
Subscriber access provided by University | of Minnesota Libraries Letter Desorption Spectrometry Imaging of Proteins Directly from Biological Tissue Sections Kyana Y. Garza, Clara Leigh Feider, Dustin R Klein, Jake A. Rosenberg, Jennifer S. Brodbelt, and Livia S. Eberlin Anal. Chem., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b00967 • Publication Date (Web): 25 May 2018 Downloaded from http://pubs.acs.org on May 25, 2018

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is published by the American Chemical Society. 1155 Sixteenth Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036 Published by American Chemical Society. Copyright © American Chemical Society. However, no copyright claim is made to original U.S. Government works, or works produced by employees of any Commonwealth realm Crown government in the course of their duties. Page 1 of 12

1 2 3 Desorption Electrospray Ionization Imaging of Proteins Directly from 4 5 Biological Tissue Sections 6 7 Kyana Y. Garza, Clara L. Feider, Dustin R. Klein, Jake A. Rosenberg, Jennifer S. Brodbelt, and 8 9 10 Livia S. Eberlin* 11 12 13 14 Department of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 78712 15 16 * to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected] 17 18 19 20 21 22 Abstract 23 24 Analysis of large biomolecules including proteins has proven challenging using ambient 25 26 ionization mass spectrometry imaging techniques. Here, we have successfully optimized 27 28 desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESIMS) to detect intact proteins 29 30 31 directly from tissue sections, and further integrated DESIMS to a high field asymmetric 32 33 waveform mobility (FAIMS) device for protein imaging. Optimized DESIFAIMSMS 34 35 parameters were used to image mouse kidney, mouse brain, and human ovarian and breast 36 37 tissue samples, allowing detection of 11, 16, 14, and 16 proteoforms, respectively. Identification 38 39 of protein species detected by DESIMS was performed ontissue by topdown ultraviolet 40 41 photodissociation (UVPD) and collision induced dissociation (CID), as well as using tissue 42 43 extracts by bottomup CID and topdown UVPD. Our results demonstrate that DESIMS imaging 44 45 is suitable for the analysis of the distribution of proteins within biological tissue sections. 46 47

48 49 50 51 52 Mass spectrometry (MS) imaging is a powerful tool to investigate the spatial distribution 53 1,2 54 of molecular species directly from tissue samples. Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization 55 56 (MALDI) is the most widely used MS imaging technique, which has been extensively explored to 57 58 1 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Analytical Chemistry Page 2 of 12

1 2 3 image and characterize metabolites, lipids, and proteins from biological tissue sections.1,3 4 5 MS techniques have become increasingly used for biological tissue imaging 6 7 as they allow analysis to be performed in the open environment with minimal sample 8 9 2,4 10 preparation requirements, which is appealing for clinical applications. Desorption electrospray 11 12 ionization (DESI) MS imaging, for example, is the most widely used ambient ionization MS 13 4 14 technique that has been broadly explored tissue imaging. 15 16 DESIMS imaging has been successfully used to analyze biological tissue sections 17 18 allowing efficient desorption and ionization of lipids and metabolites that are diagnostic of 19 20 cancer including breast,5 ovarian,6 brain,7 and others4. Although typically used for small 21 22 molecule analysis, a few studies have described optimization of DESIMS for protein analysis 23 24 from nonbiological substrates.810 For example, DESIMS has been recently used to desorb 25 26 membrane proteins in their native conformations from planar surfaces.10 However, inefficient 27 28 desorption of large biomolecules and chemical noise arising from the complex tissue matrix 29 30 31 have impeded detection of proteins directly from biological tissue sections by DESIMS. 32 33 Recently, ambient ionization MS using liquid extraction techniques such as nanospray 34 11 12 35 desorption electrospray ionization (nanoDESI), liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA), 36 37 and the liquid microjunction surface sampling probe (LMJSSP)13 were applied to image 38 39 proteins from biological tissue sections. In the latter two studies, protein analysis was enhanced 40 41 by integrating ion mobility separation into the workflow, which allowed selected transmission of 42 43 protein and reduced chemical noise in the mass spectra.12,13 Here, we describe the 44 45 optimization of DESIMS imaging for protein analysis and further coupling of DESI to a FAIMS 46 47 device for imaging proteins from biological tissue sections, indicating that this approach could 48 49 50 be used for topdown studies in various biomedical applications. 51 52 We first evaluated the effectiveness of a washing step with organic solvents on 53 54 enhancing protein detection, which is commonly performed in MALDIMS imaging experiments 55 56 to remove endogenous lipids and biological salts that may affect efficiency of protein desorption 57 58 2 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Page 3 of 12 Analytical Chemistry

1 2 3 and ionization.14 Detailed methods are provided in the Supporting Information. DESIMS 4 5 imaging was performed on an unwashed mouse kidney tissue section in the positive ion mode 6 7 using pure ACN as the solvent and typical DESIMS lipid imaging parameters (Table S1).15 Ions 8 9 10 identified as triacylglycerols and glycerophosphocholines lipids were detected at high relative

11 15 12 abundances (Figure 1a), while multiply charged protein ions were not seen. Next, a solvent 13 14 system of ACN:H2O (80:20) (v/v) with 0.2% formic acid previously reported to enhance protein 15 16 desorption by nanoDESI was used for analysis of unwashed tissue sections, at a flow rate of 5 17 18 uL/min.11 Similar lipid species were detected at high relative abundances in addition to multiply 19 20 charged ions at low abundances that were tentatively identified as protein species (Figure 1b). 21 22 The lipid washing step was then performed on an adjacent mouse kidney tissue section 23 24 followed by DESIMS imaging analysis at the same parameters (Figure 1c). While the washing 25 26 step was effective at removing lipids, the mass spectra obtained presented low total ion 27 28 abundance of the multiple charged ions. Previous studies have reported that the desorption of 29 30 31 protein standards from glass slides by DESIMS is dependent on the spray angle and sprayto 32 10,16 33 surface distance. Thus, we performed optimization of DESI spray parameters for protein 34 35 detection by tuning angle, spraytosample distance, and sampletoinlet distance to 55°, 3.5 36 37 mm, and 2.5 mm, respectively. Performance was evaluated by the improvement in the total ion 38 39 abundance of m/z 938.117, later identified as an alphaglobin proteoform with an asparagine to 40 41 a lysine substitution. While protein ions were detected in mouse kidney tissue at various spray 42 43 tosample and sampletoinlet distances, proteins were not detected above a S/N=3 using spray 44 45 angles other than 55°, indicating that protein desorption and detection is more strongly 46 47 dependent on the spray angle than other source parameters. At these optimized parameters, 48 49 50 the alphaglobin proteoform was detected with S/N = 27.9 (average of n=3 tissue sections, n=3 51 52 lines/tissue section, n=20 mass spectra/line), as well as 10 other distinct protein species 53 54 (Figure 1d). 55 56 57 58 3 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Analytical Chemistry Page 4 of 12

1 2 3 In an effort to further increase S/N of proteins, we integrated FAIMS to the DESIMS 4 5 imaging source and mass interface as we have previously described.13 Two 6 7 dimensional FAIMS sweep experiments were performed to determine the optimal dispersion 8 9 10 field (DF = 180 Td) and compensation field (CF = +1.0 Td) for protein detection. Under the 11 12 optimized FAIMS parameters, a S/N=32.1 was achieved for the alphaglobin proteoform 13 14 (average of n=3 tissue sections, n=3 lines/tissue section, n=20 mass spectra/line), as well as 15 16 detection of 10 other distinct protein species (Table S2 and Figure 1e). The addition of FAIMS 17 18 increased the S/N for all the proteins detected, thus improving image contrast and quality 19 20 (Figure S1). The increase in the S/N of protein ions was due to the substantial filtering of 21 22 interfering background species (68% decrease), including abundant solvent peaks, and 23 24 reduction of chemical noise (43% decrease), despite an overall drop (30%) in the absolute 25 26 intensities of protein ions (Figure S2). Therefore, all further experiments were performed using 27 28 the optimized FAIMS parameters. Spray voltage and transfer capillary temperature were also 29

30 o 31 tuned to optimal values of 1 kV and 300 C for protein detection, respectively, using the 32 33 optimized DESIFAIMS parameters (Figure S3 and Figure S4). For more details on the effect 34 35 of FAIMS in the data and the optimization approach, please see the Supporting Information. 36 37 Topdown and bottomup proteinsequencing methods were explored to identify the 38 39 proteins detected. Ontissue CID was performed online by isolating and fragmenting protein 40 41 ions while directly profiling the tissue sections using DESIMS alone (no FAIMS). Fragmentation 42 43 of the 13+ charge state isotope envelope of the ion at m/z 1,153.298 (MM = 15,085 Da, Figure 44 45 S5) by CID allowed identification of this ion as the alpha globin protein (16% sequence 46 47 coverage) in mouse kidney tissue section. Other proteoforms of alphaglobin were detected at 48 49 50 high relative abundances, which are likely associated to the highly vascularized nature of the 51 52 kidney tissue. In an effort to obtain higher sequence coverage , UVPD was integrated with 53 17 54 DESIMS for ontissue protein fragmentation (no FAIMS). The proteoform of alphaglobin 55 56 presenting an asparagine to a lysine substitution (MM = 14,985 Da) used for optimization was 57 58 4 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Page 5 of 12 Analytical Chemistry

1 2 3 identified by ontissue UVPD of m/z 938.114 (16+ charge state, 32% sequence coverage) 4 5 (Figure 1f and Figure S6). Hemoglobin ɑ (m/z 1009.335, 15+ charge state) was identified from 6 7 normal human ovarian tissue using ontissue UVPD (sequence coverage of 20%). These results 8 9 10 demonstrate feasibility of UVPD for the identification of abundant proteins detected using DESI 11 12 MS from biological tissue sections, and to the best of our knowledge represent the first 13 14 application of UVPD for ontissue protein identification. Nevertheless, further optimization of this 15 16 integrated approach is needed for fragmentation and identification of lower abundant protein 17 18 species. Topdown UVPD and bottomup proteomics were also performed on protein extracts 19 20 obtained from the tissues analyzed to assist in the identification of low abundance protein ions. 21 22 Sequence coverage for the proteins identified and the respective method used are provided in 23 24 Table S3. 25 26 Next, we applied the optimized DESIFAIMS approach to image proteins from biological 27 28 tissue sections. As shown in Figure S7, DESIFAIMS allowed imaging of a variety of proteins 29 30 31 from mouse brain tissue sections at distinct spatial distributions within histologic structures. 32 33 These results were reproducible across multiple mouse brain tissue sections and in agreement 34 11,13 35 with what previously reported by nanoDESI and LMJSSP. Further, multimodal DESI 36 37 imaging was performed to obtain both lipid and protein information from the same mouse brain 38 39 tissue section. For more information on mouse brain tissue imaging, please see Supporting 40 41 Information and Figures S8, S9 and S10). 42 43 We next employed DESIFAIMS to image proteins from human normal and cancer 44 45 tissue sections. As shown in Figure 2a, the mass spectra obtained from normal ovarian and 46 47 highgrade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) tissue sections showed distinct relative abundances 48 49 50 of protein ions. Hemoglobin β (m/z 1443.318; 11+ charge state; MM = 15,998 Da), for example, 51 52 was observed at high relative abundances in healthy ovarian tissue samples, while the S100A6 53 54 protein (m/z 1442.339; 7+ charge state; MM = 10,180 Da), was observed at high relative 55 56 abundances in HGSC tissue. Note that although differing by ~1 m/z value, hemoglobin β and 57 58 5 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Analytical Chemistry Page 6 of 12

1 2 3 S100A6 were clearly resolved in the mass spectra (Figure 2b) and identified using a topdown 4 5 approach. Increased abundance of S100A6 has been previously reported in a variety human 6 7 cancers.18 DESIFAIMS ion images enabled clear visualization of protein ions within the 8 9 heterogeneous regions of a single tissue sample (Figure 2c), which corroborates with previous 10

11 13,19 12 findings. 13 14 DESIFAIMSMS imaging also allowed detection of several proteins from human normal 15 16 and a Her2 breast ductal breast carcinoma samples (Figure 3). For example, profilin1 at m/z 17 18 1,152.460 (13+ charge state, MM = 15,054 Da) and hemoglobin α at m/z 1,009.536 (15+ charge 19 20 state) were observed at higher relative abundance in a normal breast tissue. On the other hand, 21 22 S100 proteins including S100A4 at m/z 1058.893 (11+ charge state, MM = 11,279 Da), S100A8 23 24 at m/z 986.633 (11+ charge state, MM = 10,835 Da), and S100A11 at m/z 1,166.091 (10+ 25 26 charge state, MM = 11,740 Da), were seen at higher relative abundances in breast cancer 27 28 tissue (Figure 3b). Upregulation of members of the S100 family of proteins is known to occur in 29

30 2022 31 breast cancer and has been reported by MALDIMS imaging and other techniques. Galectin 32 33 1 (m/z 1,126.177, 13+ charge state, MM = 14,716 Da), previously associated with Her2 breast 34 23 35 cancer stromal tissue, was also detected by DESIFAIMSMS at higher relative abundances in 36 37 the Her2 cancer tissue analyzed. 38 39 In conclusion, we describe the successful optimization of DESI for protein detection and 40 41 further coupling to a FAIMS device for protein imaging directly from biological tissue sections. 42 43 Addition of FAIMS at parameters optimized for protein transmission reduced the mass spectra 44 45 noise and transmission of background ions, resulting in higher S/N of protein ions and thus 46 47 improved imaging contrast and quality. We further demonstrate ontissue topdown protein 48 49 50 identification using UVPD and CID for identification of abundant protein ions detected by DESI 51 52 MS. While this study shows a noteworthy advancement for DESIMS imaging, it represents an 53 54 initial step towards indepth tissue proteomics applications. Most protein species detected are 55 56 highly abundant in biological tissues, such as hemoglobin and S100 proteins. Thus, additional 57 58 6 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Page 7 of 12 Analytical Chemistry

1 2 3 optimization is needed to improve the desorption efficiency of lower abundant proteins. Although 4 5 protein coverage by DESIMS imaging remains vastly poorer to the coverage achieved through 6 7 traditional LCMS/MS of tissue extracts and MALDIMS imaging workflows,24,25 the ability to 8 9 10 rapidly image intact proteins from tissue sections with minimal sample preparation and under 11 12 ambient conditions suggests DESIMS as a promising tool for topdown proteomics, with 13 14 potential applications in cancer imaging and diagnosis. 15 16 17 18 Supporting Information 19 20 Detailed materials, methods, and supporting results are described. Tables presenting DESIMS 21 22 parameters, DESIFAIMS S/N comparison, summary of detected and identified proteins, and 23 24 DESIFAIMS optimization data are provided. Figures showing DESI mass spectra at various 25 26 optimization parameters, protein images of mouse brain with and without FAIMS, DESI mass 27 28 spectra of kidney tissue with and without FAIMS, voltage and temperature optimization mass 29 30 31 spectra, replicates of DESIMS imaging, and MS/MS data of proteins are also included. The 32 33 supporting information is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. 34 35 36 37 Acknowledgments 38 39 This work was supported by The Welch Foundation (grant F1895 LSE and F1155 JSB) and 40 41 the National Institutes of Health (R00CA190783 to LSE and R21CA191664 to JSB). Tissue 42 43 samples were provided by the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (supported by the NCI), the 44 45 MD Anderson Cancer Center Tissue Bank. We thank Dr. Chandandeep Nagi and Dr. Jinsong 46 47 Liu for pathological evaluation, the University of Texas Proteomics Facility (funded by UT 48 49 50 System) for protein identification experiments and Marta Sans for assistance with experiments. 51 52 53 54 Figures 55 56 57 58 7 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Analytical Chemistry Page 8 of 12

1 2

3 833.583 Lipid species 1.5E5 z=1 4 a Protein species 5 796.524 901.645 Solvent peak 6 z=1 z=1 7 0 792.589 8 b 4.4E4 z=1 9 1001.524 1073.133 1251.822 10 z=15 z=14 z=12 11 0 737.501 12 c 5.2E3 z=1 13 1001.659 1073.133 1155.529 1365.442 14 z=15 z=14 z=13 z=11 15 0 713.450 16 d 2.1E3 z=1 17 1000.599 1072.069 1154.381

Absolute Abundance 1251.664 z=15 z=14 z=13 1365.634 18 z=12 z=11 19 0 713.449 938.117 1072.059 20 z=14 e 6.8E2 z=1 882.993 z=16 757.472 z=17 1000.599 1154.449 21 z=15 1251.654 z=1 z=13 1364.168 z=12 22 z=11 23 0 24 700 800 900 1000 m/z 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 25 x15 x15 f 938.117 z=16 26 100 on-tissue UVPD PCS 301.15 27 90 952.956 P Score 1.2E30 919.787 z=13 28 80 1148.827 z=13 z=4 % Fragments Explained 17% 70 29 % Residue Cleavages 32% 830.791 1027.553 30 60 z=3 865.462 z=10 50 z=12 984.510 1251.962 31 793.438 712.403 z=10 z=3 32 40 z=2 z=3 736.399 1111.811 1173.594 30 z=6 33 616.175 z=4 z=4 20 553.308 z=1 34 Abundance (%) Relative z=3 35 10 0 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 36 m/z 37 38 39 Figure 1. Representative positive ion mode DESI mass spectra obtained from mouse kidney 40 41 tissue sections that were a) unwashed, using lipid DESIMS parameters and pure ACN as 42 43 solvent system, b) unwashed, using lipid DESIMS parameters with ACN:H2O 80:20 (v/v) and 44 45 0.2% formic acid as the solvent, c) washed, using lipid DESIMS parameters and ACN:H2O 46 47 80:20 (v/v) with 0.2% formic acid as the solvent, d) washed, using protein DESIMS parameters 48 49 and ACN:H2O 80:20 (v/v) with 0.2% formic acid as the solvent, and e) washed, using protein 50 51 DESIFAIMSMS parameters and ACN:H2O 80:20 (v/v) with 0.2% formic acid as the solvent. 52 53 Mass spectra are an average of 25 scans. f) Ontissue UVPD of m/z 938.117 54 55 56 57 58 8 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Page 9 of 12 Analytical Chemistry

1 2 3 from a mouse kidney tissue section (average of n=80 mass spectra). PCS, Pscore, and 4 5 sequence coverage are reported for the protein ion identified as an alphaglobin proteoform. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Figure 2. (a) Representative protein DESIMS spectra of normal and HGSC ovarian tumor with 45 46 optimized FAIMS parameters. Mass spectra are averages of 10 scans. Different charge states 47 48 of the same protein species are denoted by same colored labels. (b) Zoomed in mass spectra 49 50 of normal and HGSC samples, highlighting the observance of m/z 1442.339, identified as 51 52 53 S100A6, within the cancer tissue. (c) DESIMS ion images obtained from normal, pure cancer, 54 55 and mixed normal/cancer ovarian tissue sections. Ion images are in the same scale. H&E 56 57 58 9 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Analytical Chemistry Page 10 of 12

1 2 3 stained images are of a serial ovarian tissue sections as protein conditions are not histologically 4 5 compatible. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Figure 3. (a) Representative protein DESIMS spectra of normal and breast cancer samples 44 45 with optimized FAIMS parameters. Mass spectra are averages of 20 scans. Different charge 46 47 states of the same protein species are denoted by same colored labels. (b) DESIMS ion 48 49 images obtained from normal and breast cancer tissue sections. Ion images are in the same 50 51 scale. H&E stained images are of a serial breast tissue sections as protein conditions are not 52 53 54 histologically compatible. 55 56 57 58 10 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment Page 11 of 12 Analytical Chemistry

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1 2 3 TOC figure 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 12 59 60 ACS Paragon Plus Environment