THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE of the COLONY and PROTECTORATE of KENYA Published Under the Author~Tyof Hisexct*Llency the Governa R of the Colony and P~Otectorateof Kenya - Val
THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Published under the Author~tyof HISExct*llency the Governa r of the Colony and P~otectorateof Kenya - Val. LIII-No. 47 NAIROBI, September 18, 1951 Price 50 Cents Regstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Pubhshed every Tuesday @ (JONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZETTE I OFFICIAL GAZElTE-Contd Govr Nouce No PAGE General Not~ceNo 102&Appo1ntments, etc 909 Perrmt Issuer 2325 1029-Rent Control Board-Revocatlon 909 Welgh s and Measures Ordinance 2327 103&-Consul for USA 909 Pham aclst Regstered 2328 1031-The Afrlcan Dlstnct Co~inc~lsOrd~nance-- Appolntrnent 910 Medlc il Pract~t~onersRegstereci 2329 1032-Rent Control Board-Appointment 910 Water Ordltlance 2330,2332-2334,2357 I1 1033-1034-The Regstrat~on of Persons Ordlnan~e Proba e and Admin~strat~on 2335-2345,2358 -Appo~ntments, etc 910 Bankr lptcy Ord~nance 2346-2348 1035-The L~quor Ordinance-Appointment 9 10 Mauc and Produce Control- 4ppomtment 2351 1036The Diseases of An~malsOrd~nance 9 10 Crow I Lands Ord~nance 2354 General hotl~tNO Custo ns Auct~onSale 2356 General Not~ces 91 (1-928 Trans mrt I.,~cens~ng 2359 H M Court of Appeal-Senlor~ty of Judges 2311 Land and Agricultural Bank 2362 Na~rob~Streets Charges *I? 2314 Tradt Marks 2303-2372 Loss of War Bonds 2313 Transfer of Businesses, etc 2315 2318,2320,2349 2350, SUPPLEMENT No 44 2361, Z77.1-2376 Proclamatcons Rules and Regulafrons 1951 L~quorLlcenslng Courts '116 2324 Govt Nonce No PAGE E A R & H Annual Report, 1950 23 17 037-The Nakuru Munlc~pahty (Amendment) Compan~esOrdinance 2319,2331,2353,
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