+ r e> 44. x L I h z k ) -ez < . > xsy j .-- * N $ - *. s. R A & a e B e T H E 1 Publahed b!f Authority of the R epubhc of K enra (Reglytered as a Nowspaper at tlx G P O ) Vol. LXXl- No. 45 NAIXOBI, 17th October 1969 Prlce Sh 1/50 CONTEN TS GAM 'IV E NOTICF.S GAZETTE Noncv-s--lcontd ) PAGE PAGE Pubhc Servlce Comm lsslon- Appomtm ents, etc 1018 The C om pam es A ct- lncorporatlons, etc 1042 The Interpletatlon and G eneral Provzslons A ( t- The Socletles Rules lg68--cancellatlons, etc 1043 Tem porary T ransfers of M lnlsterlal Powers 1018 The C o-operatw e Socletles A ct--o rder 1044 The C hlldren and Y oung Persons A ct- 'Fhe Trade U m ons Act- Reglstratlon, etc 1044 Approved Voluntary Instltutlon 1018 Loss of Pohcles 1044 A ppom tm ent 1019 Loss of Shares Certllk ates 1045 The N atlonal H ospltal Insulance Act- Appom tm eats, etc 1018 Local G overnm ent N otlces 1045 The Pharm acy and Polsons A ct- A ppom tm ents 1018 Busm ess Transfer 1046 The Exploslves A ct- A ppom tm ent 1018 D lssolutlon of Partnershm 1046 The Tax R eserve C erté cates A ct- Loss of C ertlfic ate 1019 C hanges of N am e 1046 M edlcal Practltloners and D entzsts Board of K enya- Electlons 1019 K enya Stock 1019 SU PPLEM EN T N o 16 The A nlm al D lseases A ct- scheduled A reas 1019 B klls, 1969 Law Exam znatlon for A dm lnlstratlve O m cers- N ol lce 1020 H lgh Court of Kenya at M om basa Dlstrlct Reglstrf- SUPPLEM T!N T N o 77 Crlm lnal Sesslons Calendal 1020 Legtslatlve Supplem ent The R ecords D lsposal A ct- lntended D estructzon of Court Records 1020 I-SGAI- N o'rlcs N o PAGE The Land A cqulsltlon A ct 1968- N otlce of lnqulry 1021 217- The Thtka Urban Dlstrlct tBmldmgl (Revoca- tlon) By-laws, 1969 649 The Governm ent Lands Act- plots for Ahenatlon 1022 218- The M ombasa M ummpal (Food Shops and Industllal Court A wards 1026 Stores) (Amendment) Bplaws, 1969 649 A zr Servlces Llcensm g 1028 219- n e Extradltlon (Unlted Kmgdom) Order, 1969 650 Transport Llcensm g 1029 220- The Exttadltlon (Contlguous and Forelgn A grlcultural Fm ance C olporatlon- bale N otlces 1035 Countnes) Act- order Applymg Part 11 to the R epubllc of Llberla 651 Trade M arks 1036 221- The Parham entary and Presldentlal Electlons Patents 1039 Regulatlons, 1969 656 Probate and Adm lnlstratlon 1040 222- -11e Prlsons A ct--closure of Pnson 688 Bankruptcv Junsdlctlon 1041 223- -1*1)e Teachers Servlce Comm lsslon Act, 1967 689 (10 1 7 1018 TH E K EN Y A G AZEW E 17th O dober 1969 GAZETTE Non cE N o 3171 GAZBeITB N OTICE N o 3174 PU BLIC SERVICE COM M ISSION OF KEN YA TH E CH ILDR EN A N D YOUN G PERSON S ACT APBOINTMENRS (W P 141) A PPROVED VOLUNTARY INSTITUTION Fluxcls M OGAKA M ARANYA, to be D lstrlct Oë cer, K wale D ls- tnct, Coast Provm ce, wlth efect from 15th August 1969 IT IS hereby noté ed for general m formatlon that, under the powers conferred by sectlon 63 (1) of the Chlldren and Young Cyaus K ARIJRI G ITHINJI, to be D lstrlct Oë cer, K llé Dlstnct, Persons Act (Cap 141), the Vlce-presldent and M mlster fo) Coast Provm ce, wlth effect from 15th August 1969 H om e A falrs has approved- JusTMou BERA M AGHASI, to be D lstnct Oë cer, Talta Dlstrlct, Coast Provm ce, wlth efect from 15th August 1969 GoT K OKECH ORPHANAGE, HOMA BAY n coB M w ALIMU K ITI, to be Dlstnct OKcer, I-am u Dlstnct, to be an Approved Instltutzon Coast Provm ce, wzth effect from 15th August 1969 Dated thxs 1st day of October 1969 JOSEPH JOHN K ARANJA, to act as Under Secretal'y, Vlce- Presldent's Om ce and M lm stry of H om e Affalrs, wlth efect D T A R A P M O I, from 1st Septem ber 1969 Vlce-preadent cIIJ JAMES K ASYIJLA M UTUA, to act as Deputy Prm clpal Im m lgra M tntster /(pl Home ad.#tm x tlon Oë cer, wlth efect from 29th M ay 1969 CoLlN GERALD ROUERT W II-I-ARD, to act as Clllef Quantlty GAZETI'E N o'ncE N o 3175 Sulweyor, M lm stry of W orks, wlth efect from 31st July 1969 Dwvlo W ltrocKy to act as Provm cm l Pohce Oë cer, m ft Valley TH E N ATION AL H OSPITA L IN SU RAN CE AG Provmce, wlth esect flom 11th Septem ber 1969 (Cap 255) PROMOTIONS APPOINTMENTS AND CANCELLATION OF AZPOINTMENTS Cm lu-i!s ANTHONY SIJI-LIVAN, to be U nder Secretary, M lm stly IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 25 of the of Agrlculture, wlth effect from 23rd January 1969 N atlonal H ospltal Insurance Act, the M lmster for H ea1th hereby- ERlc R ICHARD LL()Yo, to be D eputy C hlef A rchltect, M lnlstry of W orks, wlth efect from 1st October 1968 (c) appolnts- KYRAN W ILLIAM SUPPLE-KANB, to be Senlor V etennary Oë cel , H on F M G M atj, M P , M m lstry of Agrlculture, m th elect from 4th July 1969 to be Chalrm an of the N atzonal H ospltal Insurance Advlsory Counml for the year endlng 31st D ecem ber R BVERSION 1969 , REUBF.N N ZYOKA M IR UA, ceased to be Plovm clal Pollce Oë cer, Basheer-ud-D een, Rlft Valley Provm ce, wlth effect from 11th Septem ber 1969 M rs D N W alyakl, CORRIGENDIJM to be m em bers of the N atlonal H osm tal Insurance A dvlsory C ouncll , G azette N otzce N o 586 dated 28th February 1969- D E O A slko, The date relatmg to DANIEL M G IITHI should read 1st July 1968 to be Secretary of the N atlonal H ospltal lnsurance Advlsory Councll , and By Ordel of the Com m lsslon (b) cancels the appolntments of- G M U SEM BI, Slster M D W aldron*, and Secretary, P J m ley* Publlc s'ezylce Com m uston D ated thls 3rd day of October 1969 GAN TR N or œ No 31X J D OTIEN D E, W ONST 1/2/21) M ïmster jor Health TH E IN TERPRETATION AN D G EN ERAL PROW SION S *G li 4472/1966 ACT W ap 2) GAZR- N o'ncE N o 3176 XYM PORARY TRANSFER OF ACINISTERIAL POMVRS ta4 O P O 9/JF/153) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 37 of the TH E PH ARM A CY AN D POISON S ACT Interpretatlon and General Provlslons Act, and of a11 other W ap 244) powers thereto enablmg m e, I hereby dlrect that, durm g the absence begm nm g on 6th October 1969, of the M mlster for PHARMACY Ar POISONS BOARD- M POINTMENT 0F M BMBERS Health (M r Otlende) al1 the powers conferred, and all the I'N EXERCISE of the powers confelred by paragraphs (c) dutles mm osed, upon that M m lster by or under any A ct shall and (#) of subsedlon (1), and subsectzon (2) of sectlon 3 of the be had and m ay be exerclsed, and shall be perform ed, Pharm acy and Polsons Act, the M zm ster for H ealth hereby respectlvely, by the M lnlster for Local Government (M r appom ts, wlth esect from 1st J'uly 1969- Saglm) John Padseld, Y P s , D ated thls 8th day of October 1969 Kanalyalal Som abhal Am m , M P s , Ehud Sachlda W angusl, B sc PHARM , JO M O K EN YA W A , M achxm nnda Kushalappa Jappu, M P s , Pt tsltfczl/ Dr J S Nesbltt, M B , CH B (E A ), Dr J R W ambwa, M B , cH B (E A ), as mem bers of the Pharm acy and Polsons Board under the sajd G AZBTTE N oncE N o 3173 paragraphs (CONST 1/2/21) Dated thls 3rd day of October 1969 TH E IN TERPRETATION AN D G EN ERAL PROVISION S ACT J D OTIEN D E, M lmsto for Health (cap 2) TEMPORXRY TRANSFER OV WfINISTERIAL PON/ERS GAzs'rrB N cfncE N o 3177 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectxon 37 of the Interpretatlon and G eneral Prow szons Act, and of al1 other THE EX PLOSIVES ACT powers thereto enablmg m e, 1 hereby dlrect that, durmg the absence begmnmg on l0th October 1969, of the M m lster for qcap 115) Co-operatlves and Somal Sem ces (M r Ngala) a1l the powers APPOINTMENT OF INSPECTOR OF EXPLOSIVES conferred, and all the dutaes m m osed, upon that M lm ster by IN the exerclse of the powers conferred by sectlon 3 (1) of or under any A ct shall be had and m ay be exerclsed, and the Explosw es A ct, the M m lster for N atural R esoulces hereby shall be perform ed, respectw ely, by the M m lster for Local appolnts- Government (M r Saglm) GBORGE CIIEGE N GAHU D ated th s 8th day of October 1969 to be Inspettol of Exploslves, wlth esect from 1st July 1969 JOM O KEN YATTA , J J M N YA G AH , Pre%tdent s4lnlster /@, blatural 7èesouzces 17+ October 1969 TH E K EN Y A G AZEW B 1019 GAZETTE Non cE No 3178 G x'zm 'rB NoericE N o 3182 THE Tu RESERVE CERTIFICATEE, ACT (QUAR IOIX I 165) (Cap 418) TH E AN IM A L D ISEASES ACT (Cap.
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