Newsletter Second Quarter 2007 International Association for Energy Economics President’s Message ow do you like the new look? As you will no doubt have noticed, the Newslet- Hter has an updated, more internet-friendly new design – one that we hope you will find attractive. Georg Erdmann, IAEE’s Vice President for Publications, has led the efforts that have resulted in these and other behind-the-scene changes in our quarterly bulletin to members. Not only will the new design allow you to consult and download individual articles more easily, we are also developing tools that will allow you to search the contents of past issues (beginning with the Winter 2007 publication). In addition, we are moving ahead with plans to structure each issue around specific themes: short articles will be solicited from members with expertise in each of the identified areas, with a view of providing these experts with a plat- form to inform and communicate with the entire membership. In this issue (and the next one), for example, many of the contributed articles deal with the geopolitics of energy and energy policy matters in general. Special thanks to Georg and to Head- quarters staff for developing this new look for our “old friend”. Please feel free to get in touch with your comments, suggestions, reactions to our updated Newsletter – you can do so electronically at
[email protected]. Thanks in advance for letting us know what you think. As I try to keep abreast of the evolution of the world energy scene, two sets of issues keep drawing my attention – both of which were explored in our recent, suc- cessful international conference in Wellington, New Zealand: climate policy and energy poverty.