Tphe Origin Ancient Names
L ibr a r y . o f W ' T H E O RIG IN A N C I E N T N A M E S . WE sh a ll fo llo w in a rticle sh o w endeavor, in the g , to Ita lAsia that the proper names of Greece , y , Minor, B a b lo n E t h o ae y , gyp , P enicia , and Jud a , more especially the names of places and of the gods , are generally com pound words containing within them the names of the - Ak . sun gods Ab , , Am , Ar, As , At, El , and On In this inquiring age it is time that the composition of n ames which are associated with the legends or the history of the ancient world should receive proper a t tention . Before the mission of the Saviour, the more intelligent amon g the Romans had formed the opinion that the various great gods ” of the nations had much ff in common , notwithstanding the di erent attributes f ascribed to them and the dif erence of their names . a nd Hercules , O siris , Janus , Zeus , Jupiter, many more , f were regarded as the same deity , allowing for the dif er ence of ideas Which must be expected to exist among different nations on the same subject . It has been said that Roman polytheism has but two ” m lu . great gods , Heaven and Earth , and Terra In the fourth century, Ausonius treats prominent gods of several nations as the same deity under different names 4 Ogygia me Ba cch u m vo ca t Osirin E gy ptus pu ta t Mysi Pha n a cem no mina nt ; Dio ny so n In di exis tim a nt Ro ma a S a cra L be u m n i r , ” a b a Ge do ne m Ar ic ns A u .
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