Technical Note – TN 005: 2019 For queries regarding this document
[email protected] Technical Note – TN 005: 2019 Issue date: 20 November 2019 Effective date: 20 November 2019 Subject: Updates to ESC 215 Transit Space, version 4.9 This technical note is issued by the Asset Standards Authority (ASA) to notify amendments to ESC 215 Transit Space, version 4.9. It replaces the following technical notes: • TN 026: 2018 Update to ESC 215 Transit Space, version 4.9 to introduce Sub-Medium rolling stock • TN 089: 2015 Update to Medium Electric rolling stock outline diagram in T HR RS 00100 ST (RSU 110) and ESC 215 In addition, this technical note includes amendments to the requirements of Extended Medium, Wide Electric, Out of Gauge Load, NZZA Wagon and ANZR outlines. TN 026: 2018 and TN 089: 2015 will be withdrawn with the publication of TN 005: 2019. 1. Introduction of Sub-Medium rolling stock A new rolling stock outline, to be known as Sub-Medium, will be introduced to the electrified portion of the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy Rail Network. The Sub-Medium will comply with the Medium Electric rolling stock outline, but have what is termed a two-stage kinematic response. Operating on normal track conditions, Sub-Medium vehicles will be specified to comply with the general kinematic tolerances in Section 10.2 of ESC 215. Under certain prescribed track conditions and speed, these vehicles will be specified to generate a reduced kinematic response. Prior to the deployment of Sub-Medium rolling stock on certain sections of the network, the track width classification of those sections will be altered from Narrow to Sub-Medium or from Narrow to Medium.