THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF Published under the Author~tyof HISExct*llency the Governa r of the Colony and P~otectorateof Kenya - Val. LIII-No. 47 , September 18, 1951 Price 50 Cents Regstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Pubhshed every Tuesday

@ (JONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZETTE I OFFICIAL GAZElTE-Contd Govr Nouce No PAGE General Not~ceNo 102&Appo1ntments, etc 909 Perrmt Issuer 2325 1029-Rent Control Board-Revocatlon 909 Welgh s and Measures Ordinance 2327 103&-Consul for USA 909 Pham aclst Regstered 2328 1031-The Afrlcan Dlstnct Co~inc~lsOrd~nance-- Appolntrnent 910 Medlc il Pract~t~onersRegstereci 2329 1032-Rent Control Board-Appointment 910 Water Ordltlance 2330,2332-2334,2357 I1 1033-1034-The Regstrat~on of Persons Ordlnan~e Proba e and Admin~strat~on 2335-2345,2358 -Appo~ntments, etc 910 Bankr lptcy Ord~nance 2346-2348 1035-The L~quor Ordinance-Appointment 9 10 Mauc and Produce Control- 4ppomtment 2351 1036The Diseases of An~malsOrd~nance 9 10 Crow I Lands Ord~nance 2354 General hotl~tNO Custo ns Auct~onSale 2356 General Not~ces 91 (1-928 Trans mrt I.,~cens~ng 2359 H M Court of Appeal-Senlor~ty of Judges 2311 Land and Agricultural Bank 2362 Na~rob~Streets Charges *I? 2314 Tradt Marks 2303-2372 Loss of War Bonds 2313 Transfer of Businesses, etc 2315 2318,2320,2349 2350, SUPPLEMENT No 44 2361, Z77.1-2376 Proclamatcons Rules and Regulafrons 1951 L~quorLlcenslng Courts '116 2324 Govt Nonce No PAGE E A R & H Annual Report, 1950 23 17 037-The Munlc~pahty (Amendment) Compan~esOrdinance 2319,2331,2353, 1360 2373 By-laws, 1951 3 19 Destru~t~onof Court Records 2323 Procl imatlon No 15-Tht Forest Ord~nance 320

CORRIGENDUM THE MINING ORDINANCE (Cap 168,) THI INCREASE OF RENT (RESTRICTION) ORDINANCE, 1949 Gov~rnmentNobce No 1009 on page 894 of thc CJfficlal Gazette dated September 11, 1951- (No 22 of 1949) In llne 6 approxlmately 15 square mlles ~ho~llrlread RENT CONTROL BOARD--COAST PROVINCI- approxlmately 2a square miles REVOCATION IF EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the C~overno~ by ect~on3 of the Increase of Rent (Restrlctlon) Ordrnance 194C, the Governor's Deputy hqs been pleased to re\oke the appl tlntment of- MR R V STONEo B E APPOINME NTS as a Inembet of the Rent Control Board for the Coast l'rovmce E~~hsrLESLIE HOWARD-WILLIAMSto be Actmg RI s~dent G Jvernment Not~ceNo 879 of 2nd August 1950, 1s hereby Ma~strate,H M Supreme Court of Kenya at Nalrob~ wth cant elled accordtngIy efEect from 12th September, 1951 B Command of the Gove~riois Deputy JOHN FURST(Indust Chem , Madr~d), to be Chem~t and Assayer, Mnes and Geologcal Department w~theffecl from Nal obl C H THORNLEL , 1st July, 1951 6 h September 1951 Act~ngChzef 2ecrefap) GORWNFINIMORE-SHERMAN A c s h4 to be Inspect01 of Mmes, Mines and Geolo~cal Department wlth effect frcm 1st August 1951 REVERSIONS JOHN LOXTONMA (Cantab), A I< I c s reverted to h~ssub- CONSUL OF THE UNII'ED STATES OF AMERICA stantwe post of Ass~stant Director of Survevs, w~tt~effect NOTICE from 5th September, 1951 I C IS hereby noefied for general lnformdhon that p ov~s~onal GEORGBVENNING ASHTON A R I c I, reverted to hts wbjtantive rec rgnltlon has been accorded to Mr John A Noon '1s Consul post of Supenntendent of Surveys, wlth effect from 5th Sep- of the Untted States of Amenca at Nalrobl w~thj~r~sdlctlon tember, 1951 Inc udlng Kenya Colony and Ug~nda Na rob^, C H HARTVVELL, ;th September, 1951 Actzng Depzrty Cltzef Secretaq 910 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZE'IT E Septem ber 18, 1951

tioveaNMewr N tyncB N o 1831 GONERXMENT N olu N o 1û36 TH E A FRICAN DISTRICT COU N CILS OR DINAN CE THE DISEASLS OF AN IM A LS ORDINAN CE (No 12 oj 1950) (Cap 213) IN EX ERCISE of the powers thel eunto enabllng m e, l hereby IN EX ER CISE of the powel s confelred by qectlon 4 of the appolnt the penon nam ed ln the Schedule annexed hereto to D lseases of A nlm als O rdlnance, l R obclt A lston H am m ond. be a m em ber of the Afrlman D lstrtct Councll nam ed therem Actlng Dîrector of Veterm ary Selvlces, do hereby declare- SCHF-DLI-E (d) the areas descnbed m Schwdulo 1, Schedule II, Schedule llI Crlzttul Nytzlpzfz A/rlcc?z Dtstïxct Ct/td?lcl/ Schedule IV and Suhedule V to be Slnfected aleas jn Sam uel Ayany Onyango, vlce Joram O kum u W ahanda deceased lespect of the dlseases lespeutlvely lndlcated at the head of such Schedules , altd Governm ent N otlce N o 187 of 12th February, 1951, ls hereby amended (b4 that the G overnm ent N otlces speclfied ln the lirst colum n C H W ILLIA M S of Schedule V I hereto be am ended ln the m anner spccl- K lsum u #? f?) lnclal C (SI/AIF/IIJJIO/IE'? lied ln the second colum n of such Schedulu 11th September, 1951 N vanza Ptovtnce Kabete, R A H AM M ON D , 8th Suptembel 1951 Actlllg Dlrectol oj Vetetmary Sel îlce; GovEn Msx'r Norncs No 1:32 tff S B 1841 l4f 2 /?) SclK otlt,s I- EAST C oAs'r FsvElt THE INCREASE OF RENT (RESTRICTION) ORDINAN CE 2490 2485 2486 7181, 6305 3261, B C K lng, Esq , P O 1949 Thom son s Falls, Lm klpla D lstl lct (No 22 of 1949) Bstates late O Collyer Chatu Fa1 m , P O 0 1 K alou, N alvasha REN T CONTROL BOA RD- D lstrlct AD OINTMBNT SCHEDULE II- TRNPANOSOM IASIS IN EXERCISE of the powers conterred upott the G ovetnor L O 5233 and 2678, Lt -Col R T Stanyforth, K kora Farm . by sectlon 3 of the lncrease of Rent (Restrlctlon) Ordmanue, P O Lake Solal N akuru D lstllct 1949, the Governor s Deputy has been pleased to appomt- L R 3864, A M W atson, Esq , P O Box 876, N allobl, N alrobt M R H G S H XRRISON D lstrlct to be a m çm ber of the Rent Control Board for the Coast SCHEDULE III- Fo(n *ND M OOTH D ISEASE Provlnce L O 5275, S M Calnelly, Esq P O N alvasha, Lake Areap G overnm ent N otlce N o 875 of 5th Septem ber, 1949, ls hereby N alvasha D lstnct vaued accordlngly SCHEDIJLE IV- Sw INE ERYSIBELAS By Comm and of the G overnol s D eputy F E Payne Fsq Payne s Falm , Nanyukl N anyukl Dlstnct

N alrobl C H TH ORN LEY , SCHBDIJI-E V - R INDERPCST 6th September 1951 Acttng Chlel Secretal J L O p 2307 R n edenckson, Esq N gelella Estate P O Thlka Thlka D lstllct R VERNMSNT NoTlcs No 1033 L O 4512, J W llloughby, Esq c / o Ngeleba Estate, P O Tluka Thtka D lsttlct TH E REGISTRATION OF PER SON S ORD IN AN CE ScHEouLs V l Lcap 5% A /POINTMBNIT Ftrst C olum n 5'ct oltd Ctp/lfza?l IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon m e by sub- sectlon (2) of qectlon 4 of the Reglstratlon of Persons Ordlnance, G overm nent N otlce N o 49 By deletlng from Schedule IV 1947, I hereby appolnt the persons nam ed ln the Schedule dated the 3rd day of (Bamllaly W hlte Dkarrhoea) herdo to be Repstratlon Om cels for the purpose of the Ordzn- O ctober, 1949 thereto the follow lng - ç:L R 1593/2, M ls J Lewls ance wlth eflkct from the date shown agm nst thelr nam es - P O Box 2343, N ajlobl Sc- ovt,ls Langata N alrobl D zs- P' ovïnce .- f oast N am e tlnff address - sam uei M bugwa Thuku c I o Labour Governm ent N otlce N o 865 By deletlng from Schedule 11 O flice M om basa dated the 25th day of (Foot and mouth Dlsease) there- D c/e - 27-8-1951 luly 1951 to the foliowlng - Area 0/ luttndtctton .-M ombawa Dlstrict I:L O 8961 6127 and 6128, P'ovtnce .-r entral J J H zngelbrecht, Esq Name and ctftfpex,ç .- l-larry Jaqotl M umwe (;I o Centlal P O Eldolet, U asln Glshu Reglstratlon Oë ce, N alrobl D lstnct Date - 1-9-1951 Area oj if/rllllc/ltp// - Nalrobl Dlstnct GENERAL N OTjCF N o 2311 N alrobl, A W K ILLICK THE EASTERN AFR ICAN COU RT O F APPEAL ORD ER 12th Soptom bm 1951 ylcfsng Prm cmal Repsfl t1) IN C OU N CIL 1950 SENIORITY ozz Jtm oss olz H Is M Alssn s C OIJRT oF AIYEAI roR GOVERNMBNT NOTICE N o 1034 FASTERN A :RIc;x TH E REG ISTRATION OF PERSON S ORD IN AN CE IN ACCORDAN CE wlth sectlon 10 of the Eastern Afrlcan Court of Appeal Older In Cotlncll 1950 the Sectetary of State qcap 50) has been pleased to lssue lnstructlons regal dknq the sem orlty of CANCELLXTION otz APPOINTMBN'I the Judges of the sald Court whereby such sen onty shajl, as IN EX ERCISE of the powers thm eunto enabhng m e, I hereby from the 1st day of lanualy 195 l be as follows cancel the appolntm ent of the person nam ed ln the Schedule (1) The Chlef Justlce of Kenya herete as Regjstratloa Oë cer wlth efect from the date shown (2) The Chlef Justlce of Tanganylka agam qt hls nam e (3) The Chlef Justlce of U ganda Scueotlt,h (4) Justlces of Appeal of H1s M 'tktsty s Court ol Appeal fol- Plovtnce .-f oast Eastern A frlca Name tzrid address - A11 Sald, c/o Labour Oëce M ombasa (5) The Chlef Justlce of Zanzlbar D ate oj cancellatton - 10-8-1951 (6) The Actmg Chlef Justlce ol Kenya N alrobl A W KILLICK (7) The Actlng Chlef Justlce of Tanganyjka (8) The Actlng Chlef Justlce of Uganda 10th August, 1951 Actlng Prtnclpal Regtstro (9) The Actlng cmef Justlce of Zanzlbal (10) Other Judges of the Suprenae or Hlgh Courts of the tern- GOVERNMENT No rlcs No 1035 (Lkq 28111) tones ln whlch the sald Court of Anpeal for Eastern Afrlca has m nsdtctlon accordlng to ttte prlottty of thmr TI'IE LIQUOR ORDINANCE respectlve first appolntm ents as Judges jn any of such (Cap 266) terrltones A ZYOINTM BNZ (11) Actmg Judges (other than Actlng Chlef Justlces) of the iN EXERCISE of lite powers conferred by sectlon 12 of tl)e Supreme or Hîgh Courts referled to ln the precedjng Llquor Ordlnance, the G overnor has been pleased to appom t- paragraph, accordlng to the priollty ot thelr respectlve C S STIRLING EsQ appolntm ents as such to be a m em ber of tbe Ltquor Llcensmg Court for the Trans Prow ded that the substantlve holder of the oë ce of Chlef N zola Llcenslng A rea for the year 1951, %lce J E Eddy Justlce of Zanzlbar at the date het eof sball take precedence , Esq , before the Justlces of Appeal of HIs M alesty s Court of Appeal deceased for Emstet.n Afnca so long as he contlnues to hold such oëce Government N otice N o 87 dated the 17th day of January Government N otlce N o 41 datcd the 7th day of January 1951, ls varled accordm gly 1949. ls cancelled N alrobz, C H HARTW ELL 9th Septem ber , N alrobl JOH N W H YATT, . 1951 Actlng Depufy Chkef Secretary 14th Septem ber, 1951 M ember /oz Icw and Order / Septem ber 18, 1951 TH E OYFICIA L G A ZET I E 911

G ENERKL N oTicE ljo 2312 I Plot N o N am e and Addless Am ount CITY CO U N G L O F N A IR O BI N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl Sh cts at a m eetlng held on 28th August, 1951 m ade the followlng pro 95 Estate of late M rs L M Carr, c/o vlslonal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng Balm oral Gl11 and Johnson P O pox 92 Road under the provlslons of the M unlclpahtles and Townsh lps N alrobt ' 2,708 71 108 M rs G Stlrllng, P O Box 245, (Prlvate Streots) Ordmance namely - N alrobv 4 l 77 29 107 Barclays Bank (D C & O ) PI O Box plot No l Name and Address Amount 2 I 1, N alrobl 4,895 27 l06 dltto I 2,036 65 176 M rs E A G nevc P O Box 5057, k Sh N alrobl 4 f)14 12 : 9.! 1 75 M rs E M Taylor, P O Box L R 330/2 1 2 M srs v e ajrojjit Xotley, P 0 Box 92 ( (; gj y z ; y N alrobl 3,908 60 213 B Herskovlts, P O Box 3079, l 91 H W Howell >c/o Colonlal DeN elop N alrobl 2 828 37 ment Corporatlon (E A ) Ltd , 214 D r G E N evlll, P O Box 384, Prlvate Bag N afrobl 3 916 2 1 N alrobl 2 070 l 5 105/2 M r and M rs L R O lver P O Box 21 dltto 6,244 19 3 1, N alrobl 5 21 1 61 20 dltto 6 244 19 191/1 M rs M M W atts P O Box 3971, 19 Power Properties Ltd , P O 8ox N alrobl 6,336 21 691, N alrobl 6,244 19 18 Estate of late S M edlcks P O Eox 472 N alrobl 6 244 19 S/! 290,290 42 179 W A D & M rs S W lbley, P O Box 266 M om basa 3 986 70 177 M r and M rs W H Rlckards, P O Box 245 N alrobl 2 257 48 16/2 dltto 758 00 N OTIC Es ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of Nalrolll 16/1 W R Carr c/o P O Box 211 at a m eetln held on 28th A ugust, 1931 m ade the follow lng prc N alroin 6 514 1 8 128 M rs C B Ball, P O Box 338, vlslonal ap lortlonm ents of the cost of constructm g Eastchm ch N alrobl 6,167 81 R oad unde the provlslons of the M unlclpalltles and 7 osvnshg s 99 N P Patel P O Box 454 N alroh 6 166 < 1 (Pnvate Stp ets) Ordlnance, namely - 123 W i'I Scot t ,P O Box 651 N alrobl 1,740 *4 122 F J Sheldrake, P O Box 1973 N alrobl 4,425 (,7 Plot No I. Name and Address l Amount 12 A Bran d, P O Box 74 N alrobl 6 166 c2 1 1/1 Mrs N K Bnstow, P O Box 1245, N alrobl 6,166 q2 Sh cts 10 Estate of late J Pollock, P O Box L R 1870 Sec V 9 I1 wl1n9l6rr8e dN sahlardobe,l c/o N C H , 6,166 52 54 P S O 'She a sP O Box 670, N alrobl 4,985 86 181 M rs Fs A Stepbenson, P O Box 32 J Xulkln, P O Box 1288, N alrobl 5,146 9( 1159, N alrobl 2,988 21 M 1 s K N Cordon, P O Box 667 182 R G M erré eld, P O Box 128 N alrobt 5,068 4 2 N alrobi 3.177 79 44 F R Langm ead, P O Box 993, M rs J F H arnson, P O Box 2401, Nalrobl 5,068 4 ï N alrobl 4,875 ()! 27 D I J A Carm an, P O Box 138, L Pearson of Eldoret and P W 1111s, N alrobl 1 335 5 ) I P O Box 2973, N alrobl 7,099 44 4 F A Esnouf P O Box 3503, 5 W A M ay, P O Box 302, N alrobl 7 070 i)6 N airobl 3 748 0 1 4 F H Jones c/o Jones G arage, 4 M rs N E E Ross, P O Box 260, Vlctona Street, N alrobl 7,070 Nalrobl 3 748 0) 3 I M Talt, P O K lam bu 7,070 4( J L M Pearse, P O Box 5011, 2 H assanall M anm lee M om basa N alrobl 3,748 02 A erated W ater Factory 7,070 95 4 D W D Ross P O Box 260 174 Ahm ed M oham ed, P O Box 254, Nalrobl 3,748 02 N alrobl 7,489 32 4 D % D Ross P O Box 260, 35 Jack Sslkln, P O Box 122 8 ,N alrobl 10,878 37 N alrobl 3,71 8 02 34/2 A J Sc ott, P O Box 888, N alrobl 2,61() 8 i 4 C L K unlgl, P O Box 3833 N alrobl 3,748 02 284 M r and M rs C R K no x ,N alrobl 652 70 41 Prlncess C E M de W m dlsch 195 .1 & E E Sloan, P O Box 98, G raetz P O Box 3320, N alrobl 3,748 02 N alrobl 6,914 29 4$ M rs M Chalm ofr, P O Box 1229, 109 Bardavs Bank (D C & O ) P O 3ox Nalrobl 6 132 08 21 1 ,N alrobl 5,504 16 51 l R W R ayne r ,P O Box 338, N alrobl 5 082 08 96 C01 T O Fltzgerald, P O Box 171, 41 1 M lss M & M cG lbbon c/o T G N alrobl 5,377 92 Consldm e zP O Box 1862 N alrobl 8 373 82 M rs K A Brown, P O Box 238, G eorge Blowers, P O Box 259, N alrobl 3 197 N alrobl l 382 9 l 81 L A W Vlckers-l-lavlland, P O 3 M rs A E Blowers, 12 O Box 259, Box 2332 N alrobl 3 45- 88 N alrobl '4 748 03 80 Carl Ruben, P O Box 1573, Nalrobl 3,71 66 5 , M lss R H utton, P O Box 40, 219 M r and M rs H W hlpp P O Box Eldoret 3 262 ,7 5 651, N m robl 6,246 1 49 5 ' R G Salverson P O Box 2474, 31/1 M rs K M N efdts P O Box 141, N alrobl 485 99 N alrobl 6,24 # 1 8 F G H utton P O Box 179 N alrobt ! 748 (.2, M rs M M E K elly P O Box 1843 30 t MxrsajMrot) Saunders, P O Box 1 1 1 , j j,4a j aq N alrobl 3,748 fI2 193 1 Concrete Utllitles lwtd , P O Box Sect Vi ( 1219, N alrobl 54 ! t)2 5 ) M lss R E G uest, P O Box 1577, 194 T R uss e1l , Sudan G overnm ent, N afrobl 4,374 D lllm g, K ordstan Provlnce A nglo- C H Slate r ,P O Box 403 N alrobl 9 359 Egyphan Sudan 2,17 9 94 M rs A T M agner P O Box 1775, 192 1' W Graham , P O Box 662, N alrobl 4,374 N alrobl 2,72 t 86 f i J N N ewsom e, P O Box 175, 102 M rs B Thom pson Cooke, P O Box N alrobl 3,748 t)2 377 2 ,N alrobl 2,61 ) 81 < 3 R D Franklm , P O Box 1729, 79 Brlg R C Ross, P O Box 624, N alrob 1 , 3,748 t)2 N alrobl 6,307 93 4 3 G H Slater, P O Box 403 N alrobl 3,748 ()2 146 M rs G N otkln, P O Box 1127, 4 9 M lss M M Edw ards M ovm a P O N alrobl 2,821 02 N gong 3,748 l)2 145/1 M rs A E McDonal d ,c/o K (5' z 2 M lss A C Tunstall, P O Box 1198, k Ba L1 P O Box 338, Nalrobt 2,137 1 ( N alrobl 3,748 32 145/2 M r W H R Evans, c/o T Ci ( 0 G rayson and Co , 4: 0 Box 698, School, K abete 1,0* l 821 N alrobl 3,748 32 144 D r Zoltan R osulpel, P O Box F C Flel d ,P 0 Box Y 4, N alrobl 3,748 3:2 K akam ega 2,9915 9(I Paul and M rs R M ardlgs, P O Box ls M rs A E M cDonaid, cro K G 642 N alrobl 3 748 02 Ball P O Box 338, N alrobl 3,6 1 4 M r and M rs G tto Ow ensteln P O 141 dltto 3,1(,8 6() Box 1 1 1 N alrobl 27/1 M lss E Apfelbaum, P O #ox 670, ?4 M rs E C Jones, P O Box 719, N alrobl 4 5 %t. 0 ' N azrobt 4 288 69 93 J A & M rs M R obm son P O Box 71 N atlonal Bank of ladla P O Box 144 1 ,N alrobi 2 7 ' 1 99 281 N airobl 7 603 19 94 ((E T Moore P O Box l48 Nalrobl 2 7141 53 Sh 146,996 71 = = = = -'- 912 Tl'tE OFFICIAL G A ZE'IT E Septem ber 18, 1951

N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at a m eetlng held on 28th A ugust, 1951, m ade the followlng pro- Plot N o N am e and A ddress A m ount vlslonal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng K lrlchw a Road under the M unlclpalltles and Townshlps (Pnvate Streets) Sh cts Ordlnance, nam ely - 6417 P S Patel and S B Am ln, P 0 Box 281, N atrobl 2,391 00 Plot N o N am e and A ddress i A m ount 64/8 Gurdlal Kaur w/o Prem Slngh, P O Box 5264, Najrobl 2,398 77 Sh cts 64/9 S B Amln, P O Box 70 6 ,Nalrobl 2,430 89 L R 22/7 M ajor C E Browne (de-cd ), P O 64/10 Harbhalan Slngh M ohlnder Kaur, Box 680, N alrobl 8,048 92 c/o Kehar Slngh Kalsl, Campos 144 M twdo J M cK ay, P O Box 2330, Rlbeyro A venue 2,464 56 N alrobl 7,694 68 64/1 1 R B Patel P O Box 1988, Najrobl 2,499 27 142 K M K elth D ufr, Corner H ouse, 64/12 Klshorlal D Chakoo Vrallal D N alrobl 5 365 85 Chakoo, P O Box 181, N alrobt 3,884 76 13/3 M rs E F Ralnh, P O Box 507, 66/30 A Champshl, P O Box 6166, N alrobl 4 471 68 N alrobl 2,259 94 13/2 M rs I G Lane, 472 Klrkstall Road, 66/32 Kashlben w/o R B Patel, P O Box Leed s ,Y ork ss England 4,471 68 198 8 ,N ajrobl 2,253 46 13/1 Gxuley and Roberts Ltd , P O Box 66/24 H J Anun and R S and D D 667, N alrobl 4,471 68 Patel, P O Box 179, N alrobl 2,158 92 /6 M rs T M aclolm , P O Box 77, 66/20 dltto 2,149 08 M om basa 8 048 92 1008/1 Upper Nalrobl Townshlp and Estate 111 M rs B V taevy, c/o Pearl Dry Co Ltd , Llvlngstone H ouse, C leaners N alrobl 7,031 H ardlnge Street, Nalrobl 3,290 57 107 Nafslka Nlkles Tzam bwakls, H ttr- 2041 M avll R amll K orla, P O Box 295, hngham Road, N alrobl 5,537 93 N alrobl 3,210 54 158 T S and J L Brlerly, c/o E A R H , 2056 Sulem an A bdulla, P O Box 99, K lsum u 3,325 27 N alrobl 2,876 92 159 G W G lover, P O Box 5021, N alrobl 3,408 7 t 2256 H asham K ara Vasta 2,461 71 152 T S and J L Brlerly, c/o E A R H , 2257 Rashlda Blbl w/o Abdul Harll, a/c K tsum tl 6,681 07 Azlz ub D1n Qutab D1n Street, 39 Nalrobl Clty Councll, P O Box 651, R awalplndl, Paklstan 2,461 71 F N m robl 20,122 56 2258 A bdul G hafrer and 3 brothers, P O - 70 17 R K eer K err, P O Box 1 151, Box 159 3 ,N alrobl 2,461 71 N alrobl 4,471 68 2259/1 & 2 Ralchand Jethalal Ralshl Hansral, 69 R Davles and M rs Davles, c/o P O P O Box 73 2 ,N alrobl 2,203 21 Box 615, Natrobt 4,471 68 64/6 Harnum Kaus w/o SM aln Smgh, c/o 68 M rs N V Shaw, c/o P O Box 1303 K onya Pollce, N alrobl 2,615 83 N alrobt 4,471 68 64/5 dltto 2,515 85 166 W H lggln, c/o D aly and Flggls, 64/4 D C Patel and R K Shahs P O N alrobl 4,545 04 Box 16 4, K lsum u 2,471 29 162 E H Lm coln, P O Box 1959, 64/3 Arlan Slngh Lochabh, P O Box l 113, N atrobl 3 726 68 N alrobl 2,429 85 164 S D Coom bes, P O Box 251, 64/2 Arva M um Varmar, 'P O Box 2094, N alrobl 3,726 95 N m robl 2 389 45 41 G H Llncoln, P O Box 1959, 64/1 S M Bhutt and 3 brothers, P O Box Nalrobl 1 1 180 56 446, N alrobt 2,351 89 42 Crown, Klllm anl School 1 1,176 47 66/11 J M Calaco, P O Box 351 Nalrobl 2,563 25 133 R l N eave P O Box 670, N m robl 14,561 99 66/10 Dr V R Patel, P O Box 549, 134 M r and M rs G A C larke, P O Box N alrobl 2,514 04 3433: Nalrobt 4,499 49 66/27 Na#hoo Vlsandlee, P O Box 794, 121 A :, Twelftree, P O Box 1222, N alrobl 2,369 50 N alrobl 6,544 72 66/25 B R and C C Patol, P 0 Box 946, 119 Crown 4,628 76 N alrobl 2,379 09 63 R Gottfrled, c/o Barclays Bank, 66/4 La1J1 Naran Vadgama, P O Box N alrobl 5,862 98 175 3 ,N alrobl 2,591 74 61 G E Scattergoods P O Box 3086, 66/3 Am arshl P Vadgam a, P O Box N alrobz 5 862 98 1300 N alrobl 2,677 73 52/4 A H Charman, c/o O M T s Nalrobl 5,181 24 52/2 Solomon M lgdall, P O Box 1247, %h 144,290 49 N alrobl 2,999 66 52/1 dltto 1,772 52 49/5/2 M rs H Rlddell, P O Box 175, Nalrobl 13,415 03 N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at a m eetlng held on 28th August, 1951, m ade the followlng am ended provlslonal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng M cM lllan Road under the provlslons of the M umclpalltles and ! S h .2. 0 1. , 7 8.0 .7 2. Townslups (Prlvate Streets) Ordlnance, namely - N OTJCE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N alrobl at a m eetlng held on 28th A ugust, 1951, m ade t'he followlng linal apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng Blenhmm Road under Plot No N am e and A ddress Am ount the provlslons of the M unlclpalltles and Townshlps (Prlvate Streets) O rdlnance, nam ely - Sh cts L R 4857/ 55 M rs l M H M ay, P O Box 770, Plot N o N am e and Addross Am ount N alrobl 3,443 79 56 Twentsche O verseas Tradlng Co , L R 1870 Sk cfs P O Box 1138: N alrobt 4,690 36 Sec IX 57/1 Jean Jacques Rlchard, P O Box 90, 57 Upper Nalrobl Townshlp and Estate N akuru 4,305 09 Co Ltd , Ltvm gstone H ouse, 57/2 dltto 853 79 H ardlnge S. tree t, N alrobl 2,863 71 58 dltto 2,745 59 Slt 13,293 03 59 I dltto 2,745 59 60 ! dltto 2,745 59 61 i dltto 2,745 59 N alrobl, JO H N RISBBO ROU GH , 62 dltto 2,745 59 3rd Septem ber, 1951 Town C'/ez/s 71 E O C rltchley c/0 S B S A , N atrobt 2,590 19 72 U pper N alrobl Townshlp and Estate Co Ltd , Llvlngstone H ouse, GENERAL NOTICB N o 2313 1 H ardm ge Stree t ,N alrobl 2,763 47 TH E W A R LO A N O R D IN A N CE, 1940 73 dltto 2,824 08 Loss or B oso Cslt-n jqch'l-ss 63 dltto 7,718 76 64 dltto 3,367 25 IN PURSUANCE of the provlslons of regulatlon 17 (2) of 65 dltto 2,590 19 the W ar Loan Regulatlons, 1940 notlce ls hereby pven that 68 dltto 2,590 19 the undernoted 2.1. per cent East Afrtcan W ar Bonds CertlE- 69 M rs K M Brunt, P O Box 64 N alvasha 2,763 48 cates have been lost and that lt ls proposed after tho explratlon 70 fllas Behesnlllan Slngh and K Slngh of 30 days f) om the date of thls notlce to lssue dupllcates of P O Box 101 8 ,Nalrobl 2 819 16 such certlficates - 1006/1 Upper Nalrobl Townshlp & Estate Sm les B oj 1949/ 5 1 Co Lt d ,Llvlng stone H ouse H ar- dm ge Street, N alrobl 2,952 8 1 N u - 10882, for f,5 1006/2 dltto 3,21 1 84 N qm e - M r W llham A ddls 1006/3 dltto 3,211 84 N o - 3350, for f 5 1006/4 dltto 3,211 84 N anle - M r Jatdev A ggalw al 1008/3 dltto 3,211 84 1008/2 dltto 3,211 84 N o - 3349 for f 10 66/7 W J Am ln, P O Box 77 4, Nalrobl 2 462 23 N am e - M 1 H m ldev A ggarwal 66/21 Harl Slngh s/o Bhula Slngh, P O E J PETRIE, Box 5736, N alrobl 2,471 29 Accountant General Septem bel 18, 1951 TH E O FFIC IAL G A ZET I'E 913

GENERAL N oTlcB N o 2314 GBNERAL l Io'rlcs N o 2316

' C ITY CO U N C IL 0 F N A IR O BI MAKURU LIQUOR LtCENSING COURT NOTICE ls hereby glven that the Clty Councll of N allobl SPECIAL SEsslox at a meetlng held on 28th August 1951, m ade the followm g final D ULY authorlzed by the Provlnclal Com m jssloner, Rltt apportlonm ents of the cost of constructlng the R oad ln L R 209/2490 parallel to and south of N gara Road runnlng nea- thv V alley Pl nvlnce, a speclal m eetlng ot the N akuru Llquor M unlclpal A slan Flats, under the provlslons of the M untclpalltleq Llcenslng Court w111 be held at the oëce of the Dlstrtct and Townshlps (Pnvate Streets) Ordlnance, namely - Com mlssu nel , N akuru on Frlday, 12th October 1951 at 10 a m 1 -1 order to conslder the followlng appllcatlon - Plot N o N am e and Address W lne M e?c/ztz/?f.î and Grocels fafglft?? Ltcence The A arlety Stores Thom son s Falls Sh t Is N akuru, G C M D O W SO N C/lt:tfr/?lfflp L R 209/ 2490 10th St ptem bcl , 1951 Nakul 1/ Ltquol D censlng C'tp/1 / 29 M ansha Slnglz s/o Gular Smgh, M oban Smgh s/o M ansha Slngb, G ENERAL qOTIeB N o 2317 Wo G ular Slngh, B1acksm1th, Canal EA S A FR ICA N R A ILW A Y S A N D H A R BO U R S Road, N alrobl 1,21 ï 55 28 H ardlal Slngh and R anllt Slngh ss o A N N U A L R EPO R T, 1950 Bhagat Slngh, P O Box 1474, THE a knnual Report of the East A fncan Rallways and 'N alrobl 1 ,45() 98 H arbours for the year 1950 has lAow been pubhshed Coyles 27 M V D ovanl > P O Box 1515, m ay be obtalned on appllcatlon to the G eneral M anagel N alrobl 1,454) 98 26 M B A m ln, P O Box 12 5 ,N alrobl 1,451) 98 P O Bo) 121, Nalrobl, at a cost of Sh 12/50 per copy, 25 Ranlben w/o G Versh 1, M.onglben post free w/o L Vershl, M erchants between A DALTON R acecourze and m ver R oads 1 451) 98 G enel al Arftzrlfp (-l 24 Jethalal Lakhadhlr, P O Box 351, Nalrobl 1,450 98 G ENBRAI- Noerlcu N o 2282 23 Lakham shl K hlmll, P O Box 1301, N alrobl 1 319 08 THE CROW N LANDS ORPINANCE 22 N aranll Slngh and Surleet Singh, (Cap 155) s/o Sadhu Slngh, P O Box 5683, A LIBNATION ()F LAND N alrobl 1,31 9 08 21 Jlvral H 1r a ,P O Box 962, N alrobl 1 31 9 08 APPLI .-W TION S are lnvlted fo1 the allenatlon of two blocks 20 Gordhanbhal Javerbhal Patel, c/o of the t nsurveyed Crown land, sltuated m N orth Lalklm a, Em bu Stores Em bu 1 ,319 08 shown ol the attached Schedule, one belng north of N gelesha 19 Premchand Ramll Haral, c/o P 0 and the ather north of the Junctlon of the Uaso N ylro znd Box 19, N alrobl 1,319 08 U aso N r rok rlvers The apploxlmate boundarles of the lànd 18 Tulsa Slngh s/o Gurdatta Slngh, Santa Slngh s/o M ella Slngh, P O m ay be sd en on a plan at - Box 1845, N alrobl 1,319 08 (a4 The oKce of the Commlssioner of Lands, Nalrobl 17 Natlonal Stone Co , K anm Slngb, P O Box 106 2 ,N alrobl 1,51 2 44 (bj Tht Pubhc M ap Oëce, Survey Department, Nalrobl 16 Blshendass Bhagwandass and (c) Thc Dzstnct Commlsslonerî Ramurutl Chhagan O dhavll P O Box 944, The bd lundarles and areas shown on the plans are appraxl N alrobl 2 l *0 (16 30 D erchand Jhm a D hrona, P O Box m ate on y and the rent, purchase prlce and value of deve op 1467 N alrobl 1 7:47 3î, ment m 1, therefore, be adlusted to sult the surveyed are : 31 Hazra Slngh s/o Attar Slngh, ' The a ea ls understood to bka sultable for ranchm g and Electrlclan Canal R oad N alrobl 1 3 t) 0h dmrv ra1 chm g whlch ls bem g sucf essfully carrled out on other G ulgara Slngh s/o U ttam Slngh P O farm s m the vlclm ty Box 1776, N alrobl 1,3 tt) 0 l 33 Ram bhal Jethabhal Patel, P O Box The r unfall of R um urutl, the nearest townshlp, aver kge,s 2191, N alrobl 1,3 !tp 0 ç approxln ately 25 lnches Thc soll varleq zn quahty and the 34 Gokal Slngh s/o Har Govlnd Slngh, denslty 7f bush cover In accordance wlth these vanattons G oldsm 1th, R lver Road, N alrobl 1,3 tf) 0 A the undt voloptd carrylng capaclty ls estlm ated from ttn acres 35 Am ar Sm gh N andhra and Joglnder to the bt ast to 30 acres to the beast Slngh N andra, P O Box 347, N alrobl 1,3 19 0 4 G rant , lf approved w1l1 be for the term of 99 years and 36 Sardar R unlalt N and Slngh s/o w1ll stlp tlate for the expendlture of not lcss than Sh 3 /50 per acre on perm anent developm ent, half of whlch w111 havt to l ' 3 i g 0 5 be effec ed wlthm the tirst three years of the com mencem ent 37 1 G rlSaonrxtdlla r31 6-R9gu Nsnl jlalgft Oj/Dslu/ ov as aSrm d agrh ,x P rl aOn of the t rm of the grant and the rem am der wlthln the subse- Slngh, c/o P O Box 691 Nalrobl j319 04 quent tl ree years to the satlsfactlon of the Comm lsmoner of 38 Shah Khetshl V1rJl, M erchant Quarry Road, Nalrobl 1,31 t? 08 Lands t nd the grant w1l1 ln addltlon contaln provlslon tor 39 Gurbukhsh Smgh s/o Fateh Slngh, stocklng of the Jand P O Box 734, N alrobt 1 ,319 08 N o sl bdTvlslon or transfer of the land wlll be permlted for 40 Fateh Chand ahd Atma Slngh s/o a penot of ten years from the com m encom ent of the telra of H lra R am P O Box 2555 N alrobt 1,3 1 9 08 the gral t except In specjal clrcumstances by perm lsszon of the 41 Santobhal w/o Gulabchand Shahs P O Box 1592, N alrobl 1 ,3 19 ( 8 Goverm r N athoo Lakhadhlr and V ala Apph atlons should be subnutted to the underslgned bt fore Lakhadlr, P O Box 1592, Nalrobl 1 ,7 19 t 8 noon ol the 16th October, 1951, and should speclfy the block 43 Slrdar Ralt Harnam Slngh s/o Dewa deslred And the am ount of m oney the appllcant ls prepared to slngh, D e Luxe Furnlture Store spend c a the lm provem ent and stockm g of the Iand Evldence G ulzaar Stree t yN alrobl K anlee N aranlee, P O Box as to sr znclal resources should be sublm tted N alrobl 2,1 8,0 (I6 The < pphcant should detall lus proposals for the supply of water ( tt sevel'al well dlstnbuted polnts) the constructlotz of us7? 40, ,>2 ,2 fenclng dlps bulldlngs and othel perm anent development as t - - = - -w p=; well as intentlons regardlng the stocklng of the land Perm gtnent persona accomm odatlon by the appllcants ol by thelr Furcpean represel tatlves wlll be requlred GBNERAI No'rlce No 2315 Such sm all perm anent developm ent as already exlst . on som e o the blocks wl11 be pald for by the successful app lcant TI4F, FRAUD ULENT TRAN SFER OF BU SINESSI-% at valu< tlon O R D IN AN CE 1930 G H W AN N ELLS PU RSUAN T to the above Ordlnance notlce ls hereby gk :en Nairob for Speclal C'tl?nrrlllllonel 4'nd that tbe buslness carrled on by Sadruddln Hlnl untit 1 the 7th % eptember .4( tkng Commtsnoner t# Lands style of 'tskdruddln s at Plot No 1 74, Eastlelgh Set tltvn 1 N alrobl has been tlansferred as from the 1st day of Supts m SCHEDULE ber, 1951 to G ulam huseln W a1)1 of P O Box 6230 N alntbl Stand Prem m m , who w11l from the sald date carry on the sald buslness under B Ic aks Approxlm ate 1 e ja urchase R ent the nam e and style of KTTa.J G rolary Store' and at tltt sqtm e A rea ln acres prlce place The address of the tlansferor ls P O Box 6230, N lrob' 01 A r N ylro 107,100 Per acre- 50 cts Flve cents per The address of the trAnsielee ls P O Box 6230, N tlrobl acre pe1 an- num untll 31st The transferee does not assum e no1 does he ln t nd to *soslaz t 76 400 Pel acre- 3o cts D ecem be assum e any llablllty whatsoever lncurred ln the sald busllless 1960, tht n re- by the transferor up to the 1st day of Septem bel l 9: l vlsable Nalrobl G U LA M HU SEIN W A LJl * A reservatlon of land for an outspan and stock route on 5t.11 September, 1951 Trtiltzh tee thls ap a wlll be reqmred and excluded from the grant 914 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZET TE Septem ber 18, 1951

GBNERAL N oTlcB N o 2318 GBNSRAL N oTIcE N o 2322 TH E FRAUD U LEN T FRAN SFER OF BU SINESSES N OTICE ORDIN AN CE, 1930 N OTICE ls hereby glven that M r J M Zlbanas and. M r N OTICE ls hereby pven that the buslness of an hotel-keeper H ans K ucharzlk have no authorlty w hatever to pledge the carned on by John ytngelopolous under the style or firm name credlt of M refu Farm , Rulru or to represent the sald farm of the Eldoret H otel at Eldoret m cludm g the goodw lll of the buslness has been transfelred m th efikct from 1st Septem ber, 10th Septem ber, 1951 Fz B H ERZFELD 1951 The transferee w1l1 cononue to carry on the sald buslness G ENERAL N orlcs No 2028 at Eldoret aforesald under the style or 5rm nam e of the Eldoret H otel W A RN IN G N OTICE n e transferee has not assum ed any of the llabllltles lncurred by the transferor ln connexlon wlth the sald hotel pllor to 1st GUN BRAN D- REGISTERED TRAD E M ARK September, 1951 N OTICE Is hereby glven that a devyce representlng a gun ls Nanle and address oj transjeor - lohn Angelopolous, P O reglstered ln lnter alla K enya, U ganda, Tanganylka and Eldoret Zanzibar as the trade m ark of J and P Coats, Llmlted, of G lasgow, Scotland, and ls used to dlstlngulsh sewlng cotton Name and address 4)/ transjeree - l-eon Stanley Kudla, P O m anufactured by that company , no person has the rlght to Eldoret use the trade mark representlng a gun, or any colourable J AN GELOPOLOU S, lm ltatlon of such m ark or gun wluch would or mlgtlt decelve, D ansleror m th reference to any goods wluch are not m anufactured by L S KU D LA , J and P C oats, Llm lted 3ûtb Jkugust 1951 Transferee And notlce ls further pven that legal proceedlngs m ll Sm m e dlately be taken agalnst any person, firm , or corporatlon who or whlch sells ol olers for sale goods bearlng a representatlon of a gun or any colourable mutatlon tbereof or of the sald GSNERAL N OTICE N O 2319 reglsteled trade m ark, wluch are not a product of J and P Coats, Llm lted M ESSRS SISA L, LIM ITED STEPHBN & BICK ERTON W ILLIA M S N OTICE ls hereby glven that the board of dllectors of , M essrs Slsal, Ltd , have declded to recom mend to the annual Advocates jor J and P Coats fzlmifetf and general m eetlng et sharellolders to be beld on 5th O ctober, tts Agent the Central Agency D mlfed 1951, at the leglstered oë ces of the company, H anulton H ouse, W ARN IN G N OTICE Ellot Street N alrobl, that a final dlvldend of 20 per cent ln respect of the yemr to 30th Apnl 1951, be approved GU N BRAN D - REGISTERED TRAD E M ARK N otlce ls also pven that the statutory books of the com pany C ORRECTION wlll be closed from 14 days before that (late, but that a sub- In the warmng notlce prevlously publlshed J and P Coats Llm lted, was shown ln error as 4%of M anchester , comm lttee of dlrectors m 11 conslder transfer of shares subnutted G , England, and to the com pany s secretary up to 14 days before the date of lasgow , Scotland N otlce ls hereby glven that the m anu- tht, m eettng facturers of '$Gun'' brand sewlng cotton J and P Coats Llmlted, of Olasgow, Scotland, are not assoclated ln any way, By ordel of the Board wlth M anchester, England A corrected verslon of the warnlng J A W ARD ER notlce appears lmm edtately above ttus ttotlc,e Seo etary STEPH EN & BICKERTON W ILLIAM S Advocates ycpr J and P Coats famlf,etf and lts Agent the Central Agency D mtted GENERAL NoAncE N o 2320 TH E FRAU D ULEN T TRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESSES (IENERAL p4oxles N o 2JJJ O RDINAN CE, 1930 PU RSUAN T to the above-nam ed Ordm ance, notlce ls hereby IN H 1S M M ESTY 'S COU RT OF APPEAL FOR p ven that the buslness of transport and passenger carrlels EASTERN AFRICA lately carned on by Hem ral Lalll Shah under the nam e or style A SPECIAL Sesslon of the Court of Appeal for Eastern of ç'Nalrobl-Nyerk Bus Servlce' at N azrobl m the Colony of Aflac,a w&ll be held at M ombasa on W ednesday the 19th day K enya, has been sold and transferred to N gunlm G atutu, of Septem ber, 1951, at 10 a m to dehver the Judgm ents m the transporter, m th effect from 7th Septem ber, 1951, who m 11 followlng appeal - carry on the smd buslness at N alrobl under tile sam e name Cm l Appeal No 67//0 W akf Commlssloners of the Colony or style and Protectolate of K enya r.ç A hm oham ed Ah N ahdl executor of the w11l of A lsha blntl Shafi , Name and address (# the frcrll/otzr - l.lemral Lalll Shah, P O , deceased Box 636, N alrobt N alrobl, DEN IS 17 SHAYLOR Regutrar Name and address oj the transjeree .-Ngunpn Gatutu House 5th Septem ber, 1951 , N o 457, Pum wanl, N alrobl H M Court t# Appeal yt?r E .4 T'he transferee does not assum e nor does he lntend to assum e any llablllty whatsoevez m curred m the sald buslness by the CIhNERAL èloRlcR lfo 2174 transferor up to and m cludlng 12 noon on 7th Septem ber 1951 H EM M J LA LJI SHAH , KEN YA OFFICIA L G A ZETTE Transjetor N Ew Rm s op SrBscm pTlox 1952

N alrobl, N G IJN JIRI GA TUTU, AS FROM 1st January, 1952, the followmg rates m 11 apply 7th September, 1951 Transjeree ln respect of subscnptlons to the K enya Oë clal G azette - A Sh cts nnual subscrlptlon, payable ln advance (lncludlng GENBRAL N oTlcE N o 2321 postage) 40 (Xj H alf-ycarly subscnptlon, payable m advance (mclud- mg postage) 2: (10 VA CAN CY IN E A H IGH COM M ISSION Quarterly subscrmtlon, payable ln atlvance 10 50 M eteorologlst Slngle copy of any G azette wlthout Supplem ents 50 APPLICATION S are m vlted for a post tzf M eteorologlq t Slngle copy of any Supplem ent to the Gazdte not (European male) m the East Afllcan M eteorological Depart exceodm g four pages 25 m fm t A ppllcants should hold an honours degree ln m athem atlcs Sm gle copy of Supplem ent up to mght pages 50 or physlcs of a recognlzed um velslty Allowance m ay be m ade Slngle copy of Supplement up to 16 pages 75 for expeylence and post graduate research w ork m detenm m ng Each addltlonal 16 pages an addltlonal 50 lmtlal salaly The scale of salary of the post ls f 585, f 585, Charges for a1l adveltlscm ents lner lnsertlon wlll be as f 655 by f 35 to f 760, f 830 by f 35 to f 1,005 by f 45 to f 1 140 follow s - (P B ) by f45 to k, 1,320 The post ls penslonable sublect to a Sh cts probatlonary pt-rlod of two years n e Serwce Regulatlons of Full mngle colum n the H lgh Comm lsslon apply T'he dutles Of the post lnclude a11 35 00 Thlee-quarter colum n 25 :û form s of hlgher technlcal work of t'he M eteorologlcal D epart- H alf column m ent Om cers m ay be reqm red to serve anrvhere ln East 17 50 O ne-tbtrd colum n 15 00 Afrlca, but are norm ally statloned only ln N alrobl, D ar es Trade M ark and Patent N otlces Salaam or Entebbe 15 00 Quarter column or less 10 00 A ppllcatlons should be subm ltted ln wntlng not later than 15th October 1951 to the Dtrector, E A. M eteorolorcal D e- partm ent, P O Box 93 1, N alrobl, on the prlnted apphcatlon T L PEET, form obtalnable from lus oflwe 21st August, 1951 Gow nment rrla/er Septem bel 18, 1951 TH E OFFICIM G A ZE'I TE 91f

GENSIUL N oTlcB No 2323 GBNSRM- VoTzcls N o 2327 N OTICE OF IN R N DED DESTRU CTION O F COU R T TH W EIGH TS AN D M EASU RES ORDINAN CE RECORD S N o'rlcs TO TRADERS TH REE m onths after the date of thls notlctz 1 lntend tt) AN Ins xctor of W mgllts and M ùasures w111 be ln attendaltce qpply to the C luef Justloe fol k ave to destroy tho reuold , at N akun for the perlod M onday, lst October, 1951, to Fnd ty, of the Coul t of the Resldent M aglstrate at N akuru a > se 5th Octo' er, 1951, fo1 the purpose of venfylng and stam plng out below - traders' aq ylzo apparatus Yea' Crz/?o/?zt7l Proceedtllgs N um beï ed D etalls egardlng the oE ce to be used by h1m m ay be obtalned 1938 1 303, 305 316 318-427 429 717, 719-853, 85f -951 from the X strlct C om m lssloner N akuru 935-1,134 1,136-1,322, 1,324-1,635, 1,637-1 ,760 A 11 trat ers, wlthm a radm s of 12 m lles of N akuru are e 1,762 1,799, 1,801-1,842, 1,844-1,878 1 880-1,925 qulred by the prowslons of tho W elghts and M easure,s Ord n- 1,927-1,929, 1,931 2,051, 2,054-2,790, 2 792-2 ,995 ance to s zbm lt for asslzlng and stamplng all welghts, m easul ew 2 997-3,006, 3 008-3,190, 3,192-3,244 3 246-2 ,287 of length and capaclty, and welghlng lnstrum ents whlch they 3,289 3,383, 3,3$5-3 591 have ln tl elr possesslon for trâde use The followlng lecords are m lsslng from the archtves Only w lghm g lnstrum ents the welghlng capaclty of wluch Records num bered 428, 952 1,135 exceeds 1 )00 lb , or whlch are of a perm anently fixed natttre or of de1 cate constructlon, w111 be asslzed tn xl/?z Traders ln Year (7gl/?zlncf Pt oceedlngs N ulllbered possesqlon of such lnstlum ents m ay comply wlth thls not ce 1939 1-58, 60-100 102-126, 128-14 3, 147-292, 294 317 by notlfyl ag thls oœ ce, m wntlng as to the type m axlm tlm 319-391, 393-425, 427 446, 448-484, 486-505, 527-590 welghm g apaclty and locatlon of the qald lnstrum e, nts, befole 592-642, 644-74 2 ,744-849, 851-899, 901-971, 973-1,114 Saturday, 29th Septem ber, 1951 1 116-1,198 1,200-1,222, 1,224-1,225 1,227-1,233 t 23$-1 273 1,275-1,329, 1,331-1,408, 1,410-1,414 J BRYAN T gsupenntendent W eghts tzzlt;l M easures 1,416-1,550 1,552-1,617 1,619-1 637, 1,639-1,68 1 W etghts tp7# M easures D epartlnent 1,685-1,686 1,688-1,708, 1,710-1,767, 1,769-1,804 Portal Street 1 806-1,808 1 810-2,091, 2493-2,096 2,098-2,186 P O Box 1071, Naltabt 2,188-2,371 2,373-2,546, 2,548-2,946, 2,948-2,957 2 960-3,036 3,038-3,04 l , 3,043-3,157, 3,160-3, 190 3,192-3,203 3,205-3,207, 3,209-3,230, 3,232-3,397 GENERXL ko'rlcE N o 2328 3,399-3,489 3,491-3,813, 3,816-3,930, 3,932-3 935 3,937-4,070, 4 072 4,091 TH 1 PH ARM ACY AN D POISON S ORD IN AN CE The followm g lecords are m lssm g from the archwes - TH E u! derm entloned person has beett reglstered ln accoyd- Records numbered 127, 144-146, 318, 447, 1,682-1 (,84 ance wlth the telm s of the Pharm acy and Polsons Ordlnanco - 2,947, 3,191, 3,490, 3,814 and 3,815 N alne - Brock, Edwln W ard, M P *. 1939 A ny person deslrlng the return of an exhlblt m any of the cases lntended for destructlon must m ake good hls clalm bt tore the 18th day of D ecember, 1951 G ENERAL : IoTlcE N o 2329 A11 exhlblts to whlch no clalm ls substantlated as above wlll TH E WEDICAL PRACTITION ERS AN D DEN TISTS be llable to be lncludt.d ln the order for destructlon ORD IN AN CE R M H R O D W ELI TH E un lerm entloned have been rem stered ln accoldance wlth 8th Septem ber, 1951 R esldent M agtstrate N 'c/s Ik? u the telm s of the M edlcal Practltloners and D entlsts O'rdm ance (Cap 125 lf the 1948 Edltlon) - Nazzle - M ansheld, Hugh Naylor, M R c s (ENG ), t, R c r' (Loxo ), M B s s (LoxD) 1942, M R c o () 1949, M o GBNBRAL N ozqcE N o 2324 tLoxo h 1951 A dd' ess -P O Box 641, N alrobl THE LIQUOR ORDINANCE P3 acttce x-G ovcrnm ent (No LXII oj 1934) Name - Shaw, Frednck Oscar John, M R t, s (BNG ) CoAs'r Llouoit LICENSING COURT- SPEEIAL M EBTING (LoNo p, 1943 DU LY authorlzed by the Provlnclal Com m lssloner, Coast Address -P O Box 641, N alrobi P'actlce -u overnm ent Provlnce, M ombasa, the followm g appllcatlon w11l be consldef t.d at the speclal m eetlng of the Coast Llquol Llcenslng Com t to be held on M onday, 22nd October, 19S1, at 10 a m ln the Dlstnct Com m lssloner s Oë ce, M om basa - G FNERAI- è o'rlcE N o 2330 W lne M erchants qnd G? ocers D cence TH E W ATER ORD INA NCE, 1929 M r Sunderdas lsherdas, tradm g as The Contlnental G ereral N w blt R lve? N al o M oru D u/rlc/ Stores' , Piot N o 24, Sezctlon X'X II, K llm dlm R ': td APPLJ.C VTION by Lady Vlctorla Pletcber f or a water ngllt M om basa fl om the Ngoblt Rlver on L R 3359, 3362, 5166 for nt t O E B H U GH ES, Chalrlna v quantltles af 8,350, 50,000 (100 per cent returnable), 55,6f0 Coast D quor D cczlwrlg Ct I/, t gallons pe. day of norm al flow and 450,000 gallons per day of flood flc w for dom estlc, powel and general lrngatlon purposf s respectlvely I'hese an ounts are ln lleu of those already sanctloned G ENERAL N oTlcE N o 2325 Plans m y be seen at the Publlç W orks Departm ent Elead Oë ce, N al obl, and at the oë ce of tho W ater Balllff Pubhc H ON O R A R Y PER M IT ISSU ER W orks D ey artm ent, N anyukl APPOINTMENT Objectlor s statlng speclfc grounds therefor should be fled tn dupllcate M tth the W atel Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, m thln IN EXERCISE of the power conferred upon m e by 1 alts 3 days fro) 'ï the date of pubhcatlon of tius notlce N os 20 and 63 of the A mm al Dlseases Ordlnance Rule , 1 , and a copy hereby declale the underm entloned gentlem an to be alz H ono! a1y se1 ved on t le underslgned Perm lt Issuer for the purpose of the sald rules - V ICTORIA FLETCHER , Appllcant R Spooner Esq , 0 1 K alou N aro M tm f K abete, R A H AM M OND , 7th September, 1951 Achllg D lrector oj Vetermary Servlco ç G ENBR&I- 'N o'rlc:E N o 2331 KA KU ZI FIBRELAN DS l , LIM ITED GBNERAL NoerlcE N o 2326 N OTICE Is hereby glven that at an extlaordlnary genelal m eetlng of shareholders of the above company, held on 3rd Septem ber, 1951, a bonus lssue of one share for every twdA REVOCATION OF POW ER OF AU ORN EY held was ( anfirm ed to a11 persons approved as m em bers o1A N OTICE ls hereby mven that the general power of attol nuy 3rd Septem ler, 1951 dated the 15th day of Septem ber, 1949 glven by m e to R tl'n zem alt V allt tradtng as R V allt & C om pany, m erchant of A t a dl1 ectors m eetlng lmm edlately followlng, the 25 per cent linal , tlvldend was approved for paym ent to a11 pm sons M om basa In the Protectorate of K enya, Is hereby levoked znd reglstered a shareholders on 3rd September, 1951, the paym erlt cancelled as from the date hereof and the sald Ram zailall to be m adl as soon as the reglster of the com pany has been Valll has now no power to act fol m e under the ylrtue of the sald power of attolney com pleted By order Af the Board M om basa, M OHA M EDALI DH M D J A W A RDER, Secreto y 7th Septem ber, 1951 I'radlltg as Dhalla hn cr2 1or Kakuzt Ftbrelands Ltd 916 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZET TE Septem ber 18, 1951

GENERAL NOTICF N O 2332 G ENBRA.L N o'rlcE N o 2337 THE W ATER ORD INA NCE 1929 IN H 1S M AJESTY S SIJPREM E CO URT OF K EN YA K aztta RI& er M eru D lstrlct AT N AIROBI A PPLICA TION by the D lroctol of Publlc W olks for a watçl PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION llght from the K azlta R lver ln M eru Ton nshlp for 13,0* gallons Ckt/ss N o 179 oF 1951 per day of norm al flow for a publlc purpose, l e townsbm Notlce oj appllcatlon ytpr admlnlstîanolî (z/ estate 0/ M ohanzed supply H assan Isaakla rncrc/lcuf Iate oj NWI? obl deceased Plans m ay be seen at the Publlc W orks D epartm ent H ead TA KE N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been made ln thls Oë ce, N alrobl Coutt by Fatuma of P O Box 846, N alrobl, the wldow of the O blectlons statlng specllic gl ounds therefol should be filed ln deceased, through S M A kram , Esq , advocate) N all obl fol dupllcate m th the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, wlthln the adm lnlstratlon lntestate of the estate of M oham ed Ha. ssan 30 days from the date of publjcation of thls notlce and a copy Isaakla, lato of N alrobl, who dled at N ayrobl on the 5:11 day selved on the underslgned of M arch, 1951, lntestate thjs Court wl1l proceed to lssue the G D RH ODES, sam e unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance Actlng D lrector oj Publtc l'Ftzpk,# m thls respect enteled on or before the. 2nd day of O ctober cIo P I'F D P O Box 662 Nalrobl 1951 W F BROW N E, GI-NBRAL NorlcE N o 2333 N alrobl, D epu/y R egkstrar 'T'H E W A R-ER OR D IN AN CE , 1929 8th September, 1951 î'uprenle Court oj Xenyw G tchl R /ve? N yen D lyfrlc/ APPLICA TION by the A ctlng Dlrector of Publlc W orks fol a water nght from the G lclu R lver ln N yen T ownslup fo1 190,000 gallons pel day of norm al flow for m lnor lrngatlon G BNBRR N oorycs N o 2338 Plans m ay be scen at the Publlc W orks D epartm ent H ead Omce, N alrobl IN H IS M AJESTY S SU PREM E COU RT OF KENYA AT N M ROBI Oblectlons statlng speclfic grounds therefor should be filed ln dupllcatt wlth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N alrobl, wlthln PROBA TE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION 30 days from the date of publlcatlon of thls notlce and a copy CAt/ss N o 146 oF 1951 selved on the underslgned Notlce oj appltcatlon jor probate 0/ the u. llI oj Cecll Slg'gç G D RH OD ES, Apphcaltt late (7/ N alrobl deceased P O Box 662 N akrobl ' TA KE N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls Court by Jam es Fredenck Hum e Hanulton of N allobl, advocate, ENERAL NOTICE No 2334 fo1 probate of the wlll of Cecll H lggs, late of N alrobl, who TH E W AT ER O RD IN A N C E, 1929 dled at N alrobl on the 18th day of January, 1951, thls Court A lnonlatut R lvet s'fp?3g/lt??- D lsttkct w 1ll proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the contlary and appearance ln thls l espect entored on or before A PPLIC A TIO N by H E G urney for a watel rlght from 2nd day of O ctober, 1951 the Alnomotul Rlver on L R N o 6084/ 1 for net quantttles of 1,000, 500 and 1,000 gallons per day of norm al flow for W F BROW N E, dom estlc > m m or ilrlgatlon and the pulplng and w ashlng of N alrobl D eputy Reglsttar uoffee 1 1th Septembel , 1951 Supreme fbrf? f oj Kenya Plans m ay be ween at the Pubhc W orks Departm ent H ead N ote - n e w1l1 above nam ed ls now deposlted and open to Oflice, N alrobl, and at the oflice of the W ater Balllff, Publlc lnspectjon at the C ourt W olks D epartm ent, K encho Oblectlons statlng specliic grounds therefor should be filed ln dupllcate wlth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, N mrobl, m thln 30 days from the date of pubhcatlon of thls notlce, and a copy G BNERAL N o'rlcs N o 2339 served on the underslgned H E G U RN EY, Appllcant IN HlS M M ESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA M lale P O Songhol AT M O M BA SA PR O BATE A N D A D M IN ISTR A TIO N DENERAL N ollcE N o 2335 Cxtlse N o 42 oF 1929 IN H lS M AJESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF KEN YA Notlce t# appllcatlon /(?, Iettos (7/ admtnlstratlon de àflnl,î AT NM ROBI non oj estate t# Fatuma îxzzfl Abdulla bln Rashld late t# PROBA TE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION M ombasa K enya Pl otectorate deceased G uss N o 78 oF 1951 TAK E NOTICE tbat appllcatlon havm g been m ade m tius Court by M ohamed Sald bm M baruk Shlkely of M om basa Notlce oj appltcatlolt jol tzffradalxfrtzflt?n oj estate oj Ladha K enya Protectolate , Devlt contractol and stane merchant late oj Sclatos Road , for letters of adm lnlstratlon de bonls lton N b/?tz/?/ deceased Blth w111 annexed of the estate of F'atum a blntz Adbulla b1n R ashld, late of M om basa aforesatds who dled at M om bmsa TA K E N OT ICB that apphcatlon havlng been m ade m tius on the 18th day of July, 1929, thls Court w1ll proceed to Court by Vlsram Ladha s/o Ladha Devll of P O Box 1319, lssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the contrary N alrobls the son of the deceased, for the admm lstratlon m test- and appearance In thls respect entered on or before the 25th ato of the estate of Ladha Denl, late of N alrobl, w ho dled at Nmrobl on the 10th day of M arch 1951, lntestate, thls day of Septem ber, 1951 Coul't wlll proceed to lssue the same unless cause be shown Law Courts, M om basa, J R ROSS, D eputy Regtstrar to the contrary and appearance m tlus respect entered on or 6th Septem ber, 1951 before the 2nd day of Qctober, 1951 Suprelne Court t# Kenya W F BR O W N E , N ote - The w11l above nam ed ls now deposlted and open to N aTrobl D eputy R eglstrar lnspectlon at the Court 8th Septcm ber, 1951 Supleme Caurt oj Kenya

GCNERAL N oTlcE N o 2336 G BNBRAL N oTlcB N o 2340 IN HIS M AJESTY 'S SU PREM E COU RT OF K EN YA AT NM ROBI IN H1S M AJESTY'S SU PREM E COU RT OF KEN YA PROBA TE A ND AD M IN TSTRATTON AT M O M BASA CAuss N o 172 os 1951 PROBATE AN D A DM INISTRATION Notkce oj appllcatkon /(?, admlnïstranon oj estate ol CAUSE N O 46 OF 1951 M tlhc?nmccll/l Hassam KcrC merchant, late oj Sultan Hanlud ln X'e?iya Cololly deceased Notlce oj appllcatton /o? admlnkstratlon oj estate t# M wana Jul'ntf blrlfl M ohaïned Xfwa ïate 0/ M ombasa TA KE N OTICE that apphcatjon havlng been m ade In tltls K enya Protectotate deceased Court by Kulsham bal N agll V 1r)1 of Sultan H am ud the wldow TAK E N OTICE that apphcatton havzng been m ade ln thls of the deceased, through A A M ulla, Esq advocate N atrobl, Court by Shelkh Al1 bm M wlnzaga of M om basa, K enya fo1 the adm lnistratton lntestate of the estate of M ohamm edah Protectorate, for lettels of adm lnlstratlon of the estate of H assam K ara, late of Sultan H am ud, w ho dlcd at N alrobt on M wana Juma blntl M ohamed Afwa late of M om basa afore- the 15th day of A ugust, 1951, lntestate , thls C ourt w 1l1 pro sazd, who dled at M om basa on the 12th day of Apnl 1951 ceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be show n to the contrary thls C ourt w 111 proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be and qppearance ln thls respect entered on or before the 2nd show n to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered day of O ctober 1951 on or before the 25th day of Septem ber 1951 W F BROW NE, N allobl D eputy R eglstrar Law Courts, M om basa, R ROSS, D eputî Reglsttar 11th Vptembel , 1951 Skêpreme Coul t 0/ Kenva 6th Septem ber, 1951 Supleme Court oj Kenya Septem bz) 18, 1951 TH E O FFICIAL G A ZEY TE 917

G ENSRAL N orlcs N o 2341 G ENSRAL l o'rlcs N o 2346 IN H lS M A JESTY S SU PR EM E CO U RT O F K EN Y A TH E BA N K R U PTC Y O R D IN XN CE AT M OM BA SA RBCEIVING ORDER PR O BA TE A N D A D M IN ISTR ATIO N D ebtor â nam e --G eorge H orace Booley CAUSE N o 47 oF 1951 4ddtess -F1at 13, W oodley Estate P O Box 2403, Nalrobl Notkce oj cppflctzfltpn jol plobate oj the w'JJJ oj Nyanya t7J///, D escrlpn a?z - stolekeeper Abdltlla J/l(Ix$ Nyaltya M eklnyasl late oj M ombasa Date oj fDF7g pehtion - 6th September, 1951 ffcn; a Ptotectoîate deceased C ourt - 1 M Suprem e Court N auobl TAKE N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been made ln thls N o oj ?) attel --19 of 1951 C oult by Sallm M oham ed M ohasham y of M om basa, K t nya Date oj ,7 #e? - 6th September 1951 Protectorate, for probate of the w11l of N yanya blntl Abdulla W hether rlebtot s :), o edttors petltton - D ebtor s altas N yanya M eklnyasl late of M om basa aforesald w ho N alrobl J F SPRY , dled at M om basa on the 30th day of Octobel 1950, thls 10th Se! ptember, 1951 Omclal Recet% e Court w111 proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be sh 3wn to the contrary and appearance ln thls respect entered o) t or before the 25th day of Septem ber, 1951 G ENERAL 5 o'rlcs N o 2347 Law Courts, M ombasa, J R ROSS, D eputv Regls ? al 6th Septumber, 1951 H M s'l/p?ezz e Coul t t?J Ke Jy(z THE BANK RUPTCY O RDIN ANCE Nofc - Tl1e w111 above nam ed ls ttow deposlted and ope't to Rscslvlxo OpoER jnspectlon at the Court D ebtor s nam e .- lklaganlal M avll Addless .-Eastlelgh, Sectlon 11 P O Box 1144, N alrobl D eso tptl pa - shoem aker G ENISRAL N o'rlce N o 2342 Date oj ?f??7g petltlolt - 31st August 1951 Coll; /- 1 ( M Saprem e Court N alrobl PRO BA TE A N D A D M IN ISTR AT IO N No oj n Jfftv --16 of 1951 Date oj 4 ,1 det --3rd September, 19j 1 Puiclc TRus'rsE s Cwuss No 44 os 1951 W hether lebto; s tpz ctedltol s pE'/lp()Fl --D ebtor s the rzltx/fez oj Zalekha blntt ff/lczrzfuw deceased late t>/ Changanlwe M ombasa In the Protectolate oj Ak?/yc N alrobl J F SPR Y , TA K E N O TIC E that all persons havlng any clalm s agalllsL 10th Sep ember 1951 Oëiclal Recelve the estate of the above-named Zalekh& blntl K hamtsl, &ao dled at Changam we, M om basa, ln the Protectorate of K ellvl G ENLRAL B ol It,E N & 2148 on the 21st day of June > 1951 7 ale reqm red to prove quch clalm s before m e the underslgned on or before the 19th daJ THE BANK RUPTCY ORDIN AN CE of N ovem ber, 1951 atter whlch date the clalm s so prc: ed w1ll be pald and the estate dlstnbuted accordlng to lavv A DJIJDICATION D ebtoî s ?zfl?ne - llnabhal Kalldas Sukhabhal K allda , N alrobl, J F SPRY Govlnt Kalldas and M rs Galra w/o Pragll Kahdas, al1 11th Septem ber, 1951 Publlc TrIIh/ t tradlng as J K Bros D egam walla debtors A ddl ess -Sa1lm R oad, M om basa D escilptt )?7 - snoem akers G PNLRAL N oTlcs N o 2343 Couî t - 1 I M Suprem e C ourt M om basa No tp/ ?z atter --5 of 1951 PRO BA TE AN D A D M IN ISTR A TIO N Date oj t rdo --7th September, 1951 Pusl-lc TRUSTEE s CAtiss N o 44 oF 1951 Date 0/ / etltlon - 13th June, 1951 In the mattet t# Zalekha !7In// K hamlsl deceased Date oj order kt?? sumlna; p admlkllstîatton - 18th August , TA K E N O TICE that on or after the 3rd day of O ctol7s l 1951 1951 I lntend to apply to H M Suprem e C ourt of K env A Box 366 ! Iom basa A C BECTO R at N ajroby, for letters of adm lnjstratlon m testate to tllc 11th Sey ember, 1951 Agent t?f fie O/clal Rdcelvt?? estate of the above-nam ed Zalekha blntl K ham isl late of Changam we, M om basa ln the Protectorate of K enya Nkr17o dled at C hangam we aforesald on the 21st day of June, ltl.j 1 G ENIURAL N arlce N o 2349 N alrobl, J F SPR Y N OTICE OF DISSOLUTION 11th Septem ber, 1951 Publlc Trl?! ti ( N OTICE ls hereby gwen that the partnershm between us the undersl ned (1) Uttam Kaul G1 ewall (2) Darbara Slngh G rewall an( (3) Arlan Slngh son of Labh Slngh, carrym : ort G HNERAL N o'rlcE N o 2344 buslness un 1er the nam e or style oj ç G rewall Brothers ', ha y been dlssol ed by m utual consent as from the 20th day ol IN H lS M AJESTY 'S SU PREM E COU RT OF K EN YA A ugust 19 1, ln so far as concerns the sald U ttam K au) A T N A IR O BI G lewall an4 the sald D arbala Slngh G rewall who have bottt PR O BA TE A N D A D M IN ISTR A TION retlred frorr the partnelshlp from the above date G uss N o 178 OF 1951 A l1 debts due to and owlng by the late partnershlp have beerl Notlce oj appllcatlon /t7? probate (# the wlll oj Leo A'rc/lN: agreed to l e recelved and pald by the sald Arlan Slngh sort asslstant p/fwt/ge'? Bullows tt Roy Ltd Nalrobl deceaseçl of Labh Slr) yh A R JA N SIN G H , TA KE NOTICE that apphcatlon havlng been made ln l 1) ls Contm ulng pJ?/rlc? Court by M rs Ruby K rauss of P O Box 591, N alrobl, ffll S probate of the w1l1 of Leo K rauss, late of N alrobl, who dIt tl UTD M K AUR G REW ALL at N allobl on the 5th day of July, 1951, thls Court wlll prd) N alrobl D ARBARA SIN GH , ceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the ccntl à J 31st Xugl st 1951 Retlrlng partllers and appearance ln thls respect entered on or before the : nd day of O ctober, 1951 G FNFRAL N 4 ITICE N o 2350 W F BR OW N E N alrobl, D eputv R cglxfrc? . CH ANG E IN PA RTN ERSH IP 8th September, 1951 Suprente Court ta/ Kenj t NOTICE ls hereby glven that the paltnershlp subslstlng be N ote - rf'he wl11 above nam ed Is now deposlted and open 1 t4 tween V1th lbhal Som abhal Patel M anlbhal Fulabhal Patel Inspectlon at the Court Raojlbhal S lanabhal Patel, M rs Kaqhlben w/o M anlbhal and d / o Bhallal nhal B Patel, and Somabhal Vallavbhal Patei of Eldol et ln tl e Coltmy of Kenya cal rylng on buslness at Eldolet G FNERAL N tm cE N o 2345 a pllntels and statloners under thu. hlm nam e of ç Servlce Pless has been changed by m utual consent as from the 22nd DISTRICT D BLEGATE'S COU RT, ELDORET day of Aug 1st, 1951, by the retllem ent therefrom of M anlbhal PROBATE AN D A D M INISTRATION Fulabhal Pa el CAVSE N o 9 orp 1951 A ll debts due to and owlng by the sald partnershlp w 11l Ftank H enry M artïn M aynal d deceased be lecelved tnd pald by the contlnulng partners nam ely V lthal TA KE N OTICE that al1 persons havlng any clalm s agalast bhal Som ab ïa1 Patel R aollbhal Shanabhal Patel, M rs K ashlben the estate of the above-nam ed deceased who dled on the ,1d w/o M anlb 2a1 ard d/o Bhallalbhaz B Patel and Somabhal day of M ay, 1950 are requlred to prove such clalm s beftllt V allavbhal l atel who w111 contlnue to carry on the sald buslness m e tile undeTslgned on or bef oTe the 31st day of O ctober, 19l l under the fi m nam e of ç Servlce Press at Eldoret after w hlch date the clalm s so proved wl1l be pald and lhe M A N IBH M FU L ABH A I PA TEL, estate dlstrlbuted accordlng to 1aw R ehrlng Jlc? tnet K ltale J J ST L M A RT IN Eldolet S C G A UTA M A 10th Septem ber 1951 Advocate jor the Executtl & 22nd A ug 'sts 19 3 1 Ad%ocate /c'? the C'tm/rnulng partnos 918 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZET TE Septem ber 18, 1951

10 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, GIINSRAL No'rlcs N o 2283 assessments ol outgolngs of whatever descrlptlon as m ay be TH E CROW N LAN DS ORDIN ANCE lmposed, chalged or assessed by any G overnment or local authollty upon the land or bulldm gs erected thereon m cludlng Restdentlal s'cfffen?cuf Plots- M olo any contrlbutlon or other sum pald by the Government ln lleu APPLICATIONS are lnwted for the dlrect grant of the plots thereof enum erated ln the Schedule hereto A plan of the plots m ay be seen at the oë ce of the Dlstllct 11 The acceptance of any plot shall be deemed to be upon Com mlssloner Nakuru, and at the Pubhc M ap Oë ce of the and sublect to the condltlons helezn contalned and the prow Survey Departm ent, N alrobl, or may be obtalned from the Dlrec- slon of the Crown Lands Ordlnance (Cap 155 of the Revlsed tor of Surveys, P O Box 1766, N alrobl, on payment of Sh 4 Edltlon of the Laws of K enya) and ln partlcular Part VlI thereof post free Appllcatlons must be subnutted to the Dlstrlct Com mls- N alrobl E R COUSIN S, sloner, N akuru, statlng the plot Teqmred Tn order of pleference Speclal Comnllsnoner and Acttng A ppllcatlons m ust be sent so as to reach the D lstrlct Com Conlmlsnoner (p/ Lands m issloner, Nakuru, not later than Thursday, 11th October, 1951 Appllcants m ust enclose wlth thelr appllcatlons thelr cheque SCHBDULB for Sh 200 as a deposlt whlch w1ll be dealt wlth as follows - (c) If the appllcant ls olered and takts up and pays for a Plot A pprox Stand A nnual R oads and W ater Survey plot wlthln the penod of 14 days requlred by Condm on N o Area Pre- Rent D ralns bupply Fee,s (c) below, the deposlt wlll be credlted to h1m m lum (b) lf the apphcatlon ls unsuccessful the appllcant s deposlt Acres Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh wll1 be returned to lum 7890 20 50 656-00 123-00 1452-90 1549-80 245-00 7891 20 70 662-40 124-20 1467-10 1564-90 245-00 (c) If the apphcatloa ls successful and the apphcant falls to 7894 20 30 649-60 121-80 1438-80 1534-70 245-00 take up and pay for the plot offered to h1m m thm a 7895 19 79 633-30 118-80 1402-60 1496-10 225-00 perlod of 14 days as requlred by Condltlon (c) (1) below, 7896 20 20 646-50 121-20 1431-70 1527-10 245-00 the Comm Tssloner of Lands shall declare the depomt for- 7899 29 20 934-40 175-20 2069-50 2207-50 270-00 fezted and the appllcant shall have no further clalm 7901 20 50 656-00 123-00 1452-90 1549-80 245-00 7902 21 80 697-60 130-80 1545-10 1648-10 245-00 thereto 7903 19 91 637-20 119-56 1411-10 1505-20 225-00 Apphcatlons must not be sent dlrect to the Com nussloner of 7904 27 50 880-00 165-00 1949-10 2079-00 270-00 Lands 7907 21 50 688-00 129-00 1523-80 1625-40 245-00 (J) General Condltlonn 7906 19 80 633-60 118-80 1403-30 1496-90 225-00 Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Comm lssloner of Lands wlthln 14 days of nottficatlon that hls/her appllcatlon has been approved the assessed stand premlum alld the roads and dralns and water supply contrlbutlon ln respect of the plot G BNSRAL N oTlcs N o 2351 together wlth the Survey Fees, the rent due from 1st N ovem ber, 1951 to 31st D ecem ber, 1951, the fees payable ln respect of BOARD OF M AN AGEM ENT- M AIZE AN D PRODU CE the preparatlon and registratlon of the grant (Sh 120) and the CON TROL stamp duty ln respect of the grant (approxlmately 2 per cent IT IS hereby notttled for general m form atlon that, arlsmg on the stand premlum and annual rent) In default of payment out of the recom mendatlons of a Com mlttee whlch sat under wkthln the specé ed tlm e the purchaser shall have no furthel the Chalrm anshm of S1r A lfred Vm cent, the G overnm ent has clalm to the grant of the plot declded as an lnterlm m easure, to appolnt a Board to assum e the general dlrectlon of the M alze and Produce Control wlth qb) Ctp/ltflfdtprl.ç oj Grant the followlng term s of reference - 1 The gl antee shall erect com plete for use and occupatlon wlthln 24 m onths of the date of com m encem ent of the term of To dlrect, as an m tertm m easure, the operatlons of the the grant a bullding of approved deslgn on proper foundatlons M alze and Produce Control m accordance wlth the general constructed of stone, burnt brlck or conclete wlth roosng of pohcy of the Governm ent and tlw speclfc dlrectlon of tlles Ar such other perm anent m atellals as m ay be approved the M embel for Agllculture and not later than the 31st by me, and shall malntaln the sam e, lncludlng the external pmnt July, 1952, to subm lt to the M em ber for A gnculture work, ln good and substantlal tenantable lepalr and condltlon lecom mendatlons as to the form of organlzatlon or organ durlng the contlnuance of the term of the Grant lzatlons wblch wlll m ost economlcally and eK mently serve the pubhc mterest ln the collectlon, storage, dlstrlbutlon 2 N o bulldlng shall be erected on the plot unless plans and m arketlng of all produce at present handled by the tlncludlng block plans showlng the posltlon of the bulldlngs M alze and Ploduce Control and ln addltlon al1 crops clearly defined and shom ng a system of dralnage for the dls- scheduled under the Increased Productlon of Crops Ordm posal of sewage sullage and surface water on the plot), draw- ance beallng ln m lnd- jngs, elevatlons and speclficatlons thereof shall have been pre- vlously approved by the Local A uthorlty and by the C ornm ls- (c) the present mterterrltorlal arrangenzents for meetlng the sloner of Lands or such other person as he m ay appolnt Such requlrem ents of the East Atrlcan Terntorles and the plans, etc , shall be subm ltted in trlpllcate to the Local M lhtary Authorttles and the functlons of tl'te East Afrlcan Authorlty wlthln three m ontlls of the date of the comm encem ent Cereals Pool, and of the term of the G rant (!9 the exlstence of organlzatlons concerned wlth the 3 ln the event of the grantee falling to com ply wlth the pro handhng of produce on bohalf of producers and all the vlslons of Condltlons N os 1 and 2 supra proceedlngs wlll functlons perform ed by such organlzatlons forthwlth be lnstltuted under sectlon 83 of the Crown Lands The followm g have been appom ted to serve as m em bers of Ordlnance (Cap 155 of the Revlsed Edltlon of the Laws of the Board - Kenya) for forfelture of the land C hatrm an- 4 G rants wlll be m ade under the C rown Lands O ldlnance SIr W llham lbbotson, c I E M B E M c (Cap 155 of the Revlsed Edltlon of the Laws of Kenya) and M em bers- tltles w11l be yssued under the Reglstlatlon of Tltles Ordlnance The Provlnmal Comnussloner, N yanza Provm ce The term of the grants m ll be 99 yeal s from 1st N ovem ber, Jam es M ackay Esq 1951 The H on W A C Bouwer M L A 5 The plot shall be used for pllvate resldentlal purposes C D H11l, Esq only and no other purposes whatsoever W Padley, Bsq , o B B 6 The grantee shall not at any tlm e sub-dlvlde the plot D on Sm all Esq 7 The grantee shall not sell ol transfer the plot nor enter J L Rlddoch, Esq o B B lnto any mortgage charge (other than wlth the consent of the Com mlsstoner of Lands for the ralslng of a loan for bulldlng F W CAVEN DISH-BEN TIN CK , purposes) or agreement tor sale ln lespect thereof wlthln ten Nalrobl M ember p z Agrlculture years of the date of the com m encem ent of the term * 15th Septem bel , 1951 and N atulal Resources 8 Subject as ln Condltlon No 7 the grantee shall not at any tlm e durlng the contlnuance of the term asslgn, m ortgage sub-let or palt wlth poss> slon of the plot or any part thereof , G BXIZRAL N olqcB N o 2352 or any bulldlng thereon save m th the pllor approval ln wrltm g ' of the C om m lssloner of Lands REVOCA TION OF POW ER OF A'IV ORNEY 9 The G overnm ent or such person or authorlty as may be N OTICE ls heleby glven that the general powm of attolney dated the 9th day of M ay, 1940, pve.n by me to M oham edall appolnted for the purpose shall have the llght to entel upon D halla >tradlng as D halla Ism all m elchant of M om basa m the the plot and lay and have access to water m alns, servlce plpes P1 otectol ate of K enya > and dralns, telegraph and telephone wlres and electrlc mam s , ls hereby revoked and cancelled as of a1l descnptlons whether overhead or underground, and the tlom the date hereof , and the satd M oham edak ohalh has grantee shall not erect any bmldlng ln such a way as to covel now no power to act fo1 m e under the vlrtue of the sald powel or ynterfere wlth any exlstlng ahgnm ents of m aln or servlce pm es of attorney or the telegraph or telephone wlres and electnc m alns afore h

' G ENERXL N oTlcs N o 2353 3 N o b uldlngs shall be erected on the plot unless and undl plans (lncl ldlng block plans showlng the posltlon of the butl:l IN THE M ATTER OF FARM ERS CO RN ER LlM 1 rPD lngs), dlaY lngs, elevatlons and speclfcatlons thereot shall ha ze been prevl nusly approved by the Iocal authorlty and by tlle (C? edttols Ftz/lfri/cry W lndlng Upj Comm lssle &er of Lands or suoh other person x'ts h.e m ty AND appolnt S lch plans etc prepaled by a person reglstered undzr IN TH E M A U ER OF TH E COM PAN IES ORDINAN CE the Archlt cts alzd Quantlty Surveyors Ordmance (Cap 30t1) 1933 shall be sl bm ltted ln tnpllcate to the Town Clerk, N akuru ln N O TICE ls hereby glven that at an extlaoldlnary general the frst m tance m eetlng of the shareholders of the above com pany, duly con 4 N o b zlldm gs erected on the sald land m ay be used 13 t vened held at Barclays Bank Bulldlngs, D onald A venue N akuiu occupled l ntll the grantee shall have sublnltted a block pl tn on W ednesday, 29th A ugust 1951, the followm g speclal relolu wlth the p Asltlon of such bulldlngs clearly dehned and showutg tlon w as passed - a system ( f dralnage for deahng wIt.I't sewage, sullage and su1 çf-fhat the company be wound up and that the appolnt- face water on the sald land whlch shall satlsfy the Com mls m ent of a llquldator be left to the dlscletlon of the cledttors sloner of Lands altd the local authomty that such system 'nf pl ovlded how ever that lf the credltors dld not appolrtt a dlam age l as been propelly constlucted, such satlsfactlon tn llquldator the O fliclai R ecelver shall be appolnted as llquldator both cases to be cxplessed ln wrltlng of the com pany 5 'rho t rantee shall duly and sgltably connect such dram age At the subsequent m eetlng of credltols of the com pany system w$t a any town dl alnage system when ln the oplnton M r K A Jeremy, clRartel ed accountant, was appolnted of the C o1 m usstoner of Lands and tbe local authomty the lattel llquldatol of the cem pany system ls o far completed as to enable the grantee reasonablv Al1 cledltols of the above-nam ed com pany are hereby re- so to do qulled on ol before the 30th day of Septtm ber, 1951, to Aend 6 The 1 rantee shall not at any tlm e subdlvlde the plot N o thelr nam es and addresses together wlth partlculars of 1 hell sale, trans er or asslgnment of the plot shall be effected un 11 debtq ol clalm s, to the liq> m dator, M r K A Jelem yJ P O the bulldln is requlred under Speclal Condltlon (c) 1 below have Box 612, N allobl or ln default thereof the assets w1ll be (l1s- been com lleted to the qatlsfactlon of the Com m lssloner of tnbuted wlthout taklng m to account thelr clatm s Lands and the local authollty 7 Any bulldlng erected sllall conform to bulldlng lllle N alrobl K A JERE,M f declded u; on by the local authorlty 6th Septem bel , 1951 Ltqm dtlIol 8 The é rantee shall be 1 equlred to pay a1l t ates, taxes, dutles, assessm ent , and charges of whatsot ve1 descrlptlon whlch now or at any future date m ay be charged assessed, levled or 1n1- GENBRAL N m lcE N o 2354 posed upol the land, or any bm ldlng thereon, by any G overlz- m ent or i acal authorlty lncludlng any contrlbutlon m ld by TH E CROW N LAN D S OR D IN ANCE, 1915 Governmel t ln lleu lhereof A condltlon wlll be em bodled En SITS 17oR THE CONSTRUCTION oF FL&TS N AKURU each grant provldlng for the necessary adlustm ent betweea tlle TEN DERS ln term s of stand premtum and developmont pëo grantee an( the G overnm ent posals are m vlted for the grant of the lease of Plot N o 26 9 The g rantee shall pay ort demand the sum of Sh 7,205 / % Sectlon LVIII Nakuru Townshlp, for the purpose of eret tlng as a contl Ibutlon towards tlle cost of cxm structlcm of roads thereon a block of flats and dralns 2 The term s of t17e lease wlll be 99 yeals from the lirst of (X Speclal the m onth follow lng the date of acceptance of a tender 1 The ë tantee sball be requlled to erect upon the plot conl- plete for t, se m thln 24 m onths from the com m encem ent of the 3 A plan of the slte m ay be lnspected at the Pubhc ldap telm of t te grant a block of flats of approved deslgn 3n Oëce of the Stlrvey Departm ent, N alrobl, or a copy m ay be accordance w lth the developm ent condltlons lm posed on the obtalned at the ofiice of the D lrector of Sm veys, P O Box 1766 acceptance of the tender and shall m am tam the sam e bo1 h N allobl, on paym ent of Sh 4, post flee Snternally nd externally m good and substantlal tenantable re- k palr and ( ondltlon durlng the contlauance of the term of the CoxolTloNs ol7 SALE grant and yhall be reqm red to comply wlth al1 other structural (t8 Tenders developm el t conthtlons wlthm the sam e penod of 24 m onths 1 Sealed envelopes m arked içTender for Flat Slte, N aktll u 2 The u e of the plot wl11 be restrlcted to resldentlal fhts m ust be deposlted wlth the underslgned before noon on W ednus 3 The ! antee shall not at any tlm e dunng the term of tl'le day, 10th O ctober, 1951 glant erecl bulldlngs to cover m ore than 25 per cent of tile area of th( plot nol shall the total aumber of habltable l oom s 2 Tendels should be accom panled by a statem ent m dlcatln/; -- exceed 48 (J) the detalled ploposals of the tenderer for the developnlcllt Speclal C om nussloner and of the slte, lllustrated by a slte sketch plan drawn to bc tîe Nalroll Achng Comnllssïoner t# Landv and show lng an outllne floer plan and elevatton , (b) the amount of capttal avallable for development purpf ses SCHEDULE and a banker s guarantee to thls esect Plot N o -26, Sectton LVIll, N akuru 3 The successful tendorer wlll be requlred to pay wl tlun A lea - 1 1937 acres seven days of notlficatlon that h1s tender has been accellted M inlm un stand prenllum - Sh 2,140 25 per cent of the amount tendered, together m th the rtnt Annual ? .nt - ôh 428 due to 31st D ecember, 1951 Survey /. es - SN 120 4 The balance of the pu1 chase prlce wlll be payable on dem and prlor to the Sssue of tltle 5 The survey fees and the fees (Sh 120) payable m respcut of the preparatlon gnd reglstratlon of the tltle, together $71th GENERAL h o'rlcs No 2355 the stamp duty (whlch ls approxlmately 2 per cçnt of the 1,111 chase prlce and the l ent) ln respect of tlle grant, must be Ilvtld 91 CAN CY IN TAN GAN YJKA TERRITORY m thm seven days of the dem and therefor Tltle w1ll be lssued Asskstant é'urvcyw? Surveys J/CJ Towll Plannfng D epartm ent as soon as convenlently posslble A V AC ./ N C Y exlsts fol an A sststant Surveyol m the Sulwey 6 ln the conslderatlon of the tendels regard wl1l be had D lvlslon c f the Surveys and Tow n Plannlng D epartm en g, to the relatlve m ents ot the proposed plans for construc lon Tanganpka The post, whlch ls peaslonabk, carrles a salary and the linanaal suëclency of the tenderer to undertake such scale of f ! l0, f 340 f 365 by f25 to f690 by f25 to :840 1x1 constructlon annum w1t t a prom otlon bar at the f690 pom t, advaacem er t N o tendt,l of a sum less than that lndlcated ln the Schetlule beyond wh ch constltutes prom otton and falls to be consldere:l heretm der w11l be consldered The hlghest or any tender !N 1l1 by a prom d ,tlons board In addltlon to salary a temporary nor- not necessarlly be accopte,d penslonabk emergency allowance at 20 per cent of salary s payable at present Appolntm ent would be, as usual, on prc- (b) Genelal batlon for z perlod of two years ln the first znstance N ormsl 1 G rants w1l1 be m ade unde! the Crown Lands Oldlnance overseas co ldltlolks of servlce m th a rental deductm n of 10 per (Cap 155 of the Revlsed Edltlon of the Laws of Kenya) zlld cent of sa1 ry whele quarters are provlded Candldates betweeA tltles w1l1 be lssued under the Repstratlon of Tltles Ordm allct 17 and 25 ) aars of age preferred The term of the grant w51l be 99 years flom the first day of Candldat s should have passed the School Certlikate Exam ma the m onth followlng the notlficatton of approval of the gr m t tlon Dutle wl11 be to asslst ln townshlp, farm , topographlcal 2 The Governm ent or such person or authorlty as m ay be or trlangulc tlon stllveys appolnted for the purpose shall have the rlght to enter upon Appllcatl ms should be forwarded to the Secretaly, Senlor the plot and lay and have access to w ater m alns, servlce pllx s Selvlce A d zlsory Boald the Secretallat, D ar es Salaam , to telegraph or telephone w11 es and al1 electnc m alns of all descrlp alnve not atel than 15th October, 1 951 A11 apphcants shouldl tlonq, whether overhead or undorground, and the grantee sq t11 subzm t thel appllcatlons ln wntlng together m th a com pleted not erect any butldlng ln such a way as to cover or m terl ele apphcatloa form (PJ 1) ln dupllcate whlch can be obtam ed (:n, wlth any exlstmg routes, m am or servlce pm es or the telegr tph request fro; a the Secretarlat of the lelrltol y ln whlch they arz or telephone wlres and electrlc m nlns aforem entloned resldlng 920 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZETTE Septem ber 18, 1951

GENERAL NoTlcs N O 2356 EA ST A FR IC A N C U STO M S A N D EX C ISE D EPA RT M EN T A uclqow SALE N OTICE ls hereby pven that the undermentloned goods w11l be sold by pubhc auctlon at the Klng s W arehouse K lhndlm , on 1st October 1951, at 9 a m , lf not cleared before that date The proceeds of unclalm ed goods w11l be applled as follows - Flrstly, m the payment of the expenses of the sale, secondly, ln the payment of duty thlrdly , In the payment ol warebouse rent and charges, fourthly, ln the paym ent of the frelght, lf any, due upon the goods lf wrltten notlce of such t-relght shall bave been glven to the Collector The balance lf any, shall be pald lnto general revenue but m ay be refunded to the persons entltled thereto lf clalm ed wlthln sIx months or tbe date ol- sale

CrsToM H ousE M OMBASA R W H BA RN ETT, 29th August, 1951 Regwnal Comnussloner ol Customs and Exctse. feat/ LIsT ov G ooos LYING IN K lxG's W AREHOUSE OVER THREE M ONTHS AND DUE F0R SALE ON 1ST O CTOBER 1951

W E K D ate N o and Shlp's N am e From of A rrlval M arks and N os D escrlptlon or G oods D ate 1 1 1 20-4-51 Rldderkerk N ùrth 3-1-51 B E 3519 A C N alrobl vla M om basa 1 case wlne 122 27-4-51 Brookhurst U K 31-1-51 3845 Klsumu vla M ombasa -/2 1 case brass buttons (door fittmgs) N lL 1 roll wlre N lL 1 bundle m attocks 2 bags steel balls N lL 1 drum ilaked calclum chlonde 152 18-5-51 Tllmenteng 21-2-51 Pravln M ombasa -/67 1 case tumblers O C C A O C C Patel Llra vla M sa -/ l 1 case cycle parts Sobrlety N o 44 M ombasa -/17 1 case cups and saucers M orce M om basa 5 or 25 1 case porcelalnw are C C Jlnla M ombasa -/4/5 2 cases cycle parts & Nalrobl v1a M ombasa -/113 1 case cotton shlrts M /s Shah Hemral Bharmal & Bros P O Box 227 M om basa, K C , B E A 1 parcel cut sam ples of sllk M /s Dharamslu Vlrpal & Bros P O Box 248, M om basa, K C l parcel cut sam ples M G L M ombasa -/1/5 1 parcel cut pleces M /s East Afrlcan Sundrles Ltd P O Box 310 >M om basa 1 parcel cut pleces NIL 4 pleces cycle parts N IL 1 spanner 161 28-5-51 Clan M acfadyen North 27-2-51 F M B 556 N alrobl v1a M om basa - /44/45 2 cases plate glass 170 5-6-51 Llandovery Castle 30-3-51 T D B S E 1424 M om basa or N lL 1 bundle lron plates 174 5-6-51 M adura U K 16-3-51 V L O O C A A S Jlnla -/2 1 crate earthenware Economlc Nalrobl v1a M ombala -/9475 1 case french m ustard N lL 1 bag em ptv bottles M /s 5m1th, M ackenzle & Co or NlL 1 case furnlture N IL M lscellaneous goods S M M & Co M M om basa 1 crate steel wlndows D r W llham Barnett A frlcan Inland M lsslon Shlnyanga, Tanganp ka, East Afnca, c/o Express ln Port Co M om basa 1 case m erchandlse I K Ltd Nalrobl v1a M ombasa -/2, 5, 9 & 21 4 cartons lantern globes Renown 38902/697 Kampala vla M sa 1 carton Ronuk wax pollsh 175 5-* 51 Thorslsle South 10-4-51 N tL 5 m otor car tyres 176 .' 5-* 51 Erldan South 19-4-51 TO M M om basa K enya Colony 1 parcel cut sam ples plece goods 179 15-* 51 N 0ve11st South 1-5-51 N lL M om basa 1 case plece goods 180 15-6-51 M om basa South 25-4-51 M otor U gam otor K am pala vla M om - basa Indent KM 1369 -/491/2, 513 3 cartons batterles M abrl Saim a M ogadlsclo v1a M om basa - /51 1 roll or bundle twlne 189 21-6-51 Dlana M esslna 26-4-51 M archo Bharmal Ltd Kampala -/1/4 4 cases nurrors * M arche T A K am pala v1a M om basa - /200 1 case mlrrors M arche H & S Arusha Tanga -/3840/ U P 2 cases m lrrors M arche J J Sulem anll D ar es Salaam 2084/4-6 3 cases nurrors 192 28-6-51 K am pala Bom bay 5-4-51 R K K A L M om basa 473A 1 bale cotton pzece goods 193 28-6-51 Clty ot K hartoum N orth 23-2-51 N 1L bag hm ges , 18 second-hand coat s , 1 palr canvas shoes 3 fan belts, 15 hoes , 288 karals D att K am pala N o 3 1 bag bolts N IL 1 drum and 3 tlns dlsm fectant 194 28-6-51 Posllllpo N orth 14-3-51 Lloyd Tnestlno A gewozle D l M om basa 5 parcels statlonery 196 28-6-51 K aranla Bom bay 16-4-51 D L M M om basa N o 96 1 bale cotton plece goods 197 28-6-51 D urban C astle - 31-3-51 EA IE Co K lsum u v1a M om basa 8 bundles and 26 steel plpes B M Budongo No 126/104 No 5 C L M ombasa In translt M lle 54 M aslndl/ Butlaba U ganda 1 case saws EA IE C o K lsum u v1a M om basa N o 1 1 case pum p rod guldes 198 g 28-6-51 j Llanglbby Castle South 2-5-51 RA GS D& S CGo Jlnla 2 cases condensed mllk I oa M ombasa 1 bag grlndlng stone 1 NS l&L W 8369 Mombasa 1 pcarctkoent alaspykaroalgdu Ws teleptsold i l Septem ber 18, 1951 TH E O EFICIA L G M ET I E 9J1

Lls'r o, G ooos LYING IN K ING'S W ARBHOUSE OVER 1 l4REB M ONTHS AND D JF FOR SALE ()N !ST OCTOBLR, 1951- (CJ?lfd ) W E K Date I No and Shlp's N am e From of Arrlval M arks and Nos Descrlptlon of G oods D ate 199 28-6-51 Henry Jasper North 17-4 51 Cak le Order 27-2-51 dombasa 3/5 3 cast s artllklal sllk Auseum rgut 221/A J E B Albertvllle Np 1563/3 1 case harmonlcas A ( 'ostagllaphlc D e B ubler N alrobl 1 tm m erchandtse N 1t 1 casf padlocks N lI 5 round lron bars 200 28-6-51 Tanaflord 31-3-51 N It 13 pleces plywood N I1. 1 coll w lre 1 Nwl t, ,1 & co calcutta 21 dbruunmd lmese rpclhyawnodolsde F D M om basa 8 cartons beer N lt 1 toll paper 201 28-6-51 ) Advjser U K 3-4-51 ArPc aO L eGninl oGx1 1T he Far; Ae1 Mv at Supply l box sausage filllng m achlne and spares l l C V H V 974 N al obl 1 crate tlles N It 2 bags second hand clothlng 1 bundle galvanlzed tubes 1 coll galvam zed m le 202 28-6-51 A m la South 9-4-51 I'on elaln C K am pala 1 lo 1 1 case sam ples porcelalnn are M T G S Sam ple o N lL N o 1 1 carton sam ples of glassw are 204 28-6-51 R obln D oncaster - 1-4-51 1 N B N R B or F M B N R B 1 3 bundles m anhole covers anc Iram es 393 7-11-50 Sculptol South 23-9-50 N I L 1 package lron m anufactured N l L N I (. or R D X N o 25 ?41 1 casc lron m anufactured

l-ls'r or U NCLM MEO G oops L'fING IN K lwo's W ARBHJIJSE O VER T :laEs M o qTHS EhIJE F()R SALE ON 1tT O CTOBER, 1951

W i' K xo and sla. , sx am e srom oroartneval l varks and xos oescnpuon or ooods Iyate j K29/51 Unknown Sheds 1/2 - NIL 5 felt hats 2 stenclls , 1 tln mllk K46/51 Dunnottar Castle U K 28-5-51 NlL 1 small klkapu K47/51 Amra - 4-6-51 Nlt. 1 tln , 1 boller sult , 1 package 560 Kampala lndla - 3 S Cardozo B/D 598/ 5O2 (Abandoned) 1 large bottle Goa llquor M r D J X Alphons > B/D 831/836 ( A bandoned) 5 packets Black Llon tobacco and 80 clgarettes 563 Trjpohtanla Pxrel Lodewyk B/D 1 (Abandoned) Approx li lb tobacco K48/51 Property found by 5-6-51 Port Pollce N lL 1 blat,k hat , 7 pleces m aterlal 1 hank w ool K50/51 20-6-51 K aranla lndla 18-6-51 N I L l trunk 1 bundle personal tfects , 1 beddm g K51/61 22-6-51 U nknown Shed 7 N 1 L 10 lron rat traps , 23 locks , 1 tln syl up , 1 bundle cartons 11.52/52 27-6-51 M attana U K 22-6-51 slrs E Eckersley c/o Jganda Electrlc Blanc h ,U ganda, M ï A 1 hand grlp slrs M M M antem 5 om bat a 1 sultcase slrs M M M alnder or M alor J R Sandford, R B 1 wooden trunk

LlsT oF SEIZED Gooos LYING IN K ING': W ' REHousE D us FOl SALE olq lsT O CTOBER, J 951

R eglster N o and D ate Sm ze:l as Per N otlce N o D oscrlptlon 578 23-7-51 113/51 5 pullovers 1 14/51 1 blue pullover 1 patr socks (yellow) 107/51 1 palr khakl shorts a 1 whlte vest 23-7-51 119/ 2 cases rayon handkerchlefs 1 1-7-51 23-7-51 122/ 12-7-51 l case rayon handkerchlefs 23-7-51 120/ 1 1-7-51 1 case layon handkerchlefs 27-7-51 132/ 20-7-51 9 bales second-hand clothlng 4-8-51 133/ 30-7-51 1 case rayon handkerchlefs 922 TH E O FFICIAL G A ZET TE Septem ber 18, 1951

G ENBRAL N orlco N o 2255 (7) Al1 bmldmgs and lmprovements whlch shall be erected < ()n any plot by phom soe&er erected shall on the determ lnatlon M U NICIPA L BOARD OF ELDORET ot the grant pass to the M um clpallty wlthout paym ent of N RFSIDBNTIAL PLOTS- ELDORET W F,ST ESTATE L R 776/6 com pensatlon APPLICATION S are m vlted for dlrect grants of the plots (8) At no tlme durlng the term of the grant shall more than descrlbed m the Schedule hereto one prlvate dw elllng house wlth necessary oë ces and out- A plan of the plots may be seen at the M unlclpal Oflices, bulldm gs be erected on the plot The erectlon or use of m ore Eldoret, and at the Pabhc M ap Othce of the Sulyey D epartm ent, than one kltchen shall be deem ed to be a breach ot tius N alrobj, ol m ay be obtalned from the D lrector of Surveys, condltlon N alrobj, on paym ent of Sh 3 per copy (9) The plot shall be used for prlvatg rosldentml purposes A pphcatlons should be subm ltttd to the Town Clerk, P O only and no other pulposes w hatsoever Box 40, Eldoret, so as to reach h1m not later than the 6th (10) The pulchaser shall not at any tlme durlng the term of day of Octobel, 1951 tNe grant erect any bm ldm gs to cover m ore than one balf of Appllcatlon folm s may be obtam ed from the Town Clelk, the alea of the plot Eldoret, and m ust be accom panled by a deposlt of Sh 500 phlch w111 be dealt m th as follows - (11) The pul chaser shell wlthln s1x months of the commence- (c) If the apphcant ls offered and accepts and pays for a m ent of the glant provlde and u ect a. fence, wall or hedge plot wlthln the penod of seven days requlrcd by Condltlons so as to enclose completely the plot W here a fence dlvldes two (aj (1) belop , tlze deposlt wl11 be credlted to hlm on adlacent plots the onus of erectlng the fence shall be with the account of stand prem m m owner of the plot to the east of the fence ol where the fence rtm s due east and west with the owner to the south of the (bj lf the apphcatlon Is unsuccessful the deposlt w1ll be fence returned to h1m (c) If the apphcatlon ls successful and the plot apphed for (12) Any bulldlng elected thereon shall conform to a bulldmg ls allotted and the apphcant falls to accept and pay for Ilne declded by the Board the plot wlthln a perlod of seven days as requlred by (13) The purchaser shall not sell or transfer the plot nor Condltlon (J) (1) below, the M umcmal Board (herelnafter enter lnto any mortgage or charge (other tlmn for the ralslng leferred to as the Board) may declare the deposlt forfelted of a loan for bm ldm g on the plot and wlth the consent of the and the applwant shall have no further clalm thereto Board) ol agreement for sale ln respect thereof untll Speclal (dj If the plot asked for ls not allotted to the appllcant, the Condltlon No (1) hereof shall have been fulhlled apphcant m ay apply for an alternatw e plot or have ius deposlt refunded (14) The purchasrr shall not at any tlme dunng the con- tlnuance of the term of the grant subdlvlde the plot nor asslgn (J) General Londlttons sublet or otherwlse dlspose of any portlon of the plot , (1) Lach allottoe of a plot shall pay to the Board m tlaln (15) A11 outbulldmgs, oëces, latrlnes, etc , shall be properly seven days of notlfication that h1s apphcatlon has been slted and screened from vlew to the satlsfactlon of the Board approved the am ount show n as belng payable m the sald or such person as m ay be appolnted for the purpose and shall Schedule hereto together m th the stamp duty ln respect of the be kept so screened durmg the contlnuance of the grant grant (approxlmately two per cent on the stand premmm and one per cent on the annual rent) (16) The Government and the Board respectwely or such The purchaser shall also be responslble for the legal fees person or authorlty as m av be appolnted for the purpose shall payable m lespect of the preparatlon com pletlon and reglstra- have the rlght to enter upon any plot and 1ay and have access tlon of the grant of the plot In default of paym ent wlthm the to water m alns, servlce plpes and dram s, telegraph and telephone specé ed tlm e the purchaser shall have no further clalm to the wlles, and electrlc m ams of all descrmtzons > whetber overhead grant of the plot and hIs deposlt m ay be forfelted as above- or underground, and the purchaser shall not erect any bulldlng m entloned ln such a way as to cover or lnterfere wlth any exlstlng ahgn- (2) The grant g11I be lssued ln the name of the allottee as ments of m ams or servlco plpes, dralns or the telegraph or stated In the form of apphcatlon telephono m les and electnc m ams atorementloned (17) The pulchaser shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, (bj Spectal Condltlons oj Grant assessm ents or outgolngs of whatever descnptlon as m ay be (1) The purchaser shall erect complete for occupatlon wlthm lm posed, charged or assessed by any Gqvernment or the Board two ytars of tho date of the com m encem ent of the term a or othel proper authorlty upon the land or bulldm gs erected bulldlng of appreved deslgn of proper foundatlons constructed thereon + of stone, burnt brlck or concrete w lth rooting of tlles or otiler perm anont m aterlals to be approved by the Board and the (18) The acceptance of any plot shall be deemed to be upon C om m lssloner of Lands, and shall m alntam the sam e ln good and sublect to the condltlons hereln m entloned and substantlal tenantable repatr and condltlon durlng tho contm uance of the term for w hlch the plot shall be granted ScHBoutE (2) No bmldmg shall be erected on any plot unless plans Proportzon of (lncludlng block plans showlng the posltlon of the bmldmgs), Plot Approx Num ber Stand Annual rent to 31st drawlngs, eievatlons and speclficatlons thezeof sball have been Nos A rea of Plots Prem lurn Rent D ec , 1951 approved by the Board and by the Com lm ssloner of Lands, A cres x9/1 Sh 57, cfs or sudh othtl person as the Board or he respectlvely m ay 98 (? 468 3,000 150 37 50 appom t Such plans, etc , shall be subm ltted ln tnphcate to (120/ x 165 ) the Town Clerk, Eldoret 10-14 0 459 5 3,000 150 37 50 (100/ x 2009 (3) In the event of the purchaser falhng to comply wlth any 120& 177 () 390 2,500 125 31 25 condîtlons hereln contalned, any proceedm gs that m ay be neces- 140 (100/ x 1653 sary m ll fo1 thm th be m stltuted for the recovery of the land 0 367 2,500 125 31 25 ' N M oneys that m ay have been pald ln respect of the plot w1l1 (100/ x 160/) be forfmted 131&172 () 358 2 2,500 125 31 25 (12û, x 130 ) (4) No bmldlngs erected on the sald land may be occupled 106& 157 0 310 2,500 125 31 25 untll the purchaser shall have subnutted a block plan wlth the (90'x 150) posltlon of such bulldm gs cleal ly desned and showm g a system 1079-112 ? 115 14 a (ot) l(j() 25 (m of dram age for dlsposlng of surface and sullage water on 1 4l 3- 156 (80 x 150 ) 1 ' the sayd land and also for dlsposlng of sew age m each case , 148 0 2 16 1,600 80 20 00 to the satisfactlon of the Board and the C om rm sslonor of & 184 (80 x 1203 Lands and the purchaser shall also satlsfy the Board and the 105 0 210 1,600 80 20 00 (80 x 1203 C om m lssloner of Lands that such system of dlam ago has been 1 8145-119 g 207 12 1 6cc gtl J,tj (jtl properly construoted, such satlsfactlon ln each case to be - 190 (75 x 1203 ' expressed m wntlng 103-104 (5) The purchaser shall at h1s expense duly and smtably 1275-130 q 193 jg 1 6% 8() ;() (m connect such dram age or other proper approved system m th any 1473- 147 (70 x 120') 1 - 176 J mum clpal dram age system when m the oplnlon of the Board 99 -102 0 165 1 ggtl 6s 16 a5 tlte latter systent ls so far completed as to enable tlte purchaser 141-144 (60 x 1203 leasonably so to do 12781-125 g 138 jtl j ()a() 5: 1a 5: (6) The grants w1l1 be made undel the Crown Lands Ordm - - 182 (60 x 1003 ' 126& 183 0 133 2 1,000 50 12 50 ance (Cap 155 of the Revlsed Edltlon of the Laws of Kenya) (60'x 100 ) (exceptlng Pa1 t Xll thereog and the Reglstratlon of Tltles 1328-133 ? 11 5 1 000 50 12 50 Ordlnance (Cap 160) The term of the grant m ll be for the - 139 (5 () x j()() ) , unexm red resldue of the term of 99 yeal s from the 1st day of 164-171 January, 1951 (bemg the term for whlch the Board ls entttled to a grant from the Crown of the land L R 776/6 of whtch the plots are portlon) less the last day thereof A11 grants shall be m such form as shall be prescrlbed from tlm e to tlm e by Eldoret, G EORGE M JACK the Board 6th Septem ber, 1951 rown c%?à Septem ber 18, 1951 TH E OFH CJA L G A ZEW I 923

GENERAL N /TfCE No 2223 GENIîRZkL N c Dlce N o l0I IN H lS M AJESTY S COU RT OF APPEAL FO R H1S N AJES (Y S SU PREM E COU RT OF K ENY A EA STERN A FR ICA N OTICE s hereby gtven that the followm g Sesslons of H 1s AT DAR ES SALAAM M alesty s St prem e Court of K enya wll1 be held at the places set out herel lnder - CW USE LIST SUPRBMI Cotm'r CRIMINAL SEsslows AT N MROBI 10-9 51 Tuesday, 11th Septem ber, 1951, at 9 a m Cr C No 1 1 / 51 Rex v.x Ralabah Ibrahlm and thlee others Beforc W orle) , A g P , L0ckhart-Sm lth, A g V P , and Slncl zl.r Cr C No 11 6/ 51 Rex v,g M utungtz s/o M ullll A g C J Cr C No 1 9 /51 Rex vâ Omlna s Jo Orenya For H eartng Cr C No 1t 0/ 51 Rex v.v Hlrjl Ramll Shah and two others Cr A No 154/ 51 Rex v.ç Ruben s /0 Alphonce Cr C No 14 6/ 51 Rex v,v Nloroge s/o Klm and anothel Cr A No 156/ 51 Rex v.ç Tlto s/o M aslllmula C1 C No 2 13/51 Rex v5 Kanogo s/o Ndonga Cr A N o 157/51 Rex v.ç Ndewo d/o Kabarata SUPRBM Cot7rxr CRIMINAI- SBssloNs AT K lsuslu 25-9 51 Cr A No 161 /51 Rex v,ç Abdallah s/o M zee Cr C No 1 3 / 51 Rex v.ç Ekah s po Longolol Cr A No 162/51 Rex VJ M uhlna s/o H amlsl Cr C No 1 4/51 Rex v.e Lopwenya Idoko and four others Before W orley, Ag P , Lockhart-Sm lth, Ag V P Cl C No 1 $8/51 Rex h.ç (1) Ondlmu s /o Ondlmu (2) Gt slmba s/o Ondlmu For H earlng Cr C No 1 )6/ 51 Rex v: Isambo s /0 M ukolwe Cr A N o 126 / 51 Rex v,ç Sallm s/o Slma Cr C No 1 )0/ 51 Rex vâ M lkula sIo Onyuka Before W orley, Ag P , Lockhart-sm lth, Ag V P , and Slncl ul Cr C No 1 74/51 Rex v.v Klmngetlch arap Kelno A g C J ' Cr C No 1 75/51 Rex v.ç W alrema s/o M arwa Cr C No 1 76 /51 Rex vâ Kerubo w/ o Aylenda W ednesday, 12th Septem ber, 1951 at 9 a m Cr C No 1 77/51 Rex v,ç Nyandege s/o Nyamalyerla For Judgm eltt Cr C No 1 78 / 51 Rex v.s Atlnga s Jo Oluoch ahas N yaltt C A No 11 51 Dlckson N zege and another s.ç J Pullle s /o Osen For H earlng C1 C No 1 79/51 Rex vy Hosea Odt ro s/o James Odero C A N o 5/51 G G T Y nslle v,< Alexander M orrlson Cr C No 1 90/ 51 Rex v.& Elam Chegal a s/ o Allgula Cr C No 1 81 /5l Rex v: M onmtl s y o Temeso C A No 6/51 Alexander M ornson v.ç G G T Alnslle Cr C No 1 33/51 Rex v; Onyango w/ o Owltl Thursday, 13th Septem ber, 1951, at 9 a m Cr C N o 1 84/ 51 Rex vâ Klpkulul allas Klpklrtu arap M olbel F(?? Hearlng Cr C No 1 95 /51 Rex vâ Joseph M ukasa s/o Benwe Cr C No 1 97/ 51 Rex v.v M baya s/o Klrago C A No 10 /51 Taldln Jlwan HlrJl and three others Cr C N o 1 1 / 51 Rex :z: Klero s/ o Kalrlanla M oham edall L Ramll Cr C N o 12/51 Rex J % (1) M asea s/o Omachl , (2) Okonga Frlday, 14th Septem ber 1951 at 9 a m s/o Omenye (3) Nyangweso M abunde F or H earlng Cr C N o 13/51 Rex v.ç Yo1 s/o N lambo cr C No 1 4/51 Rex 1/,ç (llAlolslus Owuot s po Oyugl , C ) C A No 22/51 Jannes Heebels vs Twentsche Over .t as Sabatlano Omol() s/() Oplyo (3) M arjsll: s Tradlng Co , Ltd (for M entlon- securlty not O bunga O ndlek furnlshed) A No 30/51 Keshawll Ramll vy M ohanlal Ramll A'td Cr C N o 16/ 51 Rex v.ç Samwell allas Samwel Arara s/ o another O kech Cl C N o 17/51 Rex vv Nvabarura s/o Klrandl M onday, 17th September, 1951, at 9 a m Cl C No '22/51 Rex vy Odawo s /o W auna F or H earlng Cr C No '23 / 51 Rex vç Esltokl s / o lteba Cr C No '27/51 Rex vç M usllu s/o Khadera C A No 31 /51 The OKclal Recelvel v: M essl s Savadla and Cr C No h35/ 51 Rex v: Amolo s/o Awlno Co Cr C No '36 / 51 Rex vs Akeno s/o Andengo Tuesday, 18th Septem ber, 1951, at 9 a m SIJRRE.M - Cotnt'r CRIMINAC Srssloxs AT M OMBASA 2-10-j l For H eartng Tuesday, 21 d October 1951 at 10 a m C A No 47/ 50 Abdul W ahed HaJ M ahomed v: M &: 41 Shelemo Cohen Shako and another For M et lltpz, C A No 49/ 50 Abdul W ahed HaJ M ahomed vy Jtldah Cr C No 75/44 Rex 1,$ Nyaulo sljn M chewa M enahem Y ahooda Fot H ea lng W ednesday, 19th Septem ber, 1951, at 9 a m Cr C No '06/51 Rex &y Kazungu s/o M walata C1 C No '18 /51 Rex zz.v Kazungu s/o Dele For H earlng C1 C No 219/51 Rex 1 v Abdalla Sald Hadl Cr A No 158/51 Rex v.ç M arzuk Sahm M sumbwa Cl C No !20/ 51 Rex vs Ngugl ahas Ngtzgu s/o Karuza Cr A No /51 Rex v.ç Kapoor Slngh s/o Harnam S1 A>h Cr C No !21/51 Rex $ s M lza allas Gongolo s/o Chal a Cr A N o / 51 Rex Ts Charles Cecll Johnston C1 C No 731/ 51 Rex v.ç Ngup ahas Ngugu s/o Karu: a Cr A No /51 Rex v,ç Abdullah Gulamhusseln Abdu l tlz Cl C No /28/51 Rex vv Plus s/o Hongo Cr A No 152/ 51 Rex v.ç Kateml s/o Kantu Cl A No 153/ 51 Rex vs M lgeregere s/o Nvakal oha D F SH AYLORS Regtst rJr Cr A No 72/51 Rex v.s M rs P Sharma H 54 Suprem e Court of F'enytz Cr A No ) 51 Rex v.ç Marldadl s/o Chauma Cr A No / 51 Rex vw Adpa d/o A11 G SNERAL ) rorlcs N o 2357 Thursday, 20th Septem ber, 1951, at 9 a m TH E W A TER O R D IN AN CE , 1929 For H eartng R oïtgal A jvez N akul u D lstrtct C A No 38/51 M ohamed Abdulla Gulnah %J A11 M oh lnled APPLIC XTION by C J Curtls ot K ampl ya-M oto for a Shelban (Provlslonally ) w ater ngù t fronz the R ongal Rw er on L R 6547 for a net quantlty c ( 1,850 gallons per day of norm al flow tor domesllc AT N AIROBI use Plans lr ay be seen at the Publlc W orks Departm ent He zd Tuesday, 25th Septem ber,1951, at 10 a m O ë ce, N : lrobl, and the oë ce of the W ater Balllff, Publlc Before W orley, Ag P Hearne, C J and Lockhal t S1n th W orks D e laltment, Nakuru A g V P Oblectlo ls st ztlng speclfic glounds theretore should be Foz H earlng filed ln lupllcate wjth the W ater Board, P O Box 662, C1 A No 155/51 Rex ; s Ouma Okuku N alrobl, 5 lthln 30 days flom the date of pubhcatlon of tllls Cr A No 170/51 Rex vl M uthembl s/o M utua notlce and a copy served on the underslgned Cr A No 163/51 Rexs: Alfred Bagenda C J CU RT IS, A pphcant .lM z aJa # fp m # O Avfzzzplv ) a u oto A 'twz; a W ednesday, 26th Septem ber 1951, at 10 a m I'or D ehverlng Judgm ent G ENERAL 1 (o'rlce N o 2358 C A 64/50 Damll De&yl and tpo others ps G H C N oronha Re ! IAJOR HEN RY ELLIOTT, M B E DECLASED FoI M t7/ klllg Settlem ent TA K E VO TICE that al1 persons havlng any clalm s agaulst C A No 18/ 51 M lss C Fawkes v,ç S C Aggarwcd the estate of the above-nam ed dect ased, who dled at N alrobl A P A ggarwal, tradyng under the nam - K enya o 1 the 23rd day of August 1951 are requued to stvle of N anvukl G eneral Tladlng stores lodge am plm e such clalm q wlth the underslgned on or before 19t z October, 1951 W B CU M M IN G N alrobl D EN N IS F SH A Y LO R , R evsilal N alrobl )> O Boh 607 zjdvocote 37t.11 kugusty 1951 f.f M Ctparf oj Appeal /t?? # .d 13th Se atembt r, 1951 jor the f'xecufrlx 924 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZET TE Septem ber 18, 1951

GSNERAL N o'rlcs N o 2359

TR A N SPO R T LIC LN SIN G O RD IN A N C E qcap 237 fwtfws o/ Keilyaj TH E underm entloned appllcatlons wlll be consldered by the Tlanspol t Llcenslng Boald m eetlng ln the Local N atlve C ouncll H all, M achrtkos at 10 a m on Thursday, 4th O ctobel 1951 Any person who oblects to any appllcatlon l'rtust lodge a copy of h1s oblectlon on the p! wscnbed form wlth the appzlcant and Board not later than m ld-day, M on day, 1st O ctobel 1901 la O Box 820 N alrobl H E D W A R D S Seo etalb 18th Septem ber l95 1 Tl tzayp/? / Llcellslng Boa. rd RoAo Silltvlts Llcsxcss T L B 789- Bhaga Plag & Sons la O M achakos R outc 8691- M athendu Sjla K llungu Locatlon P O N altobl-M achàkos--l-hlka v1a K angundo and M achakos V arlatlon of loutc to add N alrobl M wala (Two :1st class coacnes and one second- Present route M akncnl-M achakos (H 6286 ) and tlzlrd class ) 8 lo- lam es M uthom a & C o , M attm gulu Locatlon 9295- A1 thul K loko lvetj Locatlon, P O M achakos P O M achakos R oute M achakos R eserve B I Route Tala M arket v)a M achakos to N alrobl Y atta--l-hyka-N anob, 8710- Jam es lslka M unyao M aklbenzl Locatlon 1479/A- Har11a1 M andram & Co P O M achakos Routc # K lbaunl P O M achakos R oute Thlka-B 1 M w ala M achakos N allobl Yatta - M achakos - M lvukonl M arket K llukuya 2097 (F 145 1 ) - JagJ1wan Bhaga c/o Bhaga Prag & Sons P O M achakos Route M ulsunl Nallobl v1a M K /R/ l- M oses M uasya s/o Ndambukl, M atungulu Loca- M achakos and Thlka tlon, P O M achakob Route Tala M arket vla 1 4362- Jum a A l1 Pum w anl H ouse N o 60 N allobl M achakos to M aknem -K lkum lnl M arket-slm ba Route Kalumbu (Klbaumll-M achakos-hialrobl Statlon f 4393- K1matu s/o Ikonze M bumbunl M arket Klsau z- M bondo Ndolo & Brothel c/o M l Abdul Azlz M aehakos V allatlon of route to add N alrobl Quleohl P O B(7x 554 Nallobl Route Plesent route M achakos Klsau (W 2660 ) M achakos M asli-M lu 5766- Gov)nd Bhaga, e/o Bbaga Prag & Sons P O 3- M oses M ull Locatlon P O K an M achakos Route Thlka-N alrobl vla K angundo gundo R oute M acflakos Thla vIa K angundo and M achakos 5767- M aganla1 Hlra, c/o Bhaga Prag & Sons, P O zl- oneslmu Kamau, c /0 D C s Oëce, M achakos M achakos C onverslon of C llcence R oute R oute G lthum o vIa Thlka to Fort H all and G lthum o Tala M alket M achakos Slalilanl-Nallobl (I-f 5183 ) 8688- M usau s/o Kamwtll Kllungu Locatlon P O s- M uguma Nloroge, c/o D C s Omce M achakos M achakos Route N ungunl M qrket vIa R oute N gararla-N alrobl N gararla-Fort H all M achakos to N lllobl N galarla v1a Thlka to Tala M Tchakos

* B C ARRtER s Lrcsxcss T LB 788- R ob1ason M utuku M atungulu, P O M achakos 5 168- J1m m y K anyele K angundo, P 0 M achakos V arm tlon of route Thlka N allobj to add Present Route M achakos-Nallobl K jbanl M arket- M uel Route M achakos Dlstllct (H 2008 ) sunl M arket and U kam ba natlve reserve (H 4318 ) C A ppllcatlon R oute M achakos tllstrlct-Thlka N alrobl M K /B/ l- loel W athome M wllu, Tala M alket M atangulu, P O K angundo Route M achakos--fhlka-N alroby 5804- Samue1 Ndawa M blll, P O K angundo Route z- stephen M athuku & Co , N gulunls M atungulu, M achakos-lfltul--rhlka M achakos R oute N gulurl-Tala--fhlka-N alrobl > 8737- Samuel M athendu M usla, lvetl Locatlon, P O M achakos dlstrlct M aclaakos V arlatlon of route Thtka and 3- A th1 R lvel Provlmon Stoz'e, P O Athl R w er N akuru to add Plesent route M achakos d1s Route A thl m ver N alrobl clty , M achakos reserve trlct Atlzl Rlver-Nalrob! (H 4886 ) and M achakos dlstrlct 9954- M oham ed Hall Eboo P O M achakos Varmtlon 4- M oses M walwa s/o M bubl, M uumandu M arket, of loute M achakos-N alrobl to add Present M achakos Route M uum andu N alrobl vla roate M aehakos reserve- Konza (W 4407 ) M achakos and wlthln the M achakos reserve 10455- EzekIel M ulwa s/o M unyao, Kalama Locatlon s- M akena N zau M ltabonl, P O M achakos Route M achakos R oute K lkum lm M alket M achakos ladlus of 150 m lles of M achakos dlstrlct-N alrobl 6- M w osa K am ungu, lvetl Locatlon P O M achakos 6191- D a11p Slngh Sew a Sm gh P 0 M achakos Route K abum anl M arket-M achakos dlstrlct , V arlatlon ot route N am anga v1a K allado to add M acnakos-N allobl Present route M achakos dlstrlct-Nalrobl (Two vehlclcs ) 7- Abubakarl H aJ1, P O M achakos Route bk M achakos dtstl lct 824- W l1son M usyokl M w anlka M atungulu M achakos Route M achakos--fhlka-N aprobl 8- M utua s/o Klvul M asll Locatlon P O M achakos R oute M asll M achakos-rhlka 1818- M usau s/o M wanla M boonl Locatlon, P O M achakos Vallatlon of route to add N alrobl- g- l-lasham K ala P O K lu Route M achakos dls Kltul-K allado Present l'oute M achakos dlstnct trlct Thlka (KBE 304 ) lo- chdeon M wunda s/o Slmeon Klllko Kangundo 4274- N dolana N guu, Kalam a Locatton P O M achakos Locatlon, P O K angundo Route K allm anl Varlatlon of route to add N alrobl Present Thlka , K allm anl-N alrobl K allm anl M achakos route M aehakos natlve reserve-Taw a A thl R lvcl N alrobl Thlka-K ltu! (H 7375 ) ll- D avld N zola K om u, M atungulu Locatlon P O M achakos R oute K lnyul-M atungulu-rrhlka 9952- El1Jah M bondo N thekethas M atungulu Locatlon, (T 6068 ) P O M achakos V arlatlon of route to add Tblka Prescnt route M achakos reselve-ltonza 12- Joel M ulwa and M w ake N thlwa, M bltlm Locatlon (H 4039 ) P O M achakoq Route Emall-M achakos-N alrobl and M achakos dlstrlct 9953- Isa1ah N ene N zau P O K angtm do Route l3- samuel M ulndl and M ulwa N dolo K angundo Ukamba Land Unlt-Nairobl--fhlka (H 5456 ) Locatlon, P O M achakos Route K angundo 1414- Gulam Hussen Bhanpee Loltokltok P O Thlka-Nalrobl and M achakos dlstnct (H 9 ) K allado Route Loltokltok K allado dlstrlct- l4- rfhomas Kllunqu, c/o P O Box 433 Nalrobl Nalrobl (M S 1709 and M S 1710 ) Route M achakos-ltune-rfhlka N allobl 8882- G u1am husseln M oham ed P O Sultan Hamud 1 s- M usylm l K loko lvetl Locatlon P O M achakos Vanatlon of route K allado dlstrlct and natlve Route M utltum M arket-M achakos dlstnct resçrvç to add (H 4272 ) M achakos v1a Yala to Thlka Soptem ber 18, 1951 TH E OI-FIC IA L G A Z 3-1'1*1 925

GeXSRAI- N on cn N o 2308

TH E CROW N LAN DS ORD N ANCE Lc'ap 155) A LII NATZON oF LAN ) APPLICATION S have been recelved and others aru ln plted Plal s of Lhe alea m ay be qeen at the Pubhc M ap OKce, lor the dlrect allenation of the land noted ln the Schedule Surve; D ep àrtment, G overnm ent Road, N alrobl or zray be hereunder and thls m tlm atlon ls pubhshed for publlc lnforma- obtalr d on payment of Sh 3 each, post free tlon Any rem arks on the appllcatlons or any counter clalm s trom pelsons Interested jncludyng persons pho have prevloasl) sub- C H W AN NE: LS, mltted apphcatlons m ust be subm ltted to the underslgnt d bt fore N alro ,1 /t?? Speckal Commtsnoner and noon on the 10th October, 1951 7th Septelnber, 1951 Actlng Comlnlsstoner t7/ f ands SCHEDULE I L R N o Locallty A re t- A cres Stand Plem llzm A ppllcant A nnual R enl

1493 M uhoronl 169 (apllrox ) To be assesst d L T Randall 20 cts per acre (revlsable) Eastern portlon of Uasm Glshu 680 (alhplos ) do S 'F Lydford do 771 3017 Trans Nzola 1,270 tappl ox ) f do Mrs J L Bond do

GENERAL NoTlcE N o 2360

THl ( C M PAN IES ORD I NAN C E W ap 288) IT IS notlfled fol general Intolm atlon that followlng com par 1es ha ze been lncorporated Jn K enya dullng the M eek endlng 8th Septcm ber 1951 l 'RIVA'I'B C OM PANIF : N onllllal Nanle oj (:DCI//IJJJ/? 9 C'tkpirf?/ Anld; ess oj Re%t% ft fed O///cc ,ï/? M om basa C enttal H otel Ltd 70 00() Plot N o 14 Sectlon X IX , ofl Tangana Road, M om b lsa K lsum u Petrol Statlon Ltd 150 00t) Plot N o 8 Sectlon LX IX Statlon R oad, K lsum u Um ted G eneral Stores (Prlnters) Ltd 150 000 Plot N o 6 Sectlon X X X IX , Statlon R oad, K lsum u D om estlc Servlee M art, Ltd 200 000 Plot N o 9 Section X X V III, O gada Street K lsum ll M ila-sam a, Ltd 200 0O0 - Atrlcan lntelocean Expolters, Ltd 60,000 Plot N o 19 Sectlon I K llTndlnl M om basa Rorkaer Enterplrses East A frlca, Ltd 100 000 - Power Transnusslons, Ltd 100 000 Plot No 209/638, Sadler Stleet Nallobl PUBLII- COMPANIE The M ombasa and Coast European Hospital Assl ul tt1 ln (Com Eurd ,pean Hospltal Bulldlng Govelnment Alta No ). pany Llm lted by G uarantee) M om basq T he M llk Producers Co Ltd 20 000

N alrobl J F SPRY, 14th Septem bel Regvtîat ()/ Compa ?Jex

G ENISRNL N o'rlce N o 2361 G hh FRAI- N o'rlcE No 2362 TH E I'RAU D ULENT TRAN SFER OF BU SIN J 'AN'E S TH 1 LAN D AN D A GRICU LTURAL BAN K OR DIN ANCE O R D IN A N CE 1930 N OTICB OF EXTINGUISHMENT OF TIIM PORARY A DVG I i5 PU R SU A N T to the above O rdlnance, notlce ls b l ub glven that the busjness of general m erchants heretotol e ta 1 lk d On by 11 k PU R SU A N CE of the provlslons of sectlon 49 of The R am ll H ansral under the nam e ol style of Cheap t Q,econd Lar! .'1 and Agffcultural Bank Oldlnance (Cap 181), notlce Js hand Stores on Plot No 230/2, Racecoulse Roa j hkalroby, hert by gjven that the tem porary advances notlfied as urtdel have has been sold and transferred to Llladhar N athoo A g td and bee t lepald together w lth lntt-lest thereon - Laxm an A rlan V ara, bolh tradjng as V egad and ( lnlpany 7 t'rne --pem brldge, M 1 s M ary as trom l 5th Septem ber 1951 zz n2(?I/??7 - E500 The addless ot the transferor ls P O Box 7668 pk t l ( bl C eneîal N otlce N o - 15 The address of the transferees ls P O Box 2667 74 tlI c bl L é//c .--fith January, 1948 The transferees Tntend to carry on the sald buslncss at the ZA anle --Le Roux, Johannes Petrus sam e prem:ses and under the nam e and style of A/tg td and Com panv z Inount - E500 ( ( lzeral N otlce N o - V02 The transferees do not assum e and are not lntende J t() assum e ljabslltles lncurred by the tlansferor ln the sald bu lllus up to 1 'J/e - 28th M alch, 1950 and lncludlng 14th Septem ber 1951, such llablllties belng the sole responslblllty of the transferor 1 r(??nc --u pton, Cyrll H erbt rt D lxon lnount - :200 R A M JI H AN SR A I ( enerat N otkce N o - 1087 I ? o ?7-s/tJ? ol 1 late - 9th M ay, 1950

LILAD HAR N / 3 H1)O C C SER G EA N T kbecretaly N alrobl LAX M AN ARJ YN /A RA 4th St ptem bel 1951 F/?e Land Jr?J A çrrclf// kîal Banlv ) / t/ lsjerees of Kenva 926 TH E OFFICIA L G A ZE'IV E Septem ber 18, 1951

GENERAL No'rfcs No 2363 servlce m the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atkmson, Alnshe, Chtlds- Clarke & O 'Donovan, Advocates of P O Box zgs M om basa THE TRAD E M A RKS ORD IN ANCE (CW The sald trade m ark m lt be regfstered aftel the exmratlon ol A 293) 90 days from the date of thls Gazette prowded no notlce N Apy'slcATlox N o 4768 of opposltlon ls recelved V IK IN G N TAK E N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstratlon of the alrobl, J F SPRY , trade mark ihown above m Class 6 m lespect of plpe Jolnts and 6th September 1951 Regtstraî oj Trade A.ft??/c.ç valves (not parts of mauhmery) an, d palts of such Jolnts and - valves, plpes and tubes (not bmng boller tubes or parts of -. -. machlnes), and contalnels fol a1r and othel gases , all belng goods of comm on m etal or of com m on m etal alloys and ln - cluded ln Class 6, has been lodged by The Vlctaullc Company G BNERAL N OTICE N O 2367 Llm lted of Brooke H ouse, 113 Park Lane, London, W 1 England, M erchants and M anufacturers, whose address for THF. TR A D E M A R K S O R D IN A N C E serwce ln the Colony ls c/ o M essl s Atklnson, Alnslle, Chllds- clmke & o'Donovan Advocates of 1: () Box 29, M ombasa ICJA 293) Tlle satd trade m ark wln be regkstered after tl4e exm ration of APPLICATION N0 5031 90 days from tlae date of thls G azette provlded no notlce of opposltlon ls recelved N alrobl, J F spR y , 6th septembel, 1951 Revstrar c?/ n ade uatks GEXERA ''HAT-S .L Novrlcls Nq 2364 A 1 ' * TH E TR A D E M A R K S O R D IN A N CE W ap 293) J A PPLICATION N o 4972 CR A BTR EE TAKE N OTICE that an appllcatlon for thc reglstratlon of the * TA KE NO TICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstratlon of trade m ark shown above ln Class 13, m respect of electrtcal the trade m ark showtt above m Class 43, tn respect of alcohohc metal goods lncluded ln Class 13, namely, swltchcs, coupllngs, beverages, espemally whlsky, has been lodged by H tm ter- fuslble cut-outs, fuse-boards and caslngs, condult fttlngs, lam p W llson Dlsttlhng Co , Inc , a Corporatlon orranlzed under the holders and accessorles for electrlc llght Ettm gs has been lodged laws of the State of M alyland, 405 Lexlngton Avenue, N ew by J A Crabtre,e & Com pany, Llnuted, of Lm coln W orks, York, N ew Y ork, U S A , whose addless for servlce ln the W alsall, Staffoldshlre, England, M anufacturers, whose address for Colony ls c/o M essrs Chrlstle & Bryson, Advocates, of P O servtce ln the Colony (s c/o M essrs Atklnson, Amshe, Chllds- BoX 154, M ombasa Clarke & O 'D onovan Advocates, of P O Box 29, M ombasa Th The sald trade m alk wll1 be reglstered after the expll atlon of e satd trade m ark wll1 be leglstered after the oxplratlon of 90 days from the date of thls G azette provlded no not 90 days from the date of thls G azette provlded no notlce lce of opposltlon ls recelved of opposltlon zs refx lve,d Reglstratlon of tlns trade m ark shall glve no llght to the N alrobl, J 17 SPRY, excluslve use of the word GxW llson 6th Septembm 195 1 Reglstral oj F? ade M al Iz N alrobl, J F' SPRY, ' ' 6th September, 1951 Regtçtrar oj Trade M arks G ENERAL No'rlcE N o 2365 TH E TRA DE M ARK S ORDIN ANCE * (Ccp 293) GBXBRAI- NomrlcE N o 2368 A PPLICATION N o 5004 THE TRADE M ARK S ORDIN ANCE x1. . (Cap 293) F f A PPLICATION No 5032 TAKE N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the lepstratlon of the trade m ark shown above ln Class 24, ln respect of plece goods wholly or m alnly cotton, has been lodged by The Callco Prlnters' A ssoclatlon Llmlted, St Jam es's Bm ldlngs Oxfol d B u x mep Street, M anchester 1, England, Callco Prlnters and M erchants, . whoso address for servlce jn the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atkln- . son, A lnslle, Chllds Clarke & O 'D onovan, A dvocates, ot P O *= Box 29 M om basa . The sald tlade m ark wlll be 1 egtstered aftel the cxplratlon of L . '='% 90 days from the date of thls G azette provlded no notlce of opposltton ls recew ed J Reglstratlon of thls tlade m alk shall glve no rlght to the excluslve use of the num erals ::4444'' - # To be assoclated w lth N o 5005

N anotn , J F SPRY .r . w w ' , 6th Septem ber, 195 l Rew tral o! Trade Aoz/vx = TAK E NOTICE that an appllcatlon fol the reglstratzon of the trade m ark shown above ln Class 43, ln respect of alcohollc bevorages, especlally whlsky, has ben lodged by Hunter-W llson QIENBRAL T4oTlcB llo 2366 Dlstllllng Ce , Inc , a Corporatlon olganlzed under the laws * (yf the State of M aryland, 405 Lexlngton Avenue, New York, THE TRAD E M ARK S ORD INAN CE New York, U nlted Statt,s of A merlca, whose address for selvlce W ap 293) m the Colony ls c/o M essrs Chnstle & Bryson, Advocates, of APPLICATION N o 5019 P O Box 154, M om basa The sald tlade m ark wlll be leglsteled aftel the expllatlon of 90 days from the date of thls G azette prow ded no notlce Mï8TZEFTO. of opposltlon ls rccelvecl 'IAK E N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the reglstratton of Regtstratton of thls trade m ark shall glve no 1 lght to tbe the trade m ark shown above ln Class 3, m lespect of pharm a- excluslve use of the wol d Gul-luntel ' ceutlcal prepalatlons contalm ng antlblotlcs, has been lodgcd by GMlladxdol esLexa,b Eornagtloanneds, MLlannuutfeadc, tuorlfn gG Creheçnmfolrstds , Rwohaodse, aGdrdereenssf ofrodr, Nalrobl J F SPRY, 6tl, sbtember, 1951 Reglsttal oj T7 ade M qrks Septem ber 18, 1951 Tlv OFFICIAL G A ZE IV E

G ENERNL N oTtcb N o 2369 GENERAL N OTIEE No 2373 TH E TRADE M ARK S ORD IN AN CE TH E COM PAN IES ORDIN AN CE W ap 293) Lcap 238) A eetlcm oh N o 5063 PU RS JANT to sectlon 284 sub-sectlon 3, of the above O rdlnant e, lt ls hereby notlfled that at the explratlon of tilreo TEBILIZE D m onths rom the date heieof the nam es of tbe underm tmtloned -1 A lf.E N O TIC E that an appllcatlon for the rep stratlon of com pam s wlll unless cause be shown to the contrary be the trade m ark shown above ln Class 27 ln respect oï hncn struck c ; the Reglster ot Compznles and the com parues m lt and hem p p ece goods, llas been lodged by Tootal Broadhu st be dTsso ked - Lee, C o , Llm tled, of 56 O xford Street, M anchester 1, England, Splnners, M anufacturers and M erchants, w hose addrt ss jor Chez Gaby Llm lted serwce ln the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atkanson, Amslle, Chllfls- The E tst Afllcan Charcoal and Ieuel Company Llm lted Clarke & O'D onovan, Advocates, of P O Box 29, M om lnasa The sald trade m ark m 11 be reg stered after tlle explra Llon of N alrobl J F SPRY 90 days from the (ate of thls Gazdte provlded no notlce 13th < eptem ber 1951 Reglstrat OJ Colnpames oï opposltlon ls recezved To be assoclated w,th N o 5062 and otlaers

N alrobl, J F SPRY G BNERA! N o'rlce N o 2374 6th Septem ber, 1951 Regtstral oj Trlle M arks DISSOLU TION OF PARTN ERSHIP N OT) CE ls hereby glvon that the partnerslup heretotore sub- GBNERAL N o'rlcE N o 2370 slstlng l etween (1) Chanchalben w po Raojlbhal Narshlbhat Patel (2) Cha achalben w/o Chhotabhal Kalldas Patel (3) Hatblbha' THE TRAD E M A RK S ORDINA N CE Somabb à1 Patel (4) M anlben w fo M ambhal Khodabhal Patel and (5 M anlbhal Shanabhal Patel carrylng on busmees of (Cap 293) pnnters pubhshers and statlontrs under the firm nam e or style A PPLICATION No 5064 of $çSu table Press at Klsumu, has by m utual consent beert dlssolve 1 as from the 4th day of August. 1951, by retlrt ment TEBILIZE D therefrc m of tht sald M am bhal Shanabhat Patel TAK E N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the repstlq tltAn of The , ontlnum g partners wlll from the sald date carry on the the trade m ark shown above m Clarxs 38, ln respect of trtl les sald bu lness under the sam e nam e and stvle at the same addless of clothlng, has been lodged by Tootal Broadlw rst t.l ( (>o s Llmlted, of 56 Oxford Street, M anchester 1, England, Splnncrs Al1 ( ebts due to or owlng by the sald late firm shall be M anufacturers and M erchants whose address for se) N lce m recew el bv the sald contlnm ng partners the Colony ls c/ o M essrs Atktnson, Alnslle, Chllds-c Ial kf & () D onovan, A dvocates, of P O Box 29, M om basa GHANCHALBEN w/o RAOJIPHAI N PATZL t HANCHALBEN w/o CHHOTABHAI K PATEV The sald trade m ark wlll be reglstered after the expu atlolt of HATHIBHAI SOMABHAI PATE V 90 days f rom the date of thls G azette provlded m y nc'tlce IdAN IBEN w /o M AN IBHAI K PATEL, of opposltlon ts recelved (7 eïïl tl/tlpz/r /'c. l/ler; To be assoclated w lth N o 5062 and others K lsum l M A N IBH M SH AN A B HA I PA TEL N alrobls J F' ''>I:'R k 4th kugust 1951 R et:ilng Ptp tne; 6th September 1951 Reglstl ar oj T, ad$ A'ft ? ks

G hNBRKL N o'rlcs N o 2371 G ENER kz- N orlcn N o 2375 TH E TRADE M ARK S ORD IN ANCE f FIE FIG U DU LEN T TRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESSE'S W ap 293) ORD IN ANCE 1930 A err-lcArloN N o 5065 PU ; SU A N T to the abovc O rdlnance notlce ls hereby p ven % that t ke bus:ness of general merchant heretofore carned on by TEBR IZED N aran ahal Ambalal Patel ln the name and style of 1 Napr TA KE N OTICE that an appldcatlon for the zeg/stl cttlt.p 1 of Provls on Stare at f'orthall Road, N alrobl, has been trans- the tlade m ark shown above ln Class 50, m respect of trtlllclal ferred as from the 1st day of Septem ber 1951 to Am balal sllk plece goods and goods not ln the plece, has been lodged Ratan l M istry of N allobl who wl1l from the sald datt carry by Tootal Broadhurst Lee, Co , Llmlted, of 56 Oxford S reet, on th busllless ln the sam e nam e and style and at tht sam e M anchester 1, England, Splnners M anufacturers and N k l uhants place whose addless for selvlce ln the Colony ls c/o M essrs Atklllson, Ad( ress of the transferors ls P O Box N o 5455, N allobj Alnslle, fahllds-clarke & O D onovan, Advocates of P O Box 29, M om basa Ad( ress of the transferees ls P O Box N o 5455, N alrobl The transleree does not assum e nor does he lntend to assum e The sald tradt m ark m ll be reglstmed after the exp r Atltpn of any l abllltlvs whatsoever Incurred In the sald busjness by the 90 days from the date of tlus Gazette, provlded !1( , r otlce transf rors up to and m cludlng the 31st August, 1951 of opposltlon Is lecm ved To be assoûlated wlth No 5062 and others N ARAN BHA I A PA I'EE , T? a :-s/cltpr N alrobl, J F NP: Y , 6th Septem ber, 1951 Reglstra' oj Trlyi #; c? /ca N allo n1, AM BALAL RATANJt M LSTRY, 6th Septem ber, 1951 Irausjeree

GIINERAL N o'rlch N o 2372 GENIS uI, N olqcB N o 2376 THE TRAD E M ARK S ORD IN AN CE N ( ITICE ls hereby glven that the partnershlp het tetofori W ap 293) pubs atlng betpeen the underslgned Phuman Slné h s/o APPLICATION N o 5072 Ghal zanda Slngh, Plara Slngh s po Beant Slngh and Udham Slngl s Jo lsher Slngh carrylng on the buslness of trazo C O A T S and greno workers at Nalrobl under the style or firm nam e of t Trazo A rts has been dlqsolved bv m utual consent as TA KE N OTICE that an appllcatlon for the rep tt ttlon of frorn the 13th day of Septem ber, 1951 so far as lt ( oncerns the trade m ark shown above m Class 23, m respect of Mkrç erlzed the a1d Udham Slngit s Jo Isher Slngh who has retlred there- Crochet Threads wholly of cotton, has been lodged 1)N J & P frorr as frcm the sald 13th day of Septem ber, 1951 Coats, Llm lted of Ferguslle Thread W orks, Palsley Scthtland, M anufacturers and M erchants, w hose address for servlce tn the Tl e smd Phum an Slngh and Plara Slngh wyll conl lnue to Colony ls c/o Twentscha Overseas Tradmg Co , Lttt t:f P O carr' on the sald buslness ln the same firm name of ççrfrazo Box 1138, N alrobl A rts at tlle sam e place and wlll recover and pay a 11 debtm due o and owlng by the sald hrm The sald trade m ark wl1l be reglstered after the expll atlon of 90 days from the date of thls G azette, provlded no notlce PH U M AN SIN GH of opposltlon ls recew e.d PIARA SIN G H , To be assomated w lth N e 1203 and others Conttnulng #c? tneri N alrobl, J I SIAR Y , N al obl, UD HA M SIN GH 6th Septem ber, 1951 Regtstro oj Tzf/de Hark.s 1z th Septem bel 1951 R etm ng Partner 928 TH E OFFICIAL GAZBT I'B September 1:, 1951

PUBLICAD ONS OK SALE AT GOVERNMENT PRINTm G AND STATIONERY I>Em lM o ê '% &'h ca Sk cts A nnual R epon s Laws of K enya, Rewsed Edltjon, 1948, Complete Set, Afncan Alalrs Department, 1948 5 X 8 volumes (lnland postage Sh 15) 4* (j0 Afrlcan Afh lrs Deparlm ent, 1949 5 X Law Reports of Kenya, 1946 15 txl A fncan Affmrs Deparm wnt, 1950 5 œ Law Reports of K enya, 1947 25 00 Am cultural D epartment, 1948 10 X taw Reports, Court of Appeal for Eastern M nca, 1948 M 00 A gncultural D epartm en q 1949 1 50 Lepslatlve Counctl Debates A gncultural b epartment, 1949, Vo1 H- Record of 1948-49 (Thlrd Jesslon) 22nd November, 1948, to Investlgatlons 27th January, 1949 35 ()() A nnual Report of the Judlclary, 1950 1949 (Ihrs.t Sessmn) loth to I9th M ay, 1949 10 ()() A udlt D epartment, 1948 1949 (Second Sesslon) 9* to 19th August, 1949 Audlt D epartm ent, 1949 (postage 30 cents) 10 (K) Com mlsstoner for Local Governm ent, 1947 1949 t'Thlrd Sesslon), 25th to 27* October, 1949 Educatzon D epartm tnt, 1949 (postage 20 cents) 6 (K, Judlclal Department, 1948 (postage 10 cents) 1949-50 (Pourth Sesslbn), 2nd November, 1949, to Judlclal Dopartment, 1949 (postage 10 cents) 27th January, 1950 (postage Sh 1) 35 00 lnland R evenue D epartm ent, 1950 1950 W lrst Sesslon) 21st to 24th Fberuary, 195Q Im mlgratlon Departm ent, t950 (postage 20 cents) 6 œ Kenya Colony, 1948 (postage 20 cents) 1950 (Second Sesslon) 91 to 25* M ay, 1950 K enya Colonys 1949 (postage 20 cents) (postage 30 cents) 10 (Kj Kenya Colony, 1950 (postage 20 cents) 1950 (n zrd Sesszon) 81 to 25th August, 1950 Labour Depar% ent, 1949 (postage 30 cents) 10 00 Labour D epartm ont, 1949 1950 ffhlrd Sesslon) 10th to 11th October , 24+ Land and Agncultural Bank of Kenya, 1949 October to 20th Decembers 1950 (postage 70 cents) 32 50 Land and Agncultural Blnk of K enya, 1950 1951 (Thlrd Sesslon, Second Slttmg), 13th February, M edlcal Den rtm ent, 1947 1951, to Rth M arch, 1951 (postage 50 cents) 21 (f M edlcal D epartment, 1948 1951 (n lrd Sesston Thlrd Slttm g), 8th to 17th M ay Y ' M edlcal D epartment, 1949 1951 (postage 30 cents) 10 0ô M mes Department, 1948 (postage 10 cents) '6bllrathl'', the M oham m edan Law of Inhentance M lnes and G eologlcal D epartm ent, 1949 (postage 50 cents extra) 4 1)9 N atlve A ffalrs 1946-47 M onthly Trado and Revenue Report for K enya, Pohce D epartm ent, 1948 Uganda and Tanganpka, from January to M ay, Pohce D epartm ent, 1949 1951 (postage 15 cts per copy) 1 00 Pohce D epartment, 1950 Plan of H lde-drpng Sheds and Eqmpm ent 1 (K) Posts and Telegraphs D epartm ent, 1947 Report of a Com nusslon of Inqmry appom ted to Pnsons Departm ent, 1948 Revzew t:e Repstratlon of Persons Ordm anœ , 1947 ()0 Pnsons D epartm ent, 1949 Report of the Comm lsslon of Inqulry m to the M ray Pnsons Department 1950 at K olloa, Banngo 1 (1f) Pnntmg and Statjollery Department, 1949 Report of Com m lttee on A gncultural Credlt for Prlntjng and Statlonery œ partment, 1950 A fncans 5 (#) Pubhc W orks Departm em , 1949 Report of the Comrm tteq of Inqm ly lnto the Informlw Publlc W orks Departmenf, 1950 tlon Servlc:s (postage 10 cents) 1 (X) Repstrar G eneral's D epartment, 1948 Report of the Select Com nuttee on Indlan Educatmn Reglstrar General's D epartm ent, 1949 (postage 20 cents) 2 0(/ Survey of K enya Adm mlstrathon Report, 1949 Report of the Taxatm n lnqutry Com mlttee, K enya, Vetennary Departm ent, 1948 1947 7 59 Vetennary D epnrtment, 1949 Report of the Technlcal Instltute Commlttee (postage W elfare Orgamm tlon, 1949 (postage 15 cents) 20 cents) 2 00 A fncan D tstrlct Counclls Eshm ates, 1951 Report on A fncan Educahon by a Com m lttee under A nnual Trade Report of Kenya and Uganda, 1948 the Cllalrmanshlp of Blshop L J Beecher (postage (mcltlszve of postage) 20 00 20 cents) 5 00 Annual Trade Report of Kenya Uganda and Tanga- Report on M mcan H ouslng, by E A Vasey, C M G nylka, 1949 (mcluslve of postage) 30 00 (postage 30 cents) 2 50 'Blue Book, 1946 20 00 Report on the Potentlalztles of Frtut G rowm g m Kenya 1 50 A Catalogue of K enya n mbers, by S H W lm bush Report on Rellef of Dlstress am oagst Eurom ans and (postage 15 cents) 2 50 A slans 1 00 Conference of W om en Educatlonlsts, 15th to 17tb Report of the Planmng Commlttee, 1951 (postam August, 1950 1 X 30 cents) (K) Code of Regulatlons, Flfth Edltlon (postage Sh 1) 20 œ Report on Transport m the Sottk-Kerlcbo D tstrct Cost of Lm ng Com m lsslon Report 1 00 (postage 10 cents) 1 (k) Developm ent and Reconstnlctlon A uthonty Report on W hztley Counctls, by W J Hnlmes 1 G) Annual Reports 1948 50 Revlew of Kenya n shenes, 1939-45 (postage 15 cent'sl 2 œ Annual Report, 1949 50 Rewew of Kenya n shenes, 1946-47 (postage 15 cena) 2 (X1 Annual Report, 1950 50 Revlew of Kenya n shenes, 1948-49 (postage 15 cents) 2 00 Quarterly Report, 1st July to 30th Septœnber, 1949 00 Sesmonal Paper N o 1 of 1950 Proposals for tbe lmplo Quarterly Report, 1st January to 31st M arch, 1950 00 m entatzon of the Report on Afncan Educatlon zn Quarterly Report, 1st Apnl to 30th June, 1950 00 Kenya (postage 10 cents) 1 (* Quarterly Report, 1st July to 30th September? 1950 00 The Agranan Problom m K enya N ote by Slr Plllllp Quarterly Report,January to 31st M arch, 1951 M ltchell, G C M G M C , Governor of Kenya ; 50 Quarterly Repor q 1st Apnl to 30th June, 1951 00 The Czvll Procedure Ordmance, 1948 (Consohdate Fauna of Bntlsh Eastern and Central Afrxc.a (gub- Edltlon) 2 00 lzshed by East Afnca Hlgh Commlsslon) (postage The Ctvll Procedure tRevlsedl Rulu , 1948 (postage 10 cents) 2 50 70 cents) 25 00 n nanclal Orders, 1950 12 00 The Companles Ordmance (postage 35 cents) 10 1i) Ftnanclal O rders, 1950, Index to 2 œ The Defence lPnce Control) Regulatlons, 1945 n nanclal Report and Statem ent for the year 1948 10 X (amended up to 31st August, 1949) (postage 20 centsl 1 (X) Fourth Progress Report of Tsetse F1y and Trypanoso- The lncome TM Ordmance (postage 25 cents) 7 50 2 * n e Llguru and tlle Land, by N Humphrey (postage 15 m lasls Survey and Control ln K enya Colony cents) 1 œ < G eologtcal Report N o 9, Geologtcal Survey of The M lnlng Laws of Kenya (postage 20 cents) 3 00 M aragoh 2 50 The Penal Code and n e Cnmlnal Procedure Code Geologlcal ReportNo 15, Northern Kenya (postage 20 (1948) (postage 50 cents) 25 (#1 cents extra) 2 * Unlversal Declaratzon of Hum an m ghts, by U N O (postage 1() cents) - 20 Geolopcal Report No 16, Sotjk Dlstnct (postage 20 cents extral 4 % Ratos of Subscnptzon to the M mal G azett- G eologlcal Report No 17, Country between Kmbu 12 months (mcludmg yostage) 25 (X) and M eru 12 00 6 months (mduamg postage) 13 (K G eologlçal Report N o 18, Geology of the Klsn 3 months (mcludmg postage) 7 * D lstnct 15 00 Rate of D bscrlplon to tbe East Afrlœ Htgb Com m u- Intenm Report of tbe Plannm g Comm lttee, 1950 1 O Mon 0* a1 G azette, for 12 m lm te 5 (*

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