THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Published under the Author~tyof HISExct*llency the Governa r of the Colony and P~otectorateof Kenya - Val. LIII-No. 47 NAIROBI, September 18, 1951 Price 50 Cents Regstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Pubhshed every Tuesday @ (JONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZETTE I OFFICIAL GAZElTE-Contd Govr Nouce No PAGE General Not~ceNo 102&Appo1ntments, etc 909 Perrmt Issuer 2325 1029-Rent Control Board-Revocatlon 909 Welgh s and Measures Ordinance 2327 103&-Consul for USA 909 Pham aclst Regstered 2328 1031-The Afrlcan Dlstnct Co~inc~lsOrd~nance-- Appolntrnent 910 Medlc il Pract~t~onersRegstereci 2329 1032-Rent Control Board-Appointment 910 Water Ordltlance 2330,2332-2334,2357 I1 1033-1034-The Regstrat~on of Persons Ordlnan~e Proba e and Admin~strat~on 2335-2345,2358 -Appo~ntments, etc 910 Bankr lptcy Ord~nance 2346-2348 1035-The L~quor Ordinance-Appointment 9 10 Mauc and Produce Control- 4ppomtment 2351 1036The Diseases of An~malsOrd~nance 9 10 Crow I Lands Ord~nance 2354 General hotl~tNO Custo ns Auct~onSale 2356 General Not~ces 91 (1-928 Trans mrt I.,~cens~ng 2359 H M Court of Appeal-Senlor~ty of Judges 2311 Land and Agricultural Bank 2362 Na~rob~Streets Charges *I? 2314 Tradt Marks 2303-2372 Loss of War Bonds 2313 Transfer of Businesses, etc 2315 2318,2320,2349 2350, SUPPLEMENT No 44 2361, Z77.1-2376 Proclamatcons Rules and Regulafrons 1951 L~quorLlcenslng Courts '116 2324 Govt Nonce No PAGE E A R & H Annual Report, 1950 23 17 037-The Nakuru Munlc~pahty (Amendment) Compan~esOrdinance 2319,2331,2353, 1360 2373 By-laws, 1951 3 19 Destru~t~onof Court Records 2323 Procl imatlon No 15-Tht Forest Ord~nance 320 CORRIGENDUM THE MINING ORDINANCE (Cap 168,) THI INCREASE OF RENT (RESTRICTION) ORDINANCE, 1949 Gov~rnmentNobce No 1009 on page 894 of thc CJfficlal Gazette dated September 11, 1951- (No 22 of 1949) In llne 6 approxlmately 15 square mlles ~ho~llrlread RENT CONTROL BOARD--COAST PROVINCI- approxlmately 2a square miles REVOCATION IF EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the C~overno~ by ect~on3 of the Increase of Rent (Restrlctlon) Ordrnance 194C, the Governor's Deputy hqs been pleased to re\oke the appl tlntment of- MR R V STONEo B E APPOINME NTS as a Inembet of the Rent Control Board for the Coast l'rovmce E~~hsrLESLIE HOWARD-WILLIAMSto be Actmg RI s~dent G Jvernment Not~ceNo 879 of 2nd August 1950, 1s hereby Ma~strate,H M Supreme Court of Kenya at Nalrob~ wth cant elled accordtngIy efEect from 12th September, 1951 B Command of the Gove~riois Deputy JOHN FURST(Indust Chem , Madr~d), to be Chem~t and Assayer, Mnes and Geologcal Department w~theffecl from Nal obl C H THORNLEL , 1st July, 1951 6 h September 1951 Act~ngChzef 2ecrefap) GORWNFINIMORE-SHERMAN A c s h4 to be Inspect01 of Mmes, Mines and Geolo~cal Department wlth effect frcm 1st August 1951 REVERSIONS JOHN LOXTONMA (Cantab), A I< I c s reverted to h~ssub- CONSUL OF THE UNII'ED STATES OF AMERICA stantwe post of Ass~stant Director of Survevs, w~tt~effect NOTICE from 5th September, 1951 I C IS hereby noefied for general lnformdhon that p ov~s~onal GEORGBVENNING ASHTON A R I c I, reverted to hts wbjtantive rec rgnltlon has been accorded to Mr John A Noon '1s Consul post of Supenntendent of Surveys, wlth effect from 5th Sep- of the Untted States of Amenca at Nalrobl w~thj~r~sdlctlon tember, 1951 Inc udlng Kenya Colony and Ug~nda Na rob^, C H HARTVVELL, ;th September, 1951 Actzng Depzrty Cltzef Secretaq 910 TH E O FFICIA L G A ZE'IT E Septem ber 18, 1951 tioveaNMewr N tyncB N o 1831 GONERXMENT N olu N o 1û36 TH E A FRICAN DISTRICT COU N CILS OR DINAN CE THE DISEASLS OF AN IM A LS ORDINAN CE (No 12 oj 1950) (Cap 213) IN EX ERCISE of the powers thel eunto enabllng m e, l hereby IN EX ER CISE of the powel s confelred by qectlon 4 of the appolnt the penon nam ed ln the Schedule annexed hereto to D lseases of A nlm als O rdlnance, l R obclt A lston H am m ond. be a m em ber of the Afrlman D lstrtct Councll nam ed therem Actlng Dîrector of Veterm ary Selvlces, do hereby declare- SCHF-DLI-E (d) the areas descnbed m Schwdulo 1, Schedule II, Schedule llI Crlzttul Nytzlpzfz A/rlcc?z Dtstïxct Ct/td?lcl/ Schedule IV and Suhedule V to be Slnfected aleas jn Sam uel Ayany Onyango, vlce Joram O kum u W ahanda deceased lespect of the dlseases lespeutlvely lndlcated at the head of such Schedules , altd Governm ent N otlce N o 187 of 12th February, 1951, ls hereby amended (b4 that the G overnm ent N otlces speclfied ln the lirst colum n C H W ILLIA M S of Schedule V I hereto be am ended ln the m anner spccl- K lsum u #? f?) lnclal C (SI/AIF/IIJJIO/IE'? lied ln the second colum n of such Schedulu 11th September, 1951 N vanza Ptovtnce Kabete, R A H AM M ON D , 8th Suptembel 1951 Actlllg Dlrectol oj Vetetmary Sel îlce; GovEn Msx'r Norncs No 1:32 tff S B 1841 l4f 2 /?) SclK otlt,s I- EAST C oAs'r FsvElt THE INCREASE OF RENT (RESTRICTION) ORDINAN CE 2490 2485 2486 7181, 6305 3261, B C K lng, Esq , P O 1949 Thom son s Falls, Lm klpla D lstl lct (No 22 of 1949) Bstates late O Collyer Chatu Fa1 m , P O 0 1 K alou, N alvasha REN T CONTROL BOA RD- COAST PROVINCE D lstrlct AD OINTMBNT SCHEDULE II- TRNPANOSOM IASIS IN EXERCISE of the powers conterred upott the G ovetnor L O 5233 and 2678, Lt -Col R T Stanyforth, K kora Farm . by sectlon 3 of the lncrease of Rent (Restrlctlon) Ordmanue, P O Lake Solal N akuru D lstllct 1949, the Governor s Deputy has been pleased to appomt- L R 3864, A M W atson, Esq , P O Box 876, N allobl, N alrobt M R H G S H XRRISON D lstrlct to be a m çm ber of the Rent Control Board for the Coast SCHEDULE III- Fo(n *ND M OOTH D ISEASE Provlnce L O 5275, S M Calnelly, Esq P O N alvasha, Lake Areap G overnm ent N otlce N o 875 of 5th Septem ber, 1949, ls hereby N alvasha D lstnct vaued accordlngly SCHEDIJLE IV- Sw INE ERYSIBELAS By Comm and of the G overnol s D eputy F E Payne Fsq Payne s Falm , Nanyukl N anyukl Dlstnct N alrobl C H TH ORN LEY , SCHBDIJI-E V - R INDERPCST 6th September 1951 Acttng Chlel Secretal J L O p 2307 R n edenckson, Esq N gelella Estate P O Thlka Thlka D lstllct R VERNMSNT NoTlcs No 1033 L O 4512, J W llloughby, Esq c / o Ngeleba Estate, P O Tluka Thtka D lsttlct TH E REGISTRATION OF PER SON S ORD IN AN CE ScHEouLs V l Lcap 5% A /POINTMBNIT Ftrst C olum n 5'ct oltd Ctp/lfza?l IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon m e by sub- sectlon (2) of qectlon 4 of the Reglstratlon of Persons Ordlnance, G overm nent N otlce N o 49 By deletlng from Schedule IV 1947, I hereby appolnt the persons nam ed ln the Schedule dated the 3rd day of (Bamllaly W hlte Dkarrhoea) herdo to be Repstratlon Om cels for the purpose of the Ordzn- O ctober, 1949 thereto the follow lng - ç:L R 1593/2, M ls J Lewls ance wlth eflkct from the date shown agm nst thelr nam es - P O Box 2343, N ajlobl Sc- ovt,ls Langata N alrobl D zs- P' ovïnce .- f oast N am e tlnff address - sam uei M bugwa Thuku c I o Labour Governm ent N otlce N o 865 By deletlng from Schedule 11 O flice M om basa dated the 25th day of (Foot and mouth Dlsease) there- D c/e - 27-8-1951 luly 1951 to the foliowlng - Area 0/ luttndtctton .-M ombawa Dlstrict I:L O 8961 6127 and 6128, P'ovtnce .-r entral J J H zngelbrecht, Esq Name and ctftfpex,ç .- l-larry Jaqotl M umwe (;I o Centlal P O Eldolet, U asln Glshu Reglstratlon Oë ce, N alrobl D lstnct Date - 1-9-1951 Area oj if/rllllc/ltp// - Nalrobl Dlstnct GENERAL N OTjCF N o 2311 N alrobl, A W K ILLICK THE EASTERN AFR ICAN COU RT O F APPEAL ORD ER 12th Soptom bm 1951 ylcfsng Prm cmal Repsfl t1) IN C OU N CIL 1950 SENIORITY ozz Jtm oss olz H Is M Alssn s C OIJRT oF AIYEAI roR GOVERNMBNT NOTICE N o 1034 FASTERN A :RIc;x TH E REG ISTRATION OF PERSON S ORD IN AN CE IN ACCORDAN CE wlth sectlon 10 of the Eastern Afrlcan Court of Appeal Older In Cotlncll 1950 the Sectetary of State qcap 50) has been pleased to lssue lnstructlons regal dknq the sem orlty of CANCELLXTION otz APPOINTMBN'I the Judges of the sald Court whereby such sen onty shajl, as IN EX ERCISE of the powers thm eunto enabhng m e, I hereby from the 1st day of lanualy 195 l be as follows cancel the appolntm ent of the person nam ed ln the Schedule (1) The Chlef Justlce of Kenya herete as Regjstratloa Oë cer wlth efect from the date shown (2) The Chlef Justlce of Tanganylka agam qt hls nam e (3) The Chlef Justlce of U ganda Scueotlt,h (4) Justlces of Appeal of H1s M 'tktsty s Court ol Appeal fol- Plovtnce .-f oast Eastern A frlca Name tzrid address - A11 Sald, c/o Labour Oëce M ombasa (5) The Chlef Justlce of Zanzlbar D ate oj cancellatton - 10-8-1951 (6) The Actmg Chlef Justlce ol Kenya N alrobl A W KILLICK (7) The Actlng Chlef Justlce of Tanganyjka (8) The Actlng Chlef Justlce of Uganda 10th August, 1951 Actlng Prtnclpal Regtstro (9) The Actlng cmef Justlce of Zanzlbal (10) Other Judges of the Suprenae or Hlgh Courts of the tern- GOVERNMENT No rlcs No 1035 (Lkq 28111) tones ln whlch the sald Court of Anpeal for Eastern Afrlca has m nsdtctlon accordlng to ttte prlottty of thmr TI'IE LIQUOR ORDINANCE respectlve first appolntm ents as Judges jn any of such (Cap 266) terrltones A ZYOINTM BNZ (11) Actmg Judges (other than Actlng Chlef Justlces) of the iN EXERCISE of lite powers conferred by sectlon 12 of tl)e Supreme or Hîgh Courts referled to ln the precedjng Llquor Ordlnance, the G overnor has been pleased to appom t- paragraph, accordlng to the priollty ot thelr respectlve C S STIRLING EsQ appolntm ents as such to be a m em ber of tbe Ltquor Llcensmg Court for the Trans Prow ded that the substantlve holder of the oë ce of Chlef N zola Llcenslng A rea for the year 1951, %lce J E Eddy Justlce of Zanzlbar at the date het eof sball take precedence , Esq , before the Justlces of Appeal of HIs M alesty s Court of Appeal deceased for Emstet.n Afnca so long as he contlnues to hold such oëce Government N otice N o 87 dated the 17th day of January Government N otlce N o 41 datcd the 7th day of January 1951, ls varled accordm gly 1949.
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