FFookkuuss..WWeessttbbaallkkaann 02-2014 SEPTEMBER News from the Forum Civil Peace Service in the Western


FOKUS The commemoration on the First World War in Bosnia and : Between mega-spectacle and folklore ...... 1 MOnuMENTI motion premiere at the 2014 Peace Event in Sarajevo ...... 3 Memory Mapping Kosovo - contested memories: Between materiality, textuality and performativity of the past ...... 4 forum ZFD - finally active again in Serbia ...... 5 Western Balkans - Regional “Balkan Perspectives” – a regional magazine on dealing with the past ...... 6 Outside the box CIVIL - A different organisation ...... 7 News & Events News in brief ...... 8 Upcoming Public Events ...... 9 Staff News ...... 10


WRITE US Did our newsletter make you think? Or do you have a different opinion regarding some of the top- ics? We would be delighted to hear from you and would like to invite you to send us your com- ments, opinions and questions. We will publish a selection of the entries in the next issue. Write us at [email protected]

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The commemoration on the First World War in Bosnia and Herze- govina: Between mega-spectacle and folklore

The public commemorations on the First World War way of other protagonists preparing the commemora- in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2014 were mostly fo- tion, particularly those from France and Serbia that cused on the assassination in Sarajevo of 28 June made accusations that the conference in Sarajevo 1914. In a society in which there are conflicting nar- would be an exercise in revising the existing culprits for ratives of the assassination, this limited view on the the outbreak of WWI. Although the Institute rejected beginning of the Great War brought about addition- these accusations, the preparations for this conference al tensions and deepened the divide in the society. were interpreted in some political circles in Serbia and In the course of 2013 and in the first half of 2014, con- Republika Srpska as a threat that could lead to the re- flicts over the manner of commemorating this event moval of guilt for the Great War from Germany and the were getting Monarchy and stronger and transfer of blame stronger, with dif- to Serbia and ferent groups driv- France, and, indi- en by political and rectly, to Russia. In financial reasons the course of that tried to im- preparations, the pose their concepts conference was of commemora- particularly at- tion. In this con- tacked by the for- text, a foundation mer diplomat Slo- called Sarajevo, bodan Šoja, the scientific coordi- Heart of „The Great War: Regiona Approaches and Global Contexts“, nator for the Em- was established, international historians‘ conference in Sarajevo, 18th-21th June which received sig- bassy of France in nificant funds from the European Union for the organi- Sarajevo, who described it as “a conference that had sation of numerous events. The European Commis- invited only those countries that had lost the war”. sion’s Delegation in Sarajevo, governments of Republic Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska insist- of Serbia and of the Republika Srpska (one of two state ed on this definition, emphasising that the Academy of entities in Bosnia-Herzegowina, mainly inhabited by the Sciences and Arts of Republika Srpska diagnosed that ethnic Serb population) supported some initiatives as the conference had a pro-Habsburg and anti-Serb char- well, while others were organised by institutes without acter. That is why the Sarajevo, Heart of Europe Founda- any financial support of the Foundation or of the Euro- tion denied financial support for organizing this confer- pean Union. ence of historians in Sarajevo, and only thanks to its broad cooperation with institutes from seven European In 2014, the commemoration on World War I in Bosnia countries, the Institute of History of the University of and Herzegovina had two aspects – scientific and Sarajevo succeeded in securing sufficient funds to or- manifestational. The scientific aspect was led mainly by ganise the conference titled “The Great War: Regional the Institute for History of the University of Sarajevo. As Approaches and Global Contexts”. The keynote speaker of 2011, in cooperation with scientific institutions from at the conference held from 18 to 21 June was Professor eight European countries, the Institute began preparing Mark Mazower from Columbia University, while the a conference envisaged not as a commemoration on closing paper was presented by Marie Janine Calic from the assassination in Sarajevo, but as an opportunity to Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich. start a dialogue on all aspects of the outbreak of WWI. It was because of this that the Institute’s idea got in the

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Remembrance as a mega-spectacle broadcast the concert directly. Numerous exhibitions in the museums and galleries of Sarajevo made a special Another aspect of the commemoration were events mark on the entire commemoration. The Historical M u- much more promoted in public w hich can in fact be seum organised an exhibition related to Sarajevo , Bos- called ‘mega-spectacles’. One was held in Sarajevo u n- nia and Herzegovina and Europe in the period from der the title “The 1914 to 1918, titled “And then in Sarajevo the Shot Was Century of Peace FURTHER INFORMATION Fired….”; an exhibition of documents, focused on the After the Century of Husnija Kamberović assas sination in Sarajevo was organised by the Archive Wars ”, directed by Director of the Institute for History of the of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the N a- Haris Pašović. This University of Sarajevo tional Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina there was the music and drama ([email protected] ) exhibition “The Dignity of Man“ - a joint project of three spectacle that European cities: Vienna, Sarajevo and B rno. brought together about 300 participants from different European countries did not contain too much ideology, No vision for joined commemoration but its aesthetic achievements were very questionable: However, the main feature of all these events was that on the Latin Bridge, near the site of the 1914 Assassin a- they were organised on a local level, that there was not tion, one could hear, inter alia, songs performed by Se r- major involvement of the national institutions of Bosnia bian folk singer Šaban Šaulić and B osnian- and Herzegovina and that there was not a sing le pan- Herzegovinian pop/rock singer Dino Merlin. Bosnian event. Divided memory was further strengt h- The other mega-spectacle was held in Višegrad, d i- ened, political dimensions could not be avoided, while rected by film director Emir Kusturica. It was titled “The nationalistic rhetoric that was strongly expressed in Rebel Angels” and arranged in three acts as a reco n- Republika Srpska only deepened the differences and struction of the assassination in Sarajevo. Thi s event was divisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Al though it did not charged with Serb nationalism, having brought togeth- directly help the building of the surreally grandiose er controversial individuals like Matija Bećković, who monument to Gavrilo Princip in Eastern Sarajevo, the was accused before for his nationalistic statements; it European symbolised all the existing divisions in Bosnia and He r- Union was zegovina and, from my po int of view, did not have any evidently significant artistic value. The event was used to officially unpre- inaugurate Andrićgrad, an urban development project pared to dedicated to the Nobel prize winner Ivo Andrić, which is respond to constructed by Emir Kusturica´s own construction co m- the na- pany .The project is strongly supported by Se rbia and tionalistic Republika Srpska. The President of Republika Srpska rhetoric Milorad Dodik, and the Serbian Prime Minister expressed Aleksandar Vučić, by their very presence conveyed a Inauguration of the Gavrilo Princip at the in- clear political message from this event. monument in East -Sarajevo auguration In addition to these two mega-spectacles, the realis a- of that monument and thus made it clear that it was not tion of which involved huge funds (the European Co m- sure of its own perception and vision of Bosnia and He r- mission invested 250,000 Euros in “The Century of Peace zegovina. It is a paradox that, at the same time - com- After the Century of Wars”, while the amount spent on memorating the 100th anniversary of the Great War - the mega-spectacle directed by Kusturica will certainly the Vienna Philharmonic performed in Sarajevo, Eas tern remain unknown), a concert of the Vienna Philharmonic, Sara jevo organised the event called “The 21st Assembly held on 28 June 2014 in the recently rebuilt Sarajevo of Players of Republika Srpska ”. This indicates that Vijećnica (National library), was particularly important. there are deep divisions in the society and that there are The official host of the concert was the President of Au s- some people who are trying to deepen them even fu r- tria, Heinz Fischer, with some re gional and local polit i- ther. And Europe is sitting and watch ing it! cians, but without the politicians from Serbia. The Public Broadcasting Services of Germany, Austria and France

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

MOnuMENTI motion premiere at the 2014 Peace Event in Sarajevo

On 6-9 June, 2,500 peace activists and experts from spective to the younger generation and thus another around the globe gathered in Sarajevo for the 2014 side to history was Peace Event co-organised by forum ZFD under the emphasised in par- FURTHER INFORMATION slogan “Come, Participate, Create!”. The Bosnian ticular. One further capital marked the 100 th anniversary of the outbreak important conclu- Milica Cimeša | Britta Wiemers forumZFD Serbia of the First World War, which was triggered by as- sion reached during ([email protected] ) sassination of the Austro-Hungarian archduke Franz the discussion was Ferdinand. that a need exists for greater cooperation between regional artists and intel- The primary aims of this event were to attempt to learn lectuals from within the field of dealing with the past as from this and other wars of the past hundred years, and well as for reforms in the education system. to promote peace work. During countless workshops and round tables as well as a Youth Camp, the partici- Following the Peace Event, forum ZFD/BiH office is now pants, which included Nobel Peace Prize winner working on making the animated film an educational Mairead Maguire, dis- tool on the topic of dealing with the past for schools, cussed difficult and universities and youth controversial topics institutions. forum ZFD such as the “Alterna- was already able to tives to NATO milita- report the first posi- rism” and “Women tive experiences in during times of war”. this respect immedi- ately after the The animated film Peace Event: during MOnuMENTI motion the workshops on the produced by forum- © Vanja Čerimagić topics of “Cross Con- ZFD also celebrated tinental – Interethnic its premiere at the Premiere of MOnuMENTImotion in Sarajevo with some of the young Relations for Peace” Sarajevo Art Gallery of artists, Marko Krojač (5.f.r.), Muhamed Kafedžić (1.f.l.) and and “Mlada Evropa:

Bosnia and Herze- forumZFD staff Michele Parente and Zlatko Tadić 1914-2014 – Hundred govina during the Peace Event. A total of 18 young art- Years, Lessons Learned?”, project manager Michele ists and activists from the region and Germany spend Parente presented forum ZFD’s work and discussed the several weeks working on narration and visual realisa- significance of monuments in the culture of remem- tion of the film with the support of artist Muhamed brance with young participants from all across Europe, Kafedžić. The original idea for this project came from North America and Africa after screening the film. The forum ZFD and was inspired by the images from the organiser of “Mlada Evropa” praised the film as “one of MOnuMENTI exhibition by photographer Marko Krojač. the most sophisticated projects in the work on dealing Both the film premiere and the round table entitled with the past”. The latest positive development was “The Art of Dealing with the Past in the Western Bal- selection of MOnuMENTI motion for screening at the kans” organised by forum ZFD were well attended. Jour- Sarajevo Film Festival due to take place on 15-23 August nalist Kristina Ljevak facilitated the discussion between 2014. This is further proof that it makes sense to com- forumZFD/BiH project manager Michele Parente, Nihad bine art and consideration of the topic of dealing with Kreševljaković (Director, Sarajevo War Theatre), Andrea the past, and that a wide audience can be reached in Baotić (art historian), Marko Krojač, and Muhamed this way. Kafedžić.. The attempt in the film to show a new per-

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Memory Mapping Kosovo - contested memories: Between material- ity, textuality and performativity of the past

From 27 th to 29 th of June 2014, twelve local and in- University of Pristina, and titled “Contested Memories: ternational students (BA and MA) were brought to- Between Materiality, Textuality and Performativity of gether for the second atelier of the project “Memory the Past” the second project atelier comprised three Mapping Kosovo”. The project counts four ateliers in main components: total, focusing on studying and exploring public and ¢ Field trips to: the memorial of (explor- private memorials and those representing different ing/inspecting/analyzing the memorial), the Sultan systems and regimes of remembrance in Kosovo. Muradi Tomb (History of the tomb and the Kosovo “Memory Mapping Kosovo” aims at identifying, analyz- Battle) and the Gracanica Monastery (History of the ing and scrutinizing alternative and official but contest- monastery and the Kosovo Battle) ed memory sites in Kosovo. By contrasting them with ¢ Group Readings, discussions, interpretation and established visualization of theoretical text materials historical ¢ Exploring press and video archives in regard to the narratives Gazimestan memorial, Manifestation, and archive Slobodan Milošević’s speech from 1989 as well as material, reading and analyzing history textbooks from Ko- the project sovo and Serbia. aims at Atelier#2 focused on the producing © forumZFD ways in which the memo- a new mul- rial of Gazimestan is re- ti- Some of the participants at work membered today, how the perspective memorial is being used by understanding of memory and memorialization in Ko- political discourse/actors sovo, which will contribute to a constructive debate on and how they treat such a dealing with the past in Kosovo. site, namely as a contested Memory Mapping Kosovo was launched in the first memory. It also focused on quarter of 2014, being led and managed by forumZFD exploring the relationship in partnership with between personal and FURTHER INFORMATION Alter Habitus and public memories; how © forumZFD the Institute for Korab Kasniqi wars, genocide and other Social Studies and Memorial of Gazimestan Project manager forumZFD Kosovo forms of political violence Humanities of the ([email protected] ) were remembered and memorialized through monu- University of ments, museums, and other memory sites and practices; Pristina. The first atelier “Public and Private Memory: how they shaped individual and social processes of re- Between Archive and Participation” was implemented membering and what were the intersections between in March 2014. national, cultural, religious, and other discourses, per- Led by Nita Luci, PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the meating, surrounding, and enacting these sites. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and lecturer at the

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forum ZFD - finally active again in Serbia

Although the need for dealing with the past (DwP) in forum ZFD’s contribution wants to strengthen such initi- Serbia remained unchanged, forum ZFD did not have atives and find ways to capitalize their effects for the the opportunity to implement further activities in sake of building sustainable peace in the region. In the Serbia for the last couple of years after the end of years to come, forum ZFD will further diversify its ‘soft’ the project in the south-west Serbian Sandžak re- approach to DWP, while at the same time we will con- gion in 2011. Luckily, due to newly secured funding tinue to reinforce

through the German ministry for economic devel- forum ZFD’s regional FURTHER INFORMATION opment and cooperation (BMZ) forum ZFD was able strategy. The pro- Nataša Govedarica to expand the capacities of its Belgrade office and jects that we are Programme manager forumZFD Serbia resumed to planning and implementing new project implementing in ([email protected] ) activities. partnership with a variety of regional and local actors have a predominant- The team led by the newly appointed program manager ly positive approach, which directly aims at deconstruct- Nataša Govedarica recognized that forum ZFD’s contri- ing ethnocentric narratives about the wars and altering bution to dealing with the past processes would be negative images of the Others , the Enemies . By doing most effective by following a ‘soft’ approach - through this, we try to help the society to come to terms with its the cooperation with partners from the fields of art, cul- difficult past, accept its own responsibility and to start ture and media. Next to the brave and important building new friendly relations with its regional neigh- bors.

A significant contribution in this direction is the project "Living Together", initiated by Vojvodina and Bosnian journalists’ associations. Five documentaries and ten research articles present positive examples from the recent wars, whereas forum ZFD contributes by intro- ducing this topic regionally. To reinforce regional DWP © Belgrade Media Center Media © Belgrade initiatives, in cooperation with the Coalition for RECOM (a Regional Commission with the task of establishing the facts about all victims of war crimes and other seri- ous human rights violations committed on the territory of former Yugoslavia in the period from 1991-2001), Speakers at the press conference for the Bekim-Fehmiu- forum ZFD will bring together key regional and Europe- Festival (f.l.t.r.): Miljenko Dereta (festival director) , Kush- an Union DWP stakeholders to the 2014 Annual Interna- trim Koliqi (Integra), Maja Stojanović (Civic Initiative), tional Forum for Transitional Justice. forumZFD will host Dragan Popović (PolicyCenter) a session titled Art deals with the past to present cur-

achievements of Serbian NGOs in documenting and rents and potential of this practice. An exciting example disclosing breaches of human rights and humanitarian of art that deals with past is the fact-based play “Princip” law, artists, cultural workers and journalists have also of Biljana Srbljanović, coproduced by Heartefact Fund. In paved the way for facing wrongdoings committed in partnership with them, we explore the legacy of Gavrilo the name of the Serbian people. It seems that their mes- Princip, which still heats up debates in the Balkans. Ar- sages reach a broader audience, which is sometimes tistic exchange and art as a means of DWP is also sup- difficult for the traditional NGO activities. In addition, ported throughout the presentation of the independent the resistance to such messages is lower, no matter how Dubrovnik art scene in Belgrade, first since unpleasant or difficult the message might be. Therefore, the dissolution of Yugoslavia.

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The first confirmation that we have chosen a good di- present the best Kosovo productions, openly discuss rection was the launching of the annual Festival of Ko- the difficult past, but also explore perspectives of coop- sovo art and culture in Belgrade – inspired by the fate eration. It is expected that the ‘soft’ approach to the and achievements of late Bekim Fehmiu - famous Yugo- challenges will continue to contribute to a decrease of slav actor, Belgrade based and of Kosovo origin (1936 – traditionally high social distance between and 2010). Feedback and media reporting were highly posi- Albanians, and help the relations to normalize. And this tive, despite the topic’s sensitivity. Together with the is just the beginning. NGOs Integra , Civic Initiatives and Policy Center , we will

Western Balkans - Regional

“Balkan Perspectives” – a regional magazine on dealing with the past

From December 2014, a new quarterly publication The idea for the magazine was conceived in forum ZFD’s on dealing with the past will inform the population project office in Kosovo, which successfully pub- at large and offer relevant regional actors a public lished its “Made in KS” publication since 2009. Different discussion and information platform. topics within the work on dealing with the past are con- sidered and debated at length in a mixture of theoreti- forum ZFD has been active in the Western Balkans for cal analyses, interviews and reports. The agreement was over a decade now, and is committed to fostering con- reached to extend the magazine to the Western Balkans structive dialogue between the different conflicting within the scope of the regional project integration. parties and to promoting an empowered and active civil Given that the past society. Within this, it has continually adapted its pro- con-flicts have FURTHER INFORMATION jects to the needs of the respective countries and actors, causes and impacts and developed these further. The new regional strategy Maike Dafeld that extend beyond for the Western Balkans represents a step towards rein- Project Manager forumZFD Kosovo the state bounda- forcing networking between the different projects on ([email protected] ) ries, the work on the topic of dealing with the past in Kosovo, Serbia, [email protected] dealing with the Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and enhancing past must today also address these aspects. In the long the impact of this work. term, the nationalistic discourse should be resolved to The new magazine is the first regional project aimed at allow new, and inclusive perspectives on the past to promoting a discourse on dealing with the past that develop that exceed the state and ethnic boundaries. extends beyond the state boundaries. In cooperation The magazine thus supports regional dialogue and en- with local journalists, artists, academics and representa- courages networking between relevant actors involved tives from non-governmental organisations from the in the work on dealing with the past. region, the most varied of aspects within this topic will To determine the concrete needs of the target groups be considered and explained to magazine readers. The as precisely as possible, interviews were conducted with overriding aim is to offer a common discussion platform local experts from Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Herze- to all actors involved in this topic on a practical, theoret- govina and Macedonia whilst preparing “Bal- ical or academic level. “Balkan Perspectives” also strives kan Perspectives.” It became increasingly clear during to consider topics in an as appealing and realistic a these interviews that interest in a reflection on personal manner as possible so that population groups (and par- fates in the different countries is extremely high. The ticularly young people) who have not yet considered interviewees generally stressed how im- the topic in any depth are addressed and sensitised. portant it was to address the younger gen-

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eration, as they continue to be shaped by nationalistic the topic of cultures of remembrance is currently being and one-sided narratives in their personal lives and in prepared. school. Please e-mail “Balkan Perspectives” to subscribe. To enhance the reach of “Balkan P erspectives”, the

magazine will be coupled with panel discussions, which will consider the title theme for the latest issue of the magazine every three months at the time of public a- tion. A great many people can be reached through the combination of online media, the according events, and print versions. The inaugural issue of the magazine on

Outside the box

CIVIL - A different organi sation

In 1999, the political situation in the Republic of The war in Macedonia in 2001 brought about new cha l- Macedonia was complicated and tense, internally as lenges. Despite the mayhe m in the country, Civil reac t- well as regionally. The war in Kosovo was raging , ed promptly and was the first to raise its voice against 300,000 refugees found shelter in the country, au g- violence and killings, piloting tremendous public, media menting the longstanding tensions between Mac e- and artistic actions every day of the war, only hours a f- donians and Albanians. Political power was held by ter hostilities and military operations commenced. On nationalists and the deterioration of the human the very first day after the war, Civil started a two - rights situation was evident. It was by that time that stranded action: the endorsement of the Ohrid Peace an init iative board started the organis ational and Accord and tackling arms proliferation and gun culture. programmatic preparation of Civil. This made Civil a leading organis ation in the area of arms control. The same group of people worked together several years earlier, more precisely, since 1995, in times of the Civil conducted over 100 pr o- Bosnian war, also sheltering refugees then. The found- jects since 1999 - projects that ing sessio n of the Civil assembly took place on Nove m- had an impact on a national ber 25, 1999. Mainly journalists and artists are founders level and influenced the soc i- of Civil. Th e fact that thousands of organis ations already ety through nationwide existed in the cou n- awareness-raising campaigns on human rights, di s- try was discussed at armament, conflict resolution, ethnic tolerance and

FURTHER INFORMATION the first official dealing with the past. Thousands of childr en and youths participated in education-through -creativity projects. Xhabir Deralla gathering. Thus, a Laws, parliamentary actions and municipal decisions, Director of Civil Macedonia decision was made policies and practices were influenced. Next to all that, ([email protected] ) to create and u p- Civil is in the first lines of defense of freedom of expre s- Links hold a different and sion and freedom of the media, as well as advocating www.civil.org.mk close -to-the-people organis ation. Hu- for the rights of vulnerable groups, LGBTI communities man rights and freedom were and remain the main and ethnic minorities. Civil’s website grew into a valu a- mandate of Civil since its very beginnings in the mid - ble resource of information for independent media in 90s. the country.

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misinterpretations, misuse and manipulations of history – a common trouble of all Balkan peoples. Stalemate of democratic processes in general and cur- rent circumstances in the country have motivated the creators of strategies at Civil to seek for new approaches and methodologies in order to conduct actions and projects that will reflect the country’s reality. This and © Civil the organisation’s closeness to the citizens made Civil unique. The main daily task for a common member of Civil press conference launching the report “Elections Civil is thus to sustain the human face of the organisa- 2014: Democracy Disqualified“ in Skopje tion. That is how Civil became one of the most trusted Dealing with the past became a central topic for Civil in organisations in Macedonia. the past several years. This is important for a society which often lives in and suffers from the past, due to

News & Events

News in brief

Balkan 100 – a good start Joined screening of film projects in Sarajevo Finally, from 31 st of July to 3 rd of August 2014 the first In cooperation with the Anne Frank House (the Nether- workshop of “Balkan 100” workshop took place. Origi- lands) and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Bosnia nally planned for May it had to be postponed due to the and Herzegovina), ZFD/BiH organised the public flood in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. So thirteen screening of the film clips of the projects “Memory Walk participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Munich” and MOnuMENTI motion on August 17, 2014 in Macedonia and Serbia gathered for the first time in the Art Cinema Kriterion in Sarajevo. Struga on the beautiful Lake Ohrid. Memory Walk Munich is the follow-up activity of the The “Balkan 100” – Project gives scholars and practi- Memory Walk Sarajevo and Istočno Sarajevo project in tioners the opportunity to have a critical view on the 2013. During 5 days, 21 participants from Germany and existing narratives about the last century in the Western Bosnia and Herzegovina created three short video clips Balkans. From various perspectives - age, profession, based upon the critical reflection of the memorialisation origin, ethnic background, and gender – they explore of the Second World War in Munich. the developments of the last century and the way they The short animated movie MOnuMENTI motion , based are handed down. upon photo exhibition "MOnuMENTI - the changing The event in Struga was the introduction of a three year face of remembrance" by Marko Krojač and produced project. Getting to know one another was the most by ZFD, is a vision of creative dealing with the important aim to begin with. The personal timeline of past directed by the independent visual artist Muhamed each of the participants was merged into a collective Kafedžić from Sarajevo together with 18 young partici- one, showing already how manifold the experiences in pants from Germany, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia and the Balkans can be. Site visits, understanding conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina. The two screenings were fol- dynamics and family histories were part of the program. lowed by a response of historian Dr. Nicolas Moll and a Interesting discussions developed and all of us are look- Q&A with the makers. ing forward to the next meeting.

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MOnuMENTI in Germany and Serbia History in cooperation with forumZFD/Macedonia will consider the role and involvement of Albanians in the This summer, the MOnuMENTI exhibition has been First World War. Minister for Education and Science shown in two different locations in Serbia: in Subotica Abdilaqim Ademi, American ambassador Paul D. on 19-25 July as part of the Palić Film Festival, and in Wohlers, and German ambassador Dr. Christine D. Novi Pazar on 13-31 August. During the exhibition held Althauser will attend the conference opening. Countless at the offices of the Danilo Kiš Foundation in Subotica, historians from Macedonia, Kosovo and have forum ZFD Programme Manager Nataša Goverica dis- been invited. cussed “The role of film in the process of dealing with the past” with the two Serbian directors, Stevan Contact: Silke Maier-Witt ( [email protected] ) Filipović and Ognjen Glavonić. The exhibition was well attended and both the local and the national media covered the event. Kosovo

forum ZFD was also delighted to once again show the 19. + 20.09.2014 | Celebrating 15 years of German- MOnuMENTI exhibition in Germany. The exhibition or- Kosovar cooperation | Pristina ganised by Friedenskreis Halle e.V. was displayed in the Berufsgenossenschaftliche Kliniken, a teaching hospital On 19-20 September 2014, Germany will celebrate in Halle, from 28 July for a total of three weeks. It was 15 years of cooperation with Kosovo. A range of actors opened by Sven Reuter, forum ZFD regional consultant including the German embassy, GIZ and KfW will pre- for the Western Balkans and Southeast Asia. sent their work in the country during the anniversary event. forum ZFD/Kosovo has also been invited and will

present its activities in Kosovo to the general public Mreža Mira nominated for the World Vision Peace together with these three organisations and many oth- Prize ers. Countless information stands will be set up along Mother Theresa Boulevard for this purpose at which forum ZFD would like to congratulate the Mreža Mira forum ZFD/Kosovo employees will be able to explain our peace network based in Banja Luka, BiH, of which work to interested visitors with information materials forum ZFD BiH is also a member for its nomination for and during discussions. the World Vision Peace Prize. The prize of 5,000 US dol- lars has been awarded every year since 2008, and rec- Contact: Nehari Sharri ([email protected] ) ognises both individuals and organisations from around the globe demonstrating outstanding dedication to Serbia peace work. Announcement of the winner is eagerly anticipated on World Peace Day (21 September). We 27.09.2014 | Public debate | Belgrade would like to wish Mreža Mira in particular – but natural- In cooperation with the Heartefact Fund , forum ZFD will ly also all the other nominees from Pakistan, India, Yem- host a public debate on the topic of “History and Art: A en, Canada and Colombia – the very best of luck. For Contradictory Pair?” with several experts from Serbia more information on the peace prize and the nominees, and the region on Saturday, 27 September 2014 at 12- please see: 1:45 p.m. http://wvipeaceprize.ning.com The relationship between historic facts and art and cul- ture, which tend to consider the human experiences, fears and hopes rather than the historic narratives will be discussed during this debate facilitated by Milica Upcoming Public Events Jovanović. One central question covered during the Macedonia debate will also be how art and culture can contribute to a debate on nationalistic narrative, war, death, cul- 11. 09. 2014 | Historians’ conference | Skopje ture of remembrance, and responsibility. The event is The conference taking place in Skopje on 11 September part of the Belgrade International Theatre Festival 2014 organised by the Institute of Spiritual and Cultural (BITEF) and will be held at Kuca Kulture, Heritage of the Albanians and the Institute of National Terazije 34, Belgrade. Please e-mail

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[email protected] to register for the event in ad- Germany and Austria vance. 09.11. - 18.11.2014 | MOnuMENTI | Aachen Contact: Nataša Govedarica ( [email protected] ) 20.11. - 05.12.2014 | MOnuMENTI | Graz The MOnuMENTI exhibition will also be shown again in Germany this autumn – this time at St. Nicholas church Macedonia in Aachen on 9-18 November. 17.+18.10.2014 | Conference on Peace Education | We also look forward to having the opportunity to dis- Tetovo play the MOnuMENTI exhibition in Austria for the first On 17-18 October 2014, Tetovo State University will time. The photographs will be shown from host a scientific conference in cooperation with 20 November to 5 December during the international forum ZFD/Macedonia on the topic of “Facing the Past conference on “Remembering and Forgetting the Great and Rethinking Peace in the Multicultural Balkans”. The War: Public Memory” taking place at the Institute of conference will focus on peace education, and the re- Southeast European Studies of the University of Graz. search papers presented reflect on the history of Alba- Further information on the conference and exhibition nian education, mediation and intercultural and inter- will be available soon at: religious dialogue, and educational approaches to cul- tural, ethnic and linguistic diversity. www.suedosteuropa.uni-graz.at/de/upcoming-events

Contact: Silke Maier-Witt ( [email protected] )

Macedonia Staff News

05.11.2014 | Public debate | Skopje After three years as a project manager in Macedonia (first in Struga and later in Skopje), our colleague Kirsten In cooperation with our partner, Civil, forum ZFD will Schoenefeld will be leaving us this September. We host a public debate in Skopje on 5 November 2014 on would like to thank her very much for the pleasant co- the topic of “Remembrance Policy in the Western Bal- operation and wish Kirsten all the best in the future. We kans”. The question of how history is instrumentalised also look forward to welcoming a number of new col- for political purposes will be considered. We will discuss leagues to our other project locations: Korab Krasniqi the implications of this for a constructive approach to began working in Pristina as a project manager back in dealing with the past with three guests from Kosovo, May. In Belgrade, Milica Cimeša and Bert van der Linde Macedonia and Serbia. The debate will be held at the join our team as new project managers this month. In GEM Klub in the old town at 5-9 p.m. We warmly invite Sarajevo, we welcome Sunita Dautbegović-Bosnjaković all interested parties to attend, and look forward to an as a new project manager this September. interesting event. Contact: Johannes Rüger ( [email protected] )

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Fokus.Westbalkan – News from the Forum Civil Peace Service

Issue 02-2014 | SEPTEMBER

The Fokus.Westbalkan is published three times yearly – in May, September and December. To subscribe or unsub- scribe simply send an e-mail to [email protected] . The contents of the Fokus.Westbalkan reflect the opinion of the forum ZFD or the authors. While the links to external website mentioned in this issue have been care- fully checked, the forum ZFD cannot be held responsible for any external contents.

Publisher Contributing Authors Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst ( forum ZFD) e.V. | Husnija Kamberović | Xhabir Deralla | Milica Cimeša | Korab Krasniqi | Nataša Govedarica | Maike Dafeld | Brit- Regional Office Western Balkans ta Wiemers | Prote Mateje 17/3

11000 Belgrade – Serbia Design & Layout Phone/Fax: +381-11-2437681 Britta Wiemers www.forumZFD.de

Financed through the Editorial Team Britta Wiemers | Christian Pfeifer

Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst ( forum ZFD) e.V. Pax Christi im Bistum Aachen

The peace of Christ was a sign of hope for many people The forum ZFD is an umbrella organisation of 38 member in the destroyed Europe at the end of the Second World organisations and recognized by the German Ministry for War. Out of this hope people of formerly hostile nations, Economic Cooperation and Development as a sending mainly Germans, French and Polish, reconciled with each organisation. It is committed to develop civil methods for other. This was the beginning of the pax christi move- conflict management and for the Civil Peace Service. ment which by now is active for peace and justice in Peace consultants by forum ZFD work in projects in the more than 60 countries. pax christi in the diocese of Aa- Western Balkans, the Middle East and the Philippines. In chen is part of the world wide pax christi movement. As its Academy for Conflict Transformation, forum ZFD trains founding-member of Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst pax peace consultants who work worldwide for the preven- christi Aachen carries out projects of the Civil Peace Ser- tion of violence and the promotion of peace. vice in the Western Balkans in cooperation with

forum ZFD.

www.forumZFD.de www.paxchristi-aachen.de [email protected] [email protected]

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