USAMPS 573-XXX-XXXX/DSN 676-XXXX (563 prefix) This medium is approved for the offi cial dissemi- or 581-XXXX (596 prefix) nation of material designed to keep individuals within the Army knowledgeable of current and emerging developments COMMANDANT within their areas of expertise for the purpose of enhancing BG David Phillips ........................................................563-8019 professional development. <
[email protected]> By Order of the Secretary of the Army: ASSISTANT COMMANDANT GEORGE W. CASEY, JR. COL Wade Dennis ..................................................... 563 - 8019 General, United States Army <
[email protected]> Chief of Staff COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR Offi cial: CSM Charles Kirkland ............................................. 563-8018 <
[email protected]> DEPUTY ASSISTANT COMMANDANT–USAR JOYCE E. MORROW COL Anthony Zabek ................................................. 563-8082 Administrative Assistant to the <
[email protected]> Secretary of the Army DEPUTY ASSISTANT COMMANDANT–ARNG 0900501 LTC Bruce L. Barker ................................................ 596-7443 <
[email protected]> Military Police, an offi cial U.S. Army professional QUALITY ASSURANCE ELEMENT bulletin for the Military Police Corps Regiment, contains Ms. Sandra Pardue ....................................................563-5892 information about military police functions in maneuver and <
[email protected]> mobility operations, area security operations, internment/ resettlement operations,