260 Lord of the Manor: Boris Yeltsin in Sverdlovsk Oblast' by Pilar Bonet
#260 Lord of the Manor: Boris Yeltsin in Sverdlovsk Oblast' by Pilar Bonet Pilar Bonet has been the Moscow political correspondent for El Pais, the largest circulation daily il.1 Spain, since 1984. Prior to that time, she worked as a journalist in Madrid (El Pais), Vienna (EFE, a Spanish new::; agency), and Barcelona (El Periodico). Ms. Bonet is the author of three books: Mosdi (Barcelona: Editorial Destino, 1988); Imagenes sobre Fonda Rojo (Madrid: El Pais, 1992), published in English under the title Portraits in a Red Landscape (Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; and Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press/ 1993); and La Rusia Imposible. Boris Yeltsin, un provinciano en el Kremlin (Madrid: El Pals, S.A./Augil ar, S.A., 1994), published in Russian under the title Nevozmozlmaia Rossiia: Boris El'tsin - provinstial v Kremle in the Russian literary journal Ural, no. 4 (1994). A Research Scholar at the Kennan Institute during the 1991-1992 program year, Ms. Bonet is presently a member of the Institute's Academic Council. This Occasional Paper is based on excerpts from her most recent book, La Rusia Imposible, which she began to write while in residence at the Institute. The Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Smdies The Woodrow Walson International Center for Scholars The Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies is a division of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Through its programs of residential scholarships, meetings, and publications, the Institute encourages scholarship on Russia and the former Soviet Union, embracing a broad range of fields in the social scien ces and humanities.
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