Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(12):22365-22370 /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0009801

Original Article RAD51 135G/C polymorphism and ovarian cancer risk: a meta-analysis

Xingzhong Hu1, Suyu Sun2

1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Wenzhou Central Hospital, Wenzhou 325000, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wenzhou Central Hospital, Wenzhou 325000, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China Received May 1, 2015; Accepted June 23, 2015; Epub December 15, 2015; Published December 30, 2015

Abstract: Previous studies suggest that the RAD51 gene 135G/C polymorphism could be potentially associated with the risk of ovarian cancer. However, results from observational studies are conflicting rather than conclusive. We performed a meta-analysis of the literature aiming to clarify the relationship between the polymorphism of RAD51 gene 135G/C polymorphism and the risk of ovarian cancer. Summary odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence inter- vals (95% CIs) were calculated. We identified five eligible articles, 2336 ovarian cancer cases and 3548 controls. Meta-analysis results showed no significant association between 135G/C polymorphism in the RAD51 gene and ovarian cancer risk (GG vs CC: OR=0.42, 95% CI 0.16-1.06; GC vs CC: OR=0.37, 95% CI 0.12-1.16; Dominant model: OR=0.38, 95% CI 0.13-1.06; Recessive model: OR=1.20, 95% CI 0.91-1.58). No publication bias was found in the present study. This meta-analysis suggests that the RAD51 gene 135G/C polymorphism was not associated with risk of ovarian cancer. Further large and well-designed studies are needed to confirm this conclusion.

Keywords: Ovarian cancer, RAD51 gene, genetic variant, meta-analysis

Introduction DNA repair systems have been considered to maintain genomic integrity. Double-strand bre- Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of can- ak repair is one of the key mechanisms of DNA cer deaths occurring in women and leading repair, it can repair double-strand breaks thr- cause of mortality from gynecologic cancer ough two major pathways: homologous recom- [1]. Approximately 225,500 new cases and bination (HR) and non-homologous end-rejoin- 140,200 deaths of ovarian cancer reported in ing [7]. The RAD51 plays a irreplaceable the world annually [2, 3]. After much investiga- role during HR repair via binding to DNA to pro- tion, the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer is not mote ATP-dependent homologous pairing and yet fully understood. Extensive epidemiology strand transfer reactions [8]. The RAD51 gene studies have shown that some factors may is located at the human 15q15.1, potentially result in ovarian cancer, such as and thought to participate in HR repair pathway. age, childbearing status, infertility, dietary fac- The RAD51 gene 135G/C polymorphism (rs- tors and gynaecological diseases (endometrio- 1801320) is a G to C transversion at position sis, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease) 135 of the human RAD51 cDNA [9]. Previous [4]. However, some women exposed to the meta-analyses demonstrated that RAD51 gene same risk factors may not develop ovarian can- 135G/C polymorphism was associated with cer while many cancer cases develop among susceptibility to breast cancer and head-and- individuals without those known risk factors. neck cancer [10, 11]. Recently, many studies show that genetic fac- tors also play important role in the develop- In the past decade, a number of molecular epi- ment of ovarian cancer [5, 6]. This suggests demiological studies have been done to evalu- that gene polymorphisms may explain individu- ate the association between RAD51 gene al differences in ovarian cancer risk. 135G/C polymorphism and ovarian cancer risk, RAD51 gene 135G/C polymorphism and ovarian cancer risk

Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies for meta-analysis Cases/ Genotypes for Genotypes for Study included Year Area Race HWE test Controls cases controls GG GC CC GG GC CC Auranen 2005 Danish Caucasian 278/699 241 36 1 616 78 5 0.15 Auranen 2005 UK Caucasian 729/847 642 84 3 745 100 2 0.48 Auranen 2005 USA Caucasian 326/419 270 52 4 357 61 1 0.34 Webb 2005 Australia Mixed 546/1126 457 85 4 971 145 10 0.08 Jakubowska 2007 Poland Caucasian 127/127 104 23 0 89 37 1 0.17 Romanowicz-Makowska 2012 Poland Caucasian 120/120 13 15 92 33 69 18 0.07 Smolarz 2013 Poland Caucasian 210/210 43 45 122 63 99 48 0.45 Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium.

potentially relevant studies (last search update: April, 2015). Only those pub- lished studies in English language with full text arti- cles were included in this meta-analysis. Additional studies were identified by a manual search of referenc- es of original studies or re- view articles on the associ- ation between RAD51 ge- ne 135G/C polymorphism and ovarian cancer.

Inclusion, exclusion criteria and Data extraction

Figure 1. The flow chart of study selection. Studies in our meta-analy- sis had to meet all of the following criteria: 1) Case but the results remained controversial. Meta- control studies; 2) Studies assessing the asso- analysis is a powerful and rigorous method to ciation of 135G/C polymorphism in the RAD51 resolve these problems. Therefore, we per- gene with ovarian cancer risk; 3) Providing suf- formed a meta-analysis to precisely character- ficient information for estimating odds ratio ize whether or not RAD51 gene 135G/C poly- (OR) with its 95% confidence interval (95% CI); morphism is associated with human ovarian 4) Providing available data to acquire genotype cancer risk. frequency of 135G/C polymorphism. Any study with wrong data or inconsistent data was Materials and methods excluded. Two reviewers independently per- formed data extraction and then checked the Publication search results together. For conflicting evaluations, an agreement was reached following a discussion. A comprehensive computerized literature se- The following information was extracted from arch was conducted in multiple online databas- the included studies: first author, year of publi- es including PubMed, EMBASE and ISI Web of cation, area, number of cases and controls, Science databases with the combination of the genotype frequencies in cases and controls, following search terms: “RAD51”, “135G/C”, and evidence of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium “rs1801320”, and “ovarian cancer” to identify (HWE) in controls (Table 1).

22366 Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(12):22365-22370 RAD51 gene 135G/C polymorphism and ovarian cancer risk

Figure 2. Forest plots of the association between RAD51 gene 135G/C polymorphism and ovarian cancer risk.

Statistical analysis heterogeneity was found among the studies, the fixed effect model (the Mantel-Haenszel The association between the RAD51 gene method) was utilized to calculate the pooled 135G/C polymorphism and ovarian cancer was ORs. Otherwise, the random-effects model (the compared using the OR corresponding to a Der Simonian and Laird method) was used to 95% CI under a co-dominant model (GG vs CC, estimate the pooled OR. Sensitivity analysis GC vs CC), a dominant model (GG+GC vs CC), was performed through random effect model and a recessive model (CC+GC vs GG). We test- values compared to the fixed effect. Publication ed whether genotype frequencies of controls bias was investigated by Begg’s test (P< were in HWE using the χ2 test. Between-study 0.05 was considered statistically significant). heterogeneities were estimated using I2 test. I2 Statistical analysis was performed using STATA values of 25, 50 and 75% were defined as low, version 12 (Stata Corporation, College Station, moderate, and high estimates, respectively. If TX).

22367 Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(12):22365-22370 RAD51 gene 135G/C polymorphism and ovarian cancer risk

Table 2. Summary ORs and 95% CI of RAD51 gene 135G/C polymorphism and ovarian cancer risk Genetic model Sample size Type of model Test of heterogeneity Test of association Test of publication bias Case Control I2 P OR 95% CI z P GG vs CC 2336 3548 Random 72.4% 0.00 0.42 0.16-1.06 0.00 1.00 GC vs CC Random 82.8% 0.00 0.37 0.12-1.16 0.00 1.00 Dominant model Random 82.0% 0.00 0.38 0.13-1.06 0.00 1.00 Recessive model Random 67.6% 0.00 1.20 0.91-1.58 0.00 1.00

OR=0.38, 95% CI 0.13-1.06; Recessive model: OR=1.20, 95% CI 0.91-1.58). Sensitivity analyses were conducted by altering the statistic models. No material alteration was detected, indicating that our results were statistically ro- bust. The Begg’s funnel plot was performed to assess the publication bias in the reports included for meta-analysis. The shapes of the funnel plots in all genetic models did not reveal any evidence of obvious asymmetry (Figure 3; Table 2).

Figure 3. Begg’s funnel plot for publication bias test (GG vs CC). Discussion

Results Previous studies have already found that DNA repair system is crucial for genomic integrity by Eligible studies countering threats posed by DNA lesions. Deficiency in the DNA repair pathways might A database search yielded 143 publications, of make these lesions unrepaired or repaired which both of the reviewers considered 10 to incorrectly, eventually leading to genome insta- be potentially eligible. We excluded 5 of the bility or mutations which may lead to an articles during the second phase of the inclu- increased susceptibility to cancer [17]. RAD51, sion process. The remaining 5 articles were a kind of ubiquitous strand exchange protein, is included in the meta-analysis [12-16]. The flow known to be a core component involved in DNA chart of study selection is summarized in Figure double-strand break repair in HR repair path- 1. All the articles were written in English. The way [18]. The RAD51 gene 135G/C polymor- source of controls was mainly based on healthy phism may be related with RAD51 protein over- populations. The genotype frequencies of the expression and DNA repair increase [19]. controls from six studies were in agreement Recently, a variety of studies have focused on with HWE. The study characteristics are pre- the association between the 135G/C polymor- sented in Table 1. phism in the RAD51 gene and ovarian cancer. Meta-analysis However, the observed associations of these studies were inconclusive. The most likely rea- Figure 2 and Table 2 listed the main results of son for the inconsistencies among these stud- the meta-analysis. Overall, no significant asso- ies is that they are single case-control studies ciation of the RAD51 gene 135G/C polymor- with small sample sizes. Therefore, we conduct- phism with ovarian cancer risk was found (GG ed a meta-analysis to summarize the effects of vs CC: OR=0.42, 95% CI 0.16-1.06; GC vs CC: Rad51 gene 135G/C polymorphism on risk of OR=0.37, 95% CI 0.12-1.16; Dominant model: ovarian cancer.

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To the best of our knowledge, this study for the Disclosure of conflict of interest first time investigated this issue in a meta- analyzing way. Our meta-analysis quantitatively None. assessed the association between 135G/C Address correspondence to: Suyu Sun, Department polymorphism and ovarian cancer risk. It is of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wenzhou Central worthwhile to mention that we performed an Hospital, No. 32, Dajian Lane, Wuma Street, Lu- efficient searching strategy based on computer cheng District, Wenzhou 325000, Zhejiang Province, and manual searches, which allowed us to People’s Republic of China. Tel: +86-0577- include studies as many as possible. The cur- 88053061; E-mail: [email protected] rent meta-analysis included 2336 ovarian can- cer patients and 3548 controls and explored References the association between the 135G/C polymor- phism of the Rad51 gene and ovarian cancer [1] Siegel R, Naishadham D, Jemal A. Cancer sta- risk. The results of the present meta-analysis tistics, 2012. CA Cancer J Clin 2012; 62: 10- 29. revealed that the Rad51 gene 135G/C poly- [2] Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM, Ferlay J, Ward E, morphism is not associated with increased or Forman D. Global cancer statistics. CA Cancer decreased risk of ovarian cancer. Previous J Clin 2011; 61: 69-90. meta-analyses were carried out to assess the [3] Siegel R, Naishadham D, Jemal A. Cancer sta- effect of Rad51 gene G135C polymorphism on tistics, 2013. CA Cancer J Clin 2013; 63: 11- the risk of cancer, and the RAD51 gene 135G/C 30. polymorphism was associated with the risk of [4] Risch HA, Howe GR. Pelvic inflammatory dis- breast cancer and head-and-neck cancer [10, ease and the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer. 11]. Inconsistent results might be due to a dif- Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1995; 4: ferent role of Rad51 gene G135C polymor- 447-51. phism in different cell types or tissues. And [5] Bolton KL, Tyrer J, Song H, Ramus SJ, Notari- dou M, Jones C, Sher T, Gentry-Maharaj A, another explanation for the different findings Wozniak E, Tsai YY, Weidhaas J, Paik D, Van may be based on gene-gene and gene-environ- Den Berg DJ, Stram DO, Pearce CL, Wu AH, ment interactions. Further large and well- Brewster W, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Narod designed studies are needed to confirm this SA, Levine DA, Kaye SB, Brown R, Paul J, Flana- conclusion. gan J, Sieh W, McGuire V, Whittemore AS, Campbell I, Gore ME, Lissowska J, Yang HP, Some limitations of our meta-analysis should Medrek K, Gronwald J, Lubinski J, Jakubowska be addressed. First of all, only published stud- A, Le ND, Cook LS, Kelemen LE, Brook-Wilson ies and papers written in English were searched A, Massuger LF, Kiemeney LA, Aben KK, van in this meta-analysis, some unpublished stud- Altena AM, Houlston R, Tomlinson I, Palmieri ies or studies written in other language that RT, Moorman PG, Schildkraut J, Iversen ES, might also meet the inclusion criteria were Phelan C, Vierkant RA, Cunningham JM, Goode EL, Fridley BL, Kruger-Kjaer S, Blaeker J, Hog- overlooked. Second, OR value was obtained dall E, Hogdall C, Gross J, Karlan BY, Ness RB, without correction. More accurate OR should Edwards RP, Odunsi K, Moyisch KB, Baker JA, be corrected by age, menopause status, eth- Modugno F, Heikkinenen T, Butzow R, Nevan- nicity and other exposure factors that are linna H, Leminen A, Bogdanova N, Antonenko- potentially associated with ovarian cancer risk. va N, Doerk T, Hillemanns P, Dürst M, Run- Third, the existence of gene-gene and gene- nebaum I, Thompson PJ, Carney ME, Goodman environment interactions may affect the accu- MT, Lurie G, Wang-Gohrke S, Hein R, Chang- racy of our results. Lacking of the original data Claude J, Rossing MA, Cushing-Haugen KL, limited our further evaluation of potential inter- Doherty J, Chen C, Rafnar T, Besenbacher S, actions among gene-gene and gene-environ- Sulem P, Stefansson K, Birrer MJ, Terry KL, Hernandez D, Cramer DW, Vergote I, Amant F, ment. Lambrechts D, Despierre E, Fasching PA, Beck- mann MW, Thiel FC, Ekici AB, Chen X; Austra- To sum up, our meta-analysis suggests that the lian Ovarian Cancer Study Group; Australian G135C polymorphism in the Rad51 gene may Cancer Study (Ovarian Cancer); Ovarian Can- be not associated with ovarian cancer risk. cer Association Consortium, Johnatty SE, Based on the limitations mentioned earlier, Webb PM, Beesley J, Chanock S, Garcia-Closas high-quality studies are needed to confirm our M, Sellers T, Easton DF, Berchuck A, Chenevix- findings. Trench G, Pharoah PD, Gayther SA. Common

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