L evel Three Baker Marquise Ingredients

300g 70% 150g softened unsalted butter 150g caster sugar 6tbsps cocoa powder 6 egg yolks 300g box of mints 450ml double cream To decorate Small bunch mint 1 egg white 2tbsp caster sugar


Break the chocolate into pieces and put into a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering 1 water to melt. Take off the heat and leave to cool slightly. Cream 75g of the sugar and the butter in a large bowl with an electric whisk until light and 2 creamy, then mix in the cocoa powder. Separate the eggs and put the yolks into a separate bowl, (you can freeze the egg whites to 3 use another time). Add the remaining 75g sugar and beat until pale and creamy. In another bowl, whip the cream until softly peaking.

Pour the melted chocolate into the butter mixture and stir until well mixed. Then gently 4 fold in the egg mixture until combined, finally repeat with the whipped cream. Line a loaf tin with 3 layers of cling film, leaving about a 10cm overhang. Spoon the mixture 5 into a large nozzle piping bag and pipe a layer over the bottom of the tin, cover with a layer of After Eights (if they don’t fit you can cut them), continue until you have 3 layers of chocolate mints and the tin is full finishing with a chocolate cream layer. TIP: try and get your piping neat around the edges of the tin, ensuring there are no gaps. Fold over the cling film, and chill overnight, (this can be made up to 2 days in advance).

Brush the mint leaves with egg white and sprinkle over the caster sugar to frost and leave 6 to dry. Just before serving, place the marquise in the freezer for about 10 mins (as it makes it easier to slice). Remove from the freezer and pace the tin, bottom side up, on a serving plate to remove the tin and the cling film. Dip a palette knife in boiling water and smooth the surface, then arrange the frosted mint leaves over the top. Use a serrated knife dipped in boiling water to cut the marquise into slices.