
422 Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 29, no. 3, Septemb er, 1999

An Intro duction to the Time-of-FlightTechnique

Per Hakansson

The Angstrom Laboratory,

Div. of Physics, Box 534, S-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden

Received May, 1999

In the last two decades, several new typ es of ion sources have b een intro duced in organic

sp ectrometry likebombardment with heavy , PDMS, and laser light, MALDI. Hand in hand

with the new techniques followed also a renaissance for the 50 year old time-of- ight

technique for the mass analyses. In this pap er the basics of the ToF technique is describ ed in a

tutorial non-theoretical way for the b eginner together with some practical hints. The electrostatic

mirror, the delayed extraction technique as well as some recent technical developments are also


ments like the Q-ToF: a quadrup ole is used to select a I Intro duction

certain mass, the parent ions. By collisions with gas

A mass sp ectrometer is build up by three ma jor parts:

molecules in a small cell the parent ions will break up

an to create ions of the sample to b e inves-

into fragments or daughter ions. The masses of the

tigated, a mass analyzer to determine the mass distri-

daughter ions are then analyzed with a time-of- ight

bution of the ions from the source and a detector to

analyzer. This technique for obtaining structure infor-

detect the ions that have b een selected by the mass an-

mation ab out molecules is called MS/MS.

alyzer. A common mass analyzer is a combination of

A drawback with the ToF technique has b een the

magnetic and electric elds in a so called sector instru-

relatively p o or mass resolving p ower due to the spread

ment. Other p ossibilities are to use quadrup oles or ion

in the initial energies of the ions as well as the spa-


tial distribution of them. However, with the use of the

The idea to measure the time that ions, with a

delayed extraction technique [7] and electrostatic mir-

known energy, need to travel a certain distance and

rors [8] the mass resolving p ower b ecomes sucient for

then calculate their mass was rst exploited by Ham-

most applications to day [9]. In this short pap er the

mer in 1911. The use of ToF in mass sp ectrometry was

basic ToF concepts will b e describ ed in a p opular way

consolidated by W. E. Stephans [1] in 1946, Later in

together with references for further reading. A recent

1948, A. E. Cameron and D. F. Eggers [2] at Clinton

review article ab out ToF has b een written by Guilhaus

engineer works, Tennessee, intro duced an instrument

[10] and a nice b o ok by Cotter [11].

containing the basic building blo cks of a mo dern ToF

instrument: an ion source with an acceleration region

followed by a eld free region and with a stop detector

II The straight sp ectrometer

at the end.

However, the resolving p ower of a ToF instrument

Consider a straight sp ectrometer as in Fig 1. The sam-

is p o or compared to a sector instrument and it was

ple molecules to b e studied are dep osited on a metallic

not commonly used until Macfarlane [3] et. al. intro-

target backing kept at the acceleration p otential U in

duced the PDMS technique, plasma desorption mass

front of a grounded grid. The target is b ombarded with

sp ectrometry, in 1974. Then the advantages with the

for e.g. fast heavy ions from an accelerator. The start

ToF technique b ecame clear: no scanning is needed like

signal could b e generated from the accelerator itself or

in a sector instrument, high transmission, high sensitiv-

from a start detector that the b eam pass just b efore

ity, fast, cheep, simple and in principle unlimited mass

the target. The start detector contains a thin foil that


pro duces secondary when the fast heavy ion

passes. The burst of electrons is ampli ed with channel Today the ToF technique is well established and

plates. The secondary ions from the target are accel- used in combination with quite di erent ion sources like

erated into the eld free region with length L where in SIMS [4], secondary ion mass sp ectrometry, MALDI

they drift with constantvelo cityuntil they reach the [5], matrix assisted desorption/ionization and ESI [6],

stop detector. Dep ending on how the stop detector is ionization. There are also hybrid instru-

Per Hakansson 423

coupled the secondary ions will b e p ost accelerated or slightly retarded.

Figure 1. Working principle of a straight time-of- ight mass sp ectrometer. Molecules are desorb ed and ionized when fast

heavy ions from an accelerator hit the target at high voltage. The secondary ions are accelerated through a grid and enter

a eld free drift tub e. At the end, the ions are stopp ed in micro channel plate detector which gives a stop pulse to the

digital clo ck. The start pulse comes from a burst of electrons that are generated when the b eam passes a thin foil. The time

di erence b etween start and stop pulses are prop ortional to the square ro ot of the ion mass. The main principle is the same


for b ombardment with ssion fragments from Cf source PDMS or keV ions SIMS or laser light MALDI.

424 Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 29, no. 3, Septemb er, 1999

The energy of the ions when entering the accel-

eration region is qU: This is equal to kinetic energy


E =1=2mv , where the velo city v = L=t. The basic


equation for the time- of- ightisthus


t = L m=q U

Even if the o set time b etween the start pulse and

the time when the primary ion hits the target and the

time sp ent in the stop detector are taken into account

the same simple relation holds:


ToF = A m + B

where A and B are constants. To mass calibrate an

unknown sp ectrum it is thus enough to determine the

ToF for two known masses and then calculate A and B .

The start and stop signals are fed into a TDC, time

to digital converter. This is a digital clo ck that will give

as output a numb er that is prop ortional to the time dif-

ference b etween the start and stop pulses. This number

will b e the channel address in a sp ectrum. The content

of that channel will incrementby 1. In this way a his-

togram sp ectrum will b e built up step by step. This

way of recording data is called event-by-eventmodeor

single ion counting: all stop signals followed one start

signal are registered. To a given start signal, can follow

stop signals from light ions as well as from the molecular

ion itself. Every event can contain information ab out

the whole mass range. This is in contrast to a mag-

netic analyzer where the magnetic eld is scanned and

the intensity of the corresp onding masses are recorded.

III Detectors

The standard detector used to day is an assembly of

two micro channel plates coupled together as in Fig

2. Across the plate is a p otential di erence of ab out

Figure 2. The typical detector in a time-of- ight sp ectrom-

1000 V. The plates are built up of small channels that

eter consists of two micro channel plates coupled in tandem.


are tilted at an angle with resp ect to the surface nor-

The total gain is ab out 10 . The plates can b e coupled ei-

ther with the ano de plate grounded a or at p ositive high

mal. When an ion hits the channel it will pro duce some

voltage b.

electrons that are accelerated into the channel where it

will hit the wall and pro duce more electrons and so on.

Each plate has a gain of ab out 1000. After two plates To trigger a micro channel plate detector it is in

so many electrons are pro duced that it is p ossible to most cases enough to just let the ions hit the front plate

directly.However, when the pro duction of secondary

detect a pulse from the ano de. The channel plate sig-

electrons is to o low, the ion is forced to hit a thin foil

nals are fast, whichisamust for go o d timing. The rise

in front of the detector. The secondary electrons from

time of the ano de pulse is less than a ns.

the foil will then b e accelerated into the plates. To

The plates can b e coupled in two di erentways.

enhance the yield and to make it p ossible to

The ano de can b e at ground p otential, which means

go to high p ostacceleration voltages, it is also p ossible

that the front end of the rst plate must b e negatively

to use a converter plate b eside the detector. The sec-

biased. This has the consequence that p ositive ions will

ondary electrons from the plate are then steered into

b e p ostaccelerated but negative ions will b e retarded.

the detector by a magnetic eld.

The ano de can also b e oated at high p ositivevoltage.

In that case, the front plate is at ground p otential and A drawback of the channel plates is that they have

the secondary ions will not b e in uenced in the stop a recovery time in the s time range. This means that

detector region. ifachannel is hit by an ion it will take a certain time

Per Hakansson 425

the output pulse from the detector will b e twice the b efore it is ready for detecting the next ion. If the

pulse for one ion, but the TDC will still count itasone stop rate is low like in PDMS or SIMS this e ect has

ion. In applications with a high probability that many no in uence, but if many ions come p er start likein

molecular ions with the same mass are desorb ed at the MALDI the high low-mass count rate will shadow the

same time, like in MALDI, it is therefore b etter to use a interesting high-mass ions.

transient recorder or a digital oscilloscop e in order not This problem can b e resolved in many di erent

to lo ose statistics in the p eak. ways. One of the channel plates can b e pulsed. When

This problem can also b e circumvented by using a the low-mass ions come the detector, it is not active but

segmented ano de [13] and add up contributions from after a certain time the detector gets full high voltage

each part. At IPN the electronic department has also and can record the high-mass ions. Another wayisto

develop ed a charge recorder that integrates the stop use a set of de ection plates or anytyp e of ion gate

detector p eak and give an output pulse prop ortional to and de ect awayunwanted low-mass ions from the sec-

the area. ondary ion b eam. The gate is then switched o when

the interesting molecules comes.

V The electrostatic mirror

IV Electronics

Apowerful way of comp ensating for the spread in the

initial energy distribution of the secondary ions is to To record a ToF sp ectrum it is, in most cases, enough

to use a timing ampli er for the detector signal followed re ect the b eam in an electrostatic eld, see Fig 3.

by a constant faction discriminator, CFD. This mo dule Consider a package of ions having the same mass and

gives a well-de ned timing signal indep endently of the approaching the mirror after b een accelerated to a cer-

amplitude of the stop pulse from the detector, the so tain energy. Due to the initial energy distribution some

called \amplitude walk" phenomenon. ions will havelower energy i.e. moving with to o low

In applications with few stops/start the time can b e velo city and some higher energy i.e. moving to o fast

measured with an analog time to pulse height converter, than the correct one. Ions with to o high energy will

TPHC, or b etter a digital time converter, TDC. A go o d p enetrate deep er into the mirror b efore they are re-

converter, like the CTN-M2 built by the IPN at Orsay ected back, compared to the ones with correct energy.

[12], has a resolution of 0.5 ns, a time range of 256 s Thereby they will lo ose time. Ions with to o low energy

and can handle 256 stops p er start. The dead time is 20 will not p enetrate so deep into the mirror b efore they

ns. It sounds more than enough the quantity 256 stops are re ected back, compared to the ones with correct

p er start, but these stops must b e of di erent masses. energy. Thereby they will gain time. The net e ect is a

If two ions arrive at the same time in the stop-detector time fo cusing of the ion package at the detector plane.

Figure 3. A time-of- ight sp ectrometer equipp ed with an electrostatic re ector or ion mirror for improved mass resolving

power. The mirror is built up by high precision stainless steel rings separated with high precision ceramic balls. A resistor

chain distribute the mirror voltage over the rings uniformly. A stop detector at the rear of the mirror gives the p ossibili ty

to study metastable decays by coincidence measurements b etween that detector and the detector for the re ected ions. The

sp ectrometer has also an einzel lens to fo cus the secondary ion b eam and a set of de ection plates for steering the b eam

correctly into the mirror.

For a single stage mirror, Fig. 3, the length of the two stage mirror that comp ensates for higher order ef-

mirror should b e one quarter of the total eld free path fects in the time-of- ight equation for the system. This

which means that the total dimensions of an instru- is obtained by inserting one more grid in the mirror and

ment can b e quite large. A more compact mirror is a set the dimensions and voltages correct.

426 Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 29, no. 3, Septemb er, 1999

The comp ensating e ect on time-of- ight instru-

ment with a mirror can easily b e demonstrated by

changing the acceleration voltage and monitor the ToF

for any ion. With a single stage mirror [14] one can typ-

ically change the acceleration voltage +150V and the

p eak p osition is the same within 1 ns. Foratwo stage

mirror the comp ensation is roughly 10 times higher [15].

VI Delayed extraction

Delayed extraction or time lag fo cusing was invented

by Wiley & McLaren already in 1955. Howpowerful

this technique is b ecame however not clear until Brown

[16] and Vestal [17] applied it to MALDI. The working

principle is the following. Consider two identical ions

that are pro duced with di erent initial energies. In the

standard ion source geometry with one grid they b oth

gain the same amount of energy in the acceleration pro-

cess. After the grid, the ion with highest initial energy

will continuously increase the distance to the ion com-

ing b ehind and it will reach the detector rst.

Consider now the pulsed case, with an extra grid

between the sample and grounded grid, Fig. 4. In the

desorption moment, the target and 1st grid are on the

same p otential. The ion with the highest initial energy

will move longer out in the acceleration region than the

Figure 4. In delayed extraction or time lag fo cusing an extra

ion with low initial energy. After a certain delay time,

grid is mounted b etween the target and grounded acceler-

ation grid. In the desorption moment, t=0, the target and

the high voltage is increased on the target to pro duce

rst grid are on the same p otential U2. After a certain de-

a linear acceleration eld. However, in this case the

lay,t the target p otential is quickly switched from U2


slower ion will b e accelerated more than the faster ion.

to U1 and the ions are extracted from the ion source. An

By cho osing correctly the distances and delay, the ions

ion with high initial energy will b e less accelerated than an

can b e made to reach the stop detector at the same

ion with low initial energy.Bycho osing the delay time and

the distances correctly a net fo cusing e ect can b e obtained


at the stop detector plane.

VI I Conclusion


From b eing a technique that was hardly accepted 20

[1] W.E. Stephans, Bulletin of the American Physical So-

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