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$ - *. s. R A & a e B e T H E 1 Publahed b!f Authority of the R epubhc of K enra (Reglytered as a Nowspaper at tlx G P O )

Vol. LXXl- No. 45 NAIXOBI, 17th October 1969 Prlce Sh 1/50

CONTEN TS GAM 'IV E NOTICF.S GAZETTE Noncv-s--lcontd ) PAGE PAGE Pubhc Servlce Comm lsslon- Appomtm ents, etc 1018 The C om pam es A ct- lncorporatlons, etc 1042 The Interpletatlon and G eneral Provzslons A ( t- The Socletles Rules lg68--cancellatlons, etc 1043 Tem porary T ransfers of M lnlsterlal Powers 1018 The C o-operatw e Socletles A ct--o rder 1044 The C hlldren and Y oung Persons A ct- 'Fhe Trade U m ons Act- Reglstratlon, etc 1044 Approved Voluntary Instltutlon 1018 Loss of Pohcles 1044 A ppom tm ent 1019 Loss of Shares Certllk ates 1045 The N atlonal H ospltal Insulance Act- Appom tm eats, etc 1018 Local G overnm ent N otlces 1045 The Pharm acy and Polsons A ct- A ppom tm ents 1018 Busm ess Transfer 1046 The Exploslves A ct- A ppom tm ent 1018 D lssolutlon of Partnershm 1046

The Tax R eserve C erté cates A ct- Loss of C ertlfic ate 1019 C hanges of N am e 1046 M edlcal Practltloners and D entzsts Board of K enya- Electlons 1019 K enya Stock 1019 SU PPLEM EN T N o 16 The A nlm al D lseases A ct- scheduled A reas 1019 B klls, 1969 Law Exam znatlon for A dm lnlstratlve O m cers- N ol lce 1020

H lgh Court of at M om basa Dlstrlct Reglstrf- SUPPLEM T!N T N o 77 Crlm lnal Sesslons Calendal 1020 Legtslatlve Supplem ent The R ecords D lsposal A ct- lntended D estructzon of Court Records 1020 I-SGAI- N o'rlcs N o PAGE The Land A cqulsltlon A ct 1968- N otlce of lnqulry 1021 217- The Thtka Urban Dlstrlct tBmldmgl (Revoca- tlon) By-laws, 1969 649 The Governm ent Lands Act- plots for Ahenatlon 1022 218- The M ombasa M ummpal (Food Shops and Industllal Court A wards 1026 Stores) (Amendment) Bplaws, 1969 649 A zr Servlces Llcensm g 1028 219- n e Extradltlon (Unlted Kmgdom) Order, 1969 650 Transport Llcensm g 1029 220- The Exttadltlon (Contlguous and Forelgn A grlcultural Fm ance C olporatlon- bale N otlces 1035 Countnes) Act- order Applymg Part 11 to the R epubllc of Llberla 651 Trade M arks 1036 221- The Parham entary and Presldentlal Electlons Patents 1039 Regulatlons, 1969 656 Probate and Adm lnlstratlon 1040 222- -11e Prlsons A ct--closure of Pnson 688 Bankruptcv Junsdlctlon 1041 223- -1*1)e Teachers Servlce Comm lsslon Act, 1967 689

(10 1 7 1018 TH E K EN Y A G AZEW E 17th O dober 1969

GAZETTE Non cE N o 3171 GAZBeITB N OTICE N o 3174 PU BLIC SERVICE COM M ISSION OF KEN YA TH E CH ILDR EN A N D YOUN G PERSON S ACT APBOINTMENRS (W P 141) A PPROVED VOLUNTARY INSTITUTION Fluxcls M OGAKA M ARANYA, to be D lstrlct Oë cer, K wale D ls- tnct, Coast Provm ce, wlth efect from 15th August 1969 IT IS hereby noté ed for general m formatlon that, under the powers conferred by sectlon 63 (1) of the Chlldren and Young Cyaus K ARIJRI G ITHINJI, to be D lstrlct Oë cer, K llé Dlstnct, Persons Act (Cap 141), the Vlce-presldent and M mlster fo) Coast Provm ce, wlth effect from 15th August 1969 H om e A falrs has approved- JusTMou BERA M AGHASI, to be D lstnct Oë cer, Talta Dlstrlct, Coast Provm ce, wlth efect from 15th August 1969 GoT K OKECH ORPHANAGE, n coB M w ALIMU K ITI, to be Dlstnct OKcer, I-am u Dlstnct, to be an Approved Instltutzon Coast Provm ce, wzth effect from 15th August 1969 Dated thxs 1st day of October 1969 JOSEPH JOHN K ARANJA, to act as Under Secretal'y, Vlce- Presldent's Om ce and M lm stry of H om e Affalrs, wlth efect D T A R A P M O I, from 1st Septem ber 1969 Vlce-preadent cIIJ JAMES K ASYIJLA M UTUA, to act as Deputy Prm clpal Im m lgra M tntster /(pl Home ad.#tm x tlon Oë cer, wlth efect from 29th M ay 1969 CoLlN GERALD ROUERT W II-I-ARD, to act as Clllef Quantlty GAZETI'E N o'ncE N o 3175 Sulweyor, M lm stry of W orks, wlth efect from 31st July 1969 Dwvlo W ltrocKy to act as Provm cm l Pohce Oë cer, m ft Valley TH E N ATION AL H OSPITA L IN SU RAN CE AG Provmce, wlth esect flom 11th Septem ber 1969 (Cap 255) PROMOTIONS APPOINTMENTS AND CANCELLATION OF AZPOINTMENTS Cm lu-i!s ANTHONY SIJI-LIVAN, to be U nder Secretary, M lm stly IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 25 of the of Agrlculture, wlth effect from 23rd January 1969 N atlonal H ospltal Insurance Act, the M lmster for H ea1th hereby- ERlc R ICHARD LL()Yo, to be D eputy C hlef A rchltect, M lnlstry of W orks, wlth efect from 1st October 1968 (c) appolnts- KYRAN W ILLIAM SUPPLE-KANB, to be Senlor V etennary Oë cel , H on F M G M atj, M P , M m lstry of Agrlculture, m th elect from 4th July 1969 to be Chalrm an of the N atzonal H ospltal Insurance Advlsory Counml for the year endlng 31st D ecem ber R BVERSION 1969 , REUBF.N N ZYOKA M IR UA, ceased to be Plovm clal Pollce Oë cer, Basheer-ud-D een, Rlft Valley Provm ce, wlth effect from 11th Septem ber 1969 M rs D N W alyakl, CORRIGENDIJM to be m em bers of the N atlonal H osm tal Insurance A dvlsory C ouncll , G azette N otzce N o 586 dated 28th February 1969- D E O A slko, The date relatmg to DANIEL M G IITHI should read 1st July 1968 to be Secretary of the N atlonal H ospltal lnsurance Advlsory Councll , and By Ordel of the Com m lsslon (b) cancels the appolntments of- G M U SEM BI, Slster M D W aldron*, and Secretary, P J m ley* Publlc s'ezylce Com m uston D ated thls 3rd day of October 1969

GAN TR N or œ No 31X J D OTIEN D E, W ONST 1/2/21) M ïmster jor Health TH E IN TERPRETATION AN D G EN ERAL PROW SION S *G li 4472/1966 ACT W ap 2) GAZR- N o'ncE N o 3176 XYM PORARY TRANSFER OF ACINISTERIAL POMVRS ta4 O P O 9/JF/153) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 37 of the TH E PH ARM A CY AN D POISON S ACT Interpretatlon and General Provlslons Act, and of a11 other W ap 244) powers thereto enablmg m e, I hereby dlrect that, durm g the absence begm nm g on 6th October 1969, of the M mlster for PHARMACY Ar POISONS BOARD- M POINTMENT 0F M BMBERS Health (M r Otlende) al1 the powers conferred, and all the I'N EXERCISE of the powers confelred by paragraphs (c) dutles mm osed, upon that M m lster by or under any A ct shall and (#) of subsedlon (1), and subsectzon (2) of sectlon 3 of the be had and m ay be exerclsed, and shall be perform ed, Pharm acy and Polsons Act, the M zm ster for H ealth hereby respectlvely, by the M lnlster for Local Government (M r appom ts, wlth esect from 1st J'uly 1969- Saglm) John Padseld, Y P s , D ated thls 8th day of October 1969 Kanalyalal Som abhal Am m , M P s , Ehud Sachlda W angusl, B sc PHARM , JO M O K EN YA W A , M achxm nnda Kushalappa Jappu, M P s , Pt tsltfczl/ Dr J S Nesbltt, M B , CH B (E A ), Dr J R W ambwa, M B , cH B (E A ), as mem bers of the Pharm acy and Polsons Board under the sajd G AZBTTE N oncE N o 3173 paragraphs (CONST 1/2/21) Dated thls 3rd day of October 1969 TH E IN TERPRETATION AN D G EN ERAL PROVISION S ACT J D OTIEN D E, M lmsto for Health (cap 2) TEMPORXRY TRANSFER OV WfINISTERIAL PON/ERS GAzs'rrB N cfncE N o 3177 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectxon 37 of the Interpretatlon and G eneral Prow szons Act, and of al1 other THE EX PLOSIVES ACT powers thereto enablmg m e, 1 hereby dlrect that, durmg the absence begmnmg on l0th October 1969, of the M m lster for qcap 115) Co-operatlves and Somal Sem ces (M r Ngala) a1l the powers APPOINTMENT OF INSPECTOR OF EXPLOSIVES conferred, and all the dutaes m m osed, upon that M lm ster by IN the exerclse of the powers conferred by sectlon 3 (1) of or under any A ct shall be had and m ay be exerclsed, and the Explosw es A ct, the M m lster for N atural R esoulces hereby shall be perform ed, respectw ely, by the M m lster for Local appolnts- Government (M r Saglm) GBORGE CIIEGE N GAHU D ated th s 8th day of October 1969 to be Inspettol of Exploslves, wlth esect from 1st July 1969 JOM O KEN YATTA , J J M N YA G AH , Pre%tdent s4lnlster /@, blatural 7èesouzces 17+ October 1969 TH E K EN Y A G AZEW B 1019

GAZETTE Non cE No 3178 G x'zm 'rB NoericE N o 3182

THE Tu RESERVE CERTIFICATEE, ACT (QUAR IOIX I 165) (Cap 418) TH E AN IM A L D ISEASES ACT (Cap. 364) Loss oF CERTIFICAtE IN EXERCISE of the powers conferled by sectlon 5 of the IN PU R SU A N CE of the provlslon of 1 egulatlon 13 of the Anzm al Dlseases Act, I hereby declare- Tax Reserve Celté cates R egulatlons, notlce 1 . hereby glven (c) the areas specéed m Schedule 1, Schedule 11 and Sche- that the underm entloned certé cate has been lost and that lt ls dule 1II to be içm fected'' areas m respect of the dlseases proposed to Sssue a dupllcate of such certlficate after the exm ry m m cated at the head of such Schedules , of 30 days from the date of thls advertlsem ent (bj the notlces specéed m tbe Iirst column of Schedule I'V Tax Reserve Certé cate N o 50617 of 1st Septem ber 1967, to be am ended m the m anner specllied m the second for 112770 held by W llllam Edw ard H olm es colum n of such Schedule

T N M ICH U K I, K abete, I E M U R IITH I, Perm anent Secretaty fdp the Treasul y 30th Septem bm 1969 Dlrector oj Vetertnaly Sermces The Treasury P O Box 30007 Nall obl Sclœ ovu I- FOOT-AND-M OUTH D zsBAsE

Rham u and Elwak D m mons , The Dlstrlct Com m lssloner, P O M andera , M andera D lstllct G AZETTE Noencs N o :179 L R No 7569/R , rI'he M anager, Kmmmm :EB'', P O Lumbwa , K encho D lstnct M BD ICAL PRAG ITION ERS AN D D EN TIETS BOARD M wala Locatlon , The Dlstnct Com m lssloner, P O Box OF K EN YA M achakos , M achakos D lstnct ELEcTloxs Locatlon , The D xstnct Comm lssloner, P O Box 1 M achakos , , M achakos D lstnct To FJ Three Vacancles L R N o 7233/2 , The M anager, Uraikl Farm , P O Box 40, fH E term s of oë ce of the present m em bers of the above K onz , Kerlcho D lstnct Board w1l1 end on 3rd January 1970 N om lnatlons for the L R Nos 630 and 1450/ 1/ 1 , The M anager, Ododa Farm, P O electlon to be held on 4th January 1970, should be recelved Box 2, K oru , K encho Dlstnct

up to but not later than 15th D ecember 1969 L R N o 7535 , The M anager, K otetwl Farm , P O Box 2, K oru , K encho D lstnct N om m atlon form s, whlch m ay be obtalnod on appllcatlon to the M m lstry of H ealth, P O Box 30016, N alrobl , shall contam L R N o 7297 , The M anager, K oru Farm Prolect, P O Box 10 m block letters the nam e of the proposer and oj the candldate K ol'u , K encho D lstnct and shall bear thelr slgnatures and the slgnatures of liq e m edlcal L R N o 7298 , The M anager, N dlplhll Falm , P O Box 1, practltloners as supporters of the candadate dulv wltnessed by K oru , Kerlcho Dlstrlct tw o persons The slgnatures of the proposer and of the candi- L R N o 1453 , M r Klblnot, P O Box Koru , K encho date shall be wltnessed by a Justlce of the Peao , a m aglstrate D lstnct or a Comm lssloner for Oaths L R. No 10453/ 1 , The M anagel , Orange Farm , P O Box 3, C LIKIM AN I, K oru , K encho D lstnct Chalrm an M edtcal Ptactltloners and Denftç/.v Board Sclœotzt,E II- EAST CoAs'r FsvsR 0/ Kenya L R N o 9330 , M r K lbotock arap Chepkwony, P O Box 667, , U asm Cushu D zstnct L R N os 8894 and 8895 , The M anager, H ooney N oon Falm , N akuru , N akuru D lstrlct GAZEl'I'E N oTrcE No 3180 Sclvotn-s III- N BwcAs rLE DlseAsla TH E CH ILDREN AN D YOU N G PERSON S ACT L 23, Lmm ru R oad , The M anager, K lgwaru Poultly f'arm , P O Box 2041, N alrobl , N a4robl Dzstnct qcap 141) V o1 Townshlp , The Dlstrlct Com mlssloner, P O W undanp , APPOINTMENT OF A CHILDREN'S OFFICER Talta D lstnct M uthethenl Locatlon , The D lstnct C om m lssloner, P O Box 1, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 54 (2) of M achakos , M achakos D lstrlct the Chlldren and Young Persons Act tC,ap 141), the County C ouncll of Slrxkwa, wlth the consent of the V lce Presldent and SuueouLs lV M lm ster for H om e Affalrs, hereby appolnts-

M Rs ZIPPORAH A NGBLLA N YONGESA Ptrst Colum n Second Colum n to be a Cillldren's OE cer for tbe area of Tts Ju1 lsdlchon wlth l effect from 1st September 1969 G azette N otlce N o 789 By deletm g from Schedule III Dated thls l0th day of Septem ber 1969 dated the 28th day of (Newcastle Dlsease) thereto the February 1969 I followlng - K CH ERON O , I i'Rong'e Chm j Sub-locatlon C le, k The Dlstnct Comm lsszoner W undanyl , Taita D lstnct '' The County C'tpunt 11 t7/ Stîlkwa Gazette N otlce N o 1663 By deletm g from Schedule I1I dated the 15th day of (Newcastle Dlsease) thereto the M ay 1969 followm g - ::L R N o 7061 , M rs Rlchardson, P O K lganlo , N yen GAZETIE NorfcE No 3181 D lstnct '' Gazette Notlce No 2348 By deletmg from Schedtlle I (Foot- 6 PER CEN T K EN YA STOCK $èA'' 1974 dated the 15th day of and-M outh Dlsease) thereto the July 1969 followm g - 6 PER CEN T K EW A STOCK $.B'' 1985 4:llatel Locatlon , The D lstnct Com m lssloner, P O K apenguna , FO R the purpose of preparm g the w arrants for m terest due W est Pokot D lstnct '' on 16th D ecem ber 1969, the balances of the sevdlral A ccounts Gazette N otlce N o 2348 By deletm g from Schedule IV m the above m entloned stocks wlll be struck at close of buslness dated the 15th day of (Anthrax) thereto the follow- on 16th N ovem ber 1969, after whlch clate the stocks wxll be July 1969 jng - transferable ex dlvldend ç:-l-hlgm gt Locatton , The D ls- tnct Com mlsszoner, P O Box 32 CEN TRAL BAN K OF KEN YA , N yerl , N yen D lstrlct '' P O Box 3(1463 N atrobl I 1020 TH E K EN Y A G AZEU E 17th O dober 1969

G âzBrrE N o'ncE N o 3183 GwzErrs N o'ncE N o 3185 (ADM 3/002/701 XIj LAW EX AM IN ATION FOR AD M IN ISTR ATW E OFFICERS 7H E RECORDS D ISPOSA L ACT 1 IT IS notzed for general mformatlon that the next Law (cap 14) Exam lnataon for Adm nustratw e OK cers wlll be held on 1st, 2nd and 3rd D ecem ber 1969 N o'rlcs oF IN'rsxolm Dsslaucvrlox oF Cotm'r RscoRos 2 n e exam lnatlon wtll conslst of the followm g tllree sectlons, namely - (Z' N No 364 of 1968) Sectton ê IN ACCORDANCE wlth the Records Dlsposal (Courts) Rules, (9 n e Penal Code notlce ls hereby glven that three m onths after the date of thls notlce, l m tend to apply to tlle Cluef Justlce for leave to (n) 'I'he Cnmmal Procedure Code destroy tbe Judlclal Returns as set out below - Sect,on 11 (1) Evldence Year Judtclal Retutns (1a) Local Acts and Rules 1941 Tanuary, February , M arch, A pnl, M ay , June, Jul) , Sectlon III A ugust, Septem ber, O ctober, N ovem ber, D ecem ber (1) 'l'he Cm l Procedure Act and Rules 1942 January, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, 3 Candldates m ay appear for all three sectlons or for one August, Septem ber, October, Novem ber, D ecem ber sectlon at a tlm e but m ust pass each sectlon as a whole to record a pass Oë cels who possess a Law D egree of an 1943 January, Febnzary, M arch, Aprll, M ay, June, July, accredlted umverslty are only requlred to pass part (11) of August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, D ecem ber Sectlon 11 4 'Ihe Local Acts and Rules paper w1l1 be deslgned to test 1944 January, Febnzary, M arch, Aprll, M ay, June, July, the candldate's ablhty to search the Laws of Kenya for the August, September, October, N ovember, D ecem ber answers requlred For thls paper a set or sets of the Laws of 1945 Kenya wlll be supphed m each exam m atlon It should be January, February, M arch, Aprll, M ay, June, July, noted that candldates wlll not have access to the taaws of Kenya August, September, October, N ovem ber, D ecember or any Law books or papers durmg the exam mataon for the 1946 January, Febnmry, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, other four papers of tlus exam m atTon August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, D ecem ber 5 Exem ptlon m any part of the exam m atlon m ay be apphed for by those oë cers who have passed the K enya Polyce Law 1947 January, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, Examlnatzon 1çB'' or a com parable exam matlon for Adznlm s- A ugust, Septem ber, O ctober, N ovem ber, D ecem ber tratlve OK cers m another terrztory 6 Candldates wzll be requlred to pay a fee of K Sh 10 per 1948 January, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, paper Tlns fee shall be refundable to G overnm ent servants August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, D ecem ber only who attam a 40 per cent m ark, and shall not be refunded to G ose who do not attam thls m ark, and to non-Governm ent 1949 January, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, em ployees August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, Decem ber 7 Apphcatlons for thls examm atlon should be znade to the 1950 January, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, Perm anent Secretary, Oë ce of the Presldent, and should be August, Septem ber, October, N ovember, Decem ber subrm tted through Dlstnct Com m lssloners or H eads of D epart- m ent so as to reach hlm at P O Box 30510, N alrobl, not later 1951 January, Pebruary, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, than 17th N ovem ber 1969 A11 apphcatlons m ust be accom - August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, D ecem ber pam ed by crossed postal orders or m oney orders payable to the Perm anent Secretary, O/ ce of the Presldent, to cover 1952 Janualy, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, entrance fees Late apphcatlons and apphcatlons not accom - August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, D ecem ber panled by the reqm slte fees wl11 not be acknowledged Cheques w111 not be accepted 1953 January, Febrlzary, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, N azrobl, IR M N JU G IJN A , August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, D ecem ber 7th October 1969 jor Permanent s'ecrefl?y 1954 January, Febmm ry, M arch, Apnl M ay, June, July, August, Septem ber, Octobery N ovem ber, Decem ber GAZE'ITE N on cB N o 3184 1955 January, Februazy, M arch, Aprll, M ay, June, July August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, Decem ber IN TH E H IGH COU RT OF K EN YA AT M OM BA SA D ISTRICT REG ISTRY 1956 January, Febnzary, M arch, Apnl, M ay, J'une, July CRIMINAL SEssloxs CALEXOAR August, September, October, N ovem ber, D ecem ber Belore Sarpa J 1957 January, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, In Court N o 1 at 9 30 a m August, Septem ber, October N ovem ber D ecem ber For ffccrin: 1958 January, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, 16G and 21st October 1969 August, September, October, N ovem ber, D ecember Cr C N o 2/69 Repubhc v Peter Alfonse 1959 Janual'y, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, July, 21st to 231-d October 1969 August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, D ecember Cr C N o 1/69 Republlc v Ah b1n Hamlsl 1960 Januao , Februazys M arch, Apnl, M ay. June, Juh s 27th and 28th October 1969 August, Septem ber, October, N ovember, D ecem ber Cr C N o 6/69 Repubhc v Odluambo Ochola 1961 January, Febnzary, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June, Tuly 29th and 30th October 1969 August Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, D ecem ber Cr C No 7/69 Repubhc v Prednck Odhmmbo 1962 Jangary, Febnzary, M arch, Apnl, M ay, J'une, July, 3rd and 4th èfovenaber 1969 August, Septem ber October, N ovem ber Decem ber Cr C èlo 9/69 Repubhc v htangale hfwelo 1963 January, February, M arch, Apnl, M ay, June luly 5th and 6th N ovem ber 1969 August, Septem ber October, N ovem ber, Decem ber Cr C No 11/69 Republlc v Bekwunga s/o Nyae 1964 January, February M arch, Apnl, M ay Iune, July 10th and 11th N oNember 1969 August Septem ber, October, N ovem ber D ecem ber Cr C No 13/69 Repubhc v Ndegwa M wamunda 1965 lanuam February, M arch, A pnl M ay, June July 12th and 13t.h N ovem ber 1969 August, Septem ber, October, N ovem ber, D ecem ber Cr C No 12/69 Repubhc v Chango s/o Baya P N K HAN N A, D ated thls 1st day of October 1969 A cttng D eputy R egkstrar M om basa, flig/l Court oj Kenya V IJAY K APILA 4th October 1969 Law Cotlrts M ombasa Sem or D eputy R egly/ra? 17t11 October 1969 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 1021

G AZE'I'TB N o'rlcE N o 3186 THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1968 (No 47 of 1968) N o'rzcc OF INQUIRY IN PURSUANCE of sectloa 9 (1) (a) of the Land Acqulsltlon Act 1968, l hereby glve notlce that an lnqmry wll1 be hdd on 11th N ovem ber 1969 at the oflice of D lstrlet O flk er Rullyenles, lor the hearlng of clalm s to com pensatloa by pzrsons lnterested la the follow lag land - SCHEDULE U 1 I Plot N o 1 .f-t?ttkrlt?/? l sbub-Locatlon XaOc#qruOlXre dA Jr/;e qA oft 7e sb e ' R eglstered O wplcz- 9 K agaan W eru ( 0 61 Francls Jerem lah 940 ' 0 74 M tetu Thln kw a 6 1, 0 04 K m anl W etongo 7 l () 01 N lagl K abatha 1 803 K lgaa ' 0 18 lren M uguchu 390 0 3 Jefitha N yaga 1,749 0 1 W llham N leru D edan 1,748 0 09 D efatha Nleru D edan 1,747 0 04 G ldeon Nlorla D edan 1,8 1 1 0 38 K langa W am bugu 402 0 06 K lura W ambugu 443 ' 0 04 Kam wochere M lrlchle 441 @ 0 1 Elpah Kamuchlra 1,792 Ly 0 06 K m ra Jetitha 1.791 0 06 K m yua Kaw au 862 t t) 01 M utam banl Kam luku 1,732 0 15 Kunylra M N amlu 493 0 06 M bogo G achonge 1,715 I 0 16 Ngan Kamwarla 1,735 1 0 45 M wanlkl Aluvan Nlue 20l 0 53 H enery N leru K abuta 1,733 0 01 Z akana N leru 321 0 03 Sam uel R m erla 1,710 0 16 Stanery Nlagl Sam uel 1,701 1 0 56 Lukas Sllas NJIZ'U lj , 0 >6 j j j 0, 05 4, XG egjar epyo M( r ob lkl a a m a 1,702 1 0 61 Kabuta M aguru 349 hf 0 13 Shadrack K obuthl 1 695 1 0 88 Duncan Nliru Zakayo 1,694 1 0 88 Nllru Kamwana 253 .1 0 1 M bogo K am m tha 282 I 0 01 Ndwlga M 'gachau 1,690 'k 0 01 N yaga M unul 1 688 , 0 01 Chlam burl N lagl 1 686 1 0 53 N yaga M 'thalya 1 J K agondu M unyl ,, , Josephat G lthm dl O badlah N yaga Jullus H ezekla G atara > M arlgu w/o Erasto Nllra , Nleru K arugu i ,, ,s Nllru Nlertz 1 Ky:5e nl Mu>;fu xNjgeornud Sl hMadurraucokndl l INrlelnru K Marbuuglu l Jebltha Karunyu ' Ephantas G aklnda N langaru N lavo K oum buthu K am au W atlta M unene John M w aura N gendu N gthathal 55 N dw lga K aram ,, K arwerua N dam bukl M butei M thlen Ererl K aranla N yaga M bogo fsalh Ndulga Ephantus N lue N yaga J NAlbenz Macharla ert Nleru N lue

1 ,, NGlecroub lK Klblvookkoo Irerl K athawa John N thla Zakayo N guru K arultano M 'mbura Nlamwlta Nllru K anagtz N yaga M ukum bo ,, K arugutl M gngtm gl ,, N yaga K abunm ga ,, Nleru S H ezeklah '# Elgah NJII'U s, N guturl W althanle G aclum la M acl A lphan N llru N loru Talna N loka M 'm bura 1 N lagl M acl N mzru N ahashon N lagl K am wengu , Ishum ael M utaara I Absolom Nlagl 1 N thukano M ukum bu , M uthaara G akuanyl ,, , Jospeter K lguuru Kagaarl W eru Evanson Elgah G aturl N em bure K arlgl N laum buthl ,, , H ezeklah N lagl TOTAL A CREAGB 39 51

Every person who ls mterested ln the land ls requlred to dellver to me not later than the day of the lnqulry, a wrltten clalm to compensatlon D ated tlals 13th day of October 1969 J A O'LOU GH LI N , Commlsnoner of Lands 1022 TH E K EN YA G AZET TE 17th O ctober 1969

CSAZETTE lçollcs llo 3187 3 The grantee shall m am tam m good and substantlal repalr and condltlon a11 bulldmgs at any tlm e erected on tile land TH E GOVERN M ENT LAN DS ACT 4 Should the grantee gwe notlk.e m wntm g to tht, Com m ls- (Cap 280) sloner of Lands that he/slle/they ls/are unable to complete the bm ldzngs wlthm the penod afol esald, the C om m lssloner of N AKIJRU M UXICIPALIIY- PLOT FOR LOW DLNSITY R ESIDEN FIAI Lands shall (at the grantee s expense) accept a sul rtnde, of Pulteosss the land com pnsed thm em TH E Com m lssloner of Lands on behalf of the Presldent of Provlded further that lf such notlce as afol esald shall be the Repubhc of K enya glves notlce that the plot ln gwett (1) wlthm 12 m onths of the cotnmencement of the tenn M unlclpahty as descrlbed m the Schedule hereto ls avallable the Colnm lssloner of Lands shall lefund to the grantee 50 peI for ahenatlon and appllcatlons are m vlted fo1 the dlrect gl ant centum of the stand prem m m pald ln lespect of the land, ol of the m dlvldual plot (2) at any subsequent ttme pnol to the exptratton of the sald 2 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at the Pubhc M ap Om ce bulldlng pel 1od the Com mlsszoner of Lands shall refund to the sltuated m the Lands D epartm ent Bulldjng, Clty Square, glantee 25 per centum of the sald stand plem lum In the event N alrobl, or at the oflke of the Town Clerk, P O Box 124, of notlce bemg gwen after the explratlon of the sald bulldm g N akuru, or m ay be obtam ed from the Pubhc M ap O flice P O penod no refund shall be m ade Box 30089, N allobl on paym ent of Sh 3 post free 5 The land and bulldm gs shall only be used for pnvate 3 A ppllcatlons should be subm ltted to the Comm lssloner of lesldentlal purposes and not m ore than one prlvate dwelllng Lands, N alrobl, through the Town Clelk, P O Box 124, house w lth the neceqsazy oë ces and outbulldlngs appurtenant N akuru thereto wzll be el ected on the land N o guest-house w1ll be 4 Appllcatxons m ust be sent so as to reach the Town Clerk, pelm ltted N akuru, not later than noon on the 21st N ovem ber 1969 6 The bulldm gs shall not cover m ole than 50 per centum 5 A pphcatlons m ust not be sent dlrect to the C om m tssloner of the alea of the land of Lands 6 A pphcants m ust enclose w lth thelr appllcatlons thelr 7 The land shall not be used for tht, pulpose of any trade oheque for Sh 1,000 as a deposlt, w hlch w1ll be dealt wlth ol busm ess whlclz t'he Com lm sslonel of Lands consldels to be 4s follow s - dangerous or ollenslve (tz) If the appllcant ls offezed and takers up and pays for a 8 The grantee shall not subdm de the land w4thout prlol plot wlthln a penod of 14 days as requlred m para- wlltten consent of the Conm ussloner of Lands graph 5 below , the deposlt wlll be credlted to h1m 9 The grantee shall not sell, transfel , sublet, charge or part (bj lf the appllcatlon ls unsuccosful the apphcant s deposlt wzth the possesslon of the land or any part thereof or any w1ll be returned to hlm bulldlng thereon except wlth the pnor consent m w ntm g of the (c) lf the appllcatlon ts successful and the apphcant fatls to Com m &ssloneA of Lands no apphcatlon f or suc.h consent take up and pay for the plot osered to h#m wltllzn a (except ln respect of a loan requlred for bulldmg pulposes) perlod of 14 days as Iequlred ln paragraph 5 of the wjll be consldered untll Speclal Condltlon N o 2 has been general condlttons, tlle Com m lssloner of Lands m ay perform ed declare the deposlt forfelted and the appllcant shall have no further clalm thereto 10 The grantee shall pay to the C om m lssloner of Lands on dem and such sum as the C om m lssloner m ay estm m te to be the G eneral C't/ntflfitpnî proportlonate cost of conqtructm g all roads and dram s and' sewers servlng or adlom m g the land and shall on com pletlon 1 The oldmary condltlons apphcable to townshm grants of of such constructton artd the ascertam m ent of the actual propol- thls nature except as vaned hereby shall apply to thls glant tlonate cost elther pay (wlthln seven days of demand) ol be 2 The grant w11l be m ade under the provlslons of the lefunded the am ount by whlch the actual proportlonate cost Govelmnent Lands Act (Cap 280 of the Laws of Keaya), and exceeds or falls short of the am ount pald as aforesald tltle wll1 be zssued under the Reglstratlon of Tltles A ct (Cap 281) 11 The grantee shall from tlm e to ttm e pay to the C onm us sloner of Lands on demand such proportlon of the cost of 3 The grant w lii be lssued ln the nam e of the allottee as m amtalnlng a11 roads and dram s servlng or adlolnm g the land stated m the letter of apphcatlon as the Com mzssloner of Lands m ay assess 4 The term of the grant w 1ll be for 99 years from the lil st day of the m onth followm g the notllk atlon of the apploval of 12 Should the Com m lssloner of Lands at any tlm e requll e the grant the sald roads to be constructed to a hlgher standard the grantee shall pay to the C om m lsslonel on dem and such pl opol 5 Each aiiottee of a plot shall pay to the Com mlssloner of tlon of the cost of such constl uctlon as the Com mlsslonel m ay Lands wlthm 14 days of notdicatlon that h1s apphcatlon has assess been approved, the lnltlal estlm ated am ount for the constnzctlon of roads and proportlon of annual rent, together w zth the 13 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, chalges dutles, survey fes payable ln respect of the pl eparatlon and reglstlatlon assessm ents ol outgolngs of w hatever descrlptlon as m ay be of the grant (Sh 225) and the stam p duty m respect of the lm posed, chalged ol assessed by any G ovelnm ent ol local grant (appl oxlmately 2 per cent of the stand pl emmm and authonty upon the land or tlle bulldlngs erected thereon, 1n - annual rent) ln default of paym ent wlthm the speczed tlm e cludlng any contrlbutlon or othel sum pald by the Pi esldent the Comm lsslonel of Lands m ay cancel the allocatlon and the of the Repubhc of K enya m heu thel eof appllcant shall have no further clalm to the grant of the plot 14 The Plesldent of K enya or such person or authorlty as Specm l trtpn#/rlt/z7.î m ay be appolnted fo$ the purposo shall have the llght to enter upon the land and lay and have aecess to w atm m am s, servlce 1 N o bulldlngs shall be el ected on the land nor shall plpes and dralns, telephone or telegraph w lres and electnc addltlons ol external alteratlons be m ade to any bulldlngs m alns of a11 descnptlons w hether overhead or underground, otherwtse than m conform lty wlth plans and specé catlons and tlze g'rantoe shall not ered any bm ldm gs m such a way prevlously approved ln w ntm g by the Com m lssloner of Lands as to cover or m terfere wlt.h any exlstmg ahgnm ents of m am and the local authorlty The Conm ussloner shall not glve h1s ol sm vlue plpes or telephone or telegraph wlles and electllc apploval unless he ls sattqfied that the proposals are such as to m am s develop the land adequately and satlsfactonly 2 T he grantee shall wzthm s1x m onths of the com m encem ent 15 The Corm m sslonel of Lands leserves the nght to revlse of the term subm lt ln trlpllcate to the local authonty and the the alm ual ground rental payable hereundor aftm the exm ratlon Conmussloner of Lands plans (lncludlng block plans showzng of the 33rd and 66th year of the term hereby granted Such the posltlons of the bulldlngs and a system of dramage for the rental w1l1 be at a rqte of 4 per cent of the unlm proved flee- dlsposal of sewage, surface and sullage water), dlawmgs, hold value of the land as assessed by the C om m lssloner of elevatlons and specllk atlons of the bm ldm gs the grantee pro- L Rnds poses to erect on the land and shall wlthln 24 m onths of the com m encem ent of the tenn com plete the erectlon of such bulld- D ated at Nallobl thls 17th day of Od obel 1969 lngs and the constructlon of the dralnage system m conform lty w lth such plans, drawm gs, elevatlons and specdicatlons as amended (1f such be the case) by the Commlssloner SCHEDIJLE Plovlded that zf default shall be m ade ln the perform anee ol Plot - L R N o 451 / 560/XX11I obselvance of any of the lequnem ents of thls condlhon At shall be lawful for the Com m lssloner of Lands or any person autho A tea - 0 115 hectare 1 lzed by hlm on behalf of the Presldent of the R epubllc of Stand prem tum - Sh 700 K enya to re enter mto and upon tbe land or any part thereof ln the nam e of the whole and thereupon the term hereby A nnual rent - Sh 140 created shall cease but wlthout pl eludlce to any rght of actlon or rem edy of the Presldent or the C om m lssloner m respect of R oad cho ges - O n dem and any antecedent breach of any condltlon hereln contalned s'l/rl ev fees - On demand 17th O dober 1969 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 1023

ElxzRrrR 'folxcE lfo 3188 on behalf of tlze Presldent to re-onter m to and upon the land or any part thereof m the nam e of the whole and thereupon TH E G OVERN M EN T LAN D S ACT the term hereby created shall cease but wlthout preludlce to (Cap 280) any nght of actlon or remedy of the Presldent or the Commls- szoner m respect of any antecedent breach of anJ condltlon K ITAtE M UNICIPALITY- PLOT FOR W ORKSHOP, G KRAGE OR lv relrl Contalned G ooow N Ptnœ osEs 3 The grantee shall m am tam m good and substantlal repall TH E Comm lssloner of Lands gw es notlce that tbe plot m and condltlon all bulldm gs at any tlm e erected on the land Kltale M unlclpahty as descnbed m the Schedule hereto ls 4 Should tht, grantee m ve notlce m wntm g to the Com m ls- avallable for ahenatlon and apphc-atlons are Jnw ted for the sloner of Lands that he/she/they ls/are unable to complete the d11 ect grant of the m dlvldual plot bulldm gs m tlun the perlod aforesald the Comm lso oner of 2 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at the Pubhc M ap Oflice Lands shall (at the grantee's expense) accept a surrender of the sltuate m the Lands Depaltm ent Bulldlng, Czty Sqmtre, N alrobl, land compllsed therem ol at the O m ce of the D lstnct Com m lssloner, K ltale, or m a> be obtamed from the Pubhc M ap Ol ce, P O Box 30089, Pl ovlded further tllat tf such notlee as aforesald shall be N alrobl, on paym ent of Sh 3 post flee glven (1) wltmn 12 m onths of the commencement of the term the Com mlssloner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per 3 Apphcatlons should be subm ltted to the Com mlssloner of centum of the stand prem lum pald m respect of the land, or Lands, N atrobl, through the Town Clerk, K ltale, statmg the (2) at any subsequent tlme pnor to the explratlon of the sazd plot requlred m order of preference Appllcatlons m ust be on bulld,ng penod the Com m lssloner of Lands shall refund to the prescnbed form s whlch are avallable from Lands D epartm ent, grantee 25 per centum of the sald stand prem lum ln the event or Town Clerk, K ltale of notlce belng m ven after the explratlon of the sald bulldm g 4 Apphcatlons must be sent so as to reach the Town Clerk perlod no lefund shall be m ade not latel than noon on the 30th day of O ctober 1969 5 The land and bmldm gs shall be used for workshop, garage 5 Apphcatlons m ust not be sent dlrect to the Com m lssloner or godow n purposes only of Lands 6 Accomm odatlon not exceedm g 100 sq ft m ay be provzded 6 A pphcants must enclose wlth thelr apphcatlons thelr for a caretaker or m ght-w atchm an cheque for Sh 1,000 as a deposlt, whlch wlll be ctealt wlth as follows - 7 The bulldlngs shall not cover m ore than 90 per centum of (J) If the apphcant ls oNered and takes up and pays for the the area of the land or such lesser area that may be prescrlbed plot wzthm a perlod of seven days as reqm red m para- by the local authorlty m 1ts by-law s graph 5 below, the deposlt wlll be credlted to blm 8 n e land slmll not be used for the purpose of any trade (bj If the appllcatlon ls unsuccessful the appllcant's deposlt or busm ess whzch the Com m lssloner of Lands conslders to be w1ll be returned to hlm dangerous or olenslve (c) lf the apphcatzon zs successful and the apphcant falls to 9 The grantee shall not subdwzde the land take up and pay for the plot offered to hIm wlthm a pellod of 14 days as reqm red m paragraph 5 of the 10 The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charge or part General Condltlons, the Com m lssloner of Lands m ay wlth the possesslon of the land or any part thereof except wlth declare the deposlt forfelted and the appllcarkt shall have the pnor consent m wntm g of the Com mlssloner of Lands no further clazm thereto no apphcatlon for such consent (except m respect of a loan requlred for bmldlng purposes) w1l1 be consldered untll Speclal G eneral Ctpaffllltpn,N Condltlon N o 2 has been perform ed 1 The ordm ary condltlons apphcable to townshlp grants of 11 The grantee shall pay to the Com mlssloner of Lands on thls nature except as vaned hereby shall apply to thls grant dem and such sum as the C om m lssm ner m ay estlm ate to be the 2 The grant wlll be zssued under the provlslons of the proportlonate cost of constructm g all roads and dram s and Government Lands Act (Cap 280 of the Laws of Kenya), and sewers servlng or adlolnm g the land and shall on com pletlon tltle wlll be lssued under the R eglstratlon of Tltles Act of such constructlon and the asceltalnment of the actual pro- (Cap 281) portlonate cost elther pay (wlthm seven days of demand) or be refunded the am ount by whlch the actual proportlonate cost 3 'Ihe grant wlll be lssued ln the nam e of thu allottte as exceeds or falls short of the am ount pald as aforesald stated m the letter of apphcatlon 4 The term of the grant wlll be for 99 years fl om the first 12 T'he grantee shall from tlm e to tlm e pay to the Comm ls- day of the m onth followm g the notlficatlon of the approval of moner of Lands on dem and such proportlon of the cost of m am tam m g a11 roads and dlalns servlng or adlolnlng the land tlle grant as the Com m lssloner m ay assess 5 Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the C om m lssloner of Lands wfthln 14 days of noté catlon that h1s apphcatlon has 13 Should the Com nussloner of Lands at any tm le requlre been approved, the m ltm l estzm ated am ount for the constructzon the sazd roads to be constructed to a lngher standa! d the of loads and dralns to sel've the plot, the assessed stand grantee shall pay to the Comm lssloner on demand such propor- prem lllm and the proportlon of the annual rent together wlth tlon of the cost of such constructlon a% the Com m lssloner m ay the survey fees payable m lespect of the preparatlon and regls- assess tratlon of the grant (Sh 225) and stamp duty m n spect of the 14 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, grant (approxmmtely 2 per cent of the stand premlum and annual rent) In default of paym ent and wlthm the specéed assessm ents or outgolngs of whatever descnptlon as m ay be tlm e the C om m lssloner of Lands m ay cancel tlle allocatlon and lm posed, charged or assessed by any Governm ent ol Iocal the apphcant shall have no further clalm to the grant of the authorlty upon the land or the bm ldm gs erected thereon, lnclud- land 1ng any eontnbutlon or the sum pald by the Plesldent of the Republlc of Kenya ln heu thereof Speclal Ctpll#l/ltpn,ç 15 The Presldent of the Republlc of K enya ol such person 1 N o bm ldm gs shall be el ected on the land nor shall addl- or authorlty as m ay be appom ted for the purpose shall have tfons or extelnal alteratlons be m ade to any bulldm gs othcrwlse the llght to enter upon the land and lay and have access to than m conform lty wlth plans and sptcé catlons prevlously water m azns, servlce pmes and drams, telephone or telegraph approved m wrltmg by the Comm lsslonel of Lalds and the wlres and electrlc m am s of all descrlptlons whether overhead local authontv fhe Com m lssloner shall not glve h1s approval or underground, and the grantee shall not elect any bm ldmgs unless he ls satlsfied that the proposals are such as to develop m such a way as to cover or m terfere m th any exlstm g allgn- the land adequately and satlsfactorlly m ents of m aln or servlce m pes or telephone or telegl aph wlres and electrlc m alns 2 The grantee shall plthln szx m onths of the comm encem ent of the term subm lt ln trlphcate to the local authonty and the 16 The Com m lssloner of Lands reserves the rlght to revlse Commlssloner of Lands plans (mcludlng block plans showlng the annual glound rental of Sh 600 payable hereunder after the posltlons of the bulldm gs and a system of dram age for the the explratlor of the 33rd and 66th year of the term hereby dysposal of sewage, surface and sullage water), drawmgs, granted %uch rental w1ll be at a rate of the um mproved free- elevatlons and specé catlons of the bmldlngs the grantee pro- hold value of the land as assessed by the Com m lssloner of poses to erect on the land and shall w lthln 24 m onths of the Lands com m encem ent of the term com plete the erectlon of bulldm gs ScHBout.s and the constructlon of the dram age system m confonm ty wlth such plans, drawm gs, elevatlons and specé catlons as am ended Plot - L N o 2116/382/ 111 (1f such be the case), by the Com mlssloner Alea - 0 0949 hectare (approx= ately) Provlded that notwlthstandm g anythm g to the contrary con- Stand prem lum - Sh 3 000 tamed m or lmplled by the Governm ent Lands Ac1 (Cap 280), A nnual rent - Sh 600 lf default shall be m ade m the perform ance or observance of any of the requlrem ents of tlus condltlon lt sllall be lawful for R oad chaîges - On dem and the Com m lssloner of Lands or any person authorlzed by h1m <$I/?T e) fees - On demand 1024 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 17:î Ckïober 1969

G AM TTE NoTzcs N o 3189 any ngbt of actlon or rem ed) of the Presldent or the Comm ls- sloner m respect of any anteceaent breach of any condztlon TH E G OVER NM ENT LAN DS ACT herem contalned (Cap 280) 3 The grantee shall m amtaln m good and substantlal lepalr and conchtson all bulldm gs at any tlm e erected on the land SOTIK Towxsm z- lko'rs FoR SHOPS AND/OR OFFICBS COMBINED m TH RBSIDBNCB tblxcLtmlNG 'rl.m SALE oF 4 Should the glantee gwe notlce m wntm g to the Com m ls- sloner of Lands that he/she/they ls/are unable to complete the PETkoz.) bm ldm gs wltlxln the penod aforesald, the Cornm lssloner of THE Com m lsszoner of Lands gves notace that the plots m Lands shall (at the grantee s expense) accept a surrender of Sotlk Townslup as descrzbed m the Schedule hereto are avall- the land com pnsed thereln able for ahenatlon and apphcatlons are m vlted for the dlrect Plovlded further that lf such notlce as aforesald shall be grants of the m dlvldual plots gwen (1) wlthln 12 months of the commencement of the term 2 A plan of tlle plots m ay be seen at the Pubhc M ap Oflice the C om m lsslonel of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per sltuated m tllt Lands Dtpartm ent Bm lé ng, Clty Square, centum of the stand pl enuum pald m respect of the land, or N alrobz, or at tlze oK ce of the Clerk, K lpslgls County Counml, (2) at any subsequent tmlo prlor to the ewplratlon of the sald or m ay be obtamed from the Publzc M ap Om ce, P O Box buzldm g perzod the Com mlsszoner of Lands shall refund to the 30089, N alrobl, on paym ent of Sh 3 post flee grantee 25 per centum of the sazd stand prem lum ln the event 3 Apphcatlons skould be subm ztted to the Comm lssloner of of notlce bemg glven after the expllatlon of the sald bulldmg Lands, N alrobl, through the Clerk of the K lpslgls County perlod no refund shall be m ade Counml, stattng the plot requn'ed m order of preference 5 The land and bm ldm gs shall only be used for shops Apphcatzons m ust be on prescrlbed form s whlch are avallable (excludlng a petrol statlon) and/ol oëces combmed wzth from Lands D epartm ent or the Clerk of the Kzpslgls County resldence Colm ctl 6 The bmldm gs shall not cover m ole than 50 per centum of 4 Apphcatlons m ust be sent so as to reach the Clerk of the the area of the land or such lesser area as m ay be lald dow n Klpszgls County Councll not later than noon on the 17th day by the local authonty m zts by-laws of N ovem ber 1969 7 The land shall not be used for the pulpose of any trade 5 A pphcatzons m ust not be sent dlrect to the Comnussloner or busm ess whlch the Com m lsmoner of Lands conszders to be of T onds dangerous or olenslve 6 Apphcants m ust enclose wztll thelr apphcatlons thelr 8 The grantee shall not subdm de the land cheque for Sh 1,000 as a deposlt, whlch wtll be dealt wlth 9 'I'he glantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charge or part as follows - wlt.h the possesmon of the land or any part thereof except wzth (c) lf tlle apphcant ls offered and takes up and pays for a the pnor consent m wrltm g of the Presldent , no appllcatlon plot wzthm a penod of seven days as requlred m para- fo1 such consent (except m lespect of a loan requlred for graph 5 below, the depomt wlll be credlted to hnn bulldmg purposes) w2l be consldele,d untll Specml Condltlon fb) lf the apphcatzon ls unsuccessful the appllcant's deposlt N o 2 has been perform ed wtll be returned to la'm Provlded that such consent shall not be requlred for the (c) If the apphcatlon zs successful and the apphcant fazls to lettm g of m dm dual shops, oë ces and flats take up and pay f or the plot ofered to h1m wlthm a 10 The grantee shall pay to the Com m xssloner of Lands on perlod of 14 days as reqm red ln paragraph 5 of the dem and such sum as the Com m zssloner may estlm ate to be the G eneral Condztzons, the Com m lsszoner of Lands m ay proportlonate cost of constructmg all roads and dram s and declare the deposlt forfelted and the apphcant shall have sewels servm g or adlolnlng the land and shall on com pletlon of no further clatm G ereto such constructlon and the ascertalnm ent of the actual propor- tlonate cost elthel pay (wlthln seven days of demand) or be General Ctpzzfà/ztpzl.ç ld unded the am otm t by whlch the actual proportlonate cost 1 The ordm ary condltlons apphcable to townshlp grants of exceeds or falls short of the am ount pald as aforesazd tlus nature except as vaned hereby shall apply to thls grant 11 The glantee shall from tlm e to tzm e pay to the Com m zs- 2 The grant w1ll be m ade under the provlslons of the sloner of Lands on dem and such pl oportlon of the cost of Government Lands Act (Cap 280 of the Laws of Kenya), and m am tam m g a1l roads and dram s sel vm g ol adlom m g the land tltle wlll be lssued under the Reglstratzon of Tltles Act as the C om m lssloner m ay assess (Cap 281) 12 Should the Com m lssloner of Lands at any tlm e reqm re 3 The grant w1l1 be lssued m the nam e of the allottee as the sald loads to be constructed to a hlgher standard the stated m the letter of apphcatlon grantee shall pay to the Com m Tssloner on dem and such propor- 4 'I'he term of the grant wlll be for 99 years from the frst tlon of the cost of such constructlon as the C om m lssloner m ay day of the m onth followm g the noté catlon of the approval of assess the grant 13 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutaes, 5 Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Com m lssloner of assessm ents or outgolngs of whatever descnptlon as m ay be Lands m tlun 14 days of noté catzon that lus apphcatlon has lm posed, charged or assessed by any Governm ent or local been approved, the mm al estlmated am ount for the constructlon authonty upon the land or the bulldlngs erected thereon m clud- of roads and dram s to serve the plot, the assessed stand m g any contnbutzon ol other sum pald by the Presldent m heu prem zum and proportzon of annual rent, together wzth the theleof survey fees payable m respect of the preparatlon and regxstra- 14 The Presldent ol such person or authonty as m ay be tzon of tlle grant (Sh 225) and the stamp duty m respect of the appolnted fo1 the purpose shall have the nght to enter upon grant (approxtmately 2 per cent of the stand plemlum and the land and 1ay and have access to water m alns, servlce plpes annual rent) In default of payment wltlun the specltied tlm e and dram s, telephone or telegraph wlres and electnc mam s, the Comm xssloner of Lands rnay cancel the allocatzon and the of all descrlptlons, whether overhead or undelground, and the apphcant shall have no further clatm to the grant of the plot grantee shall not erect any bm ldlngs m such a way as to cover or lnterfere wlth any exsstmg allgnments of mam or servzce Specml Cbzltflflony pm es ol telephone or telegraph wlres and electnc m alns 1 No bm lrllngs shall be erected on the land nor shall addltlons or external alteratlons be m ade to any bulldlngs 15 n e Com m lssloner of Lands reserves the nght to rovzse otherwzse than m conform lty wzth plans and qpeelfcatlons the annual ground l ental payable hereunder after the explratlon prevlously approved m wntm g by the Comm lsmoner of Lands of the 331d and 66th year of the term hereby granted Such and the local authonty The Com m lssloner shall not glve h1s rental w1ll be at a rate of 4 per cent of the unlm proved free- approval unless he ls satzssed that the proposals are such as to hold value of the land as assessed by the Com mlssloner of develop the land adequately and satlsfactorlly Lands 2 The grantee shall wlthm stx m onths of the com m encem ent D ated at N alrobl thls 13th day of October 1969 of the term submlt m tnphcate to the local authonty and the Commlssloner of Lands plans (m cludmg block plans showlng Sc- out.s the posltlons of the buzldmgs and a system of dramage for the ' ' r I .-, à dlsposal of sewage, surface and sum ge water), drawzngs, elevatlons and specé catlons of the bulldm gs the grantee pro- 1 cRl, (lcglx poses to erect on the land and shall wzthm 14 m onths of the ! I(z,,,,,s/ eom mencem ent of the term com plete the erectlon of such bm ld- Atea Stand ..,f/?/llzt'?/ j Cont! ? Sut ve.v m gs and the constructlon of the dralnage system zn confonm ty L R No (Approx )i Prelnluln Rellt !/7?/Jlt???) Fees wlth such plans, drawmgs, elevatlons and specé catlons as H ectak es Sh I Sh Payable O n amended (zf such be the case) by the Commissloner 7288 19 0 0464 1 500 1 300 on demand Prowded that notwzthstandm g anythmg to the contrary con- tamed m or lmphed by the Government Lands Act (Cap 280) 21 0 0464 l l 500 300 demand If default shall be m ade m the perfolm ance or observance of 22 0 048 1 1 1 540 308 23 0 0494 1 1,580 316 any of the requlrem ents of tlus condm on lt + a11 be lawf ul for 25 0 0515 ' 1 640 328 the Com m lsmoner of Ixetnds or any person authorved by lllm 3 7 () 04 64 I 1 , 5,0 (g j (40, on behalf of the Preszdent to re enter lnto and upon the land 38 0 0464 j 1, , , , or any part thereof zn the nam e of the whole and thereupon 4O 0 0 4 5 00 3 0 0 6 4 t lj , , , the term hereby created shall cease but wzthout preludlce to 4 j , 45 , , 4,g () .,q4 ,, ,, 17d1 fkfober 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 1025

GAD TTB NoncE No 29K upon the term hereby created shall cease but m thout preludlce to any rlght of actlon or rem edy of tht Preszdent or the Com m lssloner of Lands m respect of any Antecedent breach 'IX E GOVERN M ENT LAN DS ACT of anv condltlon hereln contam ed W ap 280) Provlded further that should the granteee m ve notlce m wrltlng to the Commlssloner of Lands txat he/she/tlley/ls/are RESrDENTIAL PLOTS- EASTLEZGH SECTION H I- N MRORI unable to com plete the bulldm gs wlthm the penod aforesald the Commlssloner of Lands shall (at the grantee's expense) TH E Com m lssloner of Lands glves notlce that apphcatlons qccept a surrender of the land com prlsed hermn arc Invlted for the plots m the above area for the purpose of prlvate rosldence, as descnbed m the Schedule hereto A plan Provlded further that lf such notlce as aforesald shall be of tho plots m ay be seen m the Lands D epartment, Clty glven (1) wlthln 12 m onths of the commencement of the term Square, N alrobl, or m ay be obtam ed by post on paym ont of the Com m lssloner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per Sh 4 post free from the Publlc M ap Oë ce, P O Box 30089, centum of the stand premlum pald ln respoct of tho land, or N alrobl (2? at any subsequent tlme prlor to the explratlon of the sald bulldlng perlod the Com m lssloner of Lands shall refund to Condfttons of Sale the grantee 25 per centum of the nald stand prem llzm In the event of notlce belng glven after the explratlon of tlze sald 1 Apphcatlons should be subnutted to tlze C omm sulonor of bulldlng perlod no refund shall be m ade Lands P O Box 30089, N alrobl, on or befon noon on 31st October 1969 Appllcants m ust enclcse wlth thelr appllcatlons 3 The grantee shall m am taln ln good and substantml repatr thelr cheque for Sh 1,000 as a deposlt m ade payable to the and condltlon a11 bulldmgs at any tlme erected on the land Com mlssloner of Lands whlch wlll be dealt wlth as follows - 4 The land and bulldm gs shall only be used for prlvate (a) If the apphcant ls osered and takes up and pays for the resldentlal purposes and not m ore than one prwate dwelllng- plot m thln the penod of 14 days as reaqalred by Condl house wlt.h the necessary olhce,s and outbulldjnm appurtonant tlon N o 4 below. the deposlt w11l be ca dlted to h1m thereto shall oe erected on the land A guest-house wlll not (b) If the appllcatlon ls unsuccessful the apphcant's deposlt bo perm ltted w1l1 be returned to h1m 5 Tho bulldmgs shall not cover a greater or lesser area of (c) If the apphcatlon ls successful and the apphcant falls the land as m ay be lald down by tlze local authonty m zts to take up and pay for the plot oserecl to h1m wlthm by-laws the penod of 14 days as reqm red by C ondltlon N o 4 below, the Com mlssloner of Lands zr ay declare the 6 The grantee shall not subdlvlde the land deposlt forfmted and the appllcant shall have no further 7 The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charge or part clatm thereto wlth the posseqslon of the land or any part thereof or any 2 Apphcants m ust l.n thetr appllcatlons state lf they own bulldlngs thereof except 'w lth the prlor consent m wrltm g of any resldentlal plots ln the N alrobl area glvm l detalls of plot the Cornm lssloner of Lands no appllcallon for such consent num bers and whether these are developed or not Fallure to (cxcept ln respect of a loan for bulldlng purposes) m 1l be dlqclose thls m form atlon m ay reesult m the a pphcatlon belng consldered untll Spemal Condltlon No 2 has been perform e dlsquallfied 8 The grantee shall pay to the Comm lKsloner of Lands on dem and such sum as the Comm lssloner m ay G tlm ate to be the 3 F-ach appllcatlon should be accom pam ed by a statement proportloqate cost of constructlon of al1 roads and dram s and lndlcatmg the am ount of capltal vt ls proposed to spend on the selvers servlng or adlolnlng tho land and shall on com pletlon prolect, wlth a banker's letter or other evldence ef Snanoal of such constructlon and the ascertalnm ent of the actual status m support praportlonate cost elther pay (wlthm seven days of demand) 4 Each allottee of the plot shall pay to the Com m lssloner or be refunded the am ount by whlch the actual proportlonate of Lands wlthm 14 days of poté catlon that h1s appllcatlon cost exceeds or falls short of the am ount pald as aforesazd has been successful that stand prem lum and pl oportlon of tlle annual rental together wlth survey, conveyanclng, stam p duty, 9 The granteae shall from tlm e to tlm e pay to tlze Com- reglstratlon fees and prov slonal assessm ent for roads and m lssloner of Lands on dem and such proportlon of the cost of dralns charges In default of paym ent wlthln the spectfied nlalntqlnlng al1 roads and dralns servmg or adlom m g the land tlm e the Com mlssloner of Lands m ay cancel the allocatlon and as the Com m lssloner m ay ass% s the appllcant shall have no clatm to the plot 10 Should the Comm lssloner of Lands at any tzm e reqmre the sald rozds to be constructed to a hlgher standard the grantee shall pay to the Comm lssloner on dem and such prm G eneral Condttlons portlon of the cost of such constructlon as the Com m limoner 1 The grant w1ll be m ade under the provlslons of the m ay assess Government Lands Act (Cap 280 of the Revlsed Edltlon of 11 Tho grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutlo , the Laws of Kenya), and tltle w11l be 1sq ued under the asqcssments or outgolngs of whatever descnptlon as m ay be Reglstl atlen of Tltles Act (Cap 281) lm posed, chargod or assessed by any Governm ent or local authollty upon the land or the bulldmgs erected thereon, 2 The grant wlll be lssued ln tlle nam e of the allottee as lncludlng any contrlbutlon or other sum pald by the Presldent gw en m the letter of appllcatlon ln lleu thereof 3 The term of the grant w11l be for 99 years from the 1st 12 The Presldellt or such person or authorlty as m ay be dav of the m onth followlng the lssue of the letter of allotm ent aprolnted for the purpose shall have the rlght to enter um n tho land and 1ay and have access to w ater m am s, servlce plpes and drazns, telephone or telegraph wlres and electnc Spectal Condttlons m alns of a11 descrlptlons, whether overhead or underground, 1 N o bulldm gs shall be erem ed on the land nor shall addl- and tho grantee shall not ereot any bulldlngs ln such a way as tlons or external alteratlons be m ade to any bm ldm gs other- to cover or m terfere wlth any exlstm g allgnm ents of malns or wlse than ln conform lty wlth plans and specé catlons prevlously qelvlu.e plpes or telephone or telegraph m res and electrlc m am s app. oved ln wrltlng by the C om m lssloner of Lands and the 13 The Com m lsalener of Lands reserve,s the rlght to rm se local authorlty The Com m lssloner shall not gtve h1s approval the annual ground rental payable after the explratlon of the unless he ls satlslied that the proposals are such as to develop 33rd and 66th year of the term hereby granted Such rental the land adequately and satlsfactonly w111 be at a rate of 4 per cent of the untm proved freehold 2 The grantee shall wlthm sl< m onths of tht comm encement value of tht, land as assessed by the Com mlssloner of Lands of the term subm lt ln trlpllcate to the local authorlty and the Commlosloner of Lands plans (mcludmg block plans showm g the posltlon of the bulldm gs and a syqem of dralnage Sclu out.B for the dlsposal of sewage, surface and sullage water), draw- m gs, elevatlons and speclficatlons of the bulldlngs the grantee ,l rca s'/fzr,g Road Annual survey proposes to erect on the land and shall wlthln 24 m onths of Plot No (A.pprok ) Promum C/lflr#'e'î Rent Fees the com mencement of the term com plete the erectlon of such Jvowwoac/ bulldlngs and the constructlon of the dralnage system m conform lty wlth such plans, drawm gs, elovatlons and specl - hecto es Sh Sh Sh Sh catlons as amended (lf such be the case) by tht Commlssloner 36/111/1094 0 0453 1,200 3,500 240 355 36/111/1125 0 0453 1,200 3 500 240 355 Provlded that notwlthstandlng anytlung to tho contrary 36/111/941 0 0453 800 3,500 160 355 36/111/999 0 0453 800 3,500 160 355 contalned m or tmplled by the Govenlment Lands Act (Cap 36/111/1007 0 0453 800 3,500 160 355 280) lf default shall be m ade m the perform ance or observance 36/111/1008 0 0453 800 3,500 160 355 of any of the requlrem ents of thls condltlon 11 shall be lawful 36/111/1025 0 0453 800 3,500 160 355 for the Com m lssloner of Lands or any person authorlzed by 36/111/1037 0 0453 800 3,500 16G 355 h1m on behalf of the Presldent to re-enter m to and upon the 36/111/928 0 0453 1,200 3,500 240 355 land or any part thereof ln the nam e of the whole and there- 1026 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEU E 17th O etober 1969

GAZETIE N oncB N o 3190 was no complam t from an agent of the Com m lsslon Further- m ore the letter em anatmg from the Com m lsslon dated 12th TH E IN D U STR IA L CO U R T M alch 1968, ls purported to be ln accordance wlth the n rst Schedule to the Rules lt should be noted that rule 3 (c) makes CAusE N o 46 oF 1968 lt m andatory that the person concerned be m form ed m wntlng Pal tles of the nature of the allegatlons agalnst hlm m the form pre- prescnbcd m the n rst Schedule to thesw Rules K enya N atlonal U nlon of Teachers The lelevant portlon m the Flrst Schedule reads as follows and i'The allegatlons made agam st you are as follows- Teachers' Servlce Com m lsmon (Here lnsert bnef statement of allegatlons, wlth relevant Issue ;z) dtspute - date or dates) '' n e refusal of the Teachels Selvlce Com m lsslon to accept The aforesald letter of lnterdlctlon from the Com m lsslon to the M lnlstly of Labour s lecom m endatlon whlch states M lss K ehato ls worded as follows and ls purported to be m Etthat the TeAcbers' Sorvlco Conm usslon should recon com phance wlth the above-stated Schedule - slder the suspenslon of M lss K ehato wzth a vlew to wlthdrawm g lt uncondltlonally'' iû-f'he allegatjons m ade agam st you are as follows 1 The Kenya N atlonal U nlon of Teachers shall herelnafter That lately ). ou have not conducted yourself well as a bç referred to as the Clalm ants and the Teachers' Servlce Com - teacher m tliat you llave been dlsobedlent to the m struc- m lsslon shall herelnafter be referred to as the R espondents tlons glven to you by the H eadm lstress '' 2 The part&es appeared before the Court on 13th D ecem ber The Court fm ds tbls to be a non-comphance of tbe Flrst 1968, when after certam legal argum ents the m atter was stood Schedule to the relevant R ules as M lss K ehato had not been over for four w eeks to enable the R espondents to seek an order m form ed of what the specéc allegatlons agalnst her were wlth of prohlbxtlon dllected to the lndlzstrlal Court to prohlblt the relevant date or dates M lss K ehato, actm g on thls very vague Court from hearmg thls dlspute The m atter was subsequently letter of m terdlctlon, ploceeded to glve a lengthy explanatlon taken to the H lgh C ourt and the proceedlngs before the on varlous m atters whlch m ay or may not have bt'en the Industnal Court were stayed The H lgh Coul t preslded over allegatlons whlch the Com m lsslon had m m lnd In fact no one by the C hlef Justlce relocted tlw R espondents' apphcatlon and knows what the allegatlons agalnst M lss Kehato were and no the proceedm gs were recom m enced m the lndustnal Court attem pt has been m ade to explam elther The Court therefore The hearlng took place on the 30th day of July 1969, and the cannot overlook the possiblllty that M lss K ehato's long letter partles rehed on thmr wlltten and verbal submlsqlons of explanatlon m ay have been com pletely lrrelevant and she was gropm g m the dark The Court feelq that the whole oblect A w ARo of the Rules was defeated ln thls case The Court must add The facts leadm g up to thls dlspute al e set out m the that the fact that the Perm anent Secretal'y went to the extent general background herelnabove and need not be repeated of personally m ltlatm g actlon agalnst M lss K ehato and dellver- The Teachers' Selvlce Conm usslon Act and the rules m ade m g the letter of suspenslon to her on 11th M arch 1968, leaves thereunder lay down elaborate procedure on m atters pertalnm g room for a lot of explanattott w luch w as not forthcom m g to reglster of teachers and dlsclpllnaly provlslons The rule The Respondents have ralsed certam oblectlons whlch are relevant to the present dlspute ls rule 3 of the Teachers' Servlce m entloned m thelr m aln subm lsslons herelnabove and have Commlsslon (Removal fl om the Reglster) Rules 1967 (herem- argued that the Industrlal Court ls no+ entltled to look mto after referred to as the Rules) Tins rule provldes as follows - the questlon of M lss K ehato s suspensTon or to m ake any order d:ln any proceedm g concernlng m atters to whlch para- m connexlon therewltb glaph (tz) or paragraph (b) of sectlon 7 (3) of the Act The Court agrees wlth the H lgh Court and finds that the refors- true lssue m dlspute ls whether the suspenslon of M lss K ehato (t8 the person concerned shall be mformed m wntlng of (w1th 1ts consequentlal deprlvatlon of three months' salary) the nature of the allegatlons agalnst hlm ln the form should be carrled m to eflkct and the Court can see no reason prescrlbed m the F'n'st Schedule to these Rules , why the reference should not be so constlued (:) no allegatlons shall be consldel ed by the Commlsslon The Court has taken m to conslderatlon the followmg passage other than those of w blch tho person has been flom the H lgh Court Judgm ent - lnform ed m accordance w lth thls rule '' In the Code of R egulatlons Chapter G -D lsclphne undm As we have already m entloned, lt ls com m on ground that the headmg içltem oval from the Reglster of Teqchers'' agam under the Act the Conm usslon ls both the em ployer of the lule 3 provldes as follows - teachers and the body entrusted wlth dlscm lmary authorlty 'isvhen lt com es to the knowledge of qn agent of the over them In com lng to tho concluslon that M lss K ebato Comm lsslon that a teacher appears to be unsultable fol was gullty of m lsconduct and ln lm posm g the pum shm ent further employm ent as a teacher on any of the grounds of three m onths' suspenslon the Com mlsslon was m erely carrym g out the duttes tmposed on tt by the Act Havm g referred to m paragraph 1, he shall tm m edlately- com e to that concluslon, the Comm lsslon was m our vlew (1) serve on the teacher a notlce of mterdlctlon speclfymg junctus tp/lc/tp No appeal lay from 1ts declslon, and wlule the allegatlons agalnst hlm , lt was open to 1t, If lt thought fit, to reconslder the declslon, (11) send a copy of the notlce of mterdlctlon to the jt could not be compelled to do so A s a body exelcsm g Comm lsslon , and quasl-ludlclal functlons, lt had com pleted 1ts task (111) send a copy of the notlce of mterdlctlon to the But that does not, w e thm k, m any w ay preclude the Provm clal Educatlon Oë cer ' posslblhty of Ka dlspute or dlfl'el ence' arlsm g ln term s of the Trade Dlsputes Act N othmg can plevent a teacher who has D lm ng the proceedlngs before the Court no evldence was been dlsclphned from feelmg aggrleved lf she ls so m m ded produced to show that an agent of the C om m lsslon had m stl- and m anlfestly the Unlon ls entltled, lf lt thlnks Iit , tuted actlon agalnst M lss K ehato In fact the w hole dlspute as , to take presented to the Court started on 11th M arch 1968, when the up her gnevance wlth the em ployel But the dlspute or Pennanent Secretal'y for Educatlon personally slgned and dlference ls then not wlth tlle Conm usslon m 1ts quasl- delw ered a letter of suspenszon to M lss Kehato and asked her Judlmal capalnty but m 1ts capaclty as an em ployer It seem s to leave the school com pound by noon on 12th M arch 1968 to us that once the Conum sslon m 1ts quasl-ludlclal capaclty Nb explanatlon was tendered by the Respondents at tlns extra- as a dlsclpllnary authorlty has glven 1ts declslon m favour of ordm ary belzavlour of the Pelmanent Secretary who, of a11 tlze suspenslon, then m 1ts executlve capaclty qua em ployer tt people, should know that lt was not palt of hls dutles sm ce has a legal rlght to carry out the declslon or not Just as ln the creatron of tlle Teachers' Servlce C om m lsslon to act ln the the 5013th Shlelds case the em ployer had a legal nght elther m anner he d1d A dm lttedly h1s letter was followed up by to up-glade the em ployee or to keep h1m ln hls exlstmg glade Thereafter as between t'he Com m lssxon and the U m on another letter on 12th M arch 1968, from the Com mlsslon to the dlspute was a m atter of negotlatlon as to the practlcal M lss Kehato whlch becam e the efïectwe m terdlctlon of M lss steps to be taken wlth regard to the teacher's future em ploy- K ehato and 1ed to her suspenslon from duty m ettt W ltett the U m on ott behalf of tts m om bev protested In the norm al course of events an m egulal act on the part agalnss the penalty of three m onths' suspenslon, It was not of tlle Perm anent Secretaly whlch was subsequently rectlfied by so much challenglng the declslon of the dlsclphnary authonty the Teachers.' Servlce Comm lsslon would be of no consequence as representlng that m the m tereqts em ployer em ployee but lt rather assum es som e lm portance m the plesent dispute relatlons St was m expedlent that the declslon should be carned becauge there appears to be no com plam t agam st M lss Kehato out And when the Comm lsslon agreed to refer the m atter to from 'an agent of the C om m lsslon unless lt was to be con- the Industnal Court, It does not seem to us that lt was m strtzed tirat the Perm anent SecretaTy was m fact actm g as an any way delegatm g to tlle Industrlal Court the exermse of the quam-luchclal functlons lm posed on lt by Parllam ent agent-of the Com mlsslon In the afolesald rule 3 of the Code , but of Regulatlons, lt ls clearly provlded that the notlce would be lt was rather leavmg to the demslon of that Court, as Parlla- serv'ed on the teacher speclfymg the allegatlons agalnst h1m and m ent m tended when lt enacted the Tlade D lsputes Act the a copy of the sald notlce of m terdlctlon sent to the Com m ls- declslon of the practlcal questlon as to the m anner ln w, hlch slon and to the Provlnclal Educatlon Oë cer N one of these the teacher as em ployee should be tleated by ltself as requllements appear to have been comphed wlth In fact there em ployer '' 17th O dober 1969 rH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 1027

The Court finds that the Respondents' oblectlons are taken The Respondents answeled the aforesald resolutlon by care of by the aforesald passage from the H lgh Court Judgm ent rem m dlng the Clam m nts that they had m ade provlslon for the and therefore overrules them paym ent of agreed house allowance ln thelr 1967 and 1968 estlm ates but these had not been approved by the M m lstry of In the present dlspute the Coul t finds that the ploper plo- Local Governm ent The Clalmants waxted another few m onths cedure as lald down ln the C ode ol R egulatlons and of tne and then declared a dlspute once agazn on thls m atter A s a R ules was not strlctly com plled w zth as a result of whlch M lss result of a further conclhatlon m eetm g the partles declded to K ehato dld not get a falr heanng as ls lntended that a teachel refer the dlspute to the Industrlal Court should get under the R ules The Court cannot overrule the posslblhty, m vlew of the ongm of thls dlspute, that there ls On the evldence before lt the Court ls satlsûed that the m ore to lt than m eets the eye R espondents have repeatedly m ade attem pts to seek the approval of the M lnlstl'y of Local G overnm ent to the paym ent In these clrcum stances, and havlng carefully conszdel ed all of the agreed house allowance to m em bers of thelr staff lt the facts and the vanous subm lsslons m ade by the partles, the m ay be that the estlm ates have not been approved because of Court has com e to the concluslon that the suspen slon of M lss other expendlture lncluded by the Respondents therem regardlng K ehato should not be ca1 ned lnto effect the provlslon and extenslon of new and exlstm g servlces but the fact rem alns that the M m lstry of Local Governm ent has not G w en thls 13th day of O ctober 1969 approved the R espondents' estnnates for the years 1967, 1968 and 1969, the reason belng that the R espondents w ere belng SA EED R CO CK AR estlm atm g for a very large deficlt and dtë cultles w ere bem g Presàent experlenced over these estlm ates E P GIRTATA , Durlng the pl oceedmgs before the Court 170th partles agreed M Rs S LU K A LO , that the dlspute was not whether housm g allowance should be M em bels pald but when lt should be pald The Court apprecm tes the reasons for whlch the M mlstl'y of Local G overnm ent has not approved the esttm ates for the three years as stated above, but conslders lt very unfortunate that the workers have not yet GAZE'Iq'E N oerlcs N o 3191 been pald thelr houslng allowance based on the aforesald agleem ent TH E IN DU STRIA L COURT The Coult was lnfol m ed that the M lnlstry of Local G overn- m ent had approped a slm llar house allow ance for several other CAusB No 14 oF 1969 county counclls That bem g the case the Court feels that the Partles M m lstl'y should approve the paym ent of thls allowance wzthout delaylng lt any further The workers have walted for a long K enya Local G overnm ent W olkels' U nlon tlm e for thls benefit to be pald to them w lthout havlng resorted to m dustrlal actlon and lt ls only but falr that thelr patlence and should not be taxed too far A fter a careful conszderatlon of Slllkwa County Councll al1 the facts and subm lsslons m ade by the partles, the Court aw ards that the w orkers should be pald thelr house allowance Issue IrI dkspute as agreed wlth the R espondents on or before 30th June 1970 In m aklng thls award the Court has taken m to conslderatlon Fallure by Slrlkwa C ounty Councll to pay hou ye allowance the fact that the M m lstry wlll have the opportunlty of approv- as agreed betw een the C ouncll and the U nlon m g thls paym ent m the 1970 esttm ates and also that negotlatlons 1 The K enya Local Governm ent W orkers tpnlort shall hele- on several m atters m cludm g housm g allow ance have elther com - m after be referred to as the Clalm ants and the Slnkw a C ounty m enced or are due to com m ence betw een the Clalm ants and Councll shall herem after be referled to as the Respondents the vanous county counclls through tlle Assoclatlon of Local G overnm ent Em plovers 2 The partles were heard ln N alrobl on the 2nd day of Septem ber 1969, and rehed on thelr w rltten and verbal D ated thls 14th day of O ctober 1969 sublm sslons SAEED R COCK AR AwAlto Ivesàent A s a result of repl esentatlons m ade by the C lalm ants on L J DEACON , behalf of thelr m em bers to the R espondents datlng back to H oN K M U N YI, M P , M arch 1965, an agreem ent was leached on 11th July 1966, M em bets between the partles on paym ent of houslng allowance to staf llvlng wlthm the M unlclpahtles of Eldoret and K ltale GAZETTE N on cE N o 3192 The rates agreed to be pald are as follows - J f f TH E IN DU STRIA L COU RR 56 per year for those ealnm g less than 500 CAusE N o 30 oF 1969 42 per year for those earnlng between 500 & 750 Partles - 48 per year for those earnlng between 750 & 1,000 Kenya U nlon of Com m ermal Food and Allled W orkers 54 per year for those ealnmg between 1,001) & 1,200 (Clatmants) 60 per year for those earnlng ovel 1,200 and It ls clearly recorded ln the m lnutes of the relevant m eetm g B A T Kenya Ltd (Respondentsj as follow s - R ULING $tThe U nlon slde w lshed that the allow ance be back dated to 1st M ay 1966, but the Councll slde stated that as a The Court has been asked by the partles to determ lne for supplem entary estm late % ould have to be passed there would them what the lssues ln dlspute are between them for reference be no chance of the M lnlstry of Local G overnm erLt approvm g to the Industrlal Court 80th al e agreed on the three lssues thls suggestlon and advlsed that the allowances should becom e of salary and wages, duratlon and etlkctlve date of agreem ent payable wlth efïect from 1st July 1966, sublect to approval but the Clammnts m sqst on two further lssues, 1 e the efect of belng recelved ' devaluatlon of the pound sterhng on provzdent fund and am endm ent to recogmtlon agreement so as to m clude staff m Sm ce the aforesald agl eem ent the C latm ants have perslstently G rades A , B and C to be mcluded m the dlspute Tlle followed lt up for 1ts lmplementatlon whlle the lkespondents Respondents strongly oblect to the latter two ltem s bem g have not been able to m mlem ent lt because desplte thelr havm g lncluded as lssues ln dlspute m ade suëclent provlslon ln the 1967 estlm ates for paym ent of these allowances these n ere not approved by the M m lstl'y of The Respondents m oblectlng to these two ltem s have argued Local G overmnent that the procedure lald down for the m odé catlon or am end- m ent of the recognltlon agreem ent requlrm g one m onth's notlce A t one tm ze ln 1967 the C lalm ants becam e so desperate about o the other party wlth detalls of the proposed am endm ent has the repeated requests for the lm plem entatlon of th( agreem ent 4ot been comphed wlth It ls clear therefore that the that they w ere forced to leport the exlstence of the dlspute Clalm anl x wele trym g to arbltranly abrogate agreem ents over thls lssue to the M lnlstry of Labour A concllm tor w as eached b'afween them and the R espondents on llth August appom ted and at a conclllatlon m eetlng the Respondents m ade 1959, revlowed ln June 1962, revlsed ln October 1962, revlewed lt clear that they had no dlspute wlth the Clalm ants but the galn ln M arch 1966 and supported by agreements between delay was belng caused by the M lnlstry of Local G overnm ent khe Federatlon Of K enya Em ployers and the K enya Federatlon w hlch had not yet approved the supplem entary esttm ates The of Labour (now COTU (K)) The Respondents submltted that Rcspondents, how ever, undertook to speed up tbe m atter and ' he recognltlon agreem ent between the partles clearly excluded lm plem ent the agreed house allowances The whdnle of that epresentatlon of Grades A, B and C by the Clalm ants unless year passed wlthout the agreem ent bem g Im plem ented and the agreem ent was m odlfied or lesclnded by m utual agreem ent and Clalm ants m O ctober 1968 passed a very strong rebolutlon con the Coult could not and should not accept thls xssue as a dls- dem nlng the delaylng tactlcs m volved and urged the ltespondents pute contrary to the tenns of negotlated agreement betweçn to honour the agreem ent the tw o partles 1028 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 171+ O dober 1969

On the second lssue regardm g the eûect of devaluataon of QIAZBTTB '4oTlce ':o 3162 the pound sterhng on pl ovldent fund, the Respondents sub- m ltted that thls ltem was not negotlable wlth the Clalmants who had been accorded only consultatlons Thls thel efore could EM T AFRICAN RA ILW AY S CORPORATION not be an lssue m dlspute wlth the Clalm ants The only way m whlch provldent fund could becom e negotxable was through TBNDERS FoR D IESEL LocoM oTlvEs am endment to the negotzated agreem ent and ln accordance wlth clause 8 The Respondents further referred to rules 13 and 25 TH E East Afncan Rm lways Corporatlon proposes to pur- of the Provldent Fund R ules and argued that m the event of chase 70 dlesel locom otw es com pnslng 15 Large M am Lm e, any dlspute the m atter should be refelred to arbltratlon, wluch 20 M edlum M am Llne, 10 Small M am Lme, 10 Shuntmg/Tnp arintratlon w ould be subjt'ct to the A rbltlatlon A ct of K enya and 15 Shuntmg locom otwes For these reasons they asked the Court to rule that lt could not entertam these tw o lssues m the present dlspute Thls reqm rem ent for dlesel locom otlves form s part of tlle program m e for m oderm zatlon and developm ent of the ratlway 'I'he Clalm ants, on the other hand, stated that they had glven system m the four-year perlod 1969/72 Fmance for the pro- am ple notlce to the Respondents of thelr mtentlon to am end gram m e ls bem g found partly from lnternal iesources and the lecogm tlon agreem ent and leferred to the subsequent m eet- lngs that had taken place when thls m atter had been dlscussed negotlated partly from multllateral sources (mcludmg the They produced m C ourt a handw lltten record of m m utes of I B R D ) and partly fl om bllateral sources several m eetlngs w hlch they had held w lth the R espondents Offers of bllatel al inance for the purchase of dlesel loco- from 4th June to 20th June 1969, ln respect of thelr contentlon m otlves have already been the sublect of correspondence be- that the R espondents had been aw are a1l along of what am end- tween the East A frlcan Com m unlty and a num ber of forezgn m ents they w anted to the recogm tlon agreem ent and that countrles represented m East Afrlca Prospectlve tenderers are provldent fund m atter had also been dlscussed 80th these thel efore advlsed to consult thelr governm ents concernlng the ltem s had been agreed to be lefen ed to the M m lstry of Labour term s of any Enanclal a1d whlch wl1l reqm re to be O ken mto for conclhatlon along wlth other ltem s They subm ltted that conslderatlon the C ourt had ruled m the banks dlspute that w here partles could not m utually agree upon am endm ents to a recogm tlon Interested tendel els are m vlted to apply for tender docu- agreem ent then 1he lndust) lal C oult had Jurlsdlctlon to entel m ents from the East Afrlcan Rallways Corporatlon Overseas tam and declde such a dlspute Agents at the followmg address - On the m atter of the effect of devaluatlon of the pound The Overseas Purchasm g Dm slon, East M ncan Rallways sterhng on provldent fund the Clalm ants conceded that thls was Corpolatlon, 4, M lllbank, London S W 1 a consultatlve m atter but refel red the Court to the vanous dlscusslons that had taken place betw een the partles over a The apphcatlons together wlth a nom lnnl fee of f20 sterlm g year ago and how the m atter had been referred to the M m lstry per specé catlon set, 1 e for M am Lme or Shuntmg/Tnp or of Labour as a dlspute on 27th M ay 1968 Subsequently when Shuntm g locom otlves, m ust be recewed at the London oë ce the m atter had agam cropped up on 4th June 1969 dulm g on or before the 19th N ovem ber 1969 A pphcatlons recelved negotlatlons the R espondents had refused to dlscuss lt on the after that date wlll not be consldered Com pleted tender docu- ground that the matter was alreqdy m the hands of the Labour m ents must be returned to the London oë ce of the Overseas M m lstry The Clalm ants had agam leported a trade dxspute Purchaslng D lvlslon so as to arrw e not later tllan 1 p m on and a conclhator had been appolnted and as no agreem ent has been reached the Clalm ants were left wlth thelr rem edy at the the date slaou n on the tender docum ents Industnal Court The Court has very carefully gone through the docum ents B N GA KU O, produced by the partles and the submlsslons m ade by them on D lrector G eneral the two ltem s m dlspute and has com e to the concluslon that am endm ents to recognltlon agreem ent so as to lnclude staff m Grades A , B and C for unlon repl esentatlon should also be m cluded as an lssue m dlspute before the C oul t The C ourt ls satlsfied that adequate notlce had been glven to the R espondents by the Clalm ants on the am endm ents whlch they deslred and that dunng subsequent dlscusslons they had m ade thelr posltlon CIAZETrE èfoTlcB lfo 3193 very clear to the R espondents who, however, could not accept the proposed am endm ents TH E EAST AFRICAN LICEN SIN G Ol7 AIR SERVICES On the m atter of the effect of devaluatlon of the pound R EGU LATION S 1965 sterlm g on provldent fund, the Court finds that as lt ls an ltem whlch at present ls not open to negotlatlon wlth the Clalm ants N olqcs or A ppLlcATlox FoR A LICENCE TO OPERATE lt cannot glve rlse to a tlade dlspute The Clalm ants have m AN AIR SERVICE fact accepted that provldent fund ls a consultatlve m atter only Furtherm ore, the rules of the provldent fund contam a pro- PURSUAN T to the provlslons of regulatlons 6 and 7 of the vlslon m rule 25 that any dlspute legardlng the rules and East A fncan Llcensm g of Alr Servlces Regulatlons 1965, notlce m terpretatlon thereof or any m atter allsm g thel eout or con- js gwen that U ganda A vmtxon Servlces D m lted, 20 K am pala nected therewlth should be refcn ed m the event of deadlock Road P O Box 2142 K am pala Uganda has apphed to the to arbltratlon Thls w ould be sublect to the A lbltratlon A ct East Afrlcan Clvll Avlatlon Board for the vanatzon of jts whlch A ct does not apply to ploceedlngs undel the Trade Inclum e Tour A1r Servlce Llcence N o CA B 68 so as to perrm t Dlsputes Act 1965 The Court rules that thls matter ls not lt to opelate, ïnteî alta lncluslve tour fhghts from Entebbe to capable of bem g ralsed as a trade dlspute under the present the U ganda, Kenya and Tanzanla gam e parks wlth a condltlons A s lt 1s, the w olkers a1e not w lthout a lem edy as D H Heron or a Douglas C 47 type of alrcraft (Capaclty per any m em ber who ls dlssatlsfied regal dm g h1s provldent fund ancraft per fhght not to exceed 36 passengers ) The passengers appears to be ln a posltlon to take the m atter to albltratlon w1ll be restlleted solely to persons arnvm g m East M nca by as lazd down m rule 25 Thls ztem accordlngly ls lelected flom charter fllghts or under 1TX Fares the present dlspute The apphcant requests a hcence for seven years wzth effect 'I'he Court rules that tl3e dlspute should proceed to hearyng flom 1st Janualy 1970 on the followlng four lssues - It ls fulther noté ed that any representatlons or oblectlons 1 Salary and wages wlth regard to thls appllcatlon m ust be made to the Bast Afrlcan Cm l Avmtlon Board at the oK ce of the East Afncan 2 Iluratlon of agreenlent Comm unlty, P O Box 1002, Arusha, Tanzama, not later than Efectlve date of agreenlent 31d N ovem bel 1969 Every such representatlon or oblectlon shall state thc specé c gl ounds on whlch lt ls based, and shall 4 Am endm ent to recognltlon agleem ent so as to glve the speclfy any condltlons whlch lt m ay be deslred should be Clalm ants the rlght to negotlate on behalf of staff m attached to the hcence lf granted A copy of every such repre- G rades A , B and C sentatlon or oblectlon shall be sent by the person m akm g the sam e to the apphcant of the llcence at tbe sam e ttm e as lt ls Dated tlus 13th day of Ektobel 1969 sent to tbe East A fncan C m l A vlatlon Board

SAEED R COCK AR D ated at Aruslla thzs 7tb day of October 1969 P'esldellt

J C ODA GA, R S 'NYAGA , F E OM ID O, Secretal v M em bels East xd./plclz0 O vll Avnatlon Boatd 17+ (M tober 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 1029

(IAZZITE ';oTIcB ';o 3194 I-H IE TRAN SPORT LICEN SIN G ACT (Cap 404) TH E underm entloned apphcatlons were approved by the Trahsport Llcensm g Board m eetlng held at the Klsum u County Councll H all on 15th and 16th September 1969 M M M ULW BYE, Execut've O'cer Transport Z lcerlwag B oard RoAo SBRvlce LlcENcEs KS/R/ 57 /69- Dame1 Amlanl, P O Tm k.l vla Klslzmu Route 10466- Patr1ck Onyango Ocheng, P O Box 435, Klsum u K alm osz - H am lsl - Gam bogl K lsumu (Two R oute Change of present tlm etable to a new vehlcles, 7 passengers each ) tlm etable Plesent route Klsum u-t-uanda-Ram ula- 58/69- Stephen M mnzrl P O Box 791, K11 ale Route Ndon - Ram M anywanda (KDR 376, 56 K ltale - Cheranganl - K lbuswo - Znka - Eldoret passengels ) (One vehlcle, 36 passengers ) 7207- K 1* 0 Bus Servlce P O Box 463, Kltale 64/ 69- Ko1yet Peugeot Servlce, P O Box 144, Sotlk Varlatlon of route to add Klnuhh Bungom a-Buma Route K olwa - Soslot - Chepslr - Gdegele Settle- Present route Swam-Kltale (KLA 330, 36 passengers ) ment - Gelegele - Sottk - Chepslr - Kencho (Four 9215- Ges1m a Power M llls, P O Box 96, K lsn Route vehlcles, 6 passengers each ) (2) Roule Londmnl Part two Klsn - G eslma - K eroka - Klsn - Sondu - Lumbwa - Kerlcho - - Longlsa (Two Klsumu (Two vehlcles ) (3) Vanatlon of route vehlcles, 12 passengers each ) to add K lsll Oyugls Present route G eslm a- 65/69- W 1111$1m Ande Opatl, P O Box 19, Keblrlgo-lkonge-sondu (But not Klstl-oyugls ) Route Kaknmega-Klsumu (K LA 32, 7 passengel s ) 3849- A1ex1us Zakana, P O Box 1257, K uumu Route 66/69- Jared Abednego Ayulu and Jalro Ayuku, P O U sanba - Alego - N dele - N blya - K adlaa - Yala - Box 90, Yala Route K lsa-Kak àm ega--l-urbo- K lsum u - A hero - K lblgorl - Sonbor - M uhorom M abusl - Trans Nzoia - K ltale Settlem ent A rea (KCX 397, 55 passengers ) (2) Route Klsumu- (KM J 930, 11 passengers, and one m ore vehlcle Klbos - M lwam - Nandl Hllls - Songhor (KDN of 11 to 16 passengers ) 636, 7 passengers ) 68/69- K1tongo arap Lagat, P O Box 30, 12844- Ehsha Am bam P O Box 1409, Klsum u Route Route K apsabet - Chepterltl Nlejek - Eldoret - K lsum u M am boleo M arket - M lwanl - K lblgon M olben (K -passenger velncle ) Statlon-chem ehl Sugar Factory-M uhorom Factory (Ono vehlcle, 15 passengers ) (2) Route Klsumu- 69/ 69- 'K1mutaz arap M antlm , P O Box )43, Kerlcho A hero - Awasl - Chem ehl Sugar Factory - M uhorom Route Kaboson - Sotlk - K encho (7-passengel Sugar Factol'y (KHP 837 ) vehlcle ) 2909- Ram an1a1 B Chauhan, P O Box 233, K encho 72/ 69- Paul M achl Ngetlch, P O Box 1054, Eldoret R oute Lum bwa-K ellcho-Kapknnolwa (KM E 424, Route Cheptent - Sangalo - K ubol - Kablem lt - 52 passengels ) (2) Route Lumbwa - Sotjk N dalat - Chepterzt - Cheptant - Blrlclnet (KKQ 589, 52 passengers ) Kapsabet-Nandl (One vehlcle, 7 passengers ) 7o30- N am ango and Ccp , P O Box 46, Bungom a 75/69- Josphat Buluku Ablha, P O Box 130, M aragoh R oute Buyofu - K hasoko - N am bale - Bungom a - Route Sabatla - Chavakah - M aleago - M aku- - Chwele - Busla - Klmll1ll (KLE 440, tano - Chavakah - Kalmosl - Banla (7-passenger 7 passengers ) velucle ) 5704- W 1lson K Chepkonga, P O Box 537, Eldoret 76/69- 1-1 M Osman, P O Box 67, Bungoma Route Route Chepkorlo - Eldoret - Kapsabet - Kerlcho - Bungoma-M llmlas Chwele-Kakamega (KLF 498, 7 Lessos - Nandl Hllls - M uhorom (KHU 270, 36 passengers ) passengers ) TLB 1285& -OnJonga Anyango, P O Box 94, K erlcho Route 3126- Stephen N yansela and Bros , P O Box 568, Klsu Londlanl - K encho - Ikonge - Sondu - K ltlto - R oute N arok - N yachekz - Kzsn - Nyam alya - Nyakwere (sz-passenger vehlcle ) North M oglrango Kuruma (s6-passenger vehzcle ) 77/69- Thomas Ongachl, P O Box 188, BtLtere Route 85 / 69- Obero and Sons, Uranga Tradmg Centre, P O Butere - Kakamega - M umlas - Butere (Kt A 802, Prlvate Bag, U ranga R oute U songa - N dere - 7 passengers ) Ngyya - Yala - Maseno - Kzsumu (7-passenger 81/69- Samue1 Amukhoye Aronya, P O B()x 275, Yala vehlcle ) Route Eshlatsala - Khwesero - li lubaho (30- llor --ogutu Ogana, P O Uranga v1a Ukwala Vanatlon passenger vehlcle ) of route to add U songa-Klsumu Present route 82/69- K.1bet arap Lagat, P O Box 1, Id oey 's Bndge Sldundo - U ranga - Bora - N dere - Rangala - R oute Eldoret - Soy - H oey's Bndge - K ltale Ugunla - Nzola - Bumala - Busla (KDQ 918, (K LF 581, 7 passengers ) 36 passengers ) 83/69- Yusuf Adaro, P O Box 62, Bungoma Route 11451- Rabm at K han and S O Joslah, P O Box 218, K ltale - K am ukuywa - M lslkhu - Broderlck Falls - K lsum u Vanatlon of route to add Chepkm yun Bungom a - Buyofu M arket N am bale - Busla (2) To lncrease the passenger-carrylng capaclty from 37 to 56 passengers Present route K lsum u- (KGC 480, 7 passengers ) M lwam Songhor - Nandl Hzlls (KHL 317, 37 6517- M awm go Bus Servlce, P O Box 51, Bungom a R o passengers ) lncrease the passenger-carrymg capaclty from 19 3411- Oduor Orengo, 17 O Box 451, K encho Part two to 56 passengers Present route Bulagom a Butere- To m crease the passenger-carrym g capaclty from Eldoret-Kltale-n sumu (K LF 698, 19 passengers ) 13 to 26 passengers Present route K encho- 4458- Bakokj Bus Servlce, P O Box 303, K ltale 7 o Klsumu (KDK 787, 13 passengers ) m crease the passenger-carrylng capaclty from 18 to NB/R/ 81/ 69- M ark Klmalot Chemal, P O Kabxyet v1a 37 passengers Present route K ltale - N dalu - Eldoret Route K ablyet - Cheptant - K apsabet Naltln-M lslkhu Klmlhll (KM G 29, 18 passengers ) Eldoret (KCY 720, 7 passengers ) ''Ike followm g apphcatzons w ere refused - KS/R/56/69- Joseph John Kzbun, P O Sondu 9020- Basl1an Im ran M Sallm , P O Box 201, Kakam ega 58/69- Stephen M mrun, P O Box 791, Kltgtle 60/69- .1 S Osoro Asatj, M atamayua School, P O 84/ 6g- M arakwet Unlted Bus Co , P O Cheblemlt vm K eroka vla K lm! Eldoret 59/ 69- J S Sakong, P O Box 367, Bungoma 7040- N 1cho1as 0 Ogola, P O Box 746, Klsum u 61/69--Ochola Nyawanga, W angapala Rhool, P O 7207- K.1r1 0 Bus Servjce, P O Box 463, Kztale K abondo 9215- Ges1m a Power M llls Ltd , P O Box 96, K lsll 62/69- Trans Nzma Qulck Servlce, P O Box 791, Kltale 9822- Ag01a. Bus Servlce, P O Box 162, Yala 67/69- Stephen Abuga, M anga M arket, P O M anga vta. 14368- Ekuasubu M K ebaso, P O M anga v1a Klsn K lsll 4651- K1p1agat arap Ruto, P O Box 182, Bldoret 70/69-+ James N yongesa, P O Box 295, Kltale 71/69- Franms W ekesa, c/ o Jamhurl Bus Servlce, P O 86/ 6g- n kamega Peugeot Servlce, P O Box 416, Box 27, K m uhh K akam ega 73/69- .1 Edwm Odole Nyakmda, P O Box 86, Klsumu 4157- D av1d Gachoka, P O Box 463, K ltale 74/69- K.1s11 Express Servzce, P O Kendu Bay 30/ 6g- peterson Nyangweso Aglh and Co , Kaklslngn TLB 1285& -O nJonga A nyango, P O Box 94, Ik erlcho Locatlon, P O H om a Bay 78/69- K1tongo A Lagat and Co , P O Box 30, 31 / 69--Char1es Om olo and M lchael H Ochlengu Sondu Kapsabet Afrlcan Butcher Traders Co Ltd , P O Kasum u 79/ 69- Lambwe Valley Peugeot Sem ce Co , P O Box 817, 36/69- Ag1a Ayoo, P O Ukwala K lnum u 3411- Ounor Orengo, P O Box 451, K encho 1030 TH E K EN YA G AZETTE 17th O ctober 1969

ROAD SERVICE LICENCES--IC/NJJ ) The followm g appllcatlons were defel red KS/R/63/69- Pau1 A Klget, P O Box 144, Sotlk 87 / 6g- southern Express Bus Sm vzce, P O M armdl, 80/69- Hen1'y M lgallza, P O Box 215, M aragoll S N yanza TLB 13646- Sorget M pya Bus U nlt, P O Box 43, Londlam 11460- Ph1hs1ka W anllru, P O Box 463, K ltale

$tB'' CARRIBRS' LlcBxcEs TLB 13472- S1gor Bus Serwce, P O Box 243, K erlcho 67/69- Bhadurah Shwll Jamal, P O Box 12, Homa Bay Vanatzon of route to add Nyanza and Eastern Carnage of a1l goods Route South N yanza Provlnces Plesent route Rtft Valley Provm ce and Nyanza Klsll Klsumu Dlstncts (One vehlcle, 7 to Nalrobl (KLG 467, 13,180 lb , KLD 632, tons, sublect to productlon of cltlzenshlp 12,950 lb ) celté cate ) KS/B/53/69- W eyete Estates, P O Box 152, Kltale Canlage 8642- E11ud A Chepkwony, P O Box 2, Bom et of farm produce and all goods R oute T rans V anatlon of route to add N yanza Provm ce, for Nzola-W estern Provmce-Eldoret ('/-ton vehlcle ) carrlage of all goods Present route Bom et- 54/69- Thomas Gamra Lungaho, P O Box 134, Kaka- Lumbwa Klsumu (KDQ 228, 13,530 lb ) (2) m ega Carnage of al1 goods R oute Kakam ega- R oute K erzcho - m ft V alley - South N yanza - Klstunu - K lsu - K ltale - Kerlcho - Eldolet - W estern Provmces Klsumu Dlstrlct (KM K 481, Buma-N akuru (7- to lo-ton vehlcle ) 14,180 lb ) 58 / 69- EhJah Sagala M udln, P O Box 395, Kakamega 9609- Ronga1 W orkshop and -1 ransport Ltd , P O Box C arnage of all goods R oute K akam ega 6015, Rongal Carrlage of farm produce and all Bungoma - Busla - Klsumu - Kltale (7- to 10 ton goods R oute N akuru - Barm go - K encho - vehlcle ) K lsu - Slnkwa - N yandarua - Lalklm a - N alrobl 59/69- Spare Stores, P O Box 1350, Klsumu (2) Vanatlon of route to add to carry petroleum Carrlage of a11 goods Route K lsumu Nyanza products from Caltex depots to consum ers only Provm ce-W estern Provm ce and K erlcho D lstrlct wlthm Kenya Present route N akulw Barm go- (KDM 236, 13,210 lb ) Kencilo-Nyandarua-sm kwa Dlstncts (KAG 366, 60/69- Tawaka11 Farmers, P O Klbos Carnage of al1 14,410 lb , KAG 367, 14,610 lb ) (3) Vanatzon of goods R oute K lbos-W estern Provm ce Kencho route to add N yandarua-Lalklpla-slrlkwa-K lsll- Dlstrlct-Nyanza Provlnce (Two vehlcles, 6 to 7 Klsn and N yanza D lstnct, for carrlage of al1 goods tons each ) Plesent loute N akuru-Balmgo Dlstllct, for al1 61 / 69- Johana alap Kamomg, Slhbwet M arket, P O goods , gas from Rongay to K lsu and al1 goods Bom et Carrlage of all goods Route Bom et-lklft wlthln Kencho and Sotzk Dlstnct (KHC 250, Valley P1 ovlnce-south N yanza-central N yanza and 16,230 lb ) W estern Plovmces (KM M 677, 14,38: lb ) lglS- Benlam m M aohlo, P O Shlanda, 'vla K akam ega 63/ 69- Henry Klmwel, P O Box 603, Eldoret Carrmge Varlatlon of route to add Broderlck Falls to of tlm ber, farm produce, petrol olls and all goods Eldoret, for calnage of al1 goods Present route Route Rlft Valley-Nalrobz and Nyanza Provlnce W estern Provlnce-M um las-K lsum u, also for carn (Two vehlcles, 7 to 10 tons each ) (2) Route Rlft age of lloul and fresh frmts and vegetables be- Valley-W estern Provmces-Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 8 tween Bloderlck Falls and Bldoret (KLA 58, to 10 tons ) (3) Route Rlft Valley and Nyanza 11,560 lb ) Provmces-Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 8 to 10 tons ) 87/69- Tackton M unala, P O Box 1, M aseno Carnage 62/ 6g- M ahmoud Nur, P O Box 5, Kltale Calrlage of of all goods Route M aseno-W tstern Provlnce- farm produce and all goods Route K ltale--frans N yanza Provm ce-K lsum u Dlstnct-slaya D lstrlct- N zola Dlstllct - Eldoret U asm Glshu Dlstrlct Btlsla Dlstrlct-lc ncho Dlstrlct (KDM 344, (KGN 377, 12,020 lb ) 1,445 lb ) 64/69- M atunwa Traders and Transpol ters Co , P O Box 68 / 69- Peter Rugu Nloroge, P O Box 594, Kltale Carn- 76, K lstl C alnage of al1 goods R oute N yanza, age of a11 goods Route K ltale-rfrans N zola R lft V alley, W estern, C entral and Eastern Pro- Dlstnct-ltapengurla (s-ton vehlcle ) vlnces and Nalrobl (Three vehlcles, 10 tons each and three trallel s, 15 tons each ) 70/ 6g- Ephrahml M uthungu Ndegwa, P O Box 354, 66/69- Athanas1o Ongongo, Gendla Secondaly School, K ltale Carnage of a11 goods Route K ltale P O K endu Bay Cari lage of al1 goods Route Trans Nzola (4,480 lb vehlcle ) N yanza Plovlnce, K erlcho D lstllct and to N akul u 72/69- A M waura, P O Box 311, Kakamega Carnage Townshlp (One vehlcle, 7 tons ) of farm produce and a1l goods Route W estern Provlnce N yanza Provlnce-Rlft Valley Provlnce 14212- K 1ptonu1 alap K osltany, Chollhs School, P O Lltem R oute K erlcho K lsu South N yanza and (KCU 63, 7,570 lb ) Klsumu Dlstrlcts (KDH 323, 13,410 lb ) 9215- Geslm a Power M xlls Ltd , P O Box 96, Kasn 10248- An1t.1 Owala, P O Box 233, K akam ega Vanatlon Carrlage of farm produce, shop goods, soda., otl, of route to add K akam ega to K lsum u D lstnct clgal ettes and all goods Route K lsn D lstrlct- Present loute W estern Provmce (KCU 405, K lsum u South N yanza D lstnct-K erlcho D lstrlct- 14,070 lb ) Lumbwa Nakuru (One vehlcle, 7 tons , and one 13057- R euben O Oyondl, P O Box 485, K lsll Carllage more of 15,680 lb ) of all goods and bulldlng m atellals R oute K 1s11- 73/69- )oseph M Nloroge, P O Box 156, Kellcho Carrl- Nyanza Provlnce Klsumu (7-ton vehlcle ) age of farm produce, shop goods, bulldm g ls7l- M ohamud Ism azl, P O M aralal Calrlage of farm m atelzals and al1 goods Route K encho-sottk- produce, bm ldm g m atenals and a1l goods R oute Lum bwa - Bom et - Lltem - Londlanl M olo - M alalal - Sam buru D lstllct - R lft V alley - M aralal - Nakul u-Nalvasha (7 ton vehlcle ) N alrobl - North-Eastern - Central Plovmces (KKS 6273- M ungaI W am ugl, P O Box 246, K erlcho Carnage 739, 19,000 lb , K LD 591, 13,550 lb , K K M 637, of all goods Route K erlcho - K lsum u - K lsll - 13,550 lb ) Eldoret (KDK 475, 13,820 lb ) The followm g apphcatlons were refused -

KS/B/ 55/69- M med Abas Issa, Pnvate Bag, P O M arala l3c zl--M wanyagetmge Tlanspolters Co , P O Box 117, 56/ 69- John M okundl Rao, P O Box 5430, Kampala Sotlk 57/69- M arakwet Hlghland Sawmlll, Cheptongel M arket, 69 / 69- M u1r1 M burunga and G M zntl, Lokltang M arket, P O Chebjem lt P O K ltale 63/69- Hen1y Ktmwel, P 0 Box 603, Eldoret 10/69- M rs Lozue A K M uganda, P O Box 130, 71 / 69- M rs Teudara Nedge, P O Kendu Bay M aragoh TLB l43lo- Am arleet Sm gh Brar, P O Box 1095, Bldoret 74/ 69- Dan1e1 Nganga and Co , Keloka Tradlng Centre, 1787- The Bm ldm g and Tradlng C o Ltd , P O Box 92, P O K eroka Eldoret 7933- 5113 Brlka A malla, P O Box 123, M aragoll The followm g apphcatlons were deferled - KSJB/65/69- Kmkemo1 alap Longlsa, P O Box 59, Sotlk 5665- Am 11a11 Shlvll Jam al, P O Box 12, H om a Bay 9/69- Ahero Tradlng Co , P O Box 4, M aragoll TLB 8043- EhJah A Chebom m , P O Box 61, Sotlk 8297- K hay1 Oburole, P O Box 80, M aseno 17th Od ober 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 1031

GAZB'IR'B N orncB N o 3195 TH E TRAN SPORT LICEN SIN G AG (Cap 404) TH E underm entloned appllcatlons w11l be consldel ed by the Transport Lxcenslng Board at the Em bu County Councll H all l-m bu, on the followlng dates - M onday, 31 d N ovem ber 1969 at 10 a ra , apphcatlons ln I esrect of Road Selvlce Llcences Tuesday , 4th N ovem ber 1969 at 9 a m , appllcatlons m 1 espect of <$B '' Carrlers Llcences E very oblectlon In respect of an appllcatlon shall be lodged wlth the llcensm g autllonty and the dlstrlct com m lssloner of

the dlstnct ln whlch such appllcatlon ls to be heard and a cop./ thereof shall be sent to the appllcant not less than seven days before tèe date of the m eetlng at whzch su( h appllcatlon ls to be heard O blectlons recelved late w lll not be consldered Except phere otherwlse stated, the apphcatlons al e for one vehlcle Ever g obleutor shall mclude the slze and Reglstratzon N um ber of h1s vehlcle (together wlth tlmetables where appllcable) ope ratmg on the appllcant's proposed route Those who submlt appllcatlons m the nam e of partnershlp and companles m ust brlng Certm cate of Regzstratlon to the T L B m eetlng Appll cants who are K enya, Tanzanla or U ganda cltlzens of non-A fl lcan ongln m ust produce thell cltlzenshlp certlfkates or anv other doeum entary proof of their cltlzenshm M M M U LW EYE, Executlve Omcer, Ttanspott D cenxlag B oard, P O Box 30440 N atrobk R oAo SBR: '-E LICBNCBS EM /R/50/69- M 1kah M unyl Kabora, P O Box 42, Embu 68/69- Dedal1 Chege M bugua, P O Box 80, Route K lam urlnga - K lrltlrl - M a$ anga - M acmga - Route G ltbungur! - Em bu - Fort H all - 'rhlka - K lbaa - K lndarum a - Klam bel e - G acoka - Em bu - Nalrobl (7-passenger vehlcle ) Runyem es - Ishlm a M anyatta - K lbugu S1a 69 / 69- S1m on K aranla, K arum andl M arket, P O kago (40- to so-passengêr vehlde l K lanyaga Route G uam a - Kathalya - K utus - 51 /69- K1bugu Land Rover Servlce, P O Box 178, Embu Embu-Klrltlne-M achanga (3z-passenger vehlcle ) Route Klbugu Embu (46-passenger vehlcle ) 70/69- NJogu Kaguru, Plot No 3, Kutus M arket P O 52 /69- Jenattdlo K om u Chtm , K utus M arket, P O Kutus K utus R oute K utus - M ukarara - K arum andl - Route Chuka - Runyenles - Em bu - K utus - K lam utugu - K yanyaga - ltharem l - K erugoya - Sagana - M anyanla - M akuy u - 3 hlka - Nlunla - Kutus Klmblmbl - Klllko - Klamutugu (10- Rulru-Nayrobl (zs-passenger vehlcle ) passenger vehlcle ) 33/ 69- Embu Skyway Touls, c/o P O i3ox 248, Embu 71/ 6g- Ramathanl Kanmls P O Box 84, Embu Route For prlvate hlre wlthln Eastern Plovlnce - Central G altu - Clakarlga - lshlara - Runyenles - Em bu - Provlnce - N anyukl D lstrlct - N akuru D lstrlct - M urang'a - Thlka - Tala - Kagundo - M wala (42- Nalrobl - Embu Dlstrlct (S1x vehx les, 7 passengers passenger vehlcle ) each ) 21 / 69- G at.hua K aruru, P O Box 6, N yen Route â4/69- M wang1 Gaturun and Co , P O Slakago Route M ulrungl - Chlnga - K aglclla - G lchlche O thaya - Slakago - Runyem es - Ishlara - Clakatlka - Em bu Nyerl (KKB 688, lz-passenger vehlcle ) (2) Route (K -passenger vehlcle ) M ucharage - Chlnga - M alrom - G aklndu - O tha- 55 / 6g- G erlshon N dwlga Paulo, P O Box 21, Embu ya-Nyerl-Karatlna (lz-passenger vehlcle ) Route Em bu - M bubon - M am atta - K lbogu 2474- Jogoo K lm aklap P O Box 375, Thlka R oute Embu (7-passenger vehlcle ) G atula - Thlka - Rulru - N yen M urang'a - 56/69- K1bo1 M wantkz, P O Box 153, Embu Route Nalrobl (Two vehlcles, 60 to 70 passengers each ) Embu - Runyenles Ishml a - Clokanga (61 11321- Othaya Gate Transport, P O Box 291, Nyerl passenger vthlcle ) Vanatlon of route to add Sagana - M urang'a - 57/69- Kahara Nlorogz and Kzbuma Nluguna, P O Box Thlka - Nalrobl Present route Othaya - Nyen 80, K erugoya Route Embu-K xm uchege-K utus- (KM J 704, 13 passengers ) Em ou - K lrlnyaga - Fort H all - rhlka - N alrobl 13627- Peter W am ugo G erlshom M athenge, P O Box 58, (20 passenger vehlcle ) K erugoya Route K agum o - K erugoya - Em bu - 58 /69- Arthul P M urlml and John Cr Klbugl, P O Nyerl Nanyukl (S-passenger vehcle ) Box 346, Tiuka Route K erugcya - Barlcho - 1 t 1 g- N vungu N davano P O Box 70, M anyatta Route Sagana - Fort H all Thlka - N alrobl C 7-passenge; M anyatta - Em bu - Sagana - Thlka - N alrobl - vehzcle ) Klrlnyaga Nalrobl (One vehlcle, 40 passengers ) j9/69- Samuel Nganga Chege, P O Bo) 80, Kerugoya 9871- M akuen1 Bus Transport Servlces Ltd , P O Box 82, Route Klam bu - Em bu - Sagana - Fort H all - M achakos Vallatlon of route to add M achakos - Thlka - R ullu - K zam bu - Lunuru - N alvasha - M akuem - K ltony on1 - K lkum m l - K athonzwenl - N akuru - Nloro M olo (48 passenger vehlcle ) M akuenl - K llala - K am bl M awe - K ltonyom 60/69- M wea Daily Bus Servlce, c/o P O Box 80, Kelu K ako - K lktlm lnz M akuenl - K llala , M akuenl - goya Routt N yam m dl - K lm btm bl K utus - K aasya - M aklndu - Athl Rlvel - M avm dm l - K a- K el ugoya - K utus - K aglo - Sagana - N guka - tlthl , and to delete the whole exlstm g route To operate the two vehlcles on a co ordm ated tzm e W anguru - Klmbtmbl - Nyam lndh - M wea (17- table wlth the present Ileet of vehlcles on R outes 8 passenger vehlcle ) and 10 Present route U lwanl - Kltondo - N dum - 61 pbg- ldarambee Transport Co Klrmyaga Dlstrlct P O Ulwanl M achakos (KM A 656, 51 passengers ) K utus Route Nguka Vlllage - E utus - Sagana - Present 1 oute Ua M angarl - N dum bl - Klsau Fort H all - Thlka N alrobl Llmuru - M agma Lungu - M bum bunl - M ukuku - M lthum o - Tawa - N lablnl - W anlohl 01 K alou - Bahatl N akuru M achakos only (Not Nalrobl ) (Two vehlcles, 50 passengers each ) 72 /69- M ut1a Nluguna, P O Box 147, Thlka Route 62/69--M wam lsl K lana, P O Box 1N K elugoya Route N azlobl - Thlka - Rulru - Glthungurl - N azrobl - M arurum o - N gurubanl - Klam klm bl Kutus Klambu (l6-passenger vehlcle ) Kaglo Sagan (17 passenger vehlcle ) 73/ 69- M oon Tours P O Box 217, M urang a Caarrlage 63/69- M wang1 M urage P O Box 15, Kerugoya Route of tourlsts Route K enya (K K S 370, 7 passen- Kagum o K erugoya - K utus - K aglo - Sagana - gers K K G 351 7 passengers , K KS 997, 7 N alrobl - Eort H all - Tblka - Rm ru - N agobl passengers , and 7 m ore vehlcles of 8 passengers (sz-passenget vehjcle ) each ) 74/ 69- El1ud K aranl and Sons, P O K utus, Karmyaga TLB 2506- M uchl, l K lm lnda P O Box 80, K erugoya R oute Klmblm bl - Kerugoya - Sagana - Embu (36- D lstl ct Route Embu - K utus - Sagana - K ara- passenger velucle ) tlna - Nyen - K lganlo - N anyukl - K erugoya - 64/ ög- Farah Osm an c/o P O Box 32 Nyen Route Embu (30- to 45 passenger vehzcle ) Karatlna - N yerl - M wlga - Endalasha - W atuka 75/ 69- M utuku N yom bu, P O Box 147, M achakos (Two vehlcles 7 passengers each ) R oute M achakos - K alolenl - M ltabonl - K an- gundo - Kwa M waula Klllmambogo - Thlka (56- 65/ 69- N dlga K agunda Plot N o 3 N gurabam M arket, passenger vehzcle ) P O Kutus Route Ngurubanl-Klmblmbl-Njegas K lam utham b, M uklndun - K erugoya - Kabare 76 / 69- Kambua and Bros , 12 O Box 156, Kltul Route M lsszon - K landaz - M urul 1 - l m bu - Sagana K ltul - W am unyu - M asu - M achakos - N alrobl (lo-passenger vehlde ) (Three vehlcles, 10 passengers each ) 77 f6g- M llthoka M asua and Bros , P O Box 63 K ltul 66/69- 1+111p M uclrl Ruklnga, P O Box 163, Embu R oute M utha - M utom o - K lsasl - K ltul, - W a- Route Klrll - M beere D m slon - Embu Town m unyu M asll - M asaku - Athl Rlver - N mrobl (KGZ 969, IP passengers ) (60 passenger vehlcle ) 1032 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 17G O ctober 1969

ROAD SERVICE LICENCES-VCWFI/J ) EM /R/78/69- Zombe Qulck Bus Servlce, P O Box 6103, Nal- 6060- G eoSrey M m gaz and Co , P O Box 65, Uplands robz R oute M utltu - Z om be - K ltul - Thlka - Route K agwl - K agaa - G lthm onl - U plands - Nazrobl (Four vehlcles, 7 to lz-passengel Ltmuru - Nalvasha Road - Gltaru - Nalrobz (52 vehlcle ) passenger vehlcle ) 79/69- M ugo N gale, P O Box 2, K erugoya Route 4705- Jam es Gacheru M waura, P O Box 193, Thtka K angalta - K agtuno - K lam a - Bancho - K aglo - Route lthanga - Thlka - Rm ru - K lnm bu Sagana - Fort Hall - Thlka - Rulru - N alrobl Ltmuru (40- to so-passenger vehlcle ) (Ms-passenger velucle ) 1190- Th1m u Bus Servlce, P O Box 32, N yen Vanatlon 80/69- (H13 Gladys M umbl Reuben, P O Box 66 K ara- of route to add K aratlna - N yen - Thmzu Plesent tm a Route G ltundutl - K aratm a - R agatl - K 1 route Em bu - M wea lrrlgatlon Schem e - Sagana ganlo - N yen - N anyukl , G ltundutl - Gaxkuyu - (KM M 235, 25 passengers ) Sagana - Kutus - Em bu (12 to l8-passenger 3464- K1bugu Road Servlce, P O Box 178, Em bu vehlcle ) Varlatlon of route to add Em bu - Runyenles - 81/69- M orrls Naruma and Joel L Peter, Rombo Tradlng Tshlara - Kutus - Sagana (2) To mcrease the C entre, P O Loltokltok R oute N all ob1 - Em all - passenger-carrym g capaclty from 7 to 12 passen- M achakos - Loltokltok - K almdo - N amanga - gers Present route Klbugu-Embu (KK F' 47, 7 Kenya/-fanzama bordel (Two vehlcles, 50 to 62- passengers ) passenger vehlcle ) 8732- RunyenJes Road Sern ce, P O Box 178, Embu 82/69-8e11 Kamau M uthu, P O Box 128, Fort Hall Vanatzon of route to add Em bu-Kabugu-lshtara R oute W elthaga - M urang a - M aragua - Saba Kutus Sagana (2) To mcrease the passenger- Saba - K abatl - Thlka - Jula - Runu - K ahawa - carrylng capaclty from 6 to 12 passengors Present Nalrobl (sz-passenger vehlcle ) route Runyem es-Embu (KHR 858, 6 passengers ) 83/ 69- Ayub Solom on Rlngera, P O M uthaara, M eru Route Islolo - Archer's Post - K trua - M eru - 7431- Lower M boom M avm du Bus Co , P O Tawa, M achakos To change present tm zetable to a new M aua (KKS 337, 56 passengers ) tlmetable (2) To lncrease tlle passenger-carrymg 54 /69- Ph1l1p M waganu K agwe, P O Box 276, Nyen capaclty from 40- to 6o-passenger vehlcle (3) R oute O thaya - N yer: - M w elga - Fndarasha - Varlatzon of route to add M achakos - M boom - Chanty - W atuka (s6-passenger vehlcle ) M wam - N alrobl , Klbwem - Em ah - M achakos 85/69- Nahashon W aclurl, Gatugl Vtllage, P O Othaya Present route M utom o - K lbwea - 'Nyoam - Iku- N yen Route Othaya - N yen - Karatm a - Sagana - tha - K aluhm - Ithanga - Kzsasl - K ltul Town- Kaglo - Kutus - Embu (lz-passenger vehlcle ) shlp - M achakos - T Kanzlku - M utha - Voo - TLB 9794- N akuru M safirl Bus Servlce, P O Box 67, N yen (KM P 417, 40 passengers ) Change of present tlm etable to a new txm etable 1555- M ataara G eneral Transport, P O Box 292, Thzka Present route N yerl - Thom son's Falls - N akuru Route M ataara - M agara - Thlka - N alrobz - F'ort (KM C 642, 42 passengers ) Hall (Two vehlcles, 62 passengers each ) 86/69- Embu Peugeot Servlce, P O Box 178, Embu 14435- Tawaka Tlansport, P O Box 12678, Nalrobl Route Em bu-central Provm ce-Eastern Provm ce- Route Em bu - N atrobl - M lgon - Klsn, for day Nalrobl (lhfteen vehlcles, 6 to 7 passengers each ) and nlght servlces (Four vehcles, 62 to 64 87/69- Freder1ck Nleru and Lttka W angombe, P O Box passengers each ) 178 C arrlage of tounsts and for prlvate hlre 33û7- Peter W Gltlnn)l and Gatlm u N datbl, P O Box Route Kenya (Four vehlcles, 6 to 12 passengers 1016, Klanyaga To m crease the passenger-carry- each ) m g capaclty from 19 to 52 passengers Present 88/69- Alvan Nyaga, P O Runyenles vIa Embu Route route K lanyaga M arket-K utus-sagana-Karatm a- Runyem es Ishlara-Em bu-sagana (Two vehlcles, 10 Nyen-Klganlo-Naro M oru-Nanyukl (KFT 879, passengers each ) 19 passengers ) 89/69- James Ndlrltu Klrukl, P O Box 138, Karatma 93/69- NJoroge Kablnz, P O Box 6485, Nalrobl For prlvate hlre Route Kenya (Forty vehlcles, 7 Route N alrobl - M anlra - M uthlru - Thlka - passengers each ) M urang'a - Klgam o - N yen - K aratana - N alrobz 90/69- M arsab1t Bus Servlce, P O M arsablt Route (6l-passengor vehlde ) lmolo - M oyale - Sololo - M arsablt - Loglogo - 13544- K 1p1a Bus Servlce, P O Box 283, Lm m ru Van- Lalsanus - A rcher's Post - M eru - N kubu - M la- atlon of route to add N labml-N orth Km angop-ol them-lslolo-M oyale (Two vehzcles, 18 passengers K alou-Thom son's Falls Present route K anrana- each ) L> uru-M agma-Glthlga-Glthungurl (KHQ 933, 23 91 /69- John Ndungu Kahare and Co , P O Box 9, Saba passengers ) Saba Route G lthtm a - Thtka - K abatl - Saba 493- Qu1ck Bus Servlce, P O Box 198, Nall ob1 Route Saba - Glthembe - Glthlma - Thlka (48-passenger K atse - M wm gl - K ltm - Kzbwezl - Vol - M om basa vehlcle ) to operate under duphcate servlces for nlght ser- 6946- M waura M blu and Sons, P O Box 594, Thtka vzces (Two vehlcles, 62 passengers each ) Varlatlon of route to add N alrobl Present 1 oute 4167- Isunga ya K eh Bus Servzce Co , P O Box 53, Thtka - M ulrl - Nllrl's (KM F 902, 44 passengers ) K ltm Route K ztul-M atm yam -N dolo's Corner- (2) Route Nlm 's - Thtka - M aslnga (sz-passenger K angonde - M atuu - Klthtm am - K aranla - Tlalk'a - vehlcle ) Rmru-Nalrobl (Four vehlcles, 64 passengers each ) 2815- M 'Tm ath1u Balthlrl, P O Box 28, M eru To change (2) Route M ombasa - Llkom - Tzw: - Dlam - present tlmetable to a new ttmetable (2) Vana- U kunda - M wabtm go - G azl - M sambwem l - tlon of route to add N anyukl Present route Shlm ba H llls - M akobe - M walubanga - Lukore M tugl - K llrua - K lbm chza - K athen - M eru - (Four vehlcles, 66 passengers each ) (3) Route M arlzm ba - N kubu - Chogona - O utullh - Tlgam a - M om basa - K wale - Km ango - N davaya - Lunga lgembe - Embu - Chuka - Embu (KM E 366, 32 Lunga-M oa-Kenya/-fanu ma border en route to passengers ) Dar es Salaam (Four vehlcles, 64 passengers ) 3696- W anyo1ke N gugl, P O Box 35, M akuyu To m - M om basa - Voz - Kabwez! - Sultan Ham ud - crease the passenger carrym g capaclty fl om 26 to M achakos-Nazrobl (Four vehlcles, 64 passengers 42 passengers (2) Varlatlon of route to add each ) Rhanga-K angundo Present route Thlka-K m yangz- 88 / 6g-patnck's Safans, P O Box 568, Nyen Cam age Kanguchl-Katlto-Yatta (KHY 884, 26 passengers ) of tounsts Route Kenya (Ten vehlcles, 7 2042- M rlcan Safall Lodges (K) Ltd , P O Box 6020, passengers each ) N alrobl Carrlage of tourlsts Route Kenya 1380- M wangz Glcho, P O Box 175, Rm ru V anatzon (Twenty vehlcles, 7 passengers each ) of route to add N alrobl-efhlka Present route K ûl- K anara Bus Servlce, P O Box 261, Thlka Route Kagum o - Ngewa - Rmru - Klambu (KCC 153, 42 G lthungulz - G ltlllga - Iklno - K lam bu - N alrobl passengers ) Cl'wo velucles, 6 passengers each ) 10787- K lb1choz Young Traders and Transport Co , P O 8479- G1chuho Klrehu, P O Box 157, Llm uru To m - Box 175, Rm ru Vanatlon of route to add crease the passenger-carrylng capaclty from 7 to K lam bu-N alrobl-'rluka Present route Klam worza- 35 passengers and to replace the vehlcle by an Klblchoz Rulru-Kamltl (KKU 547, 33 passengers ) other one Present route N gecha-Llm uru-G ltaru- 4106- Ivet1 Central Bus Servsce and Vegetable Transport Uthlru-Klrungll Nallobl (KITE 573, 7 passengers ) Co , P O Box 352, M achakos To change present 92/69- New M uranga Bus Servlce P O Box 65, Keru- tlm etable to a new tlm etable Present route goya Route Fort Hall-othaya-N yert-N anyukl K avzam - K usyom uono - K athayom - M achakos - CI'wo vehldes, 57 passengers each ) Nazrobl (KM N 718, 42 passengers ) 17th O dober 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 1033

ROAD SERVICE LICBNCES--W /n/J ) TLB 4200- Zakakrlah N gahuro M utuota, P O Box 17045, 95/69- El1Jah M unylrl, P O Box 59, Nyen Route N alrobl V arlatlon of route to add Folt H all Nalrotla Scheme Nyerl-Kthuyo-Nyen (ls-passenger N yen Present route M uguga N alrobl-lkm ru- vehlcle ) Thlka (KKS 561,6 passengels ) 10128- K enya Om m bus Servlce, P O Box 250, Em bu 1462- K1anJokom a Safans Servlces, P O Box 250, Embu 3775--Ch1nga Transport Co , P O Box 323, Nyerl To To operate on a co-ordlnated tlm etable the under- operate all the vehlcles on a co-ordm ated tlm etable m entloned vehlcles K KS 485, 61 passengers , K K F 62, 46 passengers , K KV 827, 40 passengers , Present route M mlungu Othaya Ny( n (KM D 460, K M K 521, 46 passengers , K M E 273, 42 passen- 26 passengers ) Present route Chlnga-Nyen- gers , K M E 437, 42 passengers , K M E 493, 42 Fort Hall - Thlka - Rulru - Nalrobl (KKE 773, passengers (2) Vanatlon of route to add Thllca- 42 passengers ) (Present route Rurugutl Othaya- N alrobl Present operatlng on route R unyenles- Nyen (KM K 88, 12 passengers ) (2) To opelate Ishlara - M eru - Sagana - N alrobl , Irangz-lshlara , K M B 6, 12 passengers, on a co-ordm ated ttm e- Islolo - K lrua - M el'u - F ort H all - Thlka , M enz- table on the above route (KM E 6, 12 passengers ) M aua Chuka , Em bu-Tana Bndge , Klam utugu- Sagana - n lka Nalrobl (3) To mcrease the EM / R/94/ 69- Ndungu Klnyanlul, P O Box 175, Rulru Route passenger-carlylng capaclty from 7 to 42 pas- Cutare-Rulru Klam bu-N alrobl (Two vehlcles, 52 sengers (KM E 273, 7 passengers , KM E 437, 7 passengers ) passengers , KM E 493, 7 passengers ) (ijjs;CARRIBRS' LlcexcBs EM /B/87/69- Peter Kulbxta Paul P O Box 18E , Embu Carn- 99/69- Samson Klsoa, P O Karaba, Embu Carrlage of age of all goods R oute Em bu D lsl llct, K lrlnyaga, shop goods and farm produce R oute Em bu - M ul ang a, Klambu Dlstrlcts and Nalrobl (7-ton Eastel n and Central Provmces and N alrob, (KHP vehlcle ) 558, 8 080 lb ) 88 /69- James Rubucha, P O Box 51 M eru Carrlage of 100/69- Justus Klrlgla, Plot No 2, Lodwar, P O Lodwar shop goods, tlm ber, clothes and fulnlture Route Ca rlage ot tobacco, goats, hldes and skm s and M eru - Embu - Sagana - Nalrobl ( ?-ton vehlcle ) shop goods éKKY 500, 6 tons ) Rotlte Lodwar, TLB 13394- 5efitha K U m ba, K araba M alket P O K araba, R lft V alley - M el u v1a N yandarua and Lalklm a Em bu Carrlage of a1l goods wlthtn Em bu, K ln- lol/6g- t-m ngstone M 'Twambae P O Box 117, M eru nyaga, K lam bu, K ltul, N alrobl, M achakos, Nyerl Carrlage ot all goods R oute M eru - Islolo M eru and M ombasa Distmcts (7-toa veblcle ) N anyukl - N yel 1 - Em bu - Fort H all - Thtka - 89/69- Tohn M 'Klrera M 'Rtmbere, P O Box 64 M eru Rulru to Nmrobl (s-ton velucle ) C arrlage of farm produce R outc K lblnchla-M eru- 102 '6g- Festus M utlga and Sons, P O Box 237, M eru Nalrobl vla Nanyukl and Embu (7 ton vehlcle ) C arrlage of trade goods and f arm produce R oute 6637- Jam es N leru H M ugo P O Box 70 Em bu Carn M el u - N anyukl - N yelz - K aratm a - Sagana - Fort age of al1 goodq w lthm Em bu K m nyaga, F'ort H all - Thlka - N alrobl , lslolo - M arsablt - M ara H all, N anyukl, K lam bu, M elu M achakos, N yerl, Nakuru, Kltm and Nalrobz Dlstncts (10 to 12-ton la1 M oyale - Garlssa - M andera (7-ton vehlcle ) vehlcle ) 103/ og- lfathure M 'M unganla, P O Box 33, M eru Carn- 90/69- M 'K1rera M M ungama, K ahterl M arket, P O age of all goods Route M elu - Islolo - M andera - Box 14, M eru Calrlage of all goods Route N any uk1 - Rlft Valley Proklnce to N azrobz and K atherl and wlthln N anyukl, Em bu, K lrlnyaga Embu-M el u (7-ton vehlcle ) N akuru, N yerl, Klam bu, N alrobl, M arsablt, 104/ 69- Peter M usyok.l N gotlua, P O K araba, Embu Ganssa, Thlka, Klsum u M achal os, Katm and Carrlage of all goods Route Embu - N alrobl - M ombasa Dlstrlcts ('/-ton vehlcle ) M ombasa and to Kenya/uganda border v1a 91 / 69- Sa1d K ham ls, P O .Box 118, K ltul Carnage of all Eldoret and to Ken) a/n nzanla border at Lunga goods and llvestock Route (E astern N orth- Lunga (7 ton vehlcle ) Eastern C entral Provlnces and N axrobl D lstl $ct to 105 /ta9- M lsheck M 'lnngo, c/o Dlstnct Comrmssloner's Kltut-Klb vezl-M om basa (7-ton vehwle ) Oilke P O Pl lvate Bag, M eru R oute M eru - 92/69- Gerlard M urea Klalra, P O Box 2t)7, M elu Carn lslolo - Garbatulla N anyukl for carrlage of a1l age of al1 goods wlthm M eru I m bu Lalklpla goods (One vehlcle Islolo, M m ang'a and Nall obl lzhstrlcts C-ton 3,360 lb ) vehlcle ) 106 /69- M essrs N afftaly M 'M aglrl and M arete K lrenga, 93 /69- M M arete s/o KaburugMa, P O Box 10, M eru P O Box 104, M eru Carnage of a11 goods Route Carrlage of all goods R oute M eru - lslolo K llrua - M eru D lstnct - lslolo, M arsablt, W alzr, N aayukl - N yel 1 Sagana - Fort H all - Thlka M allt M oyale, M andera, K wale, M alm dl and N alrobl and M el u - Em bu - Sagana and M eru M ombasa Dlstllcts (7-ton vehzcle ) Dlstrlct (7 ton vehlcle ) 107 / 69- W 1lson M 'N chert s/o M 'M amgl, P O Box 68, 44/69- N W aweru P O Box 21 Embu Ca1 llage of pll M eru Carrmge of shop goods and vegetables goods R oute E astern N orth Eastern Provlnces R oute M el u - N yen - M urang'a - Sagana - Thlka - K lrm yaga N yel 1, L alklpla and N alrobl D lstrlcts N alrobi and wlthm K lrm yaga, Em bu, M eru and (s-ton velw lt ) Nanyukl Dlstncts ('/-ton vehlcle ) (2) Carnage of 95/69- M ut1ndwa Transpolt Agency P O Box 52, M eru shop goods and vegetables wlthln M eru and N orth Carrlage of all goods R oute M 4 ru - K lganlo - Eastern P1 ovlnce (7-ton vehlcle ) Sagana - N alrobl and G an ssa - K ltul - M om basa 32/6 J'- M essl s M M urlthz and Company, P O Box 27, and wlthln M eru Dlstnet and td; lslolo (7-ton M eru C arrm ge of al1 goods R oute M eru D zs vehwle ) tnct - M eru - N anyukl - Em bu - N yelz - Fort 6062- Issa A dam , P O Box 73 E m bu & arlatzon of con Hall - fhlka to Nalrobl t8-ton vehlcle ) (2) Carn- dltlon to add carrlage of a11 good: and llvestock age of al1 goods R oute M eru D lstnct - M eru - route to add K lrm yaga, N yerz, N yandarua, N anyukl - Embu - N yen - Thtka - N alrobl - Atlu K lam bu, Thlka, M achakos and K ltul, M eru, Lalkl- m ver - Vo1 to M ombasa (7-ton vehlcle ) p1a Present condltzon Carrlage of beans, hzdes and skm s, flour cem ent, sugar, sult and llvestock 36/67- K1meu s/o Kltua P O Karaba, Embu Carnage of wlthm Em bu, Fort H all, N alrobl DlstrTcts and to all goods wlthtn K lllnyaga, Em bu, Thjka, Nalrobl, M agadl (KKL 447, 15,147 lb ) M achakos and Kltul Dlstrlcts (s-ton vehzcle ) lo3g- lacob Glchunge, P 0 Box 222, M eru Caznage of 54/69- M ut1qya Nguta, P O Karaba, Embu Cam age of all goods Route M eru - N anyukz N yen - :tl1 goods and llvestock Route W lthm Eastern Sagana - Thlka - hort H all and li m bu - Islolo to and Central Provlnces to Nalrobl (s-ton vehlcle ) Nalrobl ('Aton vehlcle ) 6372- M utlsya M unuve, M ttlango Locatlon, P O K ltul 96/ 69--Sa1ehe M 'M ugulka M alengo Vttlage, P O Box 62 Vanatlon of route to add K ltm - 'rhlka - N alrobz , M era Carnage of m alze, potabnes, tmlber and K ltul - M achakos - N alrobl Plesent route K ltm - shop goods ('/-ton vehlcle ) Route M eru - M aua - K lbwezl - M om basa - Garlssa - Shlm ba H zlls - K lrua-lslolo-N alrobz Em bu - M eru D lstrlcts for farm produce, eggs, 97/69- Gzdeon Klrlmanla, P O Box 134, M eru Carnage chlckens petroleum bulldmg m aterlals, shop of a1l goods R oute M eru - lslolo - G arbatulla - goods, hzdes and skms and cotton (KM E 634, W allr - Elwark - M andela - M elke - M arsablt - 16,640 lb ) Furl oll-Buna M oyale-M andera (7-1on vehlcle ) 14335- Joseph Gltuam pla and Company, P O Box 176, 98/69- Stephen M utea, P O Box 202, M eru Carrlage of M eru C arrlage of a11 goods and lw estock wzthm al1 goods R oute M e1 u - Islolo - W allr - G arlssa - M eru, tslolo M arsablt and Em bu D lstncts , M al sablt - N anyukl - Em bu - Klrmyaga - Tlllka - Nanyukl - M aralal - Sagana and to Gllgll (KHZ Nalrobl and to Athl Rlver (6-ton vehlde ) 662, 14,205 lb ) 1034 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 17tN O dober 1969

E'B'' CARRIERS' LLcw cns--jcontd ) EM /B/45/67- Isaac Yusuf, P O Box 54, M eru Carnage of all 117/69- Klsengese Klthuka, M utomo M arket, Plot No 18, goods wltlun M eru Dlstrtct (KHR 170, 12,500 lb ) P O M utom oy K ttut Carrlage of all goods Route 108 / 69- K1nyua M ull, c/o Kltm County Cotmczl, P O K ltul - Eastern - Central - N ol th-Eastern Pro- Box 33, Kltm Carrlage of a11 goods wlthln K enya vmces Natrobl and Tatta Dlstrtcts (5- to 7-ton (s-ton vehlcle ) vehlcle ) 109 J6g- solomon M wathe M ltau and Bl os , P O Box 68 3440--M ut1sya K atlwa and Co P O K ltm Varlatlon K ltul Ca1 nage of all goods Route K ltul - Klb- of route to add N uu - G arlssa Road - N alrobl - wezl - Vol - M om basa and K ltul - 'Thlka and Eastern Provlnce Central Provm ce N orth-Bastern Nalrobl - K ltul - M wm gl - Ganssa - Bm bu - Provlnce (KM K 145, 13,405 lb ) Karanla Kltm - Klbwezl l7-ton vehlcle ) 118 / 6g- Lawrence N Kanukl, P O Box 182 Klambu 110/69- Kltu1 Umty Transport Company, P O Box 119, Carrzage of all goods Route Klam bu - Kltm - Kltul Carriage of al1 goods Route K ltul-M acha- M tlto A ndel - M akltau Talta - M watate - K asl kos-N alrobl and wlthln Central, Coast, N orth- gau - M acklnnon Road - M ombasa - Rlft Valley - Eastern Provlnces and N alrobl Extra-provlnclal W estern - Eastern and N 01th Eastern Provm ces Dlstnct (Two vehlcles, 10 tons each ) (KM P 594, 13,440 lb ) 111 j6g- m aglcheru Tradlng Company, P O Box 131 6186- K 1am bu Sunllght Store, P O Box 13001 N alrobl Embu Carrlage of all goods wlthln K lrlnyaga, Carrlage of all goods Route K enya excludlng Em bu, M elu, M ltul, M achakos, N alrobl D lstrlcts Coast Provlnce (KBY 360, 24,940 lb ) (2) Route /7 ton vehlcle ) Central and m ft Valley Provlnce - Em bu - M eru - TLB 10128- J K K abm ga, P O Box 250, Em bu V anatlon of N alrobl Clty Counczl A rea and M achakos D lstrlct route to add K zbwezl - M om basa D lstnct and (KKQ 816 13,740 lb )

Rlft Valley Provlnce to M alaba, Kenya/uganda 5721- Sam uel D lstnbutor, P O Box 5429, N alrobl Carrl- border Present loute Central Provm ce Em bu, age of a11 goods Route N alrobl - Klbwezl - M eru, K ltul, M acbakos and N alrobl D lstncts, for Thlka - Kltul (Two vehlcles, 7 tons each ) carrlage of a11 goods and petroleum products 1 19/69- Paul K Kamau and Co , P O Box 271, Klam bu tKDM 175, 15,420 lb ) Carrlage of petroleum products and all goods 1855- Stanley M 'Iruura and Bros , P O Box 6, M eru Route K lam bu - Eastern - N orth Easteln - Carrlage of shop goods and farm produce R oute W estern Provlnces - Nalrobl - M ombasa (Seven M eru - M arsablt N anyukl - N yen - Thlka - vehlcles and seven trallers, 10 to 13 tons each ) M achakos - Kltuz - Embu - Nalrobl IKFG 870, 120/69- M N Klbunla, P O Box 182, M olo Carnage of 5,120 lb ) al1 goods and farm produce Route N akuru - 14286- 1sm a11 H assan M aallm , P O Box 21, M andera, N E Provlnce C arrlage of a1l goods, llvestock Rlft Valley - Nalrobl Dlstrlcts (Four vehjcles, 7 hldes and skm s R oute N orth-Eastern Provlnce- to 8 tons each ) G arlssa - G alole - M om basa , Eastern Provm ce - 121 /69- G G Gluthl and Co , P O Box 24, Rulru Carn- Central Provlnce Lalklpla Dlstrlct - N alrobl age of all goods Route N alrobl - Central Pro- vm ce Eastern Provlnce - Rlft Valley Provlnce - (KM C 533, 15,890 lb , and one more vehlcle and W estern Provmce - N am anga - Tanm e K enya one traller of 10 to 12 tons each ) (Four velncles, 8 to 15 tons each ) 77/69- Rose W angarl James M wenla, P O Box 7861, N alrobl Carrlage of petrol, fuel and all goods 13451- 17 N N gonge and Co Ltd , P O Runyenles, R oute M om basa - V oz - M ltlto A ndel - Em ah - Embu Vanatlon of route to add Central and Konza - Nalrobl (Flye vehlcles and five trallers of Eastern Provm ces - N ak'tzru and Lalkm la f or calrl- 10 to 15 tons each ) (2) Carnage of petrolelzm age of a1l goods and llvestock P1 esent route products and al1 goods Route M om basa - Vo1 Em bu - M e1 u - Sagana - M urang'a - Thlka M tlto Andez - Em all - K onza - N alrobz - Eldoret - Nalrobl, for carrlage of penshables, shop goods, M alaba, Kenya/uganda border (Three vehlcles sugar and vegetables (KM C 225, 14,67û lb ) and three trallers of 10 to 15 tons each ) 12009- K 1b1nchla Transport P O Box 156, M eru Varm- 1 1 /69- N derltto Ngenda, P O Box 65, Nyen Carnage tlon of route to add Eastern Provm ce N yandarua- of bulk petroleum products Route M om basa - Lalklpla - Nakuru Present route K lblrlchla - N alrobl - Nakuru - Kencho - Kzsumu (Two N anyukl - K lrm yaga - Fort Hall - K lambu - Embu - vehlcles and two trallers, 10,000 gallons each ) Nallobz Dlstncts - Nyerz - Thlka Dlstrlct (KKX 112/69- Nyolke W aweru P O Box 264, Tluka Carrlage of 923, 13,120 lb ) vegetables, bananas, farm produce and a1l goods 14220- K ather1 Transport, P O Box 28, M eru Vanatlon Route Thlka - N alrobl - Eastern - Central and of route to add Lalklpla - Nakuru - N yerl - Nyan- Rlft Valley Provlnces (7- to 9-ton vehlcle ) darua - Klam bu - Fort H all - N akuru for carnage 867- M ut1a N zom o, P O Box 63, K ltul Vanatlon of of all goods, llvestock, hldes and sk, lns Present route to add Eastern, Central and North-Bastern route Eastern Provm ce and to N alrobl v1a Thlka Provlnces, for carrlage of all goods Present route (KM C 438, 13,080 lb ) K ltul - Thlka N alrobl Dlstrlcts (K HW 976 6747- Th1ka M ugum oml Garage, P O Box 86, Thlka 11 545 lb ) Carrmge of all goods Route Thlka - N alrobl - 13187- M 1ss C V M usyoka, P O Box 406, N akuru Central Provlnco - Eastern Provm ce - Rtft Valley C arrlage of a1l goods R oute R lft V alley Provm ce, Provlnce - North-Eastern Provlnce (KM L 146, 5 N yandarua - N alrobl - K ltul - M achakos - K 1r1- te 7 tons and three m ore vehlcles of 7 to 10 tons nyaga - Embu Dlstncts (KGC 998, 10 340 lb , each ) and two more vehlcles of 8 to 10 tons each ) 9183- M wanz1a M alngl and Brothers P O Box 38 K ztul 113/69- Ka1at1na Bulldmg Contractors and Transporters Varlatlon of route to add Eastern Provm ce Central Co , P O Box 188 K aratlna Carnage of all Provm ce and Coast Provlnce, for carnage of all goods Route K aratm a - N yen - N anyukl - Lal- goods Present route K jtul Dzstrlcts - K jbwezl klpla - Em bu - N alrobl - K lrlnyaga - M urang'a Kltul - Thlka - N alrob: , , K ltul - M achakos , and Dlstncts - M eru (KM P 258, 16,125 lb ) M achakos - Konza (But not M achakos-Nalrolu 114 /69- M bogo M ugambl, P O Box 21, Embu Carrlage dlrect ) (KKQ 227, 18,130 lb ) of all goods Route Em bu - M eru - Lalklpla - s662- Joseph K m uthla M wangl, P O Box 2941 Nalrobl Klrlnyaga - Nyerl - Fort H all - K zam bu - M acha- Carrlagç of all goods Route N atrobl m ,f t Valley- kos Kltul - Nalrobl (10- to 12 ton vehlcle ) Central Provm ces - M achakos - K ltm - Em bu l 15/ 69- R1zzkj Roadways, P O Box 8476 N alrob) Carn- (K M M 58, 11,535 lb , and two m ore vehlcles of age of farm produce and a11 goods Route 10 tons each ) W m thag - M urang a - Thlka - N yerl - K aratlna - 5038- Grace M otol Trattspolt Co , P O Box 16 K ara- N alrobz - N alvasha - N akuru - Eldoret - N anyukl tlna Varlatlon of route to add Nyandarua-,K wale- C entral and R lft V alley Pl ovlnces Talta and K lllfi D lstncts, for carnage of all goods 8949- K yambat1 M arete, P O Box 116, K ltul Varlatlon Present route N yerl - N anyub - Fort H all - of route to add M tlto A ndel - Slm ba Hllls v1a Istolo M eru - Em bu - K lrm yaga Dlstrtcts and M ombasa, for carrlage of al1 goods and petroleum Nalrobl - M achakos - Kltul Dlstrlcts (KM J 869, products Present route N orth-E astern, Eastern 14,630 lb ) and Central Provlnces and to Nalrobl (KKP 679, 4057- M 1ss N ler, N ganga, P O Box 75 R mru 'Vanatlon 13,870 lb , K JH 569, 18,500 lb ) of route to add Eastern Provm ce,- central Provmce- 14030- M usyoka N dere, P O M wm gl, K ltul Carnage of N yanz.a Provm ce W estern Provlnce for carrm ge of lwestock and a11 goods Route M wm gl - K ltul a11 goods Present route Klam, bu-Nyandarua- 'rhtka - Ttllla M lgwam K abatl - K lbwea Nakuru and Nalrob: Dlstncts (KM N 602 M achakos - M atuu - K atse - N orth-Eastern Pro- 16,050 lb ) , vmce - Eastern Provmce (7 to 8-ton vehlcle ) 9343- N+w K ahungura Buses and Transporters, P O l 16/69- M lss M argret Nduta, P O Box 1 1220, Nauobl Box 721, 'Thlka Varlatlon of loute to add Carnage of a11 goods Route Central Provm ce Ganssa-M om basa-M ahndl, for carnage of a11 Em bu - M eru - Lazkm la - N akuru - N arok - K a- goods Present route Fort H all D lstnct-Tlllka Jlado Nalrobl (lo-ton veblcle ) Djstnct Nazrobl-Ganssa (KHK 971, 14,020 lb ) 17th October 1969 7 H E K EN Y A G AZEW E 1035

Llcrlçtœs--lzcbêlf# ) TLB 6135- Kam au M weru, P () Box 130, M urang'a Varla- Nyanz,a Provmces-M alaba (Three vehlcles, 10 to tlon of route to add Klam bu-N yen D lstncts- 12 tons each , and three trallers, 10 to 12 tons Eastern Provm ce-Rtft Valley Provm ce-Etluoplan each ) border Central Plovm ce Present route Fort H a1l- 123/69- Idnss Halz Osman, P O M aralal Carrlage of all Km nyaga and to N alrobl-Em bu-M eru-N yandarua goods R oute Islolo G arlssa-N orth-Eeastern Pro- and Lalkapla Dlstncts IKM B 631, 16,580 lb , vm ce-Eastern Provm ce Rzft Valley Provm ce - KKF' 790, 15,370 lb ) M andera (Three vehlcles, 10 tons each , and three 1421- N arshl Pancha, P O Box 26, N yerl Varlatlon of trazlers of 15 tons each ) route to add K lnnyaga-Em bu-pcrt Hall-n lka Dls- 124/ 69- G N Sakl, P O Box 32, Klambu Carnage of tncts only, for carnage of all goods Present route a1l goods Route Klam bu-central-m ft Valley- Nyerl and Nanyukz Dtstrlcts (KKJ 521, 13,230 lb ) N yanza - W estern - Eastt,rn - N orth-Eastern Pro- 14390- K enya Road Transporters Ltd , P O Box 10098, vmces-Nalrobl Dlstrlct (Three vehlcles, 10 tons N alrobl Varlatlon of route to add N alrobl Dls- each ) tnct and a radlus of 40 m lles tlu reof and to Em all 125/ 69- HaJ1 Sabul Bule, P O Box 30, Ganssa Carrlage and Eastern Provm ce-Kallado Dlstrlct-N alrobl- of shop goods and al1 goods R oute G anssa- M om basa, for carrlage of all goods Present route N orth-Eastern Provm ce-Eastern Provlnce-N alrobl , N alrobl - K lam bu - K allado - Nyandarua - Kltul - Ganssa-Nalrobl (KKL 229, 16,055 lb ) M wm gl - Ganssa - G alole - M àhndl - M om basa 126/ 6g- Bonface Nlau N Gltau, P O Box 210, 'rhlka (N ot to use Nalrobt-M ombasa mam road ) Carrlage of all goods R oute Kmm bu-N arok- (KKC 923, 17,055 lb ) Present route N alrobl- Nakuru-Kallado-central Provmce (Two vehlcles, Kallado - N yandarua - K lam bu D lstncts - Tluka - 10 to 15 tons each ) (2) Route Natrobz- K atul - M wm gl Ganssa - Galole - M alm dl N yandarua - N arok - N akuru - K allado - M enz - M om basa N ot to use N alrobl-M om basa m am lslolo-central Provmce (Two vehlcles, 10 to 15 road (KM A 206, 24,665 lb ) Present route tons each ) N alrobl - Kallado N yandanm - Kmm bu D ls- 9184- M waura and Co , P O Box 123, Thlka Carrmge trlcts - n lka - K4tul - Garlssa - Galole - M ahndl - of all goods Route N alrobl Central Provmce- M om basa N ot to use N alrobl-M om basa m am Eastern Provm ce N orth-Eastern Provm ce-N alrobl road (KM G 924, 17,820 lb ) Dlstrlct-Ganssa (Four vehlcles, 8 to 16 tons each ) 3007- Sam we1 M bugua Glthere, P O Box 13001, N alrobl 127/69- W angu1 Kamau, P O Box 75, Uplands Carrlage Vanatlon of route to add M alaba (Kenya/uganda of al1 goods R oute K zam bu-central and Rlft border) Present route Klambu--fhlka-N alrobl- V alley Provm ces-N alrobl and M achakos D lstncts- M ombasa (KKK 922, 17,520 lb ) Present route Nakuru (n ree vehlcles, 8 tons each ) N alrobl - M ombasa (KM A 423, 18,170 lb , 128/69- M rs Kavutha M wendwa, c/o P M bal, P O z 4977, 22,400 lb ) Present route Klambu-rfhlka- M utom o v1a K ltul Carrlage of all goods R oute Nalrobl M ombasa (KKL 428, 16,880 lb ) (2) K ltul - Coast Provm ce - Eastern - N orth-H stern R oute K lam bu - Thzka N alrobl - M om basa - Provmces-Nalrobl Dlstrlct (One vehlcle, 9 to 10 M alaba (Kenya pu ganda border) (Z 7009, tons , and one traller, 14 to 16 tons ) 27,630 lb ) 129/ 69- Th1g1o W holesalers, P O Box 227, Llmuru Carrl- EM / B/ 122/69- Noor Shelkh Ah, P O Box 1, M andera Carrl age of a11 goods Route Klam bu-N alrobl-central age of a11 goods and petroleum products R oute Provm ce-m ft V alley Provm ce-W estern Provm ce- N alrobl N orth-Bastern Provmce-coast Provmce- Nalrob: (KGV 605, 6,845 lb , KM L 51, Eastenl Provm ce-W estern Provmce-m ft Valley- 15 910 lb , and two m ore vehzcles, 10 tons each ) GAZE'I'TB N olqcE N o 31% G AZETI'B N on cs N o 3197 Aolu cu tx ltv Iqx Ax c? coRpoRv lox AGRTCIJLTU RM - z'lxA xcs CORPORA TION TH s A oRlcv l-w RAt, Flx Ax cs coRpoRv lox AcT TH E AGR ICULTU RAL FIN AN CE CGRPORATION AC T (No 1 oj 1969) (N* 1 o! 1969) X OTICE N ou cs IN PURSU AN CE of the powers conferred upon the Board IN PU RSUAN CE of the powers conferred upon the Board of the C orporatlon by sectlon 33 of the A gncultural Fm ance of the Corporatlon by sectlon 33 of the Agrlcultural Fm ance Corporatlon Act (No 1 of 1969), notlce ls hereby glven that Corporatlon Act (No 1 of 1969), notlce ls hereby glven that the underm entloned farm w111 be ofïered for sale by K enya the underm entloned farm w1l1 be ofered for sale by K enya luvestock and Estates Lmuted on Saturday, the 15th day of Llvestock and Bstates Ltm lted on M onday, the 10th day of N ovem ber 1969, at 10 a m , at the ol ce of K enya Lw estock N ovem ber 1969, at 11 a m , at the D lstns-t Com m lssloner's and Estates Ialm lted, K om ange Street, N alrobl Oë ce m K erugoya D escrlptlon D escnptlon A l1 tbat plece or parcel of land sltuate betw een the N alrobl All that m ece of hnd sltuate at K larukurg Sub locatlon of and Ngara m vers m the Ukamba Provmce (now m the Nalrobl Thlba Locatlon ln the Em bu Dlstrlct of the q a1d Repubhc con- Area) m the Republtc of Kenya contammg by measurement tamlng by measurement thlrty (30) acres or thereabouts that ls one hundred thlrty-seven deczmal four (137 4) acres or there- to say Land Reference No M wea/Tebere/ B/ 31 btmg the plece abouts that ls to say Land Reference N o 1058 belng the plece of land com pmsed m a Certdicate of Freehold Tltle dated the or parcel of land com prlsed ln an Indenture of Conveyance 16th June 1965, lssued m the local Lands Reglstl'y at Em bu dated the 23rd day of Decem ber 1906, reglstered m the and ls held by M buru Km yanlul as proprletor for an estate ln Reglstl'y of D eeds at N alrobl as N o 338 of A 1907 and ls held fee sm m le by Ellud N luguna Kurla as proprletor for an estate m fee Condlttons sm m le 1 The hlghest bldder shall be the purchaser Condltlons 2 The purchaser shall xmm edlately after the sale pay to the 1 The hlghest bldder shall be the purchaser auctloneer a deposlt of at least 25 per ct nt of the am ount 2 The purchaser shall lm m edlately after the sale pay to the of the purchase m oney and slgn an agrm m ent to com plete auctloneer a deposlt of at least 25 per cent of the am ount the purchase and pay the balance agam st reglstlatlon of the of the purchase m oney and slgn an agreem ent to com plete transfers of the tltles lnto h1s or her nam e the purchase and pay the balance agalnst reglstratlon of the 3 The tltle deeds relatm g to the farm referred to herem transfer of the tltle lnto h1s or her nam e above m ay be m spected at any tlm e at the Nalrob: oë ces 3 The tltle deeds relatmg to the property referred to herem of K enya Iavestock and Estates Lm uted and also at the above may be lnspected at any tlm e at the N alrobl oë ces tlm e of tlae sale and the purchaser shall be deem ed to have of K enya Llvestock and Estates Lum ted and also at the full notlce of each and every condltlon therem contalned tlm e of the sale and the purchaser shall be deem ed to have full notlce of each and evezy condztlon therem contam ed 4 The descnptlon of the farm ln the partlculars ls belleved 4 n e descrlptzon of the farm m the partlculars and plan ls to be correct and no clalm s shall be valqd If any error of beheved to be correct and no clalm s shall be vahd lf any descnptlon should be found error of descnptlon should be found 5 The purchaser shall be solely responslble for ensurm g that 5 The purchaser shall be solely responszble for ensurm g that a1l beacons are properly sltuated and f or replaclng such all beacons are properly sltuated and for replacmg such beacons as m ay be m lssm g beacons as m ay be m lssm g 6 The Agncultural Fmance Corporatlon through zts autho- 6 n e Agncultural Fm ance Corporatlon through 1ts autho- nzed representatw e has the nght to b1d nzed representatlve has the nght to b1d 7 Subject and m addltlon to the foregolng the condltlons of ' 7 Sublect and m addltlon to the foregom g the condltlons of sale usually prescnbed by the auctloneers m the dlstnct sale usually prescnbed by the auctloneers m the dlstnct shall apply shall apply 8 The prospectlve purchaser shall be responslble for obtam - 1 8 The prospectlve purchaser shall be responslble for obtam - m g vacant possesslon of the property dlrect from the m g vacant possesslon of the property dlrect from the prevlous owner and that the Corporatlort does not accept prevlous owners and that the Corporatlon does not accept any hablllty whatsoever m lespect thereof any hablhty whatsoever m respect thereof N alrobl, R A H H ERM ITI'E, N alrobl, R A H H ER M IT TE, 11th October 1969 A ctmg G eneral M anager 11th October 1969 A tm ng General M zzzztzrer 1036 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 17œ October 1969

(IAZETTE 'qollcs lfo 3198 CLwss 5--ScHBDuLE III TH E TRAD E M ARK S ACT M O LIFLA M (Cap 506) 16707 - M goods m cluded m Class 5 BEECHAM GROI.TP N OTICE zs hereby glven that any person who has grounds LIM ITBD, tradm g also as BEBCHAM R BSBARCH LABORATORIES, of opposltaon to the reglstratlon of any of the trade marks manufacturers and m erchants, of Beecham H ouse, Great W est advertlsed herem accordmg to the classes m ay, wlthm 60 days Road, Brentford, M zddlesex, England, and c/o M essrs Kaplan from the date of thls G azette, lodge notlce of opposltlon on & Stratton, advocates, Queensway House, York Street, Nalrobz, Foz'm T M No 6 (1n duphcate) together wzth a fee of S.h 50 K enya 13th June 1969 N otlce zs also hereby gw en that oë mal oblectlon wl11 be T S taken under nzle 21 (3) to all apphcatlons m whlch the specl- hcatlon clalm s a11 the goods m cluded m any class unless the 16746 - M edlcated confectlonery M ARS LIMITED, a com pany R eglstrar ls satlsfed that the clalm ls Justé ed by the use of the orgarnzed and exzstm g under the laws of England, m anu- mark whlch the apphcant has made, or mtends to make lf anç facturers, of Dundee Road, Slough, Buckmgham sh re, England, when zt Is rcglstered W here an apphcant conszders tlm t a clazm and c/o M essrs Atkznson, Cleasby & Satchu, adyocates, P O m respect of all the goods m cluded m a class can be Justé ed Box 29, M om basa, Kenya To be assoclated m th TM 16085 lt wlll save unnecessary delay ln exnm lnmg apphcatlons lf a 26th June 1969 clalm ls fled sm m ltaneously wlth the apphcatlon, accompanled m appropnate cases by supportm g docum ents H A ESA N D O N 'I'he penod for lodglng notlce of opposltlon m ay be extended 16769 - pharmaceutlcal products Swxooz LIMITEO (tradlng by the Reglstrar as he thm ks fit and upon such term s as he also as SAxooz A G and SAxooz s A ), manufacturers, of m ay dlrect Any request for such extenslon should be m ade to Llchtstrasse 35, Basle, Swltzerland, and c/o M essrs Kaplan & the Reglstrar so as to reach hzm before the exm ry of the Stratton, advocates, Queensway House, York Street, N azrobl, perlod allowed Kenya 8th July 1969 Form al opposltlon should not be lodged untll after reason- able notlce has been glven by letter to the apphcant for FER A C O N reglstratlon so as to aflbrd hlm any opportunlty of wlthdrawm g 16771 - phannaceutacal and veterm ary preparatlons and sub- h1s appllcatlon before the expense of preparmg the notzce of stances BEECHAM Gltotm LIMITED, tradlng also as BBECHAM opposltlon ls mcurred Fallure to gwe such notlce wlll be taken RESBARCH LABoluToltlEs and as BENCARD, m anufacturers and m to account m conmderm g any apphcatlon by an opponent m erchants, of Beecham H ouse, Great W est Road, Brentford, for an order for costs lf the opposltlon ls uncontested by the M lddlesex, England, and c/o M essrs Kaplan & Stratton, advo- apphcant cates, P O Box 111, Queensway House, York Street, N alrobl, W here zt ls stated m the advertlsem ent of the apphcant that K enya 8th July 1969 the m ark, upon 1ts reglstratlon, ls to be llm lted to certam colours, the colours are, as far as posslble, m dlcated m the accompanym g representatlons of the m ark m the usual heraldlc The underm entloned apphcatlons are procedm g m the nam e m anner of K EM IPHARM A LIM ITED, chem lsts, a pnvate llm lted com pany Representatlons of the m arks advertlsed herem can be seen mcorporated m Kenya, of Plot N o 209/3867, Abdulla Street, at the Trade M arks Reglstry, State Law Oë ces, Nalrobl P O Box 918, N alrobl, Kenya 11th July 1969 A pphcatlons for reglstratlon m Part A of the Regjster are sbown wlth the oëmal num ber unaccom pam ed by any lettei I CO SU LIN Apphcatlons for Part B are dzstm gulshed by the letter B pre- 16779 - pharm aceutlcal preparatzons for hum an and vetennary fixed to the oë clal num ber use PEC TO LMV 16781 - pharm aceutzcal preparatlons for hum an and veterm ary CLAss I--SCHEDULE III use SW EE TEX CO SU LFKN 16673 - Arttfimal sweetenlng preparatlons BOOTS PIJltE DRUG 16782 - pharm aceutlcal preparataons for llum an and veterm azy C-OMPANY LIMITED, a Brltlsh Com pany, manufacturers, of use Nottmgham, NG2 3AA, England, and c/ o M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa, Kenya To be assoclated wlth TM 8256 3rd June 1969 A SC O M Y CIN 16783 - pharm aceutlcal preparauons for hum an and veterm arv use CcAss 2--ScHEoULE III PEQUINOL H O STA SIN 16784 - pharm aceutzcal preparatlons for hum an and veterm ary 16761 '- lhm ent dyestufs FARBw ERKE H OECHST AKTIBNGE- use sEtisclu r'r, vorm als M elster Lucm s & Brunm g, manufacturers For al1 the above appllcatlons address for servlce M essrs and merchants, of 6230 Frankfurt (M am/-H oeehst, W est Patel & Patel, advocates, P O Box 9811, N alrobz Germany, and c/ o M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby & Satchu, advoçates, P O Box 29, M om basa, Kenya 3rd July 1969 CLAss 9--SCHEDVLB III V UL CA N

16762 - D yes, dyestufs lu ltBw em c.s H oscHs'r AKTIBNGB- SBLLSCHAFT, vorm als M elster Lucm s & Brum ng, m anufacturers and merchants, of 6230 F'rankfurt (M alnl- Hoechst, W est Ger- many, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa, Kenya 3rd July 1969

CLAss 3--ScHBotœB III q. j.ya !.! t, l , z h/e

S CR N D IA D ated clazm ed under Internatlonal Conventlon, 20th Februal'y 1969 16772 - perfum es, non-m edlcated tollet preparatlons, cosm etlc 16723 - A pparatus, m strum ents and devlces for the recordmg preparatlons, dentlfrlces, dem latorv preparatlons, tollet artlcles and reproductlon of sotm d and sound rccords Tz.m GRAMO- (not mcluded m other classes), shampoos, soaps and essentlal PHONB COMPANY LIMITED, tradlng as E M I RECORDS, a Bntlsh m ls G BNBRAL C HEMICALS ANo COSMETICS LIM ITED, m erchants, Com pany, m anufacturers and m erchants, of Blyth R oad, H ayes, of Sasoon House, P O Box 123, Shlrley Street, Vassau, Bahama M lddlesex, England, and c/o M essrs Kaplan & Stratton, Islands, and c/o M essrs Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, Queens- advocates, P O Box 111, Queensway House, York Street, way H ouse, York Street, N alrobz, K enya 8+ July 1969 N azrobl, Kenya 17tN Od ober 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 1037 o u qtk c4,f * 4. q+# * - A i . #1 .-e :V. s -v - - -

.X*..:& y '@ # * w -;. ox . F;x I:itm * Reglstratlon of tllls trade m ark shall glve no nght to the excluswe use of the num erals 2 and 0 It zs a condltlon of reglstratlon that tlle blank spaces m the m ark shall, when the m ark ls m use, be occupled only by m atter of a wholly descnptlve and non-trade m ark character 16283 - M otlon m cture films, apparatus for showmg such (m otlon plcture) Elms, telewsxon programs, phonograph records, tape recordm gs and other dewces for the reproductlon of sound TwZNTIBTH CsxruRv-F'ox FII-M Coltpoltwrlox, a Corpora- tlon organlzed under the laws of tlle Sl-ate of D elaware, of 444 W est 56th Street, m the Clty, County and State of N ew York, Um ted States of Am enca 9th Dt cem ber 1968

CLAss 9--ScHEotœE III CLAss 25--ScHEotms II1 16744 G lothlng of aD knxds? necktles To bc assoczated m th CO O PER M A TIC T514u 'fos 16742, 16743 and 16745 16676 - Autom atlc dlspensm g m achm es and apparatus m clud- m g autom atlc tlm e-controlled pressure pack dlspensers , and G Ass 27- Sezœot7z.E HI parts thereof and filhngs therefore Coom R M CD OUGAI.L & 16745 '-r arpets To be assoclated wlth TM A N os 16742, ROBBRTSON LIMITED, a l'm lted hablhty com pany m corporated 16743 and 16744 m England, m anufacturers, of Chemzcal W crks, Ravens Lane, Berkhamstead, Hertfordshlre, England, and c/o M essrs Ham :lton H arnson & M athews, advocates, P O Box 30333, CLAss Z4--SCHBDULE II1 Esso H ouse, N mrobl, K enya 3rd June 1969 G R AN D D IX R 16644 - -rextlle m ece goods , bed and table covers , and CLxss I6--SCHEDVLE 1II bousehold ftzrmsbmgs (textzle) KLOPMAN M III, 1Nc , a Corpora- tlon of the State of Delaware, U m ted States of Am enca, G O L D EN PA G E S m anufacturers, of Llnk D nve, Czty of Rocklejgh, State of N ew 16691 - prm ted pubhcatlons 1= W olum D lu cvroltlEs Ixc Jersey, Umted States of Amenca, and c/o M essrs Kaplan & (a Delaware Corporatlon), manufacturers, of 320 Park Avenue, Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111, Queensway House, York N ew Y ork, N ew Y ork 10022, Um ted States of Am enca, and Street, N alrobl, Kenya To bo assocmted wlth TM A 16599 c/o M essrs Lysaght & Co , Barclays Bartl D C O , Govem - 20th. M ay 1969 m ent Road, N alrobl, Kenya To be assoclated wlth TM 16242 12th June 1969 The underm entloned apphcatlons are proceedm g m the nam e of LEYBOLD-H BRAEUS VERwALTIJXG Gsssl-t,scluF'r M l'r BescH- CLAss ZO--SCHBDULE II1 RAXKTER H ATTUNG, tradlng as LEYBOLD-H ERALUS GESLLLSCHAFT M lT BESCHRANKT'BR H AFTIJNG & Co , K omm andltgesellschaft, m anufacturers and merchants, of Postfach 195, 5 K oln-Bayental, Germany, and c/o M essrs Kaplan & Stratton, P O Box 111, œ Queensway House, York Street, Nalrobl, Kenya Conventlon pnonty clalmed under sectxon 65 (1) of the Tmde M arks A ct as from 25th Apnl 1968, on the underm entloned Eve apphcatlons, whlch were filed on the 23rd October 1968 Reglstratlon of thls trade m ark shall gzve no nght to the excluswe use of the letters L and H apart from the m ark as a Remstratlon of tlus trade m ark shall g13 e no rlght to the whole excluslve use of tlle letter é%B'' 16566 - Furm ture, parts and accessorles therefor , m lrrors and plcture fram es BRuxsw lcK C oltpolu 'rlox, a C orporatlon organzzed under the laws of the State of Delaware, m anufac- turers, of 69, W est W ashmgton Street, Chlcago, Ilhnols 60602, Unlted States of Amerlca, and c/o M essrs Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111, Queensway House, York Street, N atrobl, K enya To be assocmted wlth TM A 16565 l0th Apnl 1969

The underm entloned appllcatlons are proceedm g m the name of Stm oEtrrsclœ CHBMIBFASER AKTIENGESLLLSCHAPT, a. Jom t stock com pany orgam zed under the laws cIf G ermnny, m anu- facturers and m erchants, of K elhelm , D onau, W Germnny, and c/o M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa, K enya 26th June 1969

D O LA N CtAss l- scluoul-s lI1 16173 - l-aqm d m etals, chlonnated dlphenyl, polyvynylether, Ctxss z3--scHBoutz III ester of m ultw alent alcohohcs of phthallc aclds and sebaclc 16742 - n bre s ,tltreads, yarns To be assoclated wlth TM A aclds, cem ents To be assoclated wlth TM A N os 16174, 16175 N os 16743, 16744 and 16745 and 16176 23rd October 1968 Ctass ZZF--SCHEDIJI.S 1II 16743 - W oven and m esh work m aterzals, curtam s, bed and CrAss 2--ScHsours II1 table-hnen To be assoclated wlth TM A N os 16742, 16744 and 16174 .-f em ents and lacquers and varm shes To be assocmted 16745 wlth TM A N os 16173) 16175 and 16176 23rd October 1968 1038 TH E K EN YA G AZER'TE 17d1 Ootober 1969

Cu ss ZI- SCHEDIJLE IIl A LTERATION oF REGISTEREP TltAoE M Aluûs UNDBR R tnz 91 or T>m TltAoB M ARKS R ULBS 16215 .-Flulds for vacuum -pumps olls based on hydrocarbon compounds, slhcone olls, hlgh-vacuum gleases and waxes 23rd 11368 .-w dvertjsed under Gazette N otlce N o 5407 page 1342, October 1968 K enya Gazette dated 27th N ovem ber 1962 Spec,é catzon of goods now restncted to S:SU LFON AM IDE preparatlons'' 16108 - A dvertlsed under Gazette N otlce N o 4007, page 1268, C l-Ass 9- SCHEDULE IlI K enya G azette dated 6th D ecem ber 1968 Trade m ark now reads SSR ETIFO N '' 16176 - vacuum pum ps, vacuum - and hlgh vacuum -apparatus, nam ely apparatus sultable for operatlon under vacuum , evapo- 15035 - Advertlsed under G azette N otlce N o 1459, page 455, rators, freeze drymg equtpm ent, apparatus for thm Elm dtstzlla- Kenya Gazette dated 10th M ay 1968 'tSTAUFFER'' (Logo) tlon, for vacuum lm pregnation, for heat treatm ent, degassm g and D eslgn has been m odernlzed to a lm uted extent and the and m eltm g of all klnds of m atelml under vacuum , m achlnes angular strokes elmunated for electron beam weldlng, nuclear physlcs apparatus, rotatmg vacuum -pum ps, dlffuslon pum ps, steam electors, vacuum - m easurlng m strum ents, vacuum -valves , physlcs teachm g eqm p- m ent, sclence te tchlng apparatus, physlcal apparatus and m easurm g m stnzm ents for research and developm ent To be TRADE ATARKS INTENDED TO BE R EMOVED FROH THE R EGISTER OF assoclated wlth TM A N os 16173, 16174 and 16175 231*d TRADE A4ARKS THROUGH N oN PAYMENT oF THE RENSw AL FEES O ctober 1968 TM N i ( o Class Tl ade M ark j Name

Cl-Ass IG -SCHEDUI-E IIl 7011 6 Phlllps and D evlce N V Phlllps G loellam pen- 16175 - W axes and m anuals for practlcal work m schools To frabrleken 7012 Phlllps and D evlce N V Phlllps G loellam pen- be assoctated wtth T M A N os 16173, 16174 and 16176 23rd frabrleken O ctober 1968 7014 1 1 Phlllps and D evlce N V Phllm s G loellam pen- frabryeken I fx Ass '/--SCHEDUI.E 1II 16447 - Ejectors (m aclunery) and eyectols (steam) , electrtc m achm es for w eldjng , pum ps fallm g ln Class 7, and m achlnes J M LON G , em ploymg vacua m thelr operatlon, and parts and fittm gs for Deputy Rdglyr/c? oj Trade M arks all the aforesald goods 20t11 Februal'y 1969

CtAss ll- scHsouLr lII 16448 - Evaporatmg apparatus, and m stallatlons and appa ratus for freeze-drylng , thqtlllatlon apparatus and tm pregnatm g GAZB'I'TE N orlcE N o 3199 mstallatlons em ploylng hlgh vacua m thelr operatlon, and parts and Ettlngs for all the aforesald goods 20th February 1969 >. TH E TRA DE M ARK S AC T Th (Cap 506) e undelm entloned apphcatlons are proceedlng ln the nam e of W M W RIGLBY JR COMPANY, a Corporatlon Organced and INTSNDBD A PPLICATION To REGISTFR AN ASSIGNMSNT exlstmg under tbe laws of the State of D elaware, m anufacturers w ITHOIJT GOODw ILL and m erchants, of 410 N orth M lchlgan Avenue, Clty of Chlcago, State of Illlnols, Unlted States of Amerlca, and c/ o PURSUANT to sectlon 25 (7) of the above Act, notlce ls M essrs Atkm son, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, hereby mven of an m tended appllcatlon recewed on 18th M om basa, K enya 17th June 1969 Tanuary 1969, to reglster an asslgnm ent of the trade m arks llsted below, the sald asslgnm ent belng otherw lse than m con- Cl-Ass 3o--scfnlotrt.s IIl nexlon wlth the goodwlll of the buslness m whlch the trade m arks w ere used at the tlm e of asslgnm ent A R O M IN T Trade M c/k N os 16716 .-r hewm g gum To be assoclated wlth TM A N o (1) 3649 - v v sl,'?k,' . 5 - -. e d,, .< r @ 'kskjt- Addregs jor servtce .--c/0 M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby & Satchu., advocates, P O Box 29 M om basa Natule oj lrl,N/?lf&lea/.ç .-o eed of Asslgnment dated 7th Feb- V A$ Z=v= m= ' - '=--n '= &.-=- -'-=H '. - . - . -.. -. '= y sum u,s- w - - - . Aj nzary 1968, and 5th August 1968, between Potter & M oore U .x = Lmuted as the A sslgnors of tite one part and Scherm g cr- I l j Corporatlon as the A sslgnees of the other pal t % i i ii ; r k -. , A representatlon of the above-m entzoned trade m arks can be < k 4 -x* .-. - w -. - -. . - .. . j seen at the Trado M arks Reglstl'y, State Law Oflice, N alrobl, and also ln the pubhcatlon of the K enla Gazette # LIQ U EU R 'rz Tile reglstratlon of the sald asslgnm ent w11l not be com - ..JQw x pleted untll the explratlon of a penod of two m onths from the date of pubhcatlon of thls notlce AII com m unlcatjons ln relatlon hereto should be addressed to the Reglsyrar of Trade 16979 - taqueurs K BNZA LIQIJEURS LIMITBD , a llmlted M arks, State Law Oë ce, P O Box 30031, N alrobl llablllty com pany m corporated ln K enya, manufactul ers, of c/ o Ctty Regtstrars, College H ouses K om ange Street, P O Box 6578, Nalrobl, Kenya, and c/ o M essrs Hamllton Harnson & ' M athew s, advocates, P O Box 30333 K enya 5th Septem bel 1969 , Esso H ouse, N alrobl, J M LONG , Deputy Rewm cr oj Trade M csts 17th Ootober 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEU E 1039

GAZB'I'TE NIITIC: No 3200 sczcotrt,s N o 0/ uppllcatton - 1857 TH E PATEN TS REGISTRATION AG Date oj applkcatlon - 7th October 1969 Name of appllcant - J R Gelgy A G çcap 508) Regïstered address - 215 Schwarzealdallee, Basle, Swltzerland ORIGINAL ENTRY Parttculars 0/ grant Irl the (Jn/zetf K tngdom - N o - 1,045,544 IT IS hereby noté ed for general m form atlon that a letters Date - 1st February 1967 patent, partlculars of whlch appear m the Schedule hereto, was Date ol Jllrlg complete speckfkatton - 23rd Janual'y 1964 reglstered as N o 1855 of 1969 ln the K enya R eglster of Patents Complete xrecl/îcfz/zt?n publnshed - 12th October 1966 on the 23rd day of Septem ber 1969 Nature oj tnventlon - New Derwatlves of Pyrazohdmes thelr productlon and use SCHEDIJLB Documents etc /#EW ln teustry - (a4 One certéed copy of the specécatlon (mcludmg draw- No 0/ appltcatkon - 1855 lngs and ''Oëce Copy ' of letters patent) of the Unzted Date o! appltcatlon - 23rd September 1969 K m gdom patent Name t# applïcant - Ab Tetra (bj Certliicate of the Comptroller-General of the Unlted Reglstered address - P O Box 236, Lund 1, SMeden K lngdom Patent OK ce Partlculars oj grant Ia the Unlted Klngdom (c) Authonz-atlon m favour of M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M ombasa N o - 1,012,867 Nalrobz, J M LON G , D ate - 2Oth August 1969 10th October 1969 Deputy Reglstrar 0/ Patents Date oj Jllrlg complete speclscatton - 14th January 1964 Complete specljkatlon publtshed - 8th December 1965 GAZE'I-I> N olqcs N o 3203 Nature of tnventlon - A m ethod and a devlce for m anufactur 1ng Fllled and Sealed Packages TH E PATEN 'T S REGISTRATION ACT Documents etc #/c# lzz reglstrs ICJ# 508) (J) One certéed copy of the specécatlon (mcludlng draw- ORIGINAL ENTRY mgs and iioflice Copy' of letters patent) of the Umted IT IS hereby noté ed for general m form atlon that a letters Klngdom patent patent, partlculars of whlch appear m the Schedule hereto, was (bj Certécate of the Comptroller-General of the Unlted reglstered as N o 1858 of 1969 m the K enya Reglster of Patents K lngdom Patent Oëce on the 8th day of October 1969 (c) Authonzatlon m favour of M essrs Kapla n & Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111, N alrobl ScHim ut,s No o! Jr/flcc/fcv; - 1858 Date ()/ applkcatton - 8th October 1969 N alrobl, J M LON G , Name ()/ appllcant - taocksplke Lmuted 71 October 1969 Deputy Reglstro oj Patents Regtstered addless - 7 Rolls Buzldmgs, Fetter Lane, London E C 4, England Partlculars oj grant ln the Untted Ktngdom - N o - 1,078,7* GAZB'I'TE N olqcE N o 3201 Date - 29th N ovem ber 1967 Date t?/ fillng complete Npecl/îccfltprl - 12th M ay 1966 TH E PATEN TS REG ISTRATION ACT Complete spealicatton publlshed - 9th August 1967 Nature oj Invczzrltpa - Fastemng M embers for Securmg Rallway W ap 508) R alls and Rallway Rall and Fastenm g Arrangem ents em ploy- O RIGINAL ENTRY m g the Fastenm g M em bers Documents, etc , Jlctf ln reglyrr.p - IT IS hereby noté ed for general m form atlon that a letters patent, partlculars of w hlch appear m the Schedule hereto, was (J) One certdied copy of the specécatlon (mcludmg draw- lngs and fr lce Copy'' of letters patent) of the Unlted reglstered as N o 1856 of 1969 m the K enya R em ster of Patents K mgdom patent on the 7th day of October 1969 (b4 Certlscate of the Comptroller-General of the Umted K lngdom Patent Oë ce ScnEotmE (c) Author> tlon m favour of M essrs Atkm son, Cleasby & No of cppllctzflt)u - 1856 Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M ombasa Date of appllcatlon - 7th October 1969 N alrobxy J M LON G, Name oj applïcant - J R Gelgy A G 10th O ctober 1969 D eputy Regurrar ol Patents Regtstered address - 215 Schwarzealdallee, zasle, S'wltzerland Partkculars oj grant ln the Unlted Ktngdom - G AZE'IX N o'rlce N o 3204 N o - 1,060,139 TH E M TEN TS REG ISTRATION ACT Date - 21st June 1967 (Cap 508) Date ()/ hllng complete specl#ccfl/a .-dth December 1964 ORIIHNAI- ENTRY Complete speclFcatkon publfshed - 1st M arch 1967 IT IS hereby notz ed for general m form atlon that a letters N atu'e (7/ 'nventton - rfhlepm and Oxepzn D envatwes and patent, partlculars of whlch appear m the Schedule hereto, was process for thelr productlon reglstered as N o 1859 of 1969 m the K enya Reglster of Patents Documents etc #/e# tn regïstry - on the 8th day of Octobel 1969 (f8 One certltied copy of the speeécatlon (mcludmg draw- Scc out.s mgs and iloflice Copy'' of letters patent) of the Unlted K lngdom patent No oj apphcatton - 1859 Date (# appllcatton - 8th October 1969 (!)) Certécate of the Com ptroller-General of the Umted N ame o! appllcant - B I Du Pont De Nemours & Com pany Klngdom Patent OK ce Regutered address - 10th and M arket Streets, W llm m gton 98, (c) Authorlzatlon m favour of M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby & Delaware, Unlted States of Am enca Satchu, advocateq, P O Box 29, M om basa Particulars ol grant lzi the Unued Kmgdom - N o - 1,138,248 N alrobl, J M LON G , D ate - 23rd Apnl 1969 10th O ctober 1969 Deputy Rexw-çrj ar oj Patents Date oj Jhn,jr complete âwecilcc/zt?rl .--dth October 1966 Complete specthcatlon publkshed - 27th December 1968 Nature ()/ tnventton - Esters of Testosterone and related 17B- ols and thelr preparatlon GAZE'I-I'E N oTzcE No 3202 Documents efc Fled lrl reglstîy - (c) One certé ed copy of the speclficatlon (lncludlng draw- THE PATEN TS R EG ISTRA IION ACT lngs and tdoëce Copy' of letters patent) of the Unlted W ap 508) K mgdom patent (5) Certécate of the Comptroller General of the Unlted O RIGINAL ENTR: K vngdom Patent Oëce IT IS hereby noté ed for general lnform atlon that a letters (c) Authonzatlon m favour of M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby & patent, partlculars of whlch appear m the Schedule hereto, was Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29 M om basa reglstered as N o 1857 of 1969 In the Kenya Reglster of Patents N alrobl, J M LON G , on the 7th day of October 1969 10th October 1969 Deputy Reglstrar t# Pattnts 1040 TH E K EN Y A G AZET TE 17th October 1969

G- 'I'I'E N o'ncs N o 3205 GAZETTE NolqcE N o 3208 THE PATEN TS REG ISTRATION ACT IN TH E H IGH COURT OF K EN YA AT N AIROBI qcap 508) PR OBATE AN D A DM INISTRATION O RIGINAL ENTRY TA KE N OTICE that appllcatlons havm g been m ade m thls IT IS hereby noté ed for general m formatlon that a letters Court ln patent, partlculars of w hlch appear m the Schedule he1 eto, was (1) CAUSE N o 316 oF 1969 reglstered as N o 1860 of 1969 m the K enya R eglster of Patents By Natlonal and Gnndlays Bank Lmuted (through 1ts on tlze 8th day of October 1969 qttorney John Davld Blown of P O Box 30402 N alrobl m Kenya), through M essls Shah & Parekh, advocates of Nalrobz, Scr out.B for a grant of lettels of adm lnlstratlon m testate of tlle estate No oj applkcatton - 1860 of Ephantus Chege of M alagua m K enya, who dled at N azrobl Date t# appllcatlon - 8th October 1969 afolesald, on the 27th day of M ay 1968 Name of appltcant - E I Du Pont De N emouls & Company R eglstered cl#?c.çl --W llm lngton 98, D elaware, U nlted States (2) CAusiz No 317 oF 1969 of Am enca By 1da Gam bal dlm of P O Box 4269, N alrobl m K enya, the Parttculars oj grant Jrl the Unlted Klngdoln - wldow of the deceased, through M essrs A H M ahk & Co , N o - 1,035,092 advocates of N allobl, for a grant of letters of adm m lstratlon D ate - 26th O ctober 1966 lntestate of the estate of Rlccardo G ambardlm of Nalrobl afore- Date ol lzlag complete speclhcatton - 7th December 1962 sald, who dled at N allobl on the 25th day of M arch 1969 Complete ypE'c/#ctz/ltpzl pubhshed - 6th July 1966 Nature of Izlvezlrlt?rl - lm provements 1 elatlng to Herblcldes and (3) CAuss No 320 oF 1969 N ovel 3-substltuted U ramls By Sulllt Kaur w/ o Cllanan Smgh of P O Box 7837, Nalrobl D ocum ents etc y7e# m reustry - m K enya, the wldow of the deceased, through G S Patel, Esq , (tz) One certéed copy of the speclficatlon (mcludmg dlaw- advocate of N alrobl, for a grant of letters of adm m lstratlon mgs and iioëce Copy'' of letters patent) of the Unlted mtestate of the estate of Chanan Smgh s/ o Gurdlt Slngh of K lngdom patent N alrobl aforesald, who dled at M achakos m K enya, on the 2nd day of D ecem ber 1967 (/9 Certlscate of the Comptl oller-General the Umted K mgdom Patent Oë ce (4) CAIJSB No 323 olv 1969 (cj Authorlzatxon m favour of M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby & By Rlchard Donald Croft W llcock of P O Box 10201, Satchu, advocates, P O Box 29, M ombasa N an ob1 m K enya, the executor nam ed m t'he wlll of the decertsed, through M essrs A rcher & W llcock, advocates of N alrobl, J M LON G , N alrobl, for a grant of probate of the wlll of M aud Annle 10th October 1969 Deputy Regïstrar oj Patents W olter of Thlka In K enya, who dled at Nalrobz on the 20th day of June 1969 Gu s'r'rE N oTlcB N o 3206 (5) CAUSE No 325 oF 1969 By R onald Francls Janson Lm dsell of P O Box 184, K ltale IN TH E H IGH COURT OF K EN YA m Kenya, on behalf of Vela Joyce Klrsopp, the wldow of the AT M OM BA SA DISTRICT REG ISTRY deceased, and M lchael M eggeson, 130th of F'areham m the U m ted K m gdom , the executors appolnted m the wxll of the PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION deceased, thlough R F J Lm dsell, Esq , advocate of K ltale, TAKE N OTICE that an appllcatlon havm g been m ade m for l eseallng ln Kenya, the grant of probate granted on the thls Court m - 8th day of July 1969, by the Dlstnct Probate Reglstl'y of the CAusE N o 64 oF 1969 H lgh C oult of Justlce m England at W lnchester, of the estate By Abdulrasul Cassam Satchu, Esq , advocate of M om basa of H enry Chllstophel K lrsopp of Fareham aforesald, who dled m K cnya, of the firm of M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby & Satchu, at Southam pton ln the Unlted K lngdom , on the 4th day of one of the duly constltuted attorney of Florence Alm stl ong of M arch 1969 W oodlands Lodge, D ell Dnve, Tunbrldge, W ells, K ent, and (6) C &usE N o 326 oF 1969 Duncan Arm strong of 6 Belm ont Avenue, Blackhall Rocks, By M rs K ashlben Dhulabhaz Patel of P O K utus m K enya, H artlepool County, D urham , the duly appolnted adm lnlstlators the wldow of the deceased, through Bhallal Patel, Esq , advocate of the deceased, through M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby- & Satchu, of N all obl, for a gl ant of lettels of adm lnlstratlon m testate of advocates of M om basa m Kenya, for seahng m K enya the the estate of Dhulabhal Takabhal Patel of Kutus aforesald, letters of adm lnlstratlon lssued by the Hlgh Court of Justlce who d ed at N au ob1 afol em entloned, on the 27th day of at the Prm clpal Probate R eglstly at London, England, m Septem ber 1968 favour of the above-nam ed adm lnlstrators of the late Foster Thls Court wlll proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be Frederlck Arm strong of W oodlands Lodge, Dell Drlve, Tun- shown to the contrarv and aopearance m thls lespect entered bndge W ells, K ent, who dled at sea on the 31st day of M arch on ol before 31st Octobel 1969 1968 Ths Court wlll proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be M F PA TE L, qhown to the contrary and appearance m tius respect entered N alrobl, D eputy R eglstrar m thm 14 days from the date of publlcatlon of thls notlce ln 13th October 1969 Hlgh Court oj Kenya Nauobt the Kenya Gazette N B - -f'he wllls m entloned above have been deposlted m and P N K H A N N A , are open to m spectlon at the C ourt A ctlng D eputy R egtstrar M ombasa, Hlgh Court oj Kenya 3rd October 1969 Zlw Courts M om basa GAZSTTE N orlcs N o 3209 PROBATE A.N'D AD M IN ISTR ATION GAZETTE N tm cs N o 3207 TA KE N OTICE that after fourteen days from the date of tlus IN TH E H IGH COU RT OF K EN YA G azette, I m tend to apply to the Hlgh Court at N alrobl for representatlon of the estate of the person nam ed m the AT M O M BA SA D ISTRICT REG ISTRY second colum n of the Schedule heroto, who dzed on tho date PRO BATE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION set forth agam st hls nam e TAK E N OTICE that an apphcatlon havlng been m ade m And further take notlce that a11 persons havlng any clalm s agam st or lnterests ln the ostate of the sald deceased person thls Court m - are requlred to prove such clatm s or mterests bd ore me CAUSE N O 65 Ob' 1969 wlthln two m onlths from the date of tlus Gazette, after whlch By the Jubllee Insurance C om pany Lm nted of N alrobl m date the clm ms and m teresls so proved m 11 be pald and satM ed K enya, a credltor of the deceased, through M essls Atkmson, and the estate dlstnbuted accordm g to law Cleasby & Satchu, advocates of M om basa m K enya, for a grant of letters of adm mlstratlon lntestate lum ted only to the SCHEDULB m ortgaged propertles of the late H usem M eghll D ossa of M om basa aforesald, who dled on the 22nd day of D ecem ber Publlc D ate Testate 1965, at M om basa aforesald Trustee's of or Th4s C ourt w l11 ploceed to lssue the sam e uttless cause be Cause No Name of Deceased Address Death lhtestate shown to the contrary and appearance m thls respect entered wlthln 14 days from the date of publlcatlon of thls notlce ln 112/69 F r a n c 1 q G a k u o Nyerl 4-4-69 Intestate the K enya Gazette s/o K angaru P N K HAN NA , A ctlng D ep'tty R eglstlal M om basa, Tflg/l Court oj K enya N au obl, Z R CHESON I, 3rd October 1969 Zww C ourts M om basa 10th October 1969 Asm tant Pubhc Trustee 17ti1 October 1969 TH E K EN YA G A ZEW E 1041

G AZBTTB N o'rlce N o 3210 G AM TTE N t)Tlce N o 3214

JAM F-S W H ITTET N EW TON , DECEASED DR CHAR LES R OBERT PH ILIP, DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that all persons havm g any clalms agalnst N OTICE zs hereby m ven, pursuant to sectlon 29 of the tlle estate of the above-nam ed deceased late of M ununga H 111 Trustee Act (Cap 167), that any pe1 son havmg a clazm or Farm , M au N arok, K enya, wbo dzed on the 19th Septem ber àn m terest m the estate of the late Jam es W luttet N ewton 1969, m Surrey, England, are requested to lodge and prove form erly of M urogosl EsG te, Turbo, who d1( d on the 1st day detalls thereof wltll A R J Phlhp, Esq , of P O M au of October 1969, ls hereby reqm red to send partlculars m , wntm g of h1s clalm or m terest to M essrs Sttaw & Calnzthers, on or before the 24th D ecem ber 1969 after whlch date the advocates of P O Box 112, Eldoret, on or bt fore tho 31st day executors w4l1 dlstnbute the estate bavm g regard only to zahd of D ecem ber 1969, after w hlch date the estàte wtll be dlstn- clalm s then noté ed buted nm ongst the persons entatled thereto havlng regard only D ated thls 9+ day of October 1969 to the clalm s and m terests of whlch lt has had notlce and wlll not as respects the property so dlstnbuted be hable to any person of whose clalm lt shall not have thea had notace H A M ILTON H M RISON & M ATH EW S, Advocates jor the Executors P O B ox 30333 N altobt SH AW & CAA R UTH ERS, sldoret Advocates ybr J he Admlmstrator 6th (ktober 1969 P O Box 112, Eldoret

Gu s'I'I'E N cnœ N o 3215

G àzF.'r'rB N olqce N o 3211 JOHN H BN RY N M ER , DECEASED N oTlcB GERT PETRU S M EIN TJES, D BCJRA SBD N OTICE ls hereby gjven, pulsuant to sectlon 29 of the Trustee Act (Cap j67), that any person havmg a clalm agamst, N OTICE ls hereby gwen, pursuant to sectton 29 of tile or an m terest m , the estate of the late John H enry N azer of Trustee Act (Cap 167), tlzat any person havlng a clalm or an Naw asha, who (lled on the 7th day of January 1969 lnterest m the estate of the late Gert Petrus M em tjes formerly , at Kal#1 m the Repubhc of K enya, ls hereby lequlred to send partl- of P O Box 205, Eldoret, who dled on tlze 10th day of culars m w ntm g of hls or hcr clalm or m terest to the Septem ber 1969, ls hereby requlred to send pa1 tlculars m wntm g underslgned before the 31st day of D ecem bel 1969 of h1s clalm or m terest to M essrs Shaw & Carrtlthers, advoexates , after whlch of P O Box 112, Bldoret, on or before tbe 31st D ecem ber date the adm lm stratnx wlll dlstnbute the estate am ong the 1969, after whlch date the estate wzll be dlxtnbuted am ongst persons entttled thereto havm g regard only to the clatm s and the persons entltled thereto havm g regard ollly to the clatm s m terests of whlch she shall have laad notlce and w1l1 not as and m terests of whlch lt has had notlce and hN11l not as respects respects the property so dlstnbuted be hable to any person of the property so dlstnbuted be llabie to any person of w hose whose clalm she shall nct then have had notlce clalm lt shall not have then had notlce Dated the 10th day of October 1969 SH AW & CARRU THER S, K APLAN & STRATTON , Eldoret, Advocates jor the A dm lnlstrator Advocates for the ad.tfzzzlall/rc/rlx 81 October 1969 P 0 Box 112 Eldoret Queensway House Yolk Stl eet P O Box 111 N alrobl

G AZETTE N oxqcB No 3212 G xzerre No'rlcB N o 3216 VELH BH IM JI GALM YA, DECEASED R H E BAN KR U PTCY ACT TAKE N OTICE that all persons havm g any clazm s agam st the estate of the above-nam ed deceased late c'f P O Box 3913, çcap 53) N alrobl, who dzed at N alrobz on the 8+ day of M arch 1969, N olqcE oF D IVIDEND are requested to lodge and prove dev lls thereof wzth tbe under- slgned on or before 26th D ecem ber 1969, aftt r whlch date the Debtor s zzczzl' - l-lem ral La1J1 Shah, tradm g as H L Shah and m tended adm mlstratrm wjll dlstnbute the estate havm g regard Co only to vahd clalm s then noté ed Addless - P O Box 5498, N azrobl Descrw tkon - -frader D ated tlus 8th day of October 1969 Court - HAg,h Court of K enya at N a&rob: No oj matter - B C 2 of 1963 A M IN & PA TEL, Am ount per f --ccnts 32 Advocates /t?? the Ia/cnltd Admmtstratrlx Fkrst or final or tp//zerwuxd - n rst and Iinal P 0 Box 4841 Nalrobt W hcn payable - 21st October 1969 W here payable - At my oëce, H aram bee A venue P 0 Box 30031, N alrobl , N alrobz, M L H AN DA , G xzerrE N oTtcB N o 3213 10t.h October 1969 Deputy O#icIcJ Recelver

ELLEN M AR Y K N IG HT, D ECEA SED N OTICE ls hereby gw en, pursuant to sectlon 28 of the G AZBR'TB N cnace N o 3217 Tnzstee Act (Cap 141), that any person havm g a clatm agamst or an m terest ln tbe estate of the late Ellen M ary K m ght of IN TH E H IGH COU RT OF K EN YA AT N A IROBI 12A N aklwogo Road, Entebbe, who dled at K lsubl on the 13th October 1968, xs hereby reqm red to send partlculars m wntlng IN BANKRIJPTCY CAuss N o 47 or 1959 of h1s or her clatm or m terest to Barclays Banlu D C O , Trustee Re Bhaskerao /,lllntzll/;c; Patel, tradlng t7uç Stone Btothers D epartm o t, P O Box 30356, N alrobl, wltlu.n two m onths of the date of pubhcatlon of thls notlce, after whlch date the debtor executol q w1ll dlstnbute the estate am ong the persons entltled TAKE N OTICE tlaat the above-nam ed bankrupt has applled thereto havzng regard only to the clalm s and lnterests of whlch to the Court for m odlflcatlon of the order m ade on 29th July they have had notlce and wzll not as respectq the property so 1963, suspendmg h1s dlscharge untll Sh 7 m the f; ls paid and thstrlbuted be hable to any person of whose claxm they shall that the Court has fixe,d the 4th day of N ovem ber 1969 not then have had notjce , at 10 30 a m , at the Iaaw Courts, N alrob), for hearm g the Dated thls 2nd day of October 1969 apphcaton Dated tlus lotl1 day of O ctober 1969 BARCLAY S BAN K D C O , Trustee D epartm ent M L H AN D A, P O #tpt 30356 Natrobl Deputy Of& ICJ Recewer 1042 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 17tll October 1969

CIAZBTTE lloTlcB ifo 3218 THE CO M PAN IES A CT (Cap 486) IT IS notl:ed for general lnform atlon that the followlng com panles have been lncorporated ln Kenya durlng the perlod 1st July to 31st luly 1969 - PRIVATS COMPANIES Name of Company Nomlnal 4ddl Fl.ç of WdglJ/d? ed O///T ( Cam tal Sh Brooko Bond Servjoes Llmlted 2,000 Kolnange Stre et ,L R 209/1326 P O Box 201 1 ,Nalrobl Nllru Tradmg Stores Llm lted 50,000 Plot No 42/ 6 .Dandora P O Box 8624, N alrobl M ugondol Farm Llm lted 200,000 t- R 365 3 .Slfuated near Plateau Crater Tobacco D lstrlbutors Llm lted 200,000 L R 451/158, Nakuru. P O Box 3 .Nakuru K m gangl M arket Farm ers and Traders C om pany Ltd 50,000 Plot No 102, Kanganàl M arket, lGamb u ,P O Box 329, Klambu Bam boo N lght Club Llm lted 50,000 Plot No 209/138/5 2. Verma Roads P O Box 14347, Nalrobl Afllcan Retall Tradcrs (M eru) Llmlted 90,000 Plot No 209/4281, Commerce House, Government Road, P O Box 30038, N alrobl Afncan Retall Traders (M achakos) Llmlted 9: 0û0 Plot No 209/4281, Commerce House, Government Road P O Box 30038, N alrobl Afncan Retall Traders (Llmuru) Llmlted 70 000 Plot No 209/4281, Commerce House, Government Road, P O Box 30038, N alrobl Afrlcan Retall Traders (Kakamega) Llm lted 80 O00 Plot No 209/4281 #Commerce House, Government Road, P O Box 30038, N alrobî M rlcan Retall Traders (Nakuru) Llmlted 70,000 Plot No 209/4281, Commerce House, Governmont Road, P O Box 30038, N m robl M ncan Retall Traders (Campos Rlbelro) Llmlted 150,000 Plot No 209/4281, Commerce House, Government Road, P O Box 30038, N alrobl M ncan Retall Traders (Klsumu) Llmlted 150,000 Plot No 209/4281, Commerce House, Government Road, P O Box 30038, N alrobl H lghw ay C arners Llm lted 3050,000 Plot No 93 Sectzon XVI Nkrumah Roa X P O Box 133 9 ,M ombasa m ata Road Enterprlses Llmlted ,000 Plot No 525/1 0m Reata ltoad/m ver Roa d ,P O Box 4345, Nalrobl The Evershm e Tradmg and Industrlal Com pany Ltd 500,000 Plot N o 497, Sectlon XVII, Abdel N asser Road P O Box 912 M om basa Spares and Industrles Lllm ted 100,000 Plot No 37/332, Battersea Road, P O Box 7080 Najrobl Lakhmldass and Sons (Kenya) Llmlted 50,000 Plot Ne 138/21: Nalrobl, P O Box 5551 Nalrobl Talmahal Sllk House (E A ) Llmlted 250,000 Plot No 209/1406 Government Roa dv P O Box 263, Nalrobl Kula Crafts Llm lted 20,000 Plot No 209/6835, lntercontlnental Hotel, Sgt Ellls Avenue, P O Box 6896, N alrobl N akuru Autom oblle H ouse Llm lted 100,000 Plot N o 1 8 ,Sectlon XX , Coronatlon Avenue, P O Box 49 1 ,N akuru K lllbw onl Enterprlses Llm lted 300,000 L R. 689, N dubenet Estate, N andl Border, P O Box 999, Eldoret M ultllm e Store Llm lted 200,000 Plot N os 12, 13 and 14, Sectlon 24, P O Box 18, N alvasha Unlversal M lnmg (E A ) Llmlted 2,000 'L R 209/1018. Glrouard Road, P O Box 103 8 ,Nalroby M om basa W lnes and Splrlts Llm lted 50,000 Plot N o 8 5, Sectlon XX, Sallm Roa da P O Box 1114 2 ,M om basa Slrem (Kenya) Llmlted 200,000 c/o M urdoch M ccrae and 5m1th, College House, L R 209/3869, U nlverslty W ay, P O Box 6578, N alrobl K arlltl Traders Lm uted 50,000 L R 209/2053, Lulllngton House, P O Box 970 7 ,Nalrobl M llnor Reglstrars Ljm lted 10,000 O lym pla H ous e, K olnange Street, P O Box 643 2 N m robl H araka H ousm g Enterprlse Llm lted 200,û()(1 Plot N o 680, Jeevanlee Stree t yP O Box 24750, K...aren K ashm lr Crafts Ltm lted 100,000 Plot No 209/264 6 ,Bazaar Stree t, P O Box 36 06a Najrobl Joles Llm lted 200,000 H amllton Hous e, York Stree t ,P O Box 30012, N alrobl A gaclku Contractors Llm lted 20 000 Plot N o 37, K erugoy a ,P O Box 43, K erugoya A to Z Electroselvloe Llm lted 200,000 Plot N o 4t Sectlon 4, Donald Avenue, P O Box 67 5 %. Nakuru T O M M anagem ent Llm lted ,000 Plot No 209/4281 Commerce House, Govelnment Road, P O Box 12186, N alrobl Envelope M anufacturers Llm lted 250,000 Block X LVIII, Parcel 1 1 5 ,M arket Are a ,P O Box 48 1 ,M om basa M wangaza G eneral Traders Llm ted 60,000 Plot No 209/364 9 ,Ghallb Road, P O Box 6347 Nalrobl Gum Tapes (E A ) Llmlted 500,000 Plot No 209/591, Central Bulldlngs Government Road, P O Box 244, N alrobl G alaxy D lstrlbutors Lmuted 30,000 Plot N o 51, Sectlon XX, Freed Bulldlng, Kwa Shlbu Road P O Box 1031, M om basa , R hem M otors Llm lted 20,000 Sllopark House, Queenswa yx P O Box 3049 5 ,Nalrobl K enatco Rent A Car Lzm lted 1,600,000 Queensway Trustees Llmlted, Queensway Houses York Street, P O

B o x 3 0 1 5.. 8-, N m ro b 1 Remforced Plastlcs K enya Llm lted 100,G00 Lullmgton House, Queenswa y AP O Box 5205, Nalrobl Daya Footwear Llmlted 20,000 Plot N o 5, Sectlon X XIX , Odera Stree t rP O Box 24, K lsum u N orm ande Court Llm lted 1,920 Volvo H ous e ,K om ange Stree t yP O Box 3044 6 N alrobl Llfe and Com m ermal Insurance A gencles Llm lted 10,000 H alee M anslon, G ulzaar Stree t, P O Box 25 8 ,N, .alrobl R are Farm ers Com pany Llm lted 100,000 L R 451/7/VIl, W arner s Bulldlng, Lawry Avenue, P O Box 73, N akuru Auto and Guarantee Insurances Llm lted 50,000 L R 209/V1/923 Kenyatta Avenue, P O Box 3366, Nalrobl

The Btg Spot Llmlted 20,000 L R 209/54 5 u.Vlctona Street, P O Box 10168, N alrobl

W ananchl Com m erclal Com pany Llm lted 10,000 Plot 2486/ 7. , Trust M anslon, Bazaa.r Street, P O Box 7733, N alrobl Ready-M lx (Kenya) Llmlted 25,0* Plot No 209/5959, Sllopark House, Queensway, P O Box 3964, N alrobl K enya Plant H lre Llm lted 25,000 Plot No 209/5958, Sllopark House, Queensway, P O Box 3964 N m robl Itallan Englneerlng W orks (Agrlcultural M achlnery) 2,000 Plot No 379/381, Secttott XXI, M ombasa P O Box 3 167, M ombasa Llm lted K tlza Industrles Llm lted 300,000 Plot N o 91 N ehru Roadwp O Box 2387, M om basa Etongorla Tradlng C om pany Llm lted 60,000 Plot No 14, Sectlon 1 % N.akuru, P O Box 121 5 ,Nakuru M anda Traders Company Llmlted 40,000 Plot N o 2, Rlabal Tladlng Centre, P O Box 22 7 aK lam bu K enya K anba Buro Farm ers Com pany Llm lted 180,000 W arner s Bulldln g, Lawry Avenue P O Box 73 N .akuru K enya Englneerm g lndustrles Llm lted 4,000,000 c/o Nalrobl Industnal Estz.te tarmted, P O Box , 18282, Nalrobl ltet Farm Llm lted l50,000 L R 8487/ %. P O Box 420, Eldoret K antl A gencles Ltm lted s000 Plot N o 387, Sectlon X XXVI, W all Street? P O Bex. 2651, M ombasa Shoor Agenmes and Sales Lpmlted 20,000 L R 451/P1ot No 43, Seotlon VlI, Lake Road, P O Box 1602, N akuru M aru Brothers Llm lted 20 000 Plot No 525/1: Rlver Road/tm ema Road, P O Box 3926, Nalrobl V ctorla Furnltures Llm lted 205,000 Plot No 209/52%. P O Box 10827, Nalrobl Afrlskandla Curlos Llmlted ,000 Banng Arcad e, K enyayta Avenu e ,P O Box 7122, N alrobl K lpm okoch Farm Llm lted 150,000 L R 8383 M olben, P O Box 705, Eldoret Aly Entelw lses Llmlted 20,(1% Plot 2486/7 Trust M anslo n ,Bazaar Street P O Box 4027, N alrobl Consultants tEmqt Afnca) Llmlted 2,000 Vedlc House, Queensway, P O Box 312, N- ualrob, Blue Star G arage Lym lted 40,000 L R 209/4591, Verlee Road, P O Box 1964, Nalrobl Kentrans (Afrlca) Llmlted 100,000 Grogan Road, Plot No 209/136/141 and 142, P O Box 1533, Nalrobl PvBu c COMPANIES Sh K lplokyl K lpsygls lzarm Com pany tam lted 300,000 L R 893 1 ,Londlan l sP O Box 46, Londlanl M athm a A gnculture C om pany Llm lted 1,000,000 Plot N o 20 Post Road, K lganlo, P O Box 36, K jganlo Saramek K alenlln Farm Company Llm lted 300,(% 0 L R 3338, Londlam P O Box 72, Londlanl N gesum ln Farm Company Llm lted 300 000 L R 8950, P O Box 6022 R ongal Em bakasl H ouslng Com pany Llmlted , 200,000 L R 7135/ 4. M ombasa Road Embakasl, P O Box 12095, Nalrobl M altm ku Com pany Llm lted l50 000 L R 761 7 ,P, 0 Box 82, Elburgon Amka Com pany Llm lted 100 000 Plot N o 371 K anobangl P O Box 3358, N alrob, FORBIGN C oMlu xlEs d It ls further notlfed that the followlng com panles m corporated outslde Kenya, havlng establlshed a place or buslness m K enya have ellvered partlculars for reglstratlon - , Gympak (E A ) Ltmlted Sh 10,000 Uganda M utual Fund Securltles Llm lted f 250,000 G rand Caym an, Bntlsh W est Indies Budaka G lnners Llmlted Sh 1,200,000 Uganda 10 O M SAM EJA , th October 1969 Asststant Reglstrar of compantes 17th October 1969 TH E K EN YA G A ZET TE 1043

GAa TTE Norlcs N o 3219 GAD 'I'TE N oTICE No 3222

IN TH E M AW ER OF TH E COM PAN IES ACT IN TH E M ATTER OP TH E COM PAN IES AW qcap 486) (Cap 486) AND AND IN TH E M AW ER OF G ROV E FARM tIM ITED IN TH E M ATTF.R OF N EW LO DERS LIM ITED NOTICE ls hereby gwen, pursuant to sectlon 283 of the M EMBBRS' VOLUNTARY W lxolNo UP Companles Act (Cap 486), that a general meetmg of the above- named Company wl11 be held at the oë ce of M essrs Pannell N OTICE zs hereby glven that at an extraordlnary general n tzpatnck Bellhouse M wangl & Co , N atlonal Bank Bm ldm g, m eetmg of the m em bers of the above-nnm ed Com pany, held at K enyatta Avenue, N akurm on Saturday, 8th > ovem ber 1969, K ltale on the 8+ October 1969, the followlng speclal resolutlon at 10 a m , for the purpose of havlng an account lm d before was duly passed - the m embers and to recew e the report of the hqtadator showlng ttTHA.T the Com pany be wound up voluntanly and that how the wm dmg up has been conducted and t*e property of Peter Lloyd Davles of P O Box 29, Kltale, be and ls hereby the Com pany dlsposed of, and of hearm g any elplanatlons that appom ted llquldator fol the purpose of such wm dlng up and m ay be gwen by the hquldator that he be authorlzed to dlstnbute m kmd any of the assets of the C om pany he deem s necessary '' A ny m em ber entltled to attend and vote zs entltled to appom t a proxy to attend and vote anstead of hlm and such proxy Credltors of the Com pany are requlred on or before the 31st need not be a m em ber day of O ctober 1969, to send thezr nam es and addresses wzth partlculars of thelr debts or clalm s to the underslgned, the hquldator of the Com pany Dated thls 6th day of October 1969 D ated thls 8th day of O ctober 1969 W K FOR BES, Llquldatol P L DAVIES, P O Stpx 45 N alkltru Ltquldatot P 0 Box 29 K ttale

G AZETTE Norzcs No 3220 GAZE'I'I'E N o'rlcE N o 3223 IN TH E M AW ER OF TH E COM PAN ILS A CT Lcap 486) IN THE M ATTER OF TH E COM PAN IRS A CT AND (Cap 486) AND IN THE M ATTER OF IN VESTM EN T COM PA'NY OF EAST A FR ICA LIM ITED IN THE M ATTER OF N EW LODBRS LIM ITED M BMBBRS' VOLUNTARY W m DING UI (M embers' Volunto y W lndlng Up) N OTICE ls hereby glven that at an extraoldlnary general N OTICB OF A IY OINFM ENT OF LIQUIDATOR m eetm g of the shareholders of Investm ent Corapany of East (Rule 51) M nca Llm lted held at the reglstered oflice of the Com pany on the 1st October 1969, the followmg speclal resollatlon was duly Name (# Company - New Loders Lmnted Passed - Addless 0/ regutered o//ce .-x enyatta Street, Kztale <'THA.'I' m term s of sectlon 271 (bj of the ('Jompanles Act R eglstered postal address - P O Box 29, Kltale the Com pany be wound up voluntanly and that Jesrey Nature (7/ bunness - lnvestment company Austen-Brown be and ls hereby appolnted llqludator for the Ltqutdator s nam e - peter Lloyd Davzes purpose of such wm dmg up '' A ddtess - P O Box 29, Kltale Credltors of the Com pany are hereby requlred to send partx- Date t# appotntment - 8th Octobel 1969 culars of thelr debts or clalm s to the hqm dator at P O Box 410, By w hom appolnted - shareholders N atrobl, on or before 10t.h N ovem ber 1969, or m default thereof the assets wll1 be dlstnbuted wlthout takm g m to account thelr clalm s

J AU STEN -BROW N , G AZETTE N OTICB N o 3224 N alrobl, Ltquldatol 1st October 1969 P 0 Bo ; 410 Nallobl TH E SOCIETIES RULES 1968 ILN 62 o! 1968) PU R SU A N T to rule 14 of the Socletles R ules, notlce ls GAZSTTE N owkce N o 3221 hereby glven that leglstratlons of the socletles nam ed m the Schedule hereto have been cancelled under the provlslons of the Socletles A ct 1968 IN THE M AW ER OF TH E COM PAN I! S ACT W ap 486) Sclisout.E D ate o! AND Nclne oj Soctety Cancellatlon IN TH E M AW ER OF IN VESTM EN T COM PAN Y OF K enya Students' A ld O rganlzatlon 6-10-69 EAST A PRICA LIM ITED K angem l W elfare A ssoclatlon 6-10-69 (In M embers Voluntary W tndlng ffjp) U yom a A ssoczatlon, K lsum u 6-10-69 M eru Peoples Educatlon A ssoclatlon 6-10-69 N oncE oF AIYOJXTMrNT or I-TQIJIDA; oR K enya Afncan U nlted Chnstlan Churches 6-10 69 N ame t# Compan.v - lnvestment Company ol East Afnca A m llu A M ban Ya Rungu Soclety 6-10-69 Llm lted Kanywa Gor Soclety (East Afrlca) 8-10 69 Address 0/ regtstered tpFce - Rhokatan H ouse, York Street N yam alya Chache Self H elp Group 8-10 69 N alrobl Reglstered postal address - P O Box 587, N alrobl K lam bu Japanese A ge G roup Educatlon Nàtune 0/ bunness - lnvestment company Asqoclatzon 8-10-69 M quldator s name .-leffrey Austen-Brown rachonl Pohtlcal U nlon 8 10-69 D ate oj appotntm ent - 1st October 1969 Shlm o-la--rewa O ld Boys' A ssoclatlon 8 10 69 Bv w hom appotnted - The m em bers . Ugenya Students Um on (E A ) 8-10-69 D ated at N alrobl tlus 1st day of October 1969 Dated thls 10th (Lay of October 1969 J AU STEN -BRLOtWquNtiatol D J M LONG, eputy Reustrar 5/ Socwttes 1044 fH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 17th Od ober 1969

kxAzae'ta'B N ()TICL N o 3225 G azs'r'rs N oTlcs N o 3228


PU R SU A N T to nzle 14 of the Socletles R ules, notlce Is (Cav 233) hereby glven that the socletles llsted m the Schedule hereto have been reglstered under the provlslons of the Socletles A ct PURSUA'NT to sectlon 63 of the above-m entloned Act 1968 notlce ls heleby glven that the-

SCHBDIJLEL BAST AFRICAN CARGO HANDLING SBRVICBS LTD M ANAGBMBNT AND SIJPBRVISORY OVERSEAS STAFF ASSOCIATION D ate N A ekwyfrtzfl/n has been dlssolved ame oj Soclety EFected Rulru Centlal N lght Club 6-10-69 K enya N atlonal Cham ber of Comm erce and D ated thls 6th day of October 1969 Industry, N yandarua Branch 7 10 69 East Afncan n reball A ssocmtlon 7-10-69 S O TALA, M lwanl South N yanza People Assoclatlon 7-10 69 Asm tant Regtstrar (# Trade Umons N akuru Lendlng Llbrary 7-10 69

D ated thls l0th day of O ctober 1969

J M LON G , Deputy Reustrar 0/ Socletm GAZETTB Norlcs No 3229

THE JU BILEE INSU RAN CE COM PAN Y LIM ITED G AZETTE N o'rlcs N o 3226 (Incorporated m Kenya) N M ROBI TH E CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT W ap 490 sectwn 64) Loss oF PoLlcy

O RDISR D je Ptpllcy No 30747 for Sh 8,700- 511-0n Kt'lu sIo Ailfu W H EREAS I am satlssed, after due m qull'y, that the Com - M utwa t# P O Box 154 Thlka m lttee of the M ount Elgon Bungom a D lstrlct C o operatlve U m on Lum ted xs not perfolm m g 1ts dutles properly APPLICATION has been m ade to thls Com pany for the lssue of duphcate of the above-num bered pohcy, the orlgm al havm g N ow, therefore, ln exelclse of the powers vested ln m e under been reported as lost or m lsplaced N otlce ls hereby gw en that sectlon 64 of the Co operatlve Socletles A ct, I hereby rem ove unless oblectlon Is lodged to the contrary at the oë ce of the the afolesald comm jttee and order that, *1th elect from the Company wlthm 30 days from the date hereof, duphcqte pohcy 15th October 1969, for a penod of 12 m onths therefrom , the wtll be lssued afïalrs of the M ount Elgon Bungom a Dlstrlct Co-operatlve U njon Lm uted shall be m anaged and admlm stered by a com - rm ttee and M anager compnslng tlle followm g persons - M R HOSAN GA DY, Senlor Chlef Jonathan Barasa (Chakrmanj Executw e D lrccf/? N alrobl, Head O/./2e Peter K lsuya 10th October 1969 P O B ox 30376 N alrobt m chard W aslke Sam wel M abam Patnck W angam atl Chlef Jestlmoa W ebx (M anage') G AZETTB N o'rlcs N o 3230 D ated thls 9th day of October 1969

D J N YAN JOM , Comlnksmoner /or Co-opoatwe Development THE JUBILEE IN SURANCE COM PAN Y LIM ITED (Incorpolated m Kenya) N M ROBI GAZETTE N olqcs N o 3227 L oss oF POLICY

TH E TR ADE UN ION S ACT M je Pol'cy N o 31497 for Sh 7,000- Jtuepà Karanw J/tp Chege Karanla t# P O Box 98, K'ambu W ap 233) PU RSUAN T to sectxon 63 of the above-m entloned Act APPLICATION has been m ade to thls Com pany for the lssue notlce ls hereby gw en that the M olo Blanch of the- of dupllcate of the above-num bered pohcy, the onglnal havm g been reported as lost or m lsplaced N otlce ls hereby glven that K ENYA TIM BBR ANo FIJRNITURE W om lts' U NION unless oblectlon ls lodgcd to the contrary at the oë ce of the Com pany wlthm 30 days from the date hereof, dupllcate pohcy has been reglstered wl11 be lssued p Dated thls 6th day of October 1969 M R H OSAN GAD Y , Execut,ve D lrec/or Asskstant Regtstro S(7 / OD aTdAe LLAfa,ltpnx Nalrobl, Head OFce 10th October 1969 P O Box 30376, N atrobl 17*1 fkxober 1969 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE

G Azsrrs N oTlce N o 3231 G AZB'I''I'E N o'rlcs N o 3233


Loss oF Sm ltss CBRTIFICATES TH E LOCAL GOVERN M EN T REG U LATION S 1963 (1) 125 Ordlnary Shares Cer/zJccfe jor shares uurqbe?e# -- (L N 256 of 1963) 258755 to 258834 =r 80 shates THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (ADOPTIVE BY LAW S) 1364468 to 1364487 =r 20 shares (BUILDING) ORDER 1968 1699238 to 1699262 =z 25 shares (L N 15 oj 1969) 125 N olqcs N OTICE ls hereby gwen that pursuant to the provlslons of (2) 31 Ordmary Shares Cer/l#ctz/e for shares num bered 2320312 regulatlon 203 of the Local G overrunent Regulatlons 1963, the to 2320342 'ssued to Dhurabhal Zabherbhat Patel t# P O Clty Councll of N 'llrobl lntends to adopt t'y lesolutlon the Box 1734 N aktobl By laws contalned ln the above-m entloned Order at 1ts next ordm aly m onthly m eetlng to be held on 4th N ovem ber 1969 AN Apphcataon has been m ade to the Com pany for the lssue of duphcates of the above certé cates, the orlgm als of whlch The general purpolt of these By-laws ls- are sald to have been lost (1) to mtroduce country-wlde bulldlng standalds , N otlce ls hereby gw en that duphcate certé catex w11l be lssued unless a wntten oblectjon ls recelved by the f om pany at lts (tl) to replace Councll's eMstmg Bmldlng B) -laws wzth the exceptlon of By-laws peltam lng to plannlng m atters con- address gwen below wlthm 30 days from the date of pubhcatlon tam ed therem of tlus notlce C oples of the By-laws to be adoped are deposlted at the And notlce ls also mven that the dupllcate certé cates so oë ce of the underslgned ln the Clty H all, N allobl, R oom 105, lssued m ay thereafter be recognlzed by the Com pany as the and m ay be m spected w lthout paym ent durm g norm al oK ce sole evldence of the contract for a1l purposes to the excluslon hours On appllcatlon, coples are obtalnaole flom the G overn of the onglnals m ent Prm ter, N alrobl, after paym ent of appl opllate chalge

H U G H E S LIM ITED , A ny pe1 son who deslres to oblect to the adoptlon of these P O Box 30060 N avobk By-laws should lodge hIs oblectlonts) m wrltlng to the Town C lerk, at P O Box 30075, N alrobl, so as to be recelved w lthm 14 days after the pubhcatlon of tlus notlce

P M BOGU A , N axrobl, Towa Clerk GAZETTE No'ncs N o 3232 16th October 1969 tD/# H all, N atrobt

TH E ClTY C O IJN C IL O F N A IR O IBI TH E VALU ATION FOR RATIN G AG çlAzerrs ifoTlcs ATo 3234 (Cap 266 as amende+ 1969 SIJPPLEMENTARY VALUATION RO1 L TH E COU NTY COU N CIL OF SIRIKW A (Ioîme Ckfy Areaj 1969 SW PLBMENTARY V ALUATION ROI-L THE LOCAL GOVERNM EN T (ELECTIONS) RULES 1966 (former Coultty .4?ec) (L N 101 oj 1966) N on cE N olqcs oF ELBCTION ANo ol? THE TIM E AND PLACB FOR N OM INATIONS TAK E N OTICE that the above-m entloned rolls were lald before the m eetlng of the Clty Counml held on 7th O ctober A N electlon ls to be held to determ me the councsllor to 1969, and are now open for pubhc m spectlon al the omces of serve m the C ounty C ouncll of Slrlkw a, N andl D lstrlct, m the Valuatlon Sectlon at the Clty Hall, N alrobl, between the respect of the followm g A rea Councll - hours 8 15 a m and 12 45 p m and 2 p m antt 4 30 p m on M onday to Frlday lncluslve and on Saturday betw een the hours M osop A rea C't/lfncl! of 8 15 a m and 12 15 p m , hohdays excepted Electoral 4lea ()/ Counckllors In conform lty wlth the V aluatzon for R atm g A ct 1964, all Sangalo South 1 persons aggrleved elther- N om lnatlon papers m ay be dehvered by the candldate to tlle (J) by the lncluslon of any rateable property In ol by the Returnm g Om cer at Dlstrlct Comm lssloner's Oë ce, N andl, be- om lsslon of any rateable property from , th( D raft Supple- tween the houis of elght o'clock ln the m olnlng and noon on mentary Valuatlon Rolls 1969 (former County Area and the 25t13 October 1969 folmer Clty Area) or Form s of nom m atlon m ay be obtalned at D lstnct C om m ls- (b) by any value ascrlbed m the draft supplem elltary valuatlon sloner s Ollice, Nandl, on any week-day between the hours of rolls to any rateable property or by other statem ents nlne o'cloek m the m olnlng and noon m ade or om ltted to be m ade ln the sald rolls wlth respect to any rateable property, The Returnmg OG cer wTll prepare a nom matlon paper for slgnature at the request of a voter m ay lodge wlth the underslgned at the Clty H all, N alrobz, at any tlm e before 14th N ovem ber 1969, on the form promded If electlon 1s contested the poll wzll take place on the 1st for the ptlrposes (coples of whlch may be obtalned from the N ovem ber 1969 Valuatlon Sectlon, on apphcatlon), notlce of any oblectlon that they m ay have m respect of the aforesazd D raft Supplem entary Valuatlon Rolls 1969 (former County Area and former Clty D ated th.s 10th day of October 1969 Area) J M M BITH I, Partles aggneved are requested partlcularly to aote that tiN o Returnkng O//ce? pe1 son shall be entltled to urge any oblectlon before the N andl Valuatlon Court unless they shall have first lodgzd such notlce of oblectzon as aforesald 59 N o're T he attentlon of candldates and persons nom lnatlng ls drawn 4 J P AIBO GUA , to the nzles for filhng up nom lnatlon papers and other pro N alrobl, Town Clerk vlslons contalned ln the Local Governm ent (Electlons) Rules 17th October 1969 tD/# Ilall N clrtplu 1966 1046 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 17th October 1969

QIAZSTTE 'foTicB 'qo 3235 G wzsT'rs N oTlcs N o 3238 THB COUNI'Y COUNYL OF SIRIKWA D ISSOLU TION OF PARTN ER SH IP N OTICE ls hereby gwen that the partnel shlp heretobefore THE LOCAL GOVERNM BN F (ELECTIONS) RULES 1966 subslstmg between (1) Chandrakant Clpmlal Kameshwar Joshl, (L N 101 oj 1966) (2) Chunllal Kameshwar Joshl and (3) Arvlnd Bhallalbhal Patel carrylng on buslness under the finn nam e of Jalal Prm ters at TH E M OSOP AREA COUN CIL H alle Sellasle Road, M ombasa m the Repubhc of K enya, has BY-ELECTIONS 1969 been dlssolved by m utual consent by the retnem ent therefrom of the sald Chandrakant Chunzlal K am eshwar Joshl, wzth eFect IT IS hereby notz ed for general m formatlon that m exerclse flom the 30th Septem ber 1969 of the powers conferred by rule 8 (3) of the Local Government A ll the assets and hablhtles of the sald busm ess up to and (Electlons) Rules 1966, I appolnt- m cludlng the sald 30th Septem ber 1969, shall be recovered and D lstrlct Oë cer 1, pald by the contm ulng partners who wl11 contm ue the sald A ctmg Clerk, Slrlkwa County Councll, buslness under the sam e 51111 nam e and at the sam e place to be D eputy R eturnm g Oë cers Jn respect of the above Dated at M om basa thls 2nd day of October 1969 mentloned electlons CHAN DRA KAN T CH UN ILA L K AM ESHW AR JOSH I, D ated thls 10th day of October 1969 Retkrtng Partne' CH LTNILAL K AM ESHW AR JOSH I, J M M BITH I, ARVIN D BH M LA LBH M PATEL, D utrlct Com m lssïoner Contm utng Paltnels Returnlng O'cel N andl GAZETTE N oTlcE N o 3239

GAZETTE N OTICE N 0 3236 N OTICE OF CH AN G E OF NA M E 1, Jogm der K aul Lotta of N alrobl m the Repubhc of Kenya, TH E LOCAL GOVERN M ENT ELECTION RU LES 1966 do hereby gwe pubhc notlce that by a' deed poll dated the 9th day of October 1969, duly executed by m e at N alrobl, have (Z N 101 ol 1966) abandoned the use of m y form er nam e of Jlgm der K aur Lota THE SOUTH ERN K ITUI AREA COU NCIL and assum ed m place thereof m y nam e Joglnder K aur Lotta N OTICB OF BY-ELECTION AND THE TIM B AND PLACB FOR In pursuance of the change of nam e as aforesald I declare N OM INATION that I shall at all tlm es thereafter upon all occaslons whatsoever and wheresoever use and slgn and/or subscnbe my name as A by-electlon ls to be held to detenm ne the counclllor to Jogm der K aur Lotta m stead of m y form er nam e of Jlglnder serve m the Southern Kltm Area Councll m lespect of the K aur L ota followm g seat whzch becam e vacant ln the underm entloned electoral area - Dated at N alrobl thls 9th day of October 1969 JOG IN DER K AU R LOTTA , N o ol formelly known as J/g/s#cr Kaur Lota Electolal A lea R eg U alf N o V acant Seats Voo Locatlon 2058 and 2059 1 GAZETTS N oTlcs N o 3240 N om m atlon papers m ay be dehvered by the candldate to the Returnlng Oëcer at D lstnct Com mlsmoner's Oëce, K ltul, be- N OTICE OF CH AN GE OF N AM E tween the hours of elght o'clock ln the m ornmg and noon on 1, Sukalna Baradburn, of P O Box 2024, M om basa m the 1st N ovember 1969 Republlc of K enya, hereby gwe pubhc notlce that by a deed Form s of nom lnatlon may be obtam ed at D lstnct Com m ls- poll dated the 30th day of Aprtl 1968, duly executed and sloner's Oë ce K ltm , on any week-day between the hours of l eglstered by m e, 1 form ally and absolutely renounced and nm e o'clock m the m ornm g and noon The R eturnlng Oë cer abandoned the use of m y form er nam e of Judlth M argante w lll prepare a nom lnatlon paper for slgnature at the request of A rm ehna Baradburn for a1l purposes and I hereby authonze a voter and request a11 persons to deslgnate, descrlbe and address m e If the by-electlon ls contested the poll w1ll take place on by m y assum ed nam e of Sukama Baradburn 18th N ovember 1969 Dated at M om basa thls 10th day of August 1969 D ated thls 10th day of October 1969 SUK AIN A BARAD BU RN , J P I BON YO , Iotmerly knowtl as Judtth M argartte Armnllna Baradburn Retuîmng O'cer D C Kïtul GNZE'I'TE N oncs N o 3241 N orc N OTICE OF CH AN GE OF N AM E The attentlon of candldates and the persons nom lnatm g ls 1, K anchan Vala Rupsl, of P O Box 605, M om basa m the drawn to the rules of filllng up nom lnatlon papers and other Repubhc of Kenya, hereby glve pubhc notlce that by a deed provlslons contam ed m the Local G overnm ent Blectlons R ules poll dated the 30th day of June 1969, duly executed and 1966 reglstered by m e, I form ally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use ot m y former nam e of K antasam bhoy Vala Rupsl fol all purposes and I hereby authonze and request a11 GAZE'I'TE N OTICE NO 3237 persons to deslgnate, descnbe and address m e by m y sald assum ed nam e of K anchan Vala Rupsl THE TRAN SFER OF BUSIN ESSES ACT D ated at M om basa thls 10th day of August 1969 W ap 500) K AN CH AN VAJA RUPSI, N OTICB ls hereby gw en that the busm ess of Bhallan's Cafe jolmerly known as Kantasambhoy Vala Rupsl carned on by Alh Ebrahnn Bagdadl and M oham ed Ism all M ukedam m the shop sltuate on Plot N o 143, Sectlon XXVII, M akadara R oad, M om basa, has been, as from the 30th day of G AD TTE N OTICE N o 3242 Septem ber 1969, transferred to Savll K anll G olul of P O Box 9884, M om basa, who w 1ll can'y on the sald busm ess m the N OTICE OF CH AN GE OF N A M E sam e shop m the sam e 51-1r1 nam e 1, Jorom o UJIJI Angada of R ombe, K anynm kago Locatlon m the South N yanza Dxstnct of N yanza Plovm ce, R epubhc of The address of the transferors ls P O Box 2127, M om basa K enya, K enya cltlzen, heretofore called and known by the nam e The address of the transferee zs P O Box 9884, M om basa of Jerem lah U JIJI Angada, hereby gzve pubhc notlce that on All debts due to and owlng by the transferors m respect of the 23rd day of Septem ber 1969, 1 form ally and absolutely the sald busm ess p lor to the sald 30th day of Septem ber 1969, renounced and abandoned the use of my sald nam e of Jerem lah w 111 be recexved and pald by the transferors The transferee U JIJZ Angada and assum ed and adopted zn place thereof the does not assum e nor does he lntend to assum e any hablhty nam e and sum ame of Jorom o U jtlt Angada, and further that whatsoever lnculred m the sald busm ess by the transferors pn or such changc of nam e and su1 nam e ls evldenced by a deed poll to the sald 30th day of Septem ber 1969 dated the 23rd day of Septem ber 1969, under m y hand and seal duly executed by m e and attested and reglstered wlth the D ated at M om basa thls 30th day of Septem ber 1969 Reglstry of D ocuments, N alrob, ALLI EBR AH IM BAG DA DI, I expressly authorlze and request al1 persons at a11 tlm es M OH AM ED ISM AIL M U KA DA M , lwreaftel to deslgnate and address m o by such assum ed nam e l Transjerors and surnam e of Jorom o UJIJI Angada SAVJI KAN JI G OH IL Dated at Klsum u thls 231 d day of Septem ber 1969 Transfelee JOROM O U IIJI AN G AD A 17th October 1969 TH E K EN Y A G A ZE'IT E 1G 7 N()F ON SM ..: YOW t?5 IALE

Report 0/ the Com m lsslon t)n the R EP O R T O F TIV O SSIO N O N L A N D C O N SO L D A T IO N tAW OF SUCCESSIO N 1968 A N D R E G ISTR A T IO N IN C halrm an H Slade K E7TFA 1965/66 Chalrm an. J C D Lawrenœ Prtce Sh 10 çpostage Sh 1) Prtce Sh 15 fpostage Sh 1) H ELPIN G Y O U TO CH O O SE A CAR EER A G UID E TO IN D U STR IAL Careers Inform atlon for Secondary Scheol IN YESTM EN T Im vers 1968- 70 Publlshed by the M lntstry OJ Comm erce and Industty

Prlce Sh 5 Lpostage 50 cts ) Prlce Sh 10 (Postage Sh l )

T R E A T Y FA M ILY PLA N N IN G F O R IN K E N Y A -1967 (A report subm ltted to the G overnm ent of the R epubllc of K enya by an advlsorr m lsslon of E A ST A F R IC A N the Popalatlon Councll of the U nlted Sh tes of C O -O P E M T IO N Am enca) slgned at K am palw U ganda on 6tà June 1967 Publtshed by the on behalf of the G overnm ents of - M lnlxfrv of Economlc Plannmg and D evelopment TH E U N ITED R EPU BLIC OF TZYN ZAN IA TH E SO VEREIG N STATE O F U G AN D A and Prlce Sh 4 (Postage 75 cts ) TH E R EPU BLIC OF K EN Y A A G R E E M E N T Pr?cc Sh 20 Spostage 1 / 50) E vtabltshlng an A ssoclatlon betw een K E N Y A D IR E C T O R Y THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUM TY and O F T H E TIIE UN ITED R EPU BLIC OF TAN ZO IA, D IP L O M A T IC C O R P S Tlv REPU BLIC O F U GAN D A AND D ECEM BER 1968 ED ITION TIIE REPU BLIC OF K ENY A

Prlce Sh 61 50 (By Post Sh 71 50) Prlce Sh 5 (Postage 50 cts ) A F O R E ST P O L IC Y Report W the Comm lsslon on firle fzrw of F O R K EN Y A M ARRIAGE AXD D IVOE CE 1968 Pollcy restated to #/ the clrcumstances of the Republlc Chalrm an J F Spry lsçued as Sesslonal Paper No 1 oj 1968

Prlce Sh 10 Lpostage Sh 1) Prwe Sh 1 (Postage 30 cts ) !

O btalnable from G overnm ent Prlnter N alrobl O btalnable from the G overnm ent Prlnter, N alrobl 1048 TH E K EN YA G A ZET TE 17th O ctober 1969

PU BLICATIO N S O N Sm AT GO VERNM EG PRINTIN G AN D STATIO N ERY DEPAR'TM EX P O Box 301M , N m O BI K Sh cts K Sh ra A nnual Reports Geolopcal Reports--tcoa/tf ) Agnculture Department l 1966 (postage 50 ct: ) 00 Bullatln No 4, Berylllum ln Kenya (Postage 50 cts ) 00 Agncultural Censuses 1965-1967 (postage 1/-) 50 Bulletln No 5, Prospectlng for M lnerals (Postage Com m um ty D evelopm ent and Soclal Selwlces 1965 25 cts ) 5 Q0 (postage 30 cts ) 3 00 Bulletln No 6 ,teGraphlte ln Kenya'' (postagm 40 cts ) 4 00 Economlc Survey 1968 (postage 1/-) 10 00 Bulletm N o 7 Geology of the Contact between the Economlc Survey 1969 (postago 1/-) 10 00 N yanza Shed and The M ozam blque Belt ln W estern Economlc Survey or Central Provlnco-1963/64 Kenya (posta@e 50 cts ) 1 5 00 (postage 1/-) 50 Bulletln No 8, uM lnerals of Kenya'' (postage 75 cts ) 10 00 Estimates Revenue 1969/70 (postage 50 cts ) 00 M em olr N o 2, G eology and A sbestos D eposlts of the Estlmates Development 1969/70 (postage 1/-) 00 Talta Hllls (postage 50 cts ) 17 50 M em olr N o 3 Geology and M lneral Resources of the Estlmates RecurrentExgendlture 1969/70(postage 1/50) 00 .. 00 Seychelles Archlpelago (postage 80 cts ) 20 00 Flshenes Kenya 1966 (postage 30 cts ) Memolr No 4, Copper In Kenya (postage 2/-) 30 00 Forest Department 1965 (postage 50 cts ) 00 Geologlcal Roports N os 21 to 69 are also avallable (1,st Forest Department 1966 (postage 20 ds ) 00 on appllcatlon) Gnmo Department 1964/65 (postage 50 cts ) 00 No 70, Kallado Area (postago 50 cts ) 20 00 Immlgratlon Department 1967 (postage 30 cts ) 00 No 71 LoltaHllls Area (postage 1/4 20 00 Judlmal Depanment 1964/65 (postage 50 cts ) 00 No 72, Karasuk Area (postage 75 cts ) 15 00 Kenya Annual Repoz't 1962 (postage 40 cts ) 50 No 73, Fort Hall Area (postage 50 cts ) l 2 00 Labour and Soclal Servlces 1964 (poqtage 75 cts ) 00 No 74, Loperor Area (postage 50 cts ) 20 00

Labou ra . M lnlstry of 1965 (postage 30 cts ) 00 No 75, Chanler's Falls Area (postag* 50 cts ) 25 00 Lands Department 1966 (postage 50 cts ) 00 No 76, Lall Hllls-Dakadlma Area (postage 50 cts ) 7 00 Local Government Loans Authonty 1966 (postage No 7 7> Archer's Post Area (postage 50 çts ) 25 00 30 cts ) 2 X No 78, N akuru-Thomson's Falls-take Hanm ngton M lnes and Geologlcal bepartment 1966 (postage Area (postage 1/-) 30 00 30 cts ) 50 No 79, M ount Kenya Area (postage 50 cts ) 20 00 M lmstry of Educatlon Trlennlal Survey 1964/66 and N o 80, N arok Area (postage 50 cts ) 15 00 Annual Report 1966 (postago 1/-) 8 00 No 81, Klnna Area (postage 50 cts ) 1 3 50 Mlnlstry of Educatlon 1967 (postage 50 cts ) 10 00 Gulde to Industrlal Investment (postage 1/-) 1 0 00 M lnlstry of H ea1th and H ouslng A nnual Report 1964 G m de to n e N alrobl Arboretum (postage 20 cts ) 50 (postage 30 cts ) 7 00 Helplng You to Chooso a Career (postago 1/-) 5 00 M mlstry of Houslng 1966/67 (postage 30 cts ) 3 00 Hlgh Level M anpower, Requlrem ents and Resources Mmlstry of Informatlon 1966 (postage 50 cts ) 3 00 1964/70 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Nalrobl Alrport 1967 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Hlghway Code Engllsh (postage 20 cts ) 50 Nalrobl Standlng Commlttee 1964 (postage 20 cts ) 2 00 Hlghway Code Klswahlll (postage 20 cts ) 50 Natlonal Assembly 1967 (postage 35 cts ) 2 00 Houslng Pollcy for Kenya (Sesslonal Paper No 5 of Pollce Department 1962 (postago 35 cts ) 2 00 1966/61 (postage 20 cts ) 2 00 Probatlon Servlce 1966 (postage 20 cts ) 3 00 Index to M anufactures and Products Crrade Index 1960 Publlc Accounts Commlttee 1965/66 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 (postage 50 cts ) 5 09 Publlc Accounts Commlttee 1966/67 Part I (postage Investlgatlon of the Blology and Culture of an East 30 cts ) 5 00 Afncan Oyster (Carassostrae Cucullata Born ) (postage Publlc Senqce Commlsslon 1967 (postage 20 cts ) 1 00 50 cts ) 27 50 Reglstrar-General 1966 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Kenya Coat of Armsvtpostage 30 cts ) 2 00 Reglstrar-General 1967 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Kenya Flag (postage 20 cts ) 2 00 Settlement Department 1966/67 (postage 1/-) 5 00 Kenya Natlonal Anthem (postage 20 cts ) 3 00 Soclal Selwlces Department 1966 (postage 30 cts ) 3 00 Kenyanlzatlon of Personnel ln the Pnvate Sector (postage Statlstlcal Abstract 1968 (postage Sb 2) 15 00 30 cts ) 1 50 Treatment of Ofl-enders Report 1967 (postage 35 cts ) 3 00 Kupanda Cbal (In Swahlll) (postage 50 ds ) 2 50 Vetennary Department 1963 (postage 50 cts ) 6 00 Law Reports of K enya and Court of Appeal Law Reports Veterlnary Department 1965 (postage 50 cts ) 6 00 (11st avallable on apphcatlon) W elghts and M easures D epartm ent R eport 1963 Law Supplement for 1967 (postage 5/-) 160 00 (postage 20 cts ) 1 00 Llst of Kenya Grasses Revlsed 1958 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Afncan Agrlcultural Sample Census 1960/61, Part I Local Government Electlons Lepslatlon (postage 50 cts ) 2 50 (postage 80 cts ) 8 00 Luo Custom ary Law and M arnage Law Customs Afncan Agncultural Sample Census 1960/61, Part 11 (Luo) (postage 80 cts each) 1 1 00 (postage 1/-) 15 00 Luo Customary Law and M arnage Law Custom s A fncan Soclallsm and lts Appllcatlon to Plannlng ln (Engllsh) (postage 1/50) 20 00 Kenya Sesslonal Paper No 10 of 1963/1965 (postage N ote Book on Pathology ln K enya Forest Plantatlons 30 cts ) 5 00 (postage 50 cts ) 4 00 Agreem ent Establlshlng an Assoclatlon between the Pest Handbook (postage 30 cts ) 3 00 European Econom lc Cornm unlty and the U nlted Polson Book Form 16 (postage 1/-) 5 00 Republlc of Tanzanla the Repubhc of U ganda and Pollcy on Trade Unlon Organlzatlon ln Kenya (postage the Republlc of Kenya (postage 1/-) 6 50 20 cts ) 1 00 Anlmal Husbandry Syllabus for Afncan Students (post- Populatlon Census 1962 Vo1 III (postage 1/50) 1 4 00 age 50 cts ) 5 00 Populatlon Census 1962, Vo1 IV (postage 1/50) 11 00 Appropnatlon A ccounts, O ther Publlc A ccounts and the Prospects for M usTc ln Educatlon ln Kenya (postage Account of the Funds for the Year 1967/68 (postage 50 cts ) 2 50 95 cts ) 40 00 Qulnquennlal Advlsory Commjttee Report (postage Blology of Trout ln Kenya (postage 80 cts ) 30 00 30 cts ) 1 00 Budget Speech 1969 (postage 20 cts ) l 00 Rent Book for Dwelllng-houses (postage 15 cts ) 50 Bulldlng Code L N 15 and 16 of 1969 (postage Sh 1) 10 00 Rent Book for Shops Hotels and Catenng Establlshm ents Catalogue of Kenya Tlmbers, by S H W lmbush (postage (postage 15 cts ) 2 00 25 cts ) 2 50 Report of the A gncultural Educatlon Com mlsslon 1967 Code of Regulatlons, 7th Edltlon (Repnnted 1961 (postage 1/-) 10 00 (postage 1/50) 15 00 Report of the Com m lsslon on the Law of Successlon Constltutlon of Kenya 1969 (postage 1/50) 20 00 (postage 1/-) 10 00 Dollmltatlon of Constltuencles Report (postage 20 cts ) 4 00 Report of the C om m lsslon on the Law of M arnage and D evelopm ent Strategyfor Afnca Problem s and Proposals D lvorce (postage 1/-) 10 00 (postage 20 cts ) 2 00 Report of the M alze Commlsslon of Inqulry 1966 (post- Dlgest and Gulde to the Cnmlnal Law of Kenya (Ken- age 50 cts ) 6 00 nedy) (postage 1/50) 20 00 R eport of the M lsqlon on Land Consolldatlon and Dlrectory of the Dlplomatlc Corps D ecember 1968 Repstratlon ln Kenya R awrenco Report) (postage (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 1/9 1 5 00 Dlrectol'y of the Government of the Republlc of Kenya Report of the Salanes Revlew Comm lsslon 1967 (postage November 1967 (postage 50 cts ) 2 50 75 cts ) 10 00 East Afnca Royal Commlsslon 1953/1955 Report Precls Reseedlng Denuded Pastoral Land In Kenya (postage (posïage 30 (xs ) 2 00 50 ds ) 00 East Afncan Tax Case % Vol 1V, Part 1 (postage Sh 2) 45 00 Rural Tannlng (A Gulde for Tanners usmg slmple Educatlon Commlsslon Repon, Part 11 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 methods and home-made equlpment) by Dr 1 M ann Electnclty Industry jn Kenya (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 (postace 50 cts ) 00 Exchange Control Adm lnlstratlve N otlces and lnstruc- Soclal W elfare and 1ts R ole In the D evelopm ent of tlons (4(h Edltlon) (postage 1/-) (w1th Amendments) 21 00 Kenya (postage 1/50) 5 00 Famlly Plannlng ln Kenya 1967 (postage 75 ds ) 4 00 Statem ent on Appllcatjon of the N ew Im m lgratjon Act Farm Economlc Survey Unlt Reports (11st of avallable (postage 20 cts ) 2 00 reports on appllcatlon) Stock Repster of Oplates (M ed 553 (postage 2/-) 15 00 Flnanclal Orders Revlsed 1968 (postage Sh 1) 10 00 Study of tlle Plant Ecology of the C oast Reglon 1960 Flscal Com mlsslon Report 1963 (postage 50 cts ) 10 00 (postage 1/-) 10 00 Flora of Troplcal East Afnca, all parts that have been Syllabus for Pnmary Schools (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Issued to date are avallable (11st on appllcatlon) n ree Years of lndependence (postage 50 cts ) 3 00 Forelgn Investment Protectlon AG 1964 (postage 30 cts ) 2 00 Towards a Better Future for Our People (postage 50 cts ) 3 00 h Forest Pollcy for K enya, Sesslonal Paper N o 1 of 1968 Treaty for F A Co-operatlon (postakre 1/50) 20 00 (postage 30 cts ) 1 00 Tuberculosls ln Kenya by W S H aynes, M A , M P G eologlcal Reports (postage 80 ds ) 17 50 Bulldln N o 3, Shape of the Sub-M locene Eroslon U nlted N atlons M lsslon to K enya on Houslng Report Pevel ln Kenya (postage 35 cts ) 3 50 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 PRIN TED BY THB GOVERNM ENT PRINTER