A - Z PIA Registry The following table lists all Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) that the OIPC has accepted for which there are summaries available. Not all PIAs accepted by the OIPC include summaries. If you would like a copy of a PIA summary from past years, please contact the office at (780) 422-6860 or email
[email protected]. The table does not include summaries for PIAs accepted by the OIPC for the following programs: • Alberta Netcare PIA Pharmacies Listing • Alberta Netcare PIA Physician Listing • Physician Office System Program (POSP) PIA Listing • Alberta Pharmacy Practice Models Initiative (PPMI) Listing • Mihealth Physician PIA Listing Public Body or Custodian PIA Project Title Legislation Acceptance Date OIPC File # Abounaja, Dr. Muadh; Pineridge TELUS Health Solutions (Wolf EMR) HIA April 2, 2015 000092 Doctors Office encompassing Organizational Practices and Reporting on Information Management Systems and/or External Services and PCN Participation: Mosaic PCN. Adams, Dr. Stewart; Metelitsa, Dr. Optimed Accuro EMR System HIA January 13, 2016 001745 Andrei; Devani, Dr. Alim; Prajapati, encompassing Netcare access Dr. Vimal; Institute for Skin Advancement Inc. Adams, Dr. Stewart; Woolner, Dr. Outsourced Transcription Services HIA June 4, 2008 H2085 Derek; Hackett, Dr. Sharon; Dermatology Associates Advanced Education and Dr. Gary McPherson Leadership FOIP October 26, 2011 F5884 Technology Scholarship Advanced Education and Alberta Advanced Education's Alberta FOIP October 17, 2005 F3276 Technology Advanced Education's