The University of Notre Dame Austr alia


“The underlying capacity is a tangible benefi t, the capacity to help people through community engagement. That is vitally important.” — Fleur McIntyre, Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences

APPLY DIRECT NOTREDAME.EDU.AU THE OBJECTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME AUSTRALIA ARE: a) the provision of university education within a context of Catholic faith and values; and b) the provision of an excellent standard of – i) teaching, scholarship and research; ii) training for the professions; and iii) pastoral care for its students. WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME AUSTRALIA’S 2019 POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH GUIDE

Within these pages, we hope to give you a snapshot of our very special Australian university – a university which extends from the west coast in the beautiful and historic city of Fremantle, to the north-west town of Broome, and across the continent to our Campus located in the heart of the city of Sydney. Notre Dame is unique for a number of reasons: › As Australia’s fi rst Catholic university, Notre Dame follows the traditions and practices of Catholic higher education which, for centuries in many countries around the world, has offered leadership in university education. › We are committed to a personalised university education, a specifi c focus on pastoral care and support for all our students. › Higher degrees by research are offered at each of our nine academic Schools. Through our three research Institutes, you have the opportunity to work with leading academics on projects and programs that deliver value to people and communities across the country. › Underscoring our dedication to developing a strong and innovative research culture, you will study alongside other research students who are also leaders in their fi elds. I encourage you to study this Research Guide and invite you to make contact with our staff if you have any questions.

Professor Celia Hammond Vice Chancellor

CONTENTS Why choose Notre Dame? 4 National university 14 Institute for Ethics & Society 56 Degree options 7 Schools + degrees 16-50 We consider the whole person 58 Degree tables 8 Research institutes 51 How to complete the application 59 Scholarships and fees 10 Nulungu Research Institute 52 Application for admission 61 Postgraduate support 12 Institute for Health Research 54 FAQ 65

3 Why choose Notre Dame?

AT NOTRE DAME, WE FOCUS ON RESEARCH THAT MAKES AN IMPACT IN THE REAL WORLD, EVIDENCE-BASED RESEARCH THAT HAS TANGIBLE AND LASTING BENEFITS FOR THE COMMUNITY. Research students are fully supported by academics – all leaders in their fi elds – in an engaging and collaborative environment that contributes to the ongoing development of a strong and innovative research culture. Our commitment to quality in our research degree programs is underpinned by generous resource allocation, stipend scholarships and fee remission for higher degree by research students.

RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES Notre Dame offers higher degrees by research at nine academic Schools – our School of Arts & Sciences, Business, Education, Health Sciences, Law, Medicine, Nursing & Midwifery, Philosophy & Theology and Physiotherapy. Specifi c expert guidance and advice is provided through our national research institutes – Nulungu Research Institute based in Broome, the Fremantle- based Institute of Health Research and the Sydney-based Institute for Ethics & Society.

LEARN FROM INDUSTRY LEADERS While studying alongside other leading researchers and making a valuable contribution to Notre Dame’s growing research portfolio, you will also benefi t from the opportunity to further your industry experience and make valuable contacts for the future.


5-star ratings – Good Universities Guide 2006-2018

Apply direct 5 6 Notre Dame Research Guide Degree options


MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY (PHD) (ONE AND A HALF YEARS FULL-TIME (THREE YEARS FULL-TIME OR THE OR THE EQUIVALENT PART-TIME) EQUIVALENT PART-TIME) The Master of Philosophy degree is a The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a - suitable pathway for students who have based research degree. The PhD program completed a Bachelor’s degree but have is individually designed and built around the not yet attained Honours level. The degree methodological requirements of the research has a compulsory one-third coursework and the nature of the topic to be investigated. component which includes research The PhD is offered at all Notre Dame Schools. training and qualifi es as a research degree. Please refer to the degree tables on pages 8 and 9 for a complete list of areas of study. MASTER’S BY RESEARCH (TWO YEARS FULL-TIME OR THE RESEARCH DEGREES EQUIVALENT PART-TIME) IN MEDICINE A Master’s by research degree is The Master of Medicine/Surgery, offered recommended to students who wish to on our Sydney Campus, offers emerging undertake a substantial piece of research researchers the opportunity to further their in a chosen fi eld. It is possible to include skills by undertaking a research coursework coursework components to address component and the submission of an original identifi ed research skills needs, but the thesis. The Master of Medicine/Surgery is award of the degree is based wholly on the offered to established researchers and entails completion of a research thesis. the synthesis of a body of peer-reviewed work published over a number of years. For more PROFESSIONAL information, please refer to the School of (THREE YEARS FULL-TIME OR THE Medicine degrees on page 36. EQUIVALENT PART-TIME) The Professional Doctorate is a research degree designed to meet the needs of professionals who aspire to achieve academic Applications for enrolment in all excellence and lead the development of research degrees are accepted knowledge within their profession. It seeks in Semesters 1 and 2 each year. to examine crucial professional topics and Please see the Research Offi ce to integrate professional experience with webpage at scholarly inquiry. This degree includes a for further information. compulsory coursework component to develop research skills.

Apply direct 7 Degree tables – Higher degrees by research ❖ S ♦



Master of Philosophy Arts & Sciences 5124 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Business 5125 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Education 5126 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Health Sciences 5127 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Law 5128 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Medicine 5119 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Nursing & Midwifery 5118 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Philosophy & Theology 5129 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Physiotherapy 5130 1.5 FT, PT $32,663


Master of Arts Arts & Sciences 5096 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Business Business 5097 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Education Education 5112 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Health Sciences Health Sciences 5090 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Laws Law 5044 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Nursing Nursing & Midwifery 5116 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Science Arts & Sciences 5120 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Science (Medicine) Medicine 5092 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Science (Physiotherapy) Physiotherapy 5121 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Theology Philosophy & Theology 5115 2 FT, PT $32,663


Doctor of Business Administration Business 6100 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Counselling Arts & Sciences 6300 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Education Education 6200 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Health Sciences Health Sciences 6305 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Nursing Nursing & Midwifery 6301 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy 6003 3 FT, PT $ 37,533


Doctor of Philosophy Arts & Sciences 6600 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Business 6102 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Education 6201 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Health Sciences 6302 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Law 6400 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Medicine 6900 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Nursing & Midwifery 6800 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Philosophy & Theology 6502 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Physiotherapy 6002 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

8 Notre Dame Research Guide ❖ S

Sydney Campus ♦



Master of Philosophy Arts & Sciences 5124 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Business 5125 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Education 5126 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Law 5128 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Medicine 5119 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Nursing 5118 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Philosophy Philosophy & Theology 5129 1.5 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Medicine/Surgery Medicine 5131 1.5 FT, PT $32,663


Master of Arts Arts & Sciences 5096 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Business Business 5097 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Education Education 5112 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Laws Law 5044 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Science (Medicine) Medicine 5092 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Nursing Nursing 5116 2 FT, PT $32,663

Master of Theology Philosophy & Theology 5115 2 FT, PT $32,663


Doctor of Business Administration Business 6100 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Education Education 6200 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Nursing Nursing 6301 3 FT, PT $ 37,533


Doctor of Philosophy Arts & Sciences 6600 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Business 6102 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Education 6201 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Law 6400 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Medicine 6900 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Nursing 6800 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

Doctor of Philosophy Philosophy & Theology 6502 3 FT, PT $ 37,533

♦ DURATION (YEARS) MODE OF STUDY Normal time taken to complete a program. Duration may vary FT Full-time depending on number of enrolled courses per semester. PT Part-time

❖ INDICATIVE ANNUAL FEE 2018 S Domestic applicants are eligible for fee remission as part These fees are indicative of 2018 rates and are subject to annual of the Australian Government’s Research Training Program change. Fees may also vary based on the number and types of (RTP). International applicants may apply for a fee-offset on a courses chosen. All fees are quoted in Australian dollars (A$). competitive basis.

Please note that program codes are correct at the time of printing but are subject to change. The most up to date information on fees for each program can be obtained from the University website:

DISCLAIMER – © 2018 | Under the Higher Education Support Act (2003), The University of Notre Dame Australia is obliged to provide students with a course assurance arrangement. Details of this arrangement are outlined on the University’s web page. The information in this Course Guide is correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change. Applicants are strongly advised to contact the University and check the University website for current information. The University reserves the right to withdraw, alter or vary any course, unit of study, course content, assessment method or tuition fee that it offers or to vary course arrangements or impose limitations on enrolment. The University has obtained accreditation information in this Course Guide from professional bodies offering accreditation for registration into a profession. Applicants are strongly advised to obtain current accreditation information by contacting the University, checking the University website and contacting professional bodies. The University of Notre Dame Australia will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage (including direct, consequential or economic loss or damage) however caused, including by negligence or otherwise, which may result directly or indirectly from or the use of, or reliance upon, this Course Guide.

Apply direct 9 Research scholarships & stipends

Notre Dame provides a diverse range of fi nancial support initiatives for higher degree by research (HDR) students, funded by internal and external sources in Australia.

AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAM (RTP) SCHOLARSHIPS The Australian Government RTP scheme aims to provide funding for domestic and international students to undertake a research degree at Notre Dame for the advancement of their career in academia or other professional environments. 1. Tuition Fees Offset Domestic students who are offered an HDR program at Notre Dame are exempt from having to pay a contribution towards the cost of these programs. The exemption is for a maximum period of four years’ full-time equivalent study for a Doctoral research degree, and two years’ full-time equivalent study for a Master’s research degree. 2. Stipend The Stipend Scholarship assists HDR students with their day-to-day living expenses while undertaking a research degree. Both new and current students are considered for Stipend Scholarships, which are awarded on a competitive basis. 3. Allowance An allowance assists students with ancillary costs related to undertaking a research degree at Notre Dame.

NOTRE DAME SCHOLARSHIPS In addition to the RTP scholarships, Notre Dame offers alternative postgraduate scholarship opportunities, providing funding for fee remission and living allowances, including: › International Fee Remission Research Scholarships; › The University of Notre Dame Australia Malaysian Australian Colombo Plan Commemoration; and › Kailis Research Scholarships.

For more information about research scholarships at Notre Dame, please visit To read more about the Australian Government’s Research Training Program, please visit

10 Notre Dame Research Guide “I have a passion for research and when the opportunity to apply for the scholarship for the Master of Philosophy by research came along, it totally changed my life.”


Apply direct 11 Postgraduate support


The University’s Student Services is the go-to centre for career advice, activities on Campus, extracurricular programs, sports and clubs. ACADEMIC SUPPORT Notre Dame’s Academic Enabling & Support Centre (AESC) helps researchers formulate their scholarly goals and develop the skills and confi dence they need to attain them. With a strong emphasis on ‘the whole student’ and the support of a dedicated team of lecturers and tutors, the AESC offers a range of courses and programs, as well as help for students with special educational requirements. MATURE-AGE STUDENT NETWORK Returning to study after a long absence can be a daunting experience. Many researchers juggle external responsibilities, such as work and family management. Our on-Campus mature-age social network helps mature-age students meet one another, exchange ideas, experiences and provide support. All mature-age students are welcome. DISABILITY SUPPORT Notre Dame is committed to providing an environment for researchers that is supportive and free from discrimination. The University strongly supports the admission of students with a disability and encourages those researchers to seek assistance from the Disability Support Offi ce to ensure they are able to participate in their course of study on equal terms with others. COUNSELLING SERVICE Notre Dame provides a free and confi dential counselling service to help researchers develop skills and strategies that enable them to achieve their personal and academic goals, and to make their time at university comfortable and stress-free. CAREERS OFFICE Are you unsure of your career pathways or in need of career information or resources? Researchers can visit the Careers Offi ce to fi nd information or to seek assistance with job applications. A series of careers-related workshops are also held throughout the academic year. CAMPUS MINISTRY Campus Ministry provides growth opportunities in areas of prayer and service, liturgy and life, and friendship and community, initiatives through which Notre Dame aims to support the spiritual life of the community.

12 Notre Dame Research Guide Apply direct 13 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF COUNTRY The University of Notre Dame Australia is proud to acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land upon which our University sits. The University acknowledges that the Fremantle Campus is located on Wadjuk Country, the Broome Campus on Yawuru Country and the Sydney Campus on Cadigal Country.

BROOME Northern Territory


Western Australia

South Australia




Join a national university; be part of a global community

The University of Notre Dame Australia extends coast to coast with Campuses located in Fremantle and Broome in Western Australia, and in the heart of Sydney in New South Wales. Notre Dame’s seven clinical schools are located throughout New South Wales and Victoria.

FREMANTLE CAMPUS Notre Dame’s foundation Campus is located in the historic West End of the port city of Fremantle. Housed within beautiful restored heritage buildings, it is a ‘town university’ of great character. The iconic Campus is close to the Fremantle Harbour, cafés, shops, the famous ‘Cappuccino Strip’ and all major transport hubs.

BROOME CAMPUS Located in the heart of Australia’s Kimberley region, Notre Dame’s Broome Campus provides a unique environment for students, offering practical learning opportunities and cultural awareness training.

SYDNEY CAMPUS Notre Dame’s Sydney Campus is located on two sites – Broadway and Darlinghurst – both in the vibrant social hub of the harbour side city. The Broadway site is at the heart of Sydney’s uni precinct, a short walk from Central Station and close to Darling Harbour. Darlinghurst is situated to the east of the CBD and nestled in Sydney’s shopping and cafe district.

INTERNATIONAL LINKS Notre Dame has a number of international partners in North America, Europe and Asia.

14 Apply direct 15 Schools + degrees

CONTENTS School of Arts & Sciences 17 School of Business 22 School of Education 25 School of Health Sciences 29 School of Law 33 School of Medicine 36 School of Nursing & Midwifery 40 School of Philosophy & Theology 44 School of Physiotherapy 47

16 Notre Dame Research Guide SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES


Apply direct 17 The School of Arts & Sciences empowers researchers to build on their knowledge and experience and sharpen their skills, challenging them to succeed further in their chosen fi eld, with guidance and support from specialist academic staff. Researchers are provided with best practice knowledge and a practical approach to teaching and learning.

Notre Dame’s School of Arts & Sciences RESEARCH FOCUS offers challenging and innovative research The areas of research currently underway programs in the creative arts, sciences at the School of Arts & Sciences are and humanities, programs that refl ect expansive and include the following: both enduring strengths of the traditional disciplines and the emerging areas of › anti-racism policies; critical enquiry and technology. › archaeology: local and international › biological studies, including; Throughout the programs you will have aquatic biology and ecology; access to experienced supervisors and › behavioural sciences (including support from other staff within the School counselling and mental health); who are fully invested in your academic › cultural studies; achievement, ensuring you graduate › ecology; as a passionate, creative and skilful › English literature; professional committed to ethics and › gender relations; social justice. › history (including Australian, medieval HIGHER DEGREES and renaissance); › Indigenous education studies (including BY RESEARCH: social and emotional wellbeing, mental ›M aster of Arts health and knowledge); › Master of Philosophy › interactive media, communications and (offered in all disciplines) performance; › Master of Science › mathematics; › Doctor of Counselling › national security and international › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) politics; (offered in all disciplines) › politics and international relations; › social justice; and › theatre.

Postgraduate degrees by coursework are offered in Aboriginal Studies, Mathematics and Counselling. Please see the Postgraduate Coursework Guide for details.

18 Notre Dame Research Guide ARTS & SCIENCES


MASTER OF ARTS MASTER OF SCIENCE DOCTOR OF COUNSELLING Duration: Two years full-time or the Duration: Two years full-time or the Duration: Three years full-time or the equivalent part-time equivalent part-time equivalent part-time Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s Admission requirements: degree or equivalent degree or equivalent An Honours or Master’s level degree, completed to a high standard. Previous Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* research experience and at least three Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Campus: Fremantle years professional experience are required for the professional doctorate. The Master of Arts offers a two year The Master of Science aims to expand Loan Scheme: RTP* full-time or equivalent part-time knowledge, research skills and Campus: Fremantle supervised program leading to a intellectual inquiry, culminating in a thesis of between 30,000-40,000 research thesis within which a student The Doctor of Counselling offers words in length within specifi c demonstrates a capacity to conceive, an applied three-year or equivalent fi elds of humanities and social design and complete independent yet program leading to a thesis of science. The program is designed supervised research. approximately 80,000 words in length. for candidates who have completed The research thesis will likely relate to It seeks to bridge the theory-practice coursework studies suffi cient for the current areas of research within the gap and make a practical contribution a single research program to be School and, while providing graduates to a specifi c area of counselling undertaken. The degree provides with specialised research training and and professional knowledge as well graduates with specialised research knowledge beyond an undergraduate as make a contribution to current training and knowledge beyond an Honours program, paves the way for scholarly understanding. The Doctor undergraduate Honours program, entry into a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Counselling degree combines and paves the way for entry into a program. research training coursework with the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program. development of the thesis.



MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY The coursework component provides DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PHD) Duration: One and a half years full-time or opportunities for candidates to Duration: Three years full-time or the the equivalent part-time formulate substantial elements of their equivalent part-time Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s planned research (e.g. topic refi nement, Admission requirements: degree or equivalent identifi cation and justifi cation of An Honours or Master’s level degree, completed to a high standard. Previous Loan Scheme: RTP* the preferred research method/s, research experience is required at Honours, Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney preparation of a draft proposal) and Master of Philosophy or Master’s by to develop personal competencies in research level. The Master of Philosophy offers critical analysis and scholarly writing Loan Scheme: RTP* an 18-month full-time or equivalent relevant to their profession. Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney part-time academic program involving The completion of the coursework is coursework and academic research. facilitated by a delivery schedule which The Doctor of Philosophy offers a three The program is undertaken in all takes into consideration that a majority year full-time or equivalent part-time subject areas of the School of Arts & of candidates are in employment during supervised research program leading to Sciences. their candidature. An average grade a thesis of approximately 80,000 words in The degree comprises four research standard of Credit must be achieved length in specifi c fi elds of the humanities, training courses, to be completed in the coursework as a prerequisite social sciences and applied sciences. alongside the student’s individual for proceeding to the research Variations exist in subject areas where research project. component. creative work or professional practice is assessed. A PhD in Arts & Sciences In the fi rst six months candidates provides graduates with advanced undertake coursework subjects specialist research training and expert focused on relevant areas of research knowledge leading to opportunities in a methodology. This is accompanied wide range of academic, research and by a supervised research project in a professional contexts. specifi c academic fi eld. The Master of Philosophy can provide entry into Each candidate is assigned University- higher degree research, such as based supervisors who provide support a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and and academic guidance throughout the advance professional qualifi cations in degree and assist the candidate with the specifi c areas of knowledge. preparation of their research proposal. The supervisors also mentor and direct the candidate throughout the research phase and up to the point the thesis is put forward for examination.

*RTP: Research Training Program. Domestic applicants are eligible for fee remission as part of the Australian Government’s Research Training Program (RTP). International applicants may apply for a fee-offset on a competitive basis. FIND OUT MORE NOTREDAME.EDU.AU

20 Notre Dame Research Guide RESEARCH MATTERS

Rewriting the history of Western Australia


For more than 100 years it has been accepted as fact that some of the State’s first settlers abandoned Peel town because of camp leader Thomas Peel’s inept leadership. But new evidence suggests that the extent of the hardship – extreme conditions that Dr Shane Burke drove the settlers to burn even their own furniture in an effort to stay warm – was the catalyst for the exodus from one of the largest initial settlements in the colony located 10km from Fremantle on the southern banks of the Swan and Canning Rivers. “Imagine, priceless antique furniture – shipped across from Britain by new arrivals as a sign of their wealth and status – was instead thrown into the fireplace to be used as fuel for cooking and heating,” said Archaeology Coordinator, Dr Shane Burke. “In a society where tasteful furnishings ‘made the person’, the destruction of tangible symbols of elite and middle-class British culture would have caused intense stress among the early settlers.” As part of the study, Dr Burke analysed more than 5,500 charcoal fragments from hearths, fireplaces and ash pits associated with five dwellings from the Peel town camp, uncovered as part of archaeological work at the site. Analysis of the charcoal suggests that once colonists exhausted local wood supplies (jarrah, tuart and candle banksia) as fuel for cooking and heating, they were forced to use timber containers, opulent imported British furniture and ship’s timbers. Said Dr Burke: “Until now, it has been suggested that low morale and disquiet towards leader, Thomas Peel, was the cause of the camp’s eventual collapse. But the new evidence clearly suggests that extreme hardship was the major factor in their decision to abandon the area.”



every economic decision has a moral consequence ND

22 Notre Dame Research Guide Today’s rapidly changing business environment calls for visionaries and entrepreneurs who are prepared to innovate and transform the global business landscape.

Contemporary, relevant and authoritative. HIGHER DEGREES Notre Dame’s School of Business BY RESEARCH: offers research programs that embrace › Master of Business today’s rapidly changing corporate › Master of Philosophy environment while maintaining the › Doctor of Business Administration highest levels of academic rigour. › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) The research programs refl ect the unique values of the entire University RESEARCH FOCUS and include a range of disciplines led by professionals with extensive Research within the School of Business commercial and industry experience. extends to a wide range of sectors such as community, recreation, government The School is a leading contributor and non-government including the of specifi c research outcomes to the following: professions including accounting, fi nance, management, public › consumer research; RESEARCHER ‘DISCOVERS’ relations, economics, human resource › contemporary public relations UNSUNG HERO management and marketing. applications and theories; To most Western Australians, early › dynamic price fl uctuations; settler Charles Harper was an › econometric modelling; astute pastoralist, businessman, › genealogy of political ideas; newspaper owner and politician. › history of economic thought and the But as Notre Dame Business economics of fi nancial crises; PhD graduate, Dr David Gilchrist, › management theory and the discovered as part of his thesis, he technological revolution; was also a brilliant and pragmatic › marketing and sustainability; and economist. › the application of human resource and wider management skills to not-for- “Western Australia was struggling profi t organisations. in the early 19th century as the fi rst settlers tried to emulate the farming practices of the eastern states,” said Dr Gilchrist. “It was Charles Harper who was instrumental in establishing co-operatives (the biggest, Wesfarmers, remains highly successful today) as a means of overcoming the constraints of the large, low-yielding WA land mass. “That not only enabled the early Postgraduate degrees by settlers to survive and thrive, it coursework are offered in Business, was also instrumental in fending Catholic Leadership, HR Management, off the monopolistic enterprises Accounting, Marketing and Business that normally characterise such Leadership. See the Postgraduate settlements,” said Dr Gilchrist. Coursework Guide for details.

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 23 BUSINESS The Doctor of Business Administration DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY is an applied three-year program Duration: Three years full-time or the MASTER OF BUSINESS leading to a thesis of approximately equivalent part-time Duration: Two years full-time or the 80,000 words in length. The program Admission requirements: An Honours or equivalent part-time seeks to bridge the theory-practice Master’s level degree, completed to a high standard. Previous research experience is Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s gap and make a practical contribution required. degree or equivalent to industry-based or professional Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* knowledge as well as make a Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney contribution to current scholarly understanding. The program combines The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is The Master of Business is a program research training coursework with the a substantial program and thesis of of research on a business topic that development of the thesis. is developed in consultation with approximately 80,000 words that a supervisor. Business disciplines should make an original contribution in which the Master of Business to current scholarly understanding in can be undertaken include fi nance, PHILOSOPHY the business disciplines. Supervision is management, marketing, public available in the fi elds of management, relations, human resources and MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY marketing, public relations and accounting. The thesis can be Duration: One and a half years full-time or fi nance. The PhD requires a program theoretical or applied in nature. It the equivalent part-time of research training and independent is approximately 40,000 words in Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s supervised study culminating in a degree or equivalent length and can include a variety of thesis for independent examination. approaches such as conceptual Loan Scheme: RTP* modelling, case study or empirical Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney work. The program is based on a The Master of Philosophy is a program standalone research project that does of research on a business topic not require additional units of study. developed in consultation with a supervisor. Business disciplines in which the Master of Philosophy are undertaken BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION include fi nance, management, marketing, public relations, human DOCTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION resources and accounting. The thesis Duration: Three years full-time or the can be theoretical or applied in nature. It equivalent part-time is approximately 35,000-40,000 words Admission requirements: An Honours or in length and can include a variety Master’s level degree, completed to a high *RTP: Research Training Program. of approaches such as conceptual standard. Previous research experience Domestic applicants are eligible is required and at least three years’ modelling, case study or empirical for fee remission as part of the professional experience is required for the work. The Master of Philosophy professional doctorate. Australian Government’s Research comprises four compulsory research Training Program (RTP). International Loan Scheme: RTP* training courses to be completed as a applicants may apply for a fee-offset Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney prerequisite to the student’s individual on a competitive basis. research project.


24 Notre Dame Research Guide SCHOOL OF EDUCATION


Apply direct 25 Notre Dame’s School of Education offers students the opportunity to gain a valuable learning experience in an environment that has one of the highest levels of graduate satisfaction in Australia.

Teaching is more than a profession; it is a HIGHER DEGREES vocation. Teachers are called to inspire, BY RESEARCH: challenge and lead future generations. › Master of Education Notre Dame values its role as a leading › Master of Philosophy (Education) contributor to the vocation of teaching. › Doctor of Education Completing a research degree through › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Notre Dame’s School of Education, provides access to supervisors who are RESEARCH FOCUS experienced in their fi eld and support from other staff within the School who The following areas provide a broad care about your academic achievement. coverage of current research activities either through collaboration with external The School of Education covers a bodies, doctoral supervision, publications complete spectrum of higher education or conference presentations: – from the preparation and formation of beginning teachers to the continuing › assistive technologies for special professional development and further needs students; education of experienced educators and › early childhood education; school leaders. › educational policy; › effective teaching; Notre Dame has a number of key › implementation of information industry links ensuring all researchers get communication technology in schools; fi rst-hand insights from top professionals › leadership in Catholic schools; who help them contribute to new › middle schooling and transition; knowledge that can change the lives of › religious education; students today and tomorrow. › service learning and student leadership; › the beginning principal; and › values education.

Postgraduate degrees by coursework are offered in Primary Education, Secondary Education, Special Needs, Higher Education and Religious Education. Please see the Postgraduate Coursework Guide for details.

26 Notre Dame Research Guide EDUCATION

EDUCATION offers supervision in a wide range of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PHD) topic areas. Duration: Three years full-time or the MASTER OF EDUCATION As part of the degree, students equivalent part-time Duration: Two years full-time or the complete four Research Methods Admission requirements: An Honours or Master’s level degree, completed to a high equivalent part-time courses – Quantitative Research standard. Previous research experience Admission requirements: A Bachelor of Methods, Qualitative Research Methods, is required. Education degree or equivalent with a minimum of three to fi ve years’ professional Developing a Research Proposal and Loan Scheme: RTP* experience and a background in research. Scholarly Reading and Writing. Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Loan Scheme: RTP* Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney A Doctor of Philosophy is a PHILOSOPHY research degree that culminates in A Master of Education is a research examination by a substantial thesis degree that culminates in examination MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY that examines a signifi cant question by thesis. While there is no coursework and adds to educational knowledge. Duration: One and a half years full-time or component, coursework may be the equivalent part-time While there is no coursework requested by the Dean to support the component, coursework may be Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s research methodology. The School degree or equivalent completed to a high requested by the Dean to support of Education offers supervision in standard. the research process. The School a wide range of topic areas. The Loan Scheme: RTP* of Education offers supervision Master of Education does not Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney in a wide range of topic areas. provide teacher accreditation. A Master of Philosophy is a research degree that combines coursework in DOCTOR OF EDUCATION research methodology with writing Duration: Three years full-time or the a thesis. No previous experience in equivalent part-time research is required for acceptance Admission requirements: An Honours or into the degree. However, additional Master’s level degree completed to a high standard. Previous research experience coursework may be required to support is required. the study process. The School of Loan Scheme: RTP* Education offers supervision in a wide Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney range of topic areas. (Please see the School of Education introduction page A Doctor of Education is a research for potential research specialisations.) degree that combines coursework in The Master of Philosophy in Education *RTP: Research Training Program. research training with writing a thesis. does not provide teacher accreditation. Domestic applicants are eligible Previous experience in research is for fee remission as part of the required for acceptance into the degree Australian Government’s Research although additional research training is Training Program (RTP). International provided by the coursework component. applicants may apply for a fee-offset The Doctor of Education has a direct on a competitive basis. connection to the profession and usually involves research connected to the workplace. The School of Education



Play-based education essential for successful school transition

PRIORITY FOR PLAY-BASED TEACHING METHODS IN JUNIOR PRIMARY CLASSROOMS IS CRITICAL TO THE ENHANCEMENT OF YOUNG MINDS AND THE SMOOTH TRANSITION TO FORMAL SCHOOLING, ACCORDING TO RESEARCH BY NOTRE DAME LECTURER AND PHD GRADUATE, DR LINDA BELLEN. Dr Linda Bellen Using case studies and in-depth interviews with educators in New South Wales, Dr Bellen found that the pedagogical differences between pre-school and formal schooling under the Australian Curriculum were too extreme because, in schools, teaching through play was “limited, constrained or marginalised”. “Twenty years ago play was the prevailing medium for learning and teaching in early years’ settings but over time it has been replaced with a stronger academic focus as a result of community pressures,” said Dr Bellen. “Before I conducted the research I was anecdotally aware that misconceptions and misunderstandings existed about play-based pedagogy and its effectiveness in learning. I also knew that early years’ teachers struggled to defend its value amidst pressure from families, school staff, community members and the government sector which supported more academically-oriented learning,” she added. As a result of the research Dr Bellen developed a common definition of play-based pedagogy to be shared by all educators so that schools can work in tandem with early childhood settings to best prepare children for academic and personal growth in the classroom. “We need to develop an equal partnership – one that is bi-directional with the vision of a shared co-construction of transition between the two sectors,” Dr Bellen said. “Our goal should be promoting an understanding of how young children learn best so that as teachers we can provide high quality, developmentally-appropriate learning environments in both spheres and ensure successful transitions for all young children.”

28 Notre Dame Research Guide SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES


Apply direct 29 Researchers have identifi ed physical inactivity as a critical risk factor contributing to ill health in Australia and confi rmed that exercise and lifestyle behaviour modifi cation play an important role in preventing, rehabilitating and managing both chronic diseases and injuries.

The School of Health Sciences offers HIGHER DEGREES BY research programs that focus on the RESEARCH: health and wellbeing of individuals and › Master of Health Sciences communities. The aim is to graduate › Master of Philosophy professionals who can make a signifi cant › Doctor of Health Science contribution to the progress of health › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) sciences knowledge and practice. Acquiring in-depth knowledge and RESEARCH FOCUS research skills in the exercise sciences equips graduates with the critical skills to Research within the School of Health improve their clients’ health and wellbeing Sciences focuses on the following: through exercise or rehabilitation. › adolescent motor coordination RESEARCH THAT MATTERS The philosophical approach of the program ‘AMP It Up’; Research outcomes that have research programs at Notre Dame › building healthy children and youth of a real and lasting benefi ts to the includes a strong commitment to all abilities through exercise; community are key to all programs developing best practice in promoting › exercise rehabilitation science, at Notre Dame. healthy lifestyles through physical activity particularly in breast and prostate “The aspect I like most is our across the lifespan. It also explores cancer survivors; the importance of early intervention strong ethos in terms of community › Instagram and wellbeing of young in avoiding costly medical treatment engagement,” said Associate female university students; and rehabilitating those with chronic Professor, Fleur McIntyre, conditions and musculoskeletal injuries. › healthy ageing; and Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences. In undertaking a research degree through › musculoskeletal and clinical Notre Dame’s School of Health Sciences, biomechanics. “Our Adolescent Movement you will be part of a School that has close Program (AMPitup) is a perfect links to the University’s Institute for Health example. It’s designed specifi cally Research which fosters partnerships as a free training program in research and innovation to improve for adolescents suffering the community health and wellbeing. debilitating effects of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). “Participants engage in regular exercise sessions, working with our students, on a cardio exercise, strength and resistance program. “The aim is to provide them with the skills, fi tness and confi dence to exercise in their local gym. “It’s very rewarding to hear parents talk about the confi dence their Postgraduate degrees by kids have gained, to be able to do coursework are offered in Clinical things or actually try new things. Exercise Physiology and Exercise That’s the community and personal Science. Please see the Postgraduate angle that is the most important Coursework Guide for details. out of everything.”

30 Notre Dame Research Guide HEALTH SCIENCES



Duration: Two years full-time or the Duration: One and a half years full-time or equivalent part-time the equivalent part-time Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent completed to a degree or equivalent completed to a high standard high standard Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Campus: Fremantle Campus: Fremantle

A Master of Health Sciences A Master of Philosophy combines culminates in examination by thesis. coursework in research training with Although, there is no coursework writing a thesis. It is possible for component, coursework may be students from other disciplines to requested by the Dean to support the undertake a Master of Philosophy research process. in Health Sciences. Additional coursework may be required to support the study process. DOCTOR OF HEALTH SCIENCE

Duration: Three years full-time or the equivalent part-time DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PHD)

Admission requirements: An Honours or Duration: Three years full-time or the Master’s level degree, completed to a high equivalent part-time standard. Previous research experience is required and at least three years’ Admission requirements: An Honours or professional experience is required for the Master’s level degree, completed to a high professional doctorate. standard. Previous research experience is required. Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Campus: Fremantle Campus: Fremantle The Doctor of Health Science is a A Doctor of Philosophy culminates in specialised degree that combines the evaluation of a substantial thesis coursework and research with strong that a signifi cant question and adds workplace connections. Students to educational knowledge. Although, complete four research training and there is no coursework component, *RTP: Research Training Program. writing courses in the fi rst semester coursework may be requested by the Domestic applicants are eligible of the degree before commencing Dean to support the research process. for fee remission as part of the the research program under the Australian Government’s Research supervision of Notre Dame’s leading Training Program (RTP). International health academics. Research can applicants may apply for a fee-offset be undertaken in collaboration with on a competitive basis. industry or a professional mentor connected to their fi eld of study.



Instagram study:


When Instagram hit cyberspace in 2010, it was marketed as a photo and video-sharing application for users to publish snapshots of their lives at a particular point in time. Regarded as one of the world’s most influential social media networks, its 700 million users now follow trends, post ‘stories’ and explore content contributed by the global community. However, Notre Dame PhD researcher and tutor, Carmen Papaluca, found that the Instagram landscape isn’t all fun hashtags and cool photo filters. Many young users have reported experiencing feelings of anxiety, depression, loneliness, bullying and negative self-esteem. In a study aimed at exploring the effects of Instagram on the wellbeing of young female Carmen Papaluca university students, Carmen discovered that those in their late-teens or early-twenties had vastly different reactions to Instagram images than those in their mid-twenties. In a series of focus groups involving more than 50 students aged 18-25 years, Carmen presented a range of images on fitness, beauty, nutrition, health, travel and work. “Students in their late-teens and early-twenties were drawn to the images of fitness and beauty. But rather than positive reactions, the images generated feelings of inadequacy and negative self-perception,” said Carmen. “However, students in their mid-twenties were far more focused on work and lifestyle. They felt their lives lacked meaning in comparison to others in the same age group who had posted ‘selfies’ working abroad, travelling to exotic destinations or showing off their enviable social lives,” she added. Common across the entire group was a tendency for the students to manipulate their own Instagram accounts by boosting follower ratios and using fake images as a way of coping with the feelings of inadequacy and envy they experienced while using the social media platform. “Despite the negative aspects, they all feel the need to document their own lives on Instagram in order to seek validation, try to improve their popularity and self-esteem through ‘likes’ and comments,” Carmen said. “It’s a kind of vicious cycle and, alarmingly, these feelings of anxiety and low self- esteem are often generated from within their own friendship circles. “I think we still underestimated how pervasive the social media influence is for children and teenagers, and how the negative impact is carried forward into their twenties. “I hope this research will start the conversation among young people and their parents and teachers, and provide important information for school, policy makers and health professionals,” said Carmen.

32 Notre Dame Research Guide SCHOOL OF LAW


Apply direct 33 Completing a research degree through Notre Dame’s School of Law offers unique access to supervisors who are experienced in their fi eld and support by other staff within the School who are invested in academic achievement.

Judges, senior barristers and leading HIGHER DEGREES solicitors from around Australia provide BY RESEARCH: input on an ongoing basis to ensure that › Master of Laws (LLM) the Notre Dame Law curriculum is of the › Master of Philosophy highest quality and relevant to today’s › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) legal profession. Many teaching staff have signifi cant RESEARCH FOCUS professional experience – as judges, INDEPENDENT REVIEW barristers, solicitors or canon lawyers in Current research in the School of Law is LEADS TO MAJOR LAW Australia or overseas. extensive and includes the following: REFORM The School’s research degrees are › administrative law; An independent statutory review designed to provide an exceptional level › civil litigation; which resulted in a major overhaul of support which extends to the design › constitutional law; of Western Australia’s Construction and development of individual research › consumer law; Contracts Act 2004 has had a topics to ensure that the results of each › corporate insolvency and restructuring; signifi cant impact on the State’s study make a substantial and original › corporate law; law reform and public policy. › criminal law; contribution to the body and knowledge The review, conducted by › energy, mining and resources; of the law under investigation. Professor Philip Evans from › ethics; Notre Dame’s School of Law in › education law; Fremantle, contained 28 separate › freedom of religion; recommendations designed to › health law; ensure more effi cient payment and › human rights; contract administration practices in › intellectual property; the WA construction industry. › international and comparative law; It assisted with the introduction of › law of armed confl ict; government initiatives designed to › legal philosophy; provide a means of investigating › liability for cyber-bullying; and disciplining registered building › property law; contractors who have engaged in › social media and the law; unfair behaviour or systematic non- › succession; payment of subcontractors. › taxation; › torts; A number of recommendations › under-representation of women at the have been incorporated into an highest levels of the legal profession; industry code of conduct, with and the aim of actively weeding out › work health and safety law. bad behaviour on building sites, poor payment practices and anti- competitive behaviour. “This is an outstanding example of Postgraduate degrees by how academic lawyers can make a coursework are offered in Law. very big impact on law reform and Please see the Postgraduate public policy,” said Professor Joan Coursework Guide for details. Squelch, Dean of the School of Law, Fremantle.

34 Notre Dame Research Guide LAW


MASTER OF LAWS MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PHD) Duration: Two years full-time or the Duration: One and a half years full-time or Duration: Three years full-time or the equivalent part-time the equivalent part-time equivalent part-time Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s Admission requirements: An Honours or degree or equivalent completed to a degree or equivalent completed to a Master’s level degree, completed to a high high standard high standard standard. Previous research experience is required. Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney The Master of Laws (LLM) degree The Master of Philosophy degree is a thesis-based research degree. begins with coursework followed by The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is Students work with a supervisor from the completion of a thesis. This gives a thesis-based research degree. the School’s academic staff to develop students the opportunity to refi ne their Students work with a supervisor from an appropriate research topic within skills in research design and analysis the School’s academic staff to develop the School’s areas of research focus. prior to beginning research in their an appropriate research topic within The program is individually designed topic area. The Master of Philosophy the School’s research focus areas. The and built around the research and degree can be undertaken in any PhD program is individually designed the topic to be investigated. A thesis research area of the School of Law. and built around the methodological requirements of the research and the submitted for a Master of Laws is Please see ‘Research focus’ on page nature of the topic to be investigated, expected to be a systematic, written 34 for a listing of possible research taking into account the background presentation of the results of study, specialisations. investigation and research which of the candidate. The candidate makes a substantial and original may be asked to undertake further contribution to the body of knowledge coursework to extend knowledge of the law in the relevant area. and skills as a basis of the research component. A thesis submitted for a Doctor of Philosophy is expected to be a systematic, written presentation of the results of study, investigation and research, which makes a substantial and original contribution to the body of knowledge of the law.

*RTP: Research Training Program. Domestic applicants are eligible for fee remission as part of the Australian Government’s Research Training Program (RTP). International applicants may apply for a fee-offset FIND OUT MORE on a competitive basis. NOTREDAME.EDU.AU



36 Notre Dame Research Guide The School of Medicine graduates health professionals with exceptional levels of clinical profi ciency, a strong commitment to lifelong learning, compassion and respect and the adaptability required to address the challenges of modern clinical practice.

The University of Notre Dame Australia has RESEARCH FOCUS two Schools of Medicine, one in Fremantle The School of Medicine has research and the other in Sydney, that provide projects across Australia – in Fremantle, separate four-year postgraduate medical Sydney, Melbourne, and through the programs independently accredited by University’s Rural Clinical Schools in the Australian Medical Council. New South Wales and Victoria. Current Notre Dame’s Schools of Medicine have research projects focus on: the only medical programs offered by a › Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic university in Australia. health; A research degree is underpinned by › basic clinical sciences; a high level of support from academic › bioethics; THE CHURACK CHAIR OF staff who have one of the highest rates › clinical and applied research; CHRONIC PAIN EDUCATION of professional experience in Australia. In › medical leadership and health policy; AND RESEARCH addition, senior administration staff guide › medical education; and advise throughout the degree. › pain management; The Churack Chair of Chronic › personal development and professional Pain Education and Research is HIGHER DEGREES matters; an initiative launched by Notre BY RESEARCH: › population and – Dame through the generosity of › Master of Science (Medicine) including social inequity, climate and West Australian Philanthropists › Doctor of Medical Science human health; Geoff and Moira Churack and › Master of Philosophy › primary care and prevention; and other donors. It aims to reduce › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) › rural medicine. the impact of chronic pain in the › Master of Medicine/Surgery community through research and the education of medical students in chronic pain management. Through the leadership of the Churack Chair, research undertaken by the School of Medicine is translated into the education offered to our medical students – providing graduates with a unique understanding of chronic pain. In collaboration with St John of God Subiaco Hospital, the Chair builds relationships and forms partnerships with a range of organisations and is currently undertaking research into chronic pain in ways that are consistent with the University’s Objects. For more information, please visit


MASTER OF MEDICINE/SURGERY MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Duration: One and a half years full-time or Duration: One and a half years full-time or Duration: Not Applicable the equivalent part-time the equivalent part-time Admission requirements: A body of Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s published academic work completed over degree or equivalent degree or equivalent. the course of one’s career Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: Full-fee Campus: Sydney Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Campus: Sydney

The Master of Medicine / Surgery is a The Master of Philosophy begins with The Doctor of Medical Science degree research degree designed to provide coursework followed by the completion is awarded on the basis of a body of research training to members of the of a thesis and therefore gives students work completed over the course of medical profession. It comprises the opportunity to refi ne their skills the candidate’s career. Candidates both coursework and a substantial in research design and analysis must hold a degree qualifying them research component culminating in the prior to beginning studies in their to practise medicine and they must submission of a thesis or a research topic area. The Master of Philosophy submit a thesis consisting of an dissertation. Students complete the can be undertaken in any area of original exegesis and a collection of one-third coursework component of epidemiology, basic science or publications completed over their the degree through online tutorials clinical research. research career. As the degree does and assignments – ideal for those not include original research conducted candidates who may be in full-time DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PHD) over the course of candidature, it is clinical practice during their studies. not eligible for fee subsidies under the Duration: Three years full-time or the equivalent part-time Research Training Program (RTP). Admission requirements: An Honours or SCIENCE (MEDICINE) Master’s level degree, completed to a high standard. Previous research experience MASTER OF SCIENCE (MEDICINE) is required. Loan Scheme: RTP* Duration: Two years full-time or the equivalent part-time Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent Candidates for the Doctor of Loan Scheme: RTP* Philosophy (PhD) are required to Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney prepare an original thesis that makes a substantial contribution to medical The Master of Science (Medicine) knowledge. The Doctor of Philosophy *RTP: Research Training Program. is undertaken by thesis and is best can be undertaken in any area within Domestic applicants are eligible suited to students who prefer a the School such as epidemiology, basic for fee remission as part of the Master’s to a PhD, but do not require science or clinical research. Students Australian Government’s Research a more structured research training are supervised by some of Australia’s Training Program (RTP). International such as that offered by the Master of leading health professionals and applicants may apply for a fee-offset Philosophy. The Master of Science academics who have comprehensive on a competitive basis. (Medicine) can be undertaken in any experience in general practice, rural area of epidemiology, basic science or and remote health care, and medical clinical research. leadership and education. FIND OUT MORE NOTREDAME.EDU.AU

38 Notre Dame Research Guide RESEARCH MATTERS

Collaborating for outstanding results


The program, Beyond Memorising, teaches medical students in a unique multi-modal approach including techniques such as self-directed learning, Dr Ali Malik and Professor collaborative problem solving and senior students supporting juniors. Sankar Sinha Its success is reflected in the vastly improved performance of students. Introduced in 2011, by 2016 medical students’ failure rates dropped from eight percent to zero and those scoring distinctions increased from 34 percent to 84 percent. For second-year medical students failures fell from 17 percent to zero and those scoring distinctions increased from 25 percent to 76 percent. The brainchild of Notre Dame’s head of Anatomy, Professor Sankar Sinha, and senior lecturer, Dr Ali Malik, the program was shortlisted for the Australian Financial Review Higher Education Awards 2017.



40 Notre Dame Research Guide Notre Dame’s School of Nursing & Midwifery is a leading contributor to the profession – consistently excelling in critical university quality indicators and contributing new knowledge to improve health outcomes for people across Australia.

The School of Nursing & Midwifery HIGHER DEGREES (Fremantle) and School of Nursing BY RESEARCH: (Sydney) have developed programs of › Master of Nursing (Research) study that assist Registered Nurses in › Master of Philosophy developing the knowledge and skills › Doctor of Nursing required for advanced practice. Each › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree and research qualifi cation has a focus on personal and professional development, clinical judgement and RESEARCH FOCUS research capabilities. Nursing research at Notre Dame focuses Students have access to highly qualifi ed on a wide range of health care issues supervisors and they are supported by including the following: other staff within the School who are › alcohol, tobacco and other invested in your academic achievement. drug-related issues; The School has one of the highest rates › chronic care; of student satisfaction in Australia. › Indigenous health; › mental health; › mentoring; › palliative care; › professional practice; › skills development; and › workforce issues.

Postgraduate degrees by coursework are offered in Nursing, Midwifery, Mental Health, Allied Health, Clinical, Ophthalmic, Forensic and Perioperative Nursing and Burn & Trauma Rehabilitation (through School of Physiotherapy). Please see the Postgraduate Coursework Guide for details. FIND OUT MORE NOTREDAME.EDU.AU


MASTER OF NURSING MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY Duration: Two years full-time or the Duration: One and a half years full-time or equivalent part-time the equivalent part-time Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s Admission requirements: A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent completed at a degree or equivalent completed at a high standard high standard Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney

The Master of Nursing is undertaken The Master of Philosophy begins with by thesis only and is best suited to coursework followed by the completion students who prefer a Master’s to a of a thesis and therefore gives students PhD, but do not feel a need for more the opportunity to refi ne their skills structured research training such as in research design and analysis prior offered by the Master of Philosophy. to beginning research in their topic area. The Master of Philosophy can be undertaken in any focus area of the DOCTOR OF NURSING national Nursing Schools. Duration: Three years full-time or the equivalent part-time Academic pre-requisite: An Honours or DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PHD) Master’s level degree, completed to a high Duration: Three years full-time or the standard. At least three years’ professional equivalent part-time experience is required. Academic pre-requisite: An Honours or Loan Scheme: RTP* Master’s level degree completed to a high Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney standard. Previous research experience is required. The Doctor of Nursing offers an applied Loan Scheme: RTP three-year program leading to a thesis Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney of approximately 80,000 words. While the PhD seeks to make a scholarly and Candidates for the Doctor of theoretical contribution, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) prepare an original Nursing seeks to bridge the theory- thesis that makes a substantial practice gap and make a practical contribution to knowledge. The Doctor contribution to industry-based or of Philosophy can be undertaken in *RTP: Research Training Program. professional knowledge. The Doctor any focus area of the national Nursing Domestic applicants are eligible of Nursing combines research training Schools. for fee remission as part of the coursework with the development of Australian Government’s Research the thesis. Training Program (RTP). International applicants may apply for a fee-offset on a competitive basis.


42 Notre Dame Research Guide RESEARCH MATTERS


The program began with a nurse-led trial involving 60 lymphoma blood cancer patients all of whom had completed treatment within a three to nine month timeframe. In addition a team conducted a cross sectional exploration of unmet supportive care and health literacy needs of cancer patients in a cancer centre at one of Perth’s major hospitals. Findings informed the development of a patient information video series focusing on needs after diagnosis and during treatment, common symptoms and the effects of treatment. Four integrative reviews of shared-care and self-management models for prostate, colorectal, lymphoma and sarcoma cancers were also undertaken and will be used to inform future survivorship care models. A project manager, research fellow and two clinical nurses were appointed to support the project. Project partners: WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network, UWA, University of Melbourne and the Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group.



44 Notre Dame Research Guide The School of Philosophy & Theology plays an integral role in the exploration and realisation of the University’s Objects offering research programs for those with an interest in these disciplines and for students who wish to pursue academic careers or careers in the Church, schools or other organisations.

The University emphasises the Catholic HIGHER DEGREES intellectual tradition through the twin roles BY RESEARCH: of faith and reason. This tradition values › Master of Theology the whole person and promotes the › Master of Philosophy “examined life” as a means to an ethical › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and informed way of living. Students develop critical thinking skills, the RESEARCH FOCUS capacity to engage critically with the views of others and to defend a reasoned point The School of Philosophy & Theology of view as they develop their own views has a diverse range of research interests on ethical issues and on the force and comprising many branches of philosophy reliability of claims to truth and knowledge. and aspects of Catholic theology. Students have access to experienced In Fremantle, the School focuses on supervisors and support by other staff research within the fi elds of pastoral within the School who are invested in theology, phenomenological theology A NEW STUDY ON THE academic achievement. and ethics. SYMBOLISM OF AN In Sydney, the research focus is primarily ANCIENT GARDEN directed towards the relationship While early research into the between faith, culture and reason, as symbolism of the Garden of Eden well as the philosophy of religion, moral produced strong evidence of philosophy and theology, ethics and peoples’ relationship with God, values education, ancient and medieval current interpretations suggest that philosophy and metaphysics. it now largely refl ects the concerns of society. In a study titled ‘The Garden of Eden through the Lens of New Testament Faith: Creation, Revelation and Redemption in Symbol, Narrative and Motif’, Notre Dame PhD candidate, James Cregan, aims to provide an articulate and comprehensive theology of the Garden of Eden that can be used as a resource for open dialogue about its symbolic relevance to today’s interpretation of the Christian faith. “In essence, the nature and portrayal of the Garden of Eden has changed over time. I hope that this research Postgraduate degrees by can somehow contribute to a better coursework are offered in Liberal understanding of Edenic imagery Arts, Philosophy and Theology. and how it informs our conception of See the Postgraduate Coursework the Kingdom of God,” said James. Guide for details.


MASTER OF THEOLOGY MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Duration: Two years full-time or the Duration: One and a half years full-time or Duration: Three years full-time or the equivalent part-time the equivalent part-time equivalent part-time Admission requirements: Admission requirements: Admission requirements: An Honours or A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent Master’s level degree completed to a high completed to a high standard completed to a high standard standard. Previous research experience is required. Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney Campuses: Fremantle, Sydney

As a Catholic university, Note Dame Students have the opportunity to Candidates in the degrees of Doctor of is committed to the important role contribute to the exploration and Philosophy develop robust knowledge played by theology in the search for a communication of researched inquiry about areas of research that are key synthesis of knowledge as well as in about the reality of the world, knowable to inquiry within a Catholic university. the dialogue between faith and reason. by reason (philosophy); or, building Key areas of research are oriented by on that philosophical knowledge, The Master of Theology provides an the conviction that “Without in any way the implications of the Church’s opportunity to research the quest by neglecting the acquisition of useful role of faith, through Scripture and the Church to understand the role knowledge, a Catholic university is Tradition. Research students employ of faith in history and to carry out distinguished by its free search for the contemporary scholarship in pursuit of research of enduring signifi cance whole truth about nature, man and fundamental questions explored within with the context of contemporary God”. (Ex Corde Ecclesiae, 4). This their respective disciplines. scholarship, using authentic methods can be completed in the disciplines of of interpretation. This can be completed in the Philosophy or Theology. disciplines of Philosophy or Theology.

*RTP: Research Training Program. Domestic applicants are eligible for fee remission as part of the Australian Government’s Research Training Program (RTP). International applicants may apply for a fee-offset on a competitive basis.


46 Notre Dame Research Guide SCHOOL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY


Apply direct 47 Research programs within Notre Dame’s School of Physiotherapy provide opportunities to pursue advancement of knowledge, research skills and intellectual inquiry that can contribute to evidence-based health care in the community.

School of Physiotherapy research RESEARCH FOCUS degrees build on a solid background The School has developed a strength provided in the undergraduate and in research in the pain sciences, postgraduate programs in the sciences, particularly in musculoskeletal with a focus on ethical decision-making physiotherapy, and inclusive of acute and clinical reasoning. and chronic pain management, from Students have access to experienced areas as diverse as burns and nerve supervisors and are supported by other lesions. The School also has active staff within the School who are invested researchers in the following areas: in academic achievement. They are › aged care and falls prevention; also part of a School that has one of › burns clinical research with a focus the highest rates of teaching quality and on swelling management and student support in Australia. exercise therapy; HIGHER DEGREES BY › cardiorespiratory physiotherapy BURN RECOVERY (both adult and paediatric); RESEARCH: IMPROVED BY WATER › chronic low back pain and the COOLING: STUDY › Master of Philosophy development and testing of While water cooling has long been › Master of Science treatment approaches; acknowledged as effective fi rst aid › Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) › clinical education; and for burns survivors, a landmark › Doctor of Physiotherapy Research › neurosciences related to study has shown that the duration physiotherapy. of the water cooling treatment is the key to signifi cantly reducing the BURN AND TRAUMA necessity for admission to intensive REHABILITATION care and the likelihood of surgery. A postgraduate degree in Burn & “Providing 20 to 25 minutes of Trauma Rehabilitation is offered at water cooling in the fi rst three the Graduate Certifi cate, Graduate hours after acute burn injury should Diploma and Master’s levels at Notre be a required standard by pre- Dame’s Fremantle Campus. hospital and hospital health care It is designed for a broad range of health providers and a specifi c education care professionals working across the point in community burn injury wide spectrum of burn and trauma minimisation campaigns,” said rehabilitation environments, or those Associate Professor Dale Edgar aspiring to such positions. The program is who conducted the study. designed to equip people with expertise “Adopting appropriate water to make a positive impact from the fi rst cooling treatment can deliver a 13 moment they touch a patient after injury to percent reduction in the need for minimise scarring in mind and body, and surgery and a 48 percent reduction ultimately, enhance post-injury outcomes. in the risk of admission to intensive For more information, please refer to the care,” said Associate Professor Postgraduate Coursework Guide. Edgar who heads Notre Dame’s Burn Injury Research Node at the School of Physiotherapy.

48 Notre Dame Research Guide PHYSIOTHERAPY


MASTER OF SCIENCE MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PHD) Duration: Two years full-time or the Duration: One and a half years full-time or Duration: Three years full-time or the equivalent part-time the equivalent part-time equivalent part-time Admission requirements: Admission requirements: Admission requirements: An Honours or A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent Master’s level degree, completed to a high completed to a high standard completed to a high standard standard. Previous research experience is required. Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Loan Scheme: RTP* Campus: Fremantle Campus: Fremantle Campus: Fremantle The Master of Science aims to expand The Master of Philosophy is an ideal knowledge, research skills and pathway to expand knowledge, The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a intellectual inquiry, culminating in a research skills and intellectual inquiry thesis-based research degree and research thesis within which students within a broad and multidisciplinary is expected to be an advanced- demonstrate their capacity to conceive, context. The degree has a mix of level investigation into a signifi cant design and complete independent yet coursework to enhance knowledge question, problem or phenomenon. supervised research. and research training, as required, and The thesis submitted will present a a research dissertation within which systematic, written presentation of a student demonstrates the capacity the results of study, investigation and to conceive, design and complete research that makes a substantial PHYSIOTHERAPY RESEARCH independent yet supervised research. and original contribution to the body of knowledge in its fi eld. The fi eld DOCTOR OF PHYSIOTHERAPY RESEARCH of research within Physiotherapy is Duration: Three years full-time or the developed in consultation with staff equivalent part-time within the School. Where appropriate, Admission requirements: An Honours or the project may involve support and Master’s level degree, completed to a high standard. Previous research experience, supervision from other Schools within and at least three years professional the University. experience are required for the professional doctorate. Loan Scheme: RTP* Campus: Fremantle

The Doctor of Physiotherapy Research fi ts within the category of a professional doctoral degree and, as a research *RTP: Research Training Program. degree, is suitable for those who aspire Domestic applicants are eligible to the highest academic achievement for fee remission as part of the with a particular emphasis within the Australian Government’s Research context of professional practice. The Training Program (RTP). International Doctor of Physiotherapy Research applicants may apply for a fee-offset provides an extension of research on a competitive basis. training and is likely, through a research thesis, to examine crucial issues and developments within the profession. FIND OUT MORE NOTREDAME.EDU.AU


Improving health outcomes, quality of life


Peer education was the key to achieving a significant reduction in the incidence of falls, underpinned by two key initiatives which provided the basis for evaluation by Project teams: Jacqui Francis-Coad and Professor Max Bulsara. A large community event – a World Café – involved more than 70 older people in Western Australia in a discussion on options for promoting falls prevention. The peer-led program which flowed from the event, and was evaluated by the project’s community team, was found to be effective in significantly raising knowledge and intention to engage in individual falls prevention action plans. The project’s residential care team implemented and evaluated a Community of Practice (CoP) model within the health context of residential aged care facilities. This has led to the successful translation of more evidence-based care into clinical practice. Two PhD students and a researcher were appointed to support the project which culminated in a major Falls Event for WA health professionals, with an international speaker presenting the latest findings on Hospital Falls Prevention. In addition, an international partnership was established between Swansea (in the United Kingdom) and WA with elements of the WA project replicated in Swansea, resulting in joint presentations and publications. Project achievements included 27 publications – among them the prestigious Lancet journal, successful funding applications – including a National Health and Medical Research Council Project grant and presentations at more than 40 local, national and international conferences. The Falls Prevention project was collaboration between Notre Dame, Curtin, UWA, Injury Control Council of Western Australia and Brightwater Care Group.

50 Notre Dame Research Guide Institutes for scholarship and research


Apply direct 51 Members of the Nulungu team offer expertise and skills in the following fi elds: › Indigenous engagement and consultation through the valuing of community-based Indigenous knowledge; › social and cultural research and planning, particularly in Indigenous governance, capacity building and community infrastructure needs; › Aboriginal cultural heritage, archaeology and community NULUNGU RESEARCH INSTITUTE IS A histories; KIMBERLEY-BASED ORGANISATION › Caring for Country (cultural and natural resource COMPRISING ABORIGINAL AND NON- management) with an emphasis on Indigenous sustainable ABORIGINAL RESEARCHERS, EACH WITH development, cultural security and enterprise innovation; EXTENSIVE PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL › urban development with an emphasis on local and state government service delivery models and land tenure, land KNOWLEDGE. access, and land use arrangements; › education and training including primary, secondary, and Located in Broome, Nulungu provides an Indigenous research tertiary sector provision including vocational education and and academic focus for the entire University – including the training (VET) and higher education; and Notre Dame Fremantle and Sydney Campuses – and operates › health and wellbeing, particularly in community health, social at local, regional, national and international levels. and emotional wellbeing, and health service delivery models, Nulungu encourages the pursuit of excellence in research and policy. through valuing community-based Indigenous knowledge. Nulungu’s research expertise covers a wide range of THE NULUNGU WAY – ‘RIGHT PEOPLE, RIGHT disciplines but has particular focus on three core research COUNTRY, RIGHT WAY’ themes: Country (land, saltwater, freshwater, and desert); The Nulungu Way guides how we work. It is founded in Health and Wellbeing; and Education. Kimberley Aboriginal traditions of respect and recognition A key feature of Nulungu’s research profi le is its collaboration of ownership of Country, Indigenous knowledge, continuing with national and international academic institutions, teaching cultural practice and well defi ned cultural governance. The and research communities, government and industry, all Nulungu Way respects traditions of the past that underpin within an Indigenous context. Nulungu has demonstrated the contemporary community actions to create a better future for capacity to establish and maintain successful engagement the people of the Kimberley and beyond. across disciplines and professional fi elds, secure funding from a range of sources, and complete projects of relevance and OUR PROJECTS priority to the Indigenous community. Examples of Nulungu-led research in the Kimberley region For more information, including include to following: current research projects visit: › Reciprocal Accountability and Public Value in Aboriginal Organisations (Australian Research Council (ARC) WHY STUDY WITH NULUNGU? funded project); › Ranger training evaluation; › Kimberley-based research is greatly needed to address › Healthy skins in Kimberley communities; critical social problems and social inequities. You can really › Juvenile justice initiatives; make a difference in the world. › Aboriginal communities histories; › Our Broome Campus has a focus on Aboriginal wellbeing. › Cultural maintenance and transmission; Research in Broome can be culturally diverse, dynamic, › Identifying benefi ts of Aboriginal ranger activities; and exciting and world-leading in outcome and impact. › Managing Aboriginal rock art sites. › Fully supported on-Campus PhD facilities - supervision can be provided locally for most topics. Nationally, Nulungu’s research endeavours include completion of collaborative projects with Flinders University and four ABOUT US other universities on an ARC-funded research project titled, ‘The archaeology of the Queensland Native Mounted Police’. The underlying approach of Nulungu’s research program is Nulungu also completed a project with Southern Cross ‘Right People, Right Country, Right Way’, which positions University and Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Indigenous people and communities at the centre of our Education that examined the Transition of Aboriginal and Torres research endeavours and ensures that community-based Strait Islander Students into Higher Education. Indigenous knowledge is recognised and valued.

52 Notre Dame Research Guide RESEARCH MATTERS

The Knowledge partnership


Two projects – The Evaluation of the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre Cultural Governance Program and Evaluation of the Karajarri Ranger Education Program were based out of The Nulungu Research Institute and Anna Dwyer and Dr Kathryn Thorburn from Nulungu Research undertaken by three appointed research staff and a PhD student. A third Institute, with Lorna Kelley (centre), project, Living on the Reserve, was based out of the Broome township. discussing a 1971 aerial photograph A fourth project, aimed at developing better policies to enhance Aboriginal of the town of Broome for the ‘Living on the Reserve’ project. wellbeing, centred on an investigation of cultural and corporate governance frameworks and operations across Australia. This led to a three-year Australian Research Council-funded grant entitled: Reciprocal accountability and public value in Aboriginal organisations, which investigated high value products and services produced by Aboriginal organisations and will shape new ways of reporting that accurately reflect the value of this work. Project outputs include 26 journal publications, six competitive grants including an Australian Research Council Discovery grant and nine research contracts. As well as research outcomes, there were a number of other achievements including the development and staging of two, three-day Aboriginal Researcher professional development courses and The Nulungu Publication Series, a peer-reviewed electronic publication designed to make Kimberley research more accessible to the wider community. The Collaborative Research Network (CRN) enabled Nulungu to make a valuable contribution towards broadening the research and policy agenda by valuing and foregrounding the different applications of culture for improved Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing outcomes. Collaborative partners: The Kimberley Institute, the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (CAEPR) at ANU and Aboriginal organisations and communities in the Kimberley.

Apply direct 53 The objectives of the Institute are as follows: Institute for Health Research › to further the Objects of the University and recognise that The University of Notre Dame Australia the human person is a unity of body and soul, that health is fundamental to a person’s total wellbeing, and that our commitment to health is made in a spirit of compassion and AS ONE OF THREE INSTITUTES ESTABLISHED BY solidarity with all people; THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME AUSTRALIA › to promote the productivity, quality and profi le of health- TO PROVIDE LEADERSHIP IN COLLABORATIVE related research at Notre Dame; RESEARCH INITIATIVES, THE INSTIT UTE FOR › to promote research that improves the health and wellbeing of people and communities, particularly those in great need; and HEALTH RESEARCH (IHR) IS LOCATED ON THE › to foster interdisciplinary scholarship in health and medical FREMANTLE CAMPUS. research; Drawing on the clinical expertise within the Schools of Health › to support health-related research to enhance the learning Sciences, Medicine, Nursing & Midwifery and Physiotherapy, opportunities for students; and the IHR seeks to facilitate and promote health-related research › to promote and support academics in conducting health- at a postgraduate level. related research within and between academic Schools. The IHR also seeks to foster interdisciplinary, cross-Campus and cross-institutional research partnerships that support OUR PROJECTS government policy and clinical practice. These aim to improve Some of the areas our staff and researchers are currently outcomes for: involved in include the following: › individuals (mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing); › breast and gynaecological cancers; › communities; and › burn and trauma management and rehabilitation; › the overall health care system. › falls prevention programs for the elderly; › health needs of the older, homeless woman; For more information, including current research projects visit: › barriers to safety & quality programs and change management projects in a hospital setting; WHY STUDY WITH IHR? › cardiac dysfunction; › pregnancy stress and motor coordination › All IHR academic staff and researchers have health related development in adolescents; and PhDs from a number of disciplines. › pain management through acupuncture. › Under the statistical leadership of world-renowned IHR researchers have been successful in winning numerous biostatistician, Professor Max Bulsara, the IHR provides expert competitive grants and actively publish their results in top advice and direction in quantitative and qualitative statistics. level journals. In the past 12-18 months, IHR researchers have › In addition to strong collaborative links with Notre Dame’s published papers on a variety of subjects in peer-reviewed academic Schools, the IHR also has strong research ties journals such as: with industry-based partners in the primary, acute and aged › European Journal of Ageing care sectors. › The Lancet › Osteoporosis International ABOUT US › International J Gynaecological Cancer › Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal Through interdisciplinary, cross-Campus and external research › Journal of Sports Sciences partnerships, the Institute for Health Research promotes and supports excellence in research that improves the For a full list of publications and featured articles, please visit physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing of people and communities. Based on the Fremantle Campus, the Institute also actively engages in research opportunities on the Broome and Sydney Campuses.

54 Notre Dame Research Guide RESEARCH MATTERS

New frontier in stroke treatment


The peptide-based treatment, administered on-the-spot by paramedics, paves the way for a new frontier in the treatment of stroke and its devastating consequences for more than 60,000 Australians each year. Dr Diego Milani Currently, life-saving stroke treatment can only be administered in hospitals (Image: Perron Institute) which often leads to delays as patients are ferried over long distances to hospital facilities. “The research findings highlight the possibility that a simple injection of a new peptide, composed of the amino acid arginine and administered within 40 minutes of the onset of the stroke could significantly reduce brain damage,” said Dr Milani, who is working on the breakthrough program with researchers from the Perron Institute. “It could be particularly effective in remote and rural areas, providing immediate attention for stroke sufferers who would otherwise have to travel long distances to get hospital treatment. “I hope to one day see the treatment carried in every ambulance in the country as, currently, almost 90 percent of stroke sufferers do not receive any treatment before they get to hospital,” added Dr Milani. Laboratory studies have so far shown no visible side effects to the treatment. Clinical trials, to be conducted in the next few years, will not only assess the effectiveness of the peptide in treating brain injury, but also chronic neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. The only available current treatment for stroke is a drug called tPA, administered alone or in combination with a thrombectomy – a small stent inserted into a blood vessel to open up the flow of blood again – which can only be carried out in a hospital.

Apply direct 55 OUR RESEARCH FOCUS AREAS 1. MORAL THINKING AND PRACTICE The Moral Thinking and Practice research focus area explores foundational topics in moral philosophy and ethics education which are vital to the University’s teaching and research life, BASED ON THE SYDNEY CAMPUS, THE and which form the basis for the IES’s interdisciplinary projects INSTITUTE FOR ETHICS & SOCIETY (IES) IS A on ethics and society. NATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE WITHIN THE The Program has two streams: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME AUSTRALIA. › Moral Philosophy and Moral Cultivation THROUGH OUR RESEARCH, TRAINING AND › Ethics Education for the Professions PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT, WE SEEK TO FOSTER GREATER ETHICAL AWARENESS IN ALL The Moral Philosophy and Moral Cultivation stream seeks to produce excellent research and facilitate international SPHERES OF SOCIAL LIFE. collaborations in the fi eld of moral philosophy and the cultivation of virtue. Our work in this fi eld is informed by the WHY STUDY WITH IES? Catholic intellectual and moral tradition. › Investigate central questions in philosophical The Ethics Education for the Professions stream applies IES ethics, both theoretical and practical. expertise in moral philosophy to the teaching of ethics in › Undertake in-depth exploration of the ethical dimensions of professional domains such as business and education. The IES research in professional disciplines such as health care. also researches practical tools for ethics education and has twice › Pursue a project in one of our research focus hosted and collaborated with Professor Mary Gentile (Darden areas under the direction of an expert. School of Business, University of Virginia), who is the Director of the internationally recognised Giving Voice to Values Curriculum. ABOUT US 2. BIOETHICS AND HEALTHCARE ETHICS Established in 2009 on the Notre Dame Sydney Campus, the The Bioethics and Healthcare Ethics research focus area is Institute for Ethics & Society is a national research institute central to the work of Notre Dame as a Catholic University that within The University of Notre Dame Australia. trains students for the medical and nursing professions. The IES researchers have published their academic work in leading Catholic bioethical tradition is valued for the decision-making publications such as Journal of Moral Philosophy, Journal of framework it provides to practitioners, patients, families and Medical Ethics, Journal of Applied Ethics & Philosophy, Politics, the community in the complex contexts of health care. Religion & Ideology and many more. The IES has won grants from The IES conducts extensive research into issues related to end funding bodies including the Fulbright Commission and the Mary of life care, as well as questions of conscientious objection in Philippa Brazill Foundation, and has collaborated with industry medicine. The IES has published a number of articles in recent partners such as St Vincent’s Hospital and St John of God. years on beginning and end of life issues. In the context of the The IES has also forged successful international partnerships, Australian and international healthcare landscape, IES research hosting academic talks delivered by leading global researchers makes a valuable contribution to public debate in these areas including Candace Vogler (University of Chicago), John and provides a unique voice in the academic literature. Haldane (University of St Andrews), John Finnis (University of 3. RELIGION AND GLOBAL SOCIETY Notre Dame, USA), Robert Audi (University of Notre Dame, The Religion and Global Society research focus area critically USA), William Cavanaugh (DePaul University), Adrian Pabst examines the infl uence of actors, interests, ideas and traditions (University of Kent), Erin Wilson (University of Groningen), of religion in international relations. This is achieved via two Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (Northwestern University) and Mary interconnected research aims: a) the critical analysis of global Gentile (University of Virginia). affairs through the Catholic intellectual tradition; and b) the The IES is passionate about best practice in the teaching of social-scientifi c study of select themes of religion and global ethics and aspires to take a leading role in practical ethics politics. Since 2015, the Religion and Global Society focus education for the professions. We have provided consultancies area of the IES has attracted signifi cant interest from leading and ethics training to external organisations in the public and scholars, institutions and a growing network of research private sectors. The IES is committed to promoting a rigorous candidates. The program coordinates scholarly publications, and open conversation about ethical issues and to sharing the postgraduate research, academic symposia, international resources of the Catholic intellectual tradition in the public square. research collaboration, and public engagement events. It is To this end, the IES has developed the QndA panel series, convened by Associate Professor John Rees. hosting prominent scholars, public intellectuals and community leaders in debates about pressing contemporary subjects.

56 Notre Dame Research Guide RESEARCH MATTERS

Islamic environmentalists rally for climate action


Dr Rosemary Hancock, a lecturer at Notre Dame’s Institute for Ethics & Society, has explored the many ways in which Muslims in the United States and Britain are making a case for environmentalism based on Islamic principles. Her newly launched book – Islamic Environmentalism: Activism in the United States and Great Britain, makes a compelling case for Muslims in Australia to join the cause for environmental conservation. “Islamic environmentalism is under-studied and receives little attention – yet there are Muslims engaged in serious efforts to address climate change and global warming,” said Dr Hancock. “In the UK Islamic leaders are joining a campaign for ‘Green Mosques’, while Muslim activists in the US have set up websites offering resources for preachers to write environment-focused sermons that are grounded in Islamic teaching. “It is because of principles within the Islamic faith that we are witnessing a growing number of Muslim activists making environmentalism a priority in their communities,” she said.

Apply direct 57 We consider the whole person



RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING The University will consider, on an individual basis, requests for prior workplace and life experience to be assessed as a basis for admission into graduate courses.

RESEARCH STUDENTS The selection of any student to undertake a research degree is based on the qualifi cations of the candidate and on advice provided by academic staff who are professionally qualifi ed to deliver the high-quality research supervision demanded by the University. Admission generally requires the following: Master of Philosophy – A Bachelor’s degree completed to a high standard. Master’s by research – A Bachelor’s degree completed to a high standard, a Bachelor’s degree with high level Honours or a coursework Master’s degree with a dissertation component. Professional Doctorate and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – An Honours or Master’s level degree, completed to a high standard. Previous research experience or professional practice may be required. Those students without experience in research methods will be required to address this through coursework.

UNIQUE APPROACH TO UNIVERSITY ADMISSION Notre Dame’s admissions process considers every applicant on an individual basis, which is, like the Notre Dame study experience, focused on the whole person. Research students apply directly to the University for admission. Entry to Notre Dame is based on consideration of a number of factors including the following: › Personal qualities, motivation to study and academic potential; › Contribution to work, church or community life; › Academic record; and › An interview with a member of the academic staff of the University.

The interview provides an opportunity for you to ask questions concerning your chosen course, and the University as a whole. It is also about discussing your interests and motivation to study, and your potential needs while at university.

58 Notre Dame Research Guide

How to complete the application form

1. DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 2. STUDY PREFERENCES 1.1 Previous study at Notre Dame – please tick the box if you 2.1.1 Please state your study preferences. have ever accepted a place and/or enrolled at The University 2.1.2 Please state the research area that you propose to of Notre Dame Australia. If so, please state your Student investigate. Identification Number. 2.1.3 Note whether you have been in contact with a University 1.2 Please print your name clearly in block letters. staff member to discuss intended research. Include the name by which you like to be addressed. If 2.2 Please indicate when you wish to commence your study, your name differs from that on any of your supporting to the Campus you wish to study at, the type of applicant you 2.6 documentation, you are required to provide proof of the are, your mode of study and your study load. change (e.g. marriage certificate or deed poll). Tick the box indicating your gender and print clearly in dd/mm/yyyy format your date of birth. For example, 3 May 1990 is 03051990. 3. ACADEMIC RECORD 1.3 Please print your residential address during the Please state the year that you left school. Please application period. indicate details of your previous study including where 1.4 Please print your notification address during the application you studied, the program you studied, when you period, including your postcode. studied and if it was completed. 1.5 Please state your country of birth. If you were not born in Australia, please state the day, month and year of your arrival 4. RESEARCH BACKGROUND AND PROPOSAL in Australia. Please state the day, month and year when your 4.1 Please indicate if any of your employment involved permanent residency and/or Australian citizenship was granted. significant research work, the results of which can be 1.6 Please tick the appropriate box according to your status. verified by an employer. If yes, please describe. Evidence of citizenship/residency status is required. If you 4.2 Please indicate if any of your study involved significant tick the box ‘Other’ then you are classified as an international research experience, and provide details of completed student and will need to complete a different application form. theses. For an International Student Application Form please contact: 4.3 Please prepare a research background submission, Fremantle Admissions Office including a description of any research projects you have +61 8 9433 0537 undertaken in academic or professional contexts, and [email protected] details of any resulting publications. Additionally, a one 1.7 Please indicate if you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait page statement outlining your planned area of research is Islander background. This information is required by the required. This should include how you plan to undertake Commonwealth Department of Education for statistical the project, and analyse your findings. Where possible, list purposes and will remain confidential. potential supervisors. 1.8 Please state your religion. Notre Dame accepts applications from people of all faiths and no faith at all. While Catholic in its tradition, Notre Dame embraces all persons who support 5. EMERGENCY CONTACT the Objects of the University, regardless of their faith. This The University requires that all students nominate an information is required for statistical purposes only. emergency contact person. This is usually someone who 1.9 Please indicate all languages spoken at home in order of use. is a close relative and/or someone in a position to respond This is for statistical purposes only. to any action which the University deems appropriate in relation to your welfare. Under the provisions of the Privacy 1.10 Please indicate whether you have a disability or medical Act, the University will not reveal any personal information condition. Prospective students who tick this box, and are to any third party, unless required by law or expressly eligible for an offer will be informed of services and support authorised by you. available through the University’s Disability Support Officer. The information you provide here will also be included in data which the University provides to the Australian Government Department of Education. Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected and your personal information will be managed in line with the University’s Privacy Policy. While disclosure is voluntary, if you do not advise the University of your requirements before commencing your studies, there may be a delay in making arrangements to meet your needs.

Apply direct 59

6. FURTHER APPLICANT INFORMATION 8. STATISTICAL INFORMATION (NON-ACADEMIC) Please select all applicable options. 6.1 Church/Community involvement: Please include details of church and/or community involvement (e.g. parish involvement, volunteer work, clubs and sporting teams). 9. SUBMISSION OF YOUR APPLICATION Your application must be sent or delivered to the Admissions 6.2 Notre Dame affiliation: Please indicate if you have any Office. We strongly recommend you deliver your application in affiliation with The University of Notre Dame Australia through person or send it by Registered Mail. staff members, alumni and donors.

6.3 Professional employment history: Please include details Admissions Office, Fremantle of any full-time or part-time paid work which you have The University of Notre Dame Australia completed that is relevant to the course(s) for which you are 21 High Street (PO Box 1225) applying. Applicants for degrees by research are required to Fremantle WA 6959 provide a CV/Resume of their work and past experience. Admissions Office, Sydney 6.4 Leadership/Awards and prizes The University of Notre Dame Australia Please include leadership positions held in school, sport or 140 Broadway, Chippendale NSW community (previous or current). PO Box 944, Broadway NSW 2007 6.5 Referees: Please include two written references and the Please address all enquiries regarding the status of the contact details of referees who are able to comment on application to the Admissions Office: your academic achievement, personal qualities and/or employment history. FREMANTLE 6.6 Personal statement: Attach to the application a personal [email protected] statement of approximately 300 words in length addressing Tel: +61 8 9433 0537 the following: SYDNEY ›› personal qualities and motivation; [email protected] ›› reasons for seeking admission to Notre Dame; what you Tel: +61 2 8204 4430 think Notre Dame has to offer you; and what contribution you think you can make to the Notre Dame community; and Faxed forms will not be accepted. ›› reasons for wishing to pursue the courses of study, outlining Your application will only be processed when the University relevant interests and academic qualities to the course. has received the original signed application form and all 6.7 Curriculum vitae: Please attach a current curriculum required documentation. vitae to the application – optional for Postgraduate Coursework applicants. 10. DECLARATION 6.8 Criminal conviction: Please indicate whether you have been convicted of a criminal offence. This information will be Please complete the declaration, having read all information treated in the strictest of confidence. on the form. Applications will not be processed without a signature and date.

7. DOCUMENTATION Please include with your application the following documentation: ›› research background submission and proposal; ›› personal statement; ›› curriculum vitae; ›› supporting documentation. You may include other relevant documentation to support your application (references, supplementary information etc.). Please do not include more than EIGHT pages of supporting documentation; ›› certified copies of your tertiary studies (another university). The Admissions Office requires certified copies of the final transcripts and awards; and ›› proof of Australian citizenship or residency status (certified copy of citizenship certificate, passport or birth certificate*).

* Birth certificate can only be submitted if born before 20 August 1986. If born after this date, one parent must have been born in Australia to prove Australian citizenship.

60 Notre Dame Research Guide PAGE 1 OF 4 Postgraduate Research Application for Admission

Please tear out before completing. Applicants MUST refer to the application information whilst completing this form. Please use BLOCK/CAPITAL letters, indicate with “N/A” where questions are not applicable and tick boxes where appropriate.

1. Initial applicant information 1.1 Previous Notre Dame study Have you previously been a student at Notre Dame? Yes No If yes, what was your student number?

1.2 Title Surname/Family name First name Second/Middle name

Preferred first name Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Gender Male Female

1.3 Home address

Number and street

Town/Suburb State/Country Postcode

Telephone (home) Telephone (work)

Mobile Email

1.4 Notification address This is the address for all correspondence during the application process. (Write 'as above' if the same as 1.3)

Number and street

Town/Suburb State/Country Postcode

Telephone (home) Telephone (work)

1.5 Please state your country of birth

If you were not born in Australia, please indicate the day, month and year of your arrival in Australia Please state the year permanent residency or Citizenship was granted

1.6 Citizenship and residency status Please tick the appropriate box (Note: Certified copies of evidence of citizenship/residency status must be provided) Australian Citizen Australian Permanent Humanitarian Visa Holder Australian Permanent Resident New Zealand Citizen Diplomatic or consular representative of New Zealand, or the spouse or dependent relative of such a representative Other

If you ticked ‘Other’, you are considered to be an international student and are required to complete a separate application form – do not complete this form. For further details please contact the Fremantle Prospective Students Office on +61 8 9433 0533, [email protected] or the Sydney Prospective Students Office on +61 2 8204 4404, [email protected]

1.7 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background Please tick the appropriate box Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander origin Aboriginal origin Torres Strait Islander origin Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin

1.8 Religion The University of Notre Dame Australia is a Catholic University. We welcome and accept applications from people of all faiths or none at all who understand and respect the Objects of the University. Anglican (Church of England) Baptist Buddhism Catholic (incl. Maronite, Melkite & other Eastern Catholics) Hindu Islam Judaism Lutheran No Religion Orthodox Presbyterian Uniting Church Other

1.9 Languages spoken Please list all languages you speak at home in order of use 1. 2. 3. 4.

1.10 Disability or medical condition Medical/Disability support required? Yes No If yes, please describe

Would you like to receive information on medical/disability support services, equipment and facilities available that may assist you? Yes No

Disclosing this information will not affect your admission to the University.


2. Study preferences 2.1.1 Program details Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) School/Discipline area

Professional Doctorate School/Discipline area

Master’s by Research School/Discipline area

Master of Philosophy School/Discipline area

Other School/Discipline area

2.1.2 Please state the research area that you propose to investigate: Please note that this must be completed before your application can be considered. You are advised to consult the Research Office or the relevant School before completing this section. 2.1.3 Have you contacted an academic staff member at Notre Dame to discuss your intended study project and degree? NB. Applicants are strongly encouraged to do this prior to applying. Name of academic staff member Notre Dame School

2.2 Commencement of study program Semester 2, 2018 Semester 1, 2019 Semester 2, 2019 Semester 1, 2020 2.3 Campus Fremantle Sydney

Coursework and Coursework & Dissertation applicants do not complete this form 2.4 Type of applicant Research PLEASE NOTE please complete the Postgraduate Coursework Application for Admission

2.5 Mode of study Internal External 2.6 Study load Full-time Part-time (0.5)

3. Academic record Years attended Completed? (if no, indicate Name of institution Program title (mm/yy to mm/yy) proposed date of completion) Program type1

1. Course type: RT (Research Thesis), HD (), C&D (Coursework & Dissertation), C (Coursework), B (Bachelor’s), D/C (/Certificate).

4. Background in research 4.1 Did any of your employment involve significant research work, the results of which can be verified by your employer? Yes No If yes, please describe

4.2 Please describe any theses you have successfully completed as part of previous programs Degree name Institution Title of thesis Word length % degree

4.3 Please prepare a research background submission which: › outlines your background in research, which may include details of any publications and/or presentations (approximately one page statement) › proposes your planned area of research (approximately one page statement) › where possible, list potential supervisors of the proposed research.

5. Emergency contact (It is the student’s responsibility to ensure these details are kept current throughout the period of enrolment at the University) This should be a close relative/friend and in a position to respond to any action the University deems appropriate in relation to your welfare.

Name Relationship

Number and street

Town/Suburb State/Country Postcode

Telephone (home) (work) Mobile

6. Further applicant information 6.1 Church/Community involvement Period Organisation Involvement PAGE 3 OF 4

6.2 Notre Dame affiliation – please indicate if you have an affiliation with Notre Dame. Name Years of involvement Type of involvement (e.g. staff member, alumnus)

6.3 Professional employment history – relevant to your proposed research area. Please attach a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (CV) with your application as a summary of your employment history, indicating roles and responsibilities. Date Employer/Organisation Position/Duties/Relevance to proposed study

6.4 Awards and prizes – please list any awards and/or prizes you have received. Year Award or prize Awarding institute/company

6.5 Referees – Please list referees able to provide information of academic achievement, professional work and, if applicable, previous research achievements. Name Telephone Email Nature of professional contact

Work 1 Mobile

Work 2 Mobile

6.6 Personal statement – attach to the application a personal statement of approximately 300 words in length. This is an important part of your application and one that will be considered for its content and expression. Your statement should address your research interests and goals and include an explanation of why you would like to undertake this research at The University of Notre Dame Australia in particular.

6.7 Curriculum vitae – applicants must submit their curriculum vitae, especially if it provides relevant information not covered elsewhere in this application.

6.8 Criminal conviction – please indicate whether you have been convicted of a criminal offence. Yes No This information will be treated in the strictest confidence. You are not obliged by law to disclose any spent convictions as defined in the Spent Convictions Act 1992 (WA)/Criminal Record Act 1991 (NSW). Please note that obtaining a current approved police clearance is a prerequisite for some courses.

6.9 Potential professional mentor (professional doctorate students only) 'Professional mentor' refers to a person from a relevant profession or industry (often within the applicant's workplace) selected on the basis of their ability to serve as a resource for a student enrolled in a professional doctorate. Mentors do not serve as evaluators or judges of research; rather they offer guidance and insight, contribute specialist knowledge and provide a link with an external organisation. Mentors have no specific supervisory responsibilities.

Title Name

Position Organisation

Telephone (home) Email

6.10 Scholarships – do you expect to apply for an externally funded research scholarship? Yes No If yes, please state name of scholarship & awards institution

Are there any special conditions on this scholarship?

Applications for scholarships should be submitted correctly with the form located at

7. Documentation checklist Check that you have included the following documentation with your completed Application Form. Unless stated, inclusion of these documents is a requirement of your application. Research background submission (see section 4) Planned area of research (see section 2.1.2 & 4.3) Personal statement Curriculum Vitae (including a list of your publications) Academic Transcripts – Original or certified copies only. These will not be returned. Proof of Australian citizenship or residency status (certified copy of citizenship certificate, passport or birth certificate*)


All applicants please note: ›› If you submit an incomplete application, or do not include all required documentation, the processing of your application will be delayed until the missing information is received by the University. ›› You may include other RELEVANT documentation that supports your application. ›› Your Application for Admission and other documents should not be bound in files or display folders. ›› Please also note that no original documents will be returned and applications and all related documents will remain the property of The University of Notre Dame Australia. ›› A certified copy is a photocopy that has been signed and dated by an authorised certifying agent (e.g. JP, Principal, postmaster, pharmacist). ›› If you are required to send documents to the University after your original submission, please attach to these documents a cover letter with your name, address and date of birth clearly stated. * Birth certificate can only be submitted if born before 20 August 1986. If born after this date, one parent must have been born in Australia to prove Australian citizenship.

8. Statistical information Where did you hear about postgraduate studies at Notre Dame? Notre Dame academic staff member Notre Dame website/Internet Staff member of another tertiary institute Friend/relative already studying at Notre Dame Expo, Open Day etc. (please state where) Other (please specify)

9. Applications must be sent or delivered to:

Fremantle Campus (Street address) The University of Notre Dame Australia The University of Notre Dame Australia Admissions Office or Admissions Office PO Box 1225 21 High Street, Fremantle Fremantle WA 6959 Telephone: +61 8 9433 0537

Sydney Campus (Street address) The University of Notre Dame Australia The University of Notre Dame Australia Admissions Office or Admissions Office PO Box 944 140 Broadway, Chippendale Broadway NSW 2007 Telephone: +61 2 8204 4430

Please note that posting an application is no guarantee of receipt. We strongly recommend that applicants deliver their application in person or send by registered mail. Applications are not accepted via fax or email. All applications must be received by the Admissions Office.Please DO NOT deliver it to any other Notre Dame School or department.

10. Declaration It is a legal requirement that you sign the Application Form, having read and accepted the declaration below: ›› I have read the Application Form and the Application Guide carefully, in its entirety, and have included the appropriate documentation. ›› I declare that all information included in my application is factually correct and fairly presented. I understand that if any of the information included here is found to be false, the University reserves the right to vary or reverse any decision made in regards to my application or enrolment. I also understand that the University reserves the right to provide details of the false information to other universities or educational institutions or any other authority which the University considers is appropriate to inform. ›› I am aware that most courses available are offered on a fee-paying basis. ›› I understand that proof of citizenship or permanent residency must be presented to the University. ›› I authorise the University to obtain results information from TISC or School Curriculum and Standards Authority, or Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) and/or any educational institution attended by me currently or in the past. ›› I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that the application is received by the University. ›› Privacy Statement: The information provided in this form will only be used for the administrative or educational purposes of the University, or in accordance with your specific consent. The University will not disclose your personal information to a third party unless required to or permitted by law or where you have consented to the disclosure. Information relating to how the University collects, uses or discloses your personal information and how you may complain about the University’s handling of your personal information is contained in the University’s Privacy Policy at

You have a right to access your personal information that the University holds about you and to seek its correction. If you wish to access your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact the relevant Campus Registrar via email: [email protected] (for Broome / Fremantle students), or [email protected] (for Sydney students) ›› I understand that, should I become a Notre Dame student, the University may inform my secondary school of my course of study.

Applicant’s signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy) 05/2018 Notre Dame FA

1 MY DEGREE WAS COMPLETED MORE THAN 5 WHAT DOES CERTIFIED COPY MEAN? 10 YEARS AGO. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? A certified copy is a photocopy of an original document A previous university degree will meet the entry requirements that has been sighted, stamped and signed by a certifying agent. for most courses. Degrees which have been awarded more than The people who can do this include Justices of the Peace, 10 years prior to the date of enrolment will not be considered for accountants, teachers, school/college principals, doctors, advanced standing but may meet academic entry requirements. postmasters and pharmacists. All copies of transcripts and official documents accompanying an application must be certified. SHOULD I PROVIDE MY DEGREE Alternatively, members of the Notre Dame Admissions Office can 2 CERTIFICATE OR TRANSCRIPTS OF STUDY? verify your documents for admission purposes only. When applying to the University, it is essential that we see the results of previous study (the transcript) and the certificate of 6 CAN I DEFER AND IF SO, FOR HOW LONG? completion. It should be stated on the degree transcript that the Yes, you can defer your place in most courses for up to degree is complete. If this is not stated, a certified copy of the 12 months. Complete the Request for Deferred Commencement award will be necessary. form outlining the reasons for deferral. You can also take time off during your studies (leave of absence). 3 CAN I APPLY FOR RECOGNITION OF PRIOR No more than four semesters leave of absence over the length of LEARNING (ADVANCED STANDING)? the course is allowed, and all degrees must be completed within certain time limits. Yes, applicants who have successfully completed units at other tertiary or further education institutions in Australia or overseas within the last 10 years may be eligible for Advanced Standing. I AM GOING AWAY DURING THE It is recommended that applicants seeking Advanced Standing 7 ADMISSIONS PROCESS, WHAT CAN I DO? discuss this possibility during their admissions interview. After If you are away and are not able to deal personally with your receiving an offer, applicants should submit an Application for application, you can authorise a person to act on your behalf. Advanced Standing to the Dean of the relevant School at the time of enrolment. Please complete the Authorisation to Act on your behalf form at the back of this guide. This is particularly important in regard to acceptance of your offer. I HAVE INTERNATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS, 4 BUT AM APPLYING AS A DOMESTIC STUDENT. WHAT DO I DO? Complete a domestic student application form and include certified copies of your international qualifications. If your qualifications are in a language other than English, you must have your qualification translated and provide the Admissions Office with certified copies of the translation and qualification or award. This translation must be transcribed and stamped by a National Accreditation Authority of Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) certified translator. You must also provide the Admissions Office with certified copies of the translation and originals of the qualification or award.

DISCLAIMER – © 2018 | Under the Higher Education Support Act (2003), The University of Notre Dame Australia is obliged to provide students with a course assurance arrangement. Details of this arrangement are outlined on the University’s web page. The information in this guide is correct at the time of printing but may be subject to change. Applicants are strongly advised to contact the University and check the University website for current information. The University reserves the right to withdraw, alter or vary any course, unit of study, course content, assessment method or tuition fee that it offers or to vary course arrangements or impose limitations on enrolment. The University has obtained accreditation information in this guide from professional bodies offering accreditation for registration into a profession. Applicants are strongly advised to obtain current accreditation information by contacting the University, checking the University website and contacting professional bodies. The University of Notre Dame Australia will not be liable to you or to any other person for any loss or damage (including direct, consequential or economic loss or damage) however caused, including by negligence or otherwise, which may result directly or indirectly from or the use of, or reliance upon, this guide. APPLY DIRECT NOTREDAME.EDU.AU

Fremantle Campus 19 Mouat Street (PO Box 1225), Fremantle WA 6959 Tel: 08 9433 0533 | Email: [email protected]

Sydney Campus 140 Broadway, (PO Box 944), Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 8204 4404 | Email: [email protected]

Fremantle Broome Sydney Join our online community