Botanical Laboratories Canberra
ArchivesACT Research Guide 1929 . ., CONI~11TTEE I WORI\S. REPORT ~ - , - ~ TOGETHER WITH " MINUTES OF EVIDEN CE RELATING TO THE PROPOSED ERECTION OF BOTANICAL LABORATORIES AT CANBERRA. I Presented pursuant to Sta.tute; ordered to be printed, lOth Septeniber, 1929. [Cost of Paper; Preparation, not given ; 835 copies; approximate cost of printing and publishing, £96. ] Printed and Published for the GovERNMENT of the CoMMONWEA LTH of AUSTRALIA by H. J. GREEN Government. Printer , Canberra . No. 57.- F.734.-PRrcE 2s. 8D. I J ArchivesACT Research Guide MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS. (Sixth Committee.) MALCOLM DuNCAN CAMERON, Esquire, M.P., Chairman. Senate. House of Representatives. Senator John Barnes. Percy Edmund Coleman, Esquire, M.P. Senator Herbert James Mockforcl Payne.* Josiah Francis, Esquire, M.P. Senator Matthew Reid. The Honorable Henry Gregory, M.P. Senator Burford Sampson.t r._ ' David Sydney Jackson, Esquire, M.P . David Charles McGrath, Esquire, M.P. .... • Resigned 14th August, 1929. t Appointed 14th August, 1929. INDEX. PAGE Report Ill Minutes of Evidence 1 EXTRACT FROM THE VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, No.17. Dated lith March, 1929. 6. PuBLIC WoRKS CoMMITTEE-REFERENCE oF WoRK-ERECTION OF LABORATORIES AND AN ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK FOR THE DIVISION OF EcoNOMIC BoTANY, CANBERRA.-The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of the debate upon the following motion of Mr. Aubrey Abbott (Minister for Home Affairs), That, in accordance with the provisions of the Commonwealth Public Works Committee Act 1913- 1921, the following proposed work be referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works for investigation and report, viz.
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