Introduction Chapter 1: Asperger and I
notes INTRODUCTION p. ix “a devastating handicap ...” Uta Frith, “Asperger and His Syndrome,” in Frith, 1991,p.5. p. ix “Paucity of empathy; naive, inappropriate, one-sided social inter- action ...” Klin, Ami, and Fred Volkmar, “Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome,” Yale University Child Study Center, July/August 8–9, 1994. p. xi “the first plausible variant to crystallize out of the autism spectrum ...” Uta Frith, “Asperger and His Syndrome,” in Frith, 1991,p.5. p. xi “More than anything, ADD represents ...” DeGrandpre, 2000,p.39. p. xiii The exchange between Diller and Greene can be read in the archives of Salon magazine ( The fireworks began with Diller’s review of Greene’s The Explosive Child on July 18, 2001, and Greene’s response on July 19. p. xvi “The path to understanding ...” Hans Asperger as quoted in Klin et al, 2000, p. xii. CHAPTER 1: ASPERGER AND I p. 2 “I like the scenery. I like the schedules.” This and other quotations in this chapter by and about Darius McCollum are from “Irresistible Lure of Subways Keeps Landing Impostor in Jail,” by Dean E. Murphy, The New York Times, August 24, 2000,p.A1. p. 5 “Autism as a subject touches on the deepest questions of ontology ...” Sacks, 1996,p.246. p. 6 “Almost all of my social contacts ...” Sacks, 1996,p.261. p. 8 “America is the first society to be totally dominated ...” Postman, 1994,p. 145. p. 9 “What, after all, is normality?” Uta Frith, “Asperger and His Syn- drome,” in Frith, 1991,p.23.
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