Aeg & Peter Behrens
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AEG & PETER BEHRENS: SYMBOLISM IN THE FIRST CORPORATE IDENTITY DESIGN A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Sciences of İzmir Institute of Technology in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Architecture by Uygar BOZTEPE June 2012 İZMİR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I owe sincere and earnest thankfulness to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şebnem Yücel for her patience, guidance, friendship and also for her challenging critiques that transformed my writing process into a learning process. I am equally indebted and thankful to my co-supervisor Prof. Dr. Hilde Heynen. One year of study period in Leuven under her guidance was invaluable and I am sure that this thesis would not have been possible without her understanding and encouragement. My gratitude also goes to my jury member Prof. Dr. Gülsüm Baydar for her grace and valuable comments. I would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erdem Erten not only for his comments as my jury member but also for giving me the idea to write a paper on AEG which was the inception of this thesis. I would like to express my gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Güner and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ufuk Ersoy, they did not have chance to participate in my jury but their remarks helped a lot to enlighten my way. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hedwig Schwall merits special thanks for her scholar generosity in helping an architect to find his way in European Literature. This thesis took the advantage of three archival works. In these archives there were several people supported me to find the right material. Martina Weiß in Klingpor Archives in Offenbach-am-Main, Ieva Akule in Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt, Claus Bründel and Jörg Schmalfuß in TechnikMuseum Berlin helped me a lot with their sincerity and scholarship. These archival visits were done in my one year exchange period in Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Sıla Turaç Ayanoğlu in İzmir Institute of Technology and Anouck Brouwers and Pascale Conard in Katholieke Universiteit Leuven lent their kind assistance related with all bureaucratic staff. This exchange would remain just a dream without their help. While studying on the thesis lots of interesting things have happened. One of them was a moment of anagnorisis for me when I saw that I was born exactly at the same date with Peter Behrens and I would like to take this opportunity to thank to ‘life’ which is always full of surprises. This thesis is written in two cities; Leuven and İzmir. I want to thank to all of my friends in Leuven that shared my good and stressful times and made me to feel at home. Some of these wonderful friends hosted me as well at their places during my trips around Europe. Next to their friendship I owe sincere thanks to Nicola, Serena, Marco, Guiseppe, Manna, Eva, Marie, Murat, Arda and Gamze for their kind hospitality. In particular, I would like to thank to Nicole Nana for her help in translating Richard Dehmel’s poem Eine Lebensmesse. Also my thanks extend to my uncle Gündoğan for his kind support during my studies in Leuven. Writing a thesis needed sacrifice from the time that I could spend with my friends and my family in İzmir. I wish to thank to all of my friends in İzmir for their understanding and best wishes. I am very grateful for the friendship and cheerfulness of my ex-instructor and new colleague Hasibe Velibeyoğlu. Finally and most importantly, I would like to thank to my family Ulaş, Seher, Turan and Anna not only for their faith in me but also for standing by me through the good and the bad times, to whom this thesis is dedicated to. ABSTRACT AEG & PETER BEHRENS: SYMBOLISM IN THE FIRST CORPORATE IDENTITY DESIGN Some historians called Peter Behrens' designs for AEG as first corporate identity design without a detailed analysis. Another group of the historians claimed that his works for AEG were shaped by only function or machine-aesthetic. Even some of these historians saw Behrens' works as inceptors of functionalism or rationalism in modern architecture. This thesis attempts to fill the gap in literature by analyzing Behrens' works for AEG in order to understand whether his designs formed a corporate identity or not. In order to show the shortcomings of such readings, the thesis explores the symbols that were used in the designs of Behrens, even in his most-functionalist design-works. The discussion was carried out through analysis of Behrens’ and his contemporaries’ written and design works, with materials available in Klingspor, Mathildenhöhe and TechnikMuseum Berlin Archives. This analysis is done through a review of scientific management techniques and their reflections in architectural culture and by parallel readings of literature and architecture in Germany at the turn of the century. As the discussion of the thesis pointed out, Peter Behrens' designs for AEG can be called as first corporate identity design since they have a consistent design vocabulary. While designing for AEG Behrens used scientific management and mass- production techniques in his designs. However these were not the only forces that shaped his design-work. One can see the vestiges of the symbols in his works that are coming from literature and antiquity. The thesis argues that it is not possible to fully understand the architecture of Behrens without understanding symbols. The thesis hopes to make a new reading of modern architecture from a different point of view, which includes a discussion on symbolism in modern architecture, avoiding oversimplification and reductionism present in readings with functionalist focus. iv ÖZET AEG VE PETER BEHRENS: İLK KURUMSAL KİMLİK TASARIMINDA SEMBOLİZM Bazı tarihçiler ve uzmanlar Peter Behrens'in AEG için yaptığı tasarımları ilk kurumsal kimlik örneği olarak göstermektedir. Fakat Behrens’in tasarımlarının ilk kurumsal kimlik örneğini oluşturacak bir dil bütünlüğüne sahip olup olmadığı derinlemesine tartışılmamıştır. Diğer bir grup ise Peter Behrens'in AEG firması için tasarladıklarını sadece işlevselciliğin ve makine estetiğinin bir yansıması olarak adlandırmaktadır. Bu tez önerisi literatürdeki boşluğu doldurmak üzere Peter Behrens’in AEG için tasarladıklarına kurumsal kimlik perspektifinden bakmaktadır. Bu tezdeki tartışma aynı zamanda Behrens'in tasarımlarında işlevselciliğin yanı sıra kullanılan sembolleri açığa çıkararak literatürde pek çok tarihçinin yaptığı yanlış okumayı gidermeyi hedeflemiştir. Bu tezdeki tartışma için Peter Behrens ve çağdaşlarının yazılı metinlerinin incelenmesinin yanı sıra Offenbach'taki Klingspor, Darmstadt'taki Mathildenhöhe ve Berlin'deki Teknik Müzede arşiv çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Bu kaynaklardan toplanan veriler mimarlıkla edebiyat ve yine mimarlıkla bilimsel yönetim ilkeleri arasında iki farklı karşılaştırmalı çalışma ile tartışılmıştır. Bu çalışmalarla bilimsel yönetim ilkelerinin ve edebiyatın yirminci yüzyıl dönümündeki Alman mimarlığına olan yansımaları incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Peter Behrens’in AEG için tasarımlarının ortak bir dil oluşturarak ilk kurumsal kimlik olarak adlandırılabileceği öne sürülmüştür. Behrens'in tasarımlarında endüstrileşme ile gelen bilimsel yönetim tekniklerinin ve makine estetiğinin yansımalarının bulunduğu fakat bunların tek başına belirleyici olmadığı savlanmıştır. Bu tez o dönemde kullanılan sembolleri anlamadan, Behrens’in tasarımlarının tam anlamıyla kavranamayacağı sonucuna varmıştır. Bu sayede, bu çalışmanın yeni bir modern mimarlık okuması yaparak modern mimarlığı algılayışımızdaki bazı genellemelere engel olabileceği ve hatta modern mimarlıkta sembolizm tartışmalarını da başlatabileceği umut edilmektedir. v To my family vi TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................ ix CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2. PETER BEHRENS & AEG: FORMATION OF A DESIGNER .............. 7 2.1. Pre-AEG Period ..................................................................................... 7 2.1.1. Darmstadt Artists’ Colony and the Emergence of the Crystal........ 7 2.1.2. Düsseldorf Academy of Arts: Architecture of Geometry ............. 12 2.1.3. Deutscher Werkbund: Meeting with Power ................................. 13 2.2. AEG Period .......................................................................................... 16 2.2.1. Collaboration of AEG & Behrens ................................................ 16 2.2.2. History of AEG ............................................................................ 18 2.2.3. AEG & Scientific Management: Inferences fromIndustrialization ................................................... 20 CHAPTER 3. DESIGNS FOR AEG: IN THE SEARCH OF FIRST CORPORATE IDENTITY .................... 29 3.1. Architecture: Building for AEG ........................................................... 29 3.1.1. Turbine Factory: Reflections of Industrialization ........................ 37 3.2. Industrial Design: Products for AEG ................................................... 44 3.2.1. Kettles: Reflections of Industrialization ....................................... 51 3.3. Advertisements and Printed Materials ................................................. 55 3.4. Logos .................................................................................................... 61 3.5. Typefaces ............................................................................................. 64 3.6. Behrens’ Designs for AEG: First Corporate Identity Design