Le Nuove Musiche
Illinois State University ISU ReD: Research and eData School of Music Programs Music 4-12-2005 Le Nuove Musiche School of Music Illinois State University Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/somp Part of the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation School of Music, "Le Nuove Musiche" (2005). School of Music Programs. 2801. https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/somp/2801 This Concert Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at ISU ReD: Research and eData. It has been accepted for inclusion in School of Music Programs by an authorized administrator of ISU ReD: Research and eData. For more information, please contact ISUReD@ilstu.edu. I Jllinois State Universit_y I School ot Music I I Charles W. I)olen f acult~ Recital Series I I LE_ NUOVE_ MU51CHE_ Illinois State Llniversit_y f acult_y New Music E_nsemble I Center tor the Fertorming Arts April 12,2005 T uesda_y E_vening I 8 :00 p.m. This is the one hundred and thirt_y-titth program ot the 2004-2005 season. I I I frogram Fart Ill 15 . Heimweh (Homesick) 16. Gemeinheit! (Mean Trick!) Schoenbert - Fierrot Lunaire I I 17. Parodie (Parody) 18. Der Mondfleck (The Moonspot) Round Table - PIERROT LUNAIRE: history, style, commedia d'arte 19. Serenade I I 20. Heimfahrt (Barcarole) (Journey Home) Dr. John Celona, U nive rsit.':J of Victo ri a - (!SU guest com poser/ theorist) 21. 0 alter Duft (0 Old Perfume) Dr. K im f' e reira, /S U School o f Theater D r. f' aul E:iorg, /SU S chool ofMu sic I I Miche lle Vought, sp rechstimme f' a ul E:iorg, piano Cezanne's Doubt *World Fremiere John Celona Kim l\.isinger, flute (also p iccolo) (born 1950) D avid Gresham, clannet (also bass clarfinet) E_ mil.':J Morgan & J ason A shle.':J, vio/,ns I I Sarah Gentr.':J, v,01,n C hristophe r K e lts, viola C hristo pher Kelts, viola E:irian E:iro mberg, cello E:irian E:iromberg, cello J essica f)oese, cfan'ne t I I Kim Fere ira, narrato r Glenn E:ilock, conductor Glenn E:ilock, conductor ~ Intermission ~ I I f' rogram Notes Pierrot Lunaire, Op.
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