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Chinese Science 1 4 CHINESE SCIENCE 1 Hans AGREN ~ ~ ~­ B. A,. 1969; M. D., 1971 Reaii.lent at Paychiatric Clinic, Academic Hospital, Uppeala, Sweden Sturegatan 1 V S-'152 23 Uppsala Sweden ti Telephone: Otf/10 '14 21 CHARACTER OF PUBLISHED WORK: 1. To elCamine the rational structure of ancient medical thought in China and trace its continued edatence aa well as transformation/ .modernization in today's society. 2. To bring the concrete practice of certain aspects of medicine in modern China to Western knowledge and understanding. CURRENT STUDY: Translation of modern Chinese texts on the new Chinese medicine; creating a working practical nomenclature for ancient Chinese medicine that could be used both when traditional concepts appear in the modern _ clinical setting and in the historical study of the metaphysi­ cal t1uperslructure of past traditional medicine; adaptation of certain Chine1;1e pain-relieving techniques for clinical use in the West (for elCample, transculaneous electrical nerve stimulation). OTHER INTERESTS: The history of traditional medical ideas as well as toola for analysiB of clinical facta; underatanding of the inte ractiona of ernpirici1m1 and speculative thinking in traditional mo::diclne, l'UUl.lCATIONS: "The Modernization of Natural Scientific Terma in China and Japan" [in Swedish}, Ol'icntali:1ka Studier, 19'10, 4-5:2'1-31, "China's Medicine" [in Swediah), Medici nska Fllreningarnas Tidskrifl, 19'11, 49, 3 : 69-73. "Observation of Acupuncture Anaesthesia in China 1972, 11 a tranalation ~ram Japaneae into Swediah of Tobimatsu, G., Kobayaahi, A., et al., 'Shin Chu no hari- masui ehujutsu no kemmon to aono jisahiho," Nihon iji shimpo [Japanese Medical Journal), 1972, 2523: 29-34. Published with added illustralive material in Lllkartidningen, 1973, 70: 709-719. Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 10:56:50AM via free access CHINESE SCIENCE 1 5 "Acupuncture Anaesthesia auJ lne Reticular Formation, 11 a translation from Chinese into Swedish of a paper by the Acupuncture Anaes­ thesia Research Group at Kwangsi Medical College, appearing in a pamphlet entitled Needling Anaesthesia (Hong Kong: P~ni: Che ng Book Company, 1972), Llikartidningen, 1973, 70: 719-72Q. "Trial of Acupuncture Anaesthesia in Sweden" (in Japane1;1e), Toyo igaku to peinkurinikku (Oriental Medicine ' and the Pain Clipic, Osaka Medical College), 1973, 3, 2: 13-14. "Patterns of Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Chinese Medicine." pape_r presented at the Conference on the Compara~ive Study of Tra­ ditional and Modern M;edicine in Chinese Societies, University of Washington, Sea ttle, February 4-6, 1974 (DHEW publication, in press). Steven J. -BENNETT B. A., University of Rochester; M.A. candidate in Regional Studies­ East Asia Program, Harvard University 3'1 Quincy Street Medford, Massachusetts 02155 Telephone: (617) 391-7841 CURRENT STUDY: 0A conceptual analysis of Chinese geomancy. 1 Derk BODDE t-- ,tf;_ a.A., Harvard, 1930; Ph.D., Leiden, 1938 Professor of Chinese Studies -847 Williams Hall University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 Telephone: (215) 594-'1454 or 594-7466/67 (Dept. of Oriental Studies) Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 10:56:50AM via free access 6 CHINESE SCIENCE 1 CUHHENT STLJOY: I will be working with Needham in Cambridge, England, September 1974-Summer 1975 on the section in his 7lh volume in which the influence of Chinese thought on the devclop1i1cnt of Chinese science will be discussed. Baruch BOXEH A . U .• Cornell University; A. M., Ph.D .• University of Chicago Profe ssor of Geography and Director, Graduate Program in Geography, Hutgers University Cook College Hutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 Telephone: (203) 932-9169 CllARACTEH OF PUBUSIIED WOHK: Applied analysis of the uses of feng-shui theory am.I method in contemporary landscape planning. CLJIIIIENT STUDY: 1. The application of traditional technology in Chinese environmental management, with special attention to water conservancy, the ecology of agricultural ecosystems, and niarginal land use. 2. Traditional attitudes toward nature in the context of contem­ porary environmental policy formulation. OTIIEil INTEIIESTS: Feng-shui syrnbolisrn and the cultural content of landscape in China. PUBLICATIONS: "Space, Change and Feng-Shui in Tsuen Wan's Urbanization, 11 Journal of Asian and African Studies, July and October 19°68, 3: 226-240. "The Geography of China: A Report on a Seminar, 11 Social Science Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 10:56:50AM via free access CHINESE SCIENCE 1 7 Francesca BRAY Girton College, Cambridge Research Assistant c/o Dr. Joseph Needham Caius College Cambridge, England Telephone: 52183 CURRENT STUDY: Research under way within the "Science and Civili:;a­ tion in China" project, in collaboration with Dr. Clive Gates and Dr. William Jenner, for the Section on Agriculture in Vol. VI. This involves a complete translation of the important No1·thern Wei agricultural treatise Chhi Min Yao Shu. When this has been com­ pleted it is intended to take a closer look at s&me or the later agri­ cultural works which treat of the Southern irrigated cultivation. The agricultural fragments remaining from the Han will also be carefully examined. All these activities are preliminary to the writing of the chapters on agriculture, for which a great mass of notes has already been filed and classified, and a very detailed scheme of sub-headings drawn up. Peter BUCK B. S., Mathematics, Stanford University M.A., Ph.D., History of Science, Harvard University Viaiting Aaaistant ProfeBBor, Department of History. University of California (Loe Angelesi 182'1 South Veteran Avenue, Apt. 6 Los Angeles, California 90025 Telephone: (213) 477-5695 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 10:56:50AM via free access II CHINESE SCIE~CE 1 CHARACTER OF PUDLlSIIED WORK: Examination of introduction and development of Western science in CWna during the late 19th and 20th centuries. .Special emphasis on using Chinese materials to develop comparative perspectives on the emergence of modern ,;cience in the West. CURRENT STUDY: Study of interactions (or lack thereof) between medical missionaries in late 19th century China and the first generation of Western trained Chinese scientists. OTHER. INTERESTS: Introduction and development of Western-style "social sciences" in modern China. PUBLICATIONS: "Western Science in Republican China: Ideology and lnstitution Building, 11 in E. Mendelsohn and A. Thackray ledSI, Science and Human Values. Humanities Press (forthcoming). "Order and Control: The Scientific Method in China and the United States, 11 submitte<..I to Science Studies. 11 Sdence, Revolution, and Imperialism: Current Chinese and Western Views of Scientific Development, 11 submitted to Minerva. ,j. Michael CAHH Complctin11 A. M. in Oriental Languages and Literature 30'1 E. 8th Lawrence, Kansas 66044 Telephone: 843-0136 CUtH!ENT STUDY: Completing annotated translation of Book of Transform~tions, or Hua Shu iL =a:- , Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 10:56:50AM via free access CHINESE SCIENCE 1 9 B. A., National T~iwan University; M.A.. University of Washington; Pb.. D., Pb.ilosophy, Harvard Uni.versity Professor of Philosophy, University of Hawaii Department of Philosophy UniversUy of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Telephone: . (808) 395-9398 CHARACTER OF PUBLISHED WORK: A close interest in the nature and structure of Chinese sciem;e in logical, methodological, and metaphysical perspectives. CURRENT STUDY: Logical and grammatical structure in classical Chinese; methodological questions in Cb.inese medicine; neo-Mohist canons and their eJCplication; and a Chinese model of causality. PUBLI«;:ATIONS: "Classical Chinese Logic: A Preliminary Description," Philosophy East and West, 1965, XV: 195-216. "Logic and Language in Chinese Thought," pp. 335-347 in Haymond Klibansky (ed.), C ontemporary l'hilosophy, A Survey . l•"lorcuce: Institut International ,de Philosophie, 1969. "Chinese Philosophy: A Characterization," Inquiry, April 1971: 95-119. "A Generative Unity: Chinese Philosophy and Chinese Language, " presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Ni:w Yor~. March 29, 1972; in J ournal for the A s s ociation of Chinese Luyuage Teaching. July 1973, Ill: 1-11, also inchlded in ~ Tilll'lf( Hua Jour nal of Chinese Studies, June 197 3, New Series X: th .. ~, .. ,90-105~· ' .~i<J i•iJ!:,t•,1- ,l·~®:,if ,. , (with Rtcha,ri;I ~.~a~). "Logic and Ontology of Kung Sun-Lung's Chi- wu-lun," Philosophy East and West, April 1970, 20: 137-154. Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 10:56:50AM via free access CHINESE SCIENCE 1 _'.hc-hsuch yu k'o-hsuch chih-shih" ("Philosophy and Scientific Knowledge"), Ta llua Wan Pao, Taipei, December 24-25, 1965. Alvin P. COIIEN l, ~ Ph.D. in Oriental Languages (Chinese), University of California, Berkeley A:;sistant Profe,;sor of Chinese Asian Studies Program University of Ma,;sachusetts Amherst, Mass. 01002 'l'dephone: (H3) 5-!5-0880 CURHENT STUDY: Tarng Dyna:;ty solar eclipse records. OTIIE!l INTEUESTS: Materia medica, ~hemical technology, mechanical tecl1110Jogy. Ralph CHOIZlElt l'h. U. _, lJniven;ily of CalifoJ"nia Associate Professor of llistory, University of Rochester llt!partment of llistory Univen,ily of Hochester Hochester, New York Telephone: (716) 275-2521 Cl I A HACTEH OF PlJDLJSIIED WORK: Explores cultural, 'intellectual, and political is:;ues related to traditional medicine in twentieth­ centu,·y China. Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 10:56:50AM via free access CHINESE SCIENCE 1 11 PUBLICATIONS: Traditional Medicine in Modern China: Science, Nationalism and lhe Tensions of Cultural Change. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1968. "Traditional Medicine in Modern China: Social, Political, ~nd Cultural Aspects, 11 pp. 30-46 in Guenter Hisse (ed.), Modern China and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1973. "Traditional Medicine as a Basis for Chinese Medical Practices," pp. 3-22 in Joseph R. Quinn (ed.), Medicine and Public Health in the People's Republic of China. Bethesda, Maryland, l 973. L. Carrington GOODRICH A. B., Williams College; A. M., Ph.D., Columbia University Dean Lung Professor Emeritus of Chinese, Columbia University 640 West 238th St.
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