Eeting of City Council New Westminster Holds Session Here Boat Service Census Returns
^ y •••'•'•' v'' '."-'?•IKI _ Advertise And .the world isr &•' with you; Quit and you stand alone. Circulation Hig h est. Rates Lowest. VOL. III. NO 48. KELOWNA. BRITISH COLUMBIA, THURSDAY, OCT. 26, 1911, $1.50 Per Annum. Prize Winners at Tax Commission Rumored Sunday First Official eeting of City Council New Westminster Holds Session Here Boat Service Census Returns The commission appointed un A somewhat startling change Request for Lease of City Wharf - Condition of City Nuisance The following ia a list of those der the " Public Enquires Act" to has been rumored in connection Disappointment Over Figures Ground Causes Complaint whose fruit won honors for Kel enquire into and report upon the with the boat service on the lake, is General owna at the recent Provincial Ex working of the Assessment Act of namely that the s.s. '' Okanagan " hibition :— 1903 and upon taxation within the is to run Sundays just the same as Apples (Plates) province generally, met at Kelowna week days. A train service between Hon. Martin Burrell. minister of A short meeting of the city coun I last Saturday. The commission the Landing and Sicamous will agriculture, has given out to the to communicate with "David" at Gravenstein-1, W. C. Black ! consisted of A. E. McPhilips K. C. Press the first official statement of cil was held Wednesday morning, once. wood, 2, W. A. Scott, 3, R. Munson, also be run to connect with the President of the Executive Council, the result of the census taking the Mayor and Aldermen Leckie, A resolution was passed "that Maiden's B!ush.-3, Munson.
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