•,/'" S ' I. ti' »•* '»("•'•: V , • Jüüd 'jjii J it Jim". « i' 'ìi-.mìi.' -, , , , ¡ , i olii aoob.orlw lo 8«'.<¡ti-u;;:t!'; .t>'-'.M ;itK 1

.'I! 'ON'iO "X •j^MbitoUciocI'"' • n' $2.50,,payable in,adyance.


,7 , n....j i f "'•Si1--"«'* T«*t '"Pen^VnaV to-fefe CbArtsjte»

ldOTto 1 SUDDENLY AT SUGAR LAKE Two JHqiísaníl,;W^.^ ,^^-ft^.\^c u • éd' atCeremony in Saturday for Annual Farmer*'^Event-rTriaL of bcrub Bull-Sports Ornish Amusement ^ Thinning De• ' Hon.!^ J. M. Robinson - Purchased : Land 'From ~ Late « George monstrations and Diseases of Potatoes Dealt With., •The new Canadian Northern in Report—Conservatives 'to Move Vote of Censure Diesel boat,'fPentowna" which will oni Present Minister in Hòusé--—Àction Foresha^doWca -ply'between 'Kelowna and '.Pentlc- Summerland—Deceased Was Present at Old-Timer's M.i-^itiii^ Suinimerlaifd ton,£callin'g at all thevintermediate Against Bisaillon. i 'Experimental'Farm >picnic\bn-Satra points, and operated by the Okan•

! ogan "Lake .Boat iCompahy, -will be. beyond ••>.. the ^anticipations ^of -the ? committees/dn:>x5n'arge;^w::Thereh'w:ere launched Ktomorrowj/inoon. tat A Kel-- (Special Despatch to the Review) Old residents of'Sumrnerland-v/ere'shocked to-hear;;of the at Tea's't three hundred more .pe'6ple:in''att'endance -than at the'-picnic fownasl While the exact: nature j of;. ' Ottawa;-* j une, ', i 8.- ^ .The'custom's probe committee ! sudden ideath: last vThursday; 'at Sugar Lake,;'df &edrge':NeviI last year.'It- is-prpbab^ there :the^ceremonies nave not been?,an- brought in its report today,'making.sweeping recommend^ ' noune'e'd, it iis*Understood:'ithati the; been^suchi a fgood, turn-out.- inew boat'.will.; be rchristened; with- atiohs ;of .reorganization,'-' dismissal ,and'suspension.:-iT^ 1 ; .Barclay^asfee, first,frui'tlran'cher on the:;Summ^rran d bjBnc^ls afternbonr''ThevjFarm:"'*was :the" • 'MeccaWfor automobiles-:from the' •the customary;-; bottle niof ' cham« report firids'^hat Hon'. J,;'Bureau, former Minister of Gus-ùi entire' Valley. • pagne. .-f/ni|,-. .!..<'-.>..v'-.i ..-.•.-/ tòms, had,failed ,to appreciate and 'p^òp^'rl'y',disch'arge''tKéy:?'; , ;; Invitations' have been extended • i^e;lan*-for. the^ownisite pf^miperian^ ,V -'• k« .*tv.5'v;.-'.TheHComm^te^s,'.in: chaigeV'headed^by Mr.; John Tait; past'in- responsibilities of -his office;; i^No'^finjiing is jnadeas to:Hc-n:^ to -the reeMresj 'presidents^ of--'.the: ¿1^^^^ Re^iriioh in •Summerlah'd^iay^ei'r, the ispector ior. Summerland^district,-- are 'highly; gratified up'ohj 1 ( ilak,:,suc•• Board-i .of.^Trade; 'and: i'rep'resenta-i 'Mr. .Boivhi,. present' Customs >iMinister,Hbut-;Cohserva1^eK: ! l late MrY'Barclay cess 6£'the picnic; /VMrtr.Hlaijt'u'was^many'fy^rSiragb,- instrAamentaivii >ti ves I of i the i pressu of all -Lower .committee members will movel* a*vote-; of."censure in the: : 1 Okanagah communities.j. A special -twenty,.,years.f'Me,,was:giyena cordial welcome.-by;the presi• prevailing>iipbh.'the-Farm ;*autliorities to adopt the-idea 'of a -summer .House!; ^ invitation has also been extended t dent rofethe* Summerland;Qld^Timeys'*-'. ..,.:::' :i.,-•:'- ipicnic-wheye: grower^ mig^t ! .. ualso-kGjustoms (3ftll.ectór.i.v,WeÌdp^. ; :an,d'•* Custom's,'. iSutveyprl^ 1 ito^Mr."iU; Miv Robinson of i Nara- Association,'.Mr. J, wR.-j.Bro'v^n, .-another' iri'aMnteres^a-ndi'each^year.jshice 'has..''q.e^n J!^8%-.aAtiv e-, va. .help^ii^ j "i ; ,1!« { i mata; 'pioheervof Summerland dis• McLaughlin of Montreal are recommended,- as well as the- .Summer land* pioneer. ,..who..:.has./passed ; 1 1 .to^iassureftanv-r'even!-.!; greaterJHsuccess.' ::r.!t>.|1.-.c,^ T^M .•'¿,,¡¿-•.'¡..1? ,'.wH*w.a-^s'W'V'^ lU',-UOaui.-J'aMu„ — . w trict.'; ;.'f!iV; f--J ic' "''''» idismissal of ..Inspector Cleric; 'Supt+y Giroux,' Preventive' . away., recently., , .^-/i'- • Cruel Action By defen'cei;'>..fJudgeland counsel were duly }"»£".'>' Superintendent. Hunter-and'the..farm J ! : It is expected thatitheunewi boat Officer' r>jiyal, ^Cplljtfctòr Lalndy, ,.pollector, Brpwnlèe "atìd^ ..o TMr|)BaV&^^ for' aVriiy'edj in'Jc'purt| gowris,! while|;tb "give | ; staff'7did -everything»possible>:to; bjoost' ; will be placed: }n operation on a several years; but his' sudden "death on ; -.Cùsto.ins Qfficer, Sawyer. \Conduct,,of! other officers to ;^|v ' Unknown Man the picnic. .-.,)-., .tTie':''''pr,6"cee'din^ 7 -seneduIe > d urIng > the" first week >i n vT^UTSda^j.wa'sf quite,- (Unexpected. .'Thb, 1 Sii- -1 ; >•.>•- ' -i : Mr? -W.-i'Sfe-'-Woodward,; a ^Peyftcton: j investigated. Legal action is .recommended against ihime'diate'. cause' of-death'was 'angina - The Lie'Utenant'Goyernor <] July. The suggested schedule is r- xiiw .aoafcumo barrister,- acted as registrar>;ancC'"Chief : ;! .it pectoris. >Dr.wMorrisn ofr,: of ,•(yesterdayniorninfi 'twherf -Fraser-,- -iii- the; approved-legal mann'erj : • abouti 11:00 a'.mv; .-leave .-Kelowna iGovernori Randolph Bruce; who made ; l ;s rOther^rècommendations include audits distilleries tyhén'-witnesses Jand' ;c'oùnsel were - ap- ' abou'tV>7-: 00 < p.mi and • return from \ ; that- Mr; ^Barclay*'had -been^ dead for theJ'/small't^dog* «Mir^: l - ot a'rfd'VMrat'a n 'eloquent »plea,uponHbehalf.jof,the ,i ! ;^ ^,3;.hV>1:.m»,>i.;.;!^i, fJmCtHL!(pla-uded'.-'fovi'smart -i,\ .r •J'-Ov&Qt,sallies; '-Witnesses '.''.inM.€0Urfe-*:;'':ba-W'ledr.:'-:©hief ;v innr.espect/;of staxes^:etc:j. reorganization vof ,vGustoms .Ere- Hanna was shot down on the main •?, 'PientictottMni^the'ieVening.'.;A;rk'.ri.!^' -some time. '-ir• j--^^.p ; 'forests of 'Canada.' The address was ,weje :swor fnto-t'ell -at;least-pkrt';bf,th'e a 1 It- is understood that thel man- :vèntive'Service -under 'chief with'wide powersi; reorganiza-! George (Neyil: Barclay was born near .stree^.>of^£h>->LoVta^-;v4n>i876 '0and: :inail%iylis'inotUH>hiWd)«Hly.>kilWdianB truth-which should be-nothing bu't^ the iagement ofi the>' Winter. Garden^ < 1 ? ! i- tionóf-appraise was -found flyingiinithe '.middle >"of yond,' the; flower fgardens; : and * was 'at• truth,', and'th^ , :isi ende'avoring .tonsfrt. 4vfas^^^^ r :. : :,;:It;;ÌS,ip th'e.'lroad-';in great'iago'nyi?i."Skip" tendee!' iwftnV~great/ interest." fc^The "di'sr • the'.'entirei;'-satisfaction of^-all. '-Star' cure the maiden trip;:of the boat / ; /pmnsp^o.^ ^:BisaiHoh, formerly-chief-pre veiitj^ -was'*fihally • put. out of his •misery tingiiished "visitor: iwas 'accompaniediby witnesses;-for-the ^prosecution ".were for a pleasure party. . ,. ' u •• cattle; raising/and' his-first destination by:Mr:'phil Scurrah'.- .' his: niece; .'Mis's'-Helen>McKenziejr;and "Messrs. 'R. 'C. Phillipsbn, W. T. Hunt• :A ito-the i attorney, gen eral of'Quebec - for : such r' action as - evi- • : : v er,, and, E.'H. Barton, and for the de-; 1 was ..Calgary.->\x.On iarfiving.at; Montr >Mr.: :and-^Mre;'';-F..vW;':''Peters-';of?'.'Van^ > ( Wheti everything else -fails a pan , .denee warrants:' 'Bisaillon-was th.évchief figure in the coife- H r •.fenceiï- Mctiaerr^eairn,-'»i01ivér'''' 'Bvanë '•-./-real.-^lie^ &he?ird«'iolc(heSRtel -rebellion] couver." ^ generally«learns;„that gopd advertising , :demnation levelled by' Hon.";-,;H;'';H'/'':-1SVevehs,r'who''. brought ! ; , and R.':Harfington;'! :-Silent^witnesses • ;.so he, stayed -for^s^eaRi in: Manitpha!' )^•^'.'Th%'•'•pkaJlagan'sv••ValleyA' 'declared ; ,will keep him' from failure.—Water > were;.'thié^,''prisoher's\^m the charges, against the department. ' ••From::thence he went to the Cowichan the''Lieut>'6ovei!nor,--.'Ms.'an"imitation''of ford Star. , >, • l sister..' , .T , ;. ' : . /.. i . . , . . district on Vancouver Island. -After :'para'disei^?r''alm'pst Tegret;bringing.iniy. J ; : .Prisoner Dejected , . -a'short time?'there-he: canie: to 'the lii'ece» here -as•.• -I, ,-may;< have' "difficulty:| i '£ The l'prisoner.iiooked •;;hïs'i|.pàrt,-r:''-'.He;' iipper/country:'and'purchasedra ranch in tearing her away, from this wonder- t i ? BIG CHERRIES .'»£at Trout: GreekV' on: Okanagan.:'"Lakef ful"^country. :There^^is-nothing: more -hung ; his : head dejectedly- • throughout ; SÜMIERLMÄ v: 'which: is :now''hthe'- thriving municipal. ''beau'tiful';':than^'Okan^ the whole -performance.' His* 'appear- i-ity of Sum'meriand.v,.After:disposing reflecte'd iri-;-marvelloiis. lake, .bordered' .ance .certaihlyrjustifled--the:;statements ••: .of;,, this -iir: 1902,;he purchased :>a 'half .foivAthe:tw,itnesses-.:,of):>the^. prosecution; r Interesting a Lecture! = Given by great fruit orchards. >",- - • .'interest-in. the:Cornwall ranch/.''at.^Ash'' •; "For over thirty, years ;I have lived> ,that::!he-.wàs Jacking in "pep''; and had °OPF.0RTÏ .c,rpftvv:.Awhere.Y,,he;,].^ failing by Jack Logie iri^ "tog iii; tliis wonderful /'country 'ofiBritis-h: . the: nature' ofà cowaîthe» than a+bull.

.health .preventedi.hiin':.from taking .any 'Cblumhia.r-'I have;*learned]"tb love its Even:- v the ; most ,i savage ?, criticism's 'of . . Cabin" '.active., part ink'thei:managemen't bf;the statelyv trees ;',to; ride up -the mountain: -his:perspn failed to.arouse a'gleam of f •• -,••<",, , „ l- Nr,an ch', % h Last., year.,.- he'* went i fo j}Siigar ;yalle"ys " and pick,-beautiful mountain l>interest.dn ','Summeriand Pat's'; eyes, enthusiastic Meeting Is,Conducted Here and Committee • LaKe with his family. " •: "'ff:;' MASONRY HAS GREAT '•6owers..?'!;But.''lHKaveyridde"nis.upv,ib.ese S : 1 but-, continued , in.;this. :offence- regard. ren ; Will, uive Excellent Account .of Themselves at ^hiSi'fl'rst-wife bein'gtthe eldes't daughter ulpusly' "to' a, blafekened, ^ wasted > coun- : ren vv in , viivc lia\.vhw» * »~~—— —7^ Quality of Pack. Reported ; Next Year's Festivalrr-G. W. Cop i t e! Committey ; ; ir:h;e Chair • of—Judger Gornwally^a- former -Lieut.-j; try^the prey-of>fofest-;firesicaused;by .lessi.of (jjudge;;;counselVànd'.'-juryi-'ji'Not ' '' ' " ' * ' " " ~ • ' '-': Best Seen in Market ;.' fGpvernorrof the'provinee:"rHis::wid6w| •'the''carelessness iOf^'sbmehperson. >! iDo ;'e.vên!iw,h.enphis ànuoeences.w^s j. décisif- T man., • This, Year, «. [who,'survives;him,'is also a^da^gBt'dr tene,, to Problems of y ybu .realize 'that'.we-havefalready. lost ;ed^.'did^Pal3^pwJaiiy^:emotibno$-.oth;éx.' ..v-.;r.o£^ Judge; JGonmall^jByy. his first mar-- over sixty' per-ebnt -. of <<,the. s-forest than ;a>desire;>,toc get ibackito.'hisVipas- Growing e'nlhusiaW -f or the Musical I public and high BWo6l8pTeBpebttje^.. itureand y'timothynhay,". the .much de- uvjiun-i^b.v"^-^— s - •. •:.-.' i riagelheHTeaves^fouriisons^ andis by • tble wealth4-our great-potential' asset—of - 'both spoke expressing their interest In his: weekly marketj report .at Cal-. , ? Isecpnd twpN s.ons::,ari,d ,"tw6,da'ughtersf:i Canada?:' •% rt . spised'fbod referred'.to by'counsel for Festival'^ * 'A' Tremendous Loss ;in the.-movement, and..there:is:not.;the l gary^ommissibiie^.i-'ifi ..Gifant^sayB :-, , j , The, funerajj. service; was» conducted •kable. .-d'efence.t/^A^sampleviofothe'i.stylei'u 1 |.pnlv'Sipdà^^xèning, ,jJune Ï3th, à "Last year wè had'S'ome-'remarî rslightest' doubt 'that' Suinmerland ,The weather this .week has been un• ;by Archdeacon" Green 'ofVKelowna -at| lecture ;rô^^^>|39^^^ë;î^'^re^' bonfires. We'burned one million-five in\'the w cro'ss-^.iexaminationo jnajnbe ^ 5^:^001 pn^ednes- .S's^bbl'fchUdrbn^^ 1 settled,: with 1 strong winds followed by • i j Sugarr>Lake^fin--thexpresence: of somie Masonry'^^'sV^el^ hundred 'thbusand^ acres;' of;--forest, toown-an»toe_following replies made ;T-;-^.;to ato-anw ^?excellent'^cbuiitpof t'tiieiriselves'Jat t twenty, relative's,,*riend's and neigh'-- ;dayiieyeñing¿ J;^ ; slight if rostv:and;-rains;MThe.J only, dam- alti'fiie^togis CabiSSYlTheb^ ifuture cpmpetitipna^. KThough only^one ;m^nsíi!0p¿eipi^ 1 , , age done ^wasitovearlyt s_own^vegetables fbors t - t t1,{ .as-;c;niB,^maJ^i^ |day;wasi|bcaupied |ikn/ i.'Eetfin|g.t.''^r'ougb:' ; > s i ih;< Kelowna;.'•resppqsibi.e;" fprr.;Vh ey,s,üc- the syllabus?;this year;^ it*vwas 5a- .day of the tender sort. . j iye' craft or a-sociâl^rgâ'nizatioh;"but J «rcpnt ¡-sil v jcrowded-with'events,!and it is a cer- ;-was*«oHe^^ „_ ... , „ ' '"''^"''competiiion^receñílyiheÍd •^tairity^ th\t~"t^ _ .-The first"!Bing ^cherries-from.B. -C. ;t.ea^ings,;^1-;^B^^^^ ÖÄS/flSÄ fnV' • ' aounselr^-wfieni'-'v^ ^aa^^^^ol already-Udisçussinfriext»>yeaf*when'Ag ^ rai:rived..ila'st rFridayjc^,ftpm'.:^.iOsoyi)qSi,:;..-'.':..; Hous&ÏUivïUesïOn distpctly^jr.^ 'doubt jbe" enfarged'' to" include^-rchurch èsf&W&WSô^&îêviiÎ ^Ä'-vTÖsVinoröiig::'^ They sold for $4.00 per • crate f.o.b. •^choirs;" choral- societies,- male - quar- shipping, point, the quality of the pack ; ^tettesgand'adult s:olo wprk.iniaddition ; uâl^^'p#lé^gë;:bï'plâ^ ib'ejngVeaual*to.-.the-ibest; seen- on; the. - Ç fto the .iienis ••which>'''..jroreV:prea§nted: -than ffîe;phy^câl^ ^wMe Rbm?^aîbS »tionifrpm;^^ : pf^t^'HfaMlb.:^ this' ye.ar.^ --'fif-i •' if*? ••-remarket;^this year... Theyiwere shipped .' mMêrnlffscien^ • SnÄttrt*flnS-?w"¿- w :desiräble^ian&ö»' J/'!|,::t^ \ The* mbeting, which was=fepresided by .the Federated. Orchards .Ltd. to ( 1 ;th|pr^;J4tf^6uld|b"e^ ihPbSìnP:'Ì5F'tìmM?WÌa¥ ^ay." ::;; '-.^r^- ?V,;-v^. ^,^^68^^.^ thenabove^rnentioned pver by Mr.; G. ;W.','Cope, adjourned the Sales Service Ltd. -, i- , \ -. J 1 ïï after'j;he' vfollpwiqg ';;'committee.^had •The low prices ruling heresiastweek: ;: ,, , you^dlS^vS^Kn^ía^ 1 i- ™^*ß Irbould• tèstify^b^ter ;ïf imee'tingc.hàs.àppDinted-itBiloQaUîçpmi ;tháth'aiïnt the:é^pefiti,ohtB'eíltloV.fo. r¿the seatino »of. çl^es^pf^be^ been .^ele'ctedl iJjj.-,; « ' - have resulted in a very limited ship- - • Mriff-'.-Certain iFëatival secretary.wàsfreadi.by.Mr,^ .i. G. W.'Cop'b, chairman; Mrs.'D.'L. J. H. Collins, Conservative, in place bi'the raaji^iàijw.OT'tà 1 ment of strawberries and prices-'have....'o, S™* • • •• --yn^ -, .'.v.' ^ossop, whb alsp,gavbí abhört, buttine of'.:^D/r.,'M^~K«nnedy^'^Proaréssixe', ír 'Sutherland, Miss 'Ruth: Dale, Messrs Daniel,G. . C. Benmbre, T. G firmed considerably. • Advices from • alleged tò 'haV'e' b'éè'n 'ie"àted despTt'e .'sounds -'.which • ; are -.. qbnst'ant^-^on >the Ottawa suggest that the Dumping Act >; election Irregularities, be received and Frank Mossop, secretary 7 /may be.applied against: Missouri ber- • • t by, the house; ^AfteV^a^leniàtliy de j:pii&Jwlïo -$,.Ô£s^ r bate'flhè Jh'óu8e dlvldecfr]' aga!r|8t' , ment.. The human body is a perfect' ries. These berries are sold at auction : :1D3J'foroV,'9pfj ' Majority, '8'again&t ihe elëctpï;cai^tran'sfbrim^: WEATHER REPORT at 1: shipping, point and on Thursday,- • h. « T,hre'e1'Pr'oBre88Ì^C8'-voted higher'plane0£;:isi:'ôn the 5th June, we were- informed that Wbtlon.- , following the "address of the day, cnu- '^ay^,, . - , r ;, For the week ending Tuesday, as .^ith.mb fop dofonco Road Near and at ono end of tho car lookod dull In • coasting', down' Edna avon'iio and ool- boon many organlsiations* oporating n horsos by Mr. W. TI. Hicks and and prosecution gavti very, excelloni l0 color, apparently duo to tho longth of lldod wjtk an auto'mobllo drlvon by under various names, but tho- tradl- tho RWlno by Mr. Gbo. C, ITny. *A ad drosses to jury, and Jungo Holmor f * Turned Turtle' 4 tlmo takon In, loading; otherwise tho C. W! ^icholl,! lit, tho corner of Edna Ions and symbolism have always-per- Kuosfllng contost for a-ptg'B weight pravai a very impartial • summing up. fborrleB looked well,- Anotlior car avenue and. Main streot. At tho tlmo flistod, and it is a comparatively easy s won by Mr. W, 8, MIddloton .agrl- The ..question, of tho fato of Summnr L0CALS10SE Pontloton,. June 17:— ',, wn from Saanlch will bo unloadod here of llio conjsibn:,Mr. Nlchol'B car was matter to trace tho spiritual descent cultural representative at Kblowna, Innd Pat hung in halonce until rha While 'out driving in tholr car last •today (Friday). practically Btb'ppod.- . -> , v -.Uirongli,.-, tho Manlcheans,: 1, Knights whoso guosswas 403%, Just pnenuar final; vo.id.ict of "not;gi.ilty''•• was, de- Thursday ovonlng in company with Hothouso tomatoos from Olcnnagan Tho bicyclo, unable to make tho Templar, IloBlcruoians and Trouba- tor pound loss than tho corroot woight, chu'oil, I'/ Is • understood', tho:verdina throe others, Mr., and Mrs. Geo, Ban- Valloy woro consigned to Calgary tills turn onto Main strool on account o£ aoups to tho Socloty of tho Trowel in ,|o.| pounds. , was• jmanlmoua among tho Jurors.; niot with an unl'ortunato, accldont woek and sold to not tho growor $3,70 its speed, struck tho side of, tho car, tlio 10th contury, and tho modern Tho moBt-amusing and "probably tho ,' It may bo surmlaod that as a roault \. , il li in» I i » m.mm which resulted In sovoro injurlbs to while.,'on-'tho same day tomatoes of hurllng.tho rldor through tho sldo win- Mflsonlo Guild,•which bociimo tho cloak t groally nntlelpntod ovont oC tho of the trial iPat,,mnv b», allowed,to live Mrs. Barr. Tho accldorit took place mofl Were Hampered by the tho samo quality woro sold through flows Into tho intorior. Ho was Bovoro- lor the roa] Voll. of.lBls. , ,i n 'tho "trial by Jury", of "Rum- to a ripe old ago on the farm pis- about one-halt mllo south of tho Ka- ay wA tho brokers to tho trado anil .nottofl. ly cut about tho face and arms, losing ModornFroa Masonry is only the- morland Pat," a bull of good • lineage tni't'H, cvon if hia focil is limited to Absence of Regular lodon turn on tlio main road to Ollvor, tho shipper $4,75. .timothy, hay and nn ocasional food 'Whan'Mir. Barr "turned out to pass an- L A Catcher Vancouver 1 Produce COllBldornb' '"" * """'" ~'— 'nxnrnnnlnn n. irpnntnr anil mnrn i.,,* .nc , mtimi. nnnlffhllv nnnnnvnunstolo.n fron m tho Inr-s, othor. car. Tho bank gavo way and " nnt.nv nf Although tho- woathor during tho tho car.fell down into tho ditch, about concision Children's Sports past woolc has boon somowlmt up- Humporod by tho absonco of tho reg• ton foot, turning ovor as it did so and covor Tlio results of tho children's sports Bottled and somo light showers havo day. Tho boy was rushod to tho lioa- «uuiiw» mm iviuhuoib, wjiu uunm.uio nmusing trmi, wmi• 11.11 um uiimhiiiihu. ular Summorland catcher, Alt,- John. pinning tho occupants undomoath, wore as follows: boon oxporloncod throughout tho coast pltal by Mr. ,T. Lundlo, who'happenod dostlny ofmanklnd and from, behind „,onts of a criminal court, "Summor- Tho oar whom thoy paBsod, not no• Boya undor ton—Colin Borryman, h ton, who Is out of tho gamo for a region, yet It Is a considerable'im• to bbnoav at.tho tlmo, and ho is now tho bcoiiob canyon the thankless task lund Pat" was acquittod of dosorvlng ticing tho accldont, kopt on its course. Douglas Muriltt. tlmo owing, to a rocont accident,, tho provement upon that of pvocodlng reported to bo doing fairly woll. of guiding a humanity which knows tlonth nn a reason fov not showing bin After Homo ilftoon minutes Mr, Barr Girls undor ton—-Mary Powell, Mary local baseball toam loat to Oroylllo by wooks, thorn not and which would probably biuo blood morodooldodly, nnd thoro. succeeded in working his way out and Caldwoll. ' a scoro of six to ilftoon, yostorday Tho strawhorry market; holds fnlrly crucify thorn-It it did, Tho Masonio by - justifying, his oxlstonco and rtght help arrlvod just then in tho shapo of Girls undor Eight—Doroon Vornon, aftornoon on tho Flat diamond'. The ovon at tho $2,25 mark, heavy absorp• Ordop wns foundod by) ono of thoso |,0i propogato his spoelos. passing motorists. With tholr aid tho BYLAW MET Margaret Muriltt. • ' ' tion of borrloB by oannorlon nt fair Musters,, who is known as tho Count ••. Jury Is'Named player regularly, playing- right Hold car was llftod, Nono of tho othors ox- prices being a stabilising Influonoo. nakocisl, and ^wlio still dlrocts tho a Jury of twolvo good men. and truo Boys undor six—Hugh McCutchoon, took tho position of catchor, copt Mrs, Barr sustained any Injuries, Tho fruit Is much /improved ovor tho Ordor from hlH homo In Hungary. , was swovn, not boforo,, liowovor, a .Too Bernard, * ; Tho gamo was a rather good exhi• Mrs, Barr was caught undor tho odgo previous woolc's rocolpta hut 1b yol. WIT|PEFEAT Tho sponkor oxplalnod somothlng of goodly number had boon rojbotod by Girls under.' six—B, Traylor, Isobo bition of ball, though 'fans-declared It of tho car and -sustained Bovoro con• showing tho offocts of rain, tho occult sido of tho lodge work, tho aonnsols for dofonco and prosooutlon, Cafnpboll,. wns'marrod by some poor, decisions of cussion of. tho brain and two broken Tho loonl chorry supply ..still comoa ynrlous dagreos boing symbolic of tho Bbvoral woro charged with being "boof Boya' undor twolvo, throo-loggod— tho umpire during tho first fow in- ribs as woll as cuts and brulsos, Sho from Washington, with somo light Proposal For Howard Lake progress of tho human soul through caltlomon and not knowing anything Ronald McKay and Cameron McGown, nlngfi, Tho, doolHlons woro so mark- was .rushod to tho local hospital and shlpmontH from nearby B. 0, points, life mid after death. Ho expressed about Jorfloys anyway", '.while ITIb Walter Powolt and IT. Mlino. . ndly unfair that Manager Blowott wont I although dangerously Jll at first, Is Reservoir Is Much of the latter 1r showing tho tho opinion that Masonry had a groat Honor tho Lieutenant-Governor wns Girls undor twelve—Laura Nagbl, out Into tho flold to romonRtrato, with I now roportod as resting comfortably. ofl'octa of tho rocont rains nnd, Is bad• Lost part to play In the near future In excused upon ploa of being a "consul- Atolla GrooBO, tho result that Mr, Ward of Pontloton Tho concussion ban now cloarod up, ly Infoototl with brown rot mid poor• bringing a.knowledgo of tho mystorlos options objector." Tho Jumps' panel Boya under fourtoon—Cnmoron Mc• umpired tho. remainder of tho.garrçp, but sho is •sufforlug oonsldorablo pain to tho problems of modern Ufo but a« finally arranged as follows: ly matured." • Shipments- linvo boon Pontloton, Juno-Wi• W Gown, Ronald McKay, .Orovlllo had tho strongest toam, from hor othor injuries, that co-Masonry would bo tho velilolo Capt, J, 0. Dnnwators (foromnn); obsopvod which nro qultn valunlosfl ny a small margin Pontloton cltlzonB Boys under Blxtoon—IT, McGregor, tllnugh as regarda flold play and errors As yot tho Provincial Polloo.havo re• as that organisation included .women 0, a. ITavons, Qoorgo ,T, Frasor, Tlov. and would not pay for picking, packing on Thursday dotoatod a proposal to Bummorlanil had the boat of tho gampi as woll as mon, No one could quos- j, F, Millar, Hon IToy, A. MoLachlan, F. Kotcholl. , ceived no word of tho accldont. or oxprosB chnrgos.. Shipment to mar- conBtruct nn additional Irrigation # Tho locals put up a vory good showing tlon Iho Rubllmo nature of tho toach- d. TO. Bnrpoo, II, ,T. Lbn*r Goo. Dohorty, Girls throo-loggod—Ruth Talt and wator Btorago rosopvolp at Howard ( nt fli'Rt. Orovlllo winning out in tho kot of Biicb stuff can load to nothing ings of the Ordor, but 'oaoh mombor -iq, • TO. Hnrdwlclc, Paul Black and Ira Kothol Nicholson, D, Bernard and Lake, at a cost of $00,000. last fow Innings, Lesilo Could pitch• but losa to tho shipper, must ronliso that It was only tho por- liowlntt, Mr, V, W, >Poters waw flnod Allco MoCall, ' ".' Tho vote wan 148 fop and 104 ed a good gnmo for tho locals. During tho week tho first straight tal to tho •temple, whoroin might bo tot altsonco when called, and sovoral Boys undor Blxtoon, throo-loggod— British Soccer against, with five spoiled ballots, tho A goodly number of fans from Pon• oarlot of California Hlono fniltH arrlv• found tho Anclonl WiHdom, as only in othoPH woro chnllongod for reasons not TIarry Mitchell and Jack Shields, od. majority falling of tho required throe- Walter Powell and Howard, Mllno, ' tloton nnd Orovlllo an woll aB many that wny could lie in vory truth ho- usuallTho y trinhoari d wains apreside law courtd ove, r with Team Victors Now potatooH seem to havo roaoliod flfthfl by four votos. 1 Girls fabo—Loulso Nngel, Allco Mo- local people turned out to" boo tho como, as Riatod in tho old Egytlan dignity **••«by Mr' . It. H, Holmo ^»«1^r of Nicola^ «««, « ,„im, tho bottom for tho tlmo lining, tho Tho dofont ot the bylaw Aoob not «><*•• Call. tusslo, ritual, a Phroo Mosson, n child ot tho a former superintendant of tlio farmi prohibit another bylaw being present• Girls under 10 — Ruth Talt, Ethel (8paolnl wire to ThB, Review) prlc.o changing hut llttlo during tho Light or Hon of tho Sun. Mr, W, TT. TTio.lt», Agassi«, and Mr., F, ed this year, according * to recent Nicholson, O..Blnol(lock, and Suporlntondont TTjin- Vancouver, June 17.—The taurlno week, .' • Quite froquontly after trying to got L, Mitchell, Kelowna, being counsel amondmonts to tho Municipal Act, Tho picnic waa undor tho Joint aus- tor and asBoclatoB wore responsible British Boeoor team, defeated the A slight Increase will ho noticed In in on tho ground floop, a financier finds fop tho proBncutlon and Mr. Cloo, O, The vote was small, town residents, PIcoh of tho Summorland and Trout Lower Mainland, five to one. tho prlco of all grades ot nggB, and n hlmsolf in tho. sub-collar. — Chicago ITny, Kamloopfl, nnd Prof, TTapo, Uni• for tho successful carrying out of tho apparently leaving the decision to tho Crouk Farmers' Institutos, whoso re• slight rniluctlon In.nil linos of poultry. Dally News. versity of , for tho programme orchard Istfl. * spectivo presidents, John Talt and J. THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1926.

|J 'Mpnday^evening ¿3.guest at the>,nome and'' examined, besides': numerous standard quality,fruit at tkg..bpsfyjpos- , iiof./Mri'and .Mrs; .Young.«* \*; smaller,' piecej quite visible to the sible price, regar'dlG^Hfl%Ytwfio^oeA the NEWS naked''eye?. i-.- W. ,, selling. '. .-•', •rwrr?mr>~i I if I'-.'•''Ji". i# • • • •« '•" ' The• black^'sand is, of coursei'being' Mr. Staples. wili,.,.prp.%niy''"b^ here By Our Resident Correspondent kept, as it is bound to be very rich in another, week to see the pdak/fbf the -V,'-'*' t^fe .-...'•.',"•",'.•.. fy:.iU< platinum values] There is an/astoh- strawberry season over beforeyjeaving ' The'cherries are rolling in pretty inshihgly'' small amount of gold in. to take up his new 'Wdrkqff^ha"Okan• Mr. and Mrs. Joe ,'Hackett returned that their breath is not as strong as fast now and in some respects it proportion to .the amount of plati-' agan, with headquarters1 •(probably, at; home on Thursday of last week after that of the bottle. The list of names might be said they '.are rushing'the; num, which can only be accounted Kelowna.- He will-be-' making-fort• having spent several months at Van• and addresses is as follows: CD season. Wie are inclined to say, how-, for by the theory that Mr. Sootheran Enormous Spread of Fruit Costs Between British Colum• nightly visits to Creston to give some is operating very close to the source couver. Both have returned enjoying Mallett,- Vancouver; ,'W. Stonow, Van• ever, that Mr. George Dell'must be bia and Great Britain Is Reported—Plenty of Scope supervision to' the operations of the much better health than when. they couver; W. R. Adams; Haney; Andy rushing the cherries since it is re• of the platinum deposits. The ap• Creston Growers Limited, of which he, left. Muir, Ladner; Blair Kerr, Trail; G. F. ported that he has brought in some' pearance of the platinum he has re• for Improvement. is managing'dlrectoi*. F. V. Staples, # * ,.... Reiman, Trail. Bings ready for shipping, and large covered so far backs this theory up, a brother, will be in' charge of the as it looks rough and uneven, just as The regular monthly meeting of the ones at thatN A. R AM AT A London, June: 12.—The net return MORE PROOF. THAT Creston growers. . \ ' Another dance under the auspices though it had been broken away, from •• eagles, reading of the minutes, the hearing of social on Friday evening'in the base• being taken by Mr. G. W. Weaver of port are being published; from day to places on the North American contin• tain platinum. Olivine Mountain :on which also have to be fought when the treasurer's report and the atten• ment of the church. •Penticton. day. '...v Owing to the difference in dis• ent, as wellas British Guiana, \?111 be the south and Grasshopper Mountain tance, the Nova' Scotia grower gets sheep farming, crows have.just killed tion to correspondence and other mat• * * ». • on the north, tower up several thous• two cents instead of three'., The rate Severnl autos and a truck conveyed 10% per cent of the ultimate price.'.' five of my lambs by piercing".the skull of postage to Great "Britain'and all ters of business, the following pro• Lieut.-Gov. R. Randolph Bruce was and feet above the river bed. 'Mr. gram was enjoyed' by all present: quite a number of Peachlanders to the Much of the work; of the committee and eating the brains." These fiyeJ other places within the British Empire a iNaramata visitor on Monday after• Sootheran showed the party over his Recitation, Mrs. Somerville; duet, annual picniu held at-the Summerlaud, was devoted to investigation of dis• were killed in two days in spite of all (excepting North American points and noon, making a special trip up to re• workings,, and while some of the Billy,, and Ronald Follett; reading, Experimental Farm on Saturday last- ground shows evidences of having tribution costs. .-The first report show• that I could do." • This appears to British Guiana) will be three cents in• new his old acquaintance with Mr. Mrs. Keating; song; Miss Doris Weather • conditions were favorable jbeen worked before just aboveiwhere ed that' the; consumer,.;paid twice as settle the question as to whether or stead of four. , and Mrs. J. M. Robinson. He was Crooks; reading, Mrs. Dryden; song, and a very pleasant outing was en• he is at present, there is no indica• much for Empire fruit as the first. pur• not crows kill lambs. accompanied' by his niece, Miss Mc- Mrs. Jones. . . • joyed by all. tion that Mr. Sootheran is not work• chaser in Britain'., '' Dr. Felix Adler told a New York * * * Kenzie, Mr. Cleland his secretary, and ing on-virgin ground . Plenty of Scope for Improvement audience that he considered .the Ten . As one of the members of the Insti• Mr. Gwyer of. Penticton. The party tute is shortly leaving Peachland, in ' Miss, 33. Wilson returned to Paach- • Some. people, when they heard • of Sir Alfred Mackinder, chairman of Commandments were outworn. , But land last wt-ok after spending the win• enjoyed afternoon tea on the verandah the big clean-up, got the idea that the committee, now points out that NASH FIRM BUY not by observance.:' Some of them may the person of Mrs. Hyde, the members of the Robinson residence and talked presented her on this occasion with a ter months rn Vancouver Island. - She Mr. Sootheran had run into a spot the spread' between the wholesale and have become' rusty ;throughmon-use, is residing-.with her far'.ior in the cot• over old times in the valley. retail- prices.of British Columbia fruit beautiful little brooch in recognition * * •*..'•.• where some platinum • had been but they do. not get a chance to be• tage °o"nu:vly occupl'M by Mr. and in Britain was JL24 per cent; of -Nova of her faithful services to the Insti• Deputy Assessor J. Kerr has been thrown ,away in former years: when EVERYWHERE come outworn. •— Kingston British tute. After the .presentation all .join• Mrs. flunter. visiting the ranches the past platinum had little, or novalue and .Scotia barrelled apples,vl00-to 200 per Whig'.' ' gold only was what , miner's iWeirel pecent!r cen, ant d of Jaffa oranges 50 to. 290 ed in singing "For She's a Jolly Good few days, gathering information con• The wise, man is known by the way Fellow." The ladies were called on to The '.acVies of the Lady Orange Ben• cerning conditions generally.- Purchasing Not to Be Con• he spends * the' daylight he saves. — evolent Association held their regular after. . But • several old timers, who There is ample scope for private report for refreshment requirements were here in'those days::say: that is Worcester Gazette. ^ monthly meeting on Monday evening Mr. E. C. Clarke of iPenticton has enterprises': to make economies in disr fined to Any Shipper for the chicken supper to be held be• hardly possible as the; final separa• last,.putting on degree;.work. been in the Okanagan Securities of• tribution: in Britain." . Sir Alfred .com• tween six and eight on Friday, June, tion of thei gold from the platinum or Group 18th. For roll call each person was fice for several days posting the books ments. ' / .was made in the miners' cabin. or 'The committee's figures, -.however, -FIRE INSURANCE- supposed to answer with a joke, and A .fifteen cent tea was held; at "the of the company. tent and that the platinum would Crestón, Juñe 15.-r-R;B. Staples of these were many and varied. Refresh• Union Church Manse;' on Tuesday, show that there are great'.possibilities hardly be carried back to the dump" to for Canadian-exporters to .extend their Creston, wh ohas accepted the position ments were served by the adies and a afternoon of this week, where' 'quite a A destfructjye fire occurred at Nara• be thrown away. .> of purchasing agent for the Nash in• G. J. COULTER WHITE pleasant evening was .-brought to a number of the residen's of the com• mata, when the residence'of Capt. fruit shipments here. Mr. Sootheran estimated that the terests;-' states: ttiat-vthe -Nash-Syming-: PHONE 536 close when all joined- in singing the munity spent a social half hour or Lutener, the old Niblock estate- prop• -These figures reveal; an increase. in clean-up that day would be three imports from the Dominions from 11 ton;. Co.¿: Limited,;,; has not arranged National Anthem. more, during the/ afternoon vocal erty, was destroyed by. fire,. believed ounces of platinum. He .certainly had to purchase the output of ¡ any of the ... *•••, * * _• solos wer3 rendered by Mrs. Elliott to have, ben^ caused by a sulphur can• per., cent of British, requirements ,in WALTER M. WRIGHT the .greater,,;part of that in the old Okanagan shippers, either independent and Mrs. 'Jones and instrumental solos dle, the loss'including personal effects 1904 to 21 per' cent'in 1924. But. even We have been advised this week of baking - powd.er ,tin ; before the party now, out of - a total; expenditure of or co-operative. •' . Phone 807 1 by'Mrs. Hyde and Miss. Coldham. The totalling in the neighborhood of $10,-. started back,-for Coalmont. a rather novel .find by Mrs. George £48,000,000, not less thanv£38,500,000 -Mr..; Staples stated' further, that the proceeds of the tea go to augment the 000. Mr. A., E. Nasmyth, insurance . He showed the record, of the work 'Jones. On Sunday last,' while spend• ;was imported from outside the British •Nash-Symington Company, had no in• Women's Association treasury. • adjustor, of Vancouver, visited the •done since'.he-started up. for-the .sea• ing a few leisure moments on the cool Empire.' '.The,report strongly urges a tention of confining.their.purchases in ; * " » '•.':•• property today to adjust the 'loss: son. Thirty ounces of; platinum in CANADIAN •of the beach in front of her home, big Empire :effort to replace this for• the OkahagVn to' any, one shipper: or Mrs. Jones happened to see a pecul• Mrs. H. Williams; returp.e.'l home on three weeks! - Nothing like that has group of shippers, nor would, they en• been accomplished in this district.in eign fruit with; Empire-grown ..fruit, ^.sBAOIsfl.C^f; iar shaped bottle which had appar• Monday evening's boat, afiar.' several saying: ter into, an.-undertaking to buy or. mar• recent years. v ket; the; entire: output of any of the ently been washed up on the beach by days spaut in Kelowna" in attendance ' "The" greater part of the fruit now PLATINUM CLAIM Mr. Sootheran's property,'like .that j various Okanaganfrmt; shipping, com• DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY the waves. On picking it up she not• at and assisting wir.h special meet• derived from .foreign countries, with' iced that it was no ordinary'vbottle and ings. ,, -, of the most of the placer claims, and. panies.' ' - . the exception of-grapes and oranges South BRANCH: North on closer examination found that it .. . • *• * * . ••• • leases on the Upper Tulameen. had : • Purchases: of; the company this sea• for winter consumptionmight, in the 10:45 a.m. .... Sicamous- . ... * ...... i,; : .contained a list of names . and ad• Mr. a:id,Mrs.'J3udmore..and daughter been under option to the Prudential 1 son 'will i-un to a áotált.of. about 1500 LÀMEEN not: distant future'; be, derived; from. ll:45.;'a.m. .... Enderby . 5:35 p.m. dresses written on a C.P.R. envelope. moved -hist week : to spend the mid• Trust Company since -last fall, but cars, said 'Mr. Staples,- who - made it British sources.'" " 12:05'a.m...... : Armstrong Si.«.4:3 5 .p.m. It would seem that these names had summer weeks at the cottage owned theoption expired on May ' 1, or : quite.;plain .that., there,;.would be ho Canadian fruit men, if they adopted 21:45 p.m. .4:00 p.m. been put in the bottle, the same tight• by Mr. Stephenson...... •-' •'. • • • thereabouts, so he was free to go to sentiment,in his 'trade relations; .' ' ...'.-•• Vernon .... careful standardization, and-scientific 1:10 p.m. •3:15 p.m. ly corked, and sent afloat lake, * * * A HUGESURPR •work- oh • his ^property after ;,that;date; His. buying policy ".will be to get Okanagan Lndg ontthe packing,, ought ;tobe able to se\l extra 2:30 p.riff the interested parties wondering when Two more cars of box shook has It is likely-.that one large company; —LAKE— •' will handle the majority 'of the leases fine' quality, at ;almbst' any price they and where; if ever, it would be picked recently been received in town, one desired,-and: sellUhe;run of>ordinary, 1:35 p.m. Okanagan : Lndgi 12 ; noon and claims, but whether Mr. Sooth-" ,ä up, and by whom. Mrs.: Jones states for the Rowcliffe house and one for Grant Sootheran Is Clean• ..:.: Kelowna i;::Ä; Iran's property will go in -,with the good quality fruits: at highly profitable 3:55 p.m. 8:50 a.m. that if any of the originals, in the the Union. .• - • ' • • : ing up $1,000 per -rest remains to be seen. • -" ".} price's:. . - Itshould- not ; be';•, forgotten 5:15 p.m/ .... Peachland 7:40 a.m. -matter would like to regain possession iree A :. Interc-oted in Other Properties, ;' that the Britisher^freely-pays 36 cents 6:15 p.m; i-.', Summerland- '.. 6:40. a.m. • of the bottle, they will be welcome to Mr. John Robinson of Westbank was Week Mr_. Sootheran is a comparatively: for one hothouse or wall-grown peach, 6:25-pirn. .... Naramata .... 6:05a.m. call for same-at any time, provided a visitor in town this week, spending booklets young man and has been prospecting and anywhere from ,75 ;cents' to .$1.25 7:35 p.m; .... Pèriticton 5:30. a.m.- BIG DEPOSITS for:aj<^pound of:;grapes,'-with :similar in the Hdistrict, for the past; five. yeare W. H. SNELL . A. M. LESLIE prices* for. luxury; class' fruits of "all oniHe care ^_ ARE INDICATED or so. Besides his placer; property he' G.P.A Vancouver.. Agent,S'land owns ; mineral claims, - upon, one of kinds; and' that the, market,: even: for FRESH BLOOD AND BONE which there is a splendid: showing of, this: class: of "stuff, is almost; unlimited^ feeding of babies Old-Timers. Are Amazed at grey.;, copper, and on another he -.has' ••while there is a huge demand for the will be sent you ^ When in Vancouver put up at a good showing of • asbestos. So'it ordinary equality fruits. ' the Results Being ; looks^as though he is going to be one for the asbind FERTILIZER Obtained of;the most-1 prominent mining men. 'No person ever got a' reputatioÁ, n for Hotel Dunsmuir of the districtMn the near future^ Intelligence'by telling all he knows.— Vancouer's; Newest and Most Coalmont, B. C, June 12.—Con• [••: The wonderful!strike,by.Mr.. Sooth-, Kingston, Standard. , • \ Complete Hotel For Vegetable Gardens and general purposes. eranison the; property known to all; siderable . excitement was. caused - 250 Rooms—100 with throughout the district on June; 2 old timers'- aY the "Dead-Horse" FULL SUPPLY FIELD GRAINS AND SEEDS placer claim;;but it;is}now khown'of- Private Baths when the rumor was passed from EAGLE BRAND mouth to mouth , that • Garnet Sooth• ficially as Placer Lease Number. So European Plan, $1.50 eran .had cleaned up an incredible and"' So. ^rhei.',"- recent placer, ? find Condensed Milk BLEWETT'S FEED STORE amount of platinum . from . a ; '. few .excitement;brings back memories of ";;{.. 1 --.- Jm; day up; >--<•- '' days;; gonie .}'by ./.seve^^old^tiinis^ The Borden'Co., Limited wheelbarrows' of. pay;ydirt from , his ; ; 41 «ñd 415.. ; placer /claim up"ori* 'the'""TuIameen who' are' still wit'hf usj particularly to 4 / Bus meets all Boats river. Platinum is worth from $105 Mr. Walton H^Holme's, Judge' Mur• /[] VANCOUVER ' '».las phy and "JohnnyvAmberty,'1.- who-' all- to $108 an ounce. '',.''. ' Cor.' Dunsmuir ud 'Richerds worked on the "Dead HorseV^ at'vari• TWll & TRANSFER SERVICE On June 4 Mi'. Sootheran,.who is'a ous :,'times. - In fact, Mn Holmes was young man of quiet and unassuming ; one of, a . party, who prospected -and appearance, . walked into the Coal• finally _staked the property for Mr. E.L MILLER, PLUMBER mont .branch' of the Royal Bank,of Let' us meet your friends . Canada : and quietly stated that £ he, W.' J. Thompson, who •. was "a,;brother : at thè boat or train. , • \Call at Simpson & Gowan's for 'wished to-deposit for safe-keeping a in-law ;;jof. Mr. A. ' E; ;House, • Mr your' plumbing -and' steam heating ! few ounces of platinum. It .was a Thompson, rah; a. store';, in Granite work, done by the day at contract IS FAST APPROACHING ! payday'for the employees of the Creek,' but engaged in a little mining We give a first class clos• prices" to- suit each job. Work Coalmont Collieries; and it was not promotion as well. -In 1892 the ed car service, day or done by ft first class plumber and lohg before a fairly large crowd had "Dead Horse" was staked, and a PRE-EMPTIONS ; ;; night at, reasonable prices steam fitter., \ . .-:••..' " - ;•'-.' ' '>•''• • •.'-'-. •'•••' ^ "'..'. • . - " - -.-'••' • ' • -*;' . -y • .' ' *'t ,i . i-.y . gathere-. d to witness the weighing of company composed mostly ; of New 1 1 1 .v,- Vacant, .."'unreserved, v surveyed ; I M I II II X the platinum. The scales used for Westminster men, commenced to op —picnics, . weddings and f' the operation are the: property-of the erate it. A sawmill was .put up to Crown lands' may be pre-empted by , WITH A VIEW TO THE PROSPECTIVE • long . distance' trips by British subjects over' 18 years of • age,, , ;,: .;'. •;•" .••,•>'..•,•••.'.•'. '',•.. ..',•_•*.•';:•.••:.'-'•-.'•.' ;;; .;,.;•':'';;•',..;,.; ,;• .,.,''•:'"';,',;: : ''.-Vi;,..' '•• F: P. Cook estate, and were loaned saw lumber for flumes, cabins, sluice' MAIL SCHEDULE to the bank some years ago in antici• boxes,' etc., but the venture did not ^special. arrangement. and by', aliens'on declaring intention pation of just such a clean-up, which, turn out to be a success; -Little did to become. ^British subjects;,condi• however, took longer to happen'than the then operators think that the de• For the convenience of our readers tional upon residence, occupation and improvement for agricultural pur• was anticipated. It was over this spised "white gold" would one 'day Summerland-Penticton we give below tho time of closing of Large Crop same large set of scales that the late be worth five and ten times the value all mails at the local postoffices, for poses. ,' . . F. P. Cook weighed most of the out• of the yellow gold, 'and that their Daily, Stage System : despatch by boat and train; and also ' v Full information concerning regu• put of gold during the famous Gran• claim would opeday be the means of lations regarding pre-emptions is •:. In all varieties, growers would be well ad• interchange, between the two offices x ite Creek gold rush of 1866, his store focusing the eyes 'of the world upon given in Bulletin No. 1, Land Series, vised to make early arrangements for being situated then and for many the Tulameen as containing what are ,"How, to Pre-empt Land," copies of At SUMMERLAND OFFICE which can be obtained free of,charge , . marketing their fruit. years afterwards at Granite Creek. probably .the world's most important Wood and Coal More Than He Expected reserves af platinum'. For all points North, East and West by addressing the Department of 8 p.m.;. Sunday, 9 p.m. Lands, Victoria, B.C., or to any Gov• '« ' ". i ' . " ' I*, 11 ' ———«. i —. ,Mr. Sootheran stated that accord ing to his weights he had fifteen For Naramata, Penticton, South, ernment Agent. : '. < ounces of platinum, and that he Jiad Similkameen, Boundary and Koot Records will be granted, covering cleaned it up after dumping twenty- ehay — Daily, except Sunday,,-6 only land' suitable for agricultural WherQ You Get VALUE For five barrow loads' of pay dirt into his p.m.' • t purposos and which ' is not timber sluice boxoB. Weights representing For Vancouver and i Victoria—Daily land, i.e., carrying over 5000 board OCCIDENTAL FRUIT COMPANY fifteen ounces 'wore placed in the Your Money! ' except Monday, 11 a.m. i feet per acre west of the Coast pan to balance the platinum, but For West Summerland,.— Daily, ox Range,1 and 8000 foot>per acre east Why do .people trade atStark's? This old established GEO. C. BENMORE, Local Manager when the bar of the scabs was raisod copt Monday, 7:30 a.m. and' 1 of that Range. > - •'• the pan containing the platinum re firm for many years has catered to, the wants of Sum• a.m.; daily, except Sunday, 0 p.m Applications for pre-emptions are fused to raise. It took threo more merland Residents. The very best lines are carried— For Rural. Route—8:00 a.m, daily, to be addressed to , tho Lanu Com• ounce weights to make the bar bal and at ,trjily.fair prices. • It is surely "The Store That pxeopt Sunday. I missioner of the Land Recording Di• nnco perfoctly, Saves You. Money." vision in which the land applied for VERNON GRANITE AND Mr. Sootheran glancod at the AT WEST SUMMERLAND OFFICE is situated, and are mado on printod Oil ' •»•- • Hardware China formB,' copios of which can bo .ob• amazed spectators and quietly ro- f MARBLE COMPANY Tire»! Boots & Shoes .Glassware For Coast, Points — Daily, except tained from the Land Commissioner. mnrkod, "My eyes stuck out too when Monday, 11:30 a.m. Large Stock Quarrying it Cut«Ston« Contractors " panned the first pan in this clean Gasoline Rubbers Stoves Pre-emptions must bo occupiod for For South, North and East — Dally fivo yonrs and improvements made Monumanti, Tombitonai and up.' Auto, Accessories Furniture- Etc., Etc. 5 p.m.' -of General Cemetery Work to valuo of $10 per aero, including Eighteen ounces (troy) of crude For Summerland Office—-Dnily, ex• PRICE ST. VERNON platinum,from twonty-flvo whoolbar clearing and cultivating at loaBt fivo Well Assorted cept Monday,. 11 a.m.; and daily, acres boforo a Crown Grant can be rows of dirt! STARK SUPPLY COMPANY .5 p.m, None o£ tho, old-timors who wit• recolvod. nessed tho woight rogiatorcd by tho For moro dotailod information soo LUMBER scales would havo boliovod it if they the Bulletin "How to' Pro-ompt Land." F. D. COOPER had not been there to verify it witn I.O.O.F. their own oyes. And so tho fine old PURCHASE REAL ESTATE BROKER sot of scales ovor which so many hun• Applications are received for pur• Orders Taken Pouch Orchard, Summerland dreds of ouncos of golddust and nug• THERE ARE REAL FEATURES IN THE NEW Okanagan Lodge Nò. 68 , chase of vacant nnd unroservod gets had passed so many years ago, Crown-lands, not being timborlnnd, Established 1007 Phone 013 onco more camo into its own, and a Moots Second nnd Fourth Tuesday for agricultural purposos; minimum 1 for good many hundred ounces of'n much nt 8.00 p.m, In FroomnsonB Hall prico of first-class (arnblo) land is $5 moro precious metal than gold will W. C. KELLEY, B.A. K. S. IIORg nor ncro, nnd socond-dnas (grazing); pass ovor thorn in tho noar future; it W. J. Beattio land, $2.50 por acre, Furthor infor• CHEVROLET Noblo Grand Roc. Soc'y IVt ElrTT Aull* BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. is boliovod. mation rogarding purchase or lease NOTARY Pay Visit to Claim of Crown lands is given in Bullotln , On Juno 5 tho writer nnd n party No, lOj-Lnnd Sorlos, "Purchnso nnd KETTLE VALLEY RAILWAY 1 FLUMING WEST SUMMERLAND B. C. of friondH paid n visit to tho claim Loaso of Crown Lands, ' 10-6-20 which had yioldod up so much crude TIME TABLE for Spring Delivery platinum. JuBt ono hour from lonvr Fisher Bodies, Duco Finish, Banjo Type Differen• HOMESITE LEASES ing Coalmont by car they stopped Commenclno 8unday, May 16. Unsurvoyod nroas,' not exceeding ELLIOTT & BLOWEY below tho mouth of Eaglo Crook, tial, Velvet Smooth Clutch, Power to Spare 20 acros, may bo lonsod as homositos, which flows into tho Tulnmoon river EASTBOUND conditional upon n dwolling boing BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc from tho north, sovon or olght miles erected in tho first yonr, title being WM. RITCHIE Brakes that Hold No, 12—-Loavo Vnnoouvor dally, 0:G0 103 West Hustings St. from tho town of. Tulnmoon. Until p.m. ' ' r- :. • '. obtnlnnblo nftor rosidorico and lm» this yonr It was impoBslblo to drivo a provomont conditions nro fulfillod West Summerland VANCOUVER, B. C. Loavo Wost Summorland dally 0:80 car,us. fnr ns Knglo Croak, but now, . ASK A CHEVROLET OWNER P.m. , nnd land hna boon survoyod. H. A. Blowey K. M. Elliott thanks to Mr, W. 11. Dornborg and Arrive Nolson dally 10:BB p,m, LEASES . nHsoclutoH, tho road is in process of Connection mndo nt West Sum boing oxtondod from n point four or For grazing nnd Industrial pur• morland with .boat for Kolownn poses, nroas not exceeding 040 ncroa fivo mlloH from Tulnmeon right up and Lako Points. •to tho Summit Camp, twonty-six TOURING, $885.00 mny bo leased by ono porson or iv x COUPE, $1,070.00 company, QUICK—SOMEONE IS WAITING FOR YOU! miles from Tulnmoon. Now ft Is comparatively easy to drive m fnr n» WESTBOUND GRAZING Knglo Crook COACH, $1,075.00 SEDAN, $1,105.00 No, 11—LoavoB Nolson dally.0:05 p,m, Under -tho Grnzing Act tho Prov When the telephone rings, courtesy and efficiency (lo• Mr. Sootheran was discovered I^oavos Wost Summorland dally incp is divided into grazing districts 11:R8 a.m. and tho rnngo ndmlrusterod.under a rn and that it bo promptly answered. To anyone waiting working on his plaeor claim, 000 foot bolow Englo Creek, and Just bolow Arrives Vancouver dally 10:80 p.m. Grnzing Commlssionor, Annual graz• on the tolophone, seconds are long. No person likos to what is known as Champion Crook ing permits nro issued, bnsod on num- be kept waiting. Why keep others waiting? Any call bridge Ho nnd his two nsslstnnts Observation nnd Dining Car Sorvlco bors ranged, priority boing glvon to may bo important. Why neglect any of them? wore donning up tho dirt out of the on all trk!ns established own org. Stock-ownors slulco boxos when tho pnrty arrived may form associations for rnngo mnn- READ'S GARAGE J. W. RUTHERFORD, Agent Every pnn was found to contain n ngomont. Froe, or partially froo THE SUMMERLAND TELEPHONE CO., LTD. O. E. FISHER, Traffic Manager, permits are available for settlors, dozen or no nuggots of platinum largo Penticton enough to bo lifted by tho fingers campora and travellers, up to ton KETTLE VALLEY RAILWAY hona. THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1926.

X , ,, THE SUMMERLAND grades. ' Against the Atlantic cool and showery, without' sufficient u'st about finished thinning. ; •• and vegetation of all kinds is showing rain Ho^ tfe of :i real ''.benefit, t Growing 'Pears have dropped considerably; wonderful growth. Fairly high winds, >o

1 i-» !u til i '.i '. V.V.1 ''"'i'" hfl'? ' li!' •Htíi'iir/v 'i¡!r I ii 11.;1 A ?.'<íii "i;; IvTMîflua 3HT '»(II ''VJ,lí Cj'/z/o >c'.n[ Ií.'jt ïo •>'!/ V n c JI'ííIÍ'V)/; J •i ( Utili .til)2i;n'J i. 1 1 ' • ni>ilnfdMg.Pr • •• - • , • •', ,r -, -, i i .i—_ -r—...... ,—• 1— ;;¡'i ' • 'i" .!.'.." ' !'¡ " ' 'lo «lyiihi/r/íin ; 1 1 lo ím ;> ;r!l , i 1 Mü Jft ,sft shoes. This Vorks^speWaiiyiwfelP'WIth •*Ür>t ' « u'-^i•v^^y>r-'^;/<4 ^^^V''^' í '"'' * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "*i candle grease;":spots:'rPlace-,pieQp-:of brown, wrapping papeF^b'Vei^ gf'ease spot. Hold warm - irorifgvijyffije'^paper. The spot will be, absq^bed;ifl.,ji|is way. . . -4 To prevent new'sbp,q|l-f,qm pinch• ing.; Lay-'a, cloth.moistened :ln hot wa• ter across 'place pressure is'felt. When ocal cloth,[becomes-,cool-.change„,it.- In this way the leather: shapes,itself to the í.'fji'trlí ¡ÍO ^ .Contributions to this column will be gladly, received., If ,yo„u have any fOOt./. ..j. /,-> y",,--' i- RATES FOR CLASSIFIEP, visitors staying at your home, or,!knpwiCof; any friends who-aredeaving for 5 A help to,keep.shoes water proof. a holiday, kindly'phone or write The Jteview.,< <. i* v ADVERTISEMENTS; Rub..beesvwax..or. mutton, suet around , Mr.-H; Lumsden has disposedi;of !a'Sunday" , 'mornin' g an"""d" .rare''.staying;.-a• ~^~> t boots and'shoes.,c (--'• , 6 T.o .preserve kid s.hoes. Rub pa• ^ First insertion, 3. cents «as word portionjof his iPrairie Valley property tbe. home of .,-Mn;and fMrs.,,G...S. >Drew- r ( T-jyo cents a word .^each^ subsequent: rent ' leather.,'shoes .'with:, a: little pet- insertion; minimum charge, 50 cents' but "for 'the present will operate for itt. They-intend remaining-in here roleum"'.'jelly^at'riighjt. ;ii the, morning, for the summer. ; wipe off. shoe's-and polish gently.., ••. - per week.";''ft a ::>.,.:„,.,. :.:/./'the new owner. ~; .... • - :•'• • - - ••—•o_" - " ^ Between 'Paderewskl and Pilsudski ::jIf so desired, advertisers-may.h'ave sr v 'Mrs'. Mancliester. and little daughter Polantf'rias 'found .'a'/c'ou'ple- -of skis replies addressed to a box number, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawkins of "Van• highly useful when the going trough; care of The, Review ! , j For this, service couver .Island ihave^ been visiting: Mrs. are leaving-.Monday.jto return,to: thejr ; -Ottawa'Journ'al: attd 10 cents. "•'' > :•: VW^*:%*W?p;F„ Gartr'eill ,. < home in Ottawa after visiting for a jiiThe Review is not responsible for few weeks with :-';Mrs.; Manchester's ertors in copy5takenpyer,the pbflne. .: The /Ladies' Hospital;Auxiliary will parents','Mr. and Mts. W.'Haiyès. .i>j meet ..Tuesday,; June i22nd, at -'three

' EOR SALE 1 to close an estate, the o'clock, in the United Church,' \ Sum. ^.Missf,F.ish,,,who(,.fpjr..the^ y^êék flClouston property — A well.built merland. '• •has •.••ibeenj ; visiting / with :.;Mivr.and|.Mrsl } I an d well - finished ID-roomed. house Creese, -left- on Wednesday s for .Prince "* Mwith outbuildings, on'10'acres, 7 ••"1 .:in orchard. Price $3500. F. D. Rupert. ' ' . fjjCoopef.~; --' -- " :' - ^2-tf-e tions ,on: awnings, À. J. Beer's ;Shoe Store'. 24-1-c <>,:< »• r i ,' . .1 , • FOR SALE—Ayrshire ,cp^;'gVo'd.3milk' Mr.".-A;• "M: Leslie"lefton'Monday'for The West' Summerland Exchange is Chesley, Ont.,v having:, .received;i word V r - i \rVANTED—Experienced man to work anxious : to purchase second i[;hand of thevdeath -of^-his . Gc.'/White is,(relieving VJRinglin's Bros, circhs.has,decided 'to for 'same. Some good buys can be 'Irihl. !.. • -V,- ..,,^'„•,.'/::• 1 1 "The American Venus" pass Kingston by this,summer/.; P.er- obtained at the Exchange now. ,' 24-ic ..•>'-.• -. !-'.•••' .-vi iU| -jii^i- '-.»; . i :'"-.Ki h1ips the advance agents of the circus -,Missi;M. : Shields''returned.'.'on,:Sâtûr-\vnn ... /With Esther .RaUton found there we're^enough^ clowns .on- eebs "Tlie ?.member.S'.vbf!;: the Summorland ,dayi.fromj yanpouyer.i after;- two; w that city going .about in balloon pants .Band,.apepracticing, ..diligently,; and iholiday- Visiting: ! her .sister ^?Mrs;-::Gi Comedy; "FAIR' WARNING" and glyceriMd hair.-^-Kingston' Stand• T hope, perhaps next fall, to", have Reach• 'Morrison. ' "" 1 - '" 1 ard FABLES AND TOPICS ed a-stage of proficiency which* would .^Lilut.^oyernor R.'Br'uce^who^came ,7:30 & 9:,15 Usual Prices; -5 BARGAIN SALES justify ,the/giving-:^ an-last^Satur^ay'itp] speak at the.|"arm ; : K(l am insjiructe'd to,1 sell the ,three /fe;»: •/I:•:'•:'i:vi::i-- —o—v' ::.- picnic, spent the week-end-as.- the unsold lots/in ^Victoria Gardens1 ";at i. sTtie' fine i packing. house of Walter's guest'of'Major >-and; Mrs: E-^Hutton siiap prices for'quick sale-to close an Limited is -now practically- completed Mon. & Tues., June ¿1 & 22— estate. Any offers will-be considered. and jiruitsis - being received. daily. The Miss;E. Wallock;returned on Thurs4 "An Exchange of Wives" W C, Kellev." " ' ". " - 23-4-c driveway, *now'-allows • truckst'to "come day- from Victoria where she has been ! Mother's Bran Muffins right: up: to.'the receiving door.ii J; attending normal school. ' •,: : - . • With Eleanor Boardman •:•

•^3- egg; ,;4i tablespoons\.of :sugar either; Don'ti-forgefathesdance'to- be con• Mr. McKenzie and the two Misses Comedy "HONEYMOONS" , brown - or . .whites, 2-i CUps of milk; 2: ducted, by .the Summerland Golf: Club McKenzie, of Manilla, New South called: Smith i when you: started'sawing and NEWS • -teaspoons .0ofc-!baking«powder.;-r.:li3-Bteav: : , pn^:'.TuesdayV.'r.June:':'22nd/:.-:to--Empire'' Wales,:;Australia,; spent a}few, days in ! ••spoon-::of';;salfe^~l^cupvof-;-fiouf.;-v.2.:'cup's: and /he:,said: that: hehvould/come to• 7:30 & 9:15 Usual -Prices : of:-bran:;;'i;tablespoon of butter. ' Hall. "Thev;musipi!^iU'»be:.:supplied -by town'during the week as the guests of morrow and,fix it."^ j, - .Methodv.p]ace;.butter. in,muffin tins the Len Davis Orchestra. . The pro- Rev.' and'Mrs. H. A. Solly. They left 'Blow, blow, thou winter wind, thou THE MEANDERINGS OF "MAC" ! ,:;..and...v,.let 'melt;; while ^muffin .tins are ceeds will -be devoted to ;,the furnish• again today. - art nor, so unkind as (wo) man's in• gratitude. Wed. &Thurs., June 23 & 24— heatirigvin'oven.' Beat tiie egg well. Add ings ";pf- the_ club -house at the golf sugar, salt,' flour, baking powder, brari MAC, : ; course. " - • 1'; • • ,, ' .- • ,^:.Mr;,;.6iv,;Harinar Mr. O. Hanna.lefleft'.;on;:'Friday-:for.;'it on Friday-for aa <» asked'.BstSlla ^hen 1 ; ! ' muffin 'tins arid bake.' ' ,'•• ! Summerland residents have a treat party, o"*f friends ' K ' "1 'called to" see her yestCTdaVatter- i r;"Now, ,we're ,ready.. ,for- :'the-••'• final t Shoes ' With John Barrymore ml store for -'Tuesday- and; Wednesday touch,". I, said-with pride, arid ^taking Shoes are-- a nibst important : part Miss Dorothy Garnett arrived home tfioon;>:.'.'••. v:-^v. .,..,„, . òf evenings i.pf^next.; weekj - when .''The u; ;.the;ishelf, il.mpended'jit- and/placed 'it a person's attire, n' fact, I have One show each -night,' 8 o'Clock pi.Thursday from Victoria.twhere she •.->VNo,"v.I,,repUed;-4^BuM.'lai6V.whBre' heard it lsaid many times that "one ' '"* 'MOl'o ' iifl . '-• ' , Thief: of ^Bagdad".., will be s shown, at on the supports.' ^;:. .:.•''-'-,'-.- can; always tell a gentleman by • his Prices 50c and' 25c the Rialto.Theatre.. -The .management has been: attendirigVnormal-'school: :'A'r4 -you. sure: it's-safe: arid strong?"" 1 ; shoes;":Be that;as,at may.vhere.are a •is :'tp\-b,e,; cpngratulated upon, securing jeweller. seUs vmarrjager-licehses'.'as, a asked 'Estelle. '„ ' ' ,, . .. few-hints,as.to the.car.eiof•;shpes:-i-•'.] J this "fine , ^picture, •. for Summerland ., "Why, suret' it' is." r fAnd, to 'prove 1. Keep shoes clean. Always . wipe Coming—June'29>& 30-!— ,. ,- ! f^^KW^W6^ ybu^will,:haver'to>iofger^ my iWorjis^llTeached"«p'! arid r gra'sping ! audiences.'tqTheppieture^needs no re ; lightVcoïored 'srioes/clean with 'a clean > V 31 .J.l il» »Xj i v; til -•>.", : the staff.of the Farm, have,expressed' ing details.'';1"' *.;v ...».* ....„».>..; « the 'edge,': put 'niy-whole., weight^ on it: cloth ''after ! each-'wearing.'. Place:oon commendatiori-^t-has; beenr/received , "Majara The Great" nat trees:;and'.-putr away.icarefully covered J their, appreciatioa-to.The Review-^of ^"^ '%>:'you-:want,^f-^carpenter "THE RAINBOW TRAIL?' with- enthusiasril-,wlieEever ,it -has", been .Bjff! hrr • • ; - -"'": l/ ,,,-;2 ;To .-cleantan.; shoes : .Wash, tan ,V'The Main Who Knows", ,/ 1 5 ( shown. Douglas Fairbanks ; is' i.the the;;act«m.of-the mercharitsMn^osing f^fPride ;goeth-before a fall,v'sbmetimes shoçsv with.; warm?- water,:'and. : castile' Starring Tom Mix and the Wonder -. ..p, versation bapk-'to its original'^course.' This [time the 'roof jcamV with''it: soap.'Let them-dry arid'then/polish' v MAGIC—MYSTERY—COMIC ' "# f'^H,QrseQTpny.?;','-rT'^'' ''';-' 1 ,-,.i..,-',Sj V/fr/sVrambled^up'r^ in-usual way.-'' * t:;o..}'V, ;;(,„. 1 1 IÍIV3- This is a "Zane Grey" story and a debris. Trie nails' -I 'liaid "Sriveri^into ",p3-To, f'remPve greaser,from,-..(Suede' : ; Mrs; G. McMillan arrived on 'Vged tWcwall/'had'-; sequel to "The Riders of tne , , '.Purple Sage" nesday from Vancouver and is a gu^st and%hadr-7n ot'^WM.:the?' securlty^%eyl |} f gu^ran'teed:^^ contributed materiâiiy'in'making;tlie chest to the;.extrenie "danger ^'Ithe', m; ^\^y^: t f-*X -X. ',•> r of Mrs. W. T. Hunter. ' " * ' 1 1 - - 'L'I - '- 'M ' « ^"K'f-.Ä^ Vnnt. "One should-not . "You know/Estelle,"I said,"lb'oliing OKANAGAN MEAT MARKET Also comedy; f'A Flivver;';Vacation'? .picnic suohlanotable.^^^ l --0 , very Jsenous.^-'there , are/' spme;> jobs; ..... •^..^.'•-i .W..i-.:r^.:ii-,~. ... , -- E. C. Addenbroke. Proprietor i tha't 'rie'ed'Sp L 1 i|s,-14r,A'andJ Mrs.:; J. Montgomery f| of i i, i» d)W« !,jrf'-,-,vJ»|,! /pr,f. .!•••,'J \~* "',^ ^»,i-l''. ill > 'i ' f>>.- ••' >Pone- ill^ng^P,: broken: down^ shelveS jofAer^ddDwtSxi^^ 'I Tues.' & Wed., June' 22 & 23-^ Vancouver/who have-been, visitinglvfor to look them overi' before ; sending, for REDUCED PRICES IN FRESH FISH AFTER 8:00 P.M/ a week at the'home of Mr.' and Mrs ^JW^aa^jns^MVed^ Old ^-S;v'^^^tOfoffline. ^Lead me.torthe an,expensive.^orSifian: -..Now^this jo^ We are Showing '• !" r •f -3E-i' *i ir, SATURDAY NIGHTS k r!o -or.", * I Wilson, Experimental .Station,. return^ in.m'y^o^^ion^eaHy needsYthe sery-: ..1. . , v ices of a. ^real carpenter." '*' | ! y .. ed homeiori,Wednesday¡8 train. k! ' ! , e 0 ;! /{ o;; - -i\Tr0o'/To-c.r.«^--i;rr"^"-'''''' - ' i-;o:"Allrtirighfe'theni'follo: w mmee Mac ^VTEaWrmy^opifaioni,^.too,";;saId'-E&t- I returned,:Thurs< Duff.*j -,;r;^„^:;;:;; | v ." ,_^ac elle, ,;,'In -fact,;, L-phoned^-to a man' J 1 "Tlje Jhiefof^Bagdad' ^i^^ ^^°^ r ,0!/'*f ." jV'1 ! iv-n')) il^i'-j) !; ioli f r ^it^;^I^^YC^^e't^A li^le'i tt'Hhi ? The pl6t0re y1>u»elaiT b|e^,;walt. J I ing for^—no use saying more about daughte^'EdithV arrived on 'Wed^epi ; ; Ployed.-in the Forestry .brancU''''' over, and; trying Ito^look- very-profes- -AsiksflennBälmf' I 1 this film as everyone knows the ^ay,'trom';Kiniberley,-.:and 'are/vi8i^ig v l i 1 Ilk I 1 •'•• "' *-''''^>'W:r ^ji^iJ^ :^ '^^ 5' ^ >Piclied:;out:-a: l , nièr.'.fòotrule, arid¡ a Jiaridful of; main "actor, Douglas Fairbanks ,! and, at^''the home:,of Mr/and Mrs. S: l^n-' i cu , - >«i«r «fftnt*„ifiri-a«al a/^afi&rul^^cottf' ,'lt^lÄÄ, 'I the'story: - f^V, ,Y£' ' gove. They made the .trip by' motor- andi.expect, to: remain for two or, three ,'n<.;!/r f. fin ¿\ 1 ' 1 ( f I Championship,gtampede weeks.*" ' ;? • fej ; Fri. & Sat.,^ Jiiine' Ì&' & 'fe- " itiyqs'here/^r.. and,Mrsf It^S-''-SfQnro'' '.statrswintoheii; robnir'ahdi op'eriirig''tHd' l'fpil'ik^vai U aobr r , ...... __0_ 1- it, - Band: Premier Live ; . Constance Talmadge In '.' ".i'niiJv,;.):;,"_ o—I,," - !?7 V'. ' of''thevclothes;Bl6s'eltf' sh'e"'pottfed' Mr. and Mrs: E.--L: Anios of Pontic 5Mrs>JFletcheras' aBsumS^(dutips! '^'''^f Wf ^t$ « ''Stock-SribV '» ' \ 8 ' ^.'Musical' Spectacle; "Her Sister from Paris" ton spent Thursday, as. the guestsiofi Aug. 4 to 14 ft^te'®!™? ???;^^^^ ^•Orftbb'ing.'ia^JkkBlW i JCaledonian -Games; •ftl?'. and-'Mrs.^P. Fostex^'i'" • • f,0SP«&|v..:du\ins,,:theVabe_b 'miscellaneous garments, •>1:ito'6'Inumeri'< Í ALSO A "FELIX" " ft.F-trew.orks;^, I ; ; f Ii) R ...^AwaOo^^i,',:.,.,:;-: ).a,tter.,jO,n^a.ry'acatlonV, kis"s R^ •M^ -tb''itoek.tion^isao';olob Agricultural and : Miji ,'c y i , Miss A. Merrick and,Miss. M, H6lt' is:also/relieving. - , .;,:„,, '! 4?;;t!»»t',I',*ould''i^ Horticultiiràl Exhibits " 1(90,000.00 f , arid ' other',' 'attractions • - Don't forget "THE,-WJNDS OF of 'l?oint,: Gr^y, Vancouver;. arrivedj^pn 1 b , , , ;.;;;'.,' rr. /, ••^ --.-•» It-' was''one-'of'thcae clotHds''blos'e^ Write-for 'Prize;; List v CHANCE" ; : ' Vancouyer,. EX'hi))ition;,, In Prizes añil Attractions y*TM*i&iimm&i*^ that'lsTwhat you iipigii't 'call'^a liole-lri- 1 i 1 Friday and Saturday, 9 & 10 10 u ' Association '•• ; i/ i. * ? ti t nt ,| i, jM Í :'^|: r^P ^^ .tue.^an^typei/tltei'dQbfcbeingMh 440 iPender St. W. Shipment of ! 1 s 1 , ' Vancouver, B.C. ' , Enfries Close'July 24th ifihlp-.ptityfr.:),',Mossop..(V;This action n'ess; io''to 'spealc:<;;!:}"/'.'|',;^'" '.'' *>B> NOTICE h'as :boen contompiated:;f or'some iu -^VO pr cho8,tra^jWiir^hold' that a gmall' strip' ^j'wood'iwhich1 cari "... fresh MQWteMif >u i »>i»ii4»ii«»'cV^ii^iku»illi«»ii^ii^VM»ii»ii'»ii«»"» |! The Naramata Development^ Cbnv -regula.r«miinvr practiceswanHcos.',,. ..A Anr.'lrivltatiorin invitation ; is M'Wd, • thfe 'weight! of.Ithe'shelf'and'/its' I'spany Limited hereby gives notice that lieartily extended it; intendB at the expiration^ of fpur »-••»'• ,to.loc.,;;playp™;i,o Raspberries M % weeks ;.from;'the'flj;pt '-fijubljcatipn: Jieteof 'jbin-the orchestrai to' the' wall, '• ' i..,::'|.',.i v.'. v;(to apply, to the Registrar of Companies '•^'Ha^h^ ''for tho change of its-name'to the Loganberries ^'trip"aTid. p'uilirig lit ,qieav" of J the ;,w,all,' vi Canadian Irrigated Orchards, Limited, ''We'll'/ soon '.flx^tliis^l^r,;;-^^ V£'-ZC. 1 f l');. Datod- attlNaramatai B, C; this 6th V&B ' I •; w(3rit :;babk^dp^ristaiJ^(S|os »*day of April. ll»20.' : 1 Blackberries \VoodBho.d;; an(Vrs9lecUng'^ ].j,THE NARAMATA DEVELOPMENT , in'g'ploBp of Vood ,i)^bcbpd'ou4t6,,,jrioaB' IUI39 ,n i COMPANY, LIMITED '," i f SCOUTING ui'p i^' ifp^'andtmarlced off thp ^do^lred - (By W. C; Kolloy, Its Solicitor) length.' / ./' '.^.rrrtv"i;i'r.'fo:u'.*,- -vji-ij-''. , NEXT WEEK : i \, •' ' > • .1 , , •. . 21*4-0 ,Tliori I * grabbed i tho; saw apd; stavted ! SCRAPS to;;cWt lt','lnit' after (i^ye,,piiriutpp' Wfl^Ui found I was 'not jm^king.:piju*ol|.^jtoTad-' ,„,''".; '.: Fours ( ; • Sixes • 'touVing .,...':t'... ..^l.l^Ì88,0i- ' ; • "I'ni sdro you jhayen't the, (jHir^t, ì i b'tw'o oíinceB;:of pcroxino pow- "Got ( • A,lftfi,^ inn^A »<- „i - sow,!' sold Estollo,.'/Isn't that tho,,onp Special Touring $975 Special Touring ....$1250 •from your druggist.,jBprinlclo, r nttond co 1 , it.' . , dor r_. ^'°f ^ i^P^;,^ .; F , ™m» Daddy ea\ls':ttt6 .rlp

and ubo 250 acre feet and to Htoro 200( mewp miccossfully passod ..his. kirns. ,woll, novor mind, anyway, it was.a merland;' also from Stor• 1 •••:<:• aero toot of wator out of Trout Creole, gnmo (part of second class); ( Cyril moan,saw. , v, which flows south and oust and drainn ago Building to Wharf. Mlousop, John Bonmoro , and Ooorgo At last I got thopioce out oft i and . into Okanagan Lake at Trout Crook Tenders must bo on a n ed their second olas^nalling; ,tt« ?£^^ Point, S |n i per box basis and must bo* whilst, Jack iPurvon and Wilfred Noll a nan'from my pockot and .Htartod to < The Rtorago dam will bo locatod at 1 Whltohood Lako, Tho capacity ot tho in by June 28rd. passod tholr first clnss elgnnlllng, All luimmor It Into tho stick, but to my Nesbitt & Forster "tondorfoot" boys woro. taken and In- groiit surprlso, af tor the bocojuIi knock, roBorvolr to bo created is about 250 Lowest tender not nec• »acro foot, and it will flood about 5 Btruotod In tondorfoot work by Mr, tho nail, Rtartod to ^oiirl around and WEST SUMMERLAND, B. C. DEALERS essarily accepted. l,p by aoroH of land. Tho wator will bo Wilson, whilst Mr. Pnrvos. took tlio ^ . against tho , dlvortod from tho Btroam at a point othor hoys .through tholr .signalling,' Pulling it out, after some manono< , H 1 ,i«»»n«»nti#ii«M»ii^iM^i>«»''^''»»^ ^ about 200 yards wost of the N, W. Summerland Co-operative Al'tor tho boyn wore dismissed, a moot- vrnn, I started'with nuothor null and cornor of Lot 2103, >and will bo iisod Growers' Association lag conBlBting of SooutmaBtor and '»°ttor buccohh with this one, in- for irrigation purposoii upon tho'land iam c) dOHcrlbod as Lot 2108 Kamloops DIvls- RSBlHlnnt Irnim-lnnilnr nntrnl' lnndnrs ' " ' -«* attor..going.-through tho i Ion, Yale District, assistant, tioop ipailot. patioi loaflois W00ll anrt Btvlklng tho..plnstor wall, it .•••'. This notlc„o wa,„ s , pooto. d on *^ tho> AI/tllArlll rAlirrTIAKI trciin/ anthataoud RocondBp whic, wnhs waholds .prosonlor .It wns tdocldo to thod I chnngopen rod d abov11b emind tho;, woodfor it. .suildonlThis- tlmy oa pI only got half tho nail out, for boing a 1 conv or'Jfil ^Iní ÍT.'Jüf 'OKANAÜAN tOlLLLIIÜN AllENlí troop -by C. N. Bortón, should bo put' --<«*M«** Miss Gcrnltllno Mnrslujll, 28, Summerland Golf Club Mltoh611 Blk Pentlet0 B ralhor lll-tomporod hnito, It broke, •ÜoS KrSnSt fheroto and TZ "' "' '°- ' «P for patrol eompbtllion. Tills com- i Hy..this tlmo it wns gottlng vory Knnsan City, Mo., nsltu $2»,000j Rent, Wn "Wator Act, 3014," will bo fllod in tho » P«"» Sundry Debts Colleoted politlón Ib in inoludo appnarnnco, bo worm In tho olosot, and Btrnngo wordfl hcnrt^balm from* Sanderson S.1 nnd offioo of tho Wator Recorder at Vpr- Aooounts Adjusted , i„lvior, amount oMmdgas fiuccoBBfully kopt coming to my lips, only to bo Miller, a live stock commUnlon' strangled boforo thoy could bo-ut• man becnuso she alleges ho broke \ '"°nhS;#?;« • »i.' i. i. ' Addross communications to phrboiI, attondanco and punctuality, tered. .. Empire Haj^jues., June 22 iUc H 0 enRajrcmcnt to marry her after! i °JlV°i V?, A «PP"oft«pn may A. RICHARDSON, Box 10DA L10 ..... w„. ... .llown ]n one 0. t1l0 "Paddy always BtralgbtonH tho nails Q romiflinfj to make her his wife.! bo filed with the said Wator Recorder nuflinoBB Treated Strictly Confidential , ?«P wlllbo ""own m ono of to boforo ho ,ubos thorn," voluntoornd or with tho Comptroller ot Wator ¿— Hlf»l'° windows, at tho end of oach Estnllo, who wan n'BBlBtlng mo from Slie assert*) they became cngng* \ c