Cruel Action by Unknown Man Hous&Ïuivïuesïon Trict.'; ;.'F!Iv

Cruel Action by Unknown Man Hous&Ïuivïuesïon Trict.'; ;.'F!Iv

•,/'" S ' I. ti' »•* '»("•'•: V , • Jüüd 'jjii J it Jim". « i' 'ìi-.mìi.' -, , , , ¡ , i olii aoob.orlw lo 8«'.<¡ti-u;;:t!'; .t>'-'.M ;itK 1 .'I! 'ON'iO "X •j^MbitoUciocI'"' • n' $2.50,,payable in,adyance. lililí ,7 , n....j i f "'•Si1--"«'* T«*t '"Pen^VnaV to-fefe CbArtsjte» ldOTto 1 SUDDENLY AT SUGAR LAKE Two JHqiísaníl,;W^.^ ,^^-ft^.\^c u • éd' atCeremony in Saturday for Annual Farmer*'^Event-rTriaL of bcrub Kelowna Bull-Sports Ornish Amusement ^ Thinning De• ' Hon.!^ J. M. Robinson - Purchased : Land 'From ~ Late « George monstrations and Diseases of Potatoes Dealt With., •The new Canadian Northern in Report—Conservatives 'to Move Vote of Censure Diesel boat,'fPentowna" which will oni Present Minister in Hòusé--—Àction Foresha^doWca -ply'between 'Kelowna and '.Pentlc- Summerland—Deceased Was Present at Old-Timer's M.i-^itiii^ Suinimerlaifd ton,£callin'g at all thevintermediate Against Bisaillon. i 'Experimental'Farm >picnic\bn-Satra points, and operated by the Okan• ! ogan "Lake .Boat iCompahy, -will be. beyond ••>.. the ^anticipations ^of -the ? committees/dn:>x5n'arge;^w::Thereh'w:ere launched Ktomorrowj/inoon. tat A Kel-- (Special Despatch to the Review) Old residents of'Sumrnerland-v/ere'shocked to-hear;;of the at Tea's't three hundred more .pe'6ple:in''att'endance -than at the'-picnic fownasl While the exact: nature j of;. ' Ottawa;-* j une, ', i 8.- ^ .The'custom's probe committee ! sudden ideath: last vThursday; 'at Sugar Lake,;'df &edrge':NeviI last year.'It- is-prpbab^ there :the^ceremonies nave not been?,an- brought in its report today,'making.sweeping recommend^ ' noune'e'd, it iis*Understood:'ithati the; been^suchi a fgood, turn-out.- inew boat'.will.; be rchristened; with- atiohs ;of .reorganization,'-' dismissal ,and'suspension.:-iT^ 1 ; .Barclay^asfee, first,frui'tlran'cher on the:;Summ^rran d bjBnc^ls afternbonr''ThevjFarm:"'*was :the" • 'MeccaWfor automobiles-:from the' •the customary;-; bottle niof ' cham« report firids'^hat Hon'. J,;'Bureau, former Minister of Gus-ùi entire'Okanagan Valley. • pagne. .-f/ni|,-. .!..<'-.>..v'-.i ..-.•.-/ tòms, had,failed ,to appreciate and 'p^òp^'rl'y',disch'arge''tKéy:?'; , ;; Invitations' have been extended • i^e;lan*-for. the^ownisite pf^miperian^ ,V -'• k« .*tv.5'v;.-'.TheHComm^te^s,'.in: chaigeV'headed^by Mr.; John Tait; past'in- responsibilities of -his office;; i^No'^finjiing is jnadeas to:Hc-n:^ to -the reeMresj 'presidents^ of--'.the: ¿1^^^^ Re^iriioh in •Summerlah'd^iay^ei'r, the ispector ior. Summerland^district,-- are 'highly; gratified up'ohj 1 ( ilak,:,suc•• Board-i .of.^Trade; 'and: i'rep'resenta-i 'Mr. .Boivhi,. present' Customs >iMinister,Hbut-;Cohserva1^eK: ! l late MrY'Barclay cess 6£'the picnic; /VMrtr.Hlaijt'u'was^many'fy^rSiragb,- instrAamentaivii >ti ves I of i the i pressu of all -Lower .committee members will movel* a*vote-; of."censure in the: : 1 Okanagah communities.j. A special -twenty,.,years.f'Me,,was:giyena cordial welcome.-by;the presi• prevailing>iipbh.'the-Farm ;*autliorities to adopt the-idea 'of a -summer .House!; ^ invitation has also been extended t dent rofethe* Summerland;Qld^Timeys'*-'. ..,.:::' :i.,-•:'- ipicnic-wheye: grower^ mig^t ! .. ualso-kGjustoms (3ftll.ectór.i.v,WeÌdp^. ; :an,d'•* Custom's,'. iSutveyprl^ 1 ito^Mr."iU; Miv Robinson of i Nara- Association,'.Mr. J, wR.-j.Bro'v^n, .-another' iri'aMnteres^a-ndi'each^year.jshice 'has..''q.e^n J!^8%-.aAtiv e-, va. .help^ii^ j "i ; ,1!« { i mata; 'pioheervof Summerland dis• McLaughlin of Montreal are recommended,- as well as the- .Summer land* pioneer. ,..who..:.has./passed ; 1 1 .to^iassureftanv-r'even!-.!; greaterJHsuccess.' ::r.!t>.|1.-.c,^ T^M .•'¿,,¡¿-•.'¡..1? ,'.wH*w.a-^s'W'V'^ lU',-UOaui.-J'aMu„ — . w trict.'; ;.'f!iV; f--J ic' "''''» idismissal of ..Inspector Cleric; 'Supt+y Giroux,' Preventive' . away., recently., , .^-/i'- • Cruel Action By defen'cei;'>..fJudgeland counsel were duly }"»£".'>' Superintendent. Hunter-and' J ! : It is expected thatitheunewi boat Officer' r>jiyal, ^Cplljtfctòr Lalndy, ,.pollector, Brpwnlèe "atìd^ ..o TMr|)BaV&^^ for' aVriiy'edj in'Jc'purt| gowris,! while|;tb "give | ; staff'7did -everything»possible>:to; bjoost' ; will be placed: }n operation on a several years; but his' sudden "death on ; -.Cùsto.ins Qfficer, Sawyer. \Conduct,,of! other officers to ;^|v ' Unknown Man the picnic. .-.,)-., .tTie':''''pr,6"cee'din^ 7 -seneduIe > d urIng > the" first week >i n vT^UTSda^j.wa'sf quite,- (Unexpected. .'Thb, 1 Sii- -1 ; >•.>•- ' -i : Mr? -W.-i'Sfe-'-Woodward,; a ^Peyftcton: j investigated. Legal action is .recommended against ihime'diate'. cause' of-death'was 'angina - The Lie'Utenant'Goyernor <] July. The suggested schedule is r- xiiw .aoafcumo barrister,- acted as registrar>;ancC'"Chief : ;! .it pectoris. >Dr.wMorrisn ofr,:<Vernon -was '''A'n-act^of'cruelty'Was 'performed; The :• feature, attra'clioh': of • the'' day as follows: Leave Kelowna about : -twènty-iséven firms'mentioned-inrthe repòrt'for - collection);; • -7-rOO: a.m/;, retdrn-,tfrbni'< Penticton - sent for and made'; a." second 'trip to by some' unknown • man in the'early J of mo^hey due ,Crown. wa„ass, anan " addr^ss^ :Hi'Hiss ^HoHonornor; Lieut.Lieut.-i- ^L' '^i* ,! the4ake,^but-^jbien^e'.arfiyed';he,f6und; hours > of ,•(yesterdayniorninfi 'twherf -Fraser-,- -iii- the; approved-legal mann'erj : • abouti 11:00 a'.mv; .-leave .-Kelowna iGovernori Randolph Bruce; who made ; l ;s rOther^rècommendations include audits distilleries tyhén'-witnesses Jand' ;c'oùnsel were - ap- ' abou'tV>7-: 00 < p.mi and • return from \ ; that- Mr; ^Barclay*'had -been^ dead for theJ'/small't^dog* «Mir^: l - ot a'rfd'VMrat'a n 'eloquent »plea,uponHbehalf.jof,the ,i ! ;^ ^,3;.hV>1:.m»,>i.;.;!^i, fJmCtHL!(pla-uded'.-'fovi'smart -i,\ .r •J'-Ov&Qt,sallies; '-Witnesses '.''.inM.€0Urfe-*:;'':ba-W'ledr.:'-:©hief ;v innr.espect/;of staxes^:etc:j. reorganization vof ,vGustoms .Ere- Hanna was shot down on the main •?, 'PientictottMni^the'ieVening.'.;A;rk'.ri.!^' -some time. '-ir• j--^^.p ; 'forests of 'Canada.' The address was ,weje :swor fnto-t'ell -at;least-pkrt';bf,th'e a 1 It- is understood that thel man- :vèntive'Service -under 'chief with'wide powersi; reorganiza-! George (Neyil: Barclay was born near .stree^.>of^£h>->LoVta^-<Tovvrf.'•»^Ibeta'rii- : : ^lpar'd- op, they spacious' lawn-'just'; be:' ^Birmingham;"; •Eng]a^d>;v4n>i876 '0and: :inail%iylis'inotUH>hiWd)«Hly.>kilWdianB truth-which should be-nothing bu't^ the iagement ofi the>' Winter. Garden^ < 1 ? ! i- tionóf-appraise was -found flyingiinithe '.middle >"of yond,' the; flower fgardens; : and * was 'at• truth,', and'th^ Penticton, :isi ende'avoring .tonsfrt. 4vfas^^^^ r :. : :,;:It;;ÌS,ip th'e.'lroad-';in great'iago'nyi?i."Skip" tendee!' iwftnV~great/ interest." fc^The "di'sr • the'.'entirei;'-satisfaction of^-all. '-Star' cure the maiden trip;:of the boat / ; /pmnsp^o.^ ^:BisaiHoh, formerly-chief-pre veiitj^ -was'*fihally • put. out of his •misery tingiiished "visitor: iwas 'accompaniediby witnesses;-for-the ^prosecution ".were for a pleasure party. ,. ' u •• cattle; raising/and' his-first destination by:Mr:'phil Scurrah'.- .' his: niece; .'Mis's'-Helen>McKenziejr;and "Messrs. 'R. 'C. Phillipsbn, W. T. Hunt• :A ito-the i attorney, gen eral of'Quebec - for : such r' action as - evi- • : : v er,, and, E.'H. Barton, and for the de-; 1 was ..Calgary.->\x.On; Montr >Mr.: :and-^Mre;'';-F..vW;':''Peters-';of?'.'Van^ > ( Wheti everything else -fails a pan , .denee warrants:' 'Bisaillon-was th.évchief figure in the coife- H r •.fenceiï- Mctiaerr^eairn,-'»i01ivér'''' 'Bvanë '•-./-real.-^lie^ &he?ird«'iolc(heSRtel -rebellion] couver." ^ generally«learns;„that gopd advertising , :demnation levelled by' Hon.";-,;H;'';H'/'':-1SVevehs,r'who''. brought ! ; , and R.':Harfington;'! :-Silent^witnesses • ;.so he, stayed -for^s^eaRi in: Manitpha!' )^•^'.'Th%'•'•pkaJlagan'sv••ValleyA' 'declared ; ,will keep him' from failure.—Water > were;.'thié^,''prisoher's\^m the charges, against the department. ' ••From::thence he went to the Cowichan the''Lieut>'6ovei!nor,--.'Ms.'an"imitation''of ford Star. , >, • l sister..' , .T , ;. ' : . /.. i . , . district on Vancouver Island. -After :'para'disei^?r''alm'pst Tegret;bringing.iniy. J ; : .Prisoner Dejected , . -a'short time?'there-he: canie: to 'the lii'ece» here -as•.• -I, ,-may;< have' "difficulty:| i '£ The l'prisoner.iiooked •;;hïs'i|.pàrt,-r:''-'.He;' iipper/country:'and'purchasedra ranch in tearing her away, from this wonder- t i ? BIG CHERRIES .'»£at Trout: GreekV' on: Okanagan.:'"Lakef ful"^country. :There^^is-nothing: more -hung ; his : head dejectedly- • throughout ; SÜMIERLMÄ v: 'which: is :now''hthe'- thriving municipal. ''beau'tiful';':than^'Okan^ the whole -performance.' His* 'appear- i-ity of Sum'meriand.v,.After:disposing reflecte'd iri-;-marvelloiis. lake, .bordered' .ance .certaihlyrjustifled--the:;statements ••: .of;,, this -iir: 1902,;he purchased :>a 'half .foivAthe:tw,itnesses-.:,of):>the^. prosecution; r Interesting a Lecture! = Given by great fruit orchards. >",- - • .'interest-in. the:Cornwall ranch/.''at.^Ash'' •; "For over thirty, years ;I have lived> ,that::!he-.wàs Jacking in "pep''; and had °OPF.0RTÏ .c,rpftvv:.Awhere.Y,,he;,].^ failing by Jack Logie iri^ "tog iii; tliis wonderful /'country 'ofiBritis-h: . the: nature' ofà cowaîthe» than a+bull. .health .preventedi.hiin':.from taking .any 'Cblumhia.r-'I have;*learned]"tb love its Even:- v the ; most ,i savage ?, criticism's 'of . Cabin" '.active., part ink'thei:managemen't bf;the statelyv trees ;',to; ride up -the mountain: -his:perspn failed to.arouse a'gleam of f •• -,••<",, , „ l- Nr,an ch', % h Last., year.,.- he'* went i fo j}Siigar ;yalle"ys " and pick,-beautiful mountain l>interest.dn ','Summeriand Pat's'; eyes, enthusiastic Meeting Is,Conducted Here and Committee • LaKe with his family. " •: "'ff:;' MASONRY HAS GREAT '•6owers..?'!;But.''lHKaveyridde"nis.upv,ib.ese S <X? 18 Ag^i^-P^l? Summerlart.1 School- ChiM- is^Tlie• ideceas'ed was -twicel'S-married; once"'wondrous/valleys-'changed mira'c-; FUTURE IN- STORE > : 1 but-, continued , in.;this.

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