MARCH 2016NOVEMBER 2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM Document Control Record 1. Document Details: Name: Standard

Number STM6024 Version Number: 1.89

Document Status: Working Draft

X Approved for Issue

Archived Next Scheduled Review Date: 2. Version History: Version Number Date Reason/Comments 1.0 20/01/2007 Initial issue 1.1 09/01/2009 Changed Report title 1.2 09/07/2009 Added Tie Bar drawing 1.3 31/05/2010 Changes made to satisfy the 2009 ITSRR audit. 1.4 31/07/2010 Changes made to satisfy the 2009 ITSR audit. 1.5 03/09/2010 Updated Appendix D and other minor changes. 1.6 15/05/2011 Added the Information as the RNP uses this equipment 1.7 21/8/2015 Added drawing and reference to STM6072 1.8 31/03/2016 Amended Distribution List format Better defining the sleeper standard (Good, Fair, Poor) by photos 1.9 21/11/2019 and description in Section 10.11.

Approved by Signature & Date

3. Distribution List Position Date Location of Documents Rail Safety Manager Original held on GOOGLE secure Website STM WEB SITE Updated regularly and put onto the STM Web site. STM Office STM Office Computer STM Office STM Office cupboard

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 2 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM

1. Purpose To explain the various tramway track standards at the Sydney tramway Museum. Also the purpose of this document is to set down, in printed form, a history of the construction, operation and maintenance of the STM for the benefit of future generations called upon to further the aims of the society.

2. Scope This standard applies to the design, construction and maintenance of all tramway tracks installed by the Sydney Tramway Museum.

3. Responsibilities The staff at STM must follow these processes in this manual.

4. References This document is an update of the work done by W.M. Denham in 1994 whose work is noted with grateful appreciation. Also grateful assistance was given by Richard Clark, Chief Engineer for the Sydney Tramway Museum in confirming the engineering details given, and Robert Cowing, Construction Supervisor for the museum in confirming the construction methods outlined. STM6027 – Tramway Maintenance – Track and Structure Inspection Report STM6028 - Track Inspection procedure STM6033 - Occurrence Report STM6026 - Speed & Stopping Distance document

5. Definitions OIC Officer in Charge (on the day) STM Sydney Tramway Museum: the trading name of South Railway Co- Operative Society Limited for activities, therefore references to STM. SPER South Pacific Electric Railway Co-Operative Society Limited The Board refers to the Board of Directors at STM Ins Inches Kg/m Kilograms per metre Km/h Kilo meters per hour Lbs Pounds (weight) lb/yd Pounds per yard m Metres NSWGT New South Wales Government Tramways

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 3 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM 6. Table of Contents 7. Preface...... 6 8. Introduction...... 7 8.3 Tramway Main Line...... 8 8.4 Standards...... 8 8.5 Minimum Standards...... 8 8.6 Tram Speeds...... 8 9. Design...... 10 9.1 Track Layout...... 10 9.2 Rail Joints...... 10 9.3 Loops and Double Track...... 10 9.4 Track Centres...... 11 9.5 ...... 11 9.6 Curves...... 11 Diagram: 1 SINGLE TRACK STRUCTURE GAUGE...... 14 Diagram: 2 DOUBLE TRACK STRUCTURE GAUGE...... 14 9.7 Superelevation...... 15 9.8 Grades...... 15 10. Construction...... 17 10.1 The Road Bed...... 17 10.2 Track Standards – Generally...... 17 10.2 Tram Track...... 17 10.3 Tramway Rails...... 18 10.4 Rail Foot Dimensions...... 18 10.5 Rail Stress Conditions...... 18 10.6 Handling Rails...... 19 10.7 Main Line Rails...... 19 10.8 Used Rails...... 19 10.9 Check Rails...... 19 10.10 Guard Rails...... 20 10.11 Sleepers...... 20 10.12 Fastenings and Attachments...... 20 10.13 Ballasted Track...... 21 10.14 Paved Track...... 21 10.15 Points...... 22 10.16 Points Pits...... 22 10.17 Construction Standards...... 23 11 Maintenance...... 28 11.1 Diagrammatic Layout...... 28 11.2 Check Sheets and Schedules...... 28 11.3 Maintenance Standards...... 28 11.4 Track Maintenance Limits and Speed Restrictions...... 28 11.5 Replacing Damaged and Worn Rails...... 28 11.6 Track Inspection schedule – Generally...... 28 11.7 Sleeper Maintenance and Replacement...... 29 11.8 Poor Sleeper And Fasteners...... 29 11.9 Prioritisation of Defects...... 29 11.10 Notification, Imposition and Removal of Protection/Restriction Signs...... 29 11.11 Type of Protection/Restriction Signs...... 30 11.12 Review of Technical Expertise...... 30 APPENDIX A – INSPECTION REPORT SHEETS...... 38 APPENDIX B – EXISTING TRACK...... 39


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7. Preface While the Tramway Track Standard discusses the methods of design, construction and maintenance of tramway track in some detail, the information given should only be regarded as a basis for practical demonstration, observation and experience. Any member of the Society seeking to be approved as a track worker will be expected to have a working knowledge of matter contained herein. The Standard is based upon archival data located in the State Government Archives and those of the SPER related to the former New South Wales Government Railways (NSWGR) and the New South Wales Government Tramways (NSWGT) and observation and interpretation of the thousands of photographs of the New South Wales and other tramway systems available to SPER. It is supplemented with data from other sources, particularly of the other former and existing Tramways systems from which tramcar exhibits and spare parts for and track have been obtained.

Technical information has also been gleaned from: - Electric Traction by A.T. Dover; Electric Railway Handbook by Albert S. Richey; Various issues of Street Railway Journal and Electric Railway Journal in the Society’s archives; and from observations made during the demolition of in-situ railway and tramway track work for use in the museum tramway.

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8. Introduction Although mainline railway (Heavy Rail) and tramways () both operate over steel railroads which may be laid to the same gauge, there are sufficient fundamental differences for each to be considered separately and to be considered as separate entities. The important differences are outlined as follows:-

RAILWAY TRAMWAY Gauge Although the gauges for the NSWGR and the The tramway flangways were shallower and NSWGT were the same, i.e. 1435 mm (4’ narrower to reduce hazards to other road 8½”), the flangeway dimensions were users. This also allowed for narrower wheel significantly different. The railway treads for to swing under tramcars on flangeways were deeper and wider. sharp curves. Gradients and Curves Railways endeavour to maintain a line which Tramways usually were forced to follow the is as straight and as level as possible, making topography of city and suburban roads and use of , cuttings, embankments and were therefore designed to cope with steep to maintain these requirements. grades, sharp curves, and natural and manmade obstructions. Speeds Railways endeavour to provide services at Tramways provided local services with the highest possible speeds consistent with stopping places placed close together and, the track. Stopping places are located at having to share the roadway with other greater spacings than on tramways allowing and pedestrians, the top speed and even stopping to achieve a service speed had to be significantly lower. significantly high service speed. Length It is the railway operator’s general Electric trams are usually single units or requirement that trains be of maximum coupled sets with both cars driven. The trams length at maximum headways. Even in run on close headways to provide seating suburban services, the requirement is for capacity. maximum seating capacity. Axle Loads Railway axle loads are high and usually Tramway axle loads are usually light and, in require a medium-to-heavy section rail on a conjunction with the slow speeds at which substantial base. trams may be operated, light section rails may be used on a less substantial base. Maintenance Because of the high speeds and axle loads to Tramcars travel at low speeds and much of which main line railway trains subject the the track on which they travel is at ground track and the proximity of obstacles such as level without significant obstacles and may embankments, bridges and platforms railway also be paved to the rail head. Track track maintenance must be maintained at a maintenance may be reduced since the high level to prevent derailments. potential severity of derailments is significantly reduced.

This comparative table is set down to indicate the fundamental differences between the railway and tramway operation with respect to track design, construction and maintenance.

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 7 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM 8.3 Tramway Main Line For the purpose of this manual, tramway main line shall represent a standard of construction and maintenance deemed suitable for the regular operation at service speeds of tramcars carrying passengers. Non-main line track shall be tramway over which trams are manoeuvred at slow speeds and not carrying passengers. Various types of track shall be applicable to both situations ranging from fully exposed to fully paved. The construction methods and form of maintenance required will vary in accordance with the type of track.

8.4 Standards The standards of construction and maintenance of the tramway track work outlined herein shall apply to the whole of the tramway of the SPER but shall not be taken to restrict the Society to such standards nor shall the adoption by the Society of higher standards for any section of the tramway be taken to imply an offer by the Society to bring any or all of the remaining track work up to such higher standard.

8.5 Minimum Standards The minimum standard for construction of the tramway track shall be as indicated herein, such track work being constructed and maintained in a reasonable condition to prevent physical injury to persons and damage to the tramcars or other vehicles.

8.6 Tram Speeds Electric trams may have a number of definite operating speeds directly associated with the electric power controller and not to any speed registering device. There are generally two running speeds: a) FULL PARALLEL. b) FULL SERIES. In the case of (a), Full Parallel, the electric motors are connected in parallel with the power supply (600 volts DC) and the tram is able to develop its full design speed. This will vary from tram type to tram type and also varies according to loadings imposed by the passengers and the track conditions (grades, curves, distance from power source, etc.). In the case of (b), Full Series, each pair of motors is connected in series and the pairs of motors (where more than two motors are provided on the tramcar) are connected in parallel with the power supply. Each motor then receives half the line voltage and the tram will operate a nominal half maximum speed. These are “running” positions of the power controller and the tram may operate in either control position indefinitely. In all other positions of the controller, varying amounts of external resistance are in the power circuit as a means of controlling the acceleration rate of the tram. Electric power used in the resistances is transformed into heat. Therefore drivers are instructed not to run in resistance notches except for the minimum time required to accelerate the tram to half or full speed, except in one special circumstance. When trams are required to be driven at slow speeds over short distances, the driver must operate the tram in the first (sometimes, second) series resistance notch. Operating rules require that this be done only as a last resort and then only for the minimum distance necessary, to avoid overheating the acceleration resistance. The tramway Regulations therefore define speed limits as:- a) Walking Pace (approximately 7 km/h); being the maximum speed attainable by the particular tram on straight level track in First notch Series. b) Full Series; being the maximum speed attainable by the particular tram on straight level track in Full Series notch; about half maximum speed.

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 8 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM c) Full Parallel; being the maximum speed attainable by the particular tram on straight level track in Full Parallel notch; the maximum operating speed. All trams can coast under suitable conditions so speed may be controlled by coasting and judicious use of the service brake.

Also see Speed & Stopping Distance document (STM6072) for more details.

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9. Design

9.1 Track Layout The track layout will depend on a number of factors including:- a) The area available for tramway construction and the general topography; b) Type of services to be provided; c) Physical characteristics of trams to be operated; d) Building and ancillary structures to be provided; and e) Availability of track components and track working equipment.

Before the commencement of any new trackwork or of any substantial renewal of trackwork, the Infrastructure Manager is to provide details of the proposed work to the Chief Engineer to enable the Chief Engineer to consider whether the proposed work would comply with the requirements of this Track Standard.

The tramway designer will draft out a preliminary proposal then, subject to the availability of professional services, a detailed survey should be carried out to determine contours of the area in which the tramway will be constructed. The presences of the survey will enable the rapid determination of the earthworks required and the need for cuttings, embankments, drains, etc. These may then be plotted on a construction drawing along with track details. The track layout will enable an estimate to be made of supplies of materials required and special track work components to be salvaged or fabricated. The simplest track plan will usually be the easiest to construct, operate and maintain.

9.2 Rail Joints Rail joints may be staggered or in line. Staggered joints may be satisfactory when all the tram fleet is of the equal wheel type but it is strongly recommended that on straight track the joints be kept in line to reduce the tendency of single truck trams to lurch both fore and aft as well as from side to side.

9.3 Loops and Double Track City tramway designers generally look to providing double track over most, if not all, of the main line. This allows traffic to run in each direction independent of that in the other. Major lengths of double track are a luxury that the tramway museum may not be able to afford. The alternative solution is the provision of loops set into the single track main line to allow trams running in opposite directions to pass. Serious considerations must be given to the frequency of traffic services which are to be provided to determine the need for, and use of, passing loops at any location. The number of passing loops and their spacing, together with the Safeworking method of passing trams over a single tram line must be examined thoroughly. A midway along an established route may be the most practical, unless proposed traffic patterns determine otherwise. It is most likely that an odd number of loops along the main line will serve more successfully than an even number but this will depend on requirements. A passing loop every 1 to 1.5 km for a lengthy tramway could be in order. Passing loops and terminal loops of sufficient length to comfortably hold the three longest trams in the fleet (i.e. about 46 m or 150’ 0”) will usually suffice but each loop’s detail characteristics will require consideration on a separate basis.

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 10 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM 9.4 Track Centres The minimum track centres should always be as wide as reasonably possible but will not be less than the overall width of the widest tram plus 300 mm (minimum) on straight track and extra on curves under 200 m (10 chains) radius. Table 1 and diagrams (overleaf) show the maximum overhang of Sydney tramcars as established in 1932 and may be used as a guide. The tramway designer will need to allow for any reasonable future tramcar acquisition and any variations introduced by tramcar exhibits from other systems when setting out multi-track curves.

9.5 Structure Gauge A structure gauge will be required for the tram fleet to determine the minimum location for structures including overhead support poles, buildings, doorways, street furniture, etc. These gauges may generally be obtained from the authority for which the tramcar exhibits were constructed. Where a mixed fleet of trams is to be considered, a composite gauge must be prepared. See Diagrams 1 and 2.

9.6 Curves Because a tramway is generally related to a road system or a built up area, it must usually include a number of sharp curves. For this reason, tramcars are constructed to negotiate these curves, although generally at slow speeds. The temptation exists for museum tramway designers to incorporate such features in the tramway because they are representative of the street line. However, sharp curves are a constant source of wear and tear on the track and the tram, and waste electric power. There is also an ever present threat of derailment. Where space and circumstances permit then the tram track should be laid as straight as possible with the curves of maximum, rather than minimum, radius. The minimum radius for the NSWGT on main lines was about 18.3 m (60’ 0”) but this was reduced to 14.3 m (47’ 0”) in certain terminal or congested areas such as Queens Square.

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 11 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM Table 1: STRUCTURE GAUGE



T.RAILS D E F OUTER INNER Straight 4’ 8½” 10’ 0” 4’ 6” 2’ 0” 4’ 6” 4’ 6” 1.435 m 3.04m 1.37m 0.61m 1.37m 1.37m 12 chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 0” 4’ 6” 2’ 0” 4’ 6” 4’ 6” 241.40 m 1.443 m 3.04m 1.37m 0.61m 1.37m 1.37m 8 chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 2” 4’ 7” 2’ 1” 4’ 7” 4’ 7” 160.93 m 1.443 m 3.09m 1.39m 0.63m 1.39m 1.39m 7 chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 4” 4’ 8” 2’ 2” 4’ 8” 4’ 8” 140.81 m 1.443 m 3.14m 1.42m 0.66m 1.42m 1.42m 6½ chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 4” 4’ 8” 2’ 2” 4’ 8” 4’ 8” 130.75 m 1.443 m 3.14m 1.42m 0.66m 1.42m 1.42m 6 chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 4” 4’ 8” 2’ 2” 4’ 8” 4’ 8” 120.70 m 1.443 m 3.14m 1.42m 0.66m 1.42m 1.42m 5½ chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 6” 4’ 9” 2’ 3” 4’ 8” 4’ 9” 110.64 m 1.443 m 3.20m 1.45m 0.68m 1.42m 1.45m 5 chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 6” 4’ 9” 2’ 3” 4’ 8” 4’ 9” 100.58 m 1.443 m 3.20m 1.45m 0.68m 1.42m 1.45m 4½ chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 8” 4’ 10” 2’ 4” 4’ 9” 4’ 10” 90.52 m 1.443 m 3.25m 1.47m 0.71m 1.45m 1.47m 4 chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 8” 4’ 10” 2’ 4” 4’ 9” 4’ 10” 80.46 m 1.443 m 3.25m 1.47m 0.71m 1.45m 1.47m 3½ chains 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 10” 4’ 11” 2’ 5” 4’ 10” 4’ 11” 70.40 m 1.443 m 3.30m 1.49m 0.73m 1.47m 1.49m 198 feet 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 10” 4’ 11” 2’ 5” 4’ 10” 4’ 11” 60.35 m 1.443 m 3.30m 1.49m 0.73m 1.47m 1.49m 180 feet 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 10” 4’ 11” 2’ 5” 4’ 10” 4’ 11” 54.86 m 1.443 m 3.30m 1.49m 0.73m 1.47m 1.49m 165 feet 4’ 8-13/16” 10’ 10” 4’ 11” 2’ 5” 4’ 10” 4’ 11” 50.29 m 1.443 m 3.30m 1.49m 0.73m 1.47m 1.49m 150 feet 4’ 8-13/16” 11’ 0” 5’ 0” 2’ 6” 4’ 11” 5’ 0” 45.72 m 1.443 m 3.35m 1.52m 0.76m 1.49m 1.52m 132 feet 4’ 8-13/16” 11’ 2” 5’ 1” 2’ 7” 5’ 0” 5’ 1” 40.23 m 1.443 m 3.41m 1.54m 0.78m 1.52m 1.54m

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120 feet 4’ 8-7/8” 11’ 2” 5’ 1” 2’ 7” 5’ 0” 5’ 1” 36.57 m 1.444 m 3.41m 1.54m 0.78m 1.52m 1.54m 110 feet 4’ 8-7/8” 11’ 6” 5’ 3” 2’ 9” 5’ 1” 5’ 3” 33.52 m 1.444 m 3.50m 1.60m 0.83m 1.54m 1.60m 100 feet 4’ 8-15/16” 11’ 6” 5’ 3” 2’ 9” 5’ 1” 5’ 3” 30.48 m 1.446 m 3.50m 1.60m 0.83m 1.54m 1.60m 90 feet 4’ 9” 11’ 8” 5’ 4” 2’ 10” 5’ 2” 5’ 4” 27.43 m 1.447 m 3.55m 1.62m 0.86m 1.57m 1.62m 85 feet 4’ 9-1/16” 11’ 10” 5’ 5” 2’ 11” 5’ 3” 5’ 5” 25.90 m 1.449 m 3.60m 1.65m 0.88m 1.60m 1.65m 80 feet 4’ 9-1/16” 11’ 10” 5’ 5” 2’ 11” 5’ 3” 5’ 5” 24.38 m 1.449 m 3.60m 1.65m 0.88m 1.60m 1.65m 75 feet 4’ 9-1/8” 12’ 0” 5’ 6” 3’ 0” 5’ 4” 5’ 6” 22.86 m 1.450 m 3.65m 1.67m 0.91m 1.62m 1.67m 70 feet 4’ 9-1/8” 12’ 0” 5’ 6” 3’ 0” 5’ 4” 5’ 6” 21.33 m 1.450 m 3.65m 1.67m 0.91m 1.62m 1.67m 65 feet 4’ 9-3/16” 12’ 2” 5’ 7” 3’ 1” 5’ 5” 5’ 7” 19.81 m 1.452 m 3.70m 1.70m 0.93m 1.65m 1.70m 60 feet 4’ 9-¼” 12’ 4” 5’ 8” 3’ 2” 5’ 6” 5’ 8” 18.28 m 1.454 m 3.75m 1.72m 0.96m 1.67m 1.72m 55 feet 4’ 9-5/16” 12’ 8” 5’ 10” 3’ 4” 5’ 8” 5’ 10” 16.76 m 1.455 m 3.86m 1.77m 1.01m 1.72m 1.77m 50 feet 4’ 9-3/8” 12’ 10” 5’ 11” 3’ 5” 5’ 9” 5’ 11” 15.24 m 1.457 m 3.91m 1.80m 1.04m 1.75m 1.80m NOTE: Refer to diagram 2 (Double Track Structure Gauge), for references to D, E and F.

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1584 (4’0”) 838 (2’9”)


” ) 8 9

” 4 ’ 8 9 4 4

3 ’ 1 ( 8 2

( ) 9 ” 8 2

4 ’ 2 8

( ) ” 5 4 4

’ 8 9 2 ( ) ” 0 6

2 ’ 4 4 4 1 2591 ( (8’ 6”) 178 (7”)

279 2743 (11”) (9’) 121 (4¾”) 57 1435 (2¼”) 305 (4’ 8½”) 127 819 819 (12”) 1930 305 (5”) (2’ 8¼”) (6’ 4”) (12”) (2’ 8¼”) 4178 (13’ 8½”)


F ) ” 2 1 4 1

2 ’ 4 3





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9.7 Superelevation Limited superelevation may be applied to tramway curves where the paved surface of the street allows. In open ballast track where higher speeds might be reasonably expected then superelevation should be provided in accordance with the table reproduced elsewhere (see Table 4) in this document.

9.8 Grades From around 1900 until 1920’s the NSWGT engineers investigated the matter of maximum tramway gradients until experiments showed that a 1 in 12 gradient was the maximum considered safe for adhesion working both up hill and downhill. The maximum service gradient was gradually reduced to 1 in 33 for certain car types such as maximum traction vehicles and for motor trams towing trailers. Coupled motor tramcars with both trams under power and with air brakes were usually permitted to operate over the 1 in 12 gradient without further provisions. Operation of trams over grades between 1 in 12 and 1 in 10 was permitted provided that the tramcars were fitted with friction operated track brakes. The short section of tramway between Nicholson Street and Darling Street Wharf at Balmain which was laid in at 1 in 8 was always regarded as a special case and was protected by a counterweight safety device.

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STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 16 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM 10. Construction 10.1 The Road Bed Although the tramway will generally be constructed practically on the natural ground level, the road bed should be prepared with some degree of care. The centre line of the track should be pegged out and all vegetation cleared from the along which the track will be laid, including about 3 m (9’ 0”) beyond the sleeper ends. Crests should be removed and dips filled with well rammed earth. When the road bed is nearly level a slight mounding should be formed along the centre line of each track and water table gutters formed beyond the sleeper ends to allow water penetrating the ballast to be shed from under the sleepers. The gutters should be drained to sumps or outlets connecting with major drainage in the area. In the case of track laid on an up (or down) grade, cross trenches may be required to help divert the stormwater into the side gutters. Where the fall of the natural ground is at right angles to the track centre line, special provision should be made for under track drains to relieve the pressure of stormwater which may accumulate on the hill side of the track.

10.2 Track Standards – Generally For the purpose of identification of various sections of the tram track the following type of designations have been established by the Society: Type 1: Rails laid directly on formation; open; shunting speeds only. Type 1P: Rails laid directly on formation; paved; shunting speeds only, also “temporary track” for main line operation in emergency circumstances. Type 2: Rails laid on and spiked to timber sleepers; main line speed. Type 2P: Rails laid on and spiked to timber sleepers; paved; main line speed. Type 3: Rails laid on and fastened to steel ties supported on stringers or bed; main line speed. Type 3P: Rails laid on concrete paving to rail head; main line speed.

10.2 Tram Track The minimum standard of construction for tram track shall be Type 1, constructed of steel rails with a foot width of not less than 127 mm tied at 3.0 m maximum centres with 19 mm diameter steel tie bars and resting on a prepared bed of scrabbled sandstone or not less than 250 mm thickness or well compacted sandstone rubble. For Type 1P; after the rails have been levelled and aligned, the track shall be filled to the top of the rails between the rails and for 500 mm outside each rail with similar compacted fill. The minimum standard of construction for tram track, Type 2, shall be of steel rails of not less than 60 lb/yd (30 kg/m) original section with not more than 50% of the rail head worn away and resting on and spiked to hardwood sleepers resting on a 25 mm minimum bed of compacted earth or ash. For Type 2P; after the rails have been levelled and aligned, the track shall be filled to the top of the rails between the rails and for a minimum of 500 mm outside each rail with compacted fill, ash, hardcore or soil and grass. The minimum standard of construction for tram track, Type 3, shall be of steel rails of not less than 60 lb/yd (30 kg/m) original section with not more than 50% of the rail head worn away,

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 17 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM welded to steel sleepers or fitted with temporary ties and laid on concrete stringers or slabs of thickness noted. For Type 3P; after the rails have been levelled and aligned, the concrete stringers or slab shall be poured simultaneously as the track is filled to the top of the rails between the rails and for a minimum of 500 mm outside each rail with concrete screeded off level with the rail head. Special consideration may have to be given to the depth of the concrete and the provision of reinforcement in roadways to carry motor vehicles. It is reasonable to assume that an outside body will handle the design and, probably, the construction of such pavement. The museum should ensure that the track is laid to tramway requirements and may be required to supply suitable rail and fastenings.

10.3 Tramway Rails The tramway plain track will be laid generally with T-rail conforming to NSWGT standards, the rails being mostly salvaged from numerous railway and tramway locations. Rails ranging from 1888-rolled x 60 lb/yd (30 kg/m) to 1937 x 94 lb/yd (47 kg/m) will be used for tramway main line, although 80 lb/yd (40 kg/m) is the preferred size for most trackage with 94 lb/yd (47 kg/m) minimum being supplied to the constructing authority for building into motor crossings outside the Museum grounds. (NOTE: After the branch railway to the Royal National Park had been approved for lease to the Society for conversion to tramway operation it was found that it exceeded the minimum requirements for tramway Type 2 track. An examination revealed a mixture of rail sections in the 90-100 lb/yd (45-50 kg/m) range. This was considered acceptable for tram operation but upon advice from railway construction firms the excessive, to tramcars, gap in the fish plated joints was rectified by Thermit welding of all the doubtful cases. The Society has agreed to the railway standard that existed at the time of handing over). Grooved tramway rail in the 90-102 lb/yd (43-51 kg/m) range was used in Sydney. However, its use was not universal and it required special transition plates and provisions for flange way modification where joining to plain track. Little useable grooved tramway rail is now available for salvage locally and its use is not considered obligatory. A small length of tramway grooved rail is maintained in the Museum grounds for demonstration purposes.

10.4 Rail Foot Dimensions

For rail imbedded in concrete up to rail head or rail embedded in concrete and topped with asphalt as per STM standards no rail foot is required. This is because the railhead and web is continuously supported by the mass concrete. In practice sufficient foot should be on place at welded joints for a sole plate and for welding of cross ties if used. For open ballasted track the rail foot carries loads and restrains the rail in gauge. Consistent with 50% rail head requirement, the same requirement or better requirement should be applied to the foot. Suggest 65% of original area. For mass concrete track: No rail foot required. For sleeper ballast track: Rail foot 65% area or as required for proprietary fixings.

10.5 Rail Stress Conditions

For rail embedded in concrete up to rail head or rail embedded in concrete and topped with asphalt as per STM standards no rail stress conditions are required. This is because the rail retains a relatively even temperature surrounded by concrete and the concrete restrains the rail both longitudinally and laterally.

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 18 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM For jointed rail of standard lengths there is sufficient longitudinal joint expansion to cover temperature variations.

For continuously welded track consideration should be given for temperature variation. Additional work should include:  Fully ballasted track;  C Clips for longitudinal restraint;  Full shoulder ballast;  Concrete sleepers;  Final rail joint closure during hot weather; and  Speed restriction (WOLO) in days of above 36 degrees forecast. For mass concrete rail: No rail stress requirements For fishplated rail: No rail stress requirements For continuously welded rail: Engineering and administrative controls as above. 10.6 Handling Rails Rails are to be transported, stored and handled in a manner such that they are not kinked or mechanically damaged. Rails which are to be pre-curved shall be formed with a mechanical rail bender. If a screw type bender (“Jim Crow”) is used then care shall be taken to form an even curve, free of kinks.


10.7 Main Line Rails Where a new or nearly new section, main line rails shall be not less than the section dimension or mass per length of AS (1916) 60 lb/yd (30 kg/m) material. Where reclaimed rails are to be used they shall conform to the dimension of the near new rail, or abutting sections but shall not have more than 50% of the head worn away nor have major damage to the web or foot.

10.8 Used Rails Used rails shall be reasonably free of rust and mechanical damage with at least 50% of the original section rail head remaining. Curved rails shall not be straightened or bent to the opposite hand where required for main line use. Rails with a discernible wear must not be reversed so that the previous gauge face is turned outwards. Badly kinked rails must not be straightened but may be retained, if required, to be cropped to shorter lengths for closure purposes.

10.9 Check Rails Check rails are rails required to form a flangeway against the gauge face of the running rails. They shall be of suitable section rails bolted against the running rails to restrain the tram wheels from

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 19 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM leaving the rail opposite crossings and on sharp curves. They shall be bolted through spacers which can be adjusted as required to maintain a flangeway in accordance with the recommended dimensions. Worn rails of slightly smaller section are often used for check rails.

10.10 Guard Rails Guard rails are non essential check rails provided against the gauge face to create a flangeway, usually in association with formed paving to rail head level.

10.11 Sleepers Sleepers shall be sawn hardwood of minimum dimensions 2.45 m long x 230 mm x 115 mm cross section (8’0” x 9” x 4½”). On straight track at least every sixth sleeper shall be of good quality to provide an effective track tie. The remaining sleepers shall be of fair to good quality to support the rails. To define the quality of the wooden sleepers, below is the description and photos of Good, Fair and Poor wooden sleepers. GOOD. Sleeper is free of rot or substantial splits or damage, the spikes are firmly held and the sleeper is capable of holding the track in gauge and transmitting the loading to the ballast bed. FAIR. The sleeper has some deterioration but is still capable of holding the track in gauge and supporting the loads imposed on it. POOR. Sleeper has deteriorated to the point that it can no longer perform the above functions and should be replaced.

For more details on Poor sleepers, please see section 11.8 – Poor Sleeper and Fasteners. At least one in every four sleepers on straight track and one in three on curves should be classed as "good". For tramway track the sleepers are set at 700 mm maximum centres but may require adjustment of spacing at the rail joints. The joint should fall midway between sleepers and be supported by the fish plates bridging the sleepers. Angle have notches in the bottom flange to locate the dog spikes at the recommended locations.


STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 20 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM Sleepers should be set out evenly along the centre line of the track, laid at right angles to the centre line and dressed to line before the final packing of the track. The provisions of this manual shall not preclude the use of steel or concrete sleepers provided that the necessary stock pattern fastenings are used to secure the rails. 10.12 Fastenings and Attachments Dog Spikes: Shall be stock pattern, hammered into holes drilled fully through the sleeper, two per rail crossing. Holes shall be 1 mm less in diameter than the spike to be used and located as per the sketch below.

Pandrol Fastclip: For concrete sleepers, the fastening method is with Pandrol Fastclips. Appendix F explains the details about this method. Diagram 5: SPIKE LOCATION Fish Plates: Shall be stock pattern of size and dimensions to suit the rail section, fitted with No. 4 off per joint (minimum) fishplate bolt, nut and washer assemblies. Where rails of different cross section or significant different wear patterns abut then purpose made cranked (transition) fishplates are to be installed to bring the rail top and gauge face to proper alignment. Alternatively, rails may be site welded onto steel base plates with steel spacers to align the rail head and gauge face and the rails fully welded and ground flush on the running face. Sleeper Plates and Sleeper Anchors: Where timber sleepers are replaced, sleeper plates and anchors which were in place shall be reinstalled. At other locations, the use of these devices shall be optional unless directed by the certifying track Engineer. Rail Bonds: Rail bonds shall be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Mechanical and/or Electrical Engineers.

10.13 Ballasted Track Following the clearing and preparation of the road bed, a layer of the selected ballast material should be spread along the centre line of the track to the finished depth, the width of the ballast bed being at least equal to the length of the sleepers. Sleepers are then laid out along the re-established centre line of the track at 700 mm maximum spacing, adjusted as necessary at the rail joints. The rails are then to be lifted onto the sleepers and levered into position after which they are to be fastened to the sleepers with dog spikes and bolted together with fish plates. When track laying is complete, the rails are to be brought to line with bars and jacks and the track packed. The ballast material is only to be securely tamped under each sleeper below the rail crossing. Ballast is to be left loose under the centre of the sleeper to prevent the track rocking and left loose under sleeper ends to avoid the sleeper being stressed by the load of the tram passing. The track should be raised about 10 mm above the finished level until the packing is completed. When the jacks are removed, the track will settle back to its proper position. When the ballasting is completed, spare ballast should be used to fill space between the sleepers up to the sleeper top and the whole dressed neatly along the level of the sleeper tops and at 45º away from the ends of the sleepers.

10.14 Paved Track

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 21 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM Gravel/Sandstone: When the concrete stringers or slab have cured for at least 14 days, all temporary formwork, especially timber, must be removed and the area to be paved will be filled with clean excavated material and finished with selected gravel/road base/crushed sandstone well dampened and compacted. Flangeways should be properly cleaned before any tram is driven over the track. Grass: As above, but the grass may be sown or prepared turves may be laid with the turf to finish at the rail level. Normal procedures for grass laying, maintenance and mowing will then be followed. Special care should be taken to remove all grass clippings before any tram is driven over the track, especially grades. Bitumen: As above, but compacted fill/road base should be finished at a level of 25 mm below the rail head (or as directed by the bitumen laying firm). The bitumen will be laid and rolled in one operation, usually by a specialist team. Where guard rails or check rails are not provided, flangeways may be produced by the insertion of removable steel tubes of about 25 mm outside diameter against the running rail before the bitumen is to be rolled or by running the tram with the largest flanges carefully along the track after the surface has been laid. Upset bitumen is to be neatly dressed at the edge of the groove. Concrete: When the concrete paving is laid as a separate slab, the bed on which it will be poured is to be thoroughly cleaned and wetted and the concrete paving poured and compacted as for normal building practice. The paving slabs will be screed to rail level, trowelled and brought to a broomed finish unless otherwise required. When guard rails or check rails are not provided, suitable size (25 x 25 mm approximately) tapered timber battens are to be laid against the rail head before the concrete is screeded off and carefully removed before the concrete initial set has taken place. Ironing of the flangeway with a special tool may be undertaken. When the concrete paving is poured integrally with the track support, the finish will be generally as for above. Remove all timber and non permanent steel formwork and shuttering as soon as practicable after the concrete has been poured for seven days.

10.15 Points As indicated above, the NSWGT system used railway type points built up from T-rail sections with pairs of short point blades. The tramway museum line can expect to reclaim some old units from former tramway locations and renovate and reuse these units. The point’s rails rest on timber sleepers in open ballasted track or steel cross ties when in concrete. When above ground point levers are used, special long timbers are provided as the first and second from the toe of the point blades to support the mechanism. Two or three full length timbers are also provided at the crossing. The balance of the point timbers may be supported on full sleepers gradually increasing in length, if available, or standard length sleepers fanned out to support the straight track and the curved track on alternate sleepers. The long timbers are generally out of 254 x 127 mm (10” x 5”) cross section hardwood. The points consist of a pair of stock rails which are profiled to detail and bolted onto cast iron chairs. The chairs are, in turn, fixed to timber or steel sleepers with bolts or screw spikes. A flangeway crossing (point frog – see Diagram 8) is provided where the running rails cross, and check rails are fitted against the running rail opposite the crossing. The crossing flangeway is usually welded up to provide bearing for the wheel flange as the wheel crosses the gap in the running rail. Closure rails in plain track and check and guard rails are installed as necessary. The blades are hinged at the heel and connected with tie rods near the toe. Throw over levers or under-track ball levers are used on main line track, generally left unlocked so that they may be safely trailed through when set against the tram. Other mechanisms may find use in non main line situations.

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 22 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM Refer to the Department of Public Works drawings Nos. ???? and NSWGT drawing No.2 for general details of points and crossover construction – see Appendix C

10.16 Points Pits Where the points are to be paved to rail head they are generally provided with under-track ball levers which are supported in a pit built under the track and properly connected to the site drainage system. A metal frame is provided between the rails over the mechanism and a slotted hinged cover fitted. The slot allows the points to be operated by the point hook. The cover permits access to the mechanism for lubricating. The remainder of the pit is covered with a removable timber deck constructed with 127 x 76 mm (5” x 3”) hardwood stringers and 50 mm (2”) thick hardwood decking bolted to the stringers.

10.17 Construction Standards Tram track shall be constructed and maintained to a reasonable line and level consistent with the service speeds and axle loadings imposed by the tramcars. Tolerances are tabulated below: TABLE No. 2 GAUGE RADIUS OF CURVE GAUGE (see Note 1) TOLERANCE Straight Track 1435 mm ± 10 mm 140 m radius 1437 mm 90 m radius 1438 mm 55 m radius 1441 mm 30 m radius 1445 mm ± 5 mm 27 m radius 1448 mm 23 m radius 1451 mm 18 m radius 1454 mm 14 m radius 1455 mm

NOTE 1: Gauge is generally measured against the vertical inner face of the rail head at a distance of 10 mm below the running surface. TABLE No. 3 FLANGEWAYS RADIUS OF CURVE WIDTH (see Note 2) TOLERANCE Straight Track 22 mm ± 2 mm 140 m radius 23 mm 90 m radius 29 mm 55 m radius 32 mm 30 m radius 35 mm ± 5 mm 27 m radius 38 mm 23 m radius 38 mm (see Note 3) 18 m radius 41 mm (see Note 3) 14 m radius 42 mm (see Note 3)

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 23 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM NOTE 2: Dimensions for required check rails or guard rails, otherwise there is no maximum dimension (width or depth) on straight track.

NOTE 3: 35 mm maximum for short curves. TABLE No. 4 SUPERELEVATION

RADIUS OF CURVE SUPERELEVATION NOT TO EXCEED Straight Track 0” 0 mm To 6 chains (120.7 m) 120 mm 6 mm (¼”) 7 mm To 3½ chains (70.4 m) 70 mm 13 mm (½”) 13 mm To 100’ 0” (30.5 m) 30 mm 25 mm (1”) 25 mm To 60’ 0” (18.3 m) 18 mm 28 mm (1½”) 38 mm

TABLE No. 5 VERTICAL CRESTS Minimum convex 215 m radius (700 feet) easement DIPS Minimum concave 460 m radius (1500 feet) easement

TABLE No. 6 OUT OF LINE KINKS Lateral bending Shall not exceed 30 mm measured along 3.0 m of the gauge face. HUMPS AND SAGS Vertical bending Shall not exceed 30 mm measured along 3.0 m of the gauge face.


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11 Maintenance

11.1 Diagrammatic Layout As soon as any section of the tramway track is completed, a diagrammatic layout drawing shall be prepared showing the disposition of all relevant items of the construction indexed to overhead support poles and major structural or geographic features. Items shall be identified in a logical manner by number or letter. Overhead poles shall be the basis for the numbering scheme; each pole is expected to have been allocated a discrete number in a logical sequence.

11.2 Check Sheets and Schedules Check sheets and schedules shall be prepared in accordance with the detail shown on the diagrammatic layout, or with provision for the manual insertion of this detail in each sheet. Copies of these sheets shall be provided to the Infrastructure Manager on each day that inspections are to take place. The sheets shall be filled in as the inspection work progresses and at the end of each day shall be inserted in a “Current” file. When all repair work noted on any sheet as being outstanding has been carried out the sheet shall be suitably endorsed and transferred to an “Archive” file where it will remain to form a history of the examination and maintenance of the tramway track.

11.3 Maintenance Standards Track shall be maintained to gauge and an even line within the limits outlined in the previous chapter. When examination reveals that any of these limits has been exceeded then speed restrictions must be posted where trams can safely proceed over such track at reduced speed, otherwise services must be suspended until essential repairs have been carried out.

11.4 Track Maintenance Limits and Speed Restrictions The track maintenance limits for straight and curved tram track the and speed restrictions are shown in Appendix D.

11.5 Replacing Damaged and Worn Rails Rails or sections of rail which exhibit major defect shall be scheduled for replacement as soon as possible. The damaged rail shall be marked with severing locations and replacement rails shall be cut to length and mechanically bent, if required, and brought to the site before the running rails are severed. Where the replacement rails are to be “thermit” weld bonded to the existing rails, they shall be prepared by, or in consultation with, an approved welding company. Rails being prepared as replacements and defective running rails are to be mechanically sawn and drilled. IT IS NOT PERMITTED TO USE GAS FOR CUTTING, OR BLOWING HOLES, IN RUNNING RAILS.

11.6 Track Inspection schedule – Generally The tramway track shall be visually examined at intervals from the tram driver’s view point and tram drivers are to report after each trip to the Officer-in-Charge any apparent defect in the track or any line-side structure to allow any such defect to be examined as soon as possible. The tramway track infrastructure, including culverts, embankments, cuttings and line-side structures, shall be visually examined every six months for obvious defects and examined annually when the rail fastenings are to be checked and adjusted, the rails to be re-adjusted to the correct alignment and gauge and drains and culverts cleared of debris.

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 27 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM Undergrowth along the right-of-way is to be removed where it could constitute a vision or bush fire hazard. Specific details about track inspections, etc are covered in the Track Inspection procedure (STM6028) in section 6.9 (Defect Reporting).

11.7 Sleeper Maintenance and Replacement When individual sleepers are to be replaced, the ballast shall be removed between the damaged sleeper and the one adjacent. The damaged sleeper is then to be freed from the rails and slid sideways into the cleared space without disturbing the alignment of the rails. The new sleeper is to be inserted in the reverse manner, levered up to the foot of the rail and the spikes inserted. Ballast shall then be packed under the sleeper below the rail and the ballast dressed to the sleeper top. Where groups of sleepers are to be removed, the track gang shall endeavour to remove and replace the sleepers alternately to avoid disturbing the alignment of the rails.

11.8 Poor Sleeper And Fasteners If the sleeper is present but is not effective in providing gauge restraint and allows lateral movement of the fastening and rail due to wear, splitting, crushing, timber rot, or shows signs of back canting of the rail it must be replaced. The fastener is present but is not effective in providing gauge restraint and allows lateral movement of the rail due to wear, deformation, corrosion, or shows signs of back canting of the rail it must be replaced.

11.9 Prioritisation of Defects Attention to defects is prioritised by the Infrastructure Manager in consultation with other managers and the Board, based on the likelihood and consequences of any adverse safety outcomes potentially arising from the particular defect.

11.10 Imposition, Notification and Removal of Protection/Restriction Signs

Restrictions are to be imposed as the result of a defect being reported and unable to be fixed immediately or track work not being completed in time before traffic resumes.

Restrictions may only be imposed by:  The Chief Engineer;  The Infrastructure Manager;  The Rail Safety Manager or the Deputy Rail Safety Manager;  The Operations Manager;  The Tramcar Maintenance and Workshop Manager; or  If unable to contact any of the above, the Officer-in-Charge on the day.

When a restriction is imposed, the following steps are to be taken as a matter of urgency: a) The officer imposing the restriction is to complete and submit an Occurrence Report form (STM6033); b) The Infrastructure Manager is to cause a protection or restriction sign to be placed adjacent to the section of the track effected, if that officer or the Chief Engineer considers that such protection or restriction is necessary; and

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 28 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM c) The Rail Safety Manager is to post a written notification of the restriction in the Workshop and in the Traffic Office.

The only officers who may authorise the removal of restrictions are:  The Chief Engineer; or  The Infrastructure Manager.

It is the responsibility of the Infrastructure Manager to remove the protection/restriction signs once the repairs have been completed, inspected and cleared for normal operations. The Infrastructure Manager is to check any work done (whether by that officer personally or under supervision or independently) and be satisfied that the infrastructure is safe for use without temporary protection, before removal of the temporary protection notice.

Each year, the Infrastructure Manager reviews all current protection/restriction signs during the annual preparation of the Track and Structure Inspection Report (STM6027) to ensure that they are all still valid.

11.11 Type of Protection/Restriction Signs These signs must be placed on the nearest poles on either side of the defect or uncompleted work.

The signs are: Speed restriction enforce at speed nominated on the sign As per the Australian

End of Speed restriction As per the Australian Standard 11.12 Review of Technical Expertise Every two years the STM Board is to appoint the Chief Engineer, or a suitably qualified person nominated by the Chief Engineer, to certify the integrity of the track infrastructure.

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Head Width

Running Surface

Running Face HEAD Head Slope Fishing Angle t h g

Web Thickness i e H Web Fillets Web Radius Fishing Surface


Flange Slope Fishing Angle FLANGE


From N.S.W.G.R. INSTITUTE – Permanent Ways & Platelaying drawing

Rail Section (lbs/yd) Rail Section (Kg/m) Rail Length Supplied 60 B1 24’, 27’, 30’ 60B, 60 B4 30’, 40’ 71½ D 18’, 21’, 24’ 30’ 75 F 18’, 21’, 24’ 80 E 75 BNP 36 80 AE 80 A3 30’, 40’ 80 AF 33’ 80 A, 80 AA 30’, 40’ 80 A, 90 AS 30’, 40’ 80 J, 90 AS 30’, 40’, 46’ 90 ASN 38’ 100 C 30’, 40’ 100 AS 100 ASN 30’, 40’, 75’ 103 AS 107 AS

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APPENDIX A – INSPECTION REPORT SHEETS See forms: - STM6027 – Tramway Maintenance – Track and Structure Inspection Report

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APPENDIX B – EXISTING TRACK The following information has been supplied by the SPER track maintenance section as a resumé of the present track structures. It is expected that the number of variations will be reduced as reconstruction and maintenance takes place over the ensuing years.

TRACK DETAILS (Refer to illustrations on the following pages).

Diagram A 1. (Type 1P) Rails laid on compacted fill with tie bars at 3.0 m centres to hold gauge. Filled in to the top of the rail with compacted fill, gravel or grass and level with the rail. Joints fish plated with bolts. Diagram A 2. (Type 2P) Rails laid on timber sleepers placed on compacted fill and packed to level. Filled in to the top of the rail with fill or ashes to the head of the rail level, finished off with grass to stop erosion. Joints fish plated with bolts or Thermit welded. Diagram A 3. (Type 2) Rails laid on timber sleepers at 700 mm spacing, four dog spikes per sleeper. Sleepers levelled with compacted fill and may be filled to top of sleeper. Joints fish plated with bolts or Thermit welded.

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Diagram R.T.A. 1H. (Type 3P) Concrete tramway to Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales (RTA): Drawing No. 92030-1. Diagram B 1. (Type 2) Rails laid on timber sleepers at 700 mm spacing with sleeper plates, four dog spikes per sleeper with railway ballast. Rail joints fish plated with bolts or Thermit welded. Diagram B 2. (Type 2) Rails laid on timber sleepers at 700 mm spacing, four dog spikes per sleeper laid on compacted fill with rail ballast to the top of the sleeper. Rail joints fish plated with bolts or Thermit welded.

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Diagram C 1. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete strips 300 mm wide by 150 mm deep from the underside of the foot of the rail, with steel ties of flat or angle at 3.0 m spacings along the rail length. Filled in to the head of the rail with compacted fill. Diagram C 2. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete strips 300 mm wide by 150 mm deep from the underside of the foot of the rail, with steel ties of flat or angle at 3.0 m spacings along the rail length. Concrete encased tie to the under side of the rail foot. Filled in to the head of the rail with compacted fill. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods. Diagram C 3. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete supports with tie bars at 3.0 m centres along the rail aligned and levelled then concreted to the top of the rail head in the “4 foot”, and flange way formed in the concrete. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods.

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Diagram C 4. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete slabs 150 mm thick with tie bars at 3.0 m centres along the rail length. When the track is levelled concrete is placed between underside of the rail foot and the concrete slab, all tie bars to be concreted as well. When all concrete is completed the remaining area to the top of the rail head to be filled and compacted with gravel or grass to top layer. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods. Diagram C 5. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete slabs 150 mm thick and to 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track. When the track is levelled then filled in to the top of the rail head with concrete and the flange way formed, concrete to be formed to 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods. Diagram C 6. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete supports with tie bars at 3.0 m centres along the rail length and levelled then concreted to top of the rail head concrete and 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track, with flange way formed. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods.

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Diagram C 7. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete slabs 150 mm thick and to 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track, guard rail lined and levelled with the track, then filled in to the top of the rail head with concrete, concrete to be formed to 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods Diagram C 8. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete slabs 150 mm thick and to 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track, the track lined and levelled, then filled in to the top of the rail head with concrete and the flange way formed, concrete to be formed to 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods Diagram C 9. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete supports with tie bars at 3.0 m centres along the rail length, guard rail lined and levelled with the track, then filled in to the top of the rail head with concrete and 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track, and 150 mm below the foot of the rail. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods.

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Diagram C 10. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete slabs 150 mm thick and to 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track, guard rail lined and levelled with the track, then filled in to 50 to 60 mm below the top of the rail head with concrete. The top 50 to 60 mm filled with hot mix to rail head. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods Diagram C 11. (Type 3P) Rails laid on concrete supports with tie bars at 3.0 m centres along the rail length, guard rail lined and levelled with the track, then filled in to 50 to 60 mm below the top of the rail head and formed to 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track with concrete. The top 50 to 60 mm filled with hot mix. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rod Diagram C 12. (Type 3P) Grooved rails laid on concrete supports with tie bars at 3.0 m centres along the rail length, the track lined and levelled then filled in to the top of the rail head and to 1.0 m each side of the centre line of the track with concrete. Rail joints steel plate to underside of rail foot welded with low hydrogen rods.

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Angle – 30mm x 30mm – 4mm thickness

60mm 60mm m To be welded to both sides of the angle 120mm 240mm

20mm diameter threaded rod M20 type

A nut and washer A nut and washer is is to be placed to be placed on the either side of the outside of the hole in hole in the web of the web of the rail. A the rail. washer is also to be placed against the tie bar on the inside of NOT TO SCALE the web.


Note PARAMETER NOMINAL Normal C B A RESTORED Track FAULT FAULT FAULT DIMENSION (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) no speed no speed 10km/hr restriction restriction restriction 1.. Wide Gauge 1435 Straight & curves > 240m radius. (see table 1 in 0-10 11-15 16-18 >18 Curves < 241m radius section 9 above) 2.. Flangeway Gap Straight 22 22-27 N/A N/A >50* Curves 27 27-37 38-45 46-50 >50 3 Rail Head Wear Vertical head wear: all rail 0 ½ hgt N/A N/A <18 sizes. 4. Track Twist (over a 1.6m Bogie with wheel flange height 0 0-10 11-15 16-20 >20 of 12.0 – 14.2mm) 5. Rail Joint Alignment including welded joints, fish plated joints & broken rails (Variation from design line measured at centre and/or end of:1.0m Straight-edge);  Vertical Peak/Summit; 0 0-1 2-3 4-6 >6  Vertical Dip/Sag; 0 0-1 2-3 4-6 >6  Vertical Step; 0 0-1 3-5 5-7 >7  Horizontal misalignment 0 0-2 3-5 5-7 >7 * Maximum gap only for paved level crossings

D.1 “C” Fault Level - Maintenance When a “C” fault is found in track no speed restriction is required. Maintenance intervention is not mandatory. Regular periodic inspection at not more than 12 monthly intervals is necessary to determine the ongoing condition of all “C” faults found in track. Following each inspection, a re-assessment of the track fault priority shall be made.

D.2 “B” Fault Level - Comfort When a “B” fault is found in track no speed restriction is required. Maintenance intervention should be programmed if necessary to prevent the fault from deteriorating further to the “A” fault level. Regular periodic inspection at not more than 6 monthly intervals is necessary to determine the ongoing condition of all “B” faults found in track.

D.3 “A” Fault Level - Safety When an “A” fault is found in track a speed restriction of 10km/hr shall be imposed and sign posted. The Infrastructure Manager is to be advised. Where an “A” Fault cannot be removed through maintenance procedures and requires some form of track reconstruction, the speed restriction shall be imposed until the reconstruction takes

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 45 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM place. Additional ongoing inspection and monitoring may be required and this is to be adjusted as determined by the growth pattern and nature of the fault or as determined by the Infrastructure Manager. Further track deterioration after the speed restriction has been imposed may require additional controls to be put in place. Such controls will be at the discretion of the Infrastructure Manager and may involve formal risk assessment to support final decision.

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’ 3 1 (






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838 ) L ” L 0

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a 6 –

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280 (11”) 2743 (9’ 0”) 1 in 127 107 48 (5”) (4¾) 1435 Gaug (4’ 57 e (2¼”) 819 19308½”) 819 (2’ (6’ (2’ 8½”) 4”) 8½”) 4178 (13’ 8½”) MIN. STRUCTURE/LOADING GAUGE STM-SK8501 For SINGLE LINE STRAIGHT TRACK Scale: 1:23 Adapted from N.S.W.G.T. diagram for the Date: 7.06.1985 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM.

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PRODUCT INFORMATION The PANDROL FASTCLIP system is a resilient, threadless , suitable for application on concrete, steel or timber ties, or slab track. The unique switch on — switch off system enables fast, efficient track installation and reduced maintenance costs.

PANDROL FASTCLIP has been designed as a total system, in which all components are delivered to site preassembled on the sleeper or baseplate. Once the sleepers are laid, and the rail installed, the clip is simply pushed on to the rail by means of a simple drive action.

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Clip and Toe Insulator • 250 — 1250 nominal clamping force, high deflection • Integral toe insulator to reduce rail contact stresses, improve electrical resistance and insulator life

Cast Shoulder • Made from spheroidal graphite cast iron • Same modulus of elasticity as prestressed concrete • Stresses can be transferred through the anchor • Typical extraction resistance of 130kN • Will not deform under loading, therefore excellent gauge retention

Side Post Insulator • High lateral stiffness and durability gives excellent gauge retention • Very durable — proven in track to at least 750MGT • Excellent electrical insulation

Studded Rubber Rail Pad • Specially designed resilient rail pads provide low stiffness and low damping at high frequencies. This prevents high dynamic forces being transmitted to the sleepers and ballast, protecting them from damage and prolonging their life cycle.

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 50 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM PANDROL FASTCLIP FEATURES OF ASSEMBLY Fully Pre-Assembled All the components leave the sleeper factory pre-assembled on the sleeper, offering huge savings in manpower, reduced distribution and handling costs during tracklaying, destressing and rail changing. Loss of parts on site is also eliminated.

Threadless The PANDROL FASTCLIP system has no threaded components, eliminating the need for lubrication and re-tightening. It excludes the possibility of water freezing in holes in the sleeper, and thus longitudinal cracking.


Dual Rail / Gauge Change Assemblies can be designed to allow for a change of rail size, or , simply by the use of different thickness side post insulators. Note that the same clip remains captive on the sleeper for gauge or rail change operations.

Exchangeability of Components PANDROL FASTCLIP is virtually maintenance free. However, should you need to replace a component, it is not necessary to unscrew any bolts or screwspikes.

Rail Tensioning / Creep Resistance By design, PANDROL FASTCLIP generates up to 1250kgf nominal toe load per clip. The correct tensioning is automatically achieved when the clip is driven into the working position, due to the shoulder geometry. It is not reliant on the correct torque being applied, as with threaded systems.

PANDROL FASTCLIP steel sleeper installation

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 51 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM PANDROL FASTCLIP Anchorage Cast in shoulders hold the rail at correct gauge and correctly set the PANDROL FASTCLIP deflection. The shoulders are set into the sleeper during the manufacturing process.

Electrical Insulation The cast shoulders are electrically isolated from the rail by the side post insulators. The spring clips are electrically isolated from the rail by the toe insulator.

Harsco Track Laying Machine with integral clip application module

MECHANISED INSTALLATION The PANDROL FASTCLIP system has proved ideal for mechanised installation. Railways and Contractors have adapted, without difficulty, exisiting track laying machines to install the system. Clip application units can either be incorporated directly into the frame of a track laying train (no manpower required), or run as free standing units (1 man required).

For further information, please see our separate leaflet on FASTCLIP installation machines.

INSTALLATION ON SITE Sleepers arrive on site with all components held captive and the clips set in the parked position.

Once the sleepers are placed and the rail has been threaded, clips are mechanically driven from the ‘parked’ to the working position.

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DESTRESSING / NEUTRALISATION All components remain captive during the destressing procedure. The clip is simply withdrawn

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 53 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM PANDROL FASTCLIP TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PANDROL FASTCLIP concrete sleeper installation Suitable for use on: Light Rail, metro, general main line, high speed and heavy haul freight tracks. Suitable for use on monobloc sleepers (pre- or post-tensioned) or reinforced bi-block sleepers. ______Application data (standard products — special variants may be supplied for other applications) Rail inclination As provided in the sleeper Clip type Pandrol FASTCLIP FC1500 or FC1600 Typical applications Ballasted track Max axle load: 40 tonnes; Min. curve radius: 80m Typical rail sections 60E1 (UIC60); 56E1 (BS.113A); 54E1 (UIC54); AREMA 115RE or 136RE, JIS 50N and 60K, AS60, etc. “Dual rail” variants are available ______Typical performance data Value Test method Remarks Static stiffness (Rubber pad) 40 -100 MN/m EN13146-4: 2002 Assembly secant stiffness between 5kN and 80kN Static stiffness (Plastic pad) > 150 MN/m EN13146-4: 2002 Assembly secant stiffness between 5kN and 80kN Clamping force (FC1501) > 16 kN EN13146-7: 2002 Nominal toe load = 10 kN (FC1601) > 22.5 kN AREMA Chapter 30 Nominal toe load = 12.5 kN per clip Creep resistance (FC1501) > 9 kN EN13146-1: 2002 Onset of slip (FC1601) > 10.7 kN AREMA Chapter 30 Proof load test Electrical insulation > 10 kΩ EN13146-7: 2002 Rail-to-rail, wet, on concrete sleeper Compliance with standards Pandrol FASTCLIP FC1501/FC1504 series fastenings are fully compliant with the requirements of EN13481-2:2002 and the EC High Speed Directive (TSI). A Declaration of Conformity has been issued. Pandrol FASTCLIP FC1507/FC1601 fastenings are fully compliant with the requirements of AREMA Chapter 30

STM6024 Tramway track Standard Page 54 of 55 Version 1.9 – 21/11/2019 SYDNEY TRAMWAY MUSEUM PANDROL FASTCLIP TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION PANDROL FASTCLIP steel sleeper installation Suitable for use on: General main line and freight tracks. Suitable for use on conventional trough section steel sleepers, or Ysleepers. ______Application data (standard products – special variants may be supplied for other applications) Rail inclination As provided in the sleeper Clip type Pandrol FASTCLIP FC1500 Typical applications Ballasted track Max axle load: 26 tonnes; Min. curve radius: 80 metres Typical rail sections 60E1 (UIC60); 56E1 (BS.113A); 54E1 (UIC54); AREMA 115RE or 136RE, etc. “Dual rail” variants are available ______Typical performance data Value Test method Remarks Static stiffness > 150 MN/m EN13146-4: 2002 Assembly secant stiffness between 5kN and 80kN Clamping force > 16 kN EN13146-7: 2002 Nominal toe load = 10 kN per clip Creep resistance > 9 kN EN13146-1: 2002 Electrical insulation > 10 kΩ EN13146-7: 2002 Rail-to-rail, wet, on a concrete sleeper ______Compliance with standards Pandrol FASTCLIP FC1501/FC1504 series fastenings are fully compliant with the requirements of EN13481-4:2002.

______Pandrol Rail Fastenings Ltd., 63 Station Road, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 2AR England. Telephone: +44 1932 834500 Telefax: +44 1932 850858 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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