Congressional Record—House H6596

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Congressional Record—House H6596 H6596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 18, 2007 pleasant. He was one of the friendliest guys from Idaho (Mr. SALI) each will control honor an individual like Clem Rogers I have ever met—always positive. Scott was 20 minutes. McSpadden for his selflessness and a dedicated family man and a fine soldier. The Chair recognizes the gentleman dedication to our State and country. This would be a great way to honor him and from Illinois. Mr. Speaker, in 1974 my father ran his family. He deserves it—he was a hero. Thank you for addressing this. GENERAL LEAVE for Governor and Clem McSpadden ran MICHAEL SMITH, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I for Governor the same year; and even 1–133 Infantry, Iowa Army National Guard. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- though they were opponents in the bers may have 5 legislative days in election of 1974, they were friends after My husband is currently serving in Iraq which to revise and extend their re- that election. I am also proud to say and was there with Sgt. Nisely. What a hero marks on H.R. 2127. that when I was a member of the State this man was! I fully support the post office The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there legislature in my first term, Clem being named after this brave, wonderful objection to the request of the gen- McSpadden took me aside and man. tleman from Illinois? mentored me as a member of the legis- MRS. DOUG (BARB) KRAUSE, Waverly, Iowa. There was no objection. lature. He is a good man and I want to Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I thank him for being a mentor to so He was there for his soldiers, always doing yield such time as he may consume to many young people. I also want to something for people. the author of this bill, the gentleman thank his wife, Donna, for all that she JOHN FORTUNE, from Oklahoma (Mr. BOREN). does in the community of Chelsea and Specialist, Army National Guard. Mr. BOREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise the State of Oklahoma. today in support of H.R. 2127. This bill Mr. Speaker, I encourage my col- I think that this would be a fitting remem- will designate the Chelsea, Oklahoma, leagues to join me in supporting H.R. brance for a great man and urge you to ac- post office as the Clem Rogers cept this proposal (H.R. 2563). 2127. SPECIALIST CURTIS OLSON, McSpadden United States Post Office. Mr. SALI. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- 134th Brigade Support Battalion, Minnesota Mr. Speaker, I am extremely proud self such time as I may consume. Army National Guard. to be the author of this bill. Today we Mr. Speaker, to most residents of Mr. SALI. Mr. Speaker, I yield back have the opportunity to honor not just Rogers County, Oklahoma, and rodeo the balance of my time. one of Oklahoma’s finest individuals, fanatics, the name Clem Rogers Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I but in any opinion one of America’s McSpadden is well recognized and yield back the balance of my time. finest. As many of you know, Clem much appreciated. Known as a ‘‘son of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The McSpadden served as a Member of this Oklahoma,’’ Clem Rogers McSpadden question is on the motion offered by body from 1973 until 1975. His col- was born into the well-known Rogers the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. leagues will agree that Clem was a family of which his home county is DAVIS) that the House suspend the highly respected Member of this Cham- named. His great uncle is none other rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2563. ber. In fact, Clem was honored with than the famous Will Rogers. But it is The question was taken. being the first freshman Member ever not his historical family background The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the to be appointed to the Rules Com- that we are here to speak about today. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being mittee. He also helped create the Rural We rise to honor the achievements of in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Caucus, which I am a proud member of Clem McSpadden during his life in poli- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, today. tics, his military service, community on that I demand the yeas and nays. Those are big shoes to fill for anyone, leadership, and successful career in The yeas and nays were ordered. and that is why it is an honor for me to rodeo broadcasting. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- say I represent a portion of his former Clem McSpadden was raised on his ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the congressional district. two family ranches, Bushyhead Ranch Chair’s prior announcement, further Mr. Speaker, I am also proud to men- near Chelsea, Oklahoma, and another proceedings on this question will be tion that Clem isn’t just known as in nearby Oologah. During his first postponed. being a former Member of Congress. As year in Oklahoma Agricultural and Me- f those of us from Oklahoma know, Clem chanical College, he left to join the has readily served in all aspects of life, U.S. Navy. CLEM ROGERS MCSPADDEN POST ranging from politics to family to mili- He served during World War II, and OFFICE BUILDING tary service to rodeo announcer. If you upon returning completed his edu- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I asked people in Oklahoma about Clem, cation at Oklahoma A&M with a degree move to suspend the rules and pass the you will surely be met with warm sto- in animal husbandry. While at college, bill (H.R. 2127) to designate the facility ries about how he helped them during he and some friends formed a rodeo of the United States Postal Service lo- his time in the State Senate, how they team. cated at 408 West 6th Street in Chelsea, remember him introducing legendary His strong interest in roping began at Oklahoma, as the ‘‘Clem Rogers bull rider Freckles Brown, or how he an early age, and over time he served McSpadden Post Office Building’’. just gave them some good advice. as general manager for the National The Clerk read the title of the bill. Very few people, Mr. Speaker, would Finals Rodeo, the Old Timers Rodeo The text of the bill is as follows: make such a great role model for us and the Indian National Finals Rodeo. H.R. 2127 all. For this reason, I am proud to say He has been announcing for over 60 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- I know Clem McSpadden and that he is years and estimates he has announced resentatives of the United States of America in a friend. More importantly, though, I over 1,400 rodeos. Congress assembled, am proud to say I am one of the many His esteemed career in politics came SECTION 1. CLEM ROGERS MCSPADDEN POST OF- Oklahomans that he has had a positive in 1954 when he was elected to the FICE BUILDING. influence on. Oklahoma State senate, where he (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the Mr. Speaker, Clem is the nephew of served until 1972. He went on to serve United States Postal Service located at 408 Oklahoma’s favorite son, Will Rogers. in the U.S. House of Representatives West 6th Street in Chelsea, Oklahoma, shall In keeping with the family legacy, one term in the 93rd Congress. In 1983, be known and designated as the ‘‘Clem Rog- Clem, like his uncle, is fully a part of ers McSpadden Post Office Building’’. he formed a consulting and lobbying (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, the fabric that makes Oklahomans the firm McSpadden & Associates, which map, regulation, document, paper, or other people we are today. We are a people lobbies the Oklahoma Statehouse on a record of the United States to the facility re- who care about our fellow Oklahomans variety of issues. His powerful presence ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to and who pay their dues through hard and influence continue to drive politics be a reference to the ‘‘Clem Rogers work. Clem represents these values on of his beloved Oklahoma. McSpadden Post Office Building’’. a daily basis and has done so his whole Nowadays, he spends his time more The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- life. This, I venture to say, also makes quietly at home on his vast cattle ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- him one of Oklahoma’s favorite sons. ranch enjoying retirement with his linois (Mr. DAVIS) and the gentleman For this reason, I find it fitting that we family. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:55 Jun 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JN7.020 H18JNPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMHOUSE June 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6597 I urge Members to join me, Mr. INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR FUEL reprocessing facilities in additional states Speaker, in passing H.R. 2127 to name FOR PEACE AND NONPROLIFERA- around the world is indefensible on economic this post office for Clem Rogers TION ACT OF 2007 grounds alone, given current and future sup- plies of uranium and existing providers of McSpadden. Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I move to uranium enrichment and spent-fuel reproc- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of suspend the rules and pass the bill essing services to the world market. my time. (H.R. 885) to support the establishment (6) The desire to construct uranium enrich- Mr.
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