REPORT FORCED TO 3 THE FRINGES Disasters of ‘Resettlement’ in India VASHI NAKA, MUMBAI YOUTH FOR UNITY AND VOLUNTARY ACTION Habitat International Coalition – South Asia Title and Suggested Citation Forced to the Fringes: Disasters of ‘Resettlement’ in India. Report Three: Vashi Naka, Mumbai. Housing and Land Rights Network (New Delhi: 2014) New Delhi, June 2014 ISBN: 978-81-902569-6-4 Research and Text Simpreet Singh Editor and Content Advisor Shivani Chaudhry Data Collection and Entry Dhanaraj Khare, Jagdish Patankar and Pooja Yadav Assistance Sitaram Shelar, Nabamalika Joardar and Farid Bhuyan Photographs Cover: Aravind Unni Inside: Anil Ingle, Aravind Unni and Jagdish Patnakar Design and Printing Aspire Design, New Delhi Published by Housing and Land Rights Network G-18/1 Nizamuddin West, Lower Ground Floor New Delhi – 110 013, INDIA +91-11-2435-8492
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[email protected] In collaboration with Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA) YUVA Centre Plot 23, Sector 7, Kharghar Navi Mumbai – 410 210 Maharashtra, INDIA Phone and Fax: +91-22-2774-0990/80/70
[email protected] Information presented in this report may be used for public interest purposes with appropriate citation and acknowledgement. This report is printed on CyclusPrint based on 100% recycled fi bres. FORCED TO THE FRINGES Disasters of ‘Resettlement’ in India REPORT THREE: VASHI NAKA, MUMBAI Contents List of Acronyms / Abbreviations iv Executive Summary v I. Introduction 1 II. Objectives and Methodology of the Study 3 III. Human Rights Framework 5 IV. Vashi Naka: The Site under Study 7 V.