Development Committee ______
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Meeting of the DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ________________________________________________ Wednesday, 29 March 2006 at 7.30 p.m. ______________________________________ A G E N D A __________________________________________ VENUE Council Chamber, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG Members: Deputies (if any): Chair: Councillor Rofique U Ahmed Vice-Chair:Councillor Julian Sharpe Councillor Ray Gipson Councillor Janet Ludlow, (Designated Councillor Julia Mainwaring Deputy for Councillors Martin Rew, Akikur Councillor Ashton McGregor Rahman & Ray Gipson) Councillor Muhammed Ghulam Mortuza Councillor James Sanderson, (Designated Councillor Akikur Rahman Deputy for Councillors Martin Rew, Akikur Councillor Martin Rew Rahman & Ray Gipson) Councillor Salim Ullah Councillor Azizur Rahman Khan, (Designated Deputy for Councillors Martin Rew, Akikur Rahman & Ray Gipson) [Note: The quorum for this body is 4 Members]. If you require any further information relating to this meeting, would like to request a large print, Braille or audio version of this document, or would like to discuss access arrangements or any other special requirements, please contact: Louise Fleming, Democratic Services, Tel: 020 7364 4878, E-mail:[email protected] LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, 29 March 2006 7.30 p.m. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. Note from the Chief Executive In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members must declare any personal interests they have in any item on the agenda or as they arise during the course of the meeting. Members must orally indicate to which item their interest relates. If a Member has a personal interest he/she must also consider whether or not that interest is a prejudicial personal interest and take the necessary action. When considering whether or not they have a declarable interest, Members should consult pages 181 to184 of the Council’s Constitution. Please note that all Members present at a Committee meeting (in whatever capacity) are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests. A personal interest is, generally, one that would affect a Member (either directly or through a connection with a relevant person or organisation) more than other people in London, in respect of the item of business under consideration at the meeting. If a member of the public, knowing all the relevant facts, would view a Member’s personal interest in the item under consideration as so substantial that it would appear likely to prejudice the Member’s judgement of the public interest, then the Member has a prejudicial personal interest. Consequences: • If a Member has a personal interest: he/she must declare the interest but can stay, speak and vote. • If the Member has prejudicial personal interest: he/she must declare the interest, cannot speak or vote on the item and must leave the room. When declaring an interest, Members are requested to specify the nature of the interest, the particular agenda item to which the interest relates and to also specify whether the interest is of a personal or personal and prejudicial nature. This procedure is designed to assist the public’s understanding of the meeting and is also designed to enable a full entry to be made in the Statutory Register of Interests which is kept by the Head of Democratic Renewal and Engagement on behalf of the Monitoring Officer. PAGE WARD(S) NUMBER AFFECTED 3. UNRESTRICTED MINUTES To confirm as a correct record of the proceedings the 1 - 2 unrestricted minutes of the ordinary meeting of Development Committee held on 8th February 2006. 4. DEPUTATIONS To receive any deputations. 3 - 4 5. PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DETERMINATION 5 .1 119-123 Poplar High Street, London E14 0AE 5 - 14 Limehouse 5 .2 Moorings off Hermitage Wharf, Wapping High Street, 15 - 26 St London E1 Katharine's & Wapping 5 .3 East End Mission, 583 Commercial Road, London E1 27 - 42 St Dunstan's 0HJ & Stepney Green 5 .4 Cabot Hall, Cabot Square, London E14 43 - 50 Millwall 5 .5 Stour Wharf, Stour Road, London E3 2MT 51 - 66 Bow East 5 .6 99 Leman Street, London E1 8EY 67 - 76 Whitechapel 5 .7 One o'clock Club, St Bartholomew's Gardens, 77 - 84 Bethnal Buckhurst Street, London E2 Green South This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, 08/02/2006 SECTION ONE (UNRESTRICTED) LONDON BOROUGH OF TOWER HAMLETS MINUTES OF THE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE HELD AT 7.30 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2006 THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, 1ST FLOOR, TOWN HALL, MULBERRY PLACE, 5 CLOVE CRESCENT, LONDON, E14 2BG Members Present: Councillor Rofique U Ahmed (Chair) Councillor Ray Gipson Councillor Muhammed Ghulam Mortuza Councillor Martin Rew Councillor Salim Ullah Officers Present: Brian Bell – Clerk to the Committee Stephen Irvine – Development Control Matthew O’Donnell – Development Control Andrew Wiseman – Legal Advisor/Trowers and Hamlins 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors Sharpe, McGregor and Rahman. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None were made. 3. MINUTES The Clerk advised that paragraph 5 of minute 5.1 (page 2) should be amended to show five members voting in favour of the application rather than four. RESOLVED That the minutes of the Development Committee held on 18th January 2006 as amended, be confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair. 4. DEPUTATIONS It was agreed to accept Ms Sufia Alam speaking on behalf of the applicant for item 5.1. 5. PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DETERMINATION 1 Page 1 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, 08/02/2006 SECTION ONE (UNRESTRICTED) 5.1 Wapping Womens Centre, Pinchin Street, London E1 1PD (Report number DC037/056) Mr Matthew O’Donnell introduced the report, which assessed an application for alterations and an extension to provide a day-care centre. The objections had been to the loss of 8 car-parking spaces and more intensive use of the facility. The authority’s highways engineers considered that the loss of spaces could be absorbed within the area, and had also pointed out that public transport accessibility was good. While it undoubtedly would lead to increased use of the centre, the significant benefits of this had to be balanced against any detrimental effects, and on balance it was recommended for approval. Ms Sufia Alam, on behalf of the applicant, emphasised the educational, social and recreational programmes currently provided in the centre for a very deprived community and area. The principal purpose of the extension was to provide day care as a satellite of Surestart Shadwell. Any hire of the hall would be for local events and stay strictly within the permitted hours. Members praised the work done presently by the centre and welcomed the proposed childcare provision. It was unanimously AGREED that planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions, legal agreement and informative outlined below: Conditions 1) Full time. 2) Landscaping plan to be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority. 3) A Travel Plan shall be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority before the proposed building is occupied. 4) If any suspected contamination, or unusual or odorous ground conditions should be notified to the Local Planning Authority. 5) Materials to be submitted for approval. 6) Hours of construction. 7) Hours of use, Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm: Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 8pm. A Section 106 agreement to secure the following The replacement of existing trees. Informative With regard to condition 3 above (Travel Plan) the applicant is advised to discuss the scope of the report and mitigation measures with Council’s Transport Department, Mulberry Place, London E14 2BE, 0207 364 6926. The meeting ended at 7.47 p.m. _________________ ___/___/06 Chair, Councillor Rofique U Ahmed Development Committee 2 Page 2 Agenda Item 4 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OLYMPICS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PROCEDURE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS AT COMMITTEE MEETINGS 1. The Clerk to the relevant committee must be informed at least 3 days prior to a meeting of an applicant's or objector's request to speak a) Applicants will not be expected to address a planning committee, where there are no objections to an application and where officers are recommending approval. b) Where officers are recommending refusal of an application, requests to speak from applicants will be accepted and submitted to the relevant Chair/committee for ratification. 2. All requests to speak should be confirmed in writing or by e-mail, at least 3 days in advance of the meeting. This should confirm the details of the intended spokesperson and include contact telephone numbers. 3. Requests to speak will be submitted to the relevant committee through the Chair, and members must formally agree to permit a member of the public to speak. 4. Requests to address the committee must relate to planning applications on the agenda and matters within the committee's terms of reference. 5. Only one person will be permitted to speak in objection to an application, and one person will be invited to respond to the objection. In the case of there being more than one objector, the Clerk should suggest that the objectors liase prior to the meeting and choose a spokesperson to represent them. 6. Each spokesperson will be allowed no more than five minutes to address the committee. 7. Committee members may ask questions of any spokesperson. 8. At the close of a speaker’s address and the question and answer session, if one is held, the spokesperson must take no further part in the proceedings of the meeting, unless directed by the Chair of the committee. 9.