Before the Independent Hearings Panel For New Plymouth District Council Under the Resource Management Act 1991 In the matter of hearings into the provisions of the proposed New Plymouth District Plan And in the matter of hearing topic - Strategic Objectives Statement of Evidence of Nik Pyselman on behalf of Todd Energy Limited Date: 18 June 2021 Level 4, 20 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6011 PO Box 2791, Wellington 6140 DX SP20002, Wellington Tel +64 4 472 6289 Fax +64 4 472 7429 Solicitor on the record Stephen Quinn
[email protected] Tel +64 4 474 3217 Contact solicitor Emma Manohar
[email protected] Tel +64 4 918 3016 7103193.2Todd Energy Limited - Nik Pyselman - corporate(7103193.2).docx INTRODUCTION 1 My full name is Nikolas Jan Pyselman. I am the Environment Manager at Todd Energy Limited (TEL). 2 I am authorised to provide evidence on behalf of TEL. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 3 I hold Science (Environmental, Geography) and Commerce (Economics) degrees from Victoria University, Wellington, which I obtained in 2002. 4 I have previously worked in Local Government as a policy analyst (Northland Regional Council) and from 2006-present have lived and worked in the New Plymouth District. From 2006-2016 I was a consultant planner. In this role I worked throughout Taranaki and New Zealand on a range of projects. 5 Projects within the New Plymouth District included Private Plan Changes to the Operative New Plymouth District Plan (2005), commercial accommodation developments, industrial / residential developments, contaminated land projects, infrastructure projects (roads, powerlines and natural gas pipelines), and energy projects including a range of natural gas related projects and developments (peaking power plants, wellsites and production facilities).