THE GAZETTE Publ~shedunder the Author~tyof HIS Excellency the Gorernor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the GPO)

Vol. LX-No. 4 , 28th January, 1958 Pnce. Sh 1

CONTENTS GAZE= NOTICES I GAZE~TENo~~c~s-(Contd ) PAGE PAGE A~po~ntments,etc 62 The Forest Ordinace-Fore\t Exc~slon 62 Kenya Government-Senlor Accounts Exammnatlon, 1958 93 The Courts Ordmnance -Appo~ntments 62 The Un~tedKlngdom Des~gns(Protect~on) Olhnance 93 The Regrstratlon of Persons Ordlnance- Kenya Government Shorthand/Typewr~tmgExamlnatlon, Cancellat~onof Apporntment 62 -.1958 .. 93 Appointments 62,67 The Crown Lands Ordinance-Tendels for Quarrying Kenya Government Stocb 62 Rlghts 94 The Regulation of Wages and Condlt~onsof Employment Kenya Yav~ngs bnk Accounts for 1956 95 01dlnance, 195 1-Tht Road Transport Wages Counctl 62 Kenya Government Lower Clerlcal Exam~natrons, 1958 96 The Education Ordlnance 1952-Reg~stration of Schools 63-66 The Traffic Ordmance, 1953- Appomtment of Dr~vrngTest Exarnlners 66 Road Closure Order 66 The Water Ordmance, 1951- Appomtments 66 Appllat~ons 94 The Townsh~pcOrhnance-Appomtments 66 SUPPLEMENT l\io 8 General Cost of L~vlngIndex 67 The Socletles Rules, 1952-Change of Name 67 E A R & H --Amendment to Ta~rff Book No 2 67, 70 Ttnders 67,71 LEGALNOTICE NO PAGE Loans for Hlgher Edulatron 67 16-The Wages Regulation (Motor Englneerlng The Records (D~sposal)~Ordmance-Not~ce of Intcnded Tr?des) Order, 1958 27 Destruction of Court Records 67,69 27-The Leglslat~veCouncll (Afncan Reprewtat~on) H M Suplemt Court of Kenya--Crlmmal Sesslons at (Reglstra~lon of Voters) (Amendment) Rules, Vyen 68 1958 3 1 Fcderatton of Brlt~shScholarships-Overseas Scholarsh~ps 28-The Le&lslat~veCouncll (Afrlcan Representat~on) for Englneerlng Graduates 68 (Tramfer of Regntratlon) Rules, 1958 32 The Anlmal D~seasesOrdmance-Infected Areas 68 29-The Leg~slatlve Councd (Flect~onof Add~tronal East Afr~can Comms\~oner-Assumpt~on of Dutles 69 Members) Rules, 1958 32 Central Whitley Councll--Appo~ntment 69 30-The Leg~slatlveCouncll (Afncan Representation) The Mumc~pal~t~esOrdmance-Appo~ntment 69 (Tr insfer of Regstratloll) Rules 1958--Closmg Department of the Registrar-General-Change of 4dd1ess 69 Date for Recelpt of Clalms 34 Civil Arcraft Acc~dent-Inspector's InTestlgatlon 69 31-The I eglslat~veCouncJ (Afncan Representation) The Land Acqulb~t~unAct 1894, of Ind~a-Apporntm6nt 69 (Reg~strat~onof Voters) Rules, 1956-Issue of Warmng to Traders-Lass of Local Purchase Order Forms 69 Voters Cdrds for the El~chonof Addrtronal The Leglslat~ve Cwnc~I (Atnczn Rtpresentatlon) Members 34 Ordmance, 1956--Appointments 70 32-The Leglslatlve Counc~l(Election of Add~t~onal H M Court of Appeal for Eastern Afrlca at Nalrobi- Membels) Rules, 1958-Appomtment ot Cause Lrst 70 Nommatlon Day and Nommat~on Places 35 H M Supreme Court of Kenya at 70 17-34-The Nahve Llquor Ordnance-Appo~ntment Transport Llcens~ng 71 , of L&al Authonty 35,36 Vacanc~es 71,96 35-The Nahxe Llquo~ Oidmance-Appllcat~on- - of The Crown Lands Ordmance-Return of Land Glants 72-80 Part I11 The Compan~esOrd~nance 81 36-The Narlve Llquor Ordmznce-ExcIus~ve dght Loss of Pol~cy 82 to Supply Nattve Llquor L~quorLlcens~ng 82 37-The Emergency (Revocation) Regulatrons, 1958 The Coca1 Gove~nment( European Hospltal- Rate) 38-The Pollce (Amendment) Regulatlons, 1958 Ordmance 83 39-The Kenya Meat Comm~ssion(Gradmg) (Amend- Aberdare Coun~yCouncll 83 ment) Regulations, 1958 Mun~cipahtyof Klsurnu 83 40-The Natlxe Land Tenure Rules, 1956-Apphca- Uasln Glshu County Council 83 tlon of Rules n Trade Marks 84 41-The Townsh~ps Ord~nance WAKF Commns~oners-Schedule of Balances 86-87 42-The Imm~gratlon (Proscribed Organizations) Probate and Admmstrat~on 87, 88, 89 (Amendment) Regulatlons, 1958 The Fraudulent Transfer of Bus~nessesOrd~nance 88,91,93 43-The Nahve Land Tenure Rules, 1956-Fees The Bmkruptcy Ord~nance 89,90 D~nolutionof Parlnersh~p 90,91 Notice of Change of Name 9 1 SUPPLEMENT No 9 The Crown Land3 Ordrnance-Nairobi Alrpott, Petrol Stat~onPlot 92 B~lls 1958 62 TH E K FN Y A G A ZBTTE 28th January, 1958

G AZETR'E N OTIDE N o 227 GAZETFE N OTICE X O 231 APPOINTM EN I'S TH E REGISTRA TION OF PERSON S ORDIN ANCE K ENNI-I'I'I W ItLIAM STBw ART M ACKENZIE, c M G , to act as W ap 50) Fmancml S( cretarv and to be M lnlster for Ftnance and C ANCELLATION otz A PPOINTMENF D evelopm ent w lth esect flom 26t11 January, 1958 IN EXERCISE of the powors thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby EDw ARD RAT-PM H ARtE: to act as Pmsne Judge wlth eflect lrcm cancel the appom tm ent of ttte persotl named m tlze Schedule 24th. January, 1958 hereto as Registratlon Om cer wlth efect from the date shown ROBERT TATTON-BROW N o 1$ j! , qecollded to the M lnlstry of agam çt h1s nam e Local G ovelnm ent H ca1th and Housm g to act as Deputy Com m lsslene) ot Local G overnm ent wlth esect from 20th SCHEDIJLB Jantlazy, 1958 Pl ot lllce .- N ygnza Fft&xcjs W II LIAM Gooosooy to be U nder-> retary OK ce of Nc/?:c c??# address - M r Jauo Davtd Okudo, c Jo Labour Oflicer, Klsumu the Chlcf Secretary, wlth effect from 1st July, 1957 Date f# canceliatlon - 14th January, 1958 PROM G IRON Nalrobl, A N 1E HU#KLE, COLIN CAMPBELL, o 15 E , to be Clvtl Secletxary to the K tm ya 231.t1. Januaw , 1958 ctfiq lhlnclpcl Regutrg' Pollce m th t Sect from 1st July, 1957

E G RIFFITH -JON ES GAZBATE N oTl( E N o 232 Actmg CW;c/ Secretaqn TH E REG ISTRAU ON OF PERSON S ORD IN AN CE W ap 50) G xzErrp N olqcE N o 228 (+2/4/7/37) AH OINTMENI IN EXERCISE ol the powers otmferred upon m e by sgb- TH E FOR EST ORDINAN CE secttoll (2) of qectton 4 of the Reglstrauon of Persons Ordumnve (Ccp 17O I lw reby kppom t the peo on nam ed m the Sçhodulo hereto to FoResr Exclslox- n xtu sïx FOREST REssRve be Reglstratlon Ofllcer for the purpose of the Ordlnance wfth egect f ! om thG date shown agatnst hls nam e IN ACCORDANCE m th the provlslons of sub sectlon (2) of sectten 4 of tht. Forest Ordm ance the M lm ster for Forest ScjG out,E DeNelopm ent, G ame and Flsherles hereby gwes 28 days' notlce wlt.h efect from the 28th day of January, 1958, of the m ten- Prob If/cc .-fentral tlon oj the Governor tn Counotl of M m lsters to declare that the Nalne cn# Addten - Mr Jano Davld Okudo, c/o Central areas descrlbed m tlle Sohedule heroto shall cease to be a Reglstratlon Oëce, N alroh Forest A rva Date - 14th. Januatry, 1958 a4, ec oj ptlrlytffï tton .-Natroh Djstnct SCHEDIJLE N alrotu, N k. H UCKT.E, The whole ol that Forest A rea knovn as the Tangasla Fcqest 231-d J'anmary, 1958 Actlng 'rzaclpcl Reglstra' Rcserve as defm ed by Ihx lam atlon No 102 of 1941 ï * Cap 176, bubsldlary Leglslatlon, page 2708 G Azs'f'rB NOTKE No 233 Dated thls 20th day of January, 1958 D L BLU NT, 2) PER CENT KE'NYA STOCK, 1971/76 M mlsto /o? Fotest Th velopment (JJz??c attd Flœ/le?le: l7OR the purpose of prepanng the warrants for m terest due on 15th M arch, 1958, thte balances of the sever? accounts ln the above Stock wlll be struck at close of busm ess on 15th G xzyw s N oTlcs l:o 229 February, 1958, after whlch tlato tht Stock wl.ll be transftsr- (v? d. L 1.3 / 1 / 1 / 1!) able ex dm dend Stockholders wlshjng to transfer thel.r holdm gs to the London TH E COU RTS GRDIN ANCE Rvglstt.r should note that, lf the neçeqsary appltcatlon form s (Ctm 3) are not lodged wttlt the Perm atwnt Secretary to the Treasury A PPOINTM:NT oF Ex Orluczo M AGISTRATE wo A H ZGHER m tlm o to enable the apphcatlon to be transmltted to the Crown SusoRm xx'rE C OIJRT Agentg for Oversea G e&ernm ents and A dm lnlstratlorts ln Lon- den so as to reach them ort or before 15th February 1958, IN EX ERCISB of the powcrs conferred by sectlons 3 and 5 paym ent of lntercst due on 15th M arch, 1958, w1ll be m ,a de by of the Coults Ordlnance, the Actlng G ovelnor, after consultm g the Perm anent Secretary to tho Treasuly tht. Chlet Justlce, lms appom ted- Doxxcn CLAY J H BU -W ER, A ctkl3g Pta n,anent xskc?e/ffry to JJlé' D easu'y who ls a maglstrate by vtrtue of hts oK ce oz D lstrzt.t )z Oflicer, Elgon N yanza Dtstrlcl, to hold a subordm atc court of Vhe Trefza- . :he first class ln the said dlstnct f ar so Jong as he contlnues to P O sr).x 300:7 N atl abt hold the omce of D zstnct Oë cer afores'ud Datvd tlus 22nd day of January, 1952 G xzETt'E N OTICB N o 234 By Com m an; of tbe Actlng G evernor TH E REGULATION OF W A GES AN D CON DITIONS OF EM PLOYM EN T OR DIN ANCE 1951 D W CON ROY M lnl-sfer /(), Legal a4ftkl/.& qNo 1 o! 1951) THE ROAD TR&>spoRT W AOES Couxcïs Gxzy.'lqE N OTICL N o 730 N O-1 ICE ls h'Jreby glven that the Road rransport W ages Couactl establlshed under G evernm ent N ottce N o 1676 datt,d LJ & L 13/ 1 /2 Vo1 11) 25th N ovem bm , 1954, as am ended by Legal N otlco No 495 TH E COU RTS ORD IN ANCE datetl 2nd N ovember 1956, lntends to subm lt to the M m tster for Educatlon, Imbour and Lands certatn wage.s regulatlon pro- (Cop 3) posals ln respect of em ployeos m the road transport m dustry AePOINTMBNT oF Ex OFFI( Io M AGISTRATE 'ro A HIGHER These proposals are ln submlssion of those nottfied ln the StpBolxolxA'rs C OIJRT Kenya Gazetto of 26th N ovembel 1957 (Gazette Netlce IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlons 3 and No 3978) 5 of the C eurts O rthnance fhe Actlng G overnor after con Copjes of the wages regulatlon proposals m ay bo obtamtd sultlng the Chlef Justlce, has appolnted- bfrom the Socretary of the W ages Councll at the addre'ss glvçn Jt)ch V IVjAN EBEEILEY elow ol from Labour Oflices tlarolzghout K cnya wbo ls a m aglstrate by vlrtue of hts olfice of D lstllct Oë cer Rcplesentatlons m Stgard to the proposals m ust be m wntm g N orthern Frontler D lstnct, to hold a subordlnate court of sealng out clearly the re-asons f or m aklng same, and m ust tht, second class ln tlw sald dlstrlct for so long as he contm ut's reach the Secrçtary not laker than 26th February 1958 to hol; the om ce of Dlstrlct Oë cer aforesatd Datcd the 28th day of January, 1958 Dated thls 22nd day of January, 1958 T F M IN OG UE, By Cam m and of the Actm g G overnor Secretœ y O'ce o.t Hz'cro Counctls D W CO NROY GllI H ouse M tnlster jol Legal ,4#t?& j P t) Box 326 N awobk 28th January, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 63 GAzsrzs NolqcBNo 235 Rkglsbatlon DJ/C 01 (15/23/6) No Nc/rle ol School Xcflâ'frlllt?'l F A M - TH P ED UCAXION ORD IN AN CE 1952 xw aywa Prtm ary School 15-10-1957 (No 58 oj 1952) V hlga Pmm ary School 15 10-1957 Lwandett Pmm ctry School 15-10-1957 IN ACCORDANCE wlth sectlon 54y sub-sectlon (9) of the Chegulo Primary School 15-10-1957 Educatlon Ordlnance, 19:2, notlct ls hereby gtven of schools Sivtlle Pllm ary School 15-10-1957 whlch have been rtglstel ed undel the pl ovlmons of the tbove Sltlkho Pnmar) Schopl 15-10-1957 mentloned Ordtnance Slrlgol Prlm aly School 15-10-19.57 N avakholo Prlm ary School 15-10-1957 FIRST SCITEDIJI.L x amlram a Pnmary School 15-10 1957 G lsam bal Prlm aly School 15-10-1957 Reglstratton Dt/fe ol Shlgokho Prlmary schoel 15-10-1957 No Ntzp/tz oj School Regfx//fzffcl/f Shwagal z Prlmar) Sclzool 15.1:.j95g 1108 Jack and J21 Sthool 1-10-1957 tvjrhembe Ihlm ary School 15 10 1957 1109 Llm uru N ursely School 12 10-1957 M aturu Prlm arv School 15 10-1957 1110 K llen K m dergarten School 16 10 1957 M alava Pllm ary School 15-10-1957 1 111 Rulru Fmropean School 19-12-1957 sam ltsl Prlm aly School 1.5 10-1957 11 12 St M lchael s N utsely School 19 12-1957 chebuvusl Prlm alv Scltool 15 10-1957 2153 The G oan Hlgh School M om basa 21-10 1957 solyo Prlm aly Schpol 15 10-1957 2151 Trans Nzola Pllm al) and M odern Lwanda Pnmal y Schoel 15-10 1957 Secondary School 27 11 1957 sluvcye Prtm arN School 16-10 1957 C C K - . Siudodo Prnnary Sehool 16-10-1957 8154 Klkuyu Llterat) Prèect 8-10-1957 Lllllanda Prlmaly School 16-10-1957 C C M - M ulhanda Prltnary School 16-10-1957 8155 A dult Lltelacv Schem e, N verl 8-10-1957 Bukhaywa Pnm ary School 16-10-1957 8156 Adult Iateracy Scheme, M eru 8-10-1957 sham berere Prkm ary School 16 10-1957 F A M - K m u P'rim ary School 16 10-1957 Gavudunyl Prlmalv School sham akhokho lnterm edlate School 16-10-1957 Lwom bel Prlmury School K tvaywa lntermedlate School 16 10-1957 M uslrl Prlm ary School Sham berere Interm odtate School 16-10-1957 Gldagadl Pllm ary School Chebuyusl lnttrm edlate Sghool 16-10-1957 G avudm Prlmary Schx l tarhanda Intermedtate School 16 10-1957 Budaywa Prlm ary School M ustngn Interm edmte Mchool 16-10-1957 K lsattru Prlm àr's Sehool Tlgoi Interm edlate School 16U 0-1957 Cha&agere Prmaar) Schoel M bale Intelmedtate School 16-10-1957 Klgondt Prlmaly School Vtluga Interm edlate School 16-10-1957 W am age Prlm arv School K yavavo Interm edlate Sclzool 16-10-1957 M unugl D lm ary School Kegoye Intetm edlate School 16-10-1957 Llkhevero Prlm ary School Luslola Intermmhate Sclm ol 16-10-1957 M akhokho Prlm aly School Klgama Interm edlate Mchool 16-10-1957

shlduha Prlmdr) School M sj (ur - LM ugom arl Prlm ary Xchool 8266 Am ukura Gllls lnterm edlate School 16-10. 1957 Iwanda Prlm ary School 82ö7 V stkhu Glrls Interm edlate School 16-jcwjvs,y navl Prlmary Sclaool M ulundu Prlm ary Sthool S D A - M uklngt Pnmary School 8268 K aklm anyl Prlm ary School 16-10-1957 Bum uyange Pmm ary School 8269 Chem ogl Pnm ary School 16-10-1957 C ham bltl P! lm ary School o y w B - Lukus, Prlm ary School ga';() K apsokwony Pnm ary school 16-10-1957 Sbanaenl Prlm ary School Lusavasavl Prlm ary School M K M - Imanda Primarv School 8271 Eum ala Prim ary School 16-10-1957 K ltulu Prlm ar) School 8272 U slre 1uo Prlm ary School 16-10-1957 Cham bale Prlm aly School 8273 N am boam Pnmary School 16-10-1957 M usungutl Pnmaly Sehoel 8274 Ndengelwa Prmzary School 16-10-1957 Ikumba Prlmary School 8275 K lm angwa Prlm ary Sûhool 16-10-1957 Igakala Prtmary Svhool C G M - Tum benl Prlmary School 8276 Ii slukunga Pnmary School 17-10-1957 Shm gungu Prlmaly Schcol 8277 E m atlha Pmm ary School 17-10-1957 M akbukhunt Prlm ary Schoel 82,78 Ibtnzo Pnm ary School 17-10-1957 M uhom o Pmm aly School 8279 Eshlanda Prlm al'y A hool 17-10-1957 M ugal Prlm ary School M H M Lugum l Pnmary Sthool 8280 M - M ungakha Pnrnm y school 8281 M unptt Prtma'ry School 17-10.1957 Sl) om be Prlm aly School 8282 Shalaba Prlmdrv School 17-10-1957 N am undera Pnmary School 8283 M lhull Prlm ary School 17-10-1957 K lswa Prlm alv School 8284 B ukumu Glrls Prlm ary School 17-10-1957 sham lloll Pnm ary Scheol regl Bovs Prlm aly School 17-10-1957 Shliaho Prlmary School 82865 MUgunla Prlm ary school 17-10-1957 lleho Prlm ary School 8287 M um las Glrls lhlm ary School 17-10-1957 M atslgulu Prlm ary school 8288 > um las Boys Prtm ary School 17-10-1957 Ingldl Pmm ary Schû regl Glrls Frm mly school 17-10-1957 Chem ol 8289 Buljmbo Prtm ary School 17-10-1957 M ukheomn Pnmary School 8290 Bukhulunya Primary Scbool 17-10-1957 Slham khlae PPrntmmaary school 8291 shlbuyl Prlnmly Sclaool 17-10-1957 K m mng' ett Pnm arryy sscchhooooll 8292 M allndt Prtmary Scltool 17-10-1957 M am bal Pnmao school S A - K ldundu Pnm aly school 8293 Nam blllma Pltm ary School 17-10-1957 M ahanga Prkm ary School 8294 I-ubao Pnm ary School 17-10-1957

M atsakha Prlmary school A x c - Sshw anga Prlm ary school 8:95 ynukaaa Ivlmary school 17- 10-1957 B lrugu Prlm ary School 8:96 gutere prjm ary school 17- 10-1957 unpkhu Prlmary School M aslyenze Prunary school C G M - Shabwah Prlm ary School 8297 lndangalasla Pmm ary V hool 17-10-1957 Glsam bal lhlmary Schotyl 8298 Eshlblnga Pnrnary School 17-10-1957 Igunga Prlm ary school 8299 M wlhlla Prtmary School 17-10-1957 Katm ost Pmmary School 8300 Em atende Prlm ary School 17-10-1957 M uhanda Prsm ary V hool 8301 Burendwa Prm mry School 17-10-1957 K ldlrtye lhlm ary School 8302 Em usal! Pnmary School 17-10-1957 M blht Prtmary school M H M - 'W hlga Pnm ary School 8303 M utom a Plm mry School 17-10-1957 sMhanderem a Prjmaly school 8304 M usoh Pmm ary School 17-10- 1957 adloh Prlm ary School 8305 K holera Pnmary school 17-10-1957 H andldl Przm ary Selaool 8306 Lunganylro Pnm ary sohool 17-10- 1957 Glvole Pnmary School 83:7 Bukaya Pmmal'y School 17-10-1957

Sham akhokho Pnm dry School 8308 M alm ya Prtma.l'y A hool 17-10-1957

. = ..w . u . u , - q TH E K EN YA G AZETTE 28th January, 19%

Regtstlatlon Date 5/ R E'dg'l,5'/rt7//tp/7 Date o! N o Name oj School Regtstratlon N o Name 0/ School R eglstratw n C G M - M H M - 8309 M undaha Pmm ary School 17-10-1957 838: Shlkotl Intelm edlate School 31-10-1957 8310 M ung'abo Prlm ary School 17 10-1957 8387 Bregl Interm etllate School 31-10-1957 8111 Bum am u Pllm ary School 1$-10-1957 8388 M ukum u Interm edtate School 3 1-10-1957 8312 Eslbuye Prlmary School 10-10-1957 8389 Sjgom ere lntermedjate School 31-10-1957 8113 Em aluakalo Prlm ary School 18 10-1957 8390 Buslratsl Prlmaly School 31-10-1957 8314 Ebukhaya Pllm aly School 1$-10 1957 839t H alombobe Prlm aly School 31-10-1957 8392 M unoywa Prunary School 31-10-1957 M H M - 8393 Buyangu Prtm ary School 31-10-1957 8315 Bulanda Pnmary School 1$-10-1957 Itete Pllm ary School 18-10-1957 8394 Shabakah Prunazy School 31-10-1957 8316 8395 Ham bale Prlm ary School 31-10 1957 8317 M ahlakalo Pllmary School 18-10-1957 8118 M userto Prlm aly School 18-10-1957 8396 Slpm bo Pllm ary School 31-10-1957 8319 Bum lnz Prlmary School 1$-10-1957 8397 Shamakanga Interm edlate School 31 10-1957 ltenyl lhlm ary school 18 10-1957 8395 M um las lntermedlate School 31-t0-1957 8120 8399 Shlbuye lntermedlate School 31 10-1957 8321 M atundu Prlm ary Sehool 18-10-1957 P A E A - 8922 lsulu Pllm ary School 18-10-1957 Luslola Prtm ary School 1-j 1-1957 8323 Shlkondt PrTmaly School 18-10-1957 8324 Shlamuslmm Prlm ary School 1$-10-1957 Jkm ugunl Pnmaly School 1-1 1-1957 8125 Shlm anylro Prlm ary swhool 18 10-1957 K aptlsl Prlm a: y School 1 11-1957 8326 Yway à Prtm ary Schooj 15-10-1957 Gam ande Prllmary School 1-1 1-1957 8327 Shuotsa Prlmary School 18-10-1957 Nuylya Pllm ary School 1-11-1957 8328 M atawa Prlm ary School 18-10-1957 Ikumu Pnm ary School 1-t1-1957 8329 K halaba Prlm ary Schotyl 18-10-1957 Vohovole Pltm aly School 1-11-1957 8330 M wlra Prlzmary School 18-10-1957 Bukulunya Pnm ary School 1-11-1957 8331 Bullm bo Prlmary School IS 10-1957 Nabwanl Pnmary School 1-11-1957 M ululu Pnmary School 1-11-1957 A A C - Lutego Prlm ary School 1-t 1-1957 8532 Em uyundl Pnm ctry School 18-10-1957 K abusam bo Prlm ary School 1-(1-1957 8333 Eluche Prlmary School 18-10-4957 K lbaala Prtmary School 1-1 1-1957 8334 Khabgkoshe Prlmal'y Scîool 18-10-1957 Jem a&o Pnm ary school 1- l 1-1957 8335 M araba Prlm ary School 18-10-1957 Itegelo Prlm ary School 1- i 1-1957 8336 M ung ang a Plmèaky Suhool 15-10-1957 Galgedt Pllm ary School 1- l 1-1957 8337 Bulanda Prlm ary School 18-10-1957 E'l longo Plumaly School 1-11-1957 8338 U lwalll Prlm ary School 18-10-1957 D lgula Prlm aty School 1-l 1-1957 8339 M alaha Pnm ary School 18-10-1957 Galona Prlmary school 1- I 1-1957 8340 Shlkalam e Pllm arx School 18-10-1957 M ungavo Pmm ary School 1- l 1-1957 8341 Eshl Kam art Pllmary Sehool IS 10-1957 Shlru Pnmar: School 1 ! 1-1957 M H M - Vlvem be Pnm ary Sclzool 1-l 1-1957 8342 Isongo PrTm ary School 18-10-1957 Jebluvuk Pim mry School 1 11-1957 8343 M ukunga Pnm ary School 18-10-1957 K apchemugung Prlm ary School 1-11-1957 8344 M w ltotl Pmm ary School 18-10-1957 Chtakwa Prlm ary School 1-1 1-1957 8345 M ukoye Prlmarl School 18-10-1957 H obunaka Pnm arv School 1- l 1-1957 D E B - Chenzeywe Pllm aly Sehool 4-11-1957 8346 M am las M usllm Prtm aly School 18-10 1957 C havugame Prlmary School 4-l 1 1957 A A C -- M adna Pnm ary School 4-1 1-1957 8347 M ukhwt'ya Prlmary School 18 10-1957 Vunandl Pllmary School 4-11 1957 Vum ale Prlm ary School 4- l 1-1957 8348 N galrwe Pllmaly sl-hool 18-10-1957 e 8349 Luballg'o Prtm ary Scltool 18-10-1957 .E slmbaalo Pnmary Scheol 4- 11-1957 8350 N am amba Prlmary School 18 10 1957 W alodeyo Prlm ar) School 4-l 1-1957 8351 Ekam ashla Pllm aly School 18 10-1957 Glvogl Intermedlate School 4-1 1-1957 8352 Chepkollel Pllm ary School 19 10-1957 M adlra lntermedlato School 4- l 1-1957 8353 K lpkarwa Prlmary School 19 10 1957 M useyM a Interm ed4ate Suhool 4-1 1-1957 8354 Chpngam we Prlmary School 29-10-1957 Nyangoll lnteJm edlate Nohoel 4-l 1-1957 D E B - G ofbel G trls Interm edtate School 4-11-1457 8355 Llkont Prlmary School 29 10-1957 C Cz M - 8356 Tudol Prlm ary School 29-10 1957 8438 Bslrulo Pllm ary school 7-11-1457 H G M - 8439 Ebwlranyl Pnm ary School 7-11-1957 8357 Tudol Cathollc Prlm aly Sihool 29 10 1957 8440 Fpanga Prlm ary School 7-11-1457 P C F, A - 8441 Em atsuh Prlm aly School 7-11-1957 8358 G athklthl lntermedlate School 29-10-1957 8442 Eblyalu Prlm ary School 7-11 1O 7 8359 N dlalm lnt:rm edlate School 29-10 1957 8443 Ibubt Prlm ary School 7-11-1457 8360 K lnko Intelm edlate School 29-10-1957 8444 Fmanyla Prlm aly School 7-11-1457 8361 K arunlm Interm edtate Scheol 29-10-1957 8445 Esllabe Pnmary School 7-11 1957 8362 lhwa Interm edlate Sclxool 29-10-1957 8446 E' ssaba Prtmary School 7-11-1957 8363 Glthlm a lntelm idlate School 29-10 1957 8447 Ebuvlralo Prlm aly School 7-11-1:57 C C K - 8448 Pbubayt Pnm ary School 7 1 1 1Q57 8364 Bahatl Prim ary School 29-10-1957 8449 Ezssongole Pnm arv School 7-11-1957 M H M - 8450 IE bulonfra Prmlary School 7-11-1957 8365 N angtn t Ctnnvent Pnm ary School 29 10-1957 8451 M um boha Prlm ary School 7-11-1957 8452 (E slblla Pllm ary School 7-11-1957 A l M - 8453 K llmgtlt Pnm ary School 7-11-1957 8366 M utara Pnm ary School '30 10 1957 8454 IE bukanga Pnmary School 7-11-1957 8367 St Paul s Prlmaly School 30 10-1957 8455 M attlol Pnmary School 7-1 1-1957 A C - 8456 Ingotse Pnm aly School 7-11-1957 8368 Kurgung Intermedlate School 30 10 1957 8457 IE bushlangala Intelm edlate School 7-11-1957 A l M - 8458 tssalwa Interm edkate School 7 11-1957 8369 K oslrat Itztwrm edtate School 30-10-1957 8459 li kam bllll lntkrm ecllate School 7-11-1957 M H M - 8460 (E mustrk- Intermedlate School 7-11-1957 8370 Kablqaga Intetmedlate School 30 10-1957 H G M - D E B - 8461 M arlanhlll Gtrls H lgh Schoel 12-11-1957 8371 Gatale Forest School 30-10-1957 A C S - 8372 K im aku F olest Schoel 30 10-1:57 8462 Inyanza Prlmary *chool 12-1 1 1957 H G M - 8463 Itum bu Pnm ary Sclzool 12-11-1957 8373 Glthungul: Secondaly School 30-10 1957 8464 M wltulaa llrlm aly School 12-11-1957 M H M - A A C - 8374 Eluswl Prlm ary School 31 10-1957 8465 Namultmgu Prlm ary Schoel 12-1 1 1957 8375 Sham aloko Pllm ary School 31-10 1957 8466 M asaba Prlm ary school 12-11-1957 8376 K abutlk Pllm ary School 31-10-1957 8467 Lshlanam wenyull Prlm ary bchool 12-11-1957 8377 W am una Pnm aly School 31-10-1957 8468 (E shlanda Pnm ary School 12 11-1957 837: Chaptechl Pnm ary school 31 1() 1957 A C S - 7379 Shlkullenl Prlm arv School 31 10-1957 8469 K erongo Pllm al'y School 12-11-1957 8380 Slm boyl Prlm aly Sclaool 31-10-1957 A A C - 8381 H andem est Pltm ary Sk-hool 31-10 1957 8470 Ihonle Pmm ary School 12 11-1957 8382 Lwakhl lh-lmary Schoel 31-10-1957 8471 M usanda Luo lhlmal'y school 12-11-1957 8383 M usutswa Pnm ary School 31-10 1957 8472 M usanda Baluhya Prlm aly bchool 12 11-1957 8384 Sham akangtt Prlm ary School 31-10-1957 8473 Bum ala Prunary School 12-11-1957 333; Kholera Jnferm edlate Scheol J1-10 1957 8474 Nhlkunga Prlmary School 12-11-1957

.. . . - - .- ...w x. v w w w 28th January, 1958 TH B K EN Y A G A ZETTB 65

R eu sttattoll Date t# Regtstlatlon Date t# N o N am e ol d'càot?/ R egfstratfon Name t# Sckool Regtçtratton A C S - M H M - 8475 Em um atsl Pnm ary School 12-11-1957 8546 Ngenenet Przm ary School 20-11-1957 A A C - > 8547 Chebunye Prlmary School 20-11-1957 8476 Slnraha Pnm ary School 12-11-1957 8548 N danat Prlm aly School 20-11-1957 8477 Inala Prlm ar) School 12-11-1957 8549 Segem tk Prlmary School 20-11-1957 8478 Buchenya Prlm ary School 12-11-1957 8550 C hebang'ung Pnm aly Scllool 20-11-1957 8479 Eshltan Prlm aly School 12-11-1957 8551 Chtm elet Prlm ary School 20-11-1957 8480 Sldm dl Pnm ary School 12-11-1957 8552 K apsm endet Pnm ary School 20-11-1957 t8553 K apklstara Pnm arv School 20-11-1957 A C S - 8554 Tulwt,t Ap Buret Prlm ary School 20 11-1957 8481 Ham bala Prlm ary School 12-11-1957 8555 K aplong Gtlls Pnmary School 20-11-1957 8482 M unamz lnterm ethate Scho/l 12-11-1957 8556 K aplong Boys Prlm ary Schoel 20-11-1957 8483 M usando Luo lnterm edlate Schaol 12-1 1-1957 D 'i1 B - 8484 M udluero Intermedlate School 12-11-1957 5557 Rural Crafts School 20 11-1957 A A C - C C M - 8485 M anyala Prlmary School 12 11-1957 8558 K arlm wam aru Prlm ary Scheol 20-11 1957 8486 Lunza Prlm ary Sehoo! 12-1 1-1957 M H M - 8487 M unam l Pmm ary School 12-11-1957 8559 Kapkwen Prlm try School 20 11 1957 8488 M udhlm o Prlm ary School 12-11-1957 D E (B - 8489 M usanda Intcrm edlate School 12 11 1957 8560 K allvu Pl lm ary School 21-11 1957 D E B - 8561 U suenl Prlm ary School 21-11-1957 8490 llungu Prlm ary School 13-1 1-1957 A I M - s A - 8567 K angalu Pllm ary Sclltlol 21-11-1957 8491 Inanga Prlm ary School 13-11-1957 8563 K avalm Prlm ary School 21-11-1957 8492 M udungu Prlm ary 8chtlol 13 l 1-1957 8564 N zlnta Primal'y School 21-11-1957 8493 Bulukhom be Prlmary School 13 11-1957 H G M - 8494 Vlstru Prlm ary School 13-11-1957 8565 M kangom be Pnm ar) School 21 11-1957 8495 M adzuu Prlm arv %chool 13 11-1957 8566 Klpust Pllm aTy School 21-11-1957 8496 V yalu Pnm ar) Stheol 13-11 1957 A C S - . 8497 Chtikombere Prlmary Swhool 13 11 1957 8567 N dom e Interm edlate School 21-11 1957 8498 Chebunaywa Pnm ary School 13-1 1-1957 8568 St Peter s Cathcllc Pllm ary School 21-11-1957 8499 Jeptulu Pllmary %choel 13 1 1 1957 8569 M arula Fatrn Prlmary School 21-11-1957 8500 Butltl Prlmary School 13-11-1957 8570 Sabugo E'btate Prlmaly School 21-11-1957 8501 Boyanl Prtm aly School 13-11-1957 D E B - A I M - 8501 Pumwanl lntermedlate School 21 1 1 1957 8502# Bavunl Farm School 15-11-1957 A I M - C M - x 8572 slmotwa Inte'rhedmte school 21 I 1 1957 8503 Chandera Farm Schoel 15-1 1 1957 D L P - 8504 Selle Farm Pnm ary School 15-11 1957 8573 M uskut Pllm ary Scbool 21-11 1957 A I M - 8574 K oltlllal Pllm aly Schcol 21-11-1957 8505 M lanzlm Pllm aly School 15 1 1-1957 13 C M S - P C E A - 8575 Famkal Pllm ary School 22 11-1957 8506 Fleldtn Farm Prtm ary School 15 11-1957 8:76 Chestgon Prlm ary W hool 22-11-1957 8507 H opley s Farm School 15-11-1957 5577 K anyalkwat Prlm ary School 22-11-1957 C M - 8578 M orkwplt Prlm al School 22 11-1957 8508 G laham Farm Prlmary School 15-11-1957 8579 K ongelal Pmm aly School 22-11-1957 8509 Eldam a R avlne C atholle P-flm ary D E B - School 15-11 1957 8580 Chepalerla Prlm ary School 22-11-1957 D E B - 8581 Bom a Prtm ary School 22-11-1957 8510 N lcholson's Forcst School 15-11 1957 8582 Tokolto Prtmary School 22-11-1957 8511 A thlnal Prlm ary School 15-11-1957 8583 K alblblch Prlm ary Stbool 22 11-1957 A 1 M - 1) C M S - 8512 Sorok Prlmary School 18-11-1957 8584 N aso-kol Interm edlate School 22-11-1957 8513 Slnonln Prlm ar) School 18-11-1957 8585 Tartar Interm edlate Sthool 22 11-1957 8514 K lm ng orom Prtm ary School 18-11-1957 8586 Tartar Prlm ary School 22-11 1957 8515 K lsanana Prlm ary School 18 11 1957 8587 Serepo Prlm al) Schoel 22 1 1-1957 8516 K apkeln Prlm ary School 18-11-1957 8588 Lotongot .P1 lm ary School 22-11-1957 8517 Em enlng Prlm ary school 18-11-1957 8589 Ortum Girls Pnmary School 22-11-1957 8518 Em on Prlm ary Sthool 18-11 1957 8590 M bala Prlm arv School 22 11 1957 8519 N g'endalel Prlm ary Scheol 18-11-1957 8591 Lam ut Pllmary School 22-11-1957 8520 Saos Pnm al'y School 18-11 1957 8592 K aragolnl Farm Prlmary School 25-1 1-1957 8521 Slglro Prlmarl Schoel 18-11-1957 C C M - 8522 Slrwa Prlm al y School 18 11 1957 8593 Rum urutt Prlm ary School 25-11-1957 8523 Tenges Prlm ary School 18 11 1957 A A C - 8524 Tlnget Prlmary Skhool 18-1 1-1957 8594 Sluetmenel Pnm a'ry 8chool 25-11-1957 85/5 Torongo Prlm ar) School 18-11-1957 C C M - 26 K 1a O1a Prlmary School 19 11 1957 8595 G atanga Handlcrafts School 25-11 1957 C C M - 8596 Gatanga Domestlc Sclence School 25-11-1957 8527 M aralal Rural Tramlng School 19-11-1957 H G M - D E B - 8597 Ol'orlen Pmmary School 27-11-1957 8528 W am ba Prlm ary School 19-11-1957 A A C - 'M 1al Pllm ary School 19 8598 Phlllp s Prlnzary School 27-1 1-1957 8529 ava - 11-1957 B C M S - A l M - 8599 17c Pru'trt s Farm V hool 27-1 1-1957 8530 Slrata Olrabl Prlm ar) School 19-11-1957 8600 Sasum ua Farm School 27-11-1957 C C M - 8601 W lsdom 's Farm Schoo) 27-11-1957 8531 Baragol Prlm ary School 19 11-1957 8602 M anera Farm School 27 11-1957 8532 Tononoka N ursery School M om basa 19 11-1957 1-1 G M - H G.M - 8603 Chve Fazm School 27-11-1957 8533 M utati Pmm ary School 20 11-1957 8604 Stlon Farm School 27-11-1957 8534 K aratu Prlmary School 20-11-1957 C C M - 8535 G overnm tnt Som al! lnterm edsatc 8605 Klryafnt lntermedlate School 4-12-1957 School, Nalvaslaa 20 1 1-1957 8606 Gatura Intermedlatt School 4 12-1957 P C E A - A C C & S - 8536 Ngorano Prlm ary School 20 11-1957 8607 Glchaglnl In erm edlate School 4-12-1957 D B B - D E B - 8537 U asln Glshu Rural Tralnlng Centre 20 11 1957 8608 M bogttl fntelm edtate Sellool 4-12-1957 M H M - P C E A - 8538 K aplong Intermedlate School 20 1 1-1957 8609 N aaro Interm tdlate School tl 12-1957 8539 Tulw et A p Buret lnterm edlate A C - School 20 1 1-1 957 8610 Fort I1a11 lnturm edlate School 4-.12-1957 8540 K lpchlmchlm lntermedlate School q0-I 1-1957 P C b, A - 8541 Pelywek Prlm ary School 20 1 1 1957 8611 N lum bl Pzlmary Sehocl 10 12-1957 8542 K lpchlm chlm Pnm ary Scbool -*0-1 1-1957 ?612 Nanga Es'rt*e School 10-12 1957 8543 Tegat Pnm ary Sthool ,60 11-1957 H G M - 8544 Chesoen Prlmary School 20 1 l 1957 :613 M wanda Prlmary S( hool 11-12-1957 8545 K eleses Prlm ary School 20 J 1 7957 t 614 Noe cnyl Prlm aly Top School 1 1-12-1957 66 TH E K EN YA G AZET TE 28th January, 1958

Regïstratton Date (p/ GAZE'IQ'E NOTICE No 238 No Nanle oj s'c//tptp/ Reglstrtltïon IWM T 4/ 1) A C S - TH E W A'I'ER ORD IN AN CE, 1951 8615 W ongonyl Prlm a'ry 'l'op School 11-12-1957 (No 56 0/ 1951) 8616 Dlda Pllm ary Schocl 11-12-1957 ATPOINTMENT T0 M EMBERSHIP ()l* W ATER M PORTIONMI NT H G M - BOARD 8617 M kaom oto Prlm arv School 1 1 12-1957 D E B - IN PU RSU AN CE of the powcrs conferred by sectlon 21 of 8618 Port Tudol interm udlate Scllooi 11 12-1937 the W ater Ordm ance, 1951, the M lnlster for A grlcultule, Anlmal H G M - H usbandry and W ater Resources heleby appom ts- 8619 M tsenge Prtmarl Schoal 12-12-1957 THB SK RETARY F0R W ORKS 8620 Chlle Prtm ary School 12-12-1957 to be a m embel of thb W ater Apportlonm ent Boald wlth elect 8621 M agogonl Przm ary Sehool 12-12 1957 fl om the 1st day of January, 1958 M M S - 8622 l'qagwa D termedlate School 12 12-1957 D ated thts 16th day of J'anuary, 1958 H G M - 8623 K ahangrom be Ptm xaty School 12-12-1957 M ICH AEL BLU N D EI L, 8624 Kawala Prlm ary School 12 12 1957 M lnldfe) /or Agrlculture Antmal Hubbandry 8625 M akom boanl Prlmary Scheol 12-12-1957 and W ater Rebources 8626 St M artm 's lnterm edlate School 12-12-1957 8627 Glrlam a Intelm edlAtc School 12-12- 1957 GAZE'n'B N OTICB N o 239 M M S - IWM T 4/4 II) 8628 Lutsanganl Intelmedlate Sclzool 12 12-1937 TH E W ATER ORDINA N CE 1951 A I M - 8629 G eta Forost Scltool 16-12-1957 (N o 56 oj 1951) 8630 K tam bogo Prlmarv School 16-12-1957 APPOINTMENT T() M EMBERSHIP OF THE W ATBR RESOURCES 8631 St John s C athollc lntel m edlatt- ALTHORI'I'Y School 16 12 1957 IN EXERCISE of the powers confelred by sectlon 6 of 8632 Kltangwen Prlm ary Sohool 16 12 1957 the W ater Ordm anco, 1951, and of all other powers thereunto P C E A - enablzng hlm , the M m lster f or Agnculture, Am m al H usbandl'y 8633 Brynglas Prlmary School 16-12 1957 and W ater Reseurces hereby appom ts- 8634 Grove Farm Prlmary School 16 12-1957 8635 Kapslllat Pllm aly School 16 12 1957 THB Exectl-mvB OFFICBR, LAND DEVBI-OBMBNT BoAlm 8636 Zlwa Prlm ary Sohool 16-12-1957 (NON SCHEDIJI,ED AREAs) 8637 Labolet Prlmary School 16 12 1957 to be a m em ber of tlw W ater Resources Aufhorlty wîth elect D Fz B - from 1st day of January, 1958 8638 K lpkabus Porest School 16 12 1957 8639 Kapsaret Forest School 16-12-1957 Dated thls 16th day of Janlzary, 1958 8640 Kaptagat F'ôrest School 16 12-1957 C C M - M ICH AEL BLU N D ELL, 8641 St Lucy s Scheol for the Bllntl 16-12-1957 M tmstel ltpr Agrlculture Anlmal Hubbandry 8642 The N J1r1 Hlgh Schotyl 16 12 1957 tzrlcf I'Fcfer R esources SECOND SCHEDULF G AZETTE NoncE No 240 Reglstrattolt Date ol (l2 1 1 1 1) No Name t:# School Cancellatlon TH E TOW N SH IPS ORD IN AN CE 1088 J Tck and Jzll School 1 10 1957 Lcap 133) 1026 Rulru Fzuropedn School 19-12 1957 THB M Arlxol TowxsHlp COMMITTEE- APPOINTMENTS 2090 Trans Nzola Prlmaly %chool K ttal: 27-1 1 1957 2057 Chemehl Sugal Estatù Aslan Pllm ary IN EXERCISE of the powers ctm ferred by section 7 of the Schoel 12 12 1957 Townshlps Ordmance (Cap 133), tho M lnlster fo1 Local Govern- A I M - m ent, H e.alth and H oustng hereby appolnts- 5014 Stalllngs Prfm ary School 5-8 1957 D r Zoltan Roslngt,r 5994 N tcholsons Forest School 15 11 1957 M rs Cynthla Lucy Cathenne Bellhouse, A I M - M rs M argery Isabella M umford 7339 Sham anek Farm School 23 11 1957 M r Cectl W ngby Allem P C E A - M r Thom as Edward Alifree, 5044 N delya Prlmary School 9-12-1957 M r M oham edah M ulla A bdulal/, H G M - M r K asslm all N azerah Panlu 7596 M wanda Prlm ary School 1 1-12-1957 Shelkh Sallm bm Alyan el-N allwy, 6537 Slongorm Pllm arv Schoo) R C M , Shelkh Abdulla bm Salîm Bakhshweln, K aplong 24 12-1957 M r Abdull asul M ohamedbhal, Shetkh Om ar b1n D ahm an N alrobt W J D W AD LEY Shelkh &11 b1n Abdulla Baiucl)l 17th January, 1958 Dlnectol oj f'ffucf//stp/; M r Ishmuel Kengtt to be m em b:rs of the M allnch Townshlp Com m lttee for 1958 G Azs'rq'E N oncB N o 236 D ated thu 16th day of January, 1958 (T C /2/2/ 2q1) W B H AV ELOCK , TH E TRAFFIC ORD IN AN CE, 1953 M lnlster yor Local Goveznment Health alld Houslng (No 39 oj 1953) APPOINTME'NT oF D ulvlwG TBST EXAM INERS G u B,'rre N oencE No 241 IN EX ERC ISE of the powors oonfelred upon m e by sectlon 3 (121 116) of tho Traë c Ordlnance 1953 I hwreby appolnt- THE TOW N SH IPS O RDIN ANCE The Oë cer-ln-chargti, Em bu Pollce Statlon and Lcap 133) The Officfal-ln Chalgu M eru Pollce Statlon THE M ACHAKIJS Tow NsHlp CI>MMT-I'TEE.--APPIHNTM'BNTS to be dllwng test exam lnk-rs wlth tflkct fl om 14th Janualy 1958 IN EXERCISE of tbe powers conferred by sectlon 7 of the Townshlpq Ordmance (Cap 133), the M mlster for Local Govern- Dated thls 15th day of January 1958 ment H ealth and H oustng, hclebh appom ts- R C CATLIN G , The Dlstllct Commlssloner M achakos (Chaltmanb, Cokklnllssione; oj Pollce The M edltal Om cer of H ea1th, M achakos, M rs Clatre W tlson M l W tlham Peter Flancls W eblxr, GAZETTB N oencve N o 237 M r Stephen N zukl, M r John Davld M unyao M allnda, TH E TRAFFIC OR DINAN CE, 1953 M r Sohan Lal M am l, fNo 39 oj 1953) M r Deu lbhal Ashabhat Patel, M .x Janm obam ed Bbrahlm , Ro ko CLOSCRE ORDER- FALLS ROAD M r sadrudln N agp 'W oee, IN EX ERCISE of the powers confel red by sectlen 68 of M r M oham ed Al1, the Traë c Ordlnance 1453 the Thlka U rban Dlqtl Ict Councll to be m em bt rs of the M aehakos Townshlp Com mlttee fo1 1958 orderg that thts road shall be closed to all vehlcles of abovc 30 cwt unladun w elght Dated thls 16th day of Janualy 1958 N alrobl R T W RIGH T, W B H AVELOCK 21st January, 1958 Clelk J/ the Councll M mtstel /rv Local Gtzlzer/lpltm/ 116G1th f7?i: Ilouunng 28th January, 1958 THE KENYA GAZETTE 69

GAZBTTB N oTlcE N o 242 G AZE'I'TB N tm cs N o 246 (F/&$Ta4T'/9) LO AN S FOR H IGH ER EDUCATION GENERAL COST OB LW IN G (EXCLUDING THE Boald of M anagem ent fo: Educatlonal Loans wlll con- RENT), NAIROBI slder appllcatlons fl om tbe parents or guardtans of students TH E above lndex stood at 288 pom ts at 31st Decem ber, 1957 sublect to the followlng ocmdltlons - W AGE AozusTMrx'rs IxoEx 1 The parenu ol gual dlan of the student shall, at the date ot appllcatlon, be a perm anent resldent of the Colony The above Indtx stood at 275 polnts at 31st D ecem ber, 1957 2 The qtudent qhall have already been adm ltted to, or have obtalned thk, pl om lse of adm lsslon, to a unlvvlslty or m qtltu- There has been no change ln the above Index num bers slnce tlcm of hlghel educatlon 'Ihe parent or guardlan should state August, 1957 phether an appllcatlcm fol adm lsslon has been made through The base for both lndlces shown above zs 1939 = 100 the Educatlen Departm ent 3 The parent ol guat dlan shall make a wrltten declaratmn as to h1s financlal lnabtltty to m ake provlslen m whole or ln G AZB'I'I'B NOTICE No 243 part for the contm ued edumatton of the student TH E SOCIETIES RU LES, 1952 4 The candldate shall not be less than 17 years of age at the ttme of the apphcatlon PURSUAN T to rule 18 of 'the above-m entloned Rules notlce ls hereby gwen that approval has been p antod for a change of 5 Tbe parent ol guardlan shall gtve ploof of such reason- name of the N orth N genya A ssocnatlon, N alrobx, whlch ls able seeurlty as the Beard of M anagem ent shall requlle The hertqfte' called the- secumty m ay take tht. folm of rdortgage on property, lnsurance pollcles wlth an adequate surrender valut or personal bonds N ORTH (JGENYA Uxlox, NAIROBI slgned by substantlal cltlzons D ated at N alrob! lhls 21st day of January, 1958 6 Paym ent of loans wtll be m adc ln lnstalments over a perlod of study, and m telest wtll be payable on each m stal D J COW A RD , m ent at the late of 4.:. per cent per annum Reglç//tz? of Soctehes 7 Loarts shall bc 1 epmd, together wlth lnterest, over a pertod of not m ote than ught years the srst lnstalm ent ot such lepavm cnt to be oald not m ore than 18 m onths after G AZE'I'TB N oerlcE No 244 the recclpt of the last m stalm ent of the loan 8 Students ln respeut of whom loans a!e lssued wl11 be EM T A FRICAN RAILW AYS AN D H ARBOU RS expected to retuln to the Colony and take up em ploym ent A MENDM ENT To 'TARIFF B(m K N o 2 irt tt on com pletlon of thelr studtes Appljcatlons f m educatlon loans sheuld be addressed to the The East Afrlc-an Rarlways and Halbours A dm mtstratlon Secretary The Board of M anagem ent for Educatlonal Loans, gives notlce that wlth eflkct from 1st October, 1957, the follow- P O Box 30040, N alrolM and should Teach hun bef oTe 31st 1ng am endm ent has been m ade to Tarll Book N o 2 - M arch, 1958 PAGE 132- SE(aTIûN 156 A dd to the exlstmg entry f or Ltm e and Llmestone the G AZB'I'TB N olqcE N o 247 follow m g - Llm e, Hldrate of, from Tororo to - TH E REG ISTRATION OF PERSON S ORD IN AN CE R ate pEv 100 lb W ap 50) Sh cts A PeOINTM BNr N am aganda 67 IN EXERC ISFZ of the powers conferred uptm m e by sub- K amuh 67 sectlon (2) of sectlon 4 of the Reglstlatlon of Persons Ordlnance M bulam utl 67 l hereby appolnt the person named m the Schedule hereto Luzlnga 67 to be H on R eglstratyon O ë cer fer the purpose of the K aktra 67 01 dlnance wlth elfect fl om the date shown agam st h1s nam e Jlnla 67 N yenga 1 11 SczlBouz-E Lubanyl 1 11 Ptovtnce - central Kawolp 1 11 Seta 1 11 Name qnd tztfd,clç - M r C O Pndeaux c/o Dwa Plantattons M ukono 1 11 Llm tted, P O K lbwezl N am anlve 1 11 Date - 21st January, 1958 Kampala 1 11 Area 0/ lultsdtctton - M achakos Dlstnct Frelght charges wzll be ralsed on the full carrp ng capamty Nalrob l y N E H UCKLE of the wagons used 2l&t Jantuary, 1958 X cflng Prlrlclpcl Regtstear C I NVOTH BRSPOON , jor General uanager GAD 'I-I'E N oTlcB N o 248 THE RECORDS (DISPOSAL) ORDINANCE G AZBTTB N oTlcE No 245 (Cap IX Nolqcrs oF lxlo oso DESTRUCTION or COURT RECORDS CEAECRAL TEN DER BOAA D N OTICE ls hereby gtven that three m onths from the date TENDBR FoR K D UNIFORM GARMENTS of thls notsce applkcatlon wtll bke m ade to 1he Honourable the Chlef Jusuce for leave to destroy the records of the Court of TEN DERS are m wted for the suppl) of K D unlform the Resldent M aglstrate at M om bam as set out below - garm cnts on a cut, make and tnm basls from rnatertal supplled by the Sugphes and Transport Department for dehvery aftcr Year Ck tm lnql Proceedkngs N um bered 1st July, 1958 1945 1 to 21, 23 to 108, 110 to 123, 125, 127 to , 129 Tender f orm s, glvlng f ull detetls, wzll be lssued on appllcatlon bt o 410986, 4119O8 toto 442 53 ,0, 44273 2t o to6 63,1 06 653 1t2o t8o0 93 ,728 j1 37to4 to the underslgned 906, 908 to 981, 983 to 1 129, 1131 to 1282, 1284 Tenders on the f orm s provlded, must be enclosed ln a plaln to 1423, 1425 to 1441, 1443 to 1474, 1476 to 1594, sealed tnvelope marked SErl-ender f or K D U ntform s'' and sub 1596 to 1624, 1626 to 172 0 , 1722 to 203 4, 2036 to m lttod b; reglstertd post so as to reach the underszgnezd or be 2185, 2187 to 2248, 2250 to 2441, 2443, 2445 to 2457, placed ln the tender box sltuated ln Room N o 7, Lakhamshj 2459 to 2507, 2509 to 2695, 2697 to 2732, 2734 to H ouse, Eazaar Street, N alrobl, not later than noon on 18th 3212, 3214 to 32l 7 ,3219 to 3222, 3224 to 3632, 3634 February, 1958 to 3804, 3806 to 4019, 4021 to 4050, 4052 to 4078, 4081 to 4104, 4106 to 4164, 4166 to 417 7 ,4179 to Tenders not so addressed and endorsed aTe ltable to be 4182, 4184 to 432 6 ,4328 to 4537, 4539 to 4553, 4555 relectod, and any tender lecewed after the stated ttme and to 4621, 4623 to 4746, 4748 to 4791, 4793 to 4896, date wtll not be consldered 4898 to 4899 5001 to 5066, 5068 to 5070, 5072 to 5078 5080 to 5113 5115 to 5421 The Board does not blnd ltself to accept the lowest or any tende'r and reserves the rlght to aocept any tender m part, Any person deslnng the returc of an exhlblt m any of the unless a tenderer expressly stlpulates to the contra'ry above cases m ust m ake good h1s clalm before 1st M ay, 1958 A11 exhlblts to whlcb no clmm ls substaem tlated as above wlll A B TOW E, be llable to be lncluded m the order for destructlon Secrety y, Central Tender Board, M ombasa, C V BOYLE, P O Box 30071: Nclrobl 18th January, 1958 Restdent M agutrate, M om basa 68 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 28th January, 1952

G AZB'ITB No'ncs No 249 G/zE'I-rE No'ncs No 251 (QUARIOj H BR M M ESTY S SU PREM E COD RT OF K ENY A supRsMs cotm'r CRIMINAI ssssloxs A'I- N ysRl, 3-2-58 TH E A N TM AL D I*EA SES ORD INANCE (Cap 213) Em erg:nk,y Asslze Cr C N o 1 / 58 Reglna v.ç M 'Andelebe s/o M utuutmarl and IN EX ERCISE of the powt-rs conferred by sectlert 4 of D t-arla M lanpluba s/o Semlon Ndmga, the Am m al D oeases Ordm ance, I hereby dedare,- alïas Thom as (c) the areas descrlbed ln Schedule 1 Schedule 11 antl Schedulu Cr C N o 215/77 Reglna vç M M uchena s/o M 'Kzrlgla lIl to be itlnfected areas' m respect of the dlseasus Cr C No 226/57 Reglna vy Karlokl %Io Nganga mdtcated at th( head of such Sohedules and Cr C No 247/07 Regma vç Abselom M ahonga Cr C N o 248/57 Regma v.y W llson W aslke (bj the nottct's speclûed In the tirst column of Schedule IV Cr C N cp 260/57 Reglna vç Kanokl s/o Nhunllrl to be amended m the m anner speclhetl ln the second column of such Schedule E J CARTHEW , D ïstrtct Repzflfg Kabetc, K D S M ACOW AN , Nyel 1, H M J'lfp? eme Court oj K enyg 22nd January, 1958 Dttecto :)/ Vetolno y Servtces 17th Janualy, 1958 N yert Dlyf/lcf Reglstry SCHEDIJI.B I- FooI-ANo M OIJTH D IsEAsE GAZBTTB NoTlcs N o 250 L O 5314, 5315 and 53 16 , N M Snym an, Esq , P O Bchx 59, rurbo U asln Glshu D tstrtct FEDBRATION OF BRITISH SCH OLARSH IPS L O 3668 , A EB Patllck, Esq , K lplef, Sotlk , Sotlk D lstnct L O 3666 , F Cam pbell-W llson, Esq , M oyet, Sotlk Sotjk OvERsEzs Scl-lotaARslues I olt ENGINEERING GlunuA'rss D lstnct APPLICATIONS are m vlted for the award of scholarshlps L O 36667 7 , C W M urlel, fwsq , Leldalz Sotlk , Sotlk D jstrlct whtch form part of a schem : m stltuted by the Federatlon of Brltlsh lndustnes to provlde graduate englncers flom overseas Gattm du Dlvlsjon of K lam bu Reservç The D lstrlct Com mls- wlth practlcal tram m g m lndustnal establlshm ents ln the Um ted stonor, K lam bu , K jam bu D lstrtct Km gdom Sam buru Ranch , The Dlstrlct Com m zssloner, M alalal , Sambulu D lstrlct The suholarshlps cdered by the Federatton are of tluee typeS Bunyore, K lsa and N orth and South M aragoll Locatlons The Dtstllct Com m lsstene! , K akam ega , North Nyanza D lstrlct Type .4 - 17e1 recently gfaduated englneers Thry provlde t'amm g fo) two yeals and ltvlng expenses at the rate of :426 pcl annum , free of lncomv tax They also cover the cost ScHlmtmE lI- F'olrla Pss'r (NEWCAS-I'J-B D1sE&sE) of travel to and flom Brltaln They are awarded te candldatk.s L O 4148 /5 , J R W ood, Esq , Thlllrlka Estate, P O Rulrtt , of speclal m erit who would othelwise be unable to take Thtka D lstrict advantage of the tralnm g facllltles cdered Aguthl, Thegertge and Tetu Locatlons The D tstrlct Com mls T) pe B - A1so f or recently graduated englneers They pro- slonçr, N ycn , N yerl D lstrw t vlde tralnlng for two years and llvjng expenses at the rate of f 426 per annum , f ree of m com c tax, but d.o not cover the SC/EDIJLE I.II- SHEEP SCAB cost of travel Successful cattdldates m e reqm red to pay thelr passagus to Brltam and to deposlt m adv m ce the cest ol thelr L O 4634, 2822 and 2810 , G M urray, Esq , M aranla Llm ited hom eward pgssages P O Tlrnau N anyukl D lstrlct , Tnpe C .- ror m ole experlenced apphcants They plovzde tralnlng from stx to twelve m onths and tht. m alor part of SCHEDUI-B IV lm ng expenses They are, deçlgned for the benellt of practlslng englneers whose em ployers, w hethel pubhc or prlvate olgam za Ftrst Column Settlnd Column tlons or G ovelnm ent depal tm ents, ale wllltng to release them Gazette Notloe N o 2423 By deletmg from Schedule l (East temporarily and support tbl-n apphoatlons Huccessful candl- dated the 4th day of Coast Fever) thcreto the follow- dates qre lequlred to contllbute to thelr malntenancu at the July, 1957 1nj - rate ot f 100 a yeal T hey are also requlred to pay thetr :L () 2234 I M W oodley pas> ges to Brltatr and to deposjt m advance the cost of thet'r F-aq , P O Box 12 M m ben , hom en ard passages T hey recelve m alntenance payznents from U asln Glshu D tvtrtct$, , the Fedel atlon at the late of :500 p01 attttum , free of tacom e ççlw O 888/2 P W Enslm, tax Esq P O Bldm et , Uasln? Gzshu Qualkficatïons D lstrtct '' A11 applzcants m ust- Gazette Notlce N o 2499 Bsr deletmg from Schcdule I (East ((0 lleld a degrte ot dlploma trt engmtcrmg lssued by a kecog- dated tbe 11th day of Coast Fever) tbçreto the follow- m zed umverqzt: f aculty, m stltufe or scheol July, 1957 1nj - ,

GzNzsrrB N orncz N o 252 G AZETTE Norlcs N o 257 LAST APRICAN COM M ISSION ER CIVIL A IRCRAIRT ACCIDEN T A SSUMPTION OF D UTIES IxspEt ToR s INv1 STIGATION IT Is hereby notï vd that s1r A rtlm r Klrby, K B IE , c M G , , assum ed tlze dutles cd East Afncan conum ssloner zn London N OTICE ls hereby glven that an Inspector s m vestlgatlon on 13tl1 January, 1958 'S takm g place lnto the cause of the accldent Mhlch occurred on 20th Januar y , 1958, 27 m lles north east of M agadl, K eny a, F. N GRIFFITH -JON ES, to Raplde VP-KLL reglstered and operated m the nam e of Actlng chlej Seoetary Caspalr tlmlted Any pe1 sons lntelested pho deslre to make representatlons as to the m rcum stances or cause of the accldent should do G Azsrrs N o'ricl N o 253 so m wlztmg to the f-hlef Inspector of Accsdents, Olce of 1he Comm lsslcmel fol Transport, P O Bex 30121, Nalrobl, CENTRAL W HIR EY COUNCIL K enya, wltlun 14 days of thls notlct and should quote the AppolxTMExT reference ACC /2/ 1958 IT IS noté ed for general lnform atlon that the Governor has been pleased to appomt- Dated thls 25th day of January, 1958 DR S S BHARI- AJA to bt a m ember af the Stal Slde of the Counml, vlce J V GAZBTTB N olqcB No 258 Plm enta, Esq (LND 3111 102) E, N GRIFFITH -TON ES Actlltg Chlej Secretary THE LAND ACQUB ITION ACT, 1894, OF INDIA Alœolx'rm x'r GAZET'Z'S N orzcE N o 254 IN EXERCISE of the powers conf erred by sectlons 3 and 7 (121104) of the Land Acqusltlon Act, 1894, of Indla, and of a1l othtr powers hereunto h1m enabllng, the Governel has appomted- TH B M U N ICIPM ITIES ORD IN AN CE AI-FRI D D otlG! A% SAVEET A R I c s , 17 A I (Cap 136) A PPOINTM ENT TO ELDORET M UNICIPAL BOARD to perfolm the functlons of Collector under tlae aforesald A ct In relatlon to the area of land set out tn tho Schedule to IN BXERCISE of the pop ers conferred by sectlcm 14 of G azette N otlce N o 4358 dated the 20th tlay of Decem ber, 1957, the M unlclpahtyes Ordmance (Cap 136), the M mtster for Looal and has dlrocted the rsald Alfred D ouglas Swet t, A R I c a z G overnm ent, Hea1th and H ousm g hertby appom ts- F A I , to take order for the acqmsltlcm of the sald land M R K BNNEI.H EDw ARD BVERY M ILI ER to be a mem ber of tlze Eldoret M untclpal Bodrd for a perlod Dated thss 22nd day of January, 1958 of tbree years fl om the date of thls notlce By Comm and of the Governor D atod thls 16th day of January, 1958 W B H AVELOCK , W F COU W S, M tmster /Jr Local G/verrlzaenf Reqlth and S/uxmg M lntster /o? Educatton Labour and Lands

G wz: 'rqv N on cE No 255 GAZED'E N tm cs No 259 (LND 3 / 1 / 102) D EPARTM BNT OF THE REGB TRM GGENERAL THE LAN D ACQUB ITION ACT, 1894 OF IN DIA W ITH elect from M onday, 3rd February, 1958, the oë ces of the Reglstrar-Geniral, Ofllctal Recelver and Pubhc Trustee A PPCHNTMENT - wjll be rem oved from Iwaw Courts Bkuldm g to Central G ovorn. m ent Bmldm g, N alrobl Tho new telephone num ber w111 be IN EXERCISE of the powel s conferred by sectlons 3 and 7 N airobz 24221, the Post Ofice Box number 30031, and the of the t and Acqm sltlon Act 1894, of Itzdla, and of al1 other telegraphtc address, t6lntestate , w11l lem aln unchanged powers hereunto h1m tnablm g, the G overnol has appomted- The om ces wtll be closed to the publlc ont the mornlng of A LPRPD DOU(;LAS S'Bœl T, A R l t .% j F A ! W turday, 1st February, 1958 vtce G oorge A Tyso n y c M G , F tt I c s , to perform the func- tlons of Collector under the aforesald Act m relatlon to tlle Gwzf 'G'E N orrlcB No 256 aleas of land set out ln the Schedules to Gazette N ouces N os 384.4 dated the 14th

Any person desnm g the return of a.n exhlbtt m any of the N os 355351-355400 above cases m ust make good clatm before the 70th day of Aprll, 1958 N o persom who plestnts any ol the sald ordûr folms to any tladel has authorlty to do so, and respenstblllty cannot be A11 exblblt: to whlch no cldlm ls substantm ted as above w111 accepted for logses whlch m ay bt m curred by any trader who be lmble to be mcluded zn the order for destnzctlon supphes goods to such person Anyone to whom any of the satd Dated at Nalrobl tius 14th day of January, 1958 ordel f orm s ls presented sbould znlbrm the pohce and the M lnlstry of Agrtculture, P 0 Box 30028, N alrobl lt G C K IN G , Resgdent M agtstrate y CouçEt x(CecIuvltlt)v, eN oa/vloceb/t ! F FONSECA Iot Ferzzl/nenf Seoetary ytzr Agrtculture 70 TH B K EN Y A G A ZER'TE 28th January, 1958

G AZBTTB N o'ncE No 261 G AZBTTE NOTICB N o 263 (.4.d 22/5/9) EM T AFRIC XN RA ILW M S AN D H ARBOU RS THE LEGB LA FIVE COUNCIL (ATRICAN Asjsxpxlsxv To AARISF Boo/ No REPRESENTATIONA ORDINAN CE, 1956 TH E (E ast Aflacan Rallways and Harboura A dzm m stratton çNo 10 ol 1956) glves notlce thgt p1th eiïect from 31st Deçember 1957 tlàe A followm g am endment has been made to Tarlf Book N ty 2 - l>lyolxTMl N'r op Sto sftvlsoR os A lvRlcAx ELECTIONS ANo oF Asslsn x'r Suiysllvlsoits os AFRICAX El-ec'rloxs PAGE 183- SEC.TtoN l60 Insert tlndel the sldlngs fol Jlnja IN EXERC ISE of the popel q conforred by sectlons 6 and 7 of the Lcglslatwe Counoll (Afrlcan Representatton) Ordmance, Slèhïon 1956, the G overnor hereby appom ts- Controlllng Ntzznt of mlleage of Charg. Jlcz Statton J'lzflpg take-oF loaded Ifzllr M R R D F RVLANP to be Supelvlsor of Afrjcan Electllm s and the persons holdfng Jlnla Absaldttmolgr 1 Jmla il Sb 5 the ollicel set out ln the 51st column of tho Schedule herwto to be Asslstant Supervlsprs ef Afllcan 'Electlons for the several N all chbl, C I W OTH BRSPOON , eleotoral areas respeotwely set out m tlle second colunm of the 16th January, 1958 jor G eno al M anager sald schedule Gazette N otlce N o 2429 dated tlw 11th day of Augqst, 1956, GAzErrs N tm c: N o 264 ls heleby c'anteellod EAST AFRICAN RAILW AY S AN D H ARBO URS Scl-m out.e AMENDMENT TO TARH F BOOk X O 2 THE Fast A trzcan Rallways and H arbours glves nottce that Iust Colum n é'ectzaff C olum n wlth effect from 1st February, 1958 ttte followlng am endm ent The Dtqtnct Cortmusszoncr, Central Rtft haq been m ade to 'l-allfï Book N o 2 - PAGE 126- SEcTIoN 156 The D tçtnct Cormm Kstoner, Southern A rea Ke1 tcllo D elete- The D zçtnct Colm m ssloner, N yerz znd Eztabu Enam elled A ale, as H ardwale N yt.n lz?â'e? t- 'I'he D zçtrlct Com mlssloner, Central Provlnce South K tam bu Lnamelled W ale- The D tstnct Connm lsszoner, M achakos e o h p Class 4 M ackakos FoT Export- The Dzvtnct Conm usszoner, M om bgsa A 1 ea S Q C lass 7 M em bar,a W L 22,400 lb Class 8 C I W OTHER SPOON , D ated thts 21wt (Iay of January, 1958 //? Genoal M anage

G>zE't% N oTjc: N o 265 By Comm and of tbe G ovelnol IN H ER M M ESTY 'S COU RT OF APPEAL FOR EASTERN AFRICA AT N A IROBI C M JOH N S3 ON CAuss 1,)sI M mlster jor Ajrtcan azl#tz/?.ç W ednesday, 29th January, 1958 Fot S'cfz/ lng (? ltle 66 f4)) Clj J/ Appettln No 42/56 The Collector v.ç The Juma M asgd Trustees No 43 /56 The Collector ) .& Abdulla Rahmntulla GAzsr'rs NoencE N o 262 Ne 44/ 56 The Collectoë vx Abdulla Rahlmtglla (.4..4 22/5/ 10) In C ourt at 10 30 a m THE LEGB LA TIW COU NCTL (APRICAN z. F o3 S eaping Cw ll A ppeal REPRESENTATION) ORDINANCB, 1Q56 No 46/57 Slater and W hlttaker Ltd Fadw ard W iuttake: IN o 10 0/ 1956) and two others APPOINIMENT 0F RETURNING OFFICERS Thurwday 3()th Tanuary, 1958, at 10 30 a m For S ccrlng Cwtl Xrphctz/lcv? IN BXERE ISE of the powers confelred by sectlon 9 of tlte Leglslattve Counull (Afllcan Replesenotton) Ordmance, 1956, N o 9/57 Hasham Jlwa , ç Chlmanbhzu M otlbhal Patel and the Govelnor hereby appomts the cc oers nam el m the 51st :wo oth/rs tradlng as Chlm anbhat M otlbhal colum n of thC Schedule hereto to l)e Returnm g Oflicers for the Patel severzl electoral aleas spemfied m the second colum n of tlle Fot H eal tng C'lvd/ Appeal sald Schedule Ne 76/57 The Comm lsslonel of l-ands Shetkh M ohamed Scm ogt.B Bashjr Fnday, 3 lst January, 1958 at 10.30 a m FI?J/ Colunln Second Colum n Fo' .J.'& twf//g Clvll dppt al Ae/lfrzl/zig Ofiict ; Electonal Area 'Nty 76/57 The Comnuxsloner of Lands )).ç Shetkh M ohamed The Dtstrlct Comm tssloner Centlal Rtft Baslm N akuru N alrobl 17 H ARLAN D The Dlstrlct Com m zssloner Southern Area 25th Jttnuary 1968 kegï,soaï K encho n e D lstrlct Com mzqsloner, N yell and Em bu Nyem e GAZFTTE N or cl No 26ô The Dlstnct Comm lssloner Ct ntral Provlnce South K lam bu IN HER M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KEW A The D zstnct Com m lqsloner, M achakos AT M OM BA SA M achakos 'I'he D zstrlct Com m lssloner, M om basa A rea SVPREME COURT CRISUNAL SBSStONS A.T M OMBASX 2! 1-58 M ombasa Cr C Nö 35/57 Repna vy Nyambuche s/o Owato Cr G, Nö 38/57 Reglna v, Francls Iuma s/o M usungu Cr C Nch 39/57 Reglna vâ (1) M uchangl s/o trum btc (2) D ated tlus 28th day of January, 1958 W alter Klronzo s/o M akune and (3) Nguna q/o Ngumbu Cr C N0 1/58 Regm a vs M ohamed Bakarl Cr C Nö 2/58 Rem a v.ç M ohame; Bakan By Com mand of tbe G ovornor Cr C No 3/58 Regma 'e,v M ohame; Bakan Cr C NO 5158 Regna vs Enc Edward Johnson M znCls toM j oJrO adH/rNlcStTwO ANg,alrs S P NUNES, Actm g D eputy Regkstrar

v w w w w - W - w w . . o -o x x x x x a x x a . x x . x a a . . m . .c 28th January, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE # 71

G &zB'rTL No'rlcE No 267 TH E, TR AN SPORT LIC EN SING ORD INANCE qcap 237) TH E underm entloned appllcatlons whlch were defelred at N all ob1 on 6th Janualy, &1958 ha% now been apprtned

P A RU SSELL, Executlve Oytw Tt anspot t fafccalfzâg Board P O Box 820 Natrob' $ B'' C ARRIBRS' IwlcBxcEs NB/ B/ 7/ s8- Nluguna s/o Kamatz P O Box 116, Thtka Route NB/ B/ 14/ 58- DenIs Gattlmu, c/o Cathellc M lsslon, Roco, P 0 Fort H all Dlstrlct-Em bu D lstrlct Thlka-Nalrobl K andara, Thlka Rouve Fort Hall Dtstnct Thlka- Returnmg empty Nalrobl Fort Hall (3-ton vehlcle ) Nalrobl Returnmg empty Nalrobl-Fort Hall (K BH 9/58--NJoroJe Kamau, Looatlon 17 Kamahuha P O 363, 3 tons ) M aragua Raute Fort Hall Dlstrlct-Thlka-Nalrobl 23/ 58- Samue1 W aweru s/o Nlologe, P O Box 144, Rmru Returnlng empty Nalrobl-Folt Hall (3-ton vehtcle ) Route Klambu Dlstllct-Thlka-Rul- -Nalrobl (21.- 10 Jss--r hdrles Nganga s/ o M uchlrl Locatlon 17, Kaka ton vehlcle ) huha P O M alagoll R oute Folt H all DTstrlct TLB 1 83- Pa1a Sm gh K an Slngh, P O Box 25, Fort H all Thlka-N qlrobl Retulnlng empty N alrobl (i: ort H all Varmtlon of route to add Tinka-N atrobl Return- (3-ton Nehlcle ) lng empty Nalrobl-Fort Hall Prtsent route Fort 1 1 /s8- Glchuru s/o Gachelu, Locatlon 17, K amahlha Hall-lsmbu and wlthln Fort Hall Natl:e Reserve P O M aragoll Route Folt Hall Dlstrlct Thtka (T 8783 3 tons ) Nalrobl Retulnlng empty NaTrobt Fort H tl1 (3-ton 53 /58- Ruben Nganga s/ o K agoll, P O Box 23, M aragua vehlclc ) Route Fort Hall Thlka-N alrobl Returnm g empty 13 /58 .-Ka.lanla s /0 ltul la and lklmanl slo Kanuua Nqlrobl-Fort Hall (KFS 591, 3 tons ) Lotatlon 4 K andara P O -1 luka Route Fort 48 i a8--Om ar1 Kamau and C ompany P O Box 157, Thlka Hall Dlstrlct-'l h'tka-Nall obl Returning em pty Route 'Ihlka K lam bu-Fort Hall-Nalrobl Return Natrob: Fort Hall (T 5576 ) mg em pty Nalrobl Fort Hail (One vehlcle )

G AZETTE N OTICE N o 268 the Chtet Secretaly Prjvate Bag, Dar es Salaam , or from the Secretarlat of the te1 mtory m whlch they are resldlng A ppllca- CEN TRAL FEND ER BOA RD tlons from servmg G overnm ent oë cers should be accompam ed by com pleted P /2 form s ln dupllcate, and the com ments of the TSNDRR FoR SCRAP M ATSRIAI.S head of departm cnt or Provm cml C omm lssloner as regards tht TEN DERS are m vlted for the pulchase of approxlm ately appllcaqt $; sulgabllity fo: the post together m th a detatled 500 wooden patklng caqe ends 2ft x 3ft , 500 N os packlng confderttlal 1 eport reel ends 24111 dlam eter , and a quantlt) of em pty uooden balrels , together wlth a quantlty of short lengths of bahng w lre G AZBTTE NOTICE N 0 270 Tendel forms, glvlng full detalls w1ll be lssued on apphca- VACAN CIES IN TH E SERVICE OF 'IH E K EN YA tton to ttw urïdevslgned GOVERN M EU Tendels on the form s pl ovlded, m ust be enclosed m a C IN 11 SSR: 1cE Cowfm sslox plam sealed envelope m arked $ Tender tor Scrap M atenal ' and subm ltted by reglstered post so as to reach the underslgned or A PPI- IC KTION S arv Invlted for the folloplng posts and be placed ln the Tender Box sttuated ln Room N o 7 must bt submltted to the Stqretary Cwll Servlce Com m lsslon I akham sitl H ouse, Bazaal Street, N mrobl, not later than noon Pllvqte Bag N allob to reach hlm by 18th February, 1958 on 13th Februaly 1958 C w ll servants m ust subm it thetr appllcattons through heads of Tenders not so addressed and endorsed are hable to be departmetzts A11 appllca'lons to bc subm ltted tyn Form CSC 2, relected and any tender recelved aftel the stated tlm e and dctte lt'l tnpltcate w hlch ls ubtalnable ff em the Secletary p 111 aot be consldeled t-a5r?lfl Office; j (Fwt? Po%tù- Labour Dtzptp tment The Board does not blnd ltself to accept the lowest or any Salary scale 85 - 2 tender and lestl ves the rlght to accept anà tender ln part, :678 bv 1.27 to 1,759 by E30 to E789 f879 by f33 to f912 unless a tenderer exm essly stm tzlates to the contrary bv .E36 to :984 El,0z0.0 by $36 to i,1 056 by f39 to E1,U9# A B TOW E, by f 21:! to f 1, 1 37 f 1c 1 79 by f42 to t,1 263 by 1.45 toy Secretary, E1,308 (M en ) PENSIONABLE Central Tender Board f 678 by E27 to E759 bv f30 to :789 :819 by f.3û to E879 P O Box 30071, N atrobl by f 33 to f 912 f945 by 1,36 to f 1,056 f 1 2095 by f 42 to E 1,263 by 145 to f 1 308 (W omen ) PENSIONABLE A unîNcl qlty dcgreu w ould bc ln advantage, but ls not essen G/ztrrrs NCTICE Nt) 269 tlal pt ovlded candld ltes bave a hlgh general standard of educa- (EB 29/68/01) tlon lnlttatlvt and a qtrong pltaslng pel sonallty are qualltles NACAN CR IN TAN GAN Y IK A partlctllpllv retnulltd Prwvlous admlnlstratlve expcrlencc ls desjrable Dutles c?l q I-ab/ur Om cer cntall the enforcem ent of PgeLtc SLRVICE Covpllsslox the laboul lawo of tht- Colony and lnclude the lnspectlon of farm s qnd othwl places of cm ployment One of the posts ls for Chatgen3an M tl chanlc D epat /'???F?l/ o.f Getp/tzget'?? v%111 t e?; ' wom ln In N alrobl whose dutlt s would be ln connexlon with APPLICATION S are lnvlted fol a >acancy of 2 Chargem an the employm ent of wom en 3nd uvenyles A m arrled wom an, M echanlc ln the D epattfnent of Geologtcal Sulvey The post If qppolnted U ould bc placed on Lemporaly term s ln the whlch ls non-pt nstonable u 11 lles the baslc salary scale TC5 q'uqle ot f 762 to t.l 452 pel annum l.e f 624 by t27 lo :732 per annum The succes%ful candtdate ql1l be appolntcd -on contrqtt provldlng fo3 tht paym ent of a gratulty at the late cf 13.1. peI cent of salqry Leave and transpcnt Othee .,4.$ vlstant (.La/)/ tn Fc?;J-- M 'nlshy oj Legal ,4#t?1, ç prlvllvges w lll be tn accol d tnce wlth tht regulatlons Salu r y scale C6--5 Candtclates should be bf-tween 25 and 35 years of age and f 576 by â21 to :597 E624 by f 27 to f 732 (M en or W omen ) should have served a full apprentlceship wlth a m echanlcal PEN SION ABLE cnglneering firm of good standlng ol a galage of repute and should have had at lepst flve years experlence as a m otor Candldates should have passqd the Cam brldge School Cerbfi- Aehlcle m echanlc lt would bc to an appll nt s advan age lf cate ol an equlvalent exam lnatton Prefelence w 1l1 be glven to he was famlhal wlth Bedford 1ol rles and nd-Ro&ers whlch candldates wlth ni evlous experlence or tralnlng ln hbrarv work com prlse the bnlk of the fleet wtth whlch he would be called K nowledge of law, or expenenct ln a legal oflicc ls deslrable upon to deal but not aq essenaal qualllicatlon D utles of the post tnclude the c.a1 e of the law llbrary of the M m lstry of Legal Aflatrs and The selected candldate would be required to work wlth a other dutles conneeted with leglslatlon M armtd women w1ll m lnjm um supervlslon and d1! ect the eforts and assum e respon be consldered fo1 appom tment on temporar.y term s m the scale slblllty fol the work of a sm all gang of subordm ate mechanlcs of f 651 to f 819 per annum Appllcatlons vhould be f olwardezd to the Secretary, Publlc Servlce C em m ls%lon, Prlvate Bag, D ar es > laam , to reach blm not later than 24th February, 1958 The appllcants should sub- f'or tllms and condltlons of strwcc for penslonable posts m1t thelr appllcanons In wrltlng, together wlth com pleted appllca pleast see che Keny,k G azette dated 3rd Decem ber, 1957, or the tlon form s (P/ l), ln dupllcae obtamabte from the oilke of East Xjrlclu Standard dated 5th Decem ber, 1967 G AZE'I'TE NonqcE No 271 TH E CROW N LAN DS ORDINAN CE (Cap 155 of the Acvlyeff Edlhonj RBIAJRN or LAND GRANTS >'ROM 1sT OCTOBER T() 31sT DECEMBER, 1957 The dates of reglstratlon of the docum ents eFectlng these transfers have not been taken Into conslderatlon A W HO RN ER, Commlsnoner ofLands LAND G RAN TS l N am e t- R or Plot No t-ocahty Area stand Annual Term from Rem arks (Approx ) rremlum Rent Acres Sh Sh Years I .- FARM G RANTS (c) By Auctton or Tender N jl (â) By Dlrect Grants James Alexander M acdonald 8224 Nakuru 5 04 - 85/50 99 1-* 57 In exchange %r surronder of L R 4730/41 Pete Farm Ltd 9113 N akuru 70 525 99 1-5-53 In exchange for surronder of L R 7604/1 P S A Steenkamp 7989 Uasln Glshu 22 7 10 99 1-4-51 In exchange for surrender of L R 696/3 n leen Audrey Buckley 9320 11 9 357 99 10-4-57 ln exchange for surrender of L R 5004/27 Elleen Audroy Buckloy 9321 Kwale 1 1 9 357 99 10-4-57 In exchange for surrender of L R 5004/27 Klkuyu Estates Ltd 8734 Klambu 11 34 477/45 97 1-8-57 In cxchange for surrender of L R 8868 I K lkuyu Estates Ltd 8735 K lam bu 1 808 - 10 97 1-8-57 ln exchange for surrender of L R 8868 > J S Crawfold- Guardm n of C J Ryder U nsttrveyed adJ 2632 Aberdare Forest Rosorve 54 81û 20 cents per - For agncultural purposes Term to be concurrent N orth acre and coterm lnous w lth adJ L R 2632 J S Crawford- G uardlan of C J Ryder Unsurveyed adJ 2630 Aberdare Forcst Reserve 550 8,250 20 cents per For agrlcultural purposes Telm to be concurrent > N orth acre and cotermlnous wlth adJ L R 2630 V Dennls Benlamln Sturman M B E 9223 Klambu 5 22 - 324 99 1-10-56 ln exchange for surrender of L R 4871/5 R Denms Benlamln Sturm an M B E 9224 Kjambu 5 04 100 99 1-10-56 In exchange for surrender of L R 4871/5 > Denms Bt.nlamln Sturman M B E 9225 Klambu 5 04 - 306 99 1-10-56 In exchange for surrender of L R 4871/5 Dennls Benlamm Sturm an M B .E 9226 Klambu 5 19 324 99 1-10-56 In exchange for surrender of L R 4871/5 Q Sydney Tato 7752/7 Klambu 5 360 99 28-3-57 ln exchange for sunender of L R 6846/7 Sydney Tate 7752/39 Klambu 5 600 99 12-3-57 In exchanje for surrender of L R 6846/39 The Secretary M akerere College Unsurvoyed portlon of - Kabete 38 - A peppercorn 99 1-10-57 >or the purpose of a Vetorlnary School Farm only > L R 189/R lf demanded European Agrlcultural Settlement Board 9467 Nakuru 1,310 - 262 999 1-8-55 For agrlcultural purposes m John Stewart Bradford 8982 Trans Nzola 1,503 81,283 300/60 rev 999 1-10-57 For agncultural purposes European Agrlcultural Settlement Board 9079 Trans Nzola 842 less - 159 rev 999 1- 8-55 Por agrlcultural purposes 47 Rd Res Charles Alfred W lnmngton-lngram 9164 Lalklpa 546 109/20 rev 971 1-4-57 In exchange for surrender of L R Nos 3345/6 & 7 Edward Howel Guerln Augeraud 9163 Lalklpla 302 - 60/40 rev 971 1-4-57 In exchange for surrender of L R Nos 3345/4 & 5 Josoph Nonery M llton 941 1 Nakuru 572 less 1 1,700 113/20 rev 953 and 2 months In exchange fo1 surrendcr of L R Nos 8172 and 6 R d R es 1-.9-5/ C L The Secretary, M akerero Colloge U nsurveyed portlon of K abete 6 4 A peppercorn 99 1-l0-5b For resldentlal purposes for Veterlnary School 189/R 11 demanded Afncan Stalr and Afncan Students and for teachlng accomm odatlon only The Secretary, M akerere College Unsurvoyed portlon of Kabete 4 9 - A peppercron 99 1-10-56 For sem or staff resldentlal purposes only 1079/R lf demanded (c) Dtrect Grantsfor We/lkptl/zl', Educatlonal and Soclalpurposes onlv N11 (d) Dlrect Grantçfor Speoalpurposes only NlI I (e) Dlrect Grantsfor Sportspurposes only N 1l (/) Dlrect Grants on C'tpaperxwt?a to 999 years Ivan Davld Hedgeland Ross 6278 Nakuru 103 20/60 rev 949 1-8-56 In exchange for the surrender of the same L R John Henry Frankland Newland 8863 Nakuru 770 154 rev 951 1-12-55 ln exchange for surrender of L R 476/13 LAND G RANTS- ICJW )

Nam e L R or Plot N a Locallty Area Stand Annual Term from pem arks (Approx ) Premmm Rorjt 1 Acres Sh xs'/i Years - FARM Bu vws--fcontd ) Jolm Nlmmo Nlmmo 8792 Nalvasha 1,657 - 331/40 rev 955 1-3-57 In exchange for surrender af L R 1286/14 & 15 Charlos Jolm Emslle 882 Uasm Glshu 3,730 746 rev 951 1-5-57 In exchange for surrender of the sam e L R Damek A braham Johannes coetzee :129 Uamn fhshu 966 193,/70 rev 951 1-1-57 Jn exchange for surrender of tlle sam e 1. R Cathenne Isabel W eatherhead 5499 K encho 499 5 100 rev 951 1-8-57 ln exchange for surrender of the sam e L R Alexander Prederlch Reynard 9219 Nawasha 1 ,494 less 294 rev 952 1-5-57 ln exchange for surrender of L R Nos 1287/1 & 24 Rd kes 1290/1 John M artm Theron Focks 9213 Thlka 1,200 5 less - 240 rev 950 1-3-57 In exchange for surrertdcr of L R 4328 0 5 R d k es 1 Venetla Harrlet Lepel lrvlne 9246 Nakuru 75 - 15 rev 955 1-11-57 In exchange for surrender of L R 7087/29 Aileen Ellzabeth M argaret H1ll 9046 Nakuru 35 3 - 10 rev 945 1-8-57 ln exchange for surrender of L R 6978/1 M ary Lawrence W rlght 9354 Kencho 2,429 1,455 485/80 rov 951 1-7-57 ln exchange for surrendtr of L R Nos 6036, 603 7, 6 040/ 1 fz L w llllarrt W alter Alan Trall 933: Uaslrl Chslllz 674 - 134180 re> 951 1-5-57 l'n exchange for surrender of L R 70613 Barclays Bank D C O The pers rep of 5384 U asln Chshu 520 - 104 rev 953 1-9-57 In exchange for surrepder of the sam t L R A C H oey- decd w C Crocker and G K m dloy 9416 Nanyukl 566 less 112/40 rev 952 1-8-57 In txchange for surrender of L R 5186/1 4 R d R es 'W C Crocker and G K Rldley 9417 Nanyukl 567 less - 108/80 rev 952 1-8-57 ln exchange for surrender of L R 5186/2 23 R d R es N lcolas Heathcote Lee 9396 Nawasha 880 - 176 rev 952 1-5-57 In exchange 1or surrender of L R N os 1291/3 and 1291/6 Peet Estates Ltd 9398 Nakunz 23 4 10 rev 950 1-7-57 In exchange for surrender of L R 470/4 X M L. C Lemaltre, M M Lemajtre and 8906 Naku!'u 603 3 less 118/40 rev 945 1-7-57 ln exchange tor surrender of L R 4823/1 td A M Anderson 11 7 Rd Rcs Z R> Hazd Denys Taylor 9296 Nakuru 277 - 55/40 rev 947 1-9-57 In txchange for surrender of L R 534/7 ' M J C Benson 5217 Nakuru 957 less - 192/40 rev 948 1-9-57 In exchange for surrender of the same L R 15 Rd Res Ped Estates Ltd 4167 Nakuru 374 5 less - 74/60 rev 956 1-7-57 In exchange for surrender of the same L R 1 5 R d Res Brnest George Thornhlll 9412 Nakuru 399 - 79/80 rev 949 1-9-57 In exchange for surrender of L R 480/4 Edlth M ary Ehzabeth Gibbs 8787 Nakuru 734 - 146/80 rev 953 1-8-57 In exchange for surrender of L R 4048/6 R A F' Hurt 9005 Nalvasha 1,909 less - 379/60 rev 952 1-10-57 In exchange for surrender of L R 4333/10 > l l Rd Re&- Roland M aunce Auguste M ange 9020 Nalvasha 254 - 50/80 rev 949 1-9-57 In exchange for surrender of L R 4732/15 Donald Henry Pell-smltlz 5693 Nakttrtl 488 1 less - 94/60 rev 948 1.* -57 In exchange for surrender of the same L R 15 2 Rd Res 11 - IVN LM Bxclu xœ s N ll 11l .- FARM RBvlmsloxs h N gerenp Plantatlons Ltd 1046 and 2338 Telta 646 and 67 - Freehold - Ptzrchased by G ovtrnm ent for Sh 24,000 for Telta N atlvo Land Unlts James Alexander M açdonald 4730/41 Nakuru 5 04 1/01 999 1-10-19 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 8224 Pele Farm Ltd 7604/1 Nakuru 70 - 14 999 1-11-06 Surrendered ln exchange fer a new grant of L R N o 9113 P S A Steenkamp 696/3 Uasm Glsllu 72 7 - 2/72 99 1-7-10 Surrendez'ed ln excllange for a new grant of k. R N o 7989 Elleen Audrey Buckley 5004/27 Kwale 23 75 10 99 1-1-14 Surrendered ln exchange for 2 new grants of L R N os 9320 and 9321 Klkuyu Bstates Ltd 8868 Klambu 13 15 - 499/50 * 99 1-8-55 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N os 8734 and 35 K ayolo Estates Ltd 41/5 East of N alrobl T 177 - 21/ 12 99 1-8-.05 Purohased by G overnment for Sh 81,714/45 for Embakasl Alrport Denms Benlamm Sttlrman M B E 4871/5 Klambu 21 1 10 999 1-1-04 SuNrrendered In exchange for 4 new grant,s of L R os 9223-9226 < LAND GRANTF-IC/a/J) 2 Name L R or Plot N o Localzty Area Stand Annual Term from Rem arks (Approx ) Premlum Rent Acres Sh S11 Yeo s I1f --FARM REvERsloNs- (Ctm/# ) Syflne.y Tato 6:46/7 Klambu 5 1/54 99 1-4-04 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 7752/7 Sydney Tate 6846/39 Klambu 5 1/54 99 1.-4-04 Surrendered In exchange 1or a new grant of L R No 7752/39 Charles Alfred W lnnlngton-lngram 3345/6 Lalklpta 8 1 16/20 999 1-4-29 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of t. R N o 9164 Charles Alfred W lnnmgton Ingram 3345/7 Lajklpla 465 less 92/60 999 1-4-29 Sttrrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R 3 R d R es N o 9164 Edward Howel Guerln Augeraud 3345/4 Lalklpa 264 52/80 999 1-4-29 Surrendered jn exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9163 Edward Howel Guelln Augeraud 3345/5 Lalklpla 38 10 999 1-4-29 Surrendered In exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9163 Joseph Hemy M llton 8172 Nakm.u 371 74/20 rev 958 1-1 1-52 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9411 W lttlam Maxwell Ntghtlttgale 62,51/7 Nawasha :! 3;3 -/2B 999 1-2-:7 Purcbased b'y Oovtrnment for Sb 2,400 for Police Post (J) Farm Revelslons on C'tmyerllt/r/.ç to 999 years Ian Davld Hedgeland Ross 6278 Nakuru l03 12/87 999 1-6-06 Surrendered In exchange for a new grant of the sam e L R Jolm Henry Frankland Newland 476/13 Nakuru 771 48/19 999 1-4-07 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 8863 + John Nlmmo Nlmmo 1286/14 205 24/60 999 1-3-13 Surrendered ln exchangt for a new grant of L R N o 8792 John Nlmmo Nlmmo 1286/15 Nalvasha 1,450 174 999 1-3-13 Surrendered m exchango for a new grant of L R N o 8792 Charles John Emslle 882 Uasln Glshu 3,732 447/84 999 1-5-09 Surrendered ln exehange for a new grant of tho sam e L R Danlel Abraham Johannes Coetzee 6129 Uasln Glshu 966 less 1 l 15/43 999 1-2-09 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of the 23 R d R es ' sam e t, R Catherme Isabei W eatherhuad, formerly 5499 Kencho 499 5 20/80 999 1-1-08 Surrendered ln exchange for a now grant of the G urney sam e L R Alexander Fredorick Reynard 1287/1 Nalvasha 958 1 14/96 999 1-3-13 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9219 Alexaader Frederluk Reyrtard 1290/1 Natvasha 540 64/80 999 i 5-3-10 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9219 John M artln Theron Focks 4328 Thlka 1,247 78 999 1-3-08 Surrendered m exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9213 Venetla Harnet Lepel lnqne 7087/29 Nakuru 75 10 999 1-3-12 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9246 Alleen Ellzabeth M argaret HI11 6978/1 Nakuru 35 3 - 10 999 1-1 1-03 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9046 M ary Lawrence W nght 6036 Kencho 501 - 20/79 999 1-1-08 Surrendered In exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9354 M ary Lawronce W right 6037 Kerlcho 637 26/48 999 1-1-08 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9354 M ary Lawrence W rlght 6040/1 Ktrlcho 1,000 41/56 999 1-1-08 Surrendered m exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9354 W llllam W alter Alan Trall 706/3 Uasln Glshu 675 81/35 999 1-3-09 Surrendored m exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9338 Barcl ay s Bank D C O , the per rep of 5384 Uasln Glshu 516 61/92 999 1-3-11 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of tlw A C H oey- decd sam o L R W C Crocker and G K Rldlt.y 5186/1 North Nyen 566 34 999 1-9-10 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9416 Nlcftolas Hoathcote Leo 1291/3 N alvasba 4* 5 48/06 999 1-8-10 Surrendered m exchange for a new grant of L R. N o 9396 LAND GKhMls-lcontd) N N am e L R or Plot N o Locallty (wAyyjyeoax ) wsotmzlmlzm Xpzfelix YWKR SOm l Xfmzvks Acres Sh xS'/1 Year% Hf - FARM Rr,vlmsloNs- tc/aff) Nlcholas Heathcote Iwee 1291/6 Nalvasha 479 5 57/54 999 1-8-10 Surrendered In exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9396 Peet Estates Ltd 470/4 Nakuru 23 4 10 999 1-1-08 Surrendered ln exchange for a new' grant of L R N o 9398 M L C Lem altre and A M Anderson 4823/1 N akuru 600 38/52 999 1-1 1-03 Surrendered m exchange for a new grant of L R N tr 8906 Hazel Denys Taylor 534/7 Nakuru 277 1 7143 999 1-9-05 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9296 Mlchael Jolm Carter Benson 52)7 Nakuru 983 61/44 999 1-12-06 Susrarmened eLr emd m exchango tor a new grant of the Ernest G eorge Thornhlll 480/4 N akuru 399 24/ 7: 999 1-4-07 Surreneered ln exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9412 Peet Estates Ltd 4767 N akuru 374 5 23 999 1-1-08 Surrendered ln exchallge for a new grant of the sam e L R & 1th M ary bllzabeth Glbbs 4048/6 Nakunz 734 88/08 999 1-1 1-1 1 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of t. R N o 8787 R. A F Httrt 4333/10 N awasha 1 ,870 less 223/08 999 1-7-10 Surrendered m exchange for a new grant of L R 11 5 Rd Res N o 9005 Roland M aurlce Auguste M ange 4732/15 Nalvasha 254 15/90 999 1-2-07 Surrendeled m exchange for a new grant of L R N o 9020 X Donald Henry Pell-Smlth 5693 Nakuru 488 5 - 61/04 999 1-12-06 Surrendered In exchange for a new grant of the > sam e L R l IV .- FARM LcAsE EXTENSIONS 2 M essrs Bllbo Farm Ltd 538/10 and 11 M olo 2,604 20 cts per acro 999 1-4-05 Convermon of 99 years lease to 999 years M essrs Twlga Ltd 4585 Rulru 103 5 20 cts per acro 999 1-6-05 Converslon of 99 years lease to 999 years 1 M essrs 'Twlga Ltd 252 Rulru 194 20 cts per acre 999 1-9-06 Converslon of 99 years lease to 999 years M essrs Clmbrla Farm Ltd 487/159 N akuru l 150 20 cts per acre 999 1-11-03 Converslon of 99 years least to 999 years M rs P. R Lomax 487/160 Nakuru 1,126 20 cts per acre 999 1-11-03 Converslon of 99 years lease to 999 years > (t8 Reverslonz of Farm Lease Extenslons N11 V - TowN PLo'rs GRANTS M faj ./y' Auchcn Jr Tetder (:) By Dlrect Grants I F P S D'Sa 209/5171 Nairobl South Bstate 0 1148 2,000 400 99 1-10-57 For private resldentlal purposes only A J Noronha 209/5300 Nalrobt South Bstate 0 1352 2 355/60 471/12 99 1-4-57 For prlvato resldentlal purposes only Chet Smgh 209/5230 Nalrobt South Estato 0 1148 2,000 400 99 1-10-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only Knshan Dev H anda G N airobl 0 23 9,200 1,840 99 1-10-57 For prlvate resldenttal purposes only M oham ed Yum s F N alrobl 0 275 1 1,000 2,200 99 1-10-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only Gttrbakash Slngh 209/5241 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1 148 2,000 400 99 1-10-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only M G Sharma 209/5255 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1148 200 400 99 1-10-57 For prlvato resldenttal purposes only M anharlal K Dave 209/5165 Nalrobt South Estate 0 1352 2,355/60 471/12 99 1-10-57 For pn&ate resldentlal purposes only G. Has:alz D Nazrobl 0 13,9 5,500 1,100 99 1-10-57 Yor pn&ate rcmdentlal purposes onb Mosrs Kormget Estatos Ltd 41/V1 M olo 0 434 - A peppercorn 40 1-6-52 For employers Afncan stalr houslng lf dem anded Kantlbhm C Patd H N alrobl 0 151 6,600 1,320 99 1-10-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only M oham ed Ismall A '.e N alrobl 0 187 7,400 1,480 99 1-10-.57 For prlvate resldentlal plzrposes only Shah N lwaz Awan C N alrobl 0 199 8,000 1,600 99 1-1* 57 For prlvate resldontlal pttrposes only M D M asthl 209/5185 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1148 2,000 400 99 1-10-57 Fbr prlvate resldential purposes only Avtar Smgh Grewai 209/5212 N alrobl South Estate 0 0983 1,712/40 342/48 99 1-.10-57 Fbr prlvate restdentlal purposes only G K Patd 209/5156 Nmrobt South Estette 0 1148 2,000 400 99 1-1 1-57 ror prwate resldentlal plzrposos only M C Patel 209/5088 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1148 2,000 400 99 1-11-57 Fbr prtvate resldentlal purposes only Darshan Smgh Kalsl 209/5276 Nalrobl South Bstate 0 0689 1,350 270 99 1-10-57 For prlvato resldentlal purposes only -4 LAND GKhM s-fcontdj -4 N am e L R or Plot No Locahty Area Stand Annual Term from Rem arks (Approx ) Premlum Rent Acrev Sh Sh Years V - Towu Ptm s GRANTs- (& al# ) T M Tnvedl 209/5145 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1352 2,355/60 4/1/12 99 1-10-57 F'or pnvate resldentlal purposes only N. R Slsodlya 209/5144 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1 l48 2,000 400 99 1-4-57 For prlvate resldetm al purposes only F M J Dlas 209/5169 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1148 2,000 400 99 1-10-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only Johannes M usewe l 144/120 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 40 1-l 1-57 For resldenttal purposes only M rs W angechl d/o M wangl l 144/86 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 40 1-1 1-57 Fbr resldentlal purposes only Samson Nluguna W aforo 1 144/102 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 40 1-10-57 For resldentlal purposes only Kaguathe Kannge 1144/92 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 40 1-11-57 For resldentlal purposes only M /s Johannes M usewe and Jotham 1144/1 11 Nalvasha 0 0459 600 120 40 1-11-57 F0r buslness purposes only O dongo W lllle W aweru and Jod M uclurl 1 144/96 Nawasha 0 722 100 10 4û 1-1 1-57 Por resldentlal purposes only M ohamed Razaq B N akrobl (1 156 6,209 1 240 99 1-1* 57 For prlvate resldentjal purposes only Gerald Edward Nevlll 330/522 Nalrobi 6 62 - Freehold - ln exchango for surronder of L R Nos 33û/520, 2û and 21 Irazan Propertles Ltd 209/5535 Nai'robl 2 34 344 55 and 3 months In exchange for surrender of L R Nos 209/1070 1-8-57 and C L W lltshlre Franuls W are-Atlstln 1870/98/V111 Nalrobl 3 1 - 82 46 1-6-57 ln exchange for surrender of L R Nos 1870/21 and 97/VIII Zaum and Company Ltd , and Aske 3734/808 Nalrobl 6 17 - Freehold - ln exchange for stlrrender of L R Nos 3734/628- H lnvestm ents Ltd 632 Chuma alap Tmgong 61 Sotlk 4%, ft x 50 ft 100 10 1-8-57 Por prlvate rosldentlal purposes only 1 M rs M areamu w/o Budalazjz 1 144/69 Nalvasha - 0 0459 100 10 1-11-57 For resldentlal purposes only Abdulrehman Khan 1 144/265 Nmvasha (1 1 102 550 1 10 1-10-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposcs only M r and M rs M Desouza 209/5172 Najrobi South Estato 0 1352 2,355/60 471/12 1-9-57 Bor prwate rçmdentlal purposes only > M r and M rs Norberto P S Lamas 209/5150 Nalrobf South Estate ' 0 1 l48 2,()00 4* 1-9-57 For prlvate rosldentlal purposes only Z Udo Slngh Ray Slngh RaJ 451/978 Nakuru 0 2845 1,140 228 1-10-57 F'or prlvate rosldentlal purposes only R Rallbhaj B Patel 451/974 Nakuru 0 569 1,820 364 1-10-57 Fbr prlvate resldentlal purposes only > Karlm Allmohamed 451/973 Nakuru t) 569 1,820 364 1-10-57 F'or prlvate restdentlal purposes only Rambhal S Patel 451/979 Nakuru 0 2843 1,140 228 1-10-57 Fbr prlvate resldentlal purpoqes only > Shanabhal M Patel 451/980 Nakuru 0 2993 1,200 240 1-10-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only F Xavler 'Vaz 451/976 Nakuru 0 346 1,240 248 1-10-57 Fbr pnvate rosldentlal purposes only M anm oban Slngh Dhand K N alrob, 0 l54 6.600 1,320 1-10-57 For resldentlal purposes only Knshna Dhlr 209/5068 Nmrob, South Estate 0 1 148 2,000 400 1-1 1-57 l7or prlvate resldentlal purposes Kungu Thyongo 1144/97 Nawasha 0 0459 100 10 1-11-57 l7or resldentlal purposes only Klhlka Klmanl l 144/121 Nmvasha () 0459 100 1(1 1-11-57 For resldentlal purposes only Gaterl Kahlga 1 144/87 Nawasha 0 0459 10G 1G 1-1 1-57 For resldentlal purposes only Paul M uhlndl l 144/71 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 l-1 1-57 For resldentlal purposes only Amos Nleroge Karumba l 144/119 Nalvasha 0 0459 l00 10 1-1 1-57 F'or resldentlal purposes only M essrs Geofrey Arap M uge and H Eastern portlon of 47 Nandl Hllls 50 ft x 50 ft 250 50 1-8-57 For bustness and resldentlal purposes only K lrwa A rap Too Satlsh Kumar M andal 209/5209 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1122 1,954/80 390/96 1-11-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only Jlt Kaur Bamrah 209/5203 Nalrobl South Estate 0 0804 1,576 315/20 1-1 1-57 For prtvate resldentlal purposes only Ranblr Bhandan 209/5201 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1148 2,000 400 1-11-57 For pnvate resldentlal purgoses only F'azal Jamal 9302/1 M watate -1 C 1 220 530/40 106/08 1-10-57 For shops, offices and flats B C Yanlk 209/5367 Nmrobl South Estate 0 1546 2,693/60 538/72 1-11-57 Por pnvate resldentlal purposes only Balblr Slngh Chana 209/5206 Nalrobl South Bstate 0 (1804 1,576 315/20 1-11-57 For prlvate rosldentlal purposes only Altaf Hussaln Kltan 209/5128 Nalrobl South Estate 0 l 148 2,000 400 1-1 1-57 17or pnvate resldentzal purposes only M adam Gopal Clzatrath 209/5086 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1489 2,594/40 518/88 1-10-57 Por prjvate romdentlal purposes only M rs Pushpa Channan 209/5069 Natrobt South Estate 0 l 148 2,000 400 1-l 1-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only S J A D Souza 209/5303 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1 l48 2,000 400 1-1 1-57 F'or private resldentlal purposes only >* Sadhu Slngh Reyatt 451/995 Nakuru 0 482 1,540 308 1-10-57 F'or prlvate resldentlal purposes only M atu s/o M lrara 1144/64 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 1-11-57 For resldentlal purposes only Samson Nluguna W atoro 1144/105 Nalvasha 0 046 600 120 1-10-57 Fbr shops purposes only Kungu Thlongo 1144/123 Nalvasha 0 0459 600 120 1-11-57 F'or shops purposes only M axleen Products Ltd 125/150 Rmru 0 1056 3,900 780 1-8-57 For shops purposos only M rs Sundor Slngh Dew Bhattl 125/122 Rulru 0 1148 805 161 1-9-57 For pnvate resldentlal purposes only M lsf.ry Damll Parmanand 125/140 Rmru 0 1056 2,300 460 1-9-57 For buslness and resldentlal purposes only M essrq Dhanta Smgh and Co 125/157 Rull'u 0 1441 3,450 690 1-8-57 For workshops, repalr garages, godowns, etc Tlle Colonlal Vulcanlzlng W orks 209/4573 Nmrobl Newark Road 0 1148 11,501/58 2,3* /32 1-11-57 For workshop purposes only IA ND GRANTS- ICPAZ/)

N am a Ia R or Plot No Locahty Area Stand Annual Tmm from Rem arks (Approx ) Premllzm Rent + Acres Sh Sh Years V - TowN PLo'rs Ou sws- lcontd ) Dr Jaswmder Smgh 451/971 Nakttru 0 599 1,920 384 99 1-11-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only Eutyclms Nlau 1144/95 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 40 1-1 1-57 For resldentlal pzvpcse: onl) Clmndrakant General Stolvbs 473 Thlka 0 1148 5,125 1,025 99 1-1 1-57 For buqlnesq-cum -.resldentlal puz'ptyge.g Laly Letkman Patel 46# Thlka 0 0941 5,476 1495/20 99 1-11-57 For buslness cum-resldentlal purposes C F C de Almelda 209/,5168 Nalrobl South Estate (J l l48 2,000 400 99 1-1 1-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes onlv S J A D'Souza 20925303 Nalm ln South Estate 0 l l48 2,000 400 99 1-1 1-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only Gurdlal Smgh 209/5181 Nalrobl South Estate 0 l l48 2,000 400 99 1-1 1-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only Trllok Sm gh N ayer 209/5155 Nalrobl South Sstate t) 1 14# 2,000 doo 99 1-l 1-5T For prlvate resldentlal purposes only The East M rlcan Pokûr and Llghtmg 209/5562 Natrobl 0 1205 - 937/50 30 1-10-57 For tho control and dlstrlbutlon of electncal Co , Ltd energy and for tho accomm odatlon of the attendant stafl- M rs Prem Vatl Lekhy 209/5055 N alrobl South Bstato 0 1152 2 007/29 401 /44 99 1-10-57 Yor prl: ate resldentlal purposes onlz Satnam Sfng'h 209/5037 Nalrobl South Estate 0 0840 1,646/60 329/32 99 1-) 1-57 For pnyate z' purposes only Henry Nganga l 144/67 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 40 1-11-57 F'or ressdentlal purposes only Noah Kamau l 144/118 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 40 1-11-57 For resldentlal purposes only M wanp Kamaa 2144168 Nafwasha 0 0459 f 00 10 40 1-11-57 F'or residentlal purposos only Javan M bwanga l 144/90 Nalvasha 0 0459 100 10 40 1-1 1-57 Por resldentlal purposes onlv Lachman Slagh M angat 451/983 Nakuru 0 723 2,040 408 99 1-I 1-57 F'or prlvate resldentlal purposes M essrs Loadlng Engm etrm g W orks Unsurveyed rear or N alrobl 0 1561 12,240 2,448 95 and 1 month F'or lnolfenslve lndustrlal purposes L R N o 209/2826 1-12-57 R W W atson 21 16/261 Kltale 0 785 1,000 200 99 1-4-57 For pnvate resldentlal purposes only John Glthungerl Kanyua 451/868 N akuru 0 1 148 800 16t) 99 1-9-57 For busfness and resldentlal purposes Clmnan Slngh 209/5027 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1148 2,000 40û 99 1-11-57 Fbr pnvate resldentfal purposes only M ossrs M ohamed Roshan and Co U nsttrveyed plot M tlto Ande! 0 344 3,000 600 99 1-7-57 F'or the purpose of an hotel and shop and garage only M ollamed Osman A'lva'ltby 209/5126 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1 148 2,000 400 99 1-12-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only M V Patel 209/5211 Nalrob! South Estate 0 1 1 11 1,935/69 387/12 99 1-10-.57 Por prlvate resldenbal pttrposes only Dwarka Parshad 2*914566 Nalrcbt Ngwark Road 0 I :518 - 72 99 1-8-57 Por workshop purposes only Bakhshlsh Smgh 451/989 Nakuru 0 482 1,540 308 99 1-l 1-57 Por prlvate resldentlal purposos only Dmltrl Kepetsakos 1 /432 Nwtobl 9 83 - Freehold - l'n exchange for surrender of L R Nos 1/3 x d 4 Hardlal Smgh Syan 451/970 Nakuru 0 459 1,460 292 99 1-l 1-57 For pryvate resldentlal purposes only H V Vyas 209/5267 Nalrobl South Bstate t) 1 148 2,000 4* 99 1-12-57 For prlvate resldentlal purposes only Baiakrlsiiall Nalr 2G9/5163 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1 148 2,000 4û0 99 1-12-57 For pnvate resldentlal purposes only Derek Qulcke Ersklnp 209/4893 Nalrobl () 75 less 0 0242 - 330 9.9 1-6-57 Jn exchange for surmnder of L R No 4639/9 plpe llne res M esst-s A Okum be and H Oktlo East portlon of 49 Nandl Hllls 50 ft x 50 ft 250 50 40 1-12-57 For busm ess and resldence Chanan Slngh s/o Daulat Ram 209/5082 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1263 2,200 440 99 1-11-57 17oT pnvate resldezltlal purposes tmly C H Brahmbatt 2* /5092 Nmrobi South Estate 0 1 148 2,000 400 99 1-8-57 Por private resldentlal purposes only M eKsrs Stlrlmg Astaldl (Aft1ca) Ltd 209/3860 Nalrobl 1 997 35,946 7,189/20 99 1-1 1-57 For the purpose of resldentlal flata Fàzal Ilalu . 16/XX1V Nlen 0 1722 1, (24 224/80 99 1-1-58 Por the purpose of workshops and godowns

V1 - Tow N Pto'rs REvpasloNs Inder Smgh Dheru Ram and Ganga 209/3519 Nalrobl 0 1487 2,268 454 .9.9 1-.5-51 Forfeltrd to Crown Slngh Dheru Ram H D Trlvldl 209/5250 Nalrobl South Estato 0 1492 2,600 520 99 1-8-57 Oh-pr m tlldzaun M dssrs Parm atma Stngh and Sons 20915260 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1 148 2,000 400 99 1-4-57 Oh-er wlthdrawn M essrs Ratllal Bros 209/5079 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1489 2,594/40 518/88 99 1-5-57 Rellnqulshed Nakuna County Coltncll Lïnslnwn edllW M olo 0 7 - A peppercorn 99 1-7-54 Cancelled Sf demanded Geral; Edward Nevlll 339/529 Nalrobt 0 ,356 Freehold Surrendered m exchange for a new grant of L R No 330/522 Gerald Edward N evlll 330/20 N alrobl 3 132 - Freehold .-- Surrendered In exchange for a now grant of L R No 330/522 Gerald Edward Nevlll 330/21 Nalrobl 3 132 - Fzeeâold - Surrendered tn exchange for a new grant of L R No 3301522 LAND GKhM TS- W ontd4 < 'Nam e Ia Rk'or Plot N o Locallty Area Stand A nnuai Term from Rcmarks (Approx ) Premmm Rent

zfcrcs Sh .% Feqrs VI - TowN Pt-oTs Ry.vtltsltm s---lc/ltfd ) Irazan Ltd 209/1070 Nalrobl 2 266 194 99 1-1 1-13 Surrendered ln exchange for a new grant of L R 209/5535 W lltshlre Francls W are Austln 1870/21/VlII Natrobl 99 1-6-04 Surrondercd ln exchange for a new grant of i. R 1870/98/VIII W lltshlre T'rancls W are-Austln 1870/97/Y111 N alrobl 0 0301 19 99 1-6-94 Surrendered m excbange for a new grant of L M. 187W98/VIII Zaum and Co Ltd and Aske Invest 3734/628-632 Nmrobl 1 099, 1 573, Freehold Surrendered m exchange for a new grant of L R mentl Ltd 1 237, 1 213, 3734/:08 and 1 047 East Afncan lndustrles Ltd 209/5016/2 Nalrobl 8 85 5/67 99 1-1-53 Purchased by Government for Sh 1,500,000 Dorottzy Nfttrtet Httlmatt Hale 1/434 Nalrobl 0 568 - Freehold Acqulred by Government for road wldenlng purposes Kam au M bagan Unsurveyed K ltale Afrlcan Locatlon 0 1 148 750 150 40 8-1-57 Oflkr cancelled M essrs R K Trlved! and M K Trlvedl 209/5251 Nalrobl South Estate 0 1492 2,600 520 99 1-8-57 Offbr wlthdrawn Sllvanus Ohal: 631/199 Kerlcho 0 0216 236 47/20 40 1-1-57 Cancelled Joash Atong 631/200 Kencho 0 0253 273 54/60 40 1-1-57 Cancelled M artln Sawo A luang 631/19: K erlcho i) 9179 195 39 4: 1-1-57 Cancelled Benlarmn Klbe 631/201 Kencho 0 0248 245 49 40 1-1-57 Cancelled Onyango W au 2116/255 Kltate (j (1459 1GQ 11Q 40 1-4-57 Ofrer wltlze iwn Kassamali Ramlk, Ramzanaly Ramll and 2116/39/1V Kltale 0 1 149 - 452/80 99 1-9-55 Surrendered te Crowa H alderall kamll The Ctty Couttctl of N alrobt 209/2390 Natrobt 0 507 A peppercorn 99 1-7-29 Surrendered to Crown The Church M lsslonary Trust Assocla- 1149/25/XXV M ombasa Island 0 55 30 99 1-1-11 Surrendered to Crown tjon Ltd Dmetn Kepetsakos 1/3 and 4 Nalrobl 5 and 4 8 Freehold - Surrendered ln exfehange for a flew grant of L R. C 1/432 ounty Councll of Nalvasha 1 144/1/XVl1 Nalvasha 5 75 25 1-12-38 Surrendered to Crown Derek Qulcke Ersklne 4639/9 Nalrob! 0 75 less iJ û242 - -/15 99 1-12-99 Surrrmdered m exchange fol' a new g'ram of L R R plpeline res 209/4393 atelal Rancbhod Chauhan 209/5085 Nalrobl South Fstate 0 1263 2,200 440 99 1-4-57 Oflbr wlthdrawn (c) L'xchanges to ftzclflftzfc Fow?l NëI Plantttng attd other regtzfrertte/tfx ' (J) Dlrect Grants for Aeàkwt///â', Edttcatlonal and Charttable putposes onl.b 1 Cathollc M lsslon Kallm onl Unsurveyed area Rulru 1 1 A peppercorn 99 1-11-57 For rellglous purposes and as a resldence for tho M lm ster Cathollc M lsslon Kallm on. Unsurveyed area Rulru 2 72 99 1-1 1-57 For school and for houso tor the accomm odatlon of teachers Tho Consolata Catlàolkc M ismon Unsunoyed artà/xltl 2 57 99 1-12-57 l7oç Slsters quitrters attd a. papt'lesb ltatt for pryest la charge Slt: Guru Sltzgh Sabha l 148/651 Klsumu 1 19 72 3 1-9-57 For the purpoqe of a Slkh Glrls School (e) Duect Grants for Speclalpulposev tpz#y p Klpslges Afrlcan Dlstrlct Councll Unsurveyed area / Kerlcho A peppercorn 99 1-12-52 Por Afr,can Dlstnct Councll Oflices jt demanded ff) Dlrect Glantsfor ,@t?, tspurpoçes o 'J.v ) N.l VIi -Tow> Pj-o-rs Ex'rehsmtx oy LBASE I N1l !

< * GAZE'IVE NoTlcs N o 272 TH E N ATIVE LAN D S TRUST GRDIN AN CE (Cap 100) RETURN oF LANO GRANTS FROM lsT OCTOBBR To 31sT D ECEMBBR, 1957 The dates of reglstratlon of tlte docum ents effectlng these transfers have not been taken lnto consldem tlen A W H ORN ER commkntoner tyza;,g, LAN D GRANTS < QQ Name L R or Plot N o Locallty Area Stand A nnual Term from Rem arks (àpprt)x ) Premlum Rent Acres Sh Sh Years K lpkobel Arap Cbum o 8869/28 K apsaus T C 0 0611 900 180 33 1-1-57 Bor buslness and resjdence M anlbhal B Patel 8869/29 Kapsaus T fv 0 1309 1,200 240 33 1-1-57 For buslness and resldence M anlbhat M Patel 8869/33 Kapsaus T C 0 1309 1,200 240 33 1-1-57 For buslness and lesldence Chunlbhkl Patel 7996/20 Brodenck Falls T C 0 1433 - 216 33 1-6-57 For buslness and resldence Klpngetich Arap Munal 8839/25 Llteln T C 0 0551 900 180 33 1-1-57 For buslntos and resldence Karlm Ibrahlm Boda 4096/104 Kltul 0 l 151 1,000 200 33 1-3-57 For buslness and resldence Cathollc M lsslon Holy Gllost Fathers- 4480/1 19 and 121 Ngong 11 71 and 0 386 -- A peppercorn 33 1-5-57 For rellglous purposes onl) Kenya Reg Trustees Amos M ulu M alko 909/107 M achakos 0 0184 80 16 33 1-6-57 For buslnesq and resldence M ull Nyaa and M ungutl Nzlbo 909/106 M achakos () 0184 80 16 33 1-6-57 For buslness and resldence W llllam Mutisya 909/105 M achakos 0 0184 80 16 33 1 -6-57 l7or busintss and resldence M zee Ismall 909/104 M achakos 0 0184 80 16 33 1-6 -57 lRol buslness and residence O K Khatrl, V K Kbatrl and J K 909/139 M achakos 0 1148 1,500 375 33 1-4-57 For buslness and resldence K hatrl - John Klllu M osa and Stephen M uinde 909/102 M achakos 0 0184 80 16 33 1-6-57 For buslness and resldence M osa Danlel, Kyungu M uasya 909/99 M achakou 80 16 1-6-57 For buslness and restdence N zlokl Kllinda 909/98 M achakoo 80 16 1-6-57 Y ol buslness and res! lence Hamls, Abdatla 1 909/71 M achakos 80 16 1 -4-57 f or resldentlal pulposes W ambua Isaac Kjangu 909/254 M achakos 112 28 1-1 1-56 For resldentlal plzrposes Isaac Kyangu Kltabl 909/253 M achakos 105/20 26/30 1-1 1-56 For resldentlal purposes Isaac Kyangu Kltabl 909/94 M achakos 80 16 1-6-57 For buslness and resldence Allma Mblthe 909/63 M achakos 80 16 1-3-56 For resldentlal purposes Salama bmtl Ramadhan 909/64 M achakos 80 16 1 -4-57 For resldentlal purposes NIsaac Kyangu Kltabl 909/67 M achakos 80 16 1 -8-57 f'or resldentlal purposes guta Kyangu 909/68 M achakos 80 16 1-8-57 For resldennal purposes Sallm Fara) 909/41 M achakos 80 16 1-4-56 F'or resldentlal purposes M wanalsha blntl Abdalla 909/39 M achakos 80 16 1-4-56 For resldentlal purposes Shelkh Saldl B1n Amlo 909/38 M dchakos 80 16 1-3-56 I'or resldentlal purposes Iaondol blntl Asman 909/1 11 M achakos 80 16 1-6-57 bol buslness and resldence Ndalamla Nzolka 909/108 M achakos 80 16 1-6-57 For buslness and resldence Amlrall Amarsl)) Devlh 1779/21 M irogi T C - 165 2û.4-56 l7or busmess and resldence Ratlla) Bhurabhal 8934/7 M arabol T C 1 200 240 1-1-57 For buslness and resldonce H K M H lrJ1 and J Hlrll 8934/10 M arabol T C 1,200 240 1-1-57 For buslness and resldence Ibrahlm Shelkh Mohamed 8934/9 M arabol T C I 1,200 240 1-1-57 l7or buslness and resldence Rehmatkhan Kherdln 8934/5 M arabol T C i ,200 240 1-1-57 For buslness and resldence RMehmatkhan Kherdln 8934/4 M arabol T C 1 200 240 1-1-57 For buslness and resldence ohqmm od Hassam 8839/1 Llteln T C 900 180 1-2-57 Fbr buslness and resldence B R Kurla and M R Kurla 8939/33 Bomtt T C 1 200 240 1-1-57 For buslness and resldence Natlonal Bank of Indla Ltd 1407/46/111 1,500 300 1-10-56 For buslness and resldence Elkana Osuka 1407/136/111 Kakamega 1 200 240 1-10-56 17or buslness and resldence Hlrabhal Jottaram Patel 8780/7 Ogembo T C - 205 1-1-56 l7or buslness and resldenct Jafarall Amershl Devll 8697/15 M arsnde T C - 20$ 30-1 1-56 For buslness and resldenci K lplangat Arap Sowek 8869/2 Kapsaus T C 900 l80 1-1-57 For buslness and resldence Ell Arap Chepkwony 8869/20 Kapsaus T C 900 180 1-1-57 For buslness and resldence KAlprotluch Arap Chepkwony 8869/24 Kapsaus T C 900 180 1-1-57 For buslness and resldence bdulrasub Jatl'er ValJ1 8012/3 500 216 1-1-57 F'or buslness and resldence Abdulrasub Jaffer Va1Jl 8012/9 Bungoma 500 216 1-1-57 F'or buslness and resldence 'd * LAND GKAM WS- (Contd) * o N ame L R or Plot N o Locabty Area Stand Annual Term from Rem arks (Approx ) Premtum Rent Acres Sh Sh Years Yusufall Adarrlll 4096/108 Kltul 0 1105 1,000 200 33 1-3-57 For buslness and resldence M ohamed Hassam 8939/4 Bomd T C 0 0735 900 180 33 1-1-57 For buslness and resldence Gulamah Nanll 1364/27 S1o T C 0 1148 - 216 33 1-7-57 For buslness and resldence Jones M unayo 909/97 M achakos 0 0184 80 16 33 1-6-57 For buslness and res,dence M ohamed Kanuna 909/46 M achakos 0 0459 80 16 33 1-4-56 For resldentlal purposes M adatall M ohamedall Sldl 7945/1 Klmlllh T C 0 1374 - 1-44 33 1-1-56 For busmess and resldence Ishverla Kevaldas Shah 4096/107 Kltul 0 1 151 1.000 200 33 1-3-57 For buslness and resldenc: Cathollc M lsslon Holy Ghost Fathcs- 4480/120 Ngong 0 2353 - A peppercorn 33 1-7-57 For the purpose of a car park for Church and K enya R og Trussees School Harbans Smgh s/o Islwr Smglz 9û9/17/XXII M acllakos () 1327 231/20 46/24 33 1-7-56 For resldontlal purposes only Dallya Faklr M jstry and Narshlh Daya 1779/29 M lrogl T C 0 1 148 - 165 33 1-1-57 For buslness and resldenco M orazye Jutha Ravaha 1407/106/111 Kakamega 0 13t7 1,200 240 33 1-10-56 For buslness and resldence Colson M arkham and Co , Ltd 909/339 M achakos 0 758 3400 750 33 12-2-57 For the purpose of workshop H Jamal and M J Vasanll as Executors 1719/26 M lrogl T C 0 1 148 - 165 33 1-1-56 For buslness and resldence m the Bstate of B Charam a- decd 1, K Patel and B N Palgl tradmg ms 8U12/20 Bungoma 0 1419 500 2I6 33M 1-8-56 For busmess and resldence txvlctory General Stores D O Kotech a ,M B O Kotecha, B B 1407/323 Kakamega () 340 3,700 740 33 1-10-56 For çlnema purposes N anll, V G opalll and B B Ikhlmll

> Z R > Q > ;


D = 28th January, 1958 THE KENYA GAZEU E 81

GAzsrrs NoTlcs No 273 THB COM PANIF.S ORDINANCE (Cap 288) IT IS notlht.d for general m form atton that the followlng compames have been m corporated m K cnya durmg thu pertod 21st N ovember, 1957, to 19th January, 1958 PRIVA'I'E COMPANIBS N om tnal Name 0/ Company Capltal Address t# Reglstered Oyce Sh Iwakt Vlctoria Tladers Ltm lted 10,000 Gentrul Agencles Llmlted 100,000 Bhagwanll Butldm g, Bazaar Strcet, N ajrobl K lterere Farm Llm ited 200,000 N alrobl Flour M slls Llmlted 500,000 R ua N gonde Estates Llm lted 20,000 Derodra Bullders Llmlted 200,000 Plot No E 21/22, M umlas Road, Klsumu H enderson Publlcatlons Llmlted 30,000 Clty M anslon, G overnm ent Roud, N alrobl K ttm H ouse Llm tted 20,000 K nlght s Brldgt, Estate tam lted 2,000 * Lum bw a H ouae Llm lted 20,000 N alvasha H ouse Llm lted 20,000 Nandl H oust Llm lted 20,000 P C M ânl (Holdlngs) Llmtced 100,000 Plots Nos 209/561/56 2, Gtnernment Road, Nalrobl Lum ber Sales Ltm lted 10,000 Plot N o L R 209/ 4159, Cardlff Road, Nalrobl East Afrlca M attlngs Lltnlted 20,000 Tayeballl Abdulhuseln (Propertles) Llmlted 2,500,000 G liiè Food Stort tam lted 40,000 Barlc Lsm jteil 100 D umbclton Contractors Llmlted 100,000 U nlty H ouse, Thomson's Falls Sqrora Estates Llm lted 2,000 Plot N o 4, Sectlcm XI, K ltale M unlclpallcy H R. Bhatt and Sons Llm lted 500,000 H lgkway Flats Llmlted 500,000 A rcadla Constructlon C ompany tam lted 60,000 . Va1J1 Bulldlna, Gulzaar Street, N alrobl Julretta C om pany Llm lted 400,000 M arket Research (East Afnma) Llmlted 2,000 M ombasa Plumbsng W orks (East Afrlca) Llmlted 50,000 Armaghdale Consolldated lnvestment Company Llmjted 200,0û0 Chalter Tradm g Corporatlon Llm lted 40,000 Plot N o 92, C ardlff Road, N alrobl Gordhandas Vasanlt Llmltcd 1,000,000 Plots N os 679/680, Sectlon V, Prlncess M arle Loulse Road, M om basa M urîta Colee Estate Inmtted 100,000 Clty M anslon, G ovetnm ent Road, N alrobl M ltchell Cotts and Company (Somalm) Llmlted 2,000 A fncan Tlm ber and Hardqare Com pany Ium lted 200,000 Chepcholna Farm Llm lted 20,000 ' ' Consolldated M mlng Flnance Lim lted 600,000 Englneertng Supplles Lm uted 400,000 M angal Slngh and Son Llm lted 100,000 W alll Jlwa and Company Lxmlted 200,000 K hlm chand H emra) Llm lted 100,000 Plot N o 1 Sectlon 1, K mangep Roads N alvasha H eat Exchangers Llm lted 50,000 Sadler House, Sadler Street, Nalrobl A utorep Llm lted 30,000 Leadlng Engm eerlng W orks Llm lted 150,000 Hardlal Slngh and Brothers Llmlted 200,000 Plot No 209 /5463, Glasgow Roa4, Nalrobl Autalr Hellcopters (E A ) Llfmted 2,000 Cateralr tamlted 800,000 Bulldlng Bqulpment Llmlted 100,000 Plot No 2716/785/ 17, Hazarat Road, Nalrob, Polnt M zurl Llmlted 30,000 Sunglora Housc, Vlctona Street, Natlob:

PuBu c COMPANY Nam e oj Company Address ()/ Reglstered Omct? The Church Trust Number of m tm bers zs declarod not to exceed 10

it ls further notltied that the followm g tompanjes, mcorporated outslde K enya, havlng estabhshed a place of busm ess m K enya, have dellvered partlculars for rcgl&tratlon durm g that perlod - N omznal Name (# Company Capttnl .z1.(f#?6wg oj Regfstered J'ce Compagnle d'A ssurances Generales accldents,Vol, M antlm es, R ssques dlvers, Aeassurances One thoum nd mghon francs 81 Rue de Rlçhelleurlkns (2.E), France sh Art and show Llmlted 100,000 68 Selous/lndla Street, Dar es Saham Produce Exporters (Uganda) Ltnuted 100.0c0 Plot No 44, W llham Street, Kampalm Uganda R s srl Aurobmdo Books Dlstrlbutlon Agency (Pr ) larfuted 500,(m() 31 Churchgate Reclam atlon, B Rûad, 'Bom bay, 1 -. G utlders K onlnklllkc Luchtvaart M aatschappl) N V (K L M Royal Dukch Alrllnes) 200,000,000 Plesmanweg 1, The Hague, The Netherlands Arbon Langllsh (Penslons and Estate Duttes) Ltd 2,:00 238 Gresham House, 24 O1d Broad Street, London, E C 2, england Balfour Beatty (Overseas) tamzted 250,000 66 Queen Street, London, E C 4, D gland w-240wb àiànuâry, 1958 R D J COWARD, egutrar // G'ompmntes t ! 82 TI'IE K EN Y A G A ZETTL 28th January, 1958

GwzsTTB N oaqcE N o 274 G &ZETTE Nor cr N o 278 THE JUBILEE INSURANC E COM PANY LIM JTED THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 tlNcoRl?oRA'ren IN KBNYA) çNo 20 t)/ 1957) M OM BASA TIIIKA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT Loss or Pol-lc. D ULY authollzed by thc Provlnwlal Com mlssloner, Centrz P1 ovtnce the followlng appllcattonç wTll be consldçred at a Pollcy No 9563 jor Sh 20 000 ol2 the llje oj Atf/ H assan, peclal meutlng (yf the 'lhlka tnquol Llcensmg Court to be Esmall Nathoo (?/ Nalrobt &k nya C'o/tpuy hcld on Tuesday llth M arch 1958 at 10 a m ln the Dlstnçt XPPLICATION haR becn m ade to thts com pany tol the lssue Comm ysstoner s Ollioes Ttttka of a dupllcate of the above-num bered pollçy, tlw orlgm al G eno al R etall .I( 'qltor vfacencE',s havlng becn leported as lost or mlsplacod N otlce ls hereby 'Vir E11 Jobn N K lm ani W angtge M arket, K lam bu gn en that unless objectlon ls lodged to the contrary at the offlce of the com panv wlthln 30 days from the date heleof a /I1 Sanzuel M btlgua s/o Gtthere Plot No 5, Cachle M arket, K lam bu dupllcate pollcy wlll be lssued to the pollcy holdel M esbl s K lpm bu Ba1 Plot N o 29, K lam bu Townshlp M essrs K làmbu btorcs Plot 'N c 6 Klam bu Townslup M ALIK W AHED N A D eputy G elleral M anaget C altteell fwlt///cv Ltcences M om bas t, f;t ad O/cc 'sj4l K esh lvl, Shlvrztl Shah Pnson Cantcen, K amltt Pnson 14th J'anuary 1957 P O Box 220 M ombasa M r K eshavi! Shfvraj Shah Pl tson Carlteen K lam bu Prlson Dejel ? ed zlppf/ct//lon,î G AZB'I'TB Nollcs N o 275 A11 tht- ïppliwltlons duferled at tht. m eetlllg of the Thlka L Icjuol 1. lctnslng C oul t hûld on 7tb January 1958 IN H ER M AJESTY S SUPREM E CO U RT OF K ENY A AT N AIRO BI R M BIRK EW 'i-hkk a Presdent IN B&NKRum c: Axo W INDING ula f AtisE N o q op 1957 22nd Janu tly 1958 Thlka faqut?r Ltcenstng Court Re J W HELAN TAPLIN (EAST AFRIC &) LIM ITED (In I,?t?uIJc/I(m) G azs'zq's Norkce No 279 AND IN TH E M ATTER OF TH E CO M PAN IES ORD IN ANCE THL LIQUOR LICENSIN G ORDINANCE, 1957 (Cap 288) (Np 20 0/ 1957) N oTI( B 'ro CREDITORS or FIRST M BETING SouTtl C/AST LIQUOR LlcFlslxcl COIJRT Name tp/ t ompany - J W belan Taplm (East Afrlca) Llnuted D ULY authorlzud by the Provlnclal Com m lssloner, Coast Regtsto ed fpf//cc - Blrmlngham Road, D ght Industrlal Area, P ovtnce the followlng apphcatlon wtll be consldered at a Plot 289t. Natrobl speclal m f etlng of the South C oast Llquor Llccnsing C ourt N o oj matter - 3 of 1957 zo he held qt 2 15 p m on 18th February 1958, m the oflice Cou, t - H M Suprem e Court of Kenya, N alrobl ot the Dlçtrlct E om m lçsloner M om basa Date and fl??7c - 18th Febl uary, 1958 at 2 45 p m Place .-r onferenwe Room (No 57), Ground Bloor W est W lng, W holemle Ltquor I kcence Central G overnm ent Bulldlng N durobl M 1 M wanake Kala, P O M watate, Vol, M watate, V ol 17 P B DFRRICK , D J COW ARD N alrobl D t%trlz t CtAznp/l Jbloner M om bam Ofpbal Rece'ver t?//J lh estdent 24th Janua! y, 1958 P; ol Islonlf Liquldatol South C/t?.7/ Ltquol fe/ceax//lg C oul t

GAZETTS N on cs No 276 GAZBTTB N oTicE No 280 TH E COM PAN IES ORIX N ANCE D E LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE qcap 288) PU RSU ANT to sectlon 284 sub-çectlon ( 1) of thc abovc (No 20 ol 1950 Ordlnancc lt 1&; heleby notlied tlhat at the expiratlon of N AIROBI LIQIJOK LICSNSING COURT tllree mollths from the date lleleof tbt. nanle of the ulldk.l - rrlentloned com pany wt/l unless cause be shown to the contl ary DU LY authonzed by the Oë cer-tn-chargt,, N alrobt Extm - be struck off the R eglwter of C om panlus hnd thw f om pany I'I ovlnclal D lqtrlct a speclal m eetlng of the N alrobl Llquor B111 be dlssolvcd Llcenslng Court wlll be held ln the N alrobl Extra-provm clal Distrlct Oflke at 9 15 a m on M onday, 24th February, 1958, ORIG4N IAAIR: 'LIMITED to consldel the follom ng apphcatlons - N al! obl D J COW A RD Geneîal Retall Ltquor Ltcences 24th Janualy, 1958 Reglstrat oj Cltppzpzptg?lle.s- Catelall Llmltetl, Em bakasl Alrpel t Satyapal Sahglam Chadha, Plot No 3465/5, Ngma Road, N alrobl G AZEI'TE N oerltm No 277 M alt and N os-lçplrl/lf('ffâ' I Jquor O n-hcence THE COM PAN IES ORDINAN CL Petet Jbqeph Osowo, Plot No 29/ 11 (01d No 29 /7/6R)s fcap 288) Tuskel V llage, Ruaraka K IBOKO FLATS ESTATE l IM ITED M alt Jp?# Non-smrltuou& Llquor OF-lzcences M EMBFRS Vot UNTARY W INDING UB Etcovtlle Stores, Plot No 7099/38/ 1 and 1139/ 1, Road N alrobt AT AN extTaordmary general meetlng o'f K fboko Flats ii state Altmkant Ladha Shah, Plot No 3271/55, 05 Jula Road, I tmlted duly cclnvened and hkld at N all ob1 on 15th January Nan ob1 1958 the followlng speclal resolutton was duly passed - That the company l,e wound up voluntartly under the pro- W lne M crchallts and G rocet s Ltquo! D cence vyslons of thc Compam es Ordlnanoe and that O S N csbltt ATunkant Ladha Slmh, Plot No 3271/55, 0: Jula Road, x c A of N alrobl be and ls hereby appotnted llcluldator for N alrobl thew ulpose of such Mlndlng up JNM I S W A LK ER Resfczlrtznf f îquov Llcenre,N 231 d Janualy 1958 t7 l26ïlt /?lr//? Cate! all Llmtted, Em bakast Auport Cafe Arcade Llmlted, Plot No 133/2, Fort Hall Road C redjtors of the com p tny a1e heleby Ieqglred to sind par Nalrobl , llculals of tl-itTl debts or ::1 Alm s to tht, Jlclm datol at P O B(v 713 N alrobl ()n c)T bt-fol (. 31 s-t M arch 1958 o; ln default l'raveîlers fgtgzlpz Llcence theleof tlle asstts w1l1 bt dlstl lbuted wlthout tak ng lnto account thelr clatm Catetau tzlm lttd, Em bakasl Auport R A W V K INSON , O S N ESBIW Nmrobl, Preskdent Llqultlator 25th January, 1958 N atrob' D tze r u censmg, Court = - > 1

28th Januaty, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 83

G AZE'I'TE Norlcll No 281 GAa TTE Nonce No 284 TH L LOCAL G OVERNM BNT (ELDORET EUROPEAN U ASIN G ISH U CO UN'I'Y CO UN CIL HOSPITAL RATE) ORD IN ANCE TENDERS FoR M EAT RATIONS (Cap 139) TEN D ERS are lnvlted for the supply of approxlm atelv 15,000 lb of good quallty iresh beef for the Afrlcan labourers PU RSUAN T to the provtslons of sectlon 3 and 4 of the cn,ployed by the Cauncll durlng the year 1958/59, as from above Ordlnance, as am ended bv the Local G overnm ent (E1do1 et 1st Aprll, 1958 H osm tal ltate) (Am endm ent) Ordlnance 1953 the Dehvelles to be made twlce m onthly at the approxllnate M um mpal Boald of Eldolet has lm posed a hospltal rate of 1 ate of 625 lb each delyvel'y Each dehvery to be collected Sh 50 for the year 1958 The 1 ate w1ll becom e due and pay- by C ouncp at the premlses of the suppller Each delw ery m ust nble at the Town H al), Eldoret, on 31st M arch, 1958 be palcelled ln the quanltles speclfied m each wrltten order of Lvery perscm ef wholly European orlgm or descent resldm g Councll wlthm the m unlclpahty ls llable f or payment of thls 1 ate Tenderx ln sealed envelopes marked ti-fenders- M eat excepang R atlons m ust bc rocewed by tht underslgned not later than (tz) Those undel the age ot 21 years 10 a m on W ednesday, -12th Febluary, 1958 The lowt-st er any tendel w11l not necessarlly be accepted (b) A mal l ltd 14 oman llvlng .1th he) husband H M CCU LLA GH , (c) Every femali person wbose total lncomc dld not exceed Eldoret, Clelk /0 Councll one hundled and twenty pounds (f120J ln the calendal 20th Janual) 1958 P O Box 1 00 Eldoret yiar lm m edtately pleccdlng the yt-ar ln relpect of wblch the rate ts due G U BTTB N on cB N o 285 (J) A perbon on a ttmpolaly vlslt to the mumcmallty not exceedlng qlx months U ASIN GISH U COUNT Y CO IJN CIL TENDERS yoR FoooseruFFs The burden of proof ot exem ptlon from paym enu of the TEN D ERS ai ù lnvlted fo1 the supply of the f ollowlng late shall lle wlth the perscn clalm lng exem ptlon approxtmate quantlties of the undermenuloned- comm odlt4es S & W H EATCROFT, durmg the yeal 1958 /59 - fown Clerk (1) 50 (fifty) bags, each 200 lb net, Canadmn W onder, Eidoret, Fown H all Rose Coco er m lxed beans , te be supplled aq and when 22nd January, 1938 P O Box 40 Eldolet lequll ed and at the apploxlm ate rate of four bags pe1 m onth as from 1st Aplll, 1958 (2) 12 (twelve) bags, each 224 lb net, coarse salt , to be supplled as and when leqtured and at the approxlm ate rate G AZS'I'TE N oTlcs N o 282 of one bag per m onth, as from 1st Aprll, 1958 (3) 50 flifty) bags, eacll 224 lb net, sugar , to be supplled A BERDA RE COUN TY COUN CIL as and when l equlred and at the approxlmate rate of four CASUAL N ACANeY- TIMAU W ARD bags per m onth, as from 1st A prll A 1958 (4) 720 tseven hundl ed and twenty) bags, each 200 lb NOTICE ls heleby gzven that at the abo&e electlon held net, fi1 st grade m alze m eal, to be dellvered a% and when on 18th Januar: 1958 the undelrnentlontd candldate was l equtred and at the apploxsm ate rate ot 60 bags pe1 m onth, declared elected - as from 1st Aprll, 1958 JAMES W II-LIAM A lkxot,o H FARLB Prlces quoted to be fo1 dellvely Eldolet N anyukl, E V H U LM E, Tendel s, ln sealed envelopes m arked 6v ender for FoodstuRs , 20th Janualy 1958 for a11 or any of the above comm odltles must be recewed by the Returnlng Of/ice; undel slgned not later than 10 a m on W ednesday, 12th F'ebruary 1958 T he lo e'est or anv tendet will not necessanlv be accepted G AZETTE Norlcs No 283 H M eCULLAG H , Eldoret, Clelk to Counctl M UN ICIPALITY OF K ISU M U 20th January, 1958 P O Box 100 Eldoret SAI.E op PRESENT M UNlclP4I. OFrlcBs àNo THE SI'I'E THEREOF Gykzsrrs N OTICE No 286 OFFERS are lnvlted for the purchase of the exlstlng m um clpal oë ces and the slte thereof Vacant possesslon can be UA SIN G ISH U COU NTY COU N CIL gtven on 31st July 1958, by whlch tlme the oë ces of the TENDERS FOR K HAKI SHIRTS AND SHORTS local authollty wllï be establlshed ln the new Town Hall TEN DERS are ln<ed fol the supply of the felloplng durm g The land and bmldlngs occupy an tmportant corner Slte the m onth of Aprll, 1958- boundod on two sldes by Vlctona Road and Court R oad, 200 shlrts , lyoth of whlch al e fully m adt up pubhc roads 200 shorts Short partlculars as follows ln good quallt: khakl dnll m edlum slze, for zssue to Afncan labom , prlces quoted to Iae for deltvely Eldoret Sltuatlon - P1ot No 1 , Sectlon XX l K lsum u Tenders, ln sealed envelopes m arked tlthakl Clothlng'', and encloslng a sam ple of m aterlal, m ust be recetved by the under- Teem --Resldue of a telm of 99 years from 1st Septem ber, 1912 stgned not lattr thatl 10 a m on W ednesday, 12th Pebruary 1958 * r A nnual rent - Sh 216 The lowcst or any tender w111 not necessamly be accepted A rea - 46 of an ac1 e or thereabouts H M CCU LLAGH , Bulldlngs - Double stoley Ground floov area at pllnth level Elderet, Clerk to Councll .2,349 sq ft Upper floor area (mcludm g velanda) 3,856 sq ft 20th Jalfual y 1958 P O Box 100 Eldoret Erected on a sotuîd foundatton and ls of murram blocks bullt ln llm e m ortar Ground floar ls of cemen: eoncrete Stalr case and upper tloor ls of tlm ber on tlm bel Jolsts T lm bel G AZET'I'E N o'rlcE N o 287 dools and wlndows Roof ls of galvanlzed conugated lron UASIN G ISH U COU N I'Y COU NCIL W lde veranda on three sldes on the upp:r floor Large room s TeNoEas y'oR BI-ANKE'I'S on the ground and upper lloors U seful outbulldlngs TEN D ERS are m vltcd fol thc qupply of the followlng - Prospecttve purchasers l'rtag tnspect tlte land and bmldlngs at 1 ,000 cotton blankets, 60 zn by 90 ln , welght approxlm ately al1 reasonablc tkm es A plan of the slte and of the present 31 lb each, to be supphed ln orlglnal bales durmg the butldlngs wlll be ploduced for lnspectlon m enth of Aprll, 1958 Prloes to be quoted for dellvery m Further partlculars m ay be obtalned from the underslgned Eldoret on request Tentlers m sealed em elopes, m arked ççTenders for Blankets and encloslng sample of rnatorlal m ust be recen ed by the, Persons m teresttd are requested to m ake ofkrs by 15th M arch, underslgned not later than 10 a m on W ednesday, 12ti) 1958 February, 1958 The lowest or any tender wtll not necesm rlly be accepted J A BERRY , Town Clelk H M X ULLA GH , K zsum u, M anlcfpfzl Oscses Eldoret, Clerk to Counctl 17th Janm ry, 1958 P O Box 105 K ksum u 20th Jarmary, 1958 P O Box 100 Eldoret Nw 84 TH E K EN YA GA ZET TE 28G January, 1958

GAZ.L'TTB Norce No 288 APPLICATION No 8259 PART A G Ass 19 (schedule IID TH E TRAD B M ARKS ORD IN AN CE, 1955 (No 57 o! 1955) NOTICE zs hereby glven tha.t any person who has grounds j # @. v oj opposztlon to tiw lepstratlon of any of the marks advertlsed * hereln accordm g to the Classes m ay, wzthln 60 days from tbe * date of tlus Gazetts, lodgev notlce of opposltlon on Form T M 6 In duphcate tor ther wlth a fee of Shs 50/- The penod for lodglng notlce of opposltlon m ay be extended by the Reglstrar as he tlunks fit and upon suoh term s as he $ * m ay dlrect * Form al opposltlon should not be lodged untll after remsonable notlce has been pven by letter to the appllcant for reglstra- % tlon so as to alord hlm an opportumty of m thdram ng lu.s apphcatton before the expenK of prtpanng the notlce of opposltlon zs m curred Fallure to pve such notzce m 11 be % taken lnto accptmt ln consldenng any appllcatzon by an opponint for an order for costs lf the ogposltlon ls 1m - contested by the applzcant Aepucx-moN No 7152 M T A Cu ss 39 (Schedule 1I) Nature D/ goods .-r em ent and lzme Name oj apphcant - Nyasaland Portland Cem ent Com pany Llm lted -& . Addresa - Blantyre, P O Box 523, x vA;# zy *- N j, Atklnson, Cleasby and Com panyN.yadsavloacnadt esa,n dP Oc/ o BMoxe ss2rs9. - j u . M om basa

APPLICATION No 8260 PART A Cu ss 25 (Schedlzle 111)

* I Nature 0/ goods - penclls Trade M ark No 1398 m Class 38 (Schedule Il) vested m Name t7/ appllcant - Dr G ustav Schwanhausser tradlng as The Custodlan of Bnenly Property wlll b; struck o: from Sclkwan-Bletstlft-Fabrlk Sohwanhausser and Com pany the Remster zf and before the Appllcant's m ark zs rep stered Address - Nurnberg, M axfeldstr 3 Gelm any and c/o M essrs Nature (# aoods - Artlcles of clotlung D aly and Flggls, advocates, P O Box 34, Nalrobl N ame oj appltcant m W zlhelm Benger Sohne (pertsonally AITLICATION No 8221 PART A CLASS 23 (Schedule 111) rugonstble partners bem g Ulnch D oertenbach, Erwm Goebel and Rolf W oernle) Addren - Boeblmgezstrasse 72, Stuttgart, Gcrmany and c/o M a srs H arm lton H arnson and M atbews, advocates, P O Pnvate Bag, N mrobz

APPLICATION No 8319 PART A CtAss 1 Ae#LICA'rION N o 8320 PART A Ctxss 5 (Schedule 111) & > A ' # # # #

Twolady W ools tk v x Repstratlon of tlus trade m ark shall gw e, no nght to tbo exclla ve use of the nam e Esslm ger Apphcatm n N os 8319 and 8320 to be assoczated wltb each It ls a condltton of repstratzon that the m ark sltall be other and m turn m th No 7992 and others used only m relatlon to goods m anufactured m Bsslm ger. G erm any Nature t# goods - The word <%W ol1e'' as lt appears m the m ark ls tho Germ en Applkcatton No 831% ln Class 1 (Schedule 17J) .-fhemlcal word for ':W ool'' products for uso ln zndustz.y Nature of goods - Yarns made wholly of wool Appltcation No 8320 za Class 5 (Schedule ND - M edlclnal, Name oj appllcant - M erkel and Company (the m rsonally pharm aceutlcal àvglem cal, dlsm fectant and vetemnary responslble partners bemg Hans M orkel and Fntz M erkel) products Addren - Fabnkstrasse 24, Esslmgen/Neckar, Germany and c/o M essr: Kaplan and Stratton, advocatesy P O Box 111, Name of appltcant - socleta Farmaceutlct Itaha N mrobl Address .-48, V1a Fllmpo Turat&, M llan, Italy and c/o M essrs K aplan and Stratton, advocates, IA O Box 111, N mrobl APPLICATION No 8249 PART A Ctass 5 tschedule 111) A'IYJ-ICATION No 8322 PART A Ctass 5 (Schedule TII) ' #l $ l STA U FFER (I'o be assoctated m th No 8323 ) 2 Ncflfre 0/ gooh '-pharmacctltlcal, vetermary and Mmtaly substances , mfants' and lnvallds' foods , plasters, matenals for bandaglng, m atenal for stopplng teeth, dental wax, dls- Repstratlon of tlus trade mark shall glve no rlght to the lnfectants , preparatlons for klllmg weeds and destroym g excluslve use of the devlce of an mfant's llead verm m Nature oj goods - A m edlcme for lnfants and cluldren Name 0/ appllcant - G T Ftllford Company LlmAted al* Name 0/ appllcant .-stauser Chemlcal Company tradm g as 'I'he Dr W llllams M edlmne Company A ddress --636 Callforma Street, Clty of San Franclsco, State Address - 255 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada and also H atch of Callforma, Umted States of Amenca and c/o M essrs End, M lddlesex, England and c/o M essrs Atkmson, Atkm son, Cleasby and Company, advocates, P O Box 29, Clm sby attd Company, advocat%, P O Box 29s M om% sa M om basa 28th January, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 85

Alx zcAnox No 8323 PART A CLAss 1 (Schedule 111) lxl>ptwlcATloN No 8329 PART A CLàss 30 (Schedule IID STA U FFER ff'o be assoctated m th No 8322) * Nature oj goods .-r henucal products used m lndustry, %. e ê swence, photograplly, agrlculture hortlculture, forestl'y, r z manures (natural and artlficlal) , fre-extlngmslung compom- tlons, temperlng substances and chenucal preparatlons for soldenng , chem lcal substances for preservm g foodstuss , tnnnlng subgtances , adheslvo substances used m m dustry >' Name t# applkcant --suuser Chemlcal Com pany A ddless - 636 Californla Stred, Clty of San Franclsco, State of Callfornla, Umted States of Amenca and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Com pany, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa

APPLICATION N o 8324 PART A CtAss 11 (Schedule 111) l * FR AM * (To be assoclated wtth No 7770 and another) 1 % Natule t7/ goods - n lters, separators for lmmlsclble llqulds and and replacement lilterm g cartrldges for all the aforesald goods , a1l lncluded m Class 1 1 Rcglstratlon of thls trade m ark shall glve no nght to the Name t?/ qpplkcant - Fram Corporatlon (By consent of excluslve use of the devlce of the m ap of Indla Slmmonds Aerocessorles Llmlted ) The m ark ts to be vaned by the substltutlon of the nam e A ddrezs - 105 Pawtucket Avenue, East Provldence, Rhode ço Gî rasumc hf loguor o'ds covered by the specllicatlon for the w ords lsland, Unlted States of Amerlca and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa It ls a condltlon of reglstratlon that when the m ark ls ln use the blank spaces contalned ln the Swastlc devlce w1l1 only AIYLKATION No 8325 PART A CtAss 5 (Schedule 111) be occupled by m atter of a purely descnptlve nature and D O W PO N non-trado m ark character Nature oj goods .-o ram flour dhall of a11 vanetles, splces, Ncfure ol goods - W eed-kllllng composltlons flour and other preparatlons m ade from cereals and graln Name tp/ appllcant - The Dow Chemlcal Company Name t7/ appllcant - vraspar Nagpar, Juthalal Nagpar, KJMmll Address .-r lty of M ldland, State of M lchzgan, U nltod States Devral, Ve1J1 K hlm ll and K eshavlal Vralpar, tradmg as of Amerlca, and c/o M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby and Company, Swastlc Food Products advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa Addrezz - P1ot No 229 /7 Kalat Road, off Racecourse Road, P O Box 3243, N alrobl APPLICATION No 8326 PART A Cu ss 5 (Schedule 111) D E D U R BO N JkeeLlcATlox l:o 8330 PART Sk CL&ss 1 (Schedule 111/ Nature 0/ goods - pharmaceutlcal preparatlons for human use Name 0/ appltcant .-iaboratont's J Berœ er K A PT Address --4, Rue de la Llberte, Grenoble, France, and c Jo Nature of goods - An agrzcultural chemlcal M essrs A tkm son, Cleasby and Com panyy advocates P O Name oj Appllcant - Afncan Exploslves and Chermcal Industnes Box 29, M ombasa (East Afnca) Llmlted Addren - lthokatan H ouse, York Stred, P O Box 30172, APPLICATION No 88327 PART B CkAss 9 (Schedule 111) Nalrobl, and c/ o M essrs Daly and Flggls, advocates, P O TU RRAR C Box 34, N alrobl Nature ol goods - Electrodes for electrlc arc weldlng and electrw arc weldmg apparatus (not being machmes) and parts thereof m cluded m Class 9 AplyLlci7'lox No 8333 PART A CrAss 12 (Schedule 111) Name oj appllcant .- ouasl-Arc Lllm ted Address - Brldgewater H ouse, Cleveland R ow, St Jam es's, London, S W 1, England, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Com pany, advocates, P O Box 29. M om basa APPLICATION No 8328 PART A Ctass 3 (Schedule 111) N A I FL E Reglstratlon of tlus trade m ark shall glve no rlght to the excluslve use of the nam e E N andl'' lt ls a condltlon of reglstratlon that the m ark ls only to be used m relatlon to the goods covered by the speclficatlon and ' m anufactured m the N andz Dlstnct Nature t# goods '- M otor cycles Nature ol goods - Furnlture, floor and tpe pohsh Name 0/ appllcant - Douglas (Kzngswood) Llmlted Name t# applkcant .-o olnyo Lessos Estate Llmlttd Address - D ouglas Road, K lngswood, Brzstol, G loucesterslure, Address .- Farm N o 684, D olnyo Lessos Estate, P O Box 169, England, and c/o M essrs Kaplan and Stratton, advocates, Eldoret P O Box 111, Nalrobl % A ITLICATION No 7741 Pm A Cu ss 32 (Schedule 111)


I I : :

UGANDA BREW ERI'S kTD . PORT lEkk XAMPALA (To be assx ated m th No 6154) porter, lager and any other A ddress - M oodybrook Chambers, 4 K am pala Road, K ampala, Nature ()/ goods - Beer, ale, Uganda and c/o M esm Xâapley n Barret, M m and Com- such hke m alt brews Brewenes Ltmlted W IW ' Zdvocates, P O Box 286. N mrobl Name 0/ appllcant - uganda Reglstrar <# Trade M crk.ç , o ) cow M œ , N : l r (? b !. - . . - .. . - 86 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 28th January, 1958


ScuEout,E oF BAtwxcss AT PERIOD ENDING 31sT D ECEMBER, 1956 D r Cr Sh efx Sh cts Dr C1 l'W akf of A zlz b1n Jum a M uhurlzl N o 1 50 00 SIt cts uV/7 cts W akf of A zlz bln Jum a M uhunzl N o 2 224 16 kW akf of A zlz bln Jum a M uhunzl N o 2 100 00 W akf of Sallm b1n M barak D ahm aa 4 462 46 M osque of A bdulla Shlm bw a 731 87 tW akl of Sallm b1n M barak D ahm an ,200 00 M osqute of Abdulla Sium bw a 2 000 (J() Surolus Funds- W akf W dis A ccount 15 0% 00 M osque ol H em ed b1n Shelkh 43 26 Surplus Funds- surplus Funds (Un- , M osquw of K ham ls bln N assor clm m ed estate) 15,000 00 D uweekey 244 W akf of Abdulla M akl- M allndl 13,447 00 *M osquu ot- K ham ls bln N assor W akf of Abdulla M akl- M allndl - 1,000 00 D uweekey 5O0 00 K enya G overnm ent Stock 399 820 09 - M osque of K ham ts bln M oham ed W akf of Sallm a blntj M oham td bln Requlshl 5,272 18 K ham is 1 376 64 *M osquu of K ham ls bIn M oham ed W akf of All M ohamed bln Jum a , R equlshl 6 440 23 M utwafy 31,178 09 M osquo of lbqthl 7 424 54 'FW akt of All M ohamed bln Jum a YM osque of lbatkl 16 000 00 M utw afy 6 500 00 M osquc of Jum a M uhunzl 766 16 M osque of Shelkh Bato- M am brul 135 00 'YM osque of Jum a M uhunzl 150 00 PM osque of Shelkh Bato- M amburl 150 00 M osquw of M wnabu 20,665 04 M osque of Jum a b1n Abdulla- M allndt 2,546 00 vh/losque of M w labu 23,550 00 *M osque of Jum a bin Abdulla- M allndl 300 00 M osque of M andhry 20,904 23 W akf of Sald b1n Sallm and A tlva blnt *M osqut. of M andhry 23 000 00 Sallm 1 260 34 M osquw ot M 'wlnyl K om bo 910 73 A W akf of Sald b1n Sallm and Atbya blnt *Nlosquu of M wlnyl K om bo 300 00 Sallm - 3 600 00 M osquu of M oham ed b,n Jum a 1 266 62 Cash at the Standald Bank of S A Ltd 30,133 12 ,- d'M osquo of M ohamed bln Jum a 1,200 00 Casit at tho N attonal Bank of lndla Ltd 91,777 98 M osque of N aam an Basheskh 4 479 9: Cash at the N atlonal Bank of Indla *Nlosquu ol N aam an Bashelkh 2 584 00 M osquu of Sahm b1n K half'an 8,728 89 (F D ) 160 000 00 *M osque of Sallm bln Kbalfan 12,10û ()0 Petty Cash on Hand toflicel 14 26 - M osque of M baruk bln 11 ashld 70,795 03 *h/losquw of M baruk bIn R aqhld 5,000 00 Sh 819 057 87 819,057 87 M osque of Self bln Sallm 2 627 19 *M osque of Self b,n Sallm I 3,500 00 *M alntenance and Reserve Fund W akf W ells Account 68 81 *W akf W ells A ccount 700 00 W akf of M oham ed b1n Juma- Takaungu 756 36 *W akf of M oham ed bln Jum a- Takaungu 1 100 00 Cem etery of N assor bin Sulelm an 759 4$ D ETAILBO REvswvr Awo Expexm ax ltl A ccoux'r rop a7HE Y EAR Cem etery of Sulelm an b$n Ghe1th ENDING 31sT D ECEMBER, 1956 D arem key 3 166 94 *com otery of Sulm m an bln G helth D arem key 2 000 00 R evenue Expendlture Cem etery of W aklllfi 1,248 00 G eneral A dm lm stratlon Fund 22,829 14 Rsl-lcllot;s W ykhl?s Sh cts Sh cts Surplus Fundq A ccount 22 303 44 Surplus Funds Account (F1xt,d Deposlt) 160 000 00 M osque of Abdulla Shlm bwa 535 50 f44 13 W akf of M oham ed b1n Sald Bam kelle *M osque of Abdulla Shimbwa 400 00 - N o 1 17,579 66 M osque of Hem ed bln Shelkh 341 40 423 65 *W akf of M oham ed b1n Sald Bam kelle M osque of Kham ls b1n N assor D uweky 480 00 531 25 N o 1 3,300 00 M osque of K ham ls M oham ed Requlshl 7,859 03 5,540 39 W akf of M oham ed b1n Sald Bam lvelle RM osque of K ham ls M oham ed R equlshl 4,000 00 - N o 2 1 233 6: M osque ot- Ibathl 5 194 44 1 647 27 *W akf of M oham ed bln Sald Bam kelle M osque of Jum a M uhunzl 933 50 697 00 N o 2 250 00 eM osque of Jum a M uhunzl 100 00 - W akf of M oham ed bln Sald Bam kelle M osque of M w ljabu 15 055 15 12 513 76 N o 3 20 237 53 *M osque o! M wilabu 2,325 00 2 325 00 *W akf of M oham ed b1n Sald Bam kelle M osque of M andhry 13,377 24 3,659 68 N o 3 500 00 *M osque of M andhry 700 00 700 00 W akf of M wana lk1 blntl Sulelm an 378 92 M osque of M ezlnyt K om bo 978 42 767 61 *W akf of M wana Ikl blntl Sulelm an 750 00 'M osque of M wlny: K om bo 100 00 - M osquu of Pwanl- lwam u 1,649 43 M osqae of M oham ed bln Jum a 2 280 00 2 150 67 *M osquu of Pw anl- Lam u 1 926 3: eM osque of M oham ed b1n Jum a 500 00 - W akl of Sulelm an b1n Rashld N o 1 647 34 M osque of N aam an Bashelkh 3,493 15 3,058 48 *W akf of Sulelm an b1n Rashld N o 1 1 200 00 ï'M osque of N aam an Bashelkh 700 00 500 00 W akt of Sulelm an bln Rasllld N o 2 3 154 23 M osque of Sallm b1n K halfan 2 478 00 1,919 17 'kW akf oi Sulelm an bln Rashld N o 2 3,200 00 M osque of M batuk bkn R ashld - l (1B1 10 Poor R ellef and U pkeep ot C em etery 1 724 86 M osque ol Self bln Sallm 800 00 469 90 W akf of A rab Com m unlty- M allndl 288 00 W akt of M oham ed blnlum a, Takaungu 486 00 524 30 Jubllee H all Trust A ccount 2 028 58 'eW akf of M oham ed b1n Jum a, Takaungu 500 00 - M osque of R odha- taam u 3 214 56 W akf of M wana lkl blntl Sulelm qn 357 18 5,948 75 *M osque of R edha- l-am u 1 000 00 *W akf- of M w ana lkl blntt Suletm an 50 00 - W akf of M warabu blntl Abdulla Saleh 572 61 M osque of Pwanl--Lam u 2,246 42 1 630 36 eW akt of M walabu blntl Abdulla Saleh 200 00 4 M osque of Pwanl- Lam u 500 00 573 65 M osque of Shlkely 9 864 35 W akf of Sulelm an b1n R ashld N o I 1 054 20 1,169 85 *M osque of Shlkdy - l 1 000 00 *W akl of Sulelm an bln R ashld N o 1 200 00 - M osquw of A nlsa 4 28 - M osque of R odha- Lam u 1 392 22 699 14 *M osque of A nlsa - 20 00 'M osiue of R odha ,-l-qm u 5O0 00 500 00 M osque of R ashld bIn Soud- M allndl 1 599 19 W akf of M warabu bm tl A bdtlll t Saleh 25 00 1 25 *M osque of R ashld b1n Soud- M allndl 3 000 00 M osque of Shlkely 3 747 65 3 219 15 M osque of Self bm Salkm Trustee a/c 952 31 *M osque of Shlkely l 260 00 l 260 00 *M osque of Self bln Sallm, Trustee a/c - l 000 00 M osque of Am sa 904 l 5 958 68 Surplus Funds- lnkestm entq 136,149 75 - M osque of Rashld bln Soud- M allndl 595 45 884 03 Surplus Funds- M osque of N lam an *M osque of R ashld bln Soud- M allndl 500 00 - Bashelkh 25 949 00 M osque of Self b1n Sallm- -rrustee a/c 518 00 592 56 Surplus Funds- M osque of M wllabu 80 200 75 W akf of M oham ed bln R ashld Baddal 1 012 00 738 49 Surpluq Funds- M osque of M andhry 20 740 00 'ew akf of M oham ed bm R ashld Baddal 500 00 - Surpluq Funds v-M oqque of Sallm bm W akt of M oham ed Alt btn Saad M an K halfan 21,748 00 dhry 383 83 314 10 Surplus Funds- M osque of M baruk eW akt of M ohamed A 11 b1n Saad M an bln R ashld 18,716 00 dhry 100 00 - Surplus Fundç- u nallocated account 285 49 A akf of Sallm bln M barak D hm an 4,000 00 504 83 W akf of M oham ed bm Rashld Baddal 795 74 W akf of Abdulla M akl- M allndl 1,920 00 96 00 *W akf of M oham ed bln Rashld Baddal 1 540 00 W akf of All M ohamed bln Jum a W akf of M oham e.d bln A lt bm Saad M utwafy 18 600 87 3,189 90 M andy 393 23 'hW akt of Al1 M ohamed btn Jum a *W akf of M oham ed b1n A li bln Saad M utw afy 550 00 550 00 M andy 300 00 W akt of Sald b1n Sallm and A tlya Sallm 2 160 00 2 161 68 W akf of A 11 bin K ham ls M azrul 1,572 15 vW akf of Sald bln Sallm and A tlya Sallm 600 00 ,- *W akf of A h b1n Khalm s M azrul - 1 700 00 W akf of Azlz bln Jum a M uhunzl N o 1 1,158 39 - Sh l07 293 80 63 965 78 28th January, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 87

W AKF COM M ISSIONERS- ICW//J ) GAZB'I'TE NoTIcE No 290 D BTAILED R BVENUE AND EXPENDITURE A CCOUNT FOR THE Y EAR ENDING 31sT DECEMBBR, 3956- (Contd ) N O RAH M ARY STRAU ON , DECEASBD N OT ICE lb hereby glven pulsuant to seetlon 28 of the Trustets Ordlnance (Cap 36) that anv person havm g a clalm Revenue Expendlture agalnst or an m terest m the estate of the late N orah M ary Stratton, late of P O Box 12205, N alrobl, ln the Colony of Sh cts Sh c/J K enya who dled on the 12th day of Janmary, 1958, ls hereby BBXEFICIARY W AKFS l equlred to send partlculars m wrltlng of h1s clalm or m terest W akf of M oham ed bln Sald Bam kelle to the underslgnod before the 30th day of Aprll, 1958 after N o 1 2 250 00 448 76 w lalch date the executors w1l1 dzstrlbute the estate am eng the W akf of M oham ed b1n Said Bam kelle petsons entltled thereto, havlng regald only to the claim s and N o 2 2,500 00 3,123 77 m tel ests of whlch they shall have had notlce and w111 not as *W akf of M oham ed bln Sald Bam kdle ! especus the ploperty so dlstnbuted be hable to any person of N o 2 200 00 whose clalm they shall not have had notlce W akf of M oham ed b1n Sald Bam kelle N o 3 2,200 00 220 00 K APLAN & STRAW ON , W akf of Sulelm an b1n Rashld D aranl N o 2 9,799 42 12,502 80 A dvocates to the executofs *W akf of Sulelm an bln Rashld D aranl Nalrobl, Queensway House N o 2 1 000 00 - 17th January, 1958 P 0 Box 111 N atrobï *W akf of All bln K ham ls M azrul 2,368 84 2,354 00 *W akf of A l1 bln K ham ls M azrul 500 00 - GAZBTTE N oTlcs No 29l W akf of Azlz b1n Jum a M uhunzl N o 1 9,247 50 18,051 70 IN H ER M M ESTY S SU PREM E COU RT 0F K ENY A W akf of Azlz b1n Jum a M uhunzl N o 2 475 15 688 89 AT N AIROBI 30,540 91 37,389 92 PROBATE AN D A DM INISTRATION CAuss N o 14 oF 1958 O THER A ccotm Ts Re ln f/7c estate oj Glf.p Nlcholas C/2(?r?I?7g/o?7 deceased W akf W alls Aocount 1,848 99 2,565 89 TAK E NO TICE that apphcatlon havlng been made m tlus C em etery of Sulelm an bln G he1th C oult ln the abovu cause by Percy Jam es G ll1, also known D harem key 2 680 00 134 00 ts Jam es Perclval GlIl of N alrobl one of the executors nam ed G eneral A dm lm stratlon Fund 27,739 52 23,658 90 In the wlll and todlclls of the deceased through M essrs D aly Surplus Fttnds A ccount 1,612 50 172,337 05 and Flggls, advocates, ot Nallobl for a grant of probate of Surplus Funds Account (Fkxed Deposlt) 160 000 00 - the w lll and cedlclls of G uy N lcholas C harrlngton of R ulru Poor Rellef and Upkeep of Cem etery 175 00 8 75 Jublleo H all Trust Fund 2,015 00 75 ln the Colony of K enya and of Fleld Plaoe H ersham , Sussex, England who dted at A den on the 16th day of January, 1958, Sh 196,071 01 198 705 34 thls Court wl1l proceed to lssue the Sam e unleis cause be shown to the contraly and appearance ln thls lespect entered on or betote the l 1th day ol February, 1958 M am tenance and Reserve Fund H F H AM EL, Nalrobl, D eputy R eatstrar 24th Janqary, 1958 H M Sttprenle Court ol Kenya SuM uAltv oy RIIVENIJE AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE Y EAR ENDING N ote - The above nam ed w111 and codlcîls ate now deposlted 31sT D ECBMBBR, 1956 and open to m spectlolr at the C ourt

r GAZBTTE N oTlcE No 292 Broughtforward - Sh cts X/? cts IN H ER M AJESTY S SU PREM E COU RT OF K ENYA To .#J7 Current A/c N B 1 Current A/c N B I AT M OM BA SA Ltd 247,807 14 ktd 91 777 98 PRO BATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION Cash on Hand 250 00 Current A/c Potty CashonH and 23 54 S B S A Ltd 30, l33 12 TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls R evenue 1956 Flxed D eposlt- C ourt ln - Rellglous W akfs 107,293 80 N B l Ltd 160 000 00 Benelklary W akfs 30,540 91 Petty Cash on H and 14 26 (1) CAuss No 99 oF 1957 Other Accounts 196,071 01 Expendtture 1956 By M oham ed b1n Al1 b1n M oham ed bm Nur of Lam u, K enya lhbestm ents R ellglous W akfs 63,965 78 Protectorate the executol nam ed m the w1l1 of tlte deceased Investm ents held 399,820 17 Benehclary W akfs 37,389 92 for a grant of probate of the w111 of the late Ahm ed bm Sald, Other W akfs 198,705 34 bIn M oham ed bm Nur of , K enya Protectorate, who dled Investm ents at Lamu on the 11th day of July, 1957 Investm ents onhand 399,820 17 (2) CAuslz N o 100 or 1957 Sh 981,806 57 j Sh 981 806 j!' By llse H ughes of M om basa K enya Protectorate, the w ldow of ttw deoeased, for a grant of ,l etters of adm m lstratm n m testate of the ostate- of Cllfton Gulseppe H ughes of M om basa, K enya Protectorate, who dled at N alrobl on the 20th day of October 1957 , SCHEDIJLE oF INvss'rMEx'rs (3) CAuse No 101 of? 1957 f s d By (1) Salehbhal Hassanall M amupe and (2) Tahelrah Hassan- Kenya 31 per cent 1973/78 6,400 0 0 a11 M amulee, both of M om basa K enya Protectorate the sons Kenya 4.1. per cent 1971/78 3,911 7 1 1 of the deceased for a grant of letters of admm lstratton, m testate Kenya 41 per cent 1971/78 488 6 1 of the estate of H 'tssanall M amulee of M om basa K enya Pro Kenya 41. per cent 1971/78 563 11 11 tectorate, who dled au M om basa on the 4th day, of October Kenya 4.1. per cent 1971/78 1,282 16 5 1957 , Kenya 41. per cent 1971/78 654 17 9 Kenya 41. per cent 1971/78 1,000 0 0 (4) CAUSE No 103 oF 1957 Kenya 4 per cent 1960/61 5 690 0 0 By lsm atl Vlncent Thom as Rodngues of M em basa, K enya f 19 991 0 2 Protectorate, the son of the deceased for a grant of letters of adm m lstratlon m testate of the estate ,o f Cosme Peter Vincente Rodrlgues of M om basa, Ken) a Protedorate who dled at G oa = Sh 399,820/17 on the 3rd day of June, 1956 , (5) CAUSE No 104 ()lc 1957

By M oham ed bln Hllal (yf Lam u, K enya P1 otectorate, thc executor nam ed jn the will of the deceased, fol' a grant of R A H A W K IN S, kprobate of the w1l1 of the late H llal b1n A bdalla b1n Fafral also Secl etary, Wakf Commlsstoners nown as H llal bm Abdalla Faral and H llal bm A bdulla ,F aral A1 M afazl, of lwamu, K enya Pl otectorate, who dled at Lam u on the 5th day of N ovem ber, 1957 I have exam lned the above Sum m ary and the attached state- ments m accordance wlth sectlon 24 of the W akf Com m lssloners The Court m ll proceed to lssue the grant unless cause be Ordm anco, 1951 1 have obtam ed all the lnform atlon and explana shown to the contraly and appearance m thls respect entered ttons that I have reqm red and I certlfy as the result of my audlt that on or before the 11th day of F'ebluary, 1958 m m y oplm on the above summ ary and the attached statements are correct S F N U NBS, M om basa, Acttng D eputy Regtstrar 14th January, 1958 H M Supreme Court ()/ Kenya C W H OD GES N ote .- rl'he respectlve wllls above named are deposlted and .3rd Deçember, 1957 Controller and Audltor-ceneral open to tnspectton at G e Court durmg olce hours 88 THE K EN YA G AZETTE 22th January, 19%

GAZE'I'TE N oTlcs N o 293 G AZETTE No'ncs N o 296 THE FRAU DL LEN T TRAN SFER OF BU SIN BSSES IN H ER M AJESTY 'S SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA ORDIN AN CE AT N AIROBI W ap 286) PROBATE AN D A DM IN ISTM TION N O TIC E ls heleby glven that Lhe busm ess of an hotel cal rlt.d on by C olonel C ublson at K lkam bala m the Protectorate CAUSE N o 300 oB 1957 of K enyct undeë the name or style (yf K lkambala H otel has as from the 16th day of January, 1958, been carrled on by M r In //1e maltel t?/ the estate ()/ A' thul Fretfcrlck W lnwood and M 1 s M P H D onnelly who w 11l carry on the sald G ossage deceased busm ess ln the s tm e style and m 1he sam e p'fem lses TAK E N OTICE that a glant of letters of admlm stratlon wlth The addless of Colonel Cublson c/(> P O Box the w11l and codlclls annexed of the above-named A rthur N 'zllobl Fredellck W lnwood Gossagc, who dled ln England on the 12th day of July, 1957, was glanted to Jam es Frederlck Hume Thc address of M r qnd M ls M H D onnelly ls P 0 H am llton and Flartk Ben D erwent M oger, both of N atrobl m Box 285, M om bas: the Colony of K enya, the attolneys of the executors nam ed m M l and M ls M P H D onnelly a1e not assumm g nol a1e the w11l and codlclls of the deceased on the 14th day of they lntended to assum e any llablllty m culred by C olonel January 1958, and that a11 persons havlng any clalm s agalnst Cublson ln the sald busm ess up to and lncludm g the 15th day the estate of the .sald deceased are lequlrod to prove the sam e of Janu-uy, 1958 and the same wlll be pald and dlscharged with the underslgned on or bef ore the 29th day of M art'h, 1958, by fzolonel Cublson Llkewlse a11 debts owm g te Colonel atter whlch date the clalm s so proved wl1l be pald and the Cublson up te and lncludlng the 15th day of Janualy, 1958, esvte dlstrlbuted accordlng to 1aw should be paid to Colonel Cublson Dated the 20th day of January, 1958 D ated at M om basa thls 16th day of Janualy, 1958 M ARION D ON NELLY , H AM ILTON , H A RRISON & M ATHEW S, M P H DON NELLY Advocates /t7, the executors T6 ansjerees Stanvac H ouse COLON BL REGIN ALD M ARSH CU BISON Prlvc/c Bag N akrobt Trallsjeî t?r

G AZETTE NoTlcE N o 294 GAzsrrs N orncB N o 297 IN H ER M AJESTY ': SUPREM E COU RT 0F K EN YA IN H IIR M AJESI'Y S SU PREM B COU RT OF K EN YA AT M OM BASA AT N AK UR U D ISTRICT RBG ISTRY PROBATE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION PRO BATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been made ln thls C ourt Sn - TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havmg been made ln thls (1) CALSB No 106 op 1957 C ourt ln - By Abdullazak Hussem Ahmed of M ombasa Kenya P1 o- (1) CAUSE No 35 or 1957 tectorate, the nephew oj the deceased fol a grant of Ietters of adm lnlstratlon lntestate of the estate ef Shanff Hassan b1n By Francls M ay Thom as of Subukla ln the Colony of K enya, A hm ed of M om basa K enya Plotectorate, who dled at M om basa thl ough her advocates, M essrs Geoffrey W htte and Company, on the 25th day of A p111, 1957 of P O Box 368, N akuru, ln the Fsald Colony, for a grant of probate of the w1ll of the late Alfred D onald Phlpos Thomas (2) CAIJSB No 1 oF 1958 oi Subukta aforem ld, who dled at som e place unknown whllst By Shantaben N agll tlladhal Panchal of K lllli, Kenya Pro- flylng ln an allcraft flom Subukla aforesald to Nallobl m the tectorate, the widow of the deceased, fol a glant of letters of sald Colony on the 11th day of July, 1957 adm m lstl atlon lntestate of the estate of N agll Ltladhar Panchal of K lilfi K enya Prouectolate, who dled at K lllfi on the 13th (2) CAusE No 2 oj 1958 day of D ecem ber 1957 By M arla M agdelena M outon of 01 K alou ln the Colony of (3) CAUSE No 2 oF 1958 K enya, tinough her advocatesa M essl s Cresswell M ann and D od of P 01 Bex 51, N akuru, m the sald Co, lony By M arlam blntl A bdulla of M ombasa K enya Protectorate, , for a the wldow of the deceased for a grant of lettt-ls of adm lnlstra- grant of probate of the w111 of the late Bernard Johannes M ou- tlon lntestate of the estate of A bdulla bm N aqsor of M om basa, ten of 0 1 K alou afolesald, who dled at 01 K alou on the 15th K enya Plotectorate, who dled at M om basa on the 5th day of day of October, 1957 D ecem bel , 1957 Thls Court w11l proceed to lssue a grant unless cause be (4) CAIJSE No 3 oF 1958 shown to tbe ccmtrary and appoarance entered ln thls respect By Shantllql L axm lchand M ehta of M om basa, K enya P1 o on or befolc the 10th day of Februal'y, 1958 tectorate, thc son of the deceased for a grant of lettels of admlnlstratlon m testate ef the estace of Laxm lchand Rupchand % BUCK M ASTER , M ehta of M om basa, K enya P1 etectorate, who dled at M om basa Nakuru, D tsttlct D elegate on the 30th day of October 1957 18th January, 1958 N'cku/ u The Court w11l proceed to lssue the grant unless cause be shown to th= contrary and appearance m thls respect entered on or before the 11th day of February, 1958 GAZETTE N oTlcs N o 298 S F N U NES, IN H ER M AJESTY 'S SU PREM B COU RT OF KENY A M om basa, Actïng D eputv Reglstrar 15th January, 1958 H M Supreme Ct?ug/ oj Kenya AT KISU M U PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATIGN GAZETTB N oTIcE No 295 CxvsB N o 1 ov 1955 IN H ER M AJESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF K ENYA AT N AIROBI Nottce oj apphcatïon ktzz probatc ol the wll/ ol Narottam Jlvandas Rala late oj Klsumu ;?2 the Colony oj Kenya, PR O BAT E A N D A D M IN ISTR A TION deceased C Auss N o 305 os 1957 TAK E N OTICE tlzat appllcatlon havlng been m ade in thls llt //?t) mattel /.)/ the cv tate tp/ Slnlon Plt?/e? Aay deceaned Coult by M ulllbhal Jlvandas Rala of K lsumu and Bachubhal,wv TAK E N OTICE that q gl ant of probate of the w11l of the allas G ordhandas H em ral N athwam of Jm la, U ganda, through above nam ed Km on Pleter Aay, who dled at N alrobl m the M essrs K ohll Patel and Ralchura, advocates, of K lsumu, for Colony ot K enya on the 1su day of Octobel , 1957, was granted pl obate of the w111 of N arottam Jwandas Rala, late of K zsum u to Ellzabeth M onlca A ay of N alrobt aforesald the sole executrlx who dled at Bom bay indla, on the 16th day of August 1957 named lnd the wl1l of the deceased on the 2nd day of January, thts Coult wpll proceed to lssue the sam e unless oause be, 1958 and that a1l persons havlng any clalm s agalnst the estatc shown to the contlary and appearance ln thls respect entered of the sald deceased a1e requlred to prove the sam e wlth the on ol before the 11th day of February, 1958 underslgned oq or befolu the 29th day of M arch, 1958, after whlch date thc clalm s so proved w 1l1 be pald and the estate Dated at K lsum u thls 15th day of January, 1958 dtstllbuted accordlng to 1aw F. S SIM PSON , Dated the 22nd day of Janualy, 1958 D lstrtct Regtstrar H A M ILTON H A R R ISO N & M A TH EW S, H M Supreme Court oj Kenya A-pâ'l//r/u D lsttkct A eg x/z.p ,4 db'ocates ,/tp/ the executrl r Stanvac H ouse N otc - The w1l1 aboNe nam cd ls now deposlted and open to Pttvate Bag N alrobl lnspectlon at the C ourt 28th January, 1958 THE KENYA GAZETTE 89

G AZETTE Norzcs No 299 G AZET'Z'S NoTzcs N o 303 JACK K ATZLER , DECEA SED TH E BAN K RUPTCY ORD INAN CE N OTICE js hereby glxen pursuant to sectlon 28 of the (Cap 30) Trustees Ordlnance (Cap 36-), that any person havlng a clalm FIRST M BBTING oF CRBDITORS agalnst, ol an lnterest 1n, the estate of Sthe late Jack K atzler, Debto' s ntz/ilc .-Bahadurall Ramg N athoo Iate of P O Box 1088, N alrobl, in the C olony of K enya w ho A ddless - P O Box 11, M achakos dted on the 5th day of January 1958, Ss hereby requlred to D escrlptlon - -fradel sùnd paltlculars ln wlltlng of h1s clalm or lnterest to the under Coutt - H M Suplem e Court of K enya, N alrobl slgned befole the 30th day of Ap111, 1958, after whlch date Numbo oj zpT(?//c? - 67 of 1957 the executols wlll dlstrybtzte the estate am ong the persons Date oj #zJ,/ nleetlng oj credttors --zoth February, 1958 entltled thereto havlng regard only to the clalm s and m terests H our - 2 30 p m of which they shall have had notlce and w11l not as respects Place --ofliclal R ecelver's Ol ce Conference R oom N o the plopcrty so dlstrlbuted be llable to any person of whose Central G overnm ent Bulldlng, N alrobl clalm they shall not have had netlce Nall ob1 D J COW ARD , 24th Janualy, 1958 OFclc! Recelver K APLAN & STRATTON , Advocates to the executors N all obl G AZISTTE N oilcs N o 304 , Queensway House 17th Janua! y, 1958 P O Box 111 N alrobk TH E BA N K R U PTCY O R D IN A N C E (Cap 30) N o'rlcs oF DlvlrmNo G AZETTE N oTlcs N o 300 D ebtol s ??t????c - E11c R aphael, tradlng as R aphael Englneelm g C ontl rtctors THE BAN K RU PTCY ORDIN AN CE ..1 ##/ e&s - P O Box 2399, N alrobl W ap 30) D escrtptlo'l .- Electrlcal engm eel Coul t - H M Suplem e Coult of K enya, N allobl 1D IRST M BETING oir C RBDITORS AND PIJBLIC EXAM INATION No c# lnattel - 13 of 1955 A nlount per f - Sh 5 20 Debtol .s nanle - velchand Fulchand Fïlst t7? final o; otllowtse .-Thlrd Addleïn .- v asco de G am a Street, M om bam W hell payable - 3ld February, 1958 D escllptïon --Brokel W he; e payablp --oflice of the Om clal Rùcelver Central G overn C oltl t - H M Suprem e C ourt M om basa m unt Bulldlng, P O Box 30031, N alrobl No oj pncf/e/ - 12 of 1957 Date oj J?.s/ meeting oj credttols - 13th Februaly, 1958 N all obl, D J C O W A R D , H our - 10 15 a m 24th Janualy , 1958 Omclal Recewer Place .- l.aegal M anslon, Fort Jcsus R oad, M om basa Date // publlc tdxcrn/ntz/ltp?l - 21st February 1958 H oul - 9 a m G AZB'I'TB N o'rlcis N o 305 Place --aM ombasa THE BAN KRU PTCY ORDINAN CE Date (7/ o; del yc?f summal y f'l/?klrll.s/l atkon --1 1th D ecem ber, 1957 (Cap 30) FIRST M EBTING OF CREDITORS D ebtor s nam e .-W rveda Battlstlnl M om bau , A C BECTOR , A ddl ess - V1a Cheren, 16, Rome 20th Januqly, 1958 Agent ol the to clc/ Recetver D escrw tlon - Bar-keeper Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobz No t# matter - 21 of 1957 Date ol #?.vr meettng oj crctflftp/.ç - 19th February, 1958 G &zET4E No'rlcE N o 301 H our - 2 30 p m TH E BAN KRU PTCY ORD IN AN CE Place .- ofliclal Recelver's Oë ce Conference Room N o Central G overnment Bulldm g, N alrobl (Cap 30) Date oj orde /t7? suntmal ), adnltnlstratlon - 25th Apnl, 1957 SECONO M SETING oF Cltim l'roRs 'ro CoxslDER COMPOSITION N alrobl, D J COW ARD , 24th January, 1958 Olclal Recelver D ebtor s nam e -veremlas Cornellus Johannes Blsschos A ddress - P O Bbx 209, K ltale D escrlptkon - Em ployee GAZETTE N orlcE NO 306 Cout t - H M Suprem e Coult of K enya at N allobl TH E BAN KRU PTCY ORDINAN CE Numbel oj mattel - 31 of 1957 Date SJ second meettng (# cl edttors - 111 February, 1958 W ap 30) H ottt - 2 30 p m FIRST M EETING oF CREDITORS Place --ofliclal Recelver s Oflice, Central Governm ent Bulldlng Debtors nfl/i7e.ç - M eghJ1 K achra Shah and Ratllal D haram slu N alrobl Shah, both tradlng as M ount K enya Provlslon Stores and Date oj adlou) ned #J/J)/?c exanllnatlon - 18th Apnl, 1958 N aro M oru Pro&lszon Stores Iloul - 10 30 a m Address - N yen Place .- Law Courts Bulldm g, N alrobl D escrw hon - rfraders Date oj oldel /t?? sunklllaly adlnïntsttatton - 10th June, 1957 Court - H M Suprem e C ourt of K enya, N alrobl No ()/ nlatter - 18 of 1957 Date of #rl'f meettng tp/ oedltols - 17th February, 1958 N alrobl, D J CONUAJtD , H our - 2 30 p m 22nd January, 1958 Oj%clal Recetver Place .- oë clal Recelver's Oë ce, Conference R oom N o 57, Central Governrnent Bulldlngs Nalrobl N -allobl, 1 D J COW AR D , GAzEf-rE N olqcE No 302 24th January, 1958 Omclal Recelver

THE BAN K RU PTCY ORD INAN CE G AZETTE N olqcE N o 307 W ap 30) THE BANK RUPTCY OR DIN AN CE R scelvlNG O RDER W ap 30) D ebtot s at7/??t? - M otlram Jlwan tradlng as M otllam Jlwan FIRST M BETING ol7 CRsm erolts and Com pany Debtor s af7?ilc - A11ah Bux s/o J'handa Bux, tradlng as M odern A ddl ess - P O K lsll R um blng W orks at N anyuk.l Descllptlolt - -fladel A ddl ess - P O Box 12670, N alrobl Date t# fillng #c/I/Itp?1 - 26th June, 1957 D esctlptlon - rfrader C ottrt - H M Suplem e C ourt of K eiya at K lsum u Coul t - H M Suprem e C ourt of K enya, N allobl Nulnbeî oj Illattel - Kqu B C 7 of 1957 No f?/ nlattel - 38 of 1957 Date t# ordel - 14th January, 1958 Date 0/ hrst meettng tp/ c7 edltols - 14th Febluary, 1958 W hethel debtor s or credïtors petttton - D ebtor's petltlon H oul - 2 30 p m Act tp? acts oj /?f'z?/a uptcy - F1lIng of bankruptcy petltlon Place - -o lliclal Recelver s Oë ce, Conference R oom N o 57, Centlal G ovelnm ent Bulldm g, N alrobl Nalrobl, D J COW A RD N alrobl, D J CO W ARD , 22nd January, 1958 Omclal Recelver 24th January, 1958 Onickal Recewer 90 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 28th January, 1958

G A/BTTE N orlcs N o 308 GAZE'I-J'E N ozqcB N o 312 TH E BAN K RU PTCY ORDIN ANCE D ISSOLU TION OF PARTN ERSH IP (Cap 30) NOTICE ls hereby glven that the partnelshlp buslness ot estate agents, auctloneers and valuers hltherto carrled on by FIRST M EBTING O17 CREDITORS Rlcha: d John Bumpus, Rlchard H eywood Pelly and W llllam D ebto; s p?(?r?3c - M ansukhlal N arshl M orlarla K elth W yber m the nam e of Bumpus Pelly and W yber at Addï ess - CIo M essrs G N 01th & Son P O Box 11, Nakm u M elo has as from 1st D ecem ebr 1957, been dtssolved and D escrtptloll - clerk the sald buslness as tlom that date ls bemg carrled on at Coul t - H M Suprem e Court of Kenya at N alrobl M olo by the sald Rlchard John Bum plzs alonu m the nam e No 0/ matteï - 61 of 1957 of R J Bum pus and Com pany Date (7/ #?xf meehng oj credttors - 13th February, 1958 The sald Rlchard John Bumpus w1l1 recelve and pay al1 debts Hour - 2 30 p m Place --oiliclal Recelver s Oëce, Conference Room N o 57, owlng to and by the satd patm ershtp as at lst D ecem ber, Central G overnm ent Bulldlng, Nalrobl 1957 Dated at Nakulu the 2nd day of Decem bel , 1957 N alrobl, D J COW AR D , 24th January, 1958 Omclal Xecclve? RICH ARD JOH N BU M PU S C ontlnulltg pc/ tller GAZE'I'TE N olqce N o 309 RICHA RD HEYW OO D PELLY , W ILLIAM K EITH W YBER, TH E BAN K RU PTCY ORD IN AN CE R etlïlng ptw tnels (Cap 30) FIRST M EETING ()F CREDITORS G AZETTL N o'rlcE N o 313 D ebtor s zltzzne - Bhlkhabhal M otlram D ISSOLU TION OF PARTN ERSH IP Address - P O Box 2582, N alrobl N OTIC E ls hereby gwen that the partnershlp heretofore D escrlptïon - rrallor subslstlng between (1) Devralbhal Raghav Patel (2) Vallabhdas Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya, Nallobl Devl az Patel (3) M awgbhal V Patel (4) A nghllbhal H1rJ1 No oj nlatto ..-64 of 1957 Putel (5) Valllbhal Sanghll Patel and (6) Bavanll Sanghll Patel, Date oj Jirxçf meetlng oj oedttors - 12th Febl uary, 1938 carrylng on busm ess ln M om basa m co partnt-lshlp ln the firm H our - 2 30 p m nam e ol style of K enya fhlntel s, has been dlçsolved by m utual Place .- ofliclal Recelvt,r s Oiliee, Confelt-nce Room No 57, consent of tho afolesald pelsons wlth ellkct from the 1st day Central Governm ent Bulldlng, N alrobl of January, 1958, by retlrem ent therefrom of the aforesald Date oj ol der kt?? nummary c#mlgl/xf/l/doFz - 17th Janualy, 1958 M essls Sanghllbhal HlrJ1 Patel, Valllbhat Sanghll Patel and Bavanjl Sanghjl Patel N alrobl, D J COW ARD 24th Janualy, 1958 Olïickal Rccclve? The sald buslness as flom the 1st day of January 1958 ys belng canled on by the afolesald M essrs D evralbhal Ragbav Patei, V allabbdas D evral Patel and M awllbhal V Patel ln G AZETTE N orll-s N o 310 pal tnel shm undel the sam e firm name and at the sam e placu All debts due to and owlng by tllc satd buslness wtll be D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SH IP 1 ccelved and pald by the afolesald contlnulng partnel s N OTICE ls hereby glven that the paltnershm heletobefole subststlng between (1) Shah Jlvral Hansral, (2) Rammklal Ralpar l S PATEL, Shah (3) Panachand Hansral Shah and (4) M anllal Jlvlal Shah, M om basa Adq'ocates jor f/7c conttnmng alld carlylng on buslness at H oase N o 53 M acklnnon M arket, 20th Janualy, 1958 retlrlng partne s M ombasa, ln pa1 tnel shlp ln the firm nam e ol style of Shah Jlvra) H ansral, has been dlssolved by m utual consent of the G &zErrE N oTlcE N o 314 aferesald persons wlth elect from 31st Decem ber, 1957, by letlrem ent thelefrom ot ttte aforesatd Ram mklal Ralpal Shah D ISSOLU TION OF PAR I-N ERSH IP The sa:d buslness as fl om 1st Janualy 1958, 1s. belng calrled N CITICL ls lleleby glven that the pa1 tnelshlp hctctofole sub on by thc af orcsald ( 1) Shah Jlw al Hansral, (2) Panachand slstlng between (1) Raollbhal Tallabhal Patd, (2) Nalshlbbal Hansral Sbah and (3) M anllal Jlvral Shah, the contlnulng Kalsan Palmar and (3) Sarla Dahlt Kent w/o Dalllt Kent d/o partners, undel the sam e lirm nam e or style and at the sam e K undanlal ca1 rylng on business under the firm nam e or style place of Sotlk H lghlands Bal at Plot N o 17, maln Lum bwa-sotlk rpad Sotlk Townshlp, has by m utual consent, been dlssolved A1l 'debts owlng to and by the sald busm ess w1l1 be lecelved by the letlrem ent therefl om of Sarla Dalllt Kent w/o Dalllt and pald by the aforesald contlnum g paltners Kent d/o Kundanlal wlth efect hom the 31st day of Decem- Dated at M om basa thls 20th day of January, 1958 ber, 1957 The sald buslness as from the 1st day of January, 1958, SH AH JIVRAJ H AN SRA J ts bemg carried on by the remalnlng partnels, (1) Raollbha! PAN A CHAN D HAN SRM SH AH , T'zllabhal Patul and (2? N arshlbhal K alsan Parm ar, under M AN ILAL JIVRAJ SHA H the same firm nam e and at the sam e place and address Contlnutng pal l??c/3' A 11 debts owlng te and by the sald buqlness up to the RAM N IK LAL RAJPA R SH AH , 31st day of D ecem ber, 1957, shall be rocelved and pald by the R etlrïng ptzr/at ? rctlrlng partner, Sarla Dahlt Kent w/o Daljlt Kent, d/o K undanlal

G AZETTE N OTII.E N o 311 K encho K S SH AH , 5th Janualy, 1957 Advocate jc'z the partnels ctpnce?l?t,f/ DISSOLU TION OF PARTN BRSH IP N OTICh ls hereby glven that the partnelshlp helctobefole subqlstlng between (1) Jtvra) Hansraj Shah, (2) Panachand G AZETTB N oTicE N o 315 Hansral Shah (3) Ramntklal Ralpal Shah and (4) Somchand D ISSOLU TION OF PARTNERSH IP M anekchand Shah 7 carrym g on buslness at prem lses standlng N OTICE ls hereby gwen that the partnm shm heletobefole at Plot N o 633, Sectlon X V II, Prem lses N o O 69, M em bhenl subslstlng between Ram Slngh Sawan Smgh, Chaanan Sm gh Bazaa! M om basa, ln partnelshpp jlz the firm nam e or style Sham Smgh AJ1t Slngh Ram Slngh and Prltam Slngh Jagat of R am nlklal R Shah and Com pany, has been dlssolved by Sm gh carlym g on busm ess under 1he nam e or style of K enya m utual consent ot the afolesald persons wlth eflect flom 31st Boxbody Bullders, has been dlssolved by m utual ccmsent as D ecem ber 1957 by letlrem ent therefrom of the aforesald fl om the 18th day of Janualy 1958, by the letlrem ent thele- (1) Jtvral Hanslal Shah and (2) Panachand Hansra! Shah from of Chaanan Slngh Sham Slngh and Aplt Slngh Ram Slngh The sald buslness as fl om 1st Janualy, 1958, ls bmng carrlt.d The sald busm ess as from thc 18th day of January, 1958, on by the afol esald (1) Ramnlklal Ralpal Shah and (2) Som w 111 be carlled on by the contlnulng paltners, R 'irrt Sm gh Sawan chand M anekchand Shah, the contm m ng partners, under tbe Slngh and Prltam Slngh Jagat Sm gh sam e firm nam t- or style and at the sam e place A 1l debts due to and ow lng by the late lilm w 1ll be recclved A Il debts owlng to and by the sald buslness wlll be lecelvt.d and pald by the sald contm m ng partners, R am Slng'h Saw an and patd by the aforesasd contlnulng partnels Slngh and Prltam Slngh Jagat Slngh Dated at M om basa tlus 20th day of Janualy 1958 D ated at N altob! titts 15th tlay ot Janualy, 1955 RA M N IK LAL RM PAL SHA H , RAM SIN GH SAW AN SIN G H , SOM CHAN D M ANEK CH AN D SH AH , PRITAM SIN GH JAG AT SIN GH , C ontlnum g partners C onttnlttng pa; frje/'.j JIVRM HAN SR AJ SH AH , CH AAN AN SING H SHA M SIN GH PAN ACH AN D H AN SRM SH AH , AJIT SIN GH RA M SIN GH , , R ettnng ptzrfnE'? s Rettrma partners 28th January, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 91

GAZETTE NOTICE N O 316 GAZETTE N OTICE N O 320 D ISSOLUTION OF PARTN ERSHIP N OTICE OF CH AN G E OF N A M F 1, Pam ela W atkm s Pltchford, of E, 42, Rasselanl D live, M om N OTICE ls hereby glven that the partnershm heletofole baqa, herebv glve publlc notlce that by a deed poll dated the subslstlng between Ganga Sm gh s / o Halnam Slngh Sltal Slngh 22nd day of January, 1958 duly executed by m e, l absolutely s/o Harnam Slngh Jwala Smgh s/o Sham Singh and Balwant and wholly renounced and abandoned the use of m y sald Slngh s/o Jwala Slngh, carrpng on the busmess of contractors form er nam e of Pam ela Llllttne and ln lleu theleof assum ed and bullders under the nam e or style of O verseas Bullders ln and adopted the name ef Pamcla W atklns Pltchferd for a1l Industrlal Area, Plot N o 1, N alrobl ln the Colony of K enya, purposes, and I hereby authollze and lequest a1l pelsons to has been dlssolved by mutual consent as from the 31st day deslgnate descrlbe and addless m e by such assum ed nam e of of Decem ber 1957, by the retlrem ent therefrom of the sald Pam ela W atklns Pltchfold Ganga Slngh s/o Harnam Slngh and Sltal Slngh s/o Harnam Slngh Dated the 22nd day of Janualy 1958 The sald buslness, as from the 1st day of January, 1958 wl1l be calrled on by the contlnum g partners, the sald Jwala ATK IN SON CLEASBY & COM PANY Slngh s/o Sham Slngh and Balwant Slngh s/o Jwala Slngh, Sollclto; s /(?, //?e sald Palïlela W atklns Pllc/l/blff under the sam e nam e and style at the sam e place and address M om basa A.11 debts due and owlng by the sald partnershlp w1l1 be recelved and pald by the sald contm ulng partners G AZE'IX N OTJCE N o 321 N OTICE OF CH AN GE OF N AM E Dated at N allobl thls 1st day of January, 1958 I K a 1 tsh W att Johar of N alrobl m the C olony and Plotec GANGA SINGH s/o HARNAM SINGH, tolate of K enya Britlsh subject heleby glve publlc notlce that SITAL SINGH s/o HARNAM SINGH by a deed poll dated the 1 1th day of Decem ber, 1957, duly Retkrlng pcgi,?e,, executed by me (and attested by Y P Vohra advocate of Nalrobl) as the mothel and natul al guardlan of V mbel Kumarl, JW ALA SINGH s/o SHAM SINGH heretofore oalled and known by the nam e Vlmbel Kumarl born BALWANT SINGH s/o JWALA SING/, at N alrobl afel esatd my satd daughter folm ally and absolutely Conttntltng partnets abandoned the use of her first nam c of Vtm bel Kum arl and ln lleu thel eof assum ed and adopted the nam e of Vlmal Bala for a1l purposes and I hereby authorlzt and request a11 persons G AZE'I'TE N ozqcE N o 317 to deslgnate descrlbe and address m y sald daughter by such assum ed nam e of 'Vim al Bala ' DISSOLUH ON OF PA RTN ERSHIP Dated af N alrobl thls 11th day of December, 1957 N otlce ls hereby gw en that the partnershlp heleuobefore sub slstlng between Palshotam Anan,d Jethwa and Ranchhod Naran K A ILA SH W A TI JO H A R W adhla #carrym g on buslness under the style or firm nam e of W adlua Drapers, has been dlssolved by m utual consent as from GAZBTAE N tyrlcE N o 322 the 15th day of Janualy 1958 so far as lt concerns Parshotam TH E FRAU DU LENT TRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESSES Anand Jethwa, who has retlled from the sald busmess as flom ORD IN AN CE the sald date (CGP 286) All debts due te and owlng by the sald flrm wtll be reeetved N OTICE ls hereby glven that the buslness of fulnltule maker and pald by the sald Ranchhod N aran W adhla, who w1ll con- heretofole calrled on by Akbar W alll Jlwa under the nam e or tm uo to carry on the sald busm ess at the mam e place and style of W esteln W oodw orks at D agenharo R ead, Llght lndus- under the sam e nam e of W adlua D rapers at Nalrobl trm l A rea N alrobl, ln the C olony of K enya, has, as from the D ated at N allobl tbls 20th day of January, 1958 1st day of January 1958, been sold and transferred to Sewa Slngl't Bahra, alse of Nalrobz aforesald RAN CH HOD N ARAN W ADH IA , The address o?' the transferor ls P O Bex 3367, N alrobl C onttnulng pqrtner The address of the transferee Is P O Box 9951 N alrobl PARSH OTA M ANAN D JETH W A , The sald busm ess wl11 be carrled on by the said Sewa Slngh R ettïlng paîtner Bahra under the sam e name or style of W estern W oodworks and at the sam e place at N alrobl T he transfelee ts not assum lng nol does he lntend to assum e G AZBTTE NoTlcE No 318 any llabllltles m curre4 by the transferor m the sald buslness up to and lncludlng 31st D ectm bel , 1957 and the same wlll be D ISSOLUTION OF PA RTN ER SH IP pald and dlscharged by the sald tlansferor Llkewlse a11 debts N OTICE ts hereby glven that the partnershlp heretofore sub- due and owlng to the sald transferor up to and mcludm g 31st slstlng bctween D haram Slngh stlo K lshan Slngh N agl and D ecem bela 1957 shall be pald and recelved by h1m K enya Auto Spares Llmlted, both of P O Box 1888 N alrobl J carrylng on busm ess of m otor spares and repalrs u, nder the D ated at N alrobl thls 14th day of January, 1958 nam e and style of Htghland lndustrlal W olks on Plot N o 869 AK BAR W ALLI JIW A , Tem ple Road, N alrobl was com pletely dlssolved by wrltten m utual agreem ent as from 31st D ecember, 1957, save and Transjeror except for the pulpose of reallzm g the assets of the 5rm and SBW A SIN G H BAHRA , payment of tho ltabllltles m curred by the sald late firm on and Transjeree up to 31st Decem ber 1957 G AZB'IIE N oTIcE N o 323 JA GD ISH DESA I, N alrobl, A dvocate authortzed ln wrlflng THE FRAU D ULENT TRANSFER OF BUSIN ESSES 20th January 1958 by î75//7 partles OR DINAN CE (Cap 286) N OTICE ls hereby glven that the buslness of retm l and GAZS'IVE N oT1cE N o 319 wholem le trade heretofore carrled on by M okar Dharam shl Shah under the frm nam e ol style of N em chand D evshl Shah N OTICE OF CH AN GE OF N AM E at O dera Street K lsumu, m the C olony of K enya has, as from the 1st day of M alûh, 1957, been sold and transferred 1, Ruxmanl d/o Ranchhodll Govlndll Patcl, of M ombqsa to Ha' Ibhat M eghldas Sadhu, who w11l carry on the sald busfness ln the Protectol ate of K enya Brltish sublect, hvreby glve publlc at the sam e place and under the sam e name and style dnotzce tllat by a deed poll dated the 16th day of Janual'y 1958 , The address of the transferor ls P O Box 358, K lsum u uly executed by me (and attested by B T Parkar, advocate, of M ombasa), heretofore called and known by the name of T he address of the transferee ls P O Box 361, K lsum u Ruxmanl M lo ltamdas N allabh, ahas Ramdev Vallabhbhaz The tran%feree ls not assum lng nol does he m tend to assum e Patel, born at M atwad on the 6th day of M ay 1928, at pre- sent resldtng at M om basa, form ally and absolut,e ly abandoned any llablllty lncurred by the transferor ln the sald buslness the use of my sald f ormer name of Ruxmam w/o Ramdas up to and lncludm g the 28th day of Februaly, 1957 Vallabh, altas Ram dev Vallabhblml Patel, and ln lleu thereof A11 debts due and owlng by the transferel up to and m clud- assumed and. adopted the name of Ruxmant d/o Ranehhodlt Ing the 28th day of Febluary, 1957, wl11 be recel&ed and pald G ovm dlt Patel for al1 purposes, and I hereby authorlze and by the transferee request a11 persons to designate, descrlbe and address m e by such assumed name of Ruxmam d/o Ranchhodll Govzndlt Patel Dated at K tsumu this 6th day of January, 1958 Dated a: M ombasa thls 16th day of January 1958 M OK AR D HA RA M SHI SH AH , Transjeror RUXM ANI o/o RANCHHODJI H ARIBH AI M EGH IDAS SADH U , G OVIN DJI PATEL Transleree

- A - , 92 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 28th January, 1958 G AZSTTE N OTICE N o 142 12 The glantee shall not fix or pel nllt to be aflixed te the land or the butldm gs any posters, slgns or adveltlsem ent TH B CROW N LAN D S ORD IN AN CE wlthout the prlor consent trt wrltlng of the Com m lssloner of îj Lands and sublect to such condlttons as he may prcscrlbe (Cap 155) 13 The gl am ee shall not 1 subdlvlde the land and shall not N AIROBI AIRPORT- PETROL STATION PLOT Sell, transfer, qmblet or part wlth the possessltm of the lana or any part thercof or any bulldlngs thereon w lthout the prlor TH E Comm tsstonel of Lands gtves notlce that the plot consent ln wrltlng of the G overnor and sublect to such condl refetrred to 141 the Schedule hereunder ls a&atlable for allenatlon tlons as he ln hts sole dlscretlon may plescrlbe sublect to the term s and condltions herelnaftel specllied 14 The grantee shall not store on the land or the bm ld 2 Applzcatlons ln term s of developm ent plopomals are m vlted jngs any dangerous explosjves or lniam m able substance wlth and should be submltted to the Comm lsslonel of Lands not out the prlor consent ln wrltlng of the C om mlssloner of Lands latel than noon on 22nd February, 1958 The am ount of capltal antj shall obtatn a1l necessary hcences and com ply wlth any to be spent on constluctlon m ust be stated and a banker s wrltten 1aw or law s ln folce for the tlm e belng ln the Colony letter 11 support m ust be plovlded lelatlng to the storage of any sut,h substance as afoleu ld 3 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at tt'e Publtc M ap Oë ce 15 r ao grantee shall not wltlzout the prlor consent of the of the Sulvey D epaltm ent, N alrobl, ol may be obtamed by com m lssloner of Lands and sublect to such condltlons as he appllcatlon to thu Dlrector of Surveys P O Box 30046, N alrobl, m ay ln lajs style dlw letlon prescrlbe allow condltlons to arlse ozt paym ent of Sh 3 post free or Install any equlpmcnt of any kind whatsoever whlch causes ol ls lzkely to cause any radlo lnterlerence General Condltlons 16 The glantee shall forthwlth m sure and keep lnsure.d the 1 Th: grant w111 be m ade under the provlslons Of the prem lses wlth som e lnsulance com pany of repute to the full Cl ogn Lands O rdlnance (Cap 155 of the Revlsed Edltlon Of 1nsurable value thereof agalnst loss or tlamage by lire and the Laws of K enya) and tltle wlil lssue undel the Reglstlatlon shalj pay all znsurance premlum s wlthln qeven days of tbelr of Tltles Ordlnance (Cap 160) bucomlng due and whenever requlred so to do produce the 2 The grant w1ll be lssued ln the name of the allottee as pollcy and prem lum lecelpts to the Com m lssloner of Lands and glven ln the lttter of appltmatlon Cause al1 m oneys recelved by vlrtue of such lnsurqnce to be 3 The term ol the glant w1l1 be for 33 years from the first forthwlth expended on rebulldlng and rem statlng the plem lses day ef the m onth followlng the notlhcatlon ef the apptoval Of and to m ake up any dehclency out of lts own m oney the grant 17 The G overnor or sucll pe1 son or authorzty as m ay be 4 The Allottee shall pay to the C om m lsstoner of L ands appolnted for the purpose shall have the rlght at all reason- wlthln 14 days of notlficatton that lus appltcatlon has betm able tlm es wlth or w lthout wolkm en and othels to enter upon successful the propoltlon of lent to the 31st D ecem bt,l , 1958, and vlew the state and condltlon of the plem lses and the grantec road charges and sewer costs togethel m th conveyanmng and shall forthwlth repalr and m ake good a11 defects ln pam tlng regstratlon fees In def ault of paymtmt wtthln the spec,lfied tm3t ol othelwlse and want of reparatlon ln com pllance w lth any the C om m lsslcm el of Lands m ay cancol the allocatlon and the wrltten notlce glven by the Governol ol such person or autho- clalm ant shall have no clalm to thc glant of the land rlty as aforersm d Provlded always tbat If tlle gl antec sball not wlthln ten Spectal C'tp/ltfl/loz?â dqvs after servlce of such notlce com mence and proceed dl1l- 1 Term 33 years gcntly wlth the executlon of the repalrs and works m entloned ln such notlce lt slm ll be lawful fo1 the G overnor ol such 2 The grantee shall erect cem plete fo1 occupatlon wlthln 24 pelson or authorzty as aforesald to enter upon the prem lses m ontho of the comm encem ent of the term bmldlngs of approved and execute such repalls and wolks and the cost theleof shall deslgn on ploper fouudatlons constructed of stone, burnt bklck be a debt due flom the grantee to the Governar and be or ccm crete wlth rooting of tlles or other perm anent m aterlals forthwlth recoverable b) autlon approved by the Com mlsslonel of Lands and the Local A uthtm ty 18 The grantee shail provlde a1l necessary femces barrlel s and other works whatsoever requlled for the purpos.e of fenc 3 No bulldlng shall be erected untll plans (lncludlng block lng and safegualdlng the pl em lses as m ay be prescrlbed by the plans showlng the posltlon of the bulldlngs and a system of Comm lssloner of Lands dl alnage f or dlsposlng of sewage, surface and sullage water on the land)? drawlngs, elevatlons and speclficatlons thereof shall >19 The G overnel or such person or authonty qs m ay ba have been approved ln wllttng by the Comm lssloner of Lands appolpted fol the purpose shall have the rlght at any tlmt- by and the Local A uthorlty day or by nlght to enter upon the prem lses wlth or wlthout workm en and others to fix any httlng or appllance necessary 4 n e grantee shall plopelly connect the dralnage and sewage to safeguard alrcraft system wtth any Atrpert system when m th: om m on of the Com mlssloner of Lands the latter system ls so far completed 20 The grantee shall com ply wlth all rulôs, regulatlons and ms to enable the grantee so to do by-laws wàlch m ay from tlm e to tlm e be m adc by the M m lster for Com m erce and Inllustty or the Comm lssloner of Lands 5 The grantee shall not at any tlm e durlng tlle contm uance fer the proper conduct of the Alrport of the term m ake any addltlcm or Gtructulal alteratlons to any appl oved bulldlng untll plans have been approved ln wntlng 21 The grantee shall take a11 such practlcal and proper by the C omm lssloner of Lands and the Local Authonty m premauttons for the preventlon of lire as m ay be prescllbed accordance wlth provlslons of Speclal Condltlon N o 2 from tlm e to tlm e by the C om m lssloner of Lands 22 The grantee shall pay to the Comm lssloner of Lands on 6 The grantte shall keep the outslde and m slde of the butld- denaand such sum s as the C om m lsmoner m ay estlm ate to be lngs and all addltlons thereto and the boundal'y walls and the proportlonate cost of constructlng a11 roads > read drmns, fences thereof and the dlalns, soll and other plpes and sam tary sewers and sewage dtsposal works (and also the proportlonate and. waste apparatus thereof m good and substantlal tenantable cost of any further sewage dlsposal works whlch m ay from repalr and condltlon and properly cleaned and shall also keep tlme to tlme 1>e. constructed) and shall on completlon of suoh all the unbullt on portlon of the land ln a good and clean order constructtork and the ascertam m ent of tlze adual proportlonate and conlhtyon free from all refuse and wlth the grass cut to tbe oost mther pay (wlthm 14 days of demand) or bc reftmded satlsfactlon of the Com m lssloner of Lands the am ount by whlch the actual pl oportlonate cost exceeds or 7 The grantee shall chspose of a1l ref use and of any oll waste falls short of the actual am ount pald as afortsald or other noxlous m atenal or substance to the satlslactlon of the 23 The grantee shall from tlm e to tlm e pay to the Com C om m lssloner of tzandç and m such m anner as he m ay from m lssloner of Lands on dem and such proportlon ef the cost of tlm e to tlm e plescrlbe m alntalnlng a11 roads and dralns sel vlng or adlolnlng the land 8 The land and butldlngs shall only be used for the rd uelhng, as the Conm ussloner may assess servlclng, olllng and greasmg of m otol vehlcles and for the 24 Should the Comm lsstoner of Lands at any tlm e reqm re sale of accessones thorefor the sald roads to be constructed to a hlgher standard the 9 The C omm lssloner of Lands znay, as a condltlon of gm ng grantee shall pay to the Com mzsslonel on dwm and such plo consent to the use of the prem lses for a partlcular trade, portlon of the cost of such censtructlon as the Comm lssloner reqmre the lessee to contract to pay a percentage of h1s taklngs m ay asst-ss to the A lrport C om m andant ln the event of the ,sald user 25 The grantee shall perm lt the C om m lssloner of L ands or bemg a trade slmllar to that for whlch other persons tnay have any pelK n or persons authonzed by h1m so to do to enter been requlrod to pay a percentage of taklngs upon the premlses at a11 ttm es by day ol by nlght for the purpose of ascertalnm g whether or net thel e has been any 10 The gl antee shall not a+ any tlme dunng the contm uance breach or non-observance or non perform ance of Speclal Condl- of the term do ol pelmlt to be done ln or upon the land tions N os 6, 7, 10, 14, 15 18 19 and 21 and ln the event anythlng Mhlch pn the oplnlon of the Comm lssloner of Twands of such breach or non observance or non-perform ance of any m ay be or becom e a nulm noe or annoyance to the owners of the sald condltlons to execute and do at the grantee s or occuplers of othel propelty ln the neighbourhood expense a11 sald repalrs, w orks acts ol thlngs as he ln hls sole 11 W lthout prem dlce to the generallty of C ondltlon N o 6 dlscretlon may conslder necessaly f or the proper safegmaldlng the grantec shall palnt the outslde and m slde of the bulldm gs of the Alrport and the lnstallatlons bulldlngs, alrcraft and and a11 addltlons thereto and al1 wood and llcm 'work and al1 eculpm ent thereon, but wlthout preludlce to any statutory or parts usually so palnted wlth two coats at least of good quallty other rem edles of the G overnor ln 1 espect of the bleach or patnt ln a w orkm anllkt m annm once ln every thl ee years non-observance or non-perform ance ot any of the Alld durlng the term condltlonq 28th January, 1958 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 93

26 The p antee shall pay sucb lates, taxes, charges, dutles, G AZBTTE N oTIcB NO 325 assessm ents or outgolngs oî whatevef descrlptlon as m ay be lm posed, charged ol assessed by an'y G overnm ent or Local THE FRAU DU LEN T TRAN SFER OI7 BU SIN ESSES Authomty upon the land ol the bulldm gs ereeted thereen, m clud- ORD IN AN CE lng any contnbutlon or other sum pald by the Governor m (Cap 286) lleuvthereof N OTICE ls hereby glven that the buslness of grocel y and 27 The G overnor or such? person or authorlty as may be provlslons cal rled en by M ehta's (1955) Llmtted on Plot appolnted for the purpose shall have the rlght to enter upon N o 209/405/ l Ngong Road, Nalrobl, has been, on the 5th the land and lay and have access to water m am s, servlce plpes day of January, 1958, transtelled Lo (1) M ohanbhal Desalbhal and dralns, telephone or telegraph w lres and electllc m alns of Patel, (2) Narslnhbhal Desalbhal Patel and (3) Dwarkadas a1l descriptlons, w hether overhead or underground and the M adhavdas Patel grantte shall not' erect any bulldlng m such a w ay as to cover or m terfere wlth any exlstmg allgnm ents of maln or servlce Thi) addres% of tht, tranaferot ts P O Box 2767, Nalrobl plpes or telephone or telegraph wlres and electnc m alns Tlae adlress of thc lransferees ls P O Box % Nallob) 28 A ny notlce reqm rlng to be served hereunder on the glantee shall be sum clently served lf forwarded to tt by leglstered post The sald buslness wlll be carned on by the satd transferees, or left at 1ts reglsteled ofhce fer the tlme bem g or upon the M ohanbhal Desalbhal Patel, Bhrsmhbhal D csalbhal Patel and premlses comprjstd ln thlq grant or publtbhed once ln the D walkadas M adha&das Patel, at the sam e place tznder the G azette firm name and style of Vallety G locers The tlansfelees a1e not assum lng ner do they lntend to D ated at N all ob1 the 1 lth. day of Janualy 1958 assum e any llabllltles lncurred by the tlansferor ln the sald busm ess up to and lncludlng the 5th tlay of January 1958 and the sam û wtll be pald and dlschalged by the transfel or SCHEDULE Llkewlse a11 the debts due and cwm g to and by the sald transferor up to and m cludtng the 5th day of January 1958, N alîobt X lrptx t- petlol Statton Plot w111 be recelved and pald by the transferor Plot N o - Dated at Nalrobz thzs 9th day oî Januar) , 1958 A ïea - 0 574 acre Stand prelnlum = N 11 Z R SH A H , M D HA RIA, A nnual lent - s17 3,800 D lrectors Road chatges - Sh 18,750 (apploxlmately) jtpz M ehta s (1955) Sewo ctu/.s - Sh 4,892 /50 Lïm lted Tzuzl-î/ez'tpz Sltrvey Jeeç -payable on demand M D PATEL, N D PATEL, D M PATEL CLZBTTE NoaqcE No 87 Transjoees

K EN YA G OYERN M EN T GAZETTE N oTlcs N o 326 SEN IOR ACCOUNTS EXA M IN ATION , 1958 IT IS notlfed for general lnform atlon that the above exam lna- THE UN ITED KINGDOM DESIGNS (PROTECTION) tlon w1ll be held on 9th A prll, 1958, at centres to be arranged O R D IN AN C E ln N alrobl, M om basa, N akuru, N yerl and K lsum u (Cap 296) Entnes close on 1st M arch, 1958, and entry folm s m ay N OTICE ls hereby glven that the Avon Indla Rubber Com be obtalned from the Examlnatlons Sectlon of the Educatlon pany Llnuted of Bath Road, M elksham , W tltshlre, England, D epartm ent, P O Box 12259, N alrobl are the l eglste) ed pl oplletors of the copyrlght m a deslgn N e 881992 leglstel ed m the Unlted Klngdom under the pro- h l ,1(? ctlculnstances wl/! Iate entrles be accepted vlslons of the R eglsteled D eslgns Act, 1949, dated 27th Septem ber, 1956, m respect of a tyle f or a vehlcle wheel G E FR EISLICH , In terms of the Unlted Klngdom Deslgns (Protectlon) 01 d1n jor Dlrectol tp/ Educatlon ance, sectlon 2 the copyrlght of the reglstered proprletors ln the said deslgn ls fully pl otected ln the C olony and Protectorate of K enya and the leglstered proprletors thereof enloy ln the sald Colony and Protectolate of K enya the ltke prlvlleges and GAZETTB N oTlcB N o 324 rlghts as though the Certlfcate or Reglstratlon ln the Unlted K m gdom had been lssued m th an extenslon to the Sald Colony and Protectorate TH E FRAU D ULEN T TRA NSFER OF BU SIN ESSES O R D IN A N C E ln the evtnt thelefore of any m frm gem ent or attempted lnfrlngem ent of thelr llghts ln the sald deslgn the reglstered (Cap 286) ploplletors w 11l t 1ke lm m edt4tt- ac lon to plotect thell m terests N O TIC E ls herebv gn en that the buslness of dealels ln cytles carrled on by Girdharllal Vldyarthl (herelnaftel called the A copy of the sald deslgn 1t, a: ctllable for lnspectlon at the tl ansfel or) under the nam e or style of N atlonal Traders on om ces of M cssrb Atkinson Cleasby and Company, advocates, Plot Ncl 136/2 Cross Road, Nalrobl has as fl orrl 31 st Fort Jesus R oad, M om baq,x dt4llng ordlnary om ce houls D ecem ber 1957, been sold and transferred to N atlonal T raders Llmlted (helelnafter called the transferee) of Nalrobl H V AN DERSON /@r Atkknwlt Cleasby and Compaltv The address of the transftrol 1t, P O Box 10174 Nalrobl M om basa w,1.#y ocates jor the ad.vt)zz Indla Rubbet The address of the transferee ls P O Box 5221, N alrobl 18th January 1958 Company ZIVII//J The sald business u 111 be ca1 rled on by the sald N atlonql Traders D mlted on the same plot namely Plot N o 136/2, Closs G xzv.'rrE N oTtcB N o 86 R ead, N alrobl The tl ansfelee wlll collect a11 debts due to the transfel or In K EN YA GOVERN M EN T the sald buslness up to and lncludlng the 31st D ecem ber 1957 and the transteree m ll pay a11 debts due by the tranafel or ln SHORTHAND /TYPEW RITING EXAM INATION , 1958 the sald busm ess up to and lncludlng 31st D ecem ber 1957 IT IS notlûed fo1 general lnform atlon that the above exam lnatlon wlll be held on the 10th and 11th Aprll, 1958, D ated at N alrobl thls 15th day of January 1958 at centres to be arranged ln N allobl, M om basa, Nakulu N yerl and K lsum u GIRD HA RILAL VID YARTHT, Entnes close on 28th F'ebruary, 1958, and ently folm s D ansjel (:7 m ay be obtalned from the Exam lnatlons Sectlon of the Educatlon D epartm ent, P O Box 12259, N allobl G L VID YARTH I, SIR I R A M M ED R AT TA , In no clrcumstances wlll late entrles be accepted D ltectots /t?? Natlonal Traders Zl?al/t?J G E FREISLICH , Ttansjeree Iol Dtrector t# Educanon 94 TH E K EN YA G AZETTE 28th January, 1958

GAZB'I'I'S N on c?s No 327 TH E W ATER ORD IN AN CE, 1951

Name and Dlstnct Rlver and L R N o Quantlty ln Gallons per D ay Normal or Use Flood Flow

C and D N evllle, Trans N zota K apolet 5353 20,000 N orm al Pulplng and w ashzng of coFee 80 per cent returnable 90,000 N orm al Pow er purposes- loo per cent returnable K ohlma Farm, Rulru M akuyu,J713/1/2/3/4 50,000 Flood Genmal lrrlgatlon Conservator or Forests, Londlanl N guz u ,M t Londlant 50 N orm al D omestic Forest R es 5,000 Flood D om estlc 2,500 Flood M lnor lrrlgatlon Conservator or Forests, North Gathathl, Aberdare 10,500 N orm al D om estlc K lnangop Forest R es C onservator of Forests, South Tnb K agum o, A ber 5,000 N orm al D om estlc N yerl dare Forest R es Conservator of Forests N orth Llttle Sagana M t 4,250 N orm al D om estlc N yerl K enya Forest Res 2,000 N orm al Irrlgatlon of forest nursery M R J H ughts, N akuru Slape, 8678 3,000 Flood D om estlc The constructlon of a dam 14 ft Flood Conservatlon of flood flow ln helght Grahame Bell Ltd , Rulru Thota, 4728/2 1,150 Normal Domestlc 300,000 N orm al Pulplng and washlng of coFee 80 per cent returnable 200,000 N ormal Generat trrlgatton S S Lombard Gllgll Klmuru, 3777/462 2,000 Normal Domestlc 200 Flood M lnor lrngatlon E Settlem ent Board, M olo U n-nam ed Spnng 4 250 N orm al D om estlc 8016 500 Flood M lnor lrngatlon The constructlon of a dam 21 ft Flood Conservatlon of Cood flow ln helgh.t E A lettlem ent Board, M olo U n nam ed Spnng The constructlon of a dam 14 5 Flood Conservatlon of qood flow 8016 ft ln hmght Soy Estates Ltd , U asln Glshu Sergol t t805 5,530 N orm al D om estlc Flax Ltd , Kaptaèat K lptenden ,7439 2,950 N orm al D om estlc The constructlon of a dam 13 5 Flood C onservatlon of lloed flow ft ln helght A J Olsen, Trans N zola Trlb K am akolwa 4,100 N orm al Dom estlc 8978 J S Cary, M olbon Arobobutch, 8489/2 6,000 Normal Domestlc 861/1 The constructlon of a dam 14 75 Flood Conservatlon of flood flow ft m helght Pubhcatlon ls m ade of the above apphcatlons for dlverslon of water, plans of whlch m ay bo seen at the M lnlstry of W orks, N alrobl, or at tho oflice of the Local W ater Balhfr concerned Oblectlons statmg specl:c grounds therefor should be ftled m duphcate m th the W ater Apportlonment Bôard, Pnvate Bag, N alrobl. wlthln thlrty days from tho date of publlcatlon of thls notlce and a copy served on the underslgned w I T D EW A R , Lawfully Authorlzed Agent

G AZE'I'TE N oTlc s N o 188 qual ry, as dlrected by the Comm lssloner of Iwands or such oflicer as he may appom t to act on h1s behalf TH E CROW N LAN DS OR D IN A N C E 6 At a11 tlm es the hcensees w1ll comply wlt.h the requests of (Cap 155) the C omm lsstoner of Lands, or such oë cer as he m ay appom t to act on h1s behalf , m respect of the proper conduct of M OMBASA M AIXLAND NORTH- NKOMANI QUARRY: PLOT 1 /R, quarrym g ogeratlons SEcTlox I A 7 H ousm g for Afrlcans employed on the sltes may be erected TEN DERS for quarrylng rlghts are Invlted m respect of the on the plots ln accordance wlth the requlrem ents of the Labour unsurveyed plots of an alea of apploxlmately 3 4 acres and Oflicer 3 75 acres ln the arca known as Enghsh Pomt Qualry 8 Plopel sanltary alrangem ents wl1l be plovlded m accordance 2 A plan showm g the slte m ay be seen at the oë ce of m th the requlrements of the M edlcal Oëcer of Healt,h the Land Ofhcer, M om basa, or the Comm lsslonel of Imnds, 9 The llcensees shall ensure that the labour em ployed shall N atrobt at a11 tlmes be tm dor the supervlslen of a responmble person Laj Ctp/lfflfltprlâ' o.f Tender whlle on the slte 1 Sealed tenders marked . Tendel for Quarry ' together wlth 10 The stdes of the quarry wlll be left vertlcal or sloped a sum of Sh 1,000 m ust be deposlted wlth the Land Oë cer, outwards to the qualry flool to prevent any subsequent fall M om basa, befole noon on 15th February, 1958 Should any of ealth or stone tenders not be accepted the Sh 1,000 w11l be refunded to the 11 The hcensees w lll m alntaln the road leadm g to the quarry unsuccessful tenderers 12 The llcensees w1l1 m ark out the boundanes of the plot 2 Tenders should be qccom panled by a statem ent lndlcatm g- wlth posts at 50 ft m tervals h (t?) an annual rept tendered for the areas , 13 In the event of the above condltlons not bezng com - (b) the requlred telm of the llcences based upon the tenderer's plled wlth the Comm lssloner of Lands shall have power to estlm ate of the llfe of the qualrles for whlch he ls pre cancel the llcences at 30 days' notlce and any m oneys pald paled to pay the tendered 1 ent by the hcençees shall be forimtod 3 The successful tendorers w1ll be requlled to pay the rent 14 In the event of the rent rem alm ng unpatd for a perlod due to 31st D ecember, 1958, wltbln seven days of the notliica- of 30 dxays aftel becom m g due, the Com m tssloner of T 'nnds tlon that thelr tendels have been accepted, and thereafter the m ay after 30 days' prevlous notlce ln wrltlng to the llcensees, rent reserved on the 1st day of January m each succcedlng elect the hcensees from the plot and declare the llcences to have been forfelted m thout, however, releaslng the Lcensees from year thelr llablllty for the payment of any sum s then rem alnlng 4 The hlghest or any tender w 11l not necessallly be accepted unpald 15 The llcensees shall pay the costs of the preparatlon (b) General fltmffi/ltprl.ç oj Llcence and lssue ot the llcences 1 The land shall be used f or the purpose of rem ovlng dust 16 The llcensees shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, and coral gravel only assessm ents or outgom gs of whatever descrm tlon as may be 2 The land shall not be quallled w lthln 100 ft of any road lm posed, charged or assesscd by any G overnm ent or local ol i oad reselve authollty upon the land or the bm ldm gs erected thereon, jn- 3 N o excavatlon w11l be eflkcted below the level of the cludlng any oontrlbutlon or other sum pald by the Govornor com m enclng polnt ln lleu thereof 4 The flool of the quarry w1l1 have a sllght upward grade Detted at N atrobl tlus 16th day of January 1958 towards the worklng face, and w111 be so dralned as to be clean and free from m osqm to breedlng aleas to the satlsfactlon SCHEDULB of the M edlcal Oflicer of Health and the Com m lssloner of M ombasa M tunland N orth- Nkomank Quarry Plot 1/R Lands Sectïon I 5 Spoll w1l1 be used (a) to level the quarry floor after (p nsunveyed plots .- A reas approxlm ately 3 4 acres and 3 75 quarrylng , (b) to f111 excavatler on the plot outslde the actual lcres 28th January, 1958 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 9:

G kzE'rq's NoaqcB N o 328 K ENYA SAVIN G S BAN K REVEN UE AN D BXPBN D ITU RE A CCOU N T FOR TH E Y EAR BN DBD 31sT DECBM BER, 1956 EX PEND ITURE 1956 REVEN UE 1956 E .: cts f .ç cts f, s cts f s cts To Interest Credlted to D eposltors 238,617 5 54 By Interest on Investm ents 339,143 8 08 ,, Personal Em olum ents 26,760 3 36 ,, Interest on Current Ac- ,, Cost of Lm ng Allowances 1.195 12 08 count wlth N atonal ., Extra Clerlcal A sslstanco 2:836 2 69 Bank of Indla 358 0 26 30,791 18 13 339,501 8 34 ,, Salary Revislon Arrears ,, Fees for D uphcate Pass ,, H ouse Allowances 2,345 11 56 Books 189 16 00 ,. Rent of Oë ces 4,386 15 36 ,, Comm lsslon on Transfers 200 10 74 ,, Electnc lag I.W ëCurront and W ater 98 4 43 ,, F'ees for H om e Safes 81 15 00 Furmture and n ttm gs 316 17 27 472 1 74 7,147 8 62 ,, M lscdlaneous Recelpts 9 l 5 10 ,, Travelllng A llowances 463 0 98 o, Passages 1,651 0 1 1 ., Penslons Fund Contnbutlon 7,487 16 35 9,138 16 46 ,> Postal Charges 4,103 5 18 ,, Tdegraph Charges 332 7 67 ,, Telephono Charges 237 4 90 4,672 17 75 ,, Pubhclty 1,010 2 56 ,y A dm m lstratlve C osts 3,127 9 29 ., Sermces Rendored at Post Og ces 20,698 15 34 24,836 7 19 ,, M otor Transport 218 13 99 ,, Pnntlng and Statlonery 3,946 2 03 ,s M achsne Repalrs and M alntenance 105 8 82 ,. M edlcal Fees 122 13 42 ,, Hospltal Contnbutlon (European) 7 13 34 130 6 76 ,s lnterest on Loan from Treasury 6,382 14 43 ,, Interest on Bank Overdraft 94 16 61 ., Bank Charges on Investment Rem lttances - ,, Brokerage Charges on Investments 55 0 67 . 6,532 jl gj ,, Cost of Audzt 2,376 5 38 ,, Inmdental Expenses 81 12 55 ,, Losses of Savm gs Bank M oneys 120 5 92 Adlustm ent of D eposltors' Interest 1,939 0 77 331,118 2 60 Balance Carrled to R esow e A ccount 8,946 12 58 340,064 15 18 340,064. 15 18

R E GERM AN , Postm aster-General 27th September, 1957 K EN YA SAW NG S BAN K IN VESTM ENTS ADJUSTM EN T A CCO UN T

1955 1956 1955 1956 f f s cts f â s r'z' 1,132,035 To D epreclatlon on lnvestments 370,673 3 50 377 By Proft on Sales of Investments 4,966 18 66 7,121 ., Losses on Salos of Investm onts 607 8 49 1,138,779 ,. Balanco Transferred to Reservo '- ,, Loss on Pence/G nts Converslon 0 01 - Account 366,313 13 34

10139,156 371,280 12 00 1,139,156 - .. 1.11.,.18.#...11.-0-2..-

RESERVB A CCOU'N T 149,614 To Dehctt on 1st January 1,283,192 10 96 5,200 By Surplus from Revenue and Ex-

1,138,779 ,, lnvestm tnts Adlustm ent Accotm t 36.6,313 13 34 pondltm e Account 8,946 12 58 1,283,193 ,, Balance (Defc1t) on 31st Decem ber 1,640,559 11 72 1,488,393 1,649,506 4 30 /,288.393 1 649,86 4 30

BALAN CB SH EBT AS AT 31st D ECBM BER 10,306,191 D ue to D eposltors 9,842,442 7 49 9,048,197 Investm ents at M arket Value on 31st 20,423 Sundry Credztors 55,1 19 4 08 Decem ber 8,524,212 14 36 30 000 Loans from Treasul'y 321,505 7 92 Cash f, s cts 8,820 Sundry D eposlt A ccount Balances 176 7 50 f 23,790 In H and and at Bank 22,068 11 29 5,000 On Deposlt wlth Troasury 5,000 0 (X) 28,790 27,068 11 29 791 Stock of Form s and Pass Books on H and 1,983 15 48 4,355 Sundry Debtors 25,175 7 09 108 Sundry A dvance A ccount Balancos 243 7 05 1,283,193 *kesel've A ccount D eEclency 1,640,559 11 72 10 365,434 10,219,243 6 99 10,365,434 10,219,243 6 99

*-No'rE - 1n accordance wlth the terms of Sectlon 8 of the Savmgs Bank Ordmance (Cap 121), Laws of Kenya, 1937. thls defclençy zs a contm gent hablllty on tho Revenqes of K enya Colony 27th Septem ber, 1957 R E G ERM AN , Postmaster-General 96 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 28th January, 1958


D EPOSITS W ITH D RAW ALS 1955 1956 1955 1956 f L s cts f f s cts 9,361,461 To Balance at Crodlt of Doposltors on 3,165,659 By W lthdrawals 4,027,608 5 39 1st January 10,306,191 8 73 ,, Balance at Credlt of Deposltors 3,876,167 D eposzts Recm ved 3,325,241 18 61 10,306,191 on 31st D ecem ber 9,842,442 7 49 234,222 lnterest Credlted to D eposltors 238,617 5 54 13,471,850 13,870 050 12 88 13,471,850 13,870,050 12 88 27th Septem ber, 1957 R E G ERM AN , Postmaster-General


N ew D eposltors' Accounts and Accounts D EPOSITS W ITH D RAW ALS Am ounts at Credjt at Yn R Opened G ose of Each Year N o N o Value N o Value N o Value f s cts f s cts f s cts 1938 5,099 51,757 309,596 7 17 29,850 271,998 9 94 27,209 559,846 14 46 1946 67,542 185,810 2,765,481 13 84 266,354 2,181,760 17 62 113,631 4,882,465 18 96 1947 16,756 124,190 2,175,871 7 43 138,925 1,894,664 19 80 108,351 5,284,231 16 14 1948 16,059 150,721 2,254,138 17 43 104,029 1,891,480 5 38 116,151 5,776,836 19 94 1949 19,253 183,202 2,808,642 19 43 123,668 27* ,812 17 45 128,490 6,431,651 2 23 1950 17,460 185,026 2,616,775 16 72 132,582 2,311,013 12 51 140,567 6,895,525 7 40 1951 18,850 209,055 2,929,870 1 21 134,334 2,566,465 0 92 154,193 7,428,376 1 13 1952 19,119 215,649 3,129,303 17 67 141,495 2,557,437 15 88 168,188 8,186,457 8 36 1953 15,928 195,179 3,125,890 4 46 140,116 2,695.148 5 37 178,872 8,819,234 4 75 1954 19,640 217,962 3,144,964 8 44 139,712 2,817,776 11 90 193,211 9,361,460 17 90 1955 28,525 279,974 3,876,167 13 64 180,771 3,165.659 4 26 216,545 10,306,191 8 73 1956 42,652 321,991 3,325,241 18 61 239,279 4,027,608 5 39 248,892 9,842,442 7 49 Incroase on 1955 14,127 42,017 58,508 861,949 1 13 32,347 - D ecrease on 1955 - 550,925 15 03 - .-. 463,749 1 24

GAZBTTE N o'mcE N o 79 G AZETTE N o'rlcE N o 191 KBN YA GOVERN M ENT VACAN CY IN TH E ZAN ZIBAR GOVERNM ENT LOW ER CLERICAL EX AM IN ATION , 1958 (Tormerly knowa as G vll Servfce Examfnatton /t?1 M edlcal Oyce/ Ajrlcan C'fe? ks4 24m A PRIL 1958 APPLICATION S are lnvlted for the post of M edlcal Om cer Sktblects - Engllsh, Anthm etlc, Typewntm g or D epartm ental ln the H ea1th Departm ent, Zanabar Paper 'T'lm fxam m atlon m Engllsla and Anthm etlc wz11 be held on Cv dldates must possess quav catlons fully reglstrable ln the n ursday, 24th Aprzl, 1958, at Centres to be arranged m U nlted K lngdom and must have experlenco ln m edlcal adm lnl- N alrobl, M om basa, N aktlru, Nyert and Kasum u onljt The qtratlon preferably ln G overnment servzce Examlnaton m Typewrltlng m ll bo held D epartmentally on 18th Aprll, 1958, and papers, m atenal and lnstructlons for The selected candldate m ll be requjred to perform M edlcal the conduct of thls exam m atlon wl2 be supphed to tbe head and Pubhc H ealtll duttes m Zanzlbar and Ptm ba m cludm g of tbe departm ent m wh ch the candldate zs servm g hospltal work (both clencal and admlnlstratlve) supervlston of dlstrlct dlspensanes tralnlng of local staft contlol of com- W here a head of a departm ent wisbes to set a Departm ental m unlcablo dlseases, m echcal exam lnatlons and m edlcal lnspectlon paper ln lleu of Typewrltlng for any of h1s candldates, he should arrange to hold such exarm natlon on the sam e date as tho Typewrltlng test, 1 e 18th Aprll, 1958, and comm umcate Com m cncm g salary accordm g to qualécatlons and experlence tho result of such exam lnatlon to m e wlthln one week If a on scale A f 1,023 to f 1.770 a year baslc salary W lth m ducement candldate ofkrs a D epartmental paper on h1s entry form , lt allowance, where appllcable, the scale ls f 1,284 to f 2,115 per wlll be mssllm ed that thls ls done wlth the sanctlon of the annum head of hls departm ent The post ls penslonable Free passages and ltbelal leave on Entrles on the prescnbed form should reach the Examtnahons full pay g'ranted Sectlol' oj the ftfucfzflo?z Departnlent not later than 1st M arch, 1958 Appllcatlons should be submitted to the D lrector of M edlcal H eadf of departm ents should m dicate on the entry form the Servlces, P O Box 236, Zanzlbar, by 15th February 1958 m ost sm table Centre for thelr candldates to take the exam lnatlon A pphcattons from servlng Government oë cers should be Entry form s- m ay bo obtmne,d on appllcatlon to the accompanled by com ments of ,he H ead of D epartm ent wlth Exam lnatlons Sectlon of th@ Educatlon Departm ent, P O a detalled confidentlal report Box 12259, N azrobl, or from Provm clal Bducatlon Oï cerq ln no cllcuntstances wlfl late E'atrle.g be accepted G E FREISLICH , E N GUN D LVIA , jor D trecto' 0/ Fducatlon joï a'dlcfi/?p Cluqj Sect e/c/y to f/?c Govel nment