THE KENYA GAZETTE Publ~shedunder the Author~tyof HIS Excellency the Gorernor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the GPO) Vol. LX-No. 4 NAIROBI, 28th January, 1958 Pnce. Sh 1 CONTENTS GAZE= NOTICES I GAZE~TENo~~c~s-(Contd ) PAGE PAGE A~po~ntments,etc 62 The Forest Ordinace-Fore\t Exc~slon 62 Kenya Government-Senlor Accounts Exammnatlon, 1958 93 The Courts Ordmnance -Appo~ntments 62 The Un~tedKlngdom Des~gns(Protect~on) Olhnance 93 The Regrstratlon of Persons Ordlnance- Kenya Government Shorthand/Typewr~tmgExamlnatlon, Cancellat~onof Apporntment 62 -.1958 .. 93 Appointments 62,67 The Crown Lands Ordinance-Tendels for Quarrying Kenya Government Stocb 62 Rlghts 94 The Regulation of Wages and Condlt~onsof Employment Kenya Yav~ngs bnk Accounts for 1956 95 01dlnance, 195 1-Tht Road Transport Wages Counctl 62 Kenya Government Lower Clerlcal Exam~natrons, 1958 96 The Education Ordlnance 1952-Reg~stration of Schools 63-66 The Traffic Ordmance, 1953- Appomtment of Dr~vrngTest Exarnlners 66 Road Closure Order 66 The Water Ordmance, 1951- Appomtments 66 Appllat~ons 94 The Townsh~pcOrhnance-Appomtments 66 SUPPLEMENT l\io 8 General Cost of L~vlngIndex 67 The Socletles Rules, 1952-Change of Name 67 E A R & H --Amendment to Ta~rff Book No 2 67, 70 Ttnders 67,71 LEGALNOTICE NO PAGE Loans for Hlgher Edulatron 67 16-The Wages Regulation (Motor Englneerlng The Records (D~sposal)~Ordmance-Not~ce of Intcnded Tr?des) Order, 1958 27 Destruction of Court Records 67,69 27-The Leglslat~veCouncll (Afncan Reprewtat~on) H M Suplemt Court of Kenya--Crlmmal Sesslons at (Reglstra~lon of Voters) (Amendment) Rules, Vyen 68 1958 3 1 Fcderatton of Brlt~shScholarships-Overseas Scholarsh~ps 28-The Le&lslat~veCouncll (Afrlcan Representat~on) for Englneerlng Graduates 68 (Tramfer of Regntratlon) Rules, 1958 32 The Anlmal D~seasesOrdmance-Infected Areas 68 29-The Leg~slatlve Councd (Flect~onof Add~tronal East Afr~can Comms\~oner-Assumpt~on of Dutles 69 Members) Rules, 1958 32 Central Whitley Councll--Appo~ntment 69 30-The Leg~slatlveCouncll (Afncan Representation) The Mumc~pal~t~esOrdmance-Appo~ntment 69 (Tr insfer of Regstratloll) Rules 1958--Closmg Department of the Registrar-General-Change of 4dd1ess 69 Date for Recelpt of Clalms 34 Civil Arcraft Acc~dent-Inspector's InTestlgatlon 69 31-The I eglslat~veCouncJ (Afncan Representation) The Land Acqulb~t~unAct 1894, of Ind~a-Apporntm6nt 69 (Reg~strat~onof Voters) Rules, 1956-Issue of Warmng to Traders-Lass of Local Purchase Order Forms 69 Voters Cdrds for the El~chonof Addrtronal The Leglslat~ve Cwnc~I (Atnczn Rtpresentatlon) Members 34 Ordmance, 1956--Appointments 70 32-The Leglslatlve Counc~l(Election of Add~t~onal H M Court of Appeal for Eastern Afrlca at Nalrobi- Membels) Rules, 1958-Appomtment ot Cause Lrst 70 Nommatlon Day and Nommat~on Places 35 H M Supreme Court of Kenya at Mombasa 70 17-34-The Nahve Llquor Ordnance-Appo~ntment Transport Llcens~ng 71 , of L&al Authonty 35,36 Vacanc~es 71,96 35-The Nahxe Llquo~ Oidmance-Appllcat~on- - of The Crown Lands Ordmance-Return of Land Glants 72-80 Part I11 The Compan~esOrd~nance 81 36-The Narlve Llquor Ordmznce-ExcIus~ve dght Loss of Pol~cy 82 to Supply Nattve Llquor L~quorLlcens~ng 82 37-The Emergency (Revocation) Regulatrons, 1958 The Coca1 Gove~nment(Eldoret European Hospltal- Rate) 38-The Pollce (Amendment) Regulatlons, 1958 Ordmance 83 39-The Kenya Meat Comm~ssion(Gradmg) (Amend- Aberdare Coun~yCouncll 83 ment) Regulations, 1958 Mun~cipahtyof Klsurnu 83 40-The Natlxe Land Tenure Rules, 1956-Apphca- Uasln Glshu County Council 83 tlon of Rules n Trade Marks 84 41-The Townsh~ps Ord~nance WAKF Commns~oners-Schedule of Balances 86-87 42-The Imm~gratlon (Proscribed Organizations) Probate and Admmstrat~on 87, 88, 89 (Amendment) Regulatlons, 1958 The Fraudulent Transfer of Bus~nessesOrd~nance 88,91,93 43-The Nahve Land Tenure Rules, 1956-Fees The Bmkruptcy Ord~nance 89,90 D~nolutionof Parlnersh~p 90,91 Notice of Change of Name 9 1 SUPPLEMENT No 9 The Crown Land3 Ordrnance-Nairobi Alrpott, Petrol Stat~onPlot 92 B~lls 1958 62 TH E K FN Y A G A ZBTTE 28th January, 1958 G AZETR'E N OTIDE N o 227 GAZETFE N OTICE X O 231 APPOINTM EN I'S TH E REGISTRA TION OF PERSON S ORDIN ANCE K ENNI-I'I'I W ItLIAM STBw ART M ACKENZIE, c M G , to act as W ap 50) Fmancml S( cretarv and to be M lnlster for Ftnance and C ANCELLATION otz A PPOINTMENF D evelopm ent w lth esect flom 26t11 January, 1958 IN EXERCISE of the powors thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby EDw ARD RAT-PM H ARtE: to act as Pmsne Judge wlth eflect lrcm cancel the appom tm ent of ttte persotl named m tlze Schedule 24th. January, 1958 hereto as Registratlon Om cer wlth efect from the date shown ROBERT TATTON-BROW N o 1$ j! , qecollded to the M lnlstry of agam çt h1s nam e Local G ovelnm ent H ca1th and Housm g to act as Deputy Com m lsslene) ot Local G overnm ent wlth esect from 20th SCHEDIJLB Jantlazy, 1958 Pl ot lllce .- N ygnza Fft&xcjs W II LIAM Gooosooy to be U nder-> retary OK ce of Nc/?:c c??# address - M r Jauo Davtd Okudo, c Jo Labour Oflicer, Klsumu the Chlcf Secretary, wlth effect from 1st July, 1957 Date f# canceliatlon - 14th January, 1958 PROM G IRON Nalrobl, A N 1E HU#KLE, COLIN CAMPBELL, o 15 E , to be Clvtl Secletxary to the K tm ya 231.t1. Januaw , 1958 ctfiq lhlnclpcl Regutrg' Pollce m th t Sect from 1st July, 1957 E G RIFFITH -JON ES GAZBATE N oTl( E N o 232 Actmg CW;c/ Secretaqn TH E REG ISTRAU ON OF PERSON S ORD IN AN CE W ap 50) G xzErrp N olqcE N o 228 (+2/4/7/37) AH OINTMENI IN EXERCISE ol the powers otmferred upon m e by sgb- TH E FOR EST ORDINAN CE secttoll (2) of qectton 4 of the Reglstrauon of Persons Ordumnve (Ccp 17O I lw reby kppom t the peo on nam ed m the Sçhodulo hereto to FoResr Exclslox- n xtu sïx FOREST REssRve be Reglstratlon Ofllcer for the purpose of the Ordlnance wfth egect f ! om thG date shown agatnst hls nam e IN ACCORDANCE m th the provlslons of sub sectlon (2) of sectten 4 of tht. Forest Ordm ance the M lm ster for Forest ScjG out,E DeNelopm ent, G ame and Flsherles hereby gwes 28 days' notlce wlt.h efect from the 28th day of January, 1958, of the m ten- Prob If/cc .-fentral tlon oj the Governor tn Counotl of M m lsters to declare that the Nalne cn# Addten - Mr Jano Davld Okudo, c/o Central areas descrlbed m tlle Sohedule heroto shall cease to be a Reglstratlon Oëce, N alroh Forest A rva Date - 14th. Januatry, 1958 a4, ec oj ptlrlytffï tton .-Natroh Djstnct SCHEDIJLE N alrotu, N k. H UCKT.E, The whole ol that Forest A rea knovn as the Tangasla Fcqest 231-d J'anmary, 1958 Actlng 'rzaclpcl Reglstra' Rcserve as defm ed by Ihx lam atlon No 102 of 1941 ï * Cap 176, bubsldlary Leglslatlon, page 2708 G Azs'f'rB NOTKE No 233 Dated thls 20th day of January, 1958 D L BLU NT, 2) PER CENT KE'NYA STOCK, 1971/76 M mlsto /o? Fotest Th velopment (JJz??c attd Flœ/le?le: l7OR the purpose of prepanng the warrants for m terest due on 15th M arch, 1958, thte balances of the sever? accounts ln the above Stock wlll be struck at close of busm ess on 15th G xzyw s N oTlcs l:o 229 February, 1958, after whlch tlato tht Stock wl.ll be transftsr- (v? d. L 1.3 / 1 / 1 / 1!) able ex dm dend Stockholders wlshjng to transfer thel.r holdm gs to the London TH E COU RTS GRDIN ANCE Rvglstt.r should note that, lf the neçeqsary appltcatlon form s (Ctm 3) are not lodged wttlt the Perm atwnt Secretary to the Treasury A PPOINTM:NT oF Ex Orluczo M AGISTRATE wo A H ZGHER m tlm o to enable the apphcatlon to be transmltted to the Crown SusoRm xx'rE C OIJRT Agentg for Oversea G e&ernm ents and A dm lnlstratlorts ln Lon- den so as to reach them ort or before 15th February 1958, IN EX ERCISB of the powcrs conferred by sectlons 3 and 5 paym ent of lntercst due on 15th M arch, 1958, w1ll be m ,a de by of the Coults Ordlnance, the Actlng G ovelnor, after consultm g the Perm anent Secretary to tho Treasuly tht. Chlet Justlce, lms appom ted- Doxxcn CLAY J H BU -W ER, A ctkl3g Pta n,anent xskc?e/ffry to JJlé' D easu'y who ls a maglstrate by vtrtue of hts oK ce oz D lstrzt.t )z Oflicer, Elgon N yanza Dtstrlcl, to hold a subordm atc court of Vhe Trefza- . :he first class ln the said dlstnct f ar so Jong as he contlnues to P O sr).x 300:7 N atl abt hold the omce of D zstnct Oë cer afores'ud Datvd tlus 22nd day of January, 1952 G xzETt'E N OTICB N o 234 By Com m an; of tbe Actlng G evernor TH E REGULATION OF W A GES AN D CON DITIONS OF EM PLOYM EN T OR DIN ANCE 1951 D W CON ROY M lnl-sfer /(), Legal a4ftkl/.& qNo 1 o! 1951) THE ROAD TR&>spoRT W AOES Couxcïs Gxzy.'lqE N OTICL N o 730 N O-1 ICE ls h'Jreby glven that the Road rransport W ages Couactl establlshed under G evernm ent N ottce N o 1676 datt,d LJ & L 13/ 1 /2 Vo1 11) 25th N ovem bm , 1954, as am ended by Legal N otlco No 495 TH E COU RTS ORD IN ANCE datetl 2nd N ovember 1956, lntends to subm lt to the M m tster for Educatlon, Imbour and Lands certatn wage.s regulatlon pro- (Cop 3) posals ln respect of em ployeos m the road transport m dustry AePOINTMBNT oF Ex OFFI( Io M AGISTRATE 'ro A HIGHER These proposals are ln submlssion of those nottfied ln the StpBolxolxA'rs C OIJRT Kenya Gazetto of 26th N ovembel 1957 (Gazette Netlce IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlons 3 and No 3978) 5 of the C eurts O rthnance fhe Actlng G overnor after con Copjes of the wages regulatlon proposals m ay bo obtamtd sultlng the Chlef Justlce, has appolnted- bfrom the Socretary of the W ages Councll at the addre'ss glvçn Jt)ch V IVjAN EBEEILEY elow ol from Labour Oflices tlarolzghout K cnya wbo ls a m aglstrate by vlrtue of hts olfice of D lstllct Oë cer Rcplesentatlons
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