflice of thc President, should be submitted through 23. Cap. 125- The African Arms Act. the District Commissioners or Heads of Departments so as to 24. Cap. 128- The Chiefs' Authority Act. reach him at P.O. Box 30510, Nairobi, not later than Saturday 5th November 1966. Late applications and applications not, 25. Cap. 142-The Alliation Acl. accompanied by the requisite fee will not be acknowledged 26. Cap. 149- The Births and Deaths Registration Act. Cheques will not be accepted . 27. Cap. 150- The M arriage Act. . 28. Cap. 151- The African Christian M arriage and Divorca ' W . F. BARROW , Act. jor pN/'nllncl7f Secretary. 13th Septem ber 1966 TH E K ENYA G AZEW E 1071 GAZETI'E Nol'lcs No. 3420 and duties include maintaining the f$Q'' Vote Ledgers, issue of Local Purchase Orders, checking and payment of vouchers and PUBLIC SERVICE COMM ISSION OF KENYA conducting correspondence. vAcAxcly:s Storekeeper Grade II, M inistry oj Co-operatives and APPLICATIONS are invited for the following posts and Social Services (No. 318/ 66) m ust be submitted to the Secretary, Public Service Comm ission Salary scale.- E 670 to f 820. PENSIONABLE. of Kenya, P.O. Box 30095, Nairobi, to reach him by 4th Applicants must be civit servants who have passed Occupa- October 1966. Civil servants must submit applications to heads tional Test Grade I for Storemen and the English and of departments on F'orm PSC.2A in triplicate at leaast seven Arithmetic papers of the Clerical Examination and have com- days before the closing date ; other applications to be sub- pleted three years' service as Storeman Grade I (any period in m itted itl triplicate 'on Form PSC.2, obtainable from the excess of three years served as Storeman Grado 11 counting Secretary. A pplicants must quote the number shown against towards this period), be able to control staff and conduct the post in the advertisement. correspondence. Duties include the receigt, holding and issuing of various stores inoluding building materlals, equiqment, audio- N o'rs visual aids, etc., and previous experience of handllng stores of In a11 cases preference will be given to qualilied candidates these types would be an advantage. wh'o are Kenya citizens. Stenogl'apherlsecretary, W ater Development Department News Editor LFour Postsj, M inistry oj Information and (No. 319/66) Broadcasting (No. 31 1/ 66) Salary scaIe.- E633 to f 816. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- Salary scale.-k 1,096 to E1,348. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- M EN T. M FNT. Applicants must have passed the Government lntermediate Applicants should have a high s'tandard of written and Shorthand and Typewriting Examinations or possess recognized spoken English and considerable experience or training in certificates for Shorthand 100 w.p.m. and Typewriting 40 w.p.m. editorial journalism, and should be capable of selecting news and preferably should have secretarial experience. and preparing news bulletins. The posts are in the News Division of the Voice of Kenya. Supervisor, Telephone Switchboard, O'cc oj the Vice-president (No. 320/66) Assistant Education tg/lccr LThree Posts), Ministry of Education salary ,7cJ2,..-.:520 to E640. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- (No. 312/66) M ENT. Salary scale.-k 582 to E1,110. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- Applicants must be trained telephonists with not less than M ENT. two years' experience ia a large tdephone exchange, and Experience of educational administration 'is desirable and should preferably be of Cambridge School Certiscate standard applications from serving teachers of lower than P.1 rank will of education. They must have a clear and precise diction, be not be c'onsidered. The oëcers appointed will be posted to able to handle Radio and International telepllono calls, of Provinces in the first instance. pleasant personality, and able to deal with members of the Inspector oj Materials, Ministry oj Works (No. 3 13/ 66) public and control stac. Salary scale.- k 850 to E1,060. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- Translator, M inistry of Information tz??# Broadcasting MENT. (No. 321 / 66) Applicants must possess a Cambridge School Certificate with Salary scale.- k46o to f 580. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- a credit in English Languase, and have ast least five years' M ENT. p'ractical experience in deallrng with building and hardware Applicants should have a good standard of education and materials. Knowledge of fresh and dry foodstuflk or the textile a wide knowledge of English and Swahili. They should be industry will be an advantage, and the ability to read and good typists and have at least three years' experience as apply the conditions governed by British Standard Specifcations translators with a newspaper, broadcasting organization or a or some other selected Specification as related to manufactured publishing concorn. The post is in the News Division of the good's Ls essential. Voice of K enya. Assistant Ncwx Editor (Twt? Postsj, M inistry oj Injormation tv?k# Broadcasting (No. 314/ 66) GAZETTE N oncB No. 3421 Salary &cc/c.- f700 t.o f 988. PENSIONABLE or AGREF,- M ENT. ' VACANCIES IN THE SERVICE OF TtIE EAST AFRICAN A'pplicants should be well educated with a high standard of COMM ON SERVICES ORGANIZATION written and spoken English. They should have at least three Pusl-lc SBRVICE CoMMIssION years' experience in journalism and/or training ilA editorial APPLICATIONS are invited for the following gosts and journalism and be capable of selecting news and preparing should be submitted to the Secretary, Public Servlce Com- news bulletins. The posts are in the News Division of the mission, P.O. B'ox 30466, Nairobi, Kenya, to arrive not later Voice of K enya. than the date spedfied below. Applicants NOT in Govornmunt Serkice should submit their appllcations in triqlicate on Form Personnel Asskstant (T/1rec Postsj, M inistry of z'lgrfculfurc and AG.8S. Civil servants must submit their applicatlons in triplicate Animal Husbandry; (Three Postsj, Kenya Police; (One Postj, through their departmentxal heads at least seven days before the Ministry oj Natttral Resources (No. 315/ 66) dosing date on Form AG.85A. Forms are obtainable in Kenïa Salary scale- k 670 to f 820. PENSIONABLE. from the Secretary to the Public Service Commission and ln Applicants m ust be civil servants preferably of Cambridge Uganda and Tanzania from the Secretary to the Public Service School Certificate standard of educat, ion, who have successfully Commission at P.O. Box 4080, Kampala, and the Secretary to completed a course in Personnel Management at the Kenya the Civil Service Commission, P.O. Box 9143, Dar es Salaam, lnstitute of Administration. They must have experience ln respectively ; also from al1 District Commissioners in Uganda Government personnel practice and procedure, a sound know- and Area Comm fssioners in Tanzania. ledge of the Code of Regulations and the Public Service Commission .of Kenya Regulations and must be able to super- Research Omccr Trainee Lchemist or Physieistj, E.X. M arine vise s'taff and conduct corresgondence. Applicants must state Fisheries Research Organization, Zanzibar for which post they are applylng and submit a separate set of Salary .ïcale.- R 3 : f 804 to f 1,064.P.a. application forms for each post for which they apply. Closing #tz/c.- 6th October 1966. Accounts Assistant (Barracks Serviceslt A'cz?yt7 Army Applicants should possess a good degree but preference will be (No. 3 16/66) given to candidates who have good honours degree in the Salary .scJ/c.-f.670 to E820. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- relevant subjects. M F-NT. The successful candidate will be engaged in the investigation Applicants should be of Cambridge School Certilicate of the Chemical and Physical propertles of the waters ofï the standard of education, iuent in spoken and written English, East African Coast as part of E.A. M arine Fisheries hydrologic with a thorough knowledge of the accounting procedures lnvestigations. involved in the rccording of the receipt, issue and transfer of The work involves spending about 80 days a year at sea. accommodation stores in Army camps, installations and married quarters. Previous military experience and/or experience in the Research OFRcer Trainee LBiologp, E..4. Marine Fisheries handling of stores in a Government D epartm ent or a large esearch Organîzatlon, Zanzibar organization would be an advantage. The successful candidate Salary 5.cale.- R 3 : f 804 to f 1,064. p.a. may be posted out of N airobi. Closing date. 6th October 1966. Executive Of/fccr Grade 111, Kenya Police (No. 3 17/66) Applicants should be in possession of a good degree in Zoology. Preference will be yiven to candidates with honollrs Salal'y .TccJc.-f.670 to E820. PENSIONABLE. degree in Zoology. The dutles will consist of studying the Applicants must be civil servants who have a thorough know- tuna and tuna-like species in the waters of East Africa as Iyrt ledge of Government Financial Orders and Stores Regulations of the East African M arine Fisheries Research Organizatlon with particular knowledge of Accounting and Vote Control. long line investigation. The work involves spending about 80 The post is in the Quartermaster's Branch of the Kenya Police days a year at sea. 1072 TH E KEN YA GAZE'I'TE 13th September 1966 GAZETTE N orlcB N o. 3422 GAZETTB NOTICE N (). 3425 THE LAND AND AGRICULTURAL BANK O17 KENYA (CAB. 16/ 11/238) THE AGRICULTURAL CREDIT ACT THE AGRICULTURE ACT Lcap. 323) (Cap. 318) IN PURSUANCE of tho powers conferred upon the Board SIANAGBMENT ORDER by section 66 (1) of the Agricultural Credit Act (Cap. 323), (Section 187 (1)) the undermentioned property will be olered for sale by K.F.A. Auctioneers on Fridayz 14th October 1966, at 11 a.m. W HEREAS I am satisEed, and do hereby certify, that- at its oflices at Kitale. Farm L.R. No. 4010/4 (2,704 acres), owned by Kebeneti Ltd., and situated in the Lumbwa area of the District, Description (hereinafter rcferred to as the holding) is being managed or All that piece of land containing one thousand and fifty- supervised so inadeqkmtely that it is necessary for preventing or three (1,053) acres or thereabouts situate at Kitale in the delaying the deterioration of the holding to make and serve this Trans Nzoia District of the Republic of Kenya known as Order ; N orth A. 36 Land Reference No. 3035 of M eridional District Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by X. 1. a. section 187 of 'the Agriculture Act, and in pursuance of a being the piece of land comprised in a Grant registered in the direction* made under section 38 (1) of the Interpretation and Registry of Titles at Nairobi as No. I.R. 278/ 1 which said Gencral Provisions Act and after c'onsultation with the Rift piece of land with the dimensions boundaries' and abuttals Valley Provincial Agricultural Board, l hereby order and direct thereof is delineated on Land Survey Plaa N.o. 12343 deposited that as from 1st August 1966, the holding shall, subject to the in 1he Survey Records Otlke at Nairobi and is hetd by provisions of seetion 187 of tlw Aet, be occupied and managed Christopher Ian Tcfto as lessee for a term of 999 years frt)m by the Minister for Agriculturo and Animal Husbaadry to the the 1st day of October 1919. exclusion of the owner. B. B. F. RUSSELL, Conditions Assistant Secretary, 1. The highest bidder shall be the purchaser. Central Agricultural Board. 2. The purchaser shali immediately after the sale pay to the *L.N. 267/ 1964. Auctioneer a deposit of at least 25 pcr cent of the amount of the purchase money and sign an agreement to complete the purchase and pay the balance against registration of GAZBTTE NovncE No. 3426 the transfer of the title into his or her name. 3. The Grant referred to above together with the Deed Plan THE W ATE,R A CT may be inspected at any time at the omces of the (Cap. 372) K.B.A. Auctioneers and the purchaser shall be deemed to APPLICATIONS for diversions of water, plans of which may have full notice of each and every condition therein be. seen at ' the W ater Development Department, Nairobi, or contained. the oRce of the Local W ater Bailiff concerned, have been 4. The description of the property in the particulars and plan submitted by the following :- ' is believed to be correct and no claim shall be valid if ' M uitasiano River; Utethio lrrigation Co., ; 21,000 any error of description should be found. gallons per day domestic and 120,000 gallons per day 5. The purchaser shall be solely responsible for ensuring that irrigation. al1 beacons are properly situated and for replacing such River ; Council, Laikipa ; 20,000 beacons as may be missing. gallons per day public and 200,000 gallons per day power. 6. The Board .of the Land and Agricultural Bank of Kenya M aragua River, L.R. N.o. 7721/R ; Kiambaa Harambee Farm, through its authorized representative has the right to bid. M uranga ; 5,400 gallons pcr day dom estic and 20,000 7. Subject and in addition to the foregoing the conditions of galloas per day irrigation. sale usually prescribed by the Auotioneers in this District Gathima Stream tributary of Sagana River, Plot No. 92 ; shall apply. K. Kiruthu, Nyeri ; 500 gallons per day domestic and 2,000 gallons ptr day irrigation. Nairobi, C, J. CHILDS, Thika River ; Mwea Secondary School, Kirinyaga ; 26,100 8th September M anager gallons per day domeltic, 4,500 gallons per day irrigation and 305 t900 gallons per day power. Thigirie Rlver, L.R. Nos. 5828 and 5829/2 ; D. N. Karago, GAZETTE Novrlcls No. 3423 Kiambu ; 5 1000 gallons per day domestic and 25,000 gallons p=r day irngation. THE PHARMACY AND POISONS ACT Tusha River ; Conservator of Foresf.s (East) :Nyeri ; 10,600 Lcap. 244) gallons per day domestic and Dam 3 ft. m height. Aool'rloNs To THE REGrSTSR Kipkulkul River, L.R. No. 5543 ; Kapretwa Estate Ltd., Kitale ; 80,000 gallons pzr day industrial (80 per cent (Nodhed Pursuant to section 11) returnable). THF, undermentioned, having applied for registration in Getaturu Rivcr, L.R. Nos. 465 and 466 ;H. Thande, Kiambu ; Kenya, and having satisfied the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of 400 gallons per day domestic and 4,000 gallons per day their qualiûcations, have had their names and particulars added irrigation. to tho Rcgister of Pharmacists, as fellows ;- Tributary of , L.R. N.o. 1504/7 ; Mohamed Sadiq, M achakos ; W eir 6 ft. in height, 2,900 gallons per day Reg. No. Name, Qualihcations and Address domestic and 1,000 gallons per day dairy. 306 Sureshchandra Raichand Shah, M.P.s. (GRBAT Namuting River ; D. K . A . Langat, Kericho ; 1,620,000 BRIT&tx), P.O. Box 1542, Nairobi. qallons per day power. Esme N. Brown (M iss), M.P.s. (AIJSTRALIA), P.O. . Trlbutary of Kipkarren River, L.R. Nos. 8451 /2 and 8373 ; Box 30077, N airobi. Mimosa Estates Ltd-, Eldoret ; two waterholes 5 ft. fn 308 Sadruddin Shamsudin Nurani, (GREAT depth. BRITAIN), P.O. Box 417, Eldoret. Rongai River ; M owlem Construction Co. Ltd., ; Dated this 31st day of August 1966. 60,000 gallons per day road c'onstruction. H. R. AM IN, Burguret River ; M owlem Construction Co. Ltd. Nanyuki ; Registrar, 60,000 gallons per day road construotion. Pharmacy and Poisons Board. Kii River, L.R. No. 163 ; Ngariama Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd., Kirinyaga ; 100,000 gallons per day industrial (80 per eent returnable). Tongi Tongi Tributary of Upper Kidong River, L.R. Nos. 14 GAZSTTE NoTlcis No. 3424 (CAB. 16/ 1 1 /2 12 / 1 2) and 165 ; P. Kam au and E. Itathi, Kiam bu ; 40f) gallons THE AGRICULTURE ACT pzr day domestic and 8,000 gallons per day irrigation. Narok By-pass Canal, L.R. N o. 2422 ; Carr-l-lartley and Sons (Cap. 318) Ltd., Thom son's Fall ; 200 gallons pe'r day domestie and RBVOCATION OF A4ANAGEMENT ORDER 100,000 gallons per day irrigation. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred on the M inister by Narok By-pass Canal, L.R. N o. 2422 ; Carr-l-lartley and Sons subsection (10) of section 187 of the Agriculture Act, and in Ltd., Thom son's Falls : 199,800 gallons per day irrigation. pursuance of a direction* made under sectîon 38 (1) of the Kiam thare Tributary of M ukuyu River, L.R. No. 226 ; Interpretation and General Provisions Act, l hereby revoke tlne Nyanga G athata, Kiambu ; 300 gallons pcr day domestic M anagement Order served on W . G. Swash and M . Swash, and 4,000 gallons per day irrigation. and made on 31st January 1966, in rcspect of Farm L.R. No. Theta River, Plot N o. 490 ; Gacheru Gaturu, Kiam bu ; 1,100 5004/54, situated itt the area of the Kwale District. gallons per day domestic and 2,000 gallons per day irrigation. B. B. l7. RUSSELL, Objections stating spccific grounds therefor should be filed Assistant Secretary, in triplicate with the W ater Apportionm ent Board l P.O. Box Central zd gricultural .!/c,:7rd'/. 30521, N airobi, within 30 days from the publicatlon of thi: *L.N. 267/ 1964. notice. 13th September 1966 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1073 GAZBTTE N o'rlcE No. 3427 SCHEDULB I- FOOT-AND-M OUTH DISEASB L.R. 9125/9126 ; The Manager: Rai Agricultural Enterprises THE WBIGHTS AND MEASURES ACT Ltd., Eldoret ; Uasin Gishu Dlstrict. (Cap. 5134 L.O. 10492 ; The M anager, K in'gong'o Farm , P.O. Box 593, N o-rlcs To TRADERS Eldoret ; Uasin Gishu District. AN Inspector pf Weights and M easures will open a Stamping Chem ase Sub-location ; D istrict Commissioner, P.O . Box 30. Statipn at the places menti tlned hereundera for the purpose of K apsabet. assizlng and stamping traders weighing and measuring apparatus, on tho dates stated. Tetu Location ;The District Commissioner, P.O. Box 32, Nyeri ; 2. ALL TRADERS, within a radius of twelve miles of the places N yeri District. mentioned are required, under the provisions of the W eights and Thegenge Location ; The District Commissioner, P.O. Box 32, Measures Act (Chapter 513), to produce to the Inspector of W eights Nyerl ; Nyeri District. and Measures, a1l weights, measures of length and capacity, and weighing instruments which they have in use for trade, for verilica- L.0(N. ga2r7e9- 6R ,d2a7r9e 5, an2d7 88B, o2ra7n8a9),,5198, 6307 ; Mr. Powys, Kisima tion and stamping. P.O. Timau ; Laikipia District. 3. Only weighing instruments the weighing capacity of which exceeds 1,000 1b. or which are of a permantntly fixed nature or SCHEDULE II--EAST COAST FEVER delicate constrlzction wjll bo assized in situ. Traders in possession L.O. 7387/ 12, 13, 15, 16 :20, 21, 22 ; M r. P. Powell, P.O. of such instruments may comply with this Notice by notifying the Inspector of W eights and Measures in writing as to type, maximum Box 39, Kiganjo ; Nyerl District. weighing capacity and location of the said instruments, not later L.O. 2760 ; Kimuri Farm, P.O. Box 121, Nanyuki ; Laikipia than one week preceding tho date notitied in the second column D istrict. hereunder :- L.O. 4205 ; M r. M alakwen and Partners, P.O. Box 48, Eldoret ; Hoey's Bridge ; Uasin Gishu District. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Address SCHBDIJLE III- NEW CASTLE D ISEASE of Inspqctor Plot N o. 1-.80 Tigoni ; M r. G . F. E. Child, P.O . Box 246, Date on which to whlch Place apparatus is to notlhcation Nairobi ; Kiam bu D istrict. be produced under paragraph (3) SCHEDIJLE IV- ANTHRAX should be sent L .O . 4 8 7 / 1 3 3 ; M r . A. J. Tooley, P.O. Box 348, Nakuru ; Nakurtl District. Bolpet . . 10th October Thegeaye Location ; The Distriot Commissioner, P.O. Box 32s SMtlk 1 1th October Nyerl ; Nyeri District. Lltein . . 12th October 1 Roqet 13th October Tetu Location ; The District Commissioner, P.O. Box 32, Soslot . . 14th October Nyeri ; Nyeri District. Bondo . 31st October Asembo Bay . . . . 1st November P. 0 .Box 33 1 , SCHBDIJLE V Aram 2nd November Kisumu. Akala . . 3rd November Kombewa 4th November First Colum n Second Column Bungoma . 21st and 22nd November M alaklsl . . 23rd November Narpbare . . November Busla . . . . 25th N ovem ber Gazette Notiee No. 1941 By deleting from Schedule IV dated the 14th day of (Anthrax) thereto tho follow- Konz: and Kiu . 10th October M ay 1965. ing :- Emall ...... 11th October gsKarai Location ; The District M akindu and 12th October Commissioner, Kiambu ; Kiambu M tito Andm ! . . . 13th October Sultan H am ud . 14th October District.'' K ikuyu . 17th October itNdeiya Grazing Scheme ; W angige . . 18th October The District Commissioner, N gecha . . 19th October Kiambu ; Kiambu District.'' Dagoretti . . . . 21st October Gazette Notice No. 4473 By deleting from Schedule lIl Uplands 24th October dated the 24th day of (Anthrax) thereto the follow- . . 25th and 26th October Karpri . . 27th October P. 0 .Box 1071, November 1965. ing :- M ange 28th October Nairobi. Tsloabete Location ; The D is- Kiambu . . 31st October ' tric't Commissioner, Kiambu ; Kiambu . . 1st November Kiambu Distriet-'' Githupguri 2nd November Gazette Notice No. 1184 By deleting from Schedule III Kiganlo . . 3rd November dated the 22nd day of (Anthrax) thereto the follow- Gathage . . . 4th November M arch 1966. ing :- G atundu . . 7th November 6tFarm No. 209, Kanunga K airi . . . . 8th November Sub-location ; M r. James Athi River . . 9th November 10th November Gaithuma, E.A.A., P.O. Box Thika . . 14th to 17th November 19002, Nairobi ; Kiambu Dis- triot.'' Chepereria, Sebi t ? 11th October Gazette Notice No. 3299 By deleting from Schedule 11 Ortum, W akor and dated the 24th day of (East Coast Bever) thereto the Sigor. August 1965. ' following :- Chesegon and Tot . . 12th October P. 0 uBox 269, S'L.O. 7240/ 1 ; The M anager, Maktttano and Kapen- 13th October Naktlru. Thorntree Farm, P.O. Gat undu. gurla. K ongelai, K eringetand 14th October via Ruiru ; .'' Kwanza T.C. Gazette Notice No. 1834 By deleting from Schedule I (Foot- dated the 6th day of and-M outh Disease) thereto the M alindi 11th to 14th October P. on Box 1833, M ay 1966. following :- M ambrui . . 25th October M ombasa EEL.O. 8710 ; The Com m and- % ant, N ational Youth Service. k, P.O . Box 3, G ilgil ; N akuru P E. PHILLIPS, District.'' Superintendent of keights and Measures. Gazette Notice No. 1480 By deleting from Schedule IV dated the 19th day of (Anthrax) thereto the follow- April 1966. ïng :- GAZETTB N o'rlcs N o. 3428 tiGachika Sub-location ; The (OUXX/O/X/98) District Commissioner, Kiambu ; Kiambu District.'' THE ANIM AL DISEASES ACT 1965 Gazette Notice No. 2083 By deleting from Schedule III (No. 4 oj 1965) dated the 231-c1 day of (Newcastle Disease) thereto the M ay 1966. following :- IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 of the ' Anim al Diseases Act, I hereby decla're- t

IT IS notihed' for general information that the following amend- Gazsw'rs wo.rlcs No. 3432 ments have been made to the interpretation of the Customs Tari/ Schedule promulgated in the Taris lnterpretation Book (revised October 1965). THE AFRICAN LIQUOR ACT Custom House, E. R. W OOLCOCK, (Cap. 122) M ombasa, for Comminioner of Customs and Excise, NANDI AFRICAN LIQUOR LICENSING BOARD 5th September 1966. East Africa. THE next statutory meeting of the above Board will be held 1. Deletions in the District Commissioner's Oflice, , on Tuesday, The eflbctive date is the date of publication of this amendment 6th December 1966, at 10 a.m. slip except where otherwise shown. A11 applications for new licences, renewals or transfers must Page Article reach the District Commissioner's Oëce, P.O. Box 30, Kapsabet, Ssc-nox A on or before the 31st day of October 1966. Late applications 8 Baking tins im ported by, etc. will not be considered. Baking tins other. P. J. KIM W ELE, Chairman, 50 Lamps, ultra-violet, etc. (w.e.f. 16-6-66). Kam abet, Nandi Ajrican Liquor Licensing 98 Tins, baking, etc. 30th August 1966. Board. 101 Ultra-violet lamps, etc. (w.e.f. 16-6-66). 2. Amendments Page Article GAZE'I'TE NoTICE No. 3433 SECTION A THE AFRICAN LIQUOR ACT 15 Cable, wire and llex, etc. Amend tarilf item to read 57 (t8 or (b) or 75 (a4 or (b4 (wye.f. (Cap. 122) 16-6-66). KsRlcuo AFRICAN LIQUOR LICENSING BOARD 22 Containers, collapsible rubber, etc. NOTICE is hereby given that the meeting of the Kericho Amend *:50 gallons'' to read 4:30 gallons'' African Liquor Licensing Board will be held on Mondal, 5th 34 Flex, cable and wire, etc. December 1966, at 10.30 a.m. in the OKce of the Dlstrict Amend tarifl- item to read 57 (X or (b) or 75 (aj or (b) (w.e.f. Commissioner, Kericho, to consider new applications and 16-6-66). applications for renewals. - 82 Rubber or proofed fabric, etc. All applicants fo'r new licences are requested to appear in Amend :$50 gallonsg' to read ::30 gallons''. person or by an advocate before the Licensiny Board, Kericho. Attendance of applicants f or renewals is optlonal unless there 3. Additions are objections in which case attendance is desirable. Ipsert the following rulings in alphabetical order, on the page A11 applications must reach the Oëce of the District Com- indlcated. The operative date is ççExisting'' except where otherwise missioner, P.O. Box 19, Kericho, on or before 5th November shown in parenthesis :- 1966. Fcrl)#' Amend- B. E. OKENO OSARE, Item No. Mifx/ Chairman, SllLp No . Kericho, Kericho Ajrican Liquor Licensing 1st Septem ber 1966. Board. A cznox A 4 Alcholic drinks ready mixed, e.g. gin and tonic, rum and cola ...... 28 (b) 9166 8 Baking tins :- GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3434 (1) of aluminium . . 51 B (2) of other material:- THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT (c) imported by or on behalf of a bakery ...... 56 @) (Cap. 121) (b) other ...... 177 9/66 NAIROBI LIQUOR LICENSING COURT 14 Butyl M asterbatch IB 1, IB 4 . . . . 177 9/66 DULY authorized by the District Commissioner, Nairobi 102 Vehicle counters- for recording vehicle Area, a special meeting of the Nairobi Liquor Licensing Court will be held on M onday, 10th October 1966, at the Dislrict trafhc on highways ...... 177 9/66 Commissioner's Oëce, Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi Area, SECTION B Nairobi, at 10 a.m., to consider the following application :- Page 2 Ananase . . 9/66 NEw APPI-ICATION 5 Cor-rar-ouin 9/66 7 Depomide . . . . 9/66 M alt and Non-spirituous Liquor On-licence 10 Framygen ...... 9/66 12 Helostrept ...... 9/66 Kanyenyaini Bar (Anyese and Gershon), P.O. Box 17009, 12 Helotetracortone . . . . 9/66 Nairobi : Plot No. L.R. 209/6574, Charles New Road, 17 Opticure Pink Eye Spray . . 9/66 N airobi. 18 Pathibamate ...... 9/66 20 Quaalude ...... , . 9/66 W . K. M ARTIN, 23 Trifalgin ...... 9/66 Nairobi, President, b'z 5th Septem ber 1966. Naîrobi Lîquor Licenslng Court. o Vitacetin ...... 9/66 13th September 1966 THE KEN YA GAZEW E 1075 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3222 and LIPIM the land Or any Part thereof ifl the name of the whole and thereupon the term höreby created shall cease but THE GOVERNMENT LANDS ACT without pTejudice to any right of action or Temedy of the (Ca President or the Commlssioner in respect of any antecedent p. 280) breach of any condition herein coptained. N YBRI- PLOTS FoR SHops, OFI?IcEs AND FLATS 3. The grantee shall maintain in good and substantial repair (EXCLIJDING THB SALE olR PBTROL) and conditions a11 buildings at any time erected on the land. THE Commissioner of Lands gives notice that plots in Nyeri .as described in the Schedule hereto are available for 4. Should the grantee give notice in writing to the Com- allenation and applications aro invited for the direct grant of missioner .of Lands that he/shc/they is/are unablo to complete the plots. tho buildings within the period aforesaid tho Commissione.r of Lands shall (at the grantee's expense) accept a surrender of the 2. A plan of the plots may be seen at tho Public M ap land comprised herein : Office situated in the Lands Department Building, City Square, Nairobi, or at the oëce of the Township Superintendent, Nyeri, Provided further that if such notice as aforesaid shall be or may be obtained from the Public M ap Olce, P.O. Box given (1) within 12 months of the commencement of tho term 30089, Nairobiy on payment of Sh. 3 post free. th' e Commissioner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per centum of the stand premium paid in respect of the land, or 3. Application forms, on the approved pro /brrntz obtainable (2) at any subsequent time prior to the expiration of the said from the Township Superintendent, Nyeri, should be submitted buildfng period the Commissioner of Lands shall refund to the to the Commissioner of Lands, Nairobi, through the Township grantee 25 Rer centum of the said stand premium. In the Superintendent, Nyeri. event of notlce being given after the expiration of the said building period no refund shall be made. 4. Applications must be sent so as reach the Township Superintendont, Nyeri, not later than noon on 30th September 5. The land and buildings shall only be used for shops 1966. (excluding the sale of petrol), omces and Cats. 5. Applications must not be sent direct to the Commissioner 6. The buildings shall not cover more than 75 per centum of Lands. of the area of the land if used for shops and/or oëces purposes only or such lesser area as may be laid down by the 6. Applieants must enclose with their applications their Local Authority in its By-laws and not more than 50 per cheque for Sh. 1,000 as a deposit, 'which will be dealt with centum of the area of the land if used for tho combined as follows :- purposes of shops, oflices and flats or such losser area as may (a) If the applicant is oflered and takes up and païs for a be laid down by tlle Local Authority in its Bplaws. plot within a period of 14 days as required m para- graph 5 below, the deposit will be credited to him. 7. The land shall not be used for the purpose of any trade or business which the Commissioner of Lands considers to be (b) If tht a'pplication is unsuccessful the applicant's deposit dangerous or osensive. will be returned to him. (c) lf the application is successful and the applicant fails to 8. The grantee shall not subdivido the land. take up and pay for the plot osered to him within a 9. The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charge or part period of 14 days as required in paragraph 5 of the with the possessioa of the land or any part thereof excopt General Conditions, the Commissioner of Lands may with the prior consent in writing of tho President ; no applica- declare the deposit forfeited and the applicant shall have tion for such consent (except in respect of a loan requircd for no further claim thereto. building purposes) will be considered until Special Condition No. 2 has been performed : General Conditions Provided that such consent shall not be required for the 1. The ordinary conditions applicable to township' grants of letting of individual shops, olces and qats. this nature except as varied hereby shall apply to thls grant. 10. The grantee shall pay to the Commissioner of Lands on 2. The grant will be made under the provisions of the demand such sum as the Commissioner may estimate to be the Government Lands Act (Cap. 280 of the Laws of Kenya), and proportionate cost of constructing a11 roads and drains and title will be issued under tho Registration of Titles Act sewers serving or adjoining the land and shall on completion of such construction and the aseertainment of the actual pro- (Cap. 281). portionate cost either pay (within seven days of demand) or be 3. The grant will be issued in the name of the allottee as refunded the amount by which the actual proportionate cost stated in the letter of application. exceeds or falls short of the amount paid as aforesaid. 4. The term of tho grant will be for 99 years from the frst 1 1. The grantee shall from time to time pay to the Com- day of the month following notification of the approval of missioner of Lands on demand such proportion of the cost of the grant. maintaining a1l roads and d'rains serving or adjoining the land as the Commissioner may assess. 5. Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Commissioner of Lands within 14 days of notitication that his application has 12. Should the Copzmissioner of Lands at any time require been approved, the initial estimated amount for the construction tho said roads to be constructed to a higher standard the of roads and drains to serve the plot, the assessed stand grantee shall pay to the Commissioner on demand such propor- premium and proportion of annual rent, together with the tion of the cost of such construction as the Commissioner may survey fees payable in respect of the preparation and registra- aSSC.SS. tion of the grant (Sh. 225) and the stamp duty in respect of 13. The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, duties. tho grant (approximately 2 per cent of the stand premium and assessments or outgoings of whatever description as may bo annual rent). In default of payment within the specised time imposed, charged or assessed by any Government or Local the Commissioner of Lands may oancel the allocation and the Authority upon the land or the buildinqs erected thereon, applicant shall have no furthor claim to the grant of the plot. including any contribution or other sum pald by tho President in 1 ieu tbereof . Special Conditions 14. The President or such person or authority as may be 1. No buildings shall be erected on the land nor shall appointed for tlze purpose shall have the right to entor uyon additions or external alterations be made to any buildings the land and 1ay and have access to water mains, service plpes otherwise than in conformity with plans and specitkations and drains, telephone or telegraph wries and electric mains of previously approved in writing by the Commissioner of Lands a11 descriptions, whether overhead or undorground, and the and the Local Authority. The Commissioner shall not give granteo shall not erect any buildings in such a way as to his approval unless he is satisfied that the proposals are such cover or interfere with any existing alignment of main or as to develop the land adequately and satisfactorily. service pipes or telephone or telegraph wires and electric mains. 2. The grantee shall within six months of the commencement 15. The buildings to be erected on the land shall be of a of the term submit in triplicate to the Local Authority and the minimum of one storey. Commissioner of Lands plans (including block plans showing the pesition of the buildings and a system of drainage for the Dated at Nairobi this 30th day of August 1966. disposal of sewage, surface and sullage water), drawings, eleva- tions and specïcations of the buildings tlle grantee proposes scHBouts to erect on the land and shall within 24 months of the com- mencement of tl)e tcrm complete the erection of such buildings and the construction of the drainage system irl conformity with l t No. Area J'r'SeOrnVllf, n ARnennuta l cXhaOrJg#e s SFuerese.Y such plansy drawings, elevations and specilkations as amended (if such be the case) by the Commissioner : S/ lg S 1l . Sh t 10/1 0.1722 9,000 1,800 Payable on 199 Provided that if default shall be made in the performance demand or observance of any of the requirements of tlus condition 12/1 0.1722 9,000 1,800 ,, 199 it sball be lawful f or the Commissioner of Lands or any person 14/1 0-1722 9,375 1,875 ,, 199 authorized by him on bohalf of the President to re-enter into 1076 TH E KENYA G AZEW E 13th Septem ber 1966 GAZBTTE NoncB N(). 3221 Prtwided that if default shall be made in the porformance or observance of any of the reguirements of thls condition THE GOVERNM ENT LANDS ACT it shall be lawful for the Commissloner of Lands or any person authorized by him on behalf of the President notwithstanding (C' ap. 280) anything to tho contrary contained in the Government Lands Act (Cap. 280), to Te-entor into and upon the land or any part NYBRI-PLOTS I?oR PRIVATE RBSIDENTIAL PURPOSBS theroof in the name of the whole and thereupon the term THE Commissioner of Lands gives notice that the plets fn ocfr eaatcetdio nh eorer brye msheadlyl ocef asthe e bPurt eswiditehnotu ot r prtehjeu dCicoem tmo isasinoyn eri gihnt Nyeri as dccribed in the Schedule hereto are available for ruspect of any antecedent breach of any condition herein alienation and applications are invited for the direct grants of contained. the individual plots. 2. A plan of the plots may be seen at the Public Map 3. The grantee shall maintain in good and mbstantial relyair Olce situated i'a the Lands Department Building, City Square, and condition a11 buildings at any time erected on the land. Nairobi, or at the oKco of the Township Superintendent, Nyeri, 4. Should the grantee give notice ia writing to the Commis- or may be obtained from the Public Map Omce, P.O. Box sioner of Lands that he/she/ they is/are tmable to complete 30089, Nairobi, on payment of Sh. 3 post free. the buildings within the period aforesaid the Commissioner 3. Applications must be sent so as to reach the Township of Lands shall (at the grantee's expense) accept a surrender of Superintendent, Nyeri, not later than noon on 30th September the land comprised herein : 1966. Provided further that if such notice as aforesaid shall be 4. Application forms on tho approved pro jorma obtainable given (1) within 12 months of the commencement of the term from the Township Superintendent, Nyeri, should be submitted the Commissioner of Lands shall refund to tlze grante,e 50 per to the Commissioner of Lands, Nairobi, through the Township centum of the stand premium paid hz respect of the land, or Superintendent, Nyeri. (2) at any subsequent time prior to the expiration of the said building period the Commissioner of Lands shall refund to tho 5. Applications must not be sent direct to the Commissioner grantee 25 per centum of the said stand premium. In the of Lands. event of notice being given after the expiration of the said buflding perfod no refund shall be madc. 6. Applicants must enclose with their applications tileir cheque for Sh. 1,000 as a deposit, which will be dealt with 5. The land and buildings shall only be used for private as follows :- residential purposes only and not moro than one grivate (J) lf the applicant is ofered and takes up and pays for a dwelling-house with tbe necessary oKces and bulldings plot within a period of 14 days as required m para- appurtenant thereto shall be erected on the land. graph 5 below, the deposit will be credlted to him. 6. The buildings shall not covcr more than 50 per centum of (b) If the application is not successful the applicant's deposit the area of the land or such lesser area as may be laid down will be returned to him. by the Local Authority in its By-laws. (c) If the application is succcssful and the applicant fails to take up and pay for the plot offered to him within a 7. The grantee shall not subdivide the land. period of 14 days as required in paragraph 5 of the General Conditions, the Commissioner of Lands may 8. The grantee shall pay to the Commissioner of Lands on declare the deposit forfeited and the applicant shall have demand such sum as the Commissioner may estimate to bo the no further claim thereto. prom rtionate cost of constructing al1 roads and drains and (#) Applicants should also enclose é banker's statement or sewers serving or adjoining the land and shall on complotion other d'ocuments showing the funds that they have of such construction and the ascertainment of the actual pro- immediately available to cover the cost of developing a portionate cost either pay (within seven days of demand) or plot in the event .of their application being successful. be refunded the amount by which the actual proportionate cost exceeds or falls short of the amount paid as aforesaid. General Conditions 9. The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charge or pal't 1. The ordinary conditions applicable to township grants of with the possession of the land or any part thereof except with this natlzre except as varied hereby shall apply to this grant. the prior consent in writing of the President : no app h'cation for such consent (except in respect of a loan requlred for 2. The grant will be made under the provisions of the building purposes) will be considered until Special Condition Government Lands Act tC,ap. 280 of the Laws o'f Kenya), and No. 2 has been performed. title will be issued under the Registration of Titles Act (Cap. 281). 10. The grantee shall from time to time pay to the Commis- sioner of Lands on demand such proportlon of the cost of 3. The grant will be issued in the name of the allottee as maintaining all roads and drains serving or adjoining the land stated in the lctter of application. as the Commissioner may assess. 4. The term of the grant will be for 99 years from the first 11. Should the Commissioner of Lands at any thne requhz day of the month following notification of tlae approval of the the said roads to be' constructed to a higher standard the grant. grantee shall pay to the Commissioner on demand such pro- 5. Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Commissioner of portion of the cost of such construction 'as the Commissioner Lands within 14 days of notifkation that his application has may aSSCSS. been approved, tlte initial estimated amount for the construction of roads and drains to serve the plot, the assessed stand 12. The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, duties, premillm and proportion of annual rent, together with the assessments or 'outgoings of whatever description as may be sunrey fces payable in respect of tho preparation and registra- imposed, charged or assessed by any Government or Local tion of the grant (Sh. 225) and the stamp duty in respod of Authority upon the land or the buildinps erected 1m.e,011, the grant (approximately 2 per cent of the stand premium and including any contribution or other sum pald by the President annual rent). In default of payment within the spezciied time in lieu thereof. the Commissioner of Lands may cancel the allocation and the applicant shall have no furthor claim to the grant of the plot. 13. The President or such m rson or authority as may be appointed for the purpose shall havo the right to enter uyon the land and lay and have access to water mains, service plpes Special Condîtions and drains, telephone or telegraph witres and eledric mains of 1. N@ buildings shall be erected on the land nor shall all descriptions whether overhead or underground, and the additions or extornal alterations be mado to any buildings grantee shall not erect anï buildings in such a way as to cover otherwise than in conformity with plans and specitications or interfere with any exlsting alignments of mam or service previously approved in writing by the Commissioner of Lands pipes or telephone .or telegraph wires and electric mains. and the Local Authority. The Commissioner shall not give his approval unless he is satisfied that the groposals are such as Dated at Nairobi this 30th day of August 1966. to develop the land adequately and satlsfactorily. 2. The grantee shall within six months of the commencement SCHEDULE of the term submit in triplicate to the Izocal Authority and the Commissioner of Lands plans (including block plans showing the position of the buildings and a system of drainage for the mot No. Area s'tclltf Annual Road Survey disposal of sewage, surface and sullage water), drawings, deva- z'rcra,r/r?/ Rent charges n es tions and spocilications of tl)e buildings the grantee proposes S /lg S h : S h to erect on the land and shall within 24 months of the 321 1.001 2,400 480 Payable on 23i commencoment of the term complete the erection of such dem and buildings and the construction of the drainage syMem in con- 322 1.001 2,400 480 ,, 231 formity with such plans, drawings, elevations and specilkations 323 1 .001 2,400 480 ,, 231 as amended (if such be the case) by the Commissioner : 13th September 1966 THF, KENYA GAZEITE 1077 GAZBTTE NoncB No. 3435 THE TRANSPORT LICEM ING ACT (Cap. 404) THE undermentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Liconsing Board meetinq at the Nmri Urban Council Hal1, .Nyori, on Monday, 3rd O'ctober 1966 at 10 a.m. Every objectio'n in rezspect .of an appllcxrttion shall bo lodged with the licensing authority and the d'istriot commissioner .of the district in which s'uch application is To bo head, and a copy thereof shall be sen't to the applicant not less than seven days before the date of the meeting at which such applicatio'n is t.o be heard. Except where otherwise state,d the applications are for one vehicle. Every objector shall include the size and regiptration. n'tmfb'or of of h is velticles. (to gether with the timetables, whore apqlicable) operating on the applicant's proposed route. Those who submit applications in rthe name of partnorship a'nd comipanles must bring Certificate of Registradon to the T.L.B. mceting. A . N . OU M A , Executive Omcer, Transport Licensîng Board, P.O. Box 30440, Naîrobi. RoAo SBRVICE LICENCES NY/R/33/6&-Gakuru Kerei, P.O'. Box 6, Nanyuki. Rolute : 54 / 6fp-uachanj. a Kariuki, c / o Giakanja Market, P.O. Nanyuki-Thomson's Falls-. (7-passenger Nyeri. Route : G'iakanja-Nyeri-Me ga-Ngobet- vehicle.) Ndarakwa - Thomson's F'alls - Subukia - Nakuru. 34/6&-WiIly Nduati, P.O. Box 185, Nanyuld. Reute : (3o-passenger vehicle.) Gathiuru - Naro Mo'ru - Hembe - Ragati - Kara- 55 / 66-Njaramba Munyiri, P..O. Box 85, Nyeri. Route ; tinavsagana-M uranga--rhika. (4Gpassenger vehicle.) Nyeri - M uthinga - Nyeri - Mweiga - Nyaribo 35/66- Thomas Kabando. Thakanio, P.O. B'o'x 11, Nanyuki. Kiganjo. (zl-passenger vehicle.) Routo : Nanyuk.i - Nyeri - Fort Hall - Thika - 56/66-Am0s Theuri, P.O. lhururu, P.O. Nyerb. Route ; Nakobi - Mangu - Kiambu - - Nlairobi. Wanjohi - 0l' Kalou - Thomson's Falls - Aberdare - (4o-passenger vehi cle.) NI d.aragwa-Nkg.olbk-Ngerin/'ro-Nyeri. O6-passenger 36 / 66-Kariuk.i Tuitho Munene, P.O. Box 166, Nanyuki. vehicle.) Route : Nanyuki - M ukogodo - Rumuruti - Thom- 57 p6G-xsimon Gitonga Gaturuhu? Gakindu Market, P.O'. son's Falls. (3o-passenger vehicle.) Mukurweini. Route : M bluini - Nyeri - Nairobi.' 37 /66'-M'enz Brothers and Co., c / o Township, (lo-passenger vehicle.) P.O. Thomson's Fals. Route : Marahl-Rumuruti- 58 J6fp-Gitahi Maina, P.O'. Box 255, Nyeri. Route : Nanyuki-Moru. (7-passenger vehicle.) Gakanga - Ihururu - Nyeri - Mwiga - Ngobeti - 38 /' 66-susanah Wanjiku, P.Oi. Box 45, Thomson's' F'alls. Mutara-mkikia. (3z-passenger vehicle.) R' oute : Nanyuki - Rum uruti - Thomson's F'alls - 5'9 /66- Jonah Kiraggu and Co., P.O. B'ox 180, Karatina. Subukia-Nakuru. (lz-passenger velticle.) Route : Kiangai - - Kutus - Karatina - 39/66-17rancis Wachira, P..O. Box 257, Nanyuki. Route : Kagumo. (z6-passenger vehicle.) Nanyuki--fhomson's Falls-Nanyuki. (zs-lnassenger 60/66-Wamwe.a Sons and Co., P.O'. Box 336, Nyeri. vehicle.) Rout.e : Gakindu - Mwoiga - Kiganjo - Kabaru 40/66-Jus,tus W. Wambogu, c/o P.O'. B'ox 257, Nanyuki. Karatina-Nyeri. (3z-passenger vehicle.) Route : Nanyuki - Themson's Falls. (4thpassenger 61 p6ry-l-lthssoin Sheaclçaba, P.O). Box 203, Nanyuki. vehicle.) Route : Nanyuki - Ngobit - Thomson's Falls. 41 / 6'6-Ki:ra,gtl s /.o Waititu, P'.O. B'ox 105, Nanyuki. Nanyuki. (zl-passenger vehicle.) R'oute : Nanyuki - Rumuruti - Thomson's Falls - TLB. Kamau Githaig'a : P.O. B'ox 224, Nyeri. 01 Joro Oirok-. (7-passenger velticle.) Route : Othaya - Nyer: - Thomson, s Falls - O'l 42 y'66w-Ndegwa Muhu and Njogu Thairu, P.O. Box 26, Joro Orok - Nakuru - Mogotio - Eldarna Ravine. Nanyuki. Route : Nlanyuki - Kahuru'ra - Gathiuru - (l8-passenger vehicle.) N'aro Moru Town - Naro Moru Scheme - Kabaro 1504- Main.a Kahumbi, P.O. Box 47, Fort Hall. Ferest - H ombe F'orest - Karatina - M urang'a - Variation of route to add Nairobi. (2) To. increase Thika-Nairobi. (3z-passenger vehicle.) the passenge'r carrying capaoity from 7 to 52 43 / 66=lamhu'li' Bu& Service C0., P.O'. Box 179, Nanyuki. passengers. Present route : Gakuyu lo F'ort Hall Rolute : Thomson's Falls-Nanyuki'. (7-passenger not via Nairobi. 'IKK.F 170, 7 passengels.) vehicle.) 1952- Ja%tina N. Gatii, Kiamutugu, P.Oi. Kinnyaga. 44/66.-Pdor Makuno Kinoru, P.O. Box 270, Nanyuki. Variation of routo to add Kiamutugu - Kianyanga - Route : Umande-Nanyuki-Dol D.o1. (l6-passenger Em bu - K erugoya - Kagumo - K aratina - Nyeri, vehicle) and t.o delete the present route. Present route : 45/6.G-D. Kinyua Gatua, Muhito. Location, Ndiaini lnter- Emibu-Ki.amutugu-Kianyaga-K.agumo Market-Kara- mediate School, P.O. Mukurweini, Nyeri : Route : tina-Nyeri. (KHS 603, 37 passengers.) Gakindu - Nyeri - Karatina - Bort Hall - Thika - 4450-W. Karangi Muriyu, P.O'. Box 52, Karatina. Nairobi. (3z-passenger vehicle.) Route : Ntlathi - Klamariga - Karatina - Nyeri 46 p6fp-Aberdare Bus Service, P.O. Box 24, Nyeri. Route : Kiganjo. (7-passenger vehicle.) Zaina - Nyori - Gakindu - Njoguini - Ihururu ; 10607-Kamwana Bus Service, P.O. B'ox 289, Nyeri. Nyeri - Karatina ' Nyeri - Kiandongoro - Uthaya. Variation .of route to add Nyeri. Present route : (K-passenger vehlole.) .42) Ihuraru-Nyeri-Garingiru- Kariaini - Galdndu - Karatina only. IK.H'F 972, Willicha - Mugachini - Muti Amowe. (cwpassenger 18 passengers.) ' vehicle.) (3) Route : Ihuru - Nyeri - Thomson's 5891- Sa1im Hassan Bamhayan, P.O. Box 33, Garissa. Falls-Nakuru. (O-passenger velkicle.) ltoute : Garissa - - n ika. (so-passenger 47 /66. -.Njau s /.o Kagima, P.O'. Box 17029, Nairobi. vehicle.) Route : Othaya - Gakindu - Gikkia - Fort Hall - 9057- Gatemi Munyutu, P.O. Box 42, Nyeri. To inorease M akuyu - Maragu'a - Thika - Ruiru - Kahawa - the passenger-carrying capacity from 30 to 45 Nairobi. (l6-passenger vehicle.) passengeirs. Presen't route : Nyeri-Karatina-Kibi- 48 /6.6-Runjare Macharia, P.O. Box 157, Nyeri. Route : rigwi - Barich'o - Kutus - Embu. (KHN 665, 30 Nycrl - Kiganjo - Kabaru - Mweiga. (z8-passenger passengers.) vehiclea). 3403- E1 dad Wachiira M wai, P.Of. Box 28, Nanyuki. 49/66-Ngera s jo Kiriitlti, P.O'. Box 32, Nyeri. Route : Route : N anyu'k.i - K alzurusa Forest - G athiuru Kagica-Gakhdu-M urang'a-Thika. (zs-passenger Fores't - N aro M oru Fores't - Nyeri' - Karatina - vehicle.) Embu-lurinyaga. (4s-passenger vehicle.) 50/66-.20u1 Guchanja Kiiru and Bros,, P.O. Box 25, 9797-Gichùhi M amicha and' C:o'., P'.O'. Box 94, Nyeri. N'yeri. Route : Kabake - Ihurlzru - Nyeri - Gadtu - Varïation cf route .to add Meru-Karatina-rflimau. Gathinga - T'ambaya - Kanunga - Gakindu - Present reute : North Tetu Division-Nyeri Town- Mukurweini-Gikondi. (lo-passenger vellicle.) (2) s'hip - Muthinga - Kiganjo - Naro M'oru - Nanyttk i - Kabake - lhurufu - Nyeli - Mweiga - Mi teroini - Karatina-Maranya. (KHC 594, 51 passengers.) (2) Chariti. (l6-passenger vehicle.) Daily Bus Sorvice. Route : Nyed-Karatina-Kabaru- 51 J6ry-Muya Muthoki, P.OI. Box 4717, Nairobi. Route : Othaya-lhururu-Karatina. (KGJ 200, c-passenger Gakilndu - Nyeri - Karatina - Sagana - Fort Hall - vehicle.) Thika - Ruiru - Kahawa - Nairebi. (l8-passenger 2779-170tG N. M acharia and P. N. Goko', P.O'. Box 127, vehiclt.) Nyeri. Variation of rorate to add Charity Farm- 52 / 66- Nyaga Nyokot c /o' .cxikorldi Chief's Camp, Mweiga-Nyeri-Kiganjo and to delete the lyesent P.O. Box 32 2 Nyen. Route : Othay'a - Nyeri - route. Present routc : Kabage-Karu'naini-Gvthika- Galdndu - Glitwa - Fort Hall - Thika - Ruiru - Ihururu - Mathari Mission - Nyeri. (KFW 890, Nairobi. (8- passenger vehicle.) 7 passtmgersa) . 53/66-Fi1ex Githinji Kl'mnnl', c/o P.Or. Box 180, Nyeri. 11541- Muyu General Transport 'Service, P'.O. Box 431, Route : Ithekahuno - Muthinga - Kangaita - Gacha- Nyeri. Valaiation of route to add lchanmra. tha - Kiandu - Riamukum e - Rmingu - M utathini - Present route : M ukurweini - Gakindu - Nyeri - Kamakwa. (3thpassenger vehicle.) Karatina. (KHW 303, 46 passengers.) 1078 TH E KEN YA GA ZETTE 13th Septem ber 1966 ROAD SERVICB I-/ICENCES-ICO/ZY.) TLB. 4584- Kamau M uiga, P.O. Box 101, Karatina. Variation Nyeri - Gikondi - Gitua - Karatina - Fort Hall of route to add M ihuti - Gakiadu - Nyeri - by reservo rolad. (KHY 858, 42 passengers.) Karatina - Sagana - F'ort Hal'l - Nairobi, via Mara- 9774-,Kimani W arukira, P.O. Blanana Hill, Kiambu. gufa and Ruiru. Present roate ; Kangoru-M ukur- 'Change of condïtïons to lclude îor the carriage weini - Omihuti - Mweru - Kariruku - Kimathi - of porters and workmen. Prosent route : Kiambu- Sagana--fllika by main road (not via Fbrt Ha1l). Kitale - Kisumu via Naivasha - Gilgil - Thomson's (KHQ 814, 42 passengors.) Falls - Nakumz - Eldoret ; K'iambu - Thika - 4193- Mtatawi Bus Sorvice, Gikondi Location, P.O. Nanyuki ; Kiambu - N'airobi - Ngong, for stock Mukurweini, Nyeri. Variatiotn of route to add tradors only who must be in p'ossession of stock Thika - Ruiru - Kiambu - L'imuru - Naivasha - trading permits. No other passengers may be G'llgil - 01 Kalou - Ndunderi. Present route : carried. (KHX 405 7 passengers.) EIB'' CARRIERS' LICENCES NY/B/ 16/66-Ndugamano Transport Co., P.O'. B'ox 342, Nyeri. 11522- Mura'nga Kambo, P.O. Box 381, Nyeri. Carriage Carriage of charcoal, 'timber, manure, stones, of vegeobles and perishable goods. Route : Nyeri tobacco, hides, skins, fruit.s and vegetables. Route : District - Fort Httll - Thika - Nairobi - Nyandarula Nyeri District - Fort Hall - Thik.a - Kiambu - District - Nakuru - Kericho - Kisii - Kisumu - Nairobi-Narok. (s-ton vehicle.) Kakamega District - Nairo.b'i - . t7-t:on 17 / 6G-Wenceslas M. W'anjohi, c /0 P.O'. Box 101, Kara- vehicle.) tina. C'arriage of perishable goods, farm machinery 5506.-Gaki:ndu General Transport Co., c / o' J. Wachira, and farm produce. Reute : Nyeri - M ukurweini - Gakindu Market, P.O. Mukurweini. Va,riatioll of Nyeri - Karati'na - Sagana - Murang'a - Thika - route to add N'yeri-Kirinyaga-Nlairobi-n oms'on's Nairobi-Athi RiveoM achakos. ts-ton vehicle) ' F'alls. (KAV 543, 7,890 1b.) 18 / 66-Kingo.ri Wambugu and Co., P.O'. Giakanja via 1441- J.osep.h W aweru, P.O. Box 55, Kerugoya. Càrriage Nyeri. Carriage of livestock and al1 goods. Route : of .all goods. Route : Chinga - Nyeri - Thomson's Nyeri - Kieni - Nanyuki - Isiol'e - M'eru. (s-ton F'alls - Nanyuki - Girigiri - Nairobi. (4-ton vehicle.) vehicle.) 4617.-'G'eo'frey W . Okabi and M . M waniki, P.O. Box 279, 19 /6.6-Mweiga Farmers Transporters, P.O. Box 8, Nyeri. Variation of route to' add Embu' - Kiambu - M weiga. Carriage of farm produce, shop goods: Nairobi - N'anyuki - Meru - Nyandarua - Thom- livestock and vegetables. Route : Mweiga - Nyerl son's Falls. (2) And change 'of condi:tiorus' to include District - Kirinyaga Disltrict - Murang'a District - for carriage of sugarcane/ firewood and cattle. Thika District - Kiambu District - Nyandarua Present route : Nkeri Distrlct and to$ Kiganjo, for District - Nairobi' - N, anytzki - Thomsen's Falls - carriage of 'buil' ding materials, charcoal, vegeta.bles Embu District. (7-tcm vehicle.) and timbers cmly. (KFG 189, 8,000 1b.) 20 / 66w-Kieni Transport Co'., P.O. Box 18, Kiganjo. 7550= Mweiga Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd., P.O. Carriage of all goods. Reute : Kiganjo - Nyeri - B'ox 19, M woiga. Carriage of farm produce, live- Karatina - Sagana - Fort Hall - Saba Saba - Thika - stock, bailding m'alterials', fuel, farm equipment and Nairobi ; Kiganjo - Nanyuki and Kieni Division. farm gocds. Route : M woiga - Kirinyaga District - (s-to.n vehicle.) Murang'a District-n ik'a District-Kiambu Distrkt- 21 / 66-lvachir'a Thenya and C(?., P.O. Box 1, Kiganjo. Laikipia District-Nakuru Distriot-Nairobi District. Carriage of al'l goods and' livestock. Route : Nyeri. (KFE 245, 4,595 1b.) Fort Hall - Thika - Kitui - Kibwezi - Voii - 1225-Geoffrey Njogu Githioji at'ld Co., P.O'. Box 151, Mombasa. (7-ton vehicle-) (2) Route : Kenya. (7- Karatina. C'arriage of shop goods, cotton piece- ton vehicle.) goods, farm produce, building rnaterials and sugar. 22 / 66-Mbithi Manyuira, P.O. Box 1 7, Nyeri. Carriage Route : Karatina - Nyeri Dijtrict - Fort Hall - of a11 goods. Route : Nyeri D'istriot - Kirinyaga Kirinyaga-Nairobi. (s-to.n vehicle.) District. (s-ton vehicle-) 2022-Muramati Farmers Co-ogerative Society I./td., P.O. 23 / 66-Githorere General Provision Store' and Co., P.O. Box 272, Nanyuki. Carrlage of all goods. Reute : Box 342, Nyeri. Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Kenya. (3-ton vehicle.) Nyeri District - Nairobi - Sagana - Nakuru. ('/-ton 20'78- Duncan M 'aina Karumba, P.O. Box 118, Nanyuki. Carriage 'of timber post, vegetables and' farm pro- vehicle.) duce. Reute : N'an.yuki - Meru - S'agana - Fort 24/ 66-Kimondo and Muthahi and .C.o., P.O'. Box 108, Hall - Karatina - Thika - Nairohi. (s-t'on vehicle.) Nanyuki. Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Nanyuki- 109'27-Kiama Ruheni, P.O. Box 106, Nanyuki. C'arriagt Nyeri-M erurEmbtz. (7'-ton vehiole) of a1l goods'. Route : Nanyyki - Nyeri District - 25/66-Jason Mungai Kaburu, P'.O'. Box 272, Nanyuki. Kirinyaga D'istrfct - M eru Dlstriot - Embu District - Carriage of all goods. Route ) Kenya. (l-l-ton lsiolo District - Laikipia D'istriot - Nakuru via vehiole.) Thomson's Falls - Nanyuki vi'a Nyeri - Nairobi. 26 / 6'6-Ngaba s yo Githinji, P.O. Tirnau. C'arriage of (KFS 920, 2 900 1b.) vegetables aad shop goods. Route : Nanyuki- 4742-Kib.aba Karl.?u ki, P.O. Box 34, Kiganjo'. Carriage Nairobi-Nakuru-Meru. (KFF 754, 1.). tons-) of building materials, trade goods and agricultural 27/ b6w-lf-ibanya Gichero, P.O. Box 40., Karatina. equi pments. Route : Kirichu' M arket - North Tctu - Carriage of sho.p goods, farm produce and building Othaya - South Tetu - Mathira - Kieni Divisions - materials. Route : Nyeri District-Nanyuki! District- Na' nyuki District-Nyeri. (3-.ton vehicle.) Embu District - Embu District - Kirinyaga District - 4573- 1-. N . Pithia, P.O. Box 21, lsiolo. Carriage of all Fbrt Hall District-Thik.a Distriot-Nairobi. (KHX goods and livestock. Route : - Garbatulla - 961, 11,635 1b.) Nairob' i via Nanyuki and Athi River. (7-ton 28 / 66-Gitahi Gateru !P.O'. B'ox 279, Nyeri. Carriage of vehicle.) vegotables, malze, timber, shop geods and building 11025- Rufus M ugo W aithaka, Othaya Markot, P.O'. matorials. Route : Nyeri Distric.t-Kara'tina-sagana- Othaya, Nyeri. Variation 'of route to add Nakuru Murang'a-Thika-Nairobi. (7-ton vehiole.) Disitrict. Premsent route : Oithaya - Nyeri - Kiganje - 29 / 6.6-Ndi.ritu Kingori, P.O'. Box 33, Kiganjo. Carriage Karatina - Sagana. (KHJ 261, 12,700 1b.) of farm preduce, tïmber, cattle, sheep and goats 5075- M ut.hinga Tim ber Saw M ills C'o., P'.O. B'ox 412, and building materials. Route : Inland Farm-Nyeri- Nyeri. Variation of route to add Laikipia District - Karatina - Sagan'a - Murang'a - Thika - Nairobi. Murang'a District-Nairobi, for carriage of timber2 (s-ton vehicle.) potatoes and farm produce. Present route : Nyen 3o/66-Waruhiu Kingangi, P.O. Box 34, Kiganjo. District. (KFN 715, 10,480 1b.) Carriage of perishable, oharooal and shop goods. 2263- Jayanti1a1 P. S'amani, P.O'. Box 10, Isiolo. Carriage of sheep and goats, cattle and a'll goods. Route : Route : Kirichu Market-N#eri-Kirinyaga District- Isiolo District - I-aikipia District - A:I).i River - (7-ton vehicle.) Nairobi ; Isiolo-Nanyuki. (KKC 642, 7 tons.) 31 / 6.6- Kiman.i Kiroha, P'.O'. Box 273, Nyori. Carriage of 927- D'edan M uriuki Kamwere, P.C.E.A., Tumu Tumu, eggs, vegetables and farm produce. Route : P'.O. Karatina. Variatlon of .route to add Meru. Baringo - Muiga - N'yeri - Karatina - Sagana - (2) And change of oonditions t.o inolude sandy Fort Hall-efhika-Ruiru-Nairobi. (z-ton vehicle.) stones, charcoal, srewood, manure and farm pro- 32 / 66'-Pt%er Waitere Gichuki, P.O. Box 25, Nyeri. duco 'o'n present r'oute. Present roate : Nyeri carriage o.f a11 goods. Route : N yeri District- Distriot - Nanyuk.i - Fort H'all - Thika - Kiri'n yapa Laikipia Dist.rict-Nanyuki-Meru-Kiene Division. (5- for a11 goods ; and Nyeri-Nairobi, for frui ts and ton vehicle) vegetables and returning with shop goods. (KGQ 33 J66-Muriithi Wambugu, P.O. Box 32, Nyeri. Carriage 6.61, 13,405 1'b.) of charcfxal, lirewood, tïm ber, stones, tobacco, 7483- Erakstus Kangaru W achira, P.O. Box 115, Nyeri. sugar cane and all go.ods. Route : Nyeri-Nanyuki- Carriage .of al1 goods. Routo : M ukurweini - Nyeri - Meru. (s-ton vehicle.) Foqrt Hall - Thika - Nairobi ; Mukurweini. - Nyeri - TLB. 7990- Nderitu Githui, P.O. Box 200, Nanyuki. Carriage Nanyuki. (s-ton vehicle.) of al'l goods. Route : Nanyuki - Meru - Laikipia - 34/66- Transport Co., P.O. B'ox 342, Nyeri. Nyeri - Karatina - Thika - Nairobi. (KFE 562, Carriage of al1 goods. Route : Nyeri - Kiambu 5 tons .) District-Fort H'all District-Nairobi. (s-ton vehicle.) 13th September 1966 THF, KENYA GAZEW E 1079 GAZETTS No'rlcE No. 3436 Grade t:C'' : Sh. 800 by Sh. 75 to Sh. 950 (efliciency bar) ; Sh. 1,025 by Sh. 75 to Sh. 1,250. THE INDUSTRIAL COURT Grade Kto'. : sh. 1,300 by sh. 50 to Sh. 1,500 (emciency bar) ; CAUSE No. 30 OF 1966 Sh. 1,600 by Sh. 100 to Sh. 2,000. Parties.'- J A rtisans with Grade l Government Trade Test Certilicates Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied W orkers were awarded Sh. 75O per month and thereafter these artisans progress at an increment of Sh. 50 per annum up to the limit alld 0 f Sh . 1 ,150 per month ; thereafter on obtaining the City and Kenya M eat C'omm ission Guilds Certificate or an equivalent qualifcation, the salary of these artisans would riso to sh. 1,500 per month. Issue in dispute : - Wages and salaries for- M AIN SUBMISSIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CLAIMANTS (i) Clerks. 4. (i) Clerks.- rïtiz Claimants submittod that, the entry points (ii) Artisans with Grade Governm ent Trade Test for the various derical grades were extremely l'ow, were not Certificates. c'ommensurate with the responsibilities held by the stafï in these 1. The Kenya Union of Commercial Food and Allied grades and did not compare favourably with those to be found W orkers shall hereinafter be referred to as the Claimants and in other comparable industries like the Uplands Bacon F'actory, Kenya Meat Commission shall hereinafter be referred to as the Banks and so on. The Claimants stated that, as the Court had deprived the clerks on the production side, of production bonus. Respondents. they had suflered a drastic loss in their monthly remuneration 2. The Parties were heard in Nairobi on the 8th day of and had not been adequately compensated by appropriate August 1966, and relied on their written and verbal submissions. increase in their basic rates. The Clahnants contended that, the cost of living had gone G SNERAL BACKGROUND up since 1964 by 4.8 points. Furthermore, a number of clerks 3. The Parties appeared beforo the Industrial Court in Cause were sta&nating at the maximum of their grades due to lack of No. 4 of 1964 and the Court award in this Cause expired on opportunlties for promotion into higher grades. 31st Deoember 1965. The Claimants submitted their proposals for the revision of the existing wages and salaries and terms The Claimants pointed out that, the Respondents were in and conditions of the Respondents' workers on 6th January agreement with them in doing away with emciency bars as the 1966. In the ensuing negotiations it was mutually agreed system prescribed by the Court had not worked satisfactorily between the Parties to discuss the wages for manual workers during the past two years due to the fact that the Respondents separately from those of clerks and artisans with Grade l ' had ignored the quostion of holding examinations for those Government Trade Test Certiscates. lt had boen accepted by em ployees who were not recomm ended for prom otion by their the Parties that, the former cateëory of workers were on seniors. strafgllt rates for the jobs as lald d'own in the aforesaid The Claimants requested the Court to award the following lndustrial Court award while the latter enjoyed incremental new clerical grades which would apply to production and salary scales, again as laid down in the same lndustrial Court laboratory clerks :- award. G rado tdA '' : Sh. 600 by Sh. 50 to Sh. 850. On 25th M ay 1966, agreement was reached on new wage Grade ICB'' : Sh. 900 by Sh. 50 to Sh. 1,500 ; Sh. 1,560 rates for manual workers. This agreement provided as Sh. 60 to Sh. 1,860. f'ollows :- 1. (J) A1l the job rates as laid down in the Industrial Grade ($C'' : Sh. 1,945 by Sh. 80 to Sh. 2,345 ; Sh. 2,425 by Court Award dated 24th November 1964 (or as agreed since Sh. 80 to Sh. 2,825. that date botween the Parties to this Agreement) between Grade GtD'' : Sh. 2,925 by Sh. 100 to Sh. 3,425 ; Sh. 3,625 Sh. 185 and Sh. 210 per month shall be increased by Sh. 27 by Sh. 200 to Sh. 4,225. per m onth. The Claimants further demanded that, any increase granted on (bj A11 the job rates as laid down in the Industrial Court the basic rates for the grades should be reqected in the salary Award dated 24th November 1964 (or as agreed since that of each clerical employee so that the present diserential in date between the Parties to this Agreement) above Sh. 210 salary would be maintalned. The Claimants drew the Court's per month shall be increased by Sh. 25 per month. attention to the fact that, the fringe benefits had been retained at tho same level as awarded by the Court and they had agreed Other Benefits to this in the hope that their members would benest consider- 2. A11 other benefts shall remain at the existing level ably from salary increases. The Claimants rejected the olïer except that :- which had been made by the Respondents on the grounds that, it was totally inadequate, more so, because the Respondents Category A- up to Sh. 300 p.m. shall be increased to were on a very sound financial footing. The Claimants also Sh. 325 p-m. complained that the increments of some of their members had Category B.- SI). 301 to Sh. 700 p.m. shall be increased to been withheld unreasonably. Sh. 326 to Sh. 725 p.m. $ The Claimants did not elaborate their case in respect of Category C.- SIA. 701 to Sh. 1,200 p.m. shall be increased laboratory staff apart from asking that they be included in to Sh. 726 to Sh. 1,225 p.m. their demands as stated above. Category D.- SIA. 1,201 p.m. shall be increased to Sh. 1,226 (ii) Artisans with Grade I Government Trade Test Certifi- P.m . clfey.- rf'he Claimants demanded that, artisans who obtained a Clerical Scales Grade I Trade Test Certificate should get Sh. 1,500 per month 3. The Commission will submit proposals for standard and after that they should progress by increments of Sh. 80 qualilications for entry into Clerical Grades to facilitate dis- per annum to Sh. 2,140 per month ; thereafter on obtaining a cussions on Clerical Scales. City and Guilds Certiticate or its equivalent qualitkation their salary should go up to Sh. 2,860 per month. The Clalmants Co-operation did, h'owever, concede that the City and Guilds examination was in three parts elementary, intermediate and final, and that 4. The Union of Commercial Food and Allied W orkers they were prepared to accept different rates for them. undertake to co-operate with the M anagement of the Com- mission to ensure that the Commission's operations are The Claimants stated that, they would be prepared to accept carried out most eëciently. a two-year award in respect of clerical grades and the artLsans in Grade I provided the entry points were attractive enough and Duration there was provision for an mcrement after one year. This Agreement shall be effective from 1st M arch 1966, and will apply to basic salaries and overtime earnings from that ACAIN SUBMISSIONS ON BEHALF OF THE RESPONDENTS date for a period of 12 months. 5. (i) Clerks.- l'hz Respondents submitted that !the present After the above agreement had been reached negotiations took salarios were commensurate with the responsibillties held by place regarding salaries of clerks and artisans with Grade 1 the staff in the various grades and compared favourablt with Government Trade Test Certiticates, but no agreement could be those current in comparable industries. These rates had, m any reache,d and the Parties decided to refer the matter to the case, been awarded by the Industrial Court less than two years Industrial Court by signing the notifcation of dispute form on ago and they submitted that, circumstances had not cbanged so drastically as to juptify very high salaries as demanded by the 18th J'une 1966. Claimants. The Respondents pointed out that, in the previous The present clerical grades for a1l areas as established by the Industrial Court award it was provided that, increments should Industrlal Court in Cause No. 4 of 1964 are as follows :- be granted on 1st January each year and that increments should not be withheld unless an adverse report on any employee had Grade

CIAZETTE AIOTICE è;O. 3443 GAZETTE AVOTICE D(O. 3448 IN THE HIGH COURT 0F KENYA REVOCATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY AT KISUM U IXSTRICT REGISTRY NOTICE is hereby given that the power of attorney given PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION by us the undersigned Gordhanbhai M otibhai Patel and M rs. Kamlaben Gordhanbhai Motibhai Patel both of P.O. Box 9490, CAIJSE No. 17 OF 1966 Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, somctime in the year 1951 or 1952 either jointly or severally to Ambalal Motibhai Patel ln the estate of : Peter Ignatius Braganza, deceased and his wife M rs. Gangaben Ambalal Motibhai Patel both of TAKE NOTICE that application having been made in this P.O. Box 2149, Nairobi aforesaid either jointly or severally Court by M rs. Deliciosa Braganza Lobo, the daughter of the has been revoked and cancelled on the 7th day of September deceased, of P.O . Box ' 77, Kisumu K enya, for a grant of 1966, and the said Ambalal M otibhai Patel and his wifo Mrs. letters of administration of the estate o, f Peter Ignatius Braganza Gangaben Ambalal Patel have j'ointly or severally no authority of P.O. Box 77, Kisumu, Kenya, who died at Kisumu on the whatsoever to represent or act f0r lls in any m anner. 2nd day of October 1964. Dated at Nairobi this 7th day of September 1966. T'his Court will proceed to issue the grant of letters of administration unless cause be shown to the contrary and GORDHANBHAI M OTIBHAI PATEL. appearance entered in yhis respect on or before 15th September M RS. KAMLABEN w /o GORDHANBHM 1966. M OTIBHA I PATEL. D. R. SHARMA, K isum u, D istrict Registrar, 11th August 1966. High Court 0/ Kenya, Kisumu. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3444 (Cap. 53) GILBERT DE PREVILLE COLVILE, DECEASED CORRIGENDUM Gazette Notice No. 2947 of 4th August 1966- TAKE NOTICE that a1l persons having any claims against the estate of the above-named deceased lato of Ndabibi, For date of pdition.- 7th July 1966. Naivasha, who died On 17th June 1966, in Nairobi, are Read date of petiti.on.- 7th July 1965. requested to lodge and prove details thereof with the under- signed on or before 25th November 1966, after which date the Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, executrix will distribute the .estate baving regard only to valid 8th September 1966. Deputy Omcial Receiver. claims then netified. Dated this 3 1st day of August 1966. GAZETTE N o-rlcs No. 3450 HAMILTON HARRISON & M ATHEW S, THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Advocates jor the Executrix, (Cap. 53) P.O. Box 30333, Nairobi. Rp,cElvlNG ORDER Debtor's ncnkc-- Amirali Khalfan. G AZETTE No'rlcE No. 3445 Address.- p.o. Box 571, M om basa. Description.- cLvçk. INEZ MARY YVONNE M ILW YN PETRIE, DECEASED Date oj #/frlg petition.- bth August 1966. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the C'tpurf--l-ligh Court of Kenya at Mombasa. Trustee Act (Cap. 167), that any person having a claim against No. oj matter.- B-c. 4 of 1966. or an interest in the estate of the late lnez M ary Yvonne M ilwyn Petrie .of Sea Point, Cape Town, South Africa, and Date 0/ tJr#cr.- 30th Augus't 1966. formerly of Kenya: who died at Cape Town, South Africa, on Whether debtor's or creditors' pc/f/fou.--Debtor's. 19th M ay 1966, ls hereby required to send particulars in writing of his or her claim or interest to Barclays Bank D.C.O., M ombasa, A. H. KHAW AJA, Trustee Department, P.O. Box 30356, Nairobi, before 21st 5th September 1966. Deputy Olcial Receiver (Coastj. November 1966, after which date the executors will distribute the estate among the gersons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and lnterests of which they have had notice GAZETTB NoTlcs N o. 3451 and wil'l not as respects the property so distributed be liable to 'any person of whose claim they shall not then have had THE BANKRUPTCY ACT notice. (Cap. 53) Dated the 7th day of September 1966. FlRs'r M BETING oF CREDITORS Debtor's nlrac.-lsher Singh s/o Fa'teh Singh. BARCLAYS BAN K D .C.O., Address.-P.o. Box 6, Elburgon. Trustee D epartment, DcycrfplfozT.- errader. P.O. Box 30356, N airobi. Ctlurl.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. No. oj matter.- B.c. 7 of 1966. GAZETTS Noncs No. 3446 Date oj Jr.y/ meeting.-lbttj September 1966. H our.- l.?Q p.m . ESTATE OF W ILLIAM JOSEPH DUNCAN MUNRO-DAVIS Place.--ronference Room, Omces of the Omcial Receiver, State Noncs Law Omce, Harambee Avenue, Nairobi. NOTICE is hereby given that any person having any claim against or interest in the estate of the above nam ed who died Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, at K itale on 26th February 1966, is required to prove the sam e 8th September 1966. D eput.v O/./Jcftz/ Receiver. with the undersigned on or before 30th September 1966, after which date the estate assets m ay be distributed taking account only of claims so notified. G AZETTB N ovrlcs No. 3452 R. F. J. LIND SELL, THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Advocate /tp?' the pz/crlt/etf Administratrix, P.O. Box 184, Kitale. (Cap. 53) N o'rlcE or DIVIDENO Debtor's ucrrtc.- Badrudin Kassam Ramji. GAZETTE No'rlcE N o. 3447 X#JrcyJ.- P.O. Box 4657, N airobi. D escription.- Form erly a trader now an employee. REVOCATION OF POW ER OF ATTORN EY C'olfr/.- High Court of K enya at Kisum u. By revocation dated the 11th day of February 1966, regis- No. oj matter.- j.c. 7 of 1956. tered as No. I.P/A 8460/ 1, the power of attorney dated the Amount per f.- Sh. 3 /27. 19th day of September 1959, registered as I.P/A 5689/ 1, made First or final or gf/ierwfyc.--lRirst and inal. by Stavros N. Leventakis in favour of George Vasil Criticos W hen p(zyc/7fe.- 6th September 1966. was revoked. W here Fcy'tz:fc.--office of the Oflicïal Receiver, State P. M . H EATH , Oflice, Harambee Avenue, N airobi. for Archer to. W ilcock, Advocates, Kisumu, 1. H . PATEL, P.O. &J.r 1 0201 , Nairobi. 30th August 1966. Agent of //7e Omcial Rccc/vc/'. IN THE H IGH COURT OF KEN YA IN THE MATTER OF W M . O'SW ALD AND CO. AT KISUMU DISTRICT REGISTRY (EAST AFRICA) LIMITED AND IN BANKRIJIyTCY JultlslalcTlox CAIJSE N o. 11 oF 1958 Re : Bhagubhai Lalbhai Patel and Arvindkumar Bhagwati Patel, IN THE M ATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT trading as Asembo Cash Stores, debtors (Cap. 486) N oTlcis oF RELEASB OF TRUSTF.E NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors of the above- named Company which is being voluntarily wound up, are Debtors' rzarrlt?x.--Bhayubhai Lalbhai Patel and Arvindkumar required on or before the 30th day of September 1966, to send Bhagwati Patel, tradlng as Asembo Cash Stores. in their full names, their addresses and description, full parti- Xtftfrc-u.- Kisum u. culars of their debts or claims, and 'the names and addresses of D escription.- Wrudzç. their solicitors (if any) to the undersigned, Ian Reid Leslie and Jack Leslie James Tester, of P.O. Box 30158, Nairobi, the Ctpffrl.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Kisumu District Registry. liquidators of the said Company, and if so required by notice No. oj lnatter.- B.c. 11 of 1958. in writing from the said liquidators, are personally or by their Trustee's zltzznc.- -f'he Olcial Receiver of Kenya. s'olicitors to come in and prove their debts or claims at such Address.- p.o. Box 993, Kisumu. time and place as shall be specifed in such notice or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution Date t7/ rc/ef7,sc.- 10th August 1966. made 'before such debts are proved. D. R. SHARM A, Kisumu, District Regîstrar, 10th August 1966. High Court t?/ Kenya, Kisumu. l R. LESLIE, J. L. J. TESTER, Joint Liquidators. GAZBTTE No'rlcE No. 3454 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU DISTRJCT REGISTRY G AZBTTE N ovrlcE No. 3457 IN BANKRIJPTCY JuRlsolcTloN CAUSE No. 9 olz 1956 TH E COM PAN IES ACT Re : Ralnniklal N . Pandya, debtor (Cap. 486) NoTlcE OF REI-EASB ()F TRIJSTEB PURSUANT to s'ection 339, subsection (3) of the above Act, it is hereby notified that at the expiration of three months Debtor's rltzznc.- Ramniklal N. Pandya. from the date hereof, the names of the undermentioned com- adtfJrc-vz.- Broderick Falls. panies will, unless cause be shown to the contrary, be struck Description.- u erchant. off the Register of Companies and the companies will be Ctpurl.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Kisumu District Registry. dissolved : - No. // matter.- B.c. 9 of 1956. The Oriental Timber Company Limited. Trustee's ntzrne.--el'he Oflicial Receiver of Kenya. Thika Saw M ills Limited. Address.- p.o. Box 993, Kisumu. Radio-Electric Limited. Date oj release.- njst July 1966. The A rgosy Investm ent Com pany Limited. D . R. SH ARM A , The M atara (E.A.) Company Limited. Kisumu, D istrict Registrar Lee's Butchery Limited. 21st July 1966. High Court oj Kenya, Kisumu. Kenya Chemical Company Limited. Seed Cleaners and Transporters Limited. G AZETTE N ovncB No. 3455 Sheadon Restaurants Limited. Bhatia Brothers (Kenya) Limited. IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA Vigar, Son and Lewis Limited. AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REGISTRY Xmratlal Hirachand Limited. BANKRUPTCY AND W INDING UP CAUSE NO. 2 OF 1966 The Brown Construction Com pany Lim ited. IN THE M ATTER OF KER SALES LIMITED AND Dated this 8th day of September 1966. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT 0. M . SAM EJA , (Cap. 486) Assistant Registrar oj Companies. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition for the winding up of the above-named Company by the High Court of Kenya at M ombasa was on the 19th day of July 1966, presented to the CIAZBTTE AkoTlcE Tfo. 3458 said Court by Jivanji Dahyabhai Patel, the sole proprietor of Coastal Printlng W orks of P.O. Box 7020, M ombasa, Kenya. LCSI 1064./ 10) And that the said petition is directed to be heard before the THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT Court sitting at M ombasa on the 21st day of September 1966, (Cap. 490, sections 46 and 49) at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon and any creditor or contributory of the said Company desirous to support or oppose the making LIQUIDATION ORDER of an order on the said getition may appear at the time of W HEREAS 1, J'ames Aram Njao Kibue, have, under section hearing in person or by hls advocate for that purpose and a 42 of the said Act, ordered an inquiry into the constitution, copr of the petition will bo furnished by the undersigned to any w'orking and financial condition of the Ruiru F'armers Co- credltor or contributory of the said Company requiring such operative Society Limited : copy on paym ent of the regulated charges for the sam e. And whereas under section 46 (1) I am of the opinion that the said Society ought to be dissolved : D. G . N ATHW AN I, I hereby cancel the registration of the said Society, and order Advocate for the Petitioner, that it be liquidated under section 49. Legal M ansion, N krumah Road, Any member of the said Society may, within two months P.O. Box 1382, M om basa. after the date of this Order, appeal against such order under section 46 (3). If no appeal is presented within two months. N OTB the Order shall take effect from the expiry of that period under Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of section 46 (4). the said petition must serve or send by post to the above- named notice in writing of his intention so to do. The notice must state the name and address of the person, or, if a firm , the name and address of the firm, and must be signed by the person or flrm , or his or their advocate, if any, and must ba served, or if posted must be sent by ppst, in sumcient time to reach the above-nam ed not later than 3 o'clock in the after- J. A. N . K IBUF,, noon on the 20th day of September 1966. Commhsîoner fot. Ctp-tppcrwffvc Development 1084 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th September 1966 CIAZBTTB '4oTlcE 'fo. 3459 CJAZETTB 'QOTICE è4O. 3462 (C:/816/19) (C5/321/57) THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT (Ccp. 490, sections 46 and 49) (Cap. 490, sections 46 and 49) LIQIJIDATION ORDF,R LIQUIDATION ORDBR WHEREAS 1, Joseph Gerard Ayuji, have, under section 42 WHEREAS 1, Joseph Gerard Ayuji, have, under section 42 of the said Act, ordered an inqmry into the constitution, of tho said Act, ordered an inqulry into the constitution. working and ûnancial condition of the M alinya Farmers working and linancial condition of tho Nambilima Farmers Co-operative S'ociety Limited : Co-operative Society Limited : And whereas under section 46 (1) l am of the opinion that And whereas under section 46 (1) l am of the opinion that the said Society ought to be dissolved : the said Socidy ought to be dissolved : I heroby cancel the registration of the' said Society) and order I hereby cancel the registration of 'the said Society, and order that it be liquidated under section 49. that it be liquidated 'under section 49. Any member .of the said Society may, within two months Any member of the said Society mal, within two months aftor the date of this Order, appeal against such order under aftor the date of this Order, appeal agamst such order under section 46 (3). If no appeal is presented within two months, section 46 (3). If no 'appeal is presented within two months. the Order shall take eflkct from the expiry of that period under the Order shall take effect from the expiry of that period under section 46 (4). section 46 (4). I hereby appoint Daniel Ogwa George as Liquidator under I hereby appoint Daniel Ogwa George as liquidator under section 49. section 49. Given under my hand at Nairobi this 24th day of August 1966. J'. G. AYUGI, J. G. AYUGI, jor Commissioner jor Co-operative Development. jor Ctprnznfyyftpaer jor Co-operative Development.

GAZETTB No'rlcE N o. 3460 CIAZBTTE 'qoTlcE 'fo. 3463 (Cf/818/81) (C:/847/31) THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT (Cap. 490, sections 46 and 49) (Cap. 490, secdons 46 and 49) LIQUIDATION ORDER LIQUIDA'rION ORDBR W HEREAS 1, Joseph Gerard Ayugi, have, under section 42 W HEREAS 1, Joseph Gerard Ayugi, have, under section 42 of the said Act, ordered an inquiry into the constitution, of the said Act, ordered an inquiry into the constitution. working and financial condition of the Sherere Farmers' Co- working and financial condition of the Luandeti Cream Co- operative Society Limited : operative Society Limited : And whereas under section 46 (1) I am of the opinion that And whereas under section 46 (1) 1 am of the opinion that the said Society ought to be dissolved : the said Society ought to be dissolved : I hereby cancel the registration of 'the said Society, and order I heroby cancel the registration of the said Society, and order that it be liquidated under section 49. that it be liquidated under section 49. Any member of the said Society may, within two months Any membcr of the said Society majr, within two months after the date of this Order, appeal against such order under aftor the date of this Order, appeal agalnst such order under section 46 (3). If no appeal is presented within two months. sectiotk 46 (3). lf no appeal i: presented within two months, the Order shall take elect from the expiry of that period under the Order shall take effect f pom the expiry of that period under section 46 (4). secti on 46 (4). ' I h / 1 hereby appoint Daniel Ogwa George as liquidator under ereby appoint Dan'iel Ogwa George as liquidator under section 49. section 49. Given under my hand at Nairobi this 24th day of August Given under my hand at Nairobi this 24th day of August 1966. 1966. J. G. AYUGI, J. G. AYUGI, for Commissioner ltpr Co-operative Development. jor Comlnissioner jor Co-operative Development.

GAZETTS N oTlcE N O. 3461 GAZBTTE No'rlce No. 3464 (63/663/36) (Cv%14951254 THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIBS ACT (Cap. 490, sections 46 and 49) (Cap. 490, sections 46 and 49) LIQUIDATION ORDER LIQUIDATION ORDER W HEREAS 1, Joseph Gerard Ayugi, have, under section 42 W HEREAS 1, Joseph Gerard Ayugi, have, under section 42 of tho said Act, ordered an inquiry into the constitution, of the said Act, ordered an irtquiry into the constitution, working and financial condition of the Shikutse Farmers Co- working and snancial condition of the Ruchu Pig Breeders operative Society Lim ited : Co-operative Society Ivimited : And whereas under section 46 (1) l am of the opinion that And whereas under section 46 (1) I am of the opinion that the said Society ought to be dissolved : the said Society ought to be dissolved : I hereby cancel the registration of the said Society, and order T hereby cancel the registration of the said Society, and order that it be liquidated under section 49. that it be liquidated under section 49. Any member of the said Society may, within two months Any member of the said Society may, within two months after the date of this Order, appeal against such order under after the date .of this Order, appeal against such order under section 46 (3). lf no appeal is presented within two months, section 46 (3). lf no appeal is presented within two months. the Order shall take effect from the expiry of that period under the Order shall take efïect from the expiry of that period under section 46 (4). section 46 (4). l hereby appoint Daniel Ogwa George as liquidator under t hereby appoint W alieki Ndiye Harangui as liquidator under section 49. section 49. Given under rny hand at Nairobi this 25th day of August Given under rny hand at Nairobi this 2nd day of Septcmber 1966. 1966. J. G . AYU GI, J. G. AYUGI, /t'??' Coninlissioltet. ybr Co-operative Developlnent. jor Commissioner /c,?. Co-operative Development. 13th Septenaber 1966 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1085 GAZBTTE NoTlcs No. 3465 GAzsrre No'rlcE No. 3469 (CSI?35JTemp.j 16) THE PRUDENHAL ASSUM NCE CO LTD . THE CO.OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT P.O. Box 30064, NAIROBI, KENW Loss oF PoLlcy (Cap. 490) Life Policy No. 5971457 jor a sum assured t# f2,500 on the CLOSURE OF LIQUIDATION lije t# Asgarali M ohamedali Sachak. Re : Chaltgindi Co-operative D airy Limited NOTICE is hereby given that evidence of the loss or destruc- (In Liquidationj tion of this policy having been submitted to the Company, any person in possession of the policy or claiming to have interest W HEREAS the registration of the above-named Society was therein should communicate lmmediately by registered post with cancelled by an Order made on tho 6t.11 day of June 1963, and the Company. Failing any such communication a certitied copy which Order became esective on the 6th day of August 1963, of the policy (which will be the sole evidence of the contract) and whereas the assets of the said Society have now been will be issued to the owner. realized and all creditors paid in accordanco with a scheme of E. B. JORDAN, distribution approved by me so far as it has been found possible M anager jor East Ajrica. at this date so to do, I now order that the liquidation of the s'aid Society be closed with eflkct from the date of this Order. No claims shall lie against undistributed funds after the expiration of a period of two years from the date of publication LAKE VICTORIA BOTTLING COM PANY LIM ITED of this Order. NOTICE OF LOSS OF SHARE CERTIFICATE Given under my hand at Nairobi this 26th day of August NOTICE is hereby given that Share Certilicate No. 365 for 1966. 220 ordinary shares, issued in the name of Chiedo-M ore-Gem J. G. AYUGI, Argwings-Kodàek has been reported lost, mislaid or destroyed. jor Ctp/?/p//,îftp??cr jor Co-operative Development. The Company will proceed to issue a replacement certiscate unless objection is lodged at 'the registired oKce of the Company, P.O. Box 20021, Kampala, Uganda, withh 14 days . GAZETTB No'rlcE No. 3466 of the publication of this notice. R. NEW NES-SMITH, THE SOCIETIES RULES K ampala, Secretary, (Cap. 108, Sub. Leg.) 23rd August 1966. jor Lake Ffcftprftz Bottling Co. Ltd. PURSUANT to rule 17 of the S'ocieties Rules, noyice is hereby given that the societies listed in the Schedule hereto GAZBTTE No'rlcE No. 3471 have been registered under the provisions of the Societies Act (Cap. 108). THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT ELECTIONS RULES 1966 SCHEDUI-B (L.N. 101 ol 1966) D ate . THE AREA COUNCIL OF TAVETA Registration NOTICE is hereby given that the following electoral seats Name oj Society Efiected have fallen vacant due to retircment, transfel's and disqualKca- M uchatha Social Club 6-9-66 tions of the councillors and it is intended to hold an election Nganjia Family Xociety 6-9-66 to fill in the vacancies :- Electoral Area Registration Unit Seats Dated this 8th day of September 1966. Taveta Sisal Estate 1099 1 D. J. COW ARD, Kimala . . . . 1098 1 Kitobo ...... 1098 1 Registrar oj Societies. Ziwani/lipe Sisal Estate . . 1100 1 Mata ...... 1098 1 Kimorigo ...... 1098 1 GAZETTB N o'rlcs N o. 3467 Kimorigo/Ngutini ...... 1098 1 Nomination papers may be delivered by the candidatos to the District Oflicer's opice at Taveta between the hours of eight THE OLD M UTUAL o'clock in the morning and noon on 15th September 1966. South African Mutual Life zAssurance Societ: (Incorgorated Nomination forms maï be obtained at the District Commis- by Act of Parliament in South Africa with hmited llability) sioner's OKce, W undanyl or District O/cer's oKce, Taveta, on M UTUALPARK, PINELANDS, C.P. any week-day except Sunday between the hours of eiqht o'clock in the morning and noon. The Returning Olcer wlll prepare Policy No. 1555004 jor Sh. 20,760 (basîcj dated 9-2-1960 on the, a n'omination paper for signature at the request of a voter. lije ()/ Nurani Venkatakrishna Iyer Viswanathan and the property (7/ Nurani Venkatakrishna Iyer Ffswcntzf/ltm. Dated this 1st day of September 1966. NOTICE is hereby' given that evidence of the loss or destruc- R. K. MUSYOKI, tion of the policy has been submitted to the Society and any Returning Omcer, person in possession of the policy or claiming to have any Taîta. interest therein, should communicate immediately by rogistered NOTE post with the Socicty. Failing any such communication a The attention of candidates and persons nominating is certised copy of the policy (which shall. bo the sole evidence drawn to the rules for Elling up nomination papers and other of the contract) will be issued to the owner. provisions containcd in the Local Government Elections Rules G. K. LINDSAY, 1966. General M anager.


Polic.v No. 21417 on the lile (?/ Abubakar Abudala ol P.O. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph 3 of Box 225, M asaka. the Local Government (Central Rift Trade Development Joint APPLICATION has been made to this Company for the issue Board) Order 1966, the County 'Council of the Central Itift of duplicate of the above-numbered policy the origirial having hereby appoints- been reported as lost or misplaced. Notice is bereby given that Coulqcll-l-oR P. M URIITHI unless objection is lodged to tho contrary at the oëce of the to be a member of the Central Rift Trade Development Joint Company within 30 days from the date hereof, duplicate policy Board vice Councillor W . 0. Ochieng, who has resigned. will be lssued. Dated this 7th day of September 1966. M . R. HOSANGADY, Executive Director, L. E. TARPLEE, M ombasa, Head O'ce, Clcrk 0/ the County Council 2nd September 1966. P.O. Box 220, M om basa. oj the Central .?tf//. 1026 THE KENYA GAZEW E 13th September 1966 QIXZETTB 'qoTlcE '4o. 3473 (C/1211/C/10/43) QJAZETTE 'fOTICE è(O. 3477 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (COUNTY OF KIAMBU) THE TRANSFER OF BUSINESSLS AG (AM ENDM ENT) ORDER 1966 (Cap. 500) (L.N. 222 0/ 1966) NOTICE is horeby given that the business of ladies' hair- d'ressing carried on by Sylvia Eileen M cFarlane under the name NOMINATEO M EMBERS and stïle of Salon Suzette in Caltex House, Koinange Stroet. IT IS hereby notified for general information that the Nairobl, ltas, with elect from tho 1st day of September 1966, M inister for Local Government has in exercise of his powers been sold and t'ransferred to Ann Grilths who will carry on under the provisions of paragraph 2 (b4 of the Local Govern- the business in the same place under the same name. ment (County of Kiambu) (Amendment) Order 1966 (L.N. 222/1966), nominated :- The address of the tramferor is P.O. Box 942, Nairobi. (i) The District Commissioner, Kiambu ; the District Agri- The address of the transfereo is P.O. Box 2041, Nairobi. cultural Olcer and the Community Development Oflicer. The transfere,g does not assume nor does she intend to to represent the public service of the Province ; assume any liabllities incurred up to and including the 31st day (ii) Kiarie Ngethe, Kariuki Kamau and Kigombi Githingi, to of August 1966, and the same will be paid and discharged by represent the agricultural interests in the County ; the transferor and likewise a11 debts due to the transferor up to (iii) Mrs. Rebecca Njeri and Mrs. Naomi Muthoni, to repre- and including the 31st day of August 1966, will be received sont women's interests in the County ; and by the transferor. (iv) Kahugi Gituro, to .represent commercial interests in the Dated this 1st day of Septcmber 1966. County. KAPLAN & STRATTON, The above nominated members to serve on the Kiambu Advocates !or the Transleree, County Council until 30th June 1969. Queenspay House, Nairobi. Dated this 10th day of September 1966. T GAZETTE No'rrcE No. 3478 . C. J. RAM TU, Permanent Secretary, THE TRANSFER OF BUSINESSES ACT M inistry t# Local Government. . Lcap. 500) NOTICE is hereby given 'that the business of optician hereto- GAZETI'B NorncE No. 3474 fore carried on by M adhlzsudan Jamnadas Patel under the name and style of Afro Eyo Wear at Plot No. 209/4885, Rajab THE LOCAL COUNCIL M anzil, Victoria Street, Nairobi in Kenya, has as 'from the CBRTIFICATE oF Rssutls or EI-ECTIONS 1st day of September 1966, been sold and transforred to Abdul 1, Isaiah Cheluge t, tho Returning Oëcer fol' the Kangundo Rehman Kasmani who will carry on the business at the same Local Council, do hereby certify that the followlng persons have place and under the same name and style. been duly elected as Councillors for the Kangundo Local Council :- The address of the transferor is P.O. Box 12345, Nairobi, and that of the transferee is P.O. Box 2351. Mombasa. Occupation Tho ptransferee does not assume nor does he intend to assum: Name Place of Resîdence t?( D escrtption any of the liabilities incurred by the transferor in the said business up to and including tho 31st day of August 1966. Timothy M utua . . Kangundo (Special Seat) Farmer. Al.1 debts due 't'o and oFing by 'the transferor up to and Nason Ndambuki . . Kangundo (Special Seat) Farmer. Aaron Kivuva Mutepz: Kangundo . . . . Farmer. including the 31st day of August 1966, will be received and Joseph Makau M usylnu Kangundo . . . . Farmer. paid by the transferor. Dated at Nairobj this 5th day of September 1966. 1. CHELUGET, P. 0 .Box 1, Return J'nr Om crr, M ADHUSUDAN JAM NADAS PATEL M achakos. . Transferor. 8th September, 1966. ABDUL REHM AN KASMANI, Transjeree. Gwzs'r'rE No'rlcE No. 3475 GAZSTTE No'ncs No. 3479 THB KANGUNDO LOCAL COUNCIL CERTIFICATE OF RESULTS 0F ELECTIONS DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP 1 Isaiah Cheluget, tho Rqturning Oëcer of the Kangundo NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership subsisting Loc,al Council, do hereby certlfy that the following persons have between Shah and Company Limited and Keshavlal Popatlal been rsturned unopposed and have thereforo duly been elected as Chauhan carrying on busmess of chalk manufacturing at Counclllors :- M ombasa under the name and style of East M rican Chalk Industries 'has been dissplved by mutual consont with efect Occupation from the 26th day of August 1966 by the retirement therefrom Name Place of Residence or of the said Shah and Company Limited and that with effect DescrlLption from the said date (1) Rameshchandra Revandas Patel and (2) Pramodkumar Lakhamshi Shah have been admitted as partners Andrew Kituna Mumo Kangundo . . . . Farmer. in the said business of East African Chalk lndustries. Jonathan Kibwaa . . Kangundo . . Farmer. All debts due to and owing by the said partnership business shall be receivcd and paid by thc said Keshavlal Pom tlal 1. CHELUGET, Chauhan, the continuing partner and the said Rameshchandra P.O. Box 1, . Returnîng Omcer, Revandas Patel and Pramodkumar Lakhamshi Slzail, the M achakok. Machakos. incoming partners who * 1.1 carry on the said business under 24th August, 1966. the same lirm name and style of East African Chalk Industries from the said 26th day of August 1966. GAZE'I'I'E NoencE No. 3476 Dated at M ombasa this 30th day of August 1966. THE COUNCIL C. K. KANJI, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELEW IONS RULES 1966 jor z1.. B. Patel (Q; Patel, (L.N. 101 of 1966) Advocates jor the Retiring, CERTIFICATE OF RESULT 0P ELECTION Continuing and Incomîng Partners. 1, Daniel G. Kimani the Returning Oëcer for the ekctoral area sho'wn in the following schedule, do hereby certify that the person named in the first column has been duly elected as Councillor for GAZBTTE NOTICE NO. 3480 tlw councfl shown m' the fourth column :- NOTI'CE OF CHANGE OF NAM E 1, Dahyalal Lallubhai of Nairobi in Kenya, do hereby give Place Occupation Council to public notice that by a deed poll dated 19th August 1966 Name of or wh ich , Res idence Description Elected duly executed and attested and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi in Volume B.3, Folio 263/202, 1 have abandoned the use of my srst name of M angubhai and in lieu Kweyu D. M atati East W anga Teacher . . Kakamega County thertof 1 have assumed and/or adopted the first name of Councll. Dahyalal. In pursuance of the Local Government Elections Rules 1966. In pursuance .of tho change and adoption of name as afore- said, I declare that I shall at al'l times hereafter upon al1 Dated tlle 31st day of August 1966. occasions whatsoever and wheresoever use and sign and/or D . G .K I M AN I , subscribe my name as Dahyalal. r ' Returning fll ccr, Kakamega D istr:ct. DAHYALAL LALLUBHAI. 13th Septenaber 1966 ThV K ENYA G A ZETTE 1087 IM PORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRTRERS NOW ON SAZE TO TH E KENYA GAZETTE SUBSCRIPTION AND ADVERTISEMENT CHARGES DEYELOPM ENT PLAN U CREASED FROM 1st JANUM W 1966 WITH EFFECF FROM 1st Japuary 196 6 ,rates of subscription 1966-70 to the Kenya Gazette and advertlsem ent cha rges are a: follows :- Sh. cts. Annual Subscription (including postage in Bast Africa) 120 00 Half-yearly Subscription (including postage in East Africa) 60 00 Price: Sh. 20 Lpostage 1 / 50) Single copy without Supplements . . 1 50 Single copy of any supplement to the K enya Gazette:- Postage frl E.A. Sh. cts. 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(2) It will faoilitm e work at the Press if Permnnent IITABLISIIMENTS) ACT 1965 Secretarie,s will f orward Gazette notices to the GovernmM t Printor when ready. It is emphasized that 'tbese notes are for guidance only, but it is requeasted tlmt persons submitting copy for publication Price: Sh. 2 çpostage 15 clJ.) (irst satlsfy themselve,s that such copy is complde in every respect. J. M AC M ILLAN: Governm ent Prtnter. O btainable from the G overnm ent Printer, Nairobi 1088 THE KENYA GAZEU E 13th September 1966 PUBLICATIYNS ON SALE AT GOVERNMEM PRINTING AND STATIONERY DEPARTMENT P.O. Box N AG OBI Annual Reports: Sh. cts. Geological Reports- lcba/tf) Sh. cts. Agriculture Census 1964, Large Farm Areas (postage No(. 22, Wajir- District, North-east Kenya 50 cts-) ...... 10 00 postage 80 cts.) ...... Agricùlture Department Vol. 11 1963 (postage 50 cts.) 10 00 No. 23, Area South-east of Embu (postage 80 cts-) No. 24, Mombasa-Kwalo Area (postage 80 ctsa) Agriculture Department Vol. I 1964 (postago 50 cts.) 5 00 No. 25, South-east Machakos Area (postage 35 cts.) Central Housing 1964 (postago 30 cts-) . . 2 00 No. 26, Broderick Falls Area (ppstage 50 cts-) . . Co-operative Dovelopment 1962 (postage 50 cts-) 4 00 No. 27, Southern Machakos Dlstrict (postage 50 cts-) Economic Survey 1966 (postage 50 cts-) . . 7 00 No. 28, Kakamega District (postage 80 cts-) . . Estimates Development 1966/67 (postage 30 cts-) . . 5 00 No. 29, Stllta:n Hamud Area (postage 80 cts-) Estimates of Recurrent Expenditure 1966/67 (postage No. 30, Kltm Arèa (postage 80 cts-) . . 50 cts-) ...... 15 00 No. 31, Meru-lsïolo Area (postage 80 cts-) No. 32, Taveta Area (postago 80 pts-) . . Estimates of Revenue 1966/67 (postage 15 cts.) 1 00 o. 33, North Kltui Area (postage 80 cts-) Fisheries, Kenya 1964 (postage 30 cts.) ...... 3 00 No. 34, Kiliû-M azeras Arsa (postage 80 cts.) . . . . Forest Department Annual Report 1963 (postage No. 35. Kitale Cherangam Hllls Area (postage 80 cts.) 30 cts.) ...... 4 00 No. 36, Malindi Area (postage 80 cts.) . . Game Department 1963 (postage 30 cts.) . . 3 00 No. 37, South Kitui Area (postagq 80 cts-) . . No. 38, Mwingi Arey, North Kitul (postage 80 cts.) . . Judicial Department 1961/1963 (postage 30 cts.) 2 00 No. 39, -Blssel Area (postage 80 cts.) . : . . Kenya Annual Report 1962 (postàge 40 cts.) . . 5 50 No. 40, Takabba-W ergudud Area Mandera Dlstrict Kenya National Assembly 1964 (postago 20 cts.) 1 00 (postage 80 cts.) ...... Labour Department 1962 (postage 30 cts.) . . 5 00 No. 41s Kalossa-Tiati Area (postage 80 cts.) . . Land & Agricultural Bank 1965 (postage 30 cts.) 3 00 No. 42, Magadi Area (postage 80 cts-) ...... 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Polico Department 1962 (postage 35 cts.) . . . . 2 00 o. 54, Vopsouth Yatta Area (postago 50 cts-) No. 55, Nalvasha Area (postage 50 cts-) . . Public Accounts Committee 1962/63 (postage 30 cts-) 4 00 No. 56, lkuga Arla (postage 50 cts.) . - . . Public Service Commission 1965 (postage 20 cts.) . . 1 00 o. 57, Wallr-Wallr B(?r Area (postage 50 cts-) Registrar-General's Department 1964 (postage 40 cts.) 4 00 No. 58, Simba-Kibwezl Area (postage 60 cts-) . . Registrar of Co-op. Development Annual Report 1961 No. 59, North M achakds Thika Area (postage 50 cts-) (postage 40 cts.) ...... 4 00 No. 60, South Horr Area (postage 50 cts-) . . Road Authority Annual Report, 1961/62 (postage No. 61, Area South of Magadi (postage 50 cts-) 50 cts.) ...... 4 00 No. 62, Endau A rea (postage 50 cts-) . . . . o. 63, Kapsabet- plateau Area (postage Sh. 1/50) Statistical Abstract 1965 (postage Sh. 1) . . . . 15 00 No. 64, Eldoret Area' (postage 50 cts-) . . Stuvey of Kenya Administration 1965 (postage 20 ctsa) 2 00 No. 65, Sekeer Area (postage Sh. 1/50) . . Treatment of OFenders Report 1963 (postage 35 cts.) 3 00 No. 66, M gra River-slanna Area (postage Sh. 1) W eights and M easures Departm ent Report 1963 No. 67, Kilabe Area (postage 50 cts-) . . . . (postago 20 cts.) ...... 1 00 No. 68, Enyali-Nandaza Area (postage 80 cts-) African Agricultural Sample Census 1960/61, Part I No. 69. Ndqyini Area (postage 50 cts-) (postage 80 cts.) ...... 8 00 No. 70, Kallado Area (postage 50 cts-) African Agricultural Sample Census 1960/61, Part 11 No. 73, Fort Hall Area (postage 50 cts-) . . (postage Sh. 1) ...... 15 00 High-Level Manpower 1964-1970 (postage 50 cts-) African Socixlism and its Application to Planning in Highway Code English (postago 20 cts-) Kenya Sesslonal Paper No. 10 of 1963/1965 (postage Hfghway Code Swahili (postage 20 ctsw) ...... 30 cts.) ...... 5 00 Internatlonal Labour Conference 1965 Sessional Paper Animal Husbandry Syllabus for African Students (pest- 7 of 1963/1965 (postage 30 cts-) ...... 2 00 age 50 cts-) ...... 5 00 Investigation of the Blology and Culture of an East Appropriatîon Account s ,Other Publfc Accounts and the African Oyster (Carassostrae Cucullata Born-) (postage Account of the Funds for the Year 1964/65 (postage 50 cts.) ...... 27 50 .K enya Census of Industrial Production 1963 (postage 95 cts.) . . . . 40 00 50 cts-) ...... 10 00 Biology of Trout in Kenya (postage.8o cts-) 30 00 Kenya Coat of Arms (postage 20 cts-) . . . . 2 00 Budget Speech 1966 (postage 15 cts.) 1 00 Kenya Directory of the Diplomatic Corps, January 1966 Catalogue of Kenya Timbers, by S. H. Wimbush (postage (postage 50 cts-) ...... 5 00 25 c1.) .. ' ...... 2 50 Kenya F'la! (postago 20 cts-) . . . 2 00 Common Acacias of Kenya by Bogdan and Pratt (postage Kehya Natlonal Anthem (postage 20 cts-) . . 3 00 20 cts..) ...... 1 00 Luo Customary Law and M arriage Law Custom s Delimitation of Constituencies Report (postago 20 cts.) . . 4 00 (English-tmo) (postage 80 cts. each) ...... 11 00 Devolopment Plan 1966/1970 (postage Sh. 1/50) . . 20 00 National Cash Crops Policy for Kenya, Part I and 11 Digest of the East M rican and Kenya Law Reporty (postaée 50 cts-) ...... 10 00 1897-1952, Volumes 1-25 (1) (postage 80 c%s.l . . 27 50 National Hospital Insurance Act 1966 (postag' e 30 cts-) 3 50 Digest and Guide to the Criminal Law of Kenya (Kennedy) National Social Security Fund Act, 1965 (postage 30 cts.) 4 00 (postage 1/50) ...... 20 00 Note Book on Pathology in Kenya Forest Plantations East Africa Royal Commission 1953-1955 Repork Precis (postaje 50 cts-) ...... 4 00 (postage 30 cts-) ...... 2 00 Observatlons on the Proposed National Provident Fund Education Commission Report, Part 11 (postage 50 cts.) 5 00 Sessional Paper No. 12 of 1963/1965 (postage 30 cts.) 2 00 ExPotic Forest Trees in the Jolnya Highlands (by H. H. C. Pest Handbook (by P. E. Wheatley) (postage 30 cts.) 3 00 udden, O.B.E., M.Aa Sllvlculturist) (postage 30 cts.) . . 2 00 Policy on Tradd Union Organization in Kenya (postage 20 cY.) ...... 1 00 Fiscal Commission Report (postage 50 cts.) . . . . 10 00 Prospects for Music in (postage Foreign Invcstment Protection Act 1964 (postage 30 cts.) 2 00 2 50 Forestry in Kenya (A Historical Accotmt of the De- 50 cts-) . . . . . , velopment of Forest Management) (postage 30 cts-) . . 3 00 Rent Book (postage 15 cts-) ...... 2 00 Forest Policy for Kenya (White Paper No. 85 of 1957) ReApory of the Committee on the Organization of (postage 20 cts.) . . 1 (h0 gnculture (postage 50 cts-) ...... 6 00 Report of the Maize-xcommission of Inquiry 1966 (pos- Geological Reports: tage 50 cts.) ...... 6 00 Bulletin No. ?, Geolor and Mineral Resources of Report of the Socfal Security Committee (postage 50 cts-) 3 50 Kenya (Revlsed) (postage 50 cts.) ...... 5 ()0 Report made to the M inister of Commerce and Industry Bulletin N o .3, Shape of the Sub-M iocene Erosion by tho Working Party on Rent Control 1965 (postage Bevel in Kenya (postage 35 cts.) ...... 3 50 30 cts.) ...... 2 00 Bulletin No. 4, Boryllium in Kenya (postage 50 cts-) 5 00 Rural Tanning (A Guide for Tanners using simple Bulletin No. 5, Prospecting for Minerals (postage methods and home-made equipment) by Dr. 1. Mann 25 cts-) ...... 5 00 (postage 50 cts.) ...... 5 00 Bulletin No. 6 :çflraphite in Kenya'' (postage 40 cts.) 4 00 Quinquennial Advisory Committee Report (postage Bulletin Nos 7 Geology of the Coptact betqeen the 30 cts.) ...... 1 00 Nyanza Sheld and The Mozamblque Belt ln W es- Silicosis in Kenya Mines (postage 25 cts. 3 00 tern Kenya (postage 50 cts.) ...... 15 00 Trade Disputes Act 1965 (postage 30 cts-) . . . . 3 00 Memoir No. 2 Geology and Asbestos Degosits of the Tuberculosis in Kenya by W . S. Haynes, M.A., M .P., Taita Hills (postage 50 cts.) ...... 17 50 (postage 80 cts.) ...... 17 50 Memoir No. 3 Gsology and M ineral Resources of the United Nations M ission to Kenya on Houslng, Report Seychdles Archlpelago (postage 80 ct.s.) . . 20 00 (gostage 50 cts.) ...... - 5 00 Memoir No. 4 Copper in Kenya (postage Sh. 2) . . 30 00 VisGltm tod aIpncdei a, oMf aTlaeyaa aPnldan Cterysl opln w iKthe snoyma.e nRoetepso frot r tbhye No. 21. Geology of the Kisumu District (postage 80 cts-) 15 00 G. Gamble (postaae 50 cts.) . . 7 50