Fush Kang Gliding
Tel0ll6239 4316 oiliccttbhpa co uk Paragliding is a form of avialion, with all of the inherent and www.l)lrpa.co.uk FE3 }I P,'L potential dangers that are involved in avialion. No lorm of aviation is without risk, and injuries and death can and do occur in paragliding, even to trained pilots using proper I IIIS; S I I'I)I-N I IRAINING HECORD equipment. No claim is made or implied that all sources ol Ili I I II I'NOPI I]TY OF THE BHPA AND potential danger to the pilot have or can be identitied. No one MI'I;I III IILIAINED BY THE SCHOOL should participate in paraqlidinq who does not recoqnise and wish to personally assume the associated risks. What is this Sludent Training Record? This book derails allthe exercses which make up the lraining programme rhat you are fo owing. Your Instructor and you musl use t lo recod your progress both if the main secliof and n lhe og seclion ai the back. You should also use it to ensure lhat you fuly undersland each new exercise before it is altempled. Your Studenl Training Record wil be relained by your School. I have read, understood and accepted lhe inlormaton above and lhe Powered Paraq ider General lnformalion paqe overleaf. Siqned: !,,r ,'i,l rr,r'! I'ln' 'l 'rlr Lr' l,r,tr] 'r,1 'rrii',li r,1r r'{ ri rrv lrri ,, LlLtr,i 't Student fuaining Recatu ABHPA 2411 POWERED PARAGLIDERS (PPG) GENERAL INFORMATION Leqalities The exercises n Phases 1,2,3,5 and 6 are arianged in sequenliatorder and must be comp eted in ln the UK a powered paraglider ls legally classed g as a ider and is subiect lhal order lhe exceplion beinq Phase 4 which.an be compteled ar anylme betore Phase 5 to ihe same rules and regulalions as allglideG, hang gliders and parag iders.
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