Illinois State University ISU ReD: Research and eData School of Music Programs Music 4-12-2005 Le Nuove Musiche School of Music Illinois State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation School of Music, "Le Nuove Musiche" (2005). School of Music Programs. 2801. This Concert Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at ISU ReD: Research and eData. It has been accepted for inclusion in School of Music Programs by an authorized administrator of ISU ReD: Research and eData. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. I Jllinois State Universit_y I School ot Music I I Charles W. I)olen f acult~ Recital Series I I LE_ NUOVE_ MU51CHE_ Illinois State Llniversit_y f acult_y New Music E_nsemble I Center tor the Fertorming Arts April 12,2005 T uesda_y E_vening I 8 :00 p.m. This is the one hundred and thirt_y-titth program ot the 2004-2005 season. I I I frogram Fart Ill 15 . Heimweh (Homesick) 16. Gemeinheit! (Mean Trick!) Schoenbert - Fierrot Lunaire I I 17. Parodie (Parody) 18. Der Mondfleck (The Moonspot) Round Table - PIERROT LUNAIRE: history, style, commedia d'arte 19. Serenade I I 20. Heimfahrt (Barcarole) (Journey Home) Dr. John Celona, U nive rsit.':J of Victo ri a - (!SU guest com poser/ theorist) 21. 0 alter Duft (0 Old Perfume) Dr. K im f' e reira, /S U School o f Theater D r. f' aul E:iorg, /SU S chool ofMu sic I I Miche lle Vought, sp rechstimme f' a ul E:iorg, piano Cezanne's Doubt *World Fremiere John Celona Kim l\.isinger, flute (also p iccolo) (born 1950) D avid Gresham, clannet (also bass clarfinet) E_ mil.':J Morgan & J ason A shle.':J, vio/,ns I I Sarah Gentr.':J, v,01,n C hristophe r K e lts, viola C hristo pher Kelts, viola E:irian E:iro mberg, cello E:irian E:iromberg, cello J essica f)oese, cfan'ne t I I Kim Fere ira, narrato r Glenn E:ilock, conductor Glenn E:ilock, conductor ~ Intermission ~ I I f' rogram Notes Pierrot Lunaire, Op.