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— 10c a Copy MARCH 9, 1923 Vol 5, No. 10 $100,000 for Overseas Graves {seepage^ i A Diet Variation in the Training Area Foraging by the methods of the A. E. F. was of a private nature entirely and as a rule consisted in an attempt by the linguist of a group on short leave to make some of the peasants part with their precious oeufs. The amount of this transaction varied from 50 centimes to a franc apiece. No temporary absence from tin-willie and goldfish was com- plete without omelettes—although they always came high. And today in millions of American homes no meal is com- plete without Jell-0. The price is within the reach of all. This is the seventh of a \ dELL series drawn especially: for the Genesee Pure Food cAmericds Most Famous Dessert Company by Herbert M. Stoops,formerly 6thField Artillery, 1st 1 AT HOME EVERYWHERE Division. ! THE GENESEE PURE FOOD COMPANY Le Roy, N. Y. Bridgeburg, Ont. MARCH 9, 1923 PAGE 3 How Walter Camp Put Joy Into Living Famous Yale Coach shows How to Keep Fit in Ten Minutes* Fun a Day— His "Daily Dozen" Exercises Now Set to Music on Phonograph Records Dozen" is because they are based on natural of men and women—once THOUSANDS methods of body-development. Take the tiger flabby-muscled, low in endurance, easily in the zoo. He is caged in, removed from his fatigued by ordinary mental or physical natural way of living just as we, through the exertion are to-day facing their daily work — — centuries, have grown away from our natural with new ability and new energy. They are no r way of living. Yet the tiger keeps himself in longer nervous. Their bodies have been re- perfect physical condition—always. How? built; their endurance has been strengthened; —by constantly stretching and turning and twisting their minds, are clearer—all through ten min- the trunk or body muscles. And that is where utes' fun a day. Mr. Camp says we must look aftei ourselves! To-day, "that tired feeling" is something prac- It is on just this principle that he has based tically unknown to them, for they have built up his "Daily Dozen." a new supply of life. They have increased their efficiency, they eat better, sleep better, feel bet- Try the Complete System ter, and have found a new pleasure in living. These people owe their improved health to Free—For Five Days the fact that they devoted a short time each You cannot fully appreciate the real joy of doing day to a new scientific system of physical de- the "Daily Dozen" to music until you try it. So we want to send you, absolutely free for five days, velopment. And the remarkable part of it all the "Daily Dozen" on phonograph records and the is that while they were thus building up their book which illustrates the movements. These full- bodies—they exulted in the exercise. It was size, ten-inch, double-disc records playable on any disc machine contain the complete Daily Dozen not drudgery, it was fun' Exercises, and the 60 actual photographs in the book This remarkable system of body building was show clearly every movement that will put renewed devised by Walter Camp, the famous Yale foot- vigor and glowing health into your body—with only- ten minutes' fun a day. A beautiful record-album ball coach. People who have used it say they comes free with the set. think it is the best method they have found of No need to send any money. Pimply mail the keeping fit. According to physical culture ex- coupon below and get Walter Camp's "Daily Dozen" phonograph records. Enjoy the rec- perts who have studied it, this new method will on ords for five days, and if for any reason you are often accomplish in just ten minutes more not satisfied, return them and you owe nothing. actual good than a half hour spent in strenuous But if you decide to keep the records, you can gymnasium exercise. pay for them at the easy rate of only S2.50 down, and $2 a month for four months until the sum embodied system Mr. Camp ha3 the complete of $10.50 is paid. Thousands of people have paid in twelve simple movements which are known $15 for the same system but you can now get it as the "Daily Dozen." for only $10.50 if you act at once. Simply mail the coupon and see for yourself The "Daily Dozen" were first used as a much at our expense, the new, easy, pleasant way to needed substitute for the tiresome setting-up keep fit. You'U feel better, look better, and have drills used in training camps during the war. more endurance and "pep" than you ever had in years and you'll find it's fun to exercise to mu- Their immense value was quickly apparent and — sic! Don't put off getting this remarkable System before long members of the Cabinet as well as that will add years to your life and make you happier by keeping you in glowing health. Mail the coupon other prominent men were relying on them Walter ' Camn today. Address Health Builders, Inc., Dept. 173, as a guard against physical breakdown due „ . _ Originator of the "Daily Dozen', Garden City, N. Y. to overwork. Since the war, the "Daily Dozen" have been making thou- FIVE DAY TRIAL COUPON sands of busy men and women fit and keeping them so. And now the exercises are proving more efficient than ever. For BUILDERS, Inc., Dept. 173, Garden City, N. Y. a wonderful improvement has been effected in the system. HEALTH Please send mo for five days' Free Trial at your expense the Complete Health Builder Here it is: Series containing Walter ramp's entire Daily Dozen on five double-riisr ten-inch rec- With Mr. Camp's special permission, the "Daily Dozen" ords; the book containing the 60 actual photographs; and the beautiful record-album. If for any reason I am not satisfied with the system, I may return it to yo"u and will owe exercises have been set to music on phonograph records that you nothing. But if I decide to keep it. I will send you S2.50 in five days (as I he firs! month for four months until the total of is paid can be played on any disc machine. payment) and agree to pay $2 a S10.50 A book is included—showing by actual photographs the exact movements to make for every one of the "commands"—which are given by a clear voice speaking on the record. The most (Please Write Plainly) inspiring music for each movement has been adopted. A fine, rousing tune, such as the great Sousa melody, "The Stars and Stripes Forever," has a wonderful, effect. It is elating; and it adds spirit to an activity that was monotonous before this City. invention. If you prefer to take advantage of our cash price send only S10. Another reason for the wonderful effectiveness of the "Daily Orders from outside U. S. arc payable cash in full with order. PAGE 4 XPE AMERICAN LEGION WEEKLY Jbr Economical Transportation 5 -Passenger Sedan ^860 F.O.B. Flint, Mich. The All 'Year Car for Every Family Chevrolet is leading in the great shift rolet dealers to make prompt deliv- of public demand to closed cars be- eries of the much wanted closed cars. cause this company has the world's realize largest facilities for manufacturing As soon as you that your trans- portation requirements the high-grade closed bodies and is there- demand fore able to offer sedans, coupes and year 'round, all-weather closed car, sedanettes at prices within easy see Chevrolet first and learn how reach of the average American family. fully we can meet your requirements at the lowest cost obtainable in a Six large body plants adjoining Chev- modern, high-grade closed auto- rolet assembly plants enable Chev- mobile. Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan Division of General Motors Corporation Two Passenger Roadster . $510 Chevrolet Dealers and service Five Passenger Touring . 525 Two Passenger Utility Coupe . 680 stations everywhere. Applica- Four Passenger Sedanette . 850 tions will be considered from Five Passenger Sedan .... 860 Light Delivery 510 high grade dealers only, for ter- Prices F. O. R. Flint, Michigan ritory not adequately covered. — Official publication of Owned exclusively by The American Legion The American Legion. and The American Legion Auxiliary. Ufie A Published by the Le- Correspondence and gion Publishing Cor- man uscripts pe rta in ing poration. President, to Legion activities should be addressed to Alvin Owsley; Vice- I President, James A. LEG the National Head- Drain; Treasurer, quarters Bureau. All Robert H. Tyndall; BUSINESS OFFICE: EDITORIAL OFFICES: other communications Secretary, Lemuel 627 W. 43d St., 627 W. 43d St., Neiv York City should be addressed to Bolles. Neiv York City Natl. Hqtrs. Bureau, Indianapolis, Ind. the New York office. MARCH 9, 1923 Copyright, 1923, by the Legion Publishing Corporation. PAGE 5 Next time there's a miners' strike, give a thought to these breaker boys Give the Children a Chance By Herbert Corey THERE is almost Ohio State Penitentiary no excuse for not once said, "Fifty per- being pessimistic cent of the inmates were nowadays. No ex- self-supporting when they cuse that will be accepted were fifteen years old." by a lot of us, anyhow. A study of child labor Everything is as bad as it maps shows that the areas can be and getting worse.