Shores Man Charged with Manslaughter
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Grosse Pointe News VOL 46-No 5 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, January 31, 1985 30 cents 36 Pages fQryour information Shores man charged fyi with manslaughter By Mike Andnejczyk for vehicles to travel that rate of By Tom Greenwood A 19-year-old Shores man was speed that time of nIght, even bound over Tuesday, Jan 22, to though the speed limit IS35 miles an Wayne County CirCUitCourt to face hour Odds 'n' ends charges of manslaughter With a Because the vehiCle's doors were Well folks, it's tIme to clean up motor vehicle by City MUniCIpal Jammed, Park and City fire rescue my desk I've had all these phone Judge Stan C Kazul teams were called to the scene, messages, strange stones and After a five-hour prelLmmary ex- Pryor said After the two men were Prf'ss f{'l('.<lsesg?!her'ng here the :lm:.n~tlon, KJ.zul ordered ~1atthc~ rel"10"{'(l fr(",,'l thp "fhlr>lp hoth w.=>rp last three weeks, waiting to Cardelho to appear In circuit court taken to Bon Secours Hospital somehow he them altogether Feb 14 to face the charges, which Sgt. Martm Buss, a Park fire- stem from an auto aCCIdent in De- fighter, said CardellLo was con- It can't be done. So Instead I'm scious during the tnp to the simply gOing to write them up cember in whICh Damel Brady, 19, of the Farms, died hospital. Buss added he talked and drop them all In your laps. briefly with the injured man to You sort them out for a change Eight Witnesses were called by prosecutor Augustus Hutting and determme what shape he was In to First, two stones from the defense attorney Lawrence McDon- better inform the doctors One of the Shores A resident reported to ald, including the emergency room questions Buss said he asked was the pohce that someone crept in- doctor from Bon Secours who treat- whether the defendant had been to his backyard on Christmas ed Cardellio, medical techmcians drinking. Eve and stole the cover to his from the hospital who took blood At the hospital, where CardellLo Webber gnll while he slept. samples, <lnd police and fIre of- was treated for a dislocated shoul- fiCers from the City and Park. der and a variety of cuts and Then, on Jan 4, he was awak- Kazul told counsel he was binding bruises, the attending doctor ened by nOIses In his backyard at the defendant over to circuit court ordered a blood sample taken. That about 2:30 a.m. He checked because testimony from police is standard procedure, because the around but didn't see anyone. about the accident "was devoid of defendant appeared lethargic and And there, in the morning light, anything the defendant did to ex- semi-conscious, the doctor said. The he discovered that his bar beque tricate himself from the predica- blood alcohol and toxic substance cover had been returned ment" and showed "more than sim- screening tests were both perform- There's probably a moral ple inattention." ed. The alcohol level was 0.25 Under there somewhere, what with the Involuntary homicide charges re- state law, a person with a reading idea of Santa flYIng by on Christ- quire proof of simple negligence, of 0.10 is considered intOXicated mas Eve and borrowing the cov. but gross negligence must be prov- Sgt. Robert Millington, a CIty er, or some thief suddenly being ed for manslaughter, the attorneys polLce safety officer, saId he ar- filled with remorse upon seeing a said. rested Cardellio at the hospital. star shining In the sky. But for the Cardellio and Brady were in a McDonald asked the judge to life of me I don't know what it 1984 Chevrolet Blazer truck that (Continued on Page 13A) could be, so let's just forget it. jumped the curb of north bound Jef- ferson early Sunday morning, Dec. Then on Jan. 22, a South Duval 9, traveled about 100feet in the ease- resident called. the police to help ment and struck a tree. North's one her with an eagle that flew into Officer Ronald Pryor, first on the her house. Reports say the wo- scene, said he was on patrol when man heard a crash at about 12:30 the call came in. When he arrived of the best p.m and thought someone was less than a minute later, Pryor said B)' Mike Andrzejczyk breaking into her home. he saw the vehicle wrapped around Grosse Pomte may have two a tree In the easement Just west of She peeked into the living room Pholo by Tom Greenwood Jennifer, Pam and Bob Harmount with their dog, Baron. Island Lane. public high schools recognized as and found a large bird of prey being among the best in the nation resting on her floor wearing a There were two people 10 the car The dnver, who Pryor Identified as by thiS summer rather dazed look. He'd flown North High, like ItS cross-town nght through her picture win- Cardellio, stared straight ahead Ice is nice! and didn't speak, the officer testi- counterpart two years ago, IS dow fied. Only the upper body of the among nine hIgh schools nommat- By Tom Greenwood just right," Harmount said, LIt at mght With floodhghts, ed this year by the state Board of Public safety Officer Jobn pointing to the top of the sculp- the tower can clearly be seen passenf!;er, Brady, was VIsible, he Frasard came to the rescue, No, It's not the world's largest added Edueallon fM' consideratlOn 111the ture. "If it'b too slow, the hose from Jefferson Avenue, two national Fogram. In an, 19 secon- first throwing a blanket over the popslcle, but it comes close. In- freezes up. Too fast and it wears blocks away. "n seems to ab- During his mvestiaation of the bird, which later was identified stead, the 25-foot-ta 11, blue- site, Pryor said he found no signs dary sclJooIs were nominated to re- a hole in the ice. Just the right sorb the light, then glow from present Michigan in the national as a sparrow hawk, then finally green Ice sculpture IS the crea- amount makes it look like a within," Mrs. Harmount ~jd. the vehicle had been forced from the tIon of Bob, Pam, Jennifer and road by collision. The tracks show- Secondary School Recognition Pr0- capturing it in a cardboard box waterfall.' , "It looks like a giant candIe in gram. TIm Harmount, of Lakepointe our front yard. And it certainly ed the vehicle didn't brake before The "eagle" was turned over After five years of building an The schools were selected by Road does attract the traffic." I striking the tree, but the driver to the Department of Natural Re- Ice sculpture m their yard, the panels of school supermtendents, The Harmounts began the pillar has become something of As in years past, the liar- hred to veer to the left of the tree. sources, still in pretty good shape sculpture Just after the first of Under questionmg by McDonald, principals and teachers from a neighborhood traditon mounts figure their sculpture among 91 apphcants representing I'm told I've tried to tie this story the year, first buildIng a wooden Will be around until Easter Pryor said he felt the vehicle would m with the one above, but it's just "I didn't buIld one last year," the state's nearly 1,200junior, mid- structure to lend their creation Harmount said "I guess I just "But once It gets warm, it dis- have careened off the tree, had the impossible Sparrow hawks form and to prevent It from driver veered more to the left. Itap- dle and high schools got lazy. Then the 'nelghbors appears fast," Bob saId. "One PrinCipal Dr. John Kastran said aren't nearly strong enough to crashing through their picture day it's there and the next it's peared the right wheel-well hooked carry off metal grill covers. called and told me to get busy. he was delighted by hiS school's window once it begins to melt. Even the polIce seem to like It. I gone." the tree and caused the truck to A portable boom helps direct wrap itself around the trunk, Pryor selection. In the Farms, the Michigan saw three squad cars m front Incidentally, Baron, the Har- "It enhances the feelings of the Historical Commission announc- water from a garden hose onto yesterday I thought I'd done mounts' big, friendly Rottweiler said the top to form a cascading ef- According to a reconstructlOn student body and teachers here," ed that the Henry G. and Char- sornethmg wrong and ran out- has strict orders not to go near he said. "It just makes you feel lotte B. Sherrard House has been feet. Side Then they told me how the sculpture. He's a very frus- by state pollce, the vehicle struck the tree going about 42 miles an good to go to a school that has been listed in the state Register of His- "The flow of water has to be much they admired it." trated male dog. hour. Pryor noted it isn't unusual recognized as one of the best 10 the toric Places. state." The home is located at 59 The U.S. Department of Educa- Lakeshore Road, and was builtin tIon will make an on-site inspectIOn 1893 for Joseph H. Berry, of the in the spring, with the winners of Berry Brothers Varmsh Co He, Roll oveJ;Beethoven! The fiddle is a fake national honors bemg named in m turn, gave it to his daughter June Kastran added he expected and new son-in-law, the Sher- mstrument DlUffo-Pruggar made 1516, the carvIngs would be much fmd on a meerschaum pipe - very North to be among the natIOnal rards, as a wedding gift Accord- By Tom Greenwood a number of instruments, but the more mtricate and beautiful," German-like - and not very ele- mg to Jon Gandelot, who's Well, the Jury is m and the ver- Winners, pointmg out It is quite an vlOlm came m after hiS work - at Wilhams said.