Cruel Action by Unknown Man Hous&Ïuivïuesïon Trict.'; ;.'F!Iv
•,/'" S ' I. ti' »•* '»("•'•: V , • Jüüd 'jjii J it Jim". « i' 'ìi-.mìi.' -, , , , ¡ , i olii aoob.orlw lo 8«'.<¡ti-u;;:t!'; .t>'-'.M ;itK 1 .'I! 'ON'iO "X •j^MbitoUciocI'"' • n' $2.50,,payable in,adyance. lililí ,7 , n....j i f "'•Si1--"«'* T«*t '"Pen^VnaV to-fefe CbArtsjte» ldOTto 1 SUDDENLY AT SUGAR LAKE Two JHqiísaníl,;W^.^ ,^^-ft^.\^c u • éd' atCeremony in Saturday for Annual Farmer*'^Event-rTriaL of bcrub Kelowna Bull-Sports Ornish Amusement ^ Thinning De• ' Hon.!^ J. M. Robinson - Purchased : Land 'From ~ Late « George monstrations and Diseases of Potatoes Dealt With., •The new Canadian Northern in Report—Conservatives 'to Move Vote of Censure Diesel boat,'fPentowna" which will oni Present Minister in Hòusé--—Àction Foresha^doWca -ply'between 'Kelowna and '.Pentlc- Summerland—Deceased Was Present at Old-Timer's M.i-^itiii^ Suinimerlaifd ton,£callin'g at all thevintermediate Against Bisaillon. i 'Experimental'Farm >picnic\bn-Satra points, and operated by the Okan• ! ogan "Lake .Boat iCompahy, -will be. beyond ••>.. the ^anticipations ^of -the ? committees/dn:>x5n'arge;^w::Thereh'w:ere launched Ktomorrowj/inoon. tat A Kel-- (Special Despatch to the Review) Old residents of'Sumrnerland-v/ere'shocked to-hear;;of the at Tea's't three hundred more .pe'6ple:in''att'endance -than at the'-picnic fownasl While the exact: nature j of;. ' Ottawa;-* j une, ', i 8.- ^ .The'custom's probe committee ! sudden ideath: last vThursday; 'at Sugar Lake,;'df &edrge':NeviI last year.'It- is-prpbab^ there :the^ceremonies nave not been?,an- brought in its report today,'making.sweeping recommend^ ' noune'e'd, it iis*Understood:'ithati the; been^suchi a fgood, turn-out.- inew boat'.will.; be rchristened; with- atiohs ;of .reorganization,'-' dismissal ,and'suspension.:-iT^ 1 ; .Barclay^asfee, first,frui'tlran'cher on the:;Summ^rran d bjBnc^ls afternbonr''ThevjFarm:"'*was :the" • 'MeccaWfor automobiles-:from the' •the customary;-; bottle niof ' cham« report firids'^hat Hon'.
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